1 minute read
Maurice Ste ert is well known in the Waikato for his community work as much as his 50-plus years as a dairy farmer.
Five years ago he decided to upgrade his 255 cow dairy farm’s e uent system “to keep ahead of the regulations”.
“I looked at the di erent systems – went to Fieldays –and also visited a few farmers to discuss the various options,” says Maurice.
“I always believe that you only get what you pay for so when I looked at various systems the priority was on performance –and long life.
hills where the peat has sunk.
“Of necessity the farm buildings – dairy, farm sheds and sharemilkers’ house – are positioned on raised parts of the farm so I wanted a solution which wouldn’t smell. I also wanted a storage facility that was safe – so kids or sta couldn’t fall into it. at narrowed the choice down to a Flexi Tank.
“I also wanted certainty around leaks – we had a pond and you always worry that the rubber mats they sit on could leak, but you wouldn’t know. With a Flexi Tank you know the volume of e uent in the bladder so you can easily monitor it.
farmers milked more cows than us – 380 – and had a 500m3 Flexi Tank which he was rapt with so I decided to get the same size on the basis that it’s always better to have more storage than you’ll need than less.
“ e bladder was erected four years ago and I’m more than happy with it. It’s easy to work, with, e uent at the dairy drains into a stone trap which we empty before calving and spread on the paddocks – the rest of the time e uent goes straight to the bladder until we have enough volume to put on the paddocks.

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Andre: 027 706 3633 www.ßexitanksnz.com
“We had a pond on the farm which is, now, consolidated peat but when we moved here it was a peat swamp and over the years the previously at farm now has
“I talked to a range of farmers –with ponds and Flexi Tanks – and the guys with the bladders were all pretty happy with them; no smell, look good and very e cient.

“One of those Flexi Tank
“I’d recommend Flexi Tanks to any farmer wanting a quality, long-lasting e ective e uent storage system – which looks good and doesn’t smell!”
For all enquiries about Flexi Tank storage systems, see their advert on this page.