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Certainty wanted around freshwater plans
Farming groups have concerns about incoming freshwater farm plans - as new regulation seeks to reduce the impact farming has on the country’s waterways.
e government released the long awaited freshwater farm plan timeframes in June.
Farmers and growers will need a freshwater farm plan if they have 20 hectares or more in arable or pastoral use, ve hectares or more in horticultural use, or 20 hectares in combined use.
Waikato and Southland farmers will be rst in line - and have 18 months from August 1 to submit their freshwater farm plans.

But Beef and Lamb, Federated Farmers, DairyNZ and Deer Industry have sent a letter to the government calling for greater clarity on the timeframes and how existing regional or sector plans will be integrated with the new ones.
DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel says many farmers already have good practices on farm for protecting waterways. “ e sector needs more detail on how existing regional, industry and sectorled plans will transition to regulated freshwater farm plans over reasonable timeframes.”
Federated Farmers president e team are constantly looking at ways to better treat and re-use water from all sources.
Wayne Langford says farmers need certainty on the rules so they were fair and practical as they were rolled out.
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Farmers need certainty on rules.
“We don’t want to see excessive costs heaped onto farmers who are already under signi cant nancial pressure, or unnecessary duplication of the work that’s gone into existing industry or regional plans.” e rollout period for the remaining regions will be outlined before the end of the year - and they will also have 18 months to comply.
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