2 minute read

That ringing or buzzing noise in your ears That ringing or buzzing noise in your ears

What is that ringing or buzzing noise I sometimes get in my ears? As an audiologist, I get asked this question at least three times a week.

Tinnitus, or noises in the ears, is a very common condition that a˜ ects one in three people worldwide.

Nearly 80 per cent of these people turn out to have an accompanying loss of hearing.

° is strong link between hearing loss and tinnitus comes as a surprise to people. Of course this means that, in many cases, something can be done to alleviate the distressing e˜ ects of tinnitus.

It also means your audiologist can explore other reasons that may be causing tinnitus, including a blockage in the ear, certain medical conditions, neck and jaw problems and even some medications can cause tinnitus. Factors like work or family stress may also magnify what was previously unnoticeable or manageable tinnitus. An Ear360 assessment at Resonate will reveal whether hearing loss may be the culprit, and allow for a useful conversation about addressing the problem.

What can I do differently? Change up your citrus!

What can I do differently?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting di˜ erent results”

– Albert Einstein.

° is is such a well-known quote you may wonder why I am using it. It’s become somewhat of a cliché – however, clichés have a lot of truth in them but can start to drift under the radar. Perhaps it’s good to revisit this one, and ask yourself: What is it that you are doing that hasn’t changed in your life? Is it a relationship that’s di˛ cult but you have continued to treat it the same way rather than looking at other options or perspectives?

Perhaps you want to help others, yet it doesn’t seem to be working out in the way you planned?

Whatever it is, ask yourself: ‘What am I doing that is frustrating me and what can I do di˜ erently to gain the desired outcome?’

If you’d like to learn more about coaching, recognising your potential; dealing with stress or con˝ ict, or some other issue, phone Mary Parker, ° e Fast Track Coach, on 021 258 2145, or visit: www.thefasttrackcoach.co.nz

With citrus fruit now in season Kiwi shoppers are encouraged to enjoy this important produce for a great tasting, a˜ ordable vitamin boost.

Limes and Satsuma mandarins are ÿ rst in season. From May onwards, lemons and Navel oranges are in stores. And as spring begins, growers will pick grapefruit, tangelos and Afourer mandarins.

5+ A Day trustee and Plant & Food Research principal scientist Dr Carolyn Lister says the wide variety available means shoppers can keep changing up the citrus they use in recipes.

“NZ citrus fruit is packed with vitamin C, which is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system and to help the body ÿ ght o˜ infections. With so many varieties to choose from, there’s always something new to incorporate into your diet.”

° e 5+ A Day Charitable Trust has a large database of recipes using citrus fruit for the whˆnau to try this winter. Visit: https:// www.5aday.co.nz

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