Wel�ome to narijah's brandbook Narijah is based upon three values� nature, original and trustworthy.
Narijah you are mother nature, Who gives me life You are mother nature, You give me strife.
We love you not, though love we should. You give us air, you give us food and you give us home.
That's not enough we humans moan, With greedy lust our mouths do foam, With evil hopes our eyes do glow.
We trust you, we trust you,...
Logo u sage:
In�orre�t logo �sa ge The na rijah logo � an not be rotated 3�� or ��� rotated. It �an n ot be rotated at all. It �an not have as�u are, �ir�le or any other shape behind the logo.
logo g rid spa�e dimensio ns
Narijah is based on 3 values Nature, trustworthy and original. I have based these values on my attributes. My attributes is what makes narijah.
Matura MT Script Capitals ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz 0123456789
The �eason behind this font We used Matura MT ��ript Capi� tals be�ause it shows an uni�ue� ness feel towards our brand. Matura MT ��ript Capitals was �reated in the year ����. This font is rarely used around the world, that makes it original. It's also a natural font that des�ribes us.
Nature �reen C: M: Y: �:
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�: ��� �: ��� B: ��
�riginal �urple C: M: Y: �:
�3� ��� �� ��
�: ��� �: ��� B: ���
Trustworthy Blue C: M: Y: �:
�3� ��� �� ��
�: �� �: ��3 B: ���
Nature �reen: �reen is so important Be�ause we see it all around It's up very high on the trees �nd on the grass that is on the ground �reen is the �olour of The plants that grow in the south It's also the �olour of a Brussels sprout That I refuse to put in my mouth �riginal �urple: �s if Im sitting on purple �louds Covered in purple shrouds �inging purple kissed melodies loud The �urple Master himself would be proud �ifted, these fragrant purple flowers �oaking wet, dren�hed from purple showers Lifted, high high high atop purple towers Trustworthy Blue: Blue sky, blue sky. Looking at you, wishing the day by. Blue sky, purple sky. �torm �oming in, here it is, there's the eye. Blue sky, grey sky.
Business Card logo Layout:
This is our layout for business �ards the logo is always in the �enter of the �ard.
� �up of tea If you are �old, tea will warm you� If you are too heated, it will �ool you� If you are depressed, it will �heer you� If you are e�hausted, it will �alm you.
Logo on the lid
Logo in the middle
Cup layout
Take away tea �up safety �ard
The mother nature �y�le
You helped me give live to a tree, thats when i was about three.