7 minute read
Shengjiang Group China
by Sun Media
Clare Bayly

The headlocks automatically close as the animals access feed. The robust stainless steel feed bins cannot be chewed or damaged by the goats.
The Optima External Goat Rotary can be optioned with technology such as automatic cup removers to increase effi ciency at milking time.

Twin 90 milking point Waikato Milking Systems’ Optima External Goat Rotary parlours have transformed a dairy goat farm in the south-central part of Inner Mongolia.
The Shengjiang Group processes goat milk for the Zhengbang Group in the Hohhot region and is a role model for the burgeoning dairy goat industry in China, where milk processors are supporting transformation of the industry.
Until 2020 it took half a day to milk the then Shengjiang Group herd of 500 goats using a small two-point cart machine team. After just two weeks of operation of the fi rst rotary, it took less than one hour and, when fully operational, the twin parlours will milk a total of 4,500 goats with a throughput of 800 animals per hour.
Waikato Milking Systems country manager China, David Morris, says Shengjiang Group is on a trajectory to milk upwards of 25,000 goats, progressively building 11 Optima External Goat Rotary parlours from Waikato Milking Systems.
Twin parlours
“Commissioned in July/August 2020 the twin parlours were built side by side in the same building – the fi rst of their kind in the world,” says David.
The farm manager of the property says the Waikato Milking Systems equipment is effi cient, and the vacuum is stable.
Shengjiang Group also commissioned Waikato Milking Systems to install fi ve, 60 milking point Optima External Goat Rotary parlours on other farm properties near Hohhot.
“As herd numbers increase, each of the 60 milking point rotary parlours will be milking 3000 goats and putting through 550 animals per hour,” says David.
“A second twin rotary installation was also completed this year for Weihe Farming west of Gansu. These two are each 100 milking point systems which will milk 5000 goats each with a throughput of 900 animals per hour.

The Optima is designed for large scale commercial goat farming while at the same time ensuring the health and comfort of the animals and operators.

Two more
“Another two 80 milking point rotary systems will be installed in the South of China this year for separate customers.
“Most of the new external goat rotary systems will operate at 50 per cent capacity in the fi rst year until the herd numbers increase.

The cluster presentation arm ensures fast, easy and accurate cup alignment without repetitive lifting of clusters or untangling rubberware. The cluster presentation arm returns the ideal height for the operator to access. The durable bail stall dividers ensure the goats are separated as they enter the platform at milking time.

The deck of the rotary is fi tted with rubber matting to provide extra comfort for the animals during miking time. It also reduces noise, and stress for the goats and operators. The LED is a visual indicator of the milking process.
“Nine of the 11 parlours will be optioned with the highest specifi cations for milking automation, to increase effi ciency and reduce labour requirements.”
Key technologies include automatic cluster arm positioning to make cupping the animals faster with less operator fatigue, as well as automatic drafting to quickly sort the goats after milking.
Each rotary is installed with Waikato Milking Systems’ NaviGate Dairy Management System.
The Optima External Goat Rotary system has been designed to reduce the stress of the animals at milking time. The entire stainlesssteel deck is fi tted with rubber matting to make it comfortable for the goats while they are standing on the platform.
The automatic headlocks allow the goats enough movement while comfortably keeping them in their stall.
Three months
David says the project timeframe, from when the contract was signed to delivery of the fi rst three rotary systems to the farm, was three months.
“Most deliveries from New Zealand to China were completed in multiple dispatches and the typical time to install a system was about a month, from start to fi nish.
“Installation for the seven Hohhot rotary systems was completed in three months, with three installation teams working seven days per week.
“Due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, the commissioning work by New Zealand technicians, which is usually done on site at the farm, had to be supported from New Zealand via a number of Zoom meetings.”
David says New Zealand’s reputation as a leader in agricultural technology, and Waikato Milking Systems reputation for designing quality products, proved to be a major attraction for dairy farmers and producers in China.
Building relationships
“We visited these customers many times over a 12 month period to build a trusted partnership, to build rapport and understanding of their business, to ensure we could meet their expectations.
“China is a market that is rapidly growing in the small ruminants sector and it is looking for options to enhance that growth, through innovative technology and animal management systems.”
Liz Voorend
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