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Men, it’s time to start taking care of your skin
Does your husband or partner think to take good care of their skin beyond the odd slather of sunscreen and a bit of ointment slapped on their grazes?
Younger men are more conscious of skincare, but a lot of the older generations have a ‘she’ll be right’ attitude and may need a bit of encouragement to care for themselves, don’t you think?
So, do the men in your life have a good skincare regime at all?
Guys, if you haven't had a skin health routine before now, it’s easy, just keep it simple:
· Clean your face with a face cleaner both morning and evening to remove the day's residue of pollutants and dirt. No, this can't be with a bar of soap or shower gel because these damage your skin and we want to protect and rejuvenate it.
· Moisturise both morning and evening to keep the skin balanced for hydration and to help with ne lines. It does feel quite nice we promise, there’s a reason why we women like it so much.
· Apply sunscreen every morning (even in winter and on cloudy days) and reapply if you are outdoors for prolonged periods to prevent further damage. e days of getting a couple of good sunburns to settle down into a great summer tan is over now lads, melanoma will kill you.
At Tranquillo we can help you evaluate and understand the type of skin type you have and recommend the corresponding products and treatments that will be perfect for your skin. You can even sneak in a quick massage while you are visiting to deal with those tight muscles and sti shoulders, we won’t tell!
Regain your radiant smile with implants
Your smile is a re ection of your personality and con dence – and when a front tooth is lost or damaged, it can signi cantly impact your self-esteem.
Fortunately, advancements in dental technology have brought forth a remarkable solution: implants for front tooth replacement.
Front teeth are highly visible and play a crucial role in your overall appearance. Dental implants o er an exceptional aesthetic advantage by seamlessly blending with your remaining natural teeth. Implants are custom-designed to match the colour, shape, and size of your adjacent teeth, ensuring a awless and natural-looking smile.
Beyond cosmetic bene ts, front tooth implants restore the functionality of your smile. Implants provide a stable and secure foundation, allowing you to bite and chew food with ease. Unlike other tooth replacement options, such as removable dentures, implants allow you to speak, eat, and laugh without any hindrance or self-consciousness. Front tooth loss can have a profound impact on your oral health, as it can lead to bone loss and changes in facial structure. Dental implants integrate with the jawbone, preventing further deterioration.
Implants o er a durable and long-lasting solution for front tooth replacement. Made from biocompatible materials, such as titanium, implants fuse with the jawbone, creating a strong and permanent anchor for the prosthetic tooth. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, implants can last a lifetime, providing you with a beautiful smile for years to come.
If you’ve experienced the loss or damage of a front tooth, consider consulting your dentist to explore the possibility of an implant-based restoration, so you can con dently ash a radiant smile and embrace the world with renewed self-assurance.
Working to bring more happiness to your life
“Happiness springs from doing good and helping others.” - Plato Here are some approaches that can bring more happiness to your life. Pick your battles and make the decision about when to keep the peace and when to persist in being right. When you notice you are becoming emotional, observe your thoughts and whether they are more productive or more destructive; and how you can work them to your advantage for a more positive outcome. Make the decision to include more gratitude in your day. And take the opportunities you come across to help others because the truth is that doing so has the bene t of increasing your own health and happiness. What are the bene ts you observe in yourself when you help others?
Would you like to learn more about coaching to recognise more of your potential, to deal with stress or con ict, or some other issue? Phone Mary Parker, e Fast Track Coach, on: 021 258 2145, or visit: www.thefasttrackcoach.co.nz
To book an appointment, call us on 07 578 3243 or visit our website corsondental.co.nz