| (1) 250-578-6969 | Repairs | Regular Servicing & Water Chemistry | Start-up & Shut-Down | Sales TRUSTED BY HOMEOWNERS IN SUN PEAKS SINCE 1995 OUR CERTIFIED ON-MOUNTAIN TEAM ARE HERE FOR YOU 24/7 Monthly Hot Tub Service Rates: Summer $90 | Winter $135 August 12 - September 8, 2022 Vol. 20, Issue 8 free 14. –WildfireMountainEmbleton photos.inlateryearone theridingMillerMelissaBiker Park.BikePeaksSunattrailBermalade Photography.BoréaleLabyPhoto 8. optionsatlooksMunicipality housing.affordablefor

Each issue reaches thousands of readers and one copy is available FREE to residents and visitors. Anyone taking papers in bulk will be prosecuted. The opinions expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher, owners or writers. This publication may not be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the publisher. For comments, questions and concerns contact us Sun213editor@sunpeaksnews.com250Visitbrandi@sunpeaksnews.comat:us:sunpeaksnews.com5780276-1130SunPeaksRd.Peaks,B.C. BRANDI SCHIER Publisher & Managing Editor TEGWYN HUGHES Community Editor KAYLA EMPEY Community Journalist JOEL BARDE Freelance journalist SONIA GARCÍA Layout & Graphic Designer 4 LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS A new rainbow crosswalk and campfire ban. 8 MUNICIPALITY LOOKS AT OPTIONS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING Recommendations provided for non-market options. 10 OFFICIALSEEKCONSULTANTSFEEDBACKONCOMMUNITYPLANDRAFT Input gathered through open house and survey. IN THIS ISSUE 12 SUN PEAKS MARKS ONE YEAR SINCE EMBLETON BLAZE Wildfire provided learning opportunity. 16 EVENTS & LIVE MUSIC 17 PUZZLES & BUSINESS LISTINGS 19 SALMON SPAWNING IN LOUIS CREEK Whitecroft informational sign unveiled. 22 ALPINE FITNESS INTRODUCES PROGRAM FOR YOUNG ATHLETES Focus is to develop well-roundedcompetitors. 6 14

O’Toole said she has reached out to Rotary Sun Peaks to see if it can financially support the initiative. She also held a bake sale at a Sunday Market through Vertical Cafe, selling sweets like chocolate chip cookies and crosswalk would need to be repainted every year after the snow melts, but is a permanent new addition.
By Kayla Empey
4 local news
By Kayla Empey
Local resident Darby O’Toole brought the idea to Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality (SPMRM) on June 21 and council members agreed they support the message.
O’Toole said another group advocated for a rainbow crosswalk many years ago, but she started her own initiative recently.
In the council meeting, SPMRM staff said the project would work best as community led with some municipal support. O’Toole offered to fundraise $500 for the crosswalk, which leaves SPMRM paying nearly the same amount that painting a white crosswalk would cost.
After recent heat wave, B.C. Wildfire adds campfires to list of banned activities
Photo from B.C. Wildfire Service on Facebook. The rainbow crosswalk was painted on July 11, 2022. Photo SPIN.
The ban was effective starting Aug. 4, and will remain until Oct. 15 unless otherwise stated. This comes after recent hot and dry conditions, which increased fire ratings to high or extreme throughout the fire centre.Theban on campfires is in addition to ongoing prohibitions. This includes category two or three open fires, fireworks, sky lanterns, exploding targets, tiki torches, burn barrels and chimineas or outdoor stoves not approved by Canadian Standards Association or Underwriters LabToCanada.keepup with provincial wildfire news, follow B.C. Wildfire Service on Facebook or download it’s free mobile app.
“I think this is an important part for our community to keep trying to do things that promote equity and equality for all,” O’Toole said. The province is prohibiting campfires throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety.
“It represents really just the equity of everybody in Sun Peaks and the inclusivity of the LGBTQ community,” O’Toole said. “That's why it was so important to me — just making sure that everybody that came here felt like Sun Peaks was a safe environment.” The crosswalk was painted on July 11 at the top of the village near the current tennis courts. SPMRM staff said this is the best location because it has a lot of pedestrians, but not as much vehicle traffic as the main road, where cars could quickly wear down the paint.
Colourful crossing at top of village represents ‘equity of everybody in Sun Peaks’
A village crosswalk was recently painted rainbow colours to show the municipality’s support for LGBTQ+ community members.
“I didn't reach out to the municipality until this year, so it got done pretty quick,” O’Toole said. “It was supposed to happen later this summer, but then [the municipality] said it’s getting done now.”

5 Residents of Kamloops and Sun Peaks SAVE 20% on 18-hole green fees, Monday through Thursday. *Proof of Kamloops/Sun Peaks residency required SAVE 20% on 18-hole green fees* | 250.578.6969 | BOOK NOW FOR SUMMER 22 & WINTER 22/23! A variety of properties, from a hotel room to a 4 bedroom chalet VACATION RENTALS RENTAL MANAGEMENT Fully licensed professional property management Housekeeping | Painting | Marketing | Repairs 24/7 customer service We manage the marketing, property listings & reservations of your property No monthly fee ON-BOARDING NEW PROPERTIES! HOT TUB SERVICES & SALES Our team of trained repair technicians and certified pool operators are here to ensure you excellent water quality for you and your guests Affordable monthly payments from $90 (MayOct) & $135 (Nov-Apr) Affiliated with Tod Mountain Home Leisure in Sun Peaks for hot tub sales!

local6 news
Community plaza and rink stage begin formal construction
On July 18, representatives from the provincial government, Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality (SPMRM) and Tourism Sun Peaks (TSP) gathered to commemorate construction on the community plaza and plaza project comes after SPMRM received $898,241 in February as part of the province’s Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program. Located at the Sun Peaks Centre, the plaza will include a gathering space with seating, an area for performances, a playground and small water fountain splash park.
The estimated cost of the project is around $1.5 million.
TSP contributed $350,000 to create the playground and Adaptive Sports Sun Peaks also gave financial support to ensure the addition of inclusive play features. The remainder of the costs will be paid through private donations.Theplaza will be built at the current location of the tennis courts. The municipality plans to move the courts to the east of P5 and add pickleball as well. Most of the plaza is expected to be completed by the fall, with construction of final components planned for spring 2023. As for the new rink stage, construction began earlier this spring. SPMRM plans to create an enclosed space for concerts and events by adding a 20 foot extension onto the north side of the rink. This project will cost around $1.1 million. SPMRM received $700,000 through the province’s Tourism Dependent Community Fund last year and TSP contributed $299,000. The municipality will pay the remaining costs. The goal of the stage is to host shoulder season events and help the community become a tourist destination in any“Myseason.hope is that we’ll be doing regular concerts and things like that there … Even if it rains, we’ll be nice and dry inside,” Raine said. The stage completion is planned for October 2022.
The Sun Peaks Plaza ground-breaking ceremony with representatives from the province, Tourism Sun Peaks and Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality. Photo SPIN. Current construction on the rink stage. Photo SPIN.
Two community projects are underway after groundbreaking ceremonies last month.
By Kayla Empey
SPMRM is working with the Little Shuswap Lake Band to incorporate Secwépemc designs and features.
“Right now there aren’t so many gathering spots,” Mayor Al Raine told SPIN in February. “There’s lots of people wandering through the village, but we do need an area where there might be some park benches if you wanted to have a picnic. If there are some entertainers around, they could perform out of there.”

“They also looked at how we could facilitate projects as opposed to being the developer at this time, primarily based on funding required to be the developer.”
non-market housing units for employees of the developer, establishing housing agreement resale covenants and rental housing policies, and considering property tax exemptions.
It also recommended waiving development cost charges on non-market ownership housing by 50 per cent, which are fees the municipality collects on new development to pay for infrastructure such as sewer, water or roads.Atthe council meeting, SPMRM directed administration to develop specific proposals on how to complete these next phases of work to bring back to council.
By Kayla Empey
The consultant’s report found 62 per cent of employees are year-round and 75 per cent of employees live in Sun Peaks, with over 60 per cent living in staff accommodation. However, only five of the 37 businesses that participated in the consultant’s survey plan to invest in staff accommodation.Thereportprovided many recommendations to increase employee housing options, and Sun Peaks Housing Authority (SPHA) reviewed the plan to determine what the priorities should be.
Municipal staff then brought forward SPHA’s recommendations at the July 19 council meeting.
Some of SPHA’s other recommendations included reserving 40 per cent of any new
Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality (SPMRM) is taking steps towards creating more affordable non-market housing within theSPMRMcommunity.hired Whistler Centre for Sustainability Engagement + Planning in December to create an employee non-market housing strategy. The consultants recently completed the report, which assessed the current housing situation in the community.
SPMRM also received inquiries from two groups that proposed projects to increase housing opportunities in the near future. But since SPMRM is a young municipality, it has not established the bylaws required to begin negotiations for these projects.
“The Housing Authority prioritized the recommendations that focus on supporting emerging housing projects that could see some shovels in the ground within the year,” said Shane Bourke, SPMRM’s chief administrative officer, at the council meeting.
local8 news
“We had budgeted $35,000 to complete this work this year and we’d like to proceed with that,” Bourke said.
The population of Sun Peaks has more than doubled since 2016, but the number of residences has hardly increased. As of 2021, the population of Sun Peaks is 1,404, with 1,506 private dwellings on the mountain — of which only 622 are occupied by permanent residents.
As a first step, SPMRM plans to submit a Crown grant application for an unallocated parcel of land at the corner of Fairways Dr. and Burfield Dr. to use for housing options.
Moving forward, municipal housing bylaws will be a priority. Bourke said to support the required bylaw changes and follow through with the other recommendations, administration will seek legal and expert advice on how to move forward.

Photo by Zuzy Rocka

Input gathered through open house and survey By Kayla Empey
“I think having engaged residents and interest groups right from the beginning, we did have a good sense of the direction that people wanted to see it go,” Clarke said. “But we've had some good feedback on some specific policies … We’ll take that feedback and adjust.”
local10 news
Meanwhile, the survey sought general input on how Sun Peaks has changed over the last eight years, and asked specific questions about residential land use, infrastructure and community development. Now that all the feedback has been received, the consultants are working on creating another draft to bring to the “Withpublic.thatone, what we'll be doing is engaging our key stakeholders,” Clarke said. “These are youth groups, recreation groups and different sort of community groups that we've been engaging with from the beginning.”
Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality’s (SPMRM) consultants completed a first draft of the updated Official Community Plan (OCP) and sought feedback from residents. Selkirk Planning & Design and TRUE Consulting are leading the OCP refresh to adapt the vision for the community and the framework for growth. After initial conversations with community members in May, consultants held an open house in July to discuss the first draft of the OCP and released a survey for further feedback.AmyClarke, the communications and engagement lead, said the open house was a great opportunity for input and over 50 people attended.
The goal is for the final OCP to be approved by October 2022. Anyone with questions or further feedback can email or Clarke at
The goal is for the final OCP to be approved by October 2022. Photo by Kyle James.

Wildfire provided learning opportunity for young municipality
The blaze began with a lightning strike on July 9, 2021, and spread to a total of 991 hectares. The wildfire lasted for nearly a month before B.C. Wildfire Service (BCWS) downgraded it to “held” on Aug. 3.
12 feature story
By Joel Barde
Presented together with Engel & Volkers Kamloops
Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality (SPMRM) was put on an evacuation alert and a travel advisory, meaning residents had to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice and non-essential travel to the resort wasSunprohibited.PeaksResort LLP (SPR) shut down operations and the smoke was so thick that on some days, residents couldn’t see across the valley.
Those who lived in the Sun Peaks area last summer won’t be forgetting the Embleton Mountain wildfire anytime soon.
Taken in July 2022. Photo by Zuzy Rocka.

The fire grew quickly. As soon as it began, BCWS hit the wildfire with water bombers and declared it as no longer active. However, the update was reversed the next day when it became evident the fire was still burning on the mountainside. BCWS responded with 14 firefighters and four helicopters, as well as with air tankers and heavyDespiteequipment.therenewed air strikes, July 10 saw an evacuation order for Whitecroft and part of Heffley Louis-Creek Road as the fire grew to around 150 hectares.
One of the most significant nights came on July 19, when the fire picked up and began to move quickly towards homes.
Across the province, there are currently 58 active fires as of August
Additionally, firefighting crews from overseas were largely unavailable due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.
Spreading flames reached dangerously close to homes in Whitecroft and along Heffley Louis-Creek Road. Their legacy can still be seen on the scorched western side of the Whitecroft Valley.
“It puts the people who are staying behind at risk, and it puts our first responders in danger,” she said. “While I completely understand, I would also ask people to please respect those evacuation orders and make sure that you're ready [to leave] in advance of those.”
Mayor Al Raine remembers travelling down the mountain on Sun Peaks Rd. every morning, stopping near the roundabout above Whitecroft to get a clear view of the fire’s trajectory.
There10.also remains a strong forest fire threat in the Interior for years to come, made worse by global warming.
“There was not a lot of available resources from elsewhere to replenish [the firefighters],” Schiavon said. “Everybody was pretty tied up all around the province, so if you were needing more resources, it was tough to find.”
“I think it is a good reminder for people to prepare themselves. This is especially true for when you are living in an interface area, when you are so rural and [essentially living] right in the forest … It's so beautiful, but it comes with a risk.”
“I spent many early morning hours just looking at the fire, to make sure there wasn't something we needed to know about,” he recalled. “The forces of nature, when they roll against you, can be pretty overwhelming.”
Supported by airtankers, helicopters and local citizens, fire crews were able to get the Embleton Mountain fire under control and prevent the disaster many feared. Looking back on the experience, community leaders in Sun Peaks say enduring the blaze was an important coming-of-age moment for SPMRM, as it operated in overdrive to battle a very real threat.
Firefighters carried out a range of tasks, from setting up sprinkler systems to preparing to extinguish spot fires in case it hit“It’sWhitecroft.anexperience [the firefighters] would never get on a Tuesday night,” said Schiavon, referring to the team’s weekly meeting session.
The Embleton Mountain wildfire was made worse because provincial wildfire resources were already stretched thin. Last summer was one of the most devastating forest fire seasons in B.C. history, with approximately 868,203 hectares burned. The Kamloops area was the busiest fire district in the region — over 450 wildfires sparked in the Kamloops Fire Centre area alone.
13 said. The team showed up and was ready to put in long hours to assist the Schiavonfight.said he was impressed by the support of all of the agencies involved in the response, including firefighters from Barriere and Golden, and the employers who allowed volunteer firefighters to take time off.
Community members fought through the night to put out the fire. Additional BCWS firefighters were dispatched to the southern flank of the Embleton Mountain wildfire that night, too.
Two crews of 20 firefighters each were deployed to contain the fire, with one crew staying to fight the breach overnight. This was in addition to a 20-person crew working on the site, and significant helicopter and bomber support.
Just a few weeks earlier, a wildfire tore through Lytton, B.C., destroying 90 per cent of the town and killing two people. For many, there was a palpable fear that the Embleton blaze would do the same, crossing the valley bottom and heading towards the Sun Peaks village.
Despite evacuation orders in place for the valley for much of the fire’s duration, many residents opted not to leave. However, BCWS communications assistant Jean Strong said it’s important for the public to leave when asked.
For the local volunteer fire department, the wildfire required all hands on deck. SPFR provided critical support to Whitecroft residents and the B.C. Wildfire Service.
The fire crossed a newly constructed machine-made fire break that ran above houses on Heffley Louis-Creek Road. A group of neighbours ended up responding to one of the breaches themselves when a debris pile caught fire.
“It certainly could have seen exponential growth, especially last year,” Strong said. “The conditions contributed to us seeing really extreme fire behavior that even some of our most experienced staff hadn't seen before.”
He added the overall fire situation in the province made it more difficult for BCWS to respond.
Raine served as spokesperson for the community’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), established to monitor the wildfire threat and communicate with residents. It was staffed by volunteers and municipal officials, including the chief of Sun Peaks Fire Rescue (SPFR), Dean Schiavon.
Strong said now is a good time to prepare for the future by engaging in fire mitigation measures, such as engaging in FireSmart best practices. Developed by the province, FireSmart provides guidelines that include recommending pruning problematic trees and creating a non-combustible zone 1.5 metres around one’s home.
The economic impact of the resort shutting down was substantial. Raine said the timing of the blaze — during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic — was particularly bad.
“We needed the Embleton fire like we needed a hole in the head,” he said with a laugh. “It was a big hit for the community.”
A copy of FireSmart BC’s home owner’s manual can be viewed at It explains the various guidelines that homeowners can follow to help protect their homes and neighbourhoods from wildfire danger.
While BCWS does not keep modelling on what damage the fires could have caused, Strong said the Embleton Mountain wildfire could have caused significant damage without the response it received.
On July 11, Raine told SPIN the fire was moving towards the village of Whitecroft, with some “fingers” of the wildfire as close as 150 to 200 metres from the valley floor. Residents watched as trees kindled and fire moved aggressively down the mountainside.
Raine estimated economic loss was at least two million dollars, with the lingering effect over $10 million.
“I think the biggest thing I would say is that for people, especially who were near the Embelton Mountain fire, is that I'm very grateful that there were not any more significant losses than there were,” said Strong.
“Often the fire will live in the root systems of the trees and plants,” she said. “I remember the day that it really seemed to take off again … It was hot and it was windy. And in those conditions, on top of the hot, dry weather leading up to those dates, that really dried out the fuels.”
Strong added it’s not uncommon for a wildfire to take off after it’s thought to be under control, given the unpredictable nature of forest fires.
The experience of responding immediately to emergencies and engaging in complex problem solving is invaluable to the crew, he
Thankfully, B.C. has not seen the same level of forest fire threat this summer. The Kamloops region started with an above average amount of fires in early May — registering 36 fires compared to the 10-year average of 27 — but the region has not seen the significant and daunting fires that surrounded it last year.

Presented together with Engel & Volkers Kamloops
14 photo essay
Photos by Zuzy Rocka
These photos were taken of the Embleton Wildfire area in July 2022.

15 Ride longer, hike higher, and swing stronger when you fuel your adventure-filled day at the best breakfast buffet in Sun Peaks. Scan the QR code to learn more, and we’ll see you in the morning! Start your day the Mantles way.

First Fridays celebration Free entertainment, an artisan market and patio specials throughout the evening. Chainrings & Chakras
Performances from Trail Stars Renowned bikers Jeff Anderson and Steve Dickin will perform tricks at the community park.
September 4
Blues artist Joe Nolan from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
August 20
Alternative folk rock band Shred Kelly from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
16 events EVENTS AUGUST 12 TO SEPTEMBER 8 WeeklySundays
Sun Peaks Recreational Trail Association and Sun Peaks Yoga are teaming up for a group ride and yoga session.
August 21
Singer-songwriter FKA Rayne from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
September 3 to 4
Retro Concert Weekend Free outdoor tribute band performances all weekend by the slopeside.
Sun Peaks Market Products from local farmers and artisans throughout the village from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Indie pop band Sister Speak from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Outdoor live music at the upper village stage
September 2

17 puzzles Down 1 What a clown might get high on? 6 "Hi and Lois" boy 10 Clickable symbol 14 Coombs of "Mr. Dressup" 15 Beaver for Roots Clothing, e.g. 16 "___ Feel Like a Woman" (Shania Twain hit) 17 Atwood or Ondaatje work 18 Triangle with two equal sides 20 Unwelcome comment from a car mechanic: Part 1 22 "___ believe in yesterday..." (Beatles lyric) 23 Arctic diving bird 24 Natty necktie 26 Where you may be told to blend in? 28 ___ Kosh B'Gosh (kid's clothing brand) 31 Car mechanic's comment: Part 2 32 "You look like you've ___ ghost!" 33 Hickey hider 35 Sudbury-Toronto dir. 1 Canada Pension Plan recipients 2 Anapest or iamb kin 3 Client's bill 4 In ___ of (instead of) 5 Distinguish one from another 6 Sound after "cheers!" 7 Talk show interviewer 8 Humpbacked Halloween favourite 9 Prepare for a selfie 10 "Doesn't matter to me" 11 Patchy-coloured cats 12 Weighing heavily, as a duty 13 "___ for Noose" (Sue Grafton book) 19 Preparer for the CRA 21 Word on a 3-Down 25 Three, in Torino 27 Having five sharps, musically 28 Neptune's realm 29 "Land of the Living Skies" prov. 30 Worker's time sheet abbr. 36 Car mechanic's comment: Part 3 39 201, to Brutus 42 Fine-tune 43 Leftward, on a Madrid map 47 Car mechanic's comment: Part 4 49 Red Chamber mem. 50 Scattered haphazardly 51 Like a feeble old woman 53 Get an ___ (pass with flying colours) 54 Slapshot target 55 Car mechanic's comment: Conclusion 60 Showed off on the ski hill 61 Ten ___ (long odds) 62 As one, in Québec 63 Trolley car 64 "Hunger Games" escort Trinket 65 Keys out? 66 Drought-stricken 67 Opposites of outs in baseball 33 ___-Ball (arcade game). 34 Wikipedia page-bottom references 37 Cribside coos 38 Comparative form of "-y" 39 Doctor's org. 40 Deep gorges 41 Beyond silly 44 Farewell party, say 45 Teaser's word for a 12-year-old, maybe 46 Priciest menu items, usually 48 Avoids capture 50 It sets in the 43-Across 52 Suffix with ranch 53 "Just between you ___..." 56 Basketball player stats: Abbr. 57 Fairy tale meanie 58 Stand on hind legs, with "up" 59 Edmonton campus, for short 60 Companion of cry THERE'S NO STOPPING ME NOW! by Barbara Olson © ClassiCanadian Crosswords Across

18 business listings Services schedule your free consultation today at lifeuntethered com lifeuntethered com | emma@lifeuntethered com | 1(250) 267 5350 life coaching transformational w w w v i t a l p o i n t c a | 7 7 8 3 7 6 2 1 5 7 | i n f o @ v i t a l p o i n t c a C L I N I C L O C A T E D W I T H I N S U N P E A K S Y O G A # 3 1 2 4 0 A L P I N E R D , S U N P E A K S , B C A C U P U N C T U R E M A S S A G E C U P P I N G R E L I E V E P A I N A N D R E D U C E S T R E S S T O D A Y L O C A T E D I N P E A K S W E S T W W W S U N P E A K S Y O G A C A I N F O @ S U N P E A K S Y O G A C A YO G A EVOLFLES S T R E SS RELE A SE S U N P E A K S Y O G A Yoga for everyBODY.

“You look at Louis [Creek] in this area and you can see it going through the pastures and reeds, and you might think, ‘my gosh, how can that be a salmon spawning creek?’” Nicklas said.“But Louis goes all the way down to the North Thompson River, as well as to some of the other little creeks to the north around the Barriere area … So they're great for salmon spawning.”Lastfall, a couple in Whitecroft approached Nicklas with concerns over dogs playing in the creek and disturbing the fish. Nicklas agreed this was a problem and asked the president of the Whitecroft Community Association, Michelle Landry, if the village would consider putting up an informational sign. Landry said she knew implementing a sign was important, so she formed a committee alongside Nicklas and two other community members to put the plan into action.
By Kayla Empey jaws, sharp canine teeth and sometimes humped backs.
“Usually they get the eggs in November and in January they hatch,” Nicklas said. “By the end of January, they're feeding them. And then in May, we release into the Tranquille river, which is just west of Kamloops.”
Joanne Nicklas, an education coordinator for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), said chinook salmon can be found in Louis Creek during August and September, and coho salmon from the end of September through to December.Whenit’s time to begin spawning, the salmon leave the ocean to swim upstream against rapids and waterfalls to reach small creeks where they lay thousands of eggs. The fish travel to streams to give their offspring a higher chance of survival, and typically return to the same creek they were born in.
The committee worked alongside DFO and Simpcw First Nation to gather information on the salmon, and officially unveiled the sign in June.
Nicklas added that although DFO doesn’t keep inventory on other fish in the area besides salmon, Louis Creek is also known to house rainbow trout, white fish, pike, minnows, shiners, bass and sculpin.
The informational sign can be found near the future playground in Whitecroft.
The informational sign can be found near the future playground in Whitecroft.
Whitecroft informational sign unveiled
Every fall, Whitecroft residents head to Louis Creek to marvel at the salmon splashing through, after the fish make the long-distance swim all the way from the Pacific Ocean. But not everyone knows the salmon are there — or even why they travel upstream. To ensure locals and visitors keep out of the creek during spawning season, community members are working to spread awareness.
In an attempt for education on a larger scale, Nicklas’ job is to gather live salmon and take them to tanks in local schools or community centres. When the fish are ready to spawn, Nicklas fertilizes the eggs and places around 50 within each aquarium location.Thepublic then gets to watch the beginning of the salmon’s life cycle.
“[It’s] a good idea to educate the community a little bit more on what is actually happening in the creek,” Landry said. “The key issue is just to be sure that people and pets stay out of the creek during the spawning season.”
Nicklas said many years ago the salmon used to be taken out of Louis Creek, but the number of fish in the creek has naturally decreased — which demonstrates the importance of allowing the fish to spawn undisturbed.
Once they are ready to spawn, the females lay thousands of eggs in gravel nests, which are then fertilized with milt from the males. Shortly after spawning, the salmon complete their life cycle and die. After developing inside the egg, the juvenile salmon emerge from the gravel and physically adapt to prepare for migration back to saltwater. Eventually, the salmon return to the ocean to live out their adult lives until they are ready to return to the creek and begin the cycle again. “I live just upstream from Whitecroft and we can usually hear them in the fall splashing around,” Nicklas said. “That’s something that catches people’s interest right away and the Whitecroft people seem to all let each other know when the salmon are there.”
Photo SPIN.
The sign explains the chinook and coho salmon’s life cycle in detail. It says when the fish begin migrating to the local creeks, they become colourful and males develop hooked

Downhill racers top the podium
By Kayla Empey
Mattias Grunling received third place at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Photo provided.
20 sports

Local mountain bikers are seeing success so far this season as they compete across the province in the 2022 B.C. Cup Downhill Series. The series is a collection of events where racers accumulate points in an attempt to be crowned the B.C. Cup Downhill Series champion. Riders must complete at least three races to be eligible for an overall ranking.Thefirst big event was the Whistler B.C. Cup at the end of June. Sun Peaks was represented by local Mattias Grunling in the junior sport men section, who landed fourth in the competition. Local resident Sylvain Epialon also competed, and received ninth place in the expert elite men category. This was followed by another B.C. Cup event at SilverStar from July 8 to 10. Grunling received sixth and Epialon received fifth in their respective categories. Also joining this race was U17 female competitor Ruby Dinn, who landed fourth. From July 15 to 17, local racers travelled to Fernie and earned spots on the podium. Dinn placed second in her category, and well-known Sun Peaks competitor Brock Hawes made his way to first place in the junior expert men division. Keeping the momentum going, Hawes also placed first in the Panorama B.C. Cup just a couple days later. Additionally, Dinn and Grunling both landed eighth in their respective categories. Most recently was the Canadian Downhill Mountain Bike Championship at Kicking Horse Resort from July 22 to 24, where Grunling received third and Dinn placed fourth. Due to a crash prior to the event, Hawes was unable to compete. However, this competition was excluded from the B.C. Cup official ranking. The next event is at the end of August at Mount Washington Resort, followed by another race in early September at Big White Resort. The B.C. Cup Downhill Series will wrap up with the final competition at Coast Gravity Park from September 16 to 18.

Jase Petersen, owner of Alpine Fitness, said there are three components of the training, with an individual coach for each discipline.
“[It’s] strength and conditioning, gymnastics and agility, and sprint components,” Petersen said. “It's to kind of give them a bit of foundation outside of their sporting training in gym orientation.”
The deadline to apply is August 22 at 4 p.m. Visit for the application form.
Program focuses on developing well-rounded competitors
Although this is a new program to Alpine Fitness, it has run in Kamloops since 2011 and has seen success.
The Ignite Athlete Development Program is intended for youth ages 13 to 17 who compete in a sport. The program is run in partnership with Pacific Sport, an Interior-based non-profit organization, to help youth improve their physical literacy and fitness.
The program will begin in November and run for 12 weeks, with training at Alpine Fitness every Tuesday and Thursday.
Applications are now open for a new program offered by Alpine Fitness to help young athletes develop fundamental skills through sport-specific training.
Applicants must submit an athletic resume, a short essay and a letter of recommendation from their primary sport coach. The program cost is $930, but successful applicants will receive a scholarship from Pacific Sport for“It's$455.definitely not a program [where] we would be intentionally turning people away,” Petersen said. “We want to make it available for as many as we can. That just goes with the whole belief of the facility … just to be an open and welcoming space for all the attendees.”
By Kayla Empey
Erin Pincott, Pacific Sport’s Interior sport performance coordinator, said expanding the program to Sun Peaks was a natural next step.
“Sun Peaks is such an active community with many high performing young athletes training there,” Pincott said. “Combined with an awesome facility at Sun Peaks Alpine Fitness and high caliber coaches … bringing the program to Sun Peaks is a natural fit.”
The Ignite program in Kamloops. Photo from PacificSport Interior BC on Facebook.
Petersen said he believes this is a great program to introduce to Sun Peaks’ growing youth population, especially as a number of families have moved up the mountain to help their children pursue sports. “With the facility that we have, I think it's a perfect fit,” Petersen said. “It's something that I can contribute to the community, and to their growth and development.”

23 @damonnewport.ev Scan to view Sun Peaks Listings @quinnrischmueller 250.572.6907 778.257.4494 1312 D The Residences - $175,000 + GST 2 Bed • 2 Bath • 1,127 Sq. ft. LOCAL EXPERTISE. GLOBAL REACH. To View Listings 23 Cottages - $1,349,000 4 Bed • 3 Bath • 2,562 Sq. ft. SCAN ME 4157 Sundance Drive - $2,499,900 5 Bed • 4.5 Bath • 3,648 Sq. ft. @engelvoelkerssunpeaks SOLD PREC* *Personal Real Estate Corporation SOLD 39 Trails Edge - $1,250,000 4 Bed • 4 Bath • 1,794 Sq. ft. Come visit us at the Sun Peaks Market every Sunday 9:30AM - 1:00PM NEW OFFICE - Opening Soon In Burfield West NEW OFFICE

This is the Sun Peaks home you have been waiting for! Enjoy the local lifestyle on a family friendly street in a community that welcomes you from the moment you move in. This 4 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom half duplex has stunning views of the mountain and creek with an open concept main floor with beautiful hardwood floors, large ski room/laundry area, private garage and large sundeck. Upstairs offers 3 bedrooms including a spacious primary bedroom with ensuite, and plenty of storage/walk-in closet space. The basement offers a flex room ideal for family gatherings. Enjoy fantastic views of Morrissey Mountain and the valley from this south facing 2 bedroom , 2 bath resort condo in Ski-in/ski-out Settler's Crossing. Conveniently located to quickly access skiing, biking, hiking, cross country trails and golf, this property provides great access to all Resort amenities. This fully furnished property is tastefully outfitted ready to be enjoyed by family and friends and is zoned to allow short term rental. The property features a galley style kitchen, with stainless steel appliances, large living room with cozy fireplace, and a great window package to enhance the views.
1388 BURFIELD DRIVE $922,000
This centrally located Town Home is a corner unit with a great location in Crystal Forest. The property has easy access to skiing and all village amenities and boasts 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Kitchen counters, appliances and fl ooring throughout are all refurbished. The large primary bedroom is turret designed with higher ceilings, a soaring window package, and features a private covered deck and 3 piece ensuite. Beautifully renovated in 2022, the bright fl exible lock-off fl oor plan features new modern furnishings, paint, lighting and artwork/décor items. Its easy to cook and relax with a full kitchen that includes new appliances, quartz countertops, new sink, faucets and recessed lighting. Entertain at the counter seating or enjoy a glass of wine next to the gas fi replace. New high end, low maintenance vinyl plank fl ooring; the two full bathrooms and kitchen have heated fl oors. GST applicable.
#50 TRAIL’S EDGE $1,089,000
#10 FAIRWAYS COTTAGES $1,495,000 This 3 level cedar cottage with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, and double car garage in the attractive bare land strata community of 'Fairways Cottages' is situated on one of the largest lots in the development, and backs onto the 3rd green of the picturesque Sun Peaks Golf Course. Take a short walk on the Valley Trail to access the Village restaurants, shopping, and chair lifts. Enjoy the upscale finishing this original show home offers, with cozy rock fireplace, luxurious master suite with open loft occupying the entire upper floor, sunny decks on main level, ample space for gathering. Furnished, GST n/a.
#422 CAHILTY HOTEL & SUITES $280,000 Experience slope side convenience and mountain views with all the comforts of home in this top fl oor two level condo with unlimited owner use, and the benefi ts of a fully managed four season lodge. Relax in the open living room with airy vaulted ceiling with King size bed in the extended loft plus a pull out sofa in the living room, full updated kitchen and owner's lockup closet. Excellent ski-in, ski-out location.
#26 FAIRWAYS COTTAGES $1,449,000 Set along McGillivray Creek, this meticulous and charming cedar & stone cottage with double cedar carport offers 3 bedrooms plus den and open air loft / 3 baths, in the desirable bare land strata community of 'Fairway Cottages'. Enjoy lush natural views from the abundant & bright window packaging throughout, quartz counter tops in the kitchen, cozy rock fi replace to gather around with family and friends after a round of golf or turns on the slopes, luxurious master suite with roomy loft occupying the entire upper fl oor, plenty of separation and space in the basement, main fl oor wrap around sunny deck with glass panes, attractive landscaping and true curb appeal.
#207 KOOKABURRA LODGE $439,000
#70 CRYSTAL FOREST $897,000 # 242 / 244 CAHILTY HOTEL & SUITES $375,000
This Dansk built town home is conveniently situated in popular ski-in/ ski-out Trail's Edge, with panoramic views of mountains and valley. Ski out to Orient or Morrissey lifts and ski home from Sundance and Orient chairs. This property is extremely well kept and offers a large living room, well appointed kitchen, 2 bedrooms 2 and 1/2 baths and den. The large front deck and rear patio, with hot tub, provide for great all season Resort living. Trail's Edge provides the flexibility of the ability to rent short term or to pay the Residential Tourism Sun Peaks fee if not renting.
Bright open design, and well appointed with a cozy fi replace, in suite laundry, relaxing steam shower, granite countertops, solid fi r cabinetry, doors and trim, plus your very own ski and snowboard storage. Relax and take in the mountain views with family & friends after a day on the slopes or the golf course. Proven revenue generator – fi nancial statements and revenues from rental bookings in place available to a buyer. Prime location, just steps from the ski through village with ultra convenient access to restaurants and shopping.