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213 - 1130 Sun Peaks Rd. Sun Peaks, B.C.
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The price of single-family homes in Sun Peaks rose 44 per cent.
Part-time and full-time homeowners can expect their water bills to increase by 10 per cent.
Registration is now open and funds raised go towards Sun Peaks Education Society.
YKA's managing director, Ed Ratuski, told SPIN WestJet is swooping in to offer non-stop flights.
Enticing remote workers is one way to bolster local economy in shoulder season.
Learn about a recent film festival, paint n' sip nights and acoustic jams.
Check out fun events to attend when you're done hitting the slopes.
Tracy Shymko, a BC Assessment deputy assessor for the Thompson Okanagan region, told SPIN the village’s strong market growth over the past year contributed to the rise in assessed values.
“We did see a very strong market in Sun Peaks,” she said. “There were well over 20 sales of residential properties.”
Shymko explained that Sun Peaks’ impressive assessed value increase doesn’t mean there’ll be a similarly high rise in property taxes.
“Tax shifts based on the average residential property assessment,” she said. “Municipalities will take the average increase and taxes go up if you’re above the average.”
In Sun Peaks, that means properties valued at $1.6 million or more will likely see a tax increase in 2023. Owners can expect to receive their property assessments as early as Jan. 3 and can search for their address on the BC Assessment website.
In its press release, BC Assessment also advised homeowners that because the housing
market has fluctuated since July 1, 2022, the assessed value of a property may not match its current market value.
Although Sun Peaks didn’t grace the list of the 100 most expensive properties in the Thompson Okanagan region, the municipality’s priciest addresses are still pretty impressive.
According to data provided to SPIN by BC Assessment, the Sun Peaks property with the highest taxable value was 4137 Douglas Crt., assessed at $5.2 million. In Kamloops, the highest assessed property was only valued at around $3 million.
Shymko said compared to other B.C. destinations like Whistler (which boasts a property assessed at $32.9 million) Sun Peaks still offers competitive prices on luxury homes.
“Sun Peaks is really a destination that’s getting on the map,” she said. “For luxury vacation homes, [properties] are still affordable.”
Downhill racers will hit the mountain biking trails Aug. 20
By Liz McDonaldCycling Canada recently added Sun Peaks to its list of hosts for the 2023 Canadian Downhill MTB Championships.
The Canada Cup was expanded this year, with Sun Peaks added to the roster. The village will be the last stop in the series run by Dunbar Summer Series, which is organized by SE Racing.
According to a Dunbar Summer Series Facebook post announcing the races, the Canadian DH Nationals will be held at four resorts over the summer. Events will take place in Fernie on July 16, Panorama on July 19 and Kicking Horse on Aug. 13 before ending in Sun Peaks on Aug. 20.
In 2022, racers competed in a variety of categories including two adaptive mountain biking categories. However, Dunbar Summer Series announced on Jan. 9 it would be suspending those categories for 2023, citing “scheduling concerns and uplift issues” as well as difficulty securing an insurance provider.
Registration for the series opens on Feb. 15, 2023 and can be completed online at ccnbikes.com.
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Homeowners can expect to see higher water utility bills by February.
Council has approved a 10 per cent increase for water and wastewater utilities for all homeowners. Part-time resident owners will also see a new minimum usage fee. The increases went into effect Jan. 1.
“The new model will ensure that all users are paying a more equitable share of the ongoing costs [of maintaining utilities],” said Shane Bourke, Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality’s (SPMRM) chief administrative officer.
Burke said an average 3 bedroom home occupied year-round will see their water utility bills increase by $7.16, and their wastewater bill to increase by
$9.16. That means their total bill will increase by $16.48 each month.
For the average 3 bedroom home that is vacant and doesn’t use water in a month, bill-payers will see a 10 per cent increase to their base rate and a new minimum charge that is half of the first tier usage rate. A tiered system is used to encourage conservation, and under a tiered system, the rate increases as usage increases. These owners can expect to pay $18.35 per month for water and $25.32 for wastewater each month, making their bills increase by $43.67.
“Part-time residents would likely be using the minimum usage amount when they are in Sun Peaks, so the larger increase would only apply to months their property is vacant,” Bourke said.
Bourke highlighted that properties “occupied part-time will still use less water and have lower bills than a full-time resident. The addition of the new minimum usage rate just better reflects the costs the municipality has to have the system available at all times.”
A report to council last year showed that a 10 per cent increase for water base and wastewater base usage will help the municipality transition utilities to a self-financed model.
The same report showed that the minimum usage charge model will bring water revenues to $161,000 and wastewater revenues to $224,000.
While there are 1,404 permanent residents in Sun Peaks, there can be up to 10,000 people on the mountain at busy times. The water and wastewater systems need to operate for the maximum peak periods.
“Under the previous model, there were periods where non-full-time residents didn't use much water and wastewater. While we had to provide services for the maximum, we were only getting revenue from the portion of the people that were using the services full time,” Bourke said.
According to Bourke, the previous water and wastewater rates were designed for conservation as the village was facing significant risk of water shortage.
The municipality's new surface water reservoir has reduced some of the risk, but Bourke said having low water consumption impacted the municipality’s ability to fund the system.
A report by the Municipal Finance and Utility Department in 2022 found that without an increase in financing, funding for future operations would be at risk.
The report found the village's water and wastewater systems are aging. Upgrading water treatment and distribution will cost $22.4 million and wastewater updates will require $19.2 million, according to the Water and Wastewater Master Plan.
The report noted SPMRM can apply for grants to cover some of the costs, but there are too many projects for funding by grants alone.
Bourke noted he has not received any specific feedback about the approved fee increases at this time.
“The shift just balances some of [the costs] out so that anytime somebody wants to turn on the water, they'll have the water and we can fund the system,” Bourke said.
After two years of COVID-19 restrictions, the Telus Nancy Greene Alpine Classic is back in full swing. This year’s race will feature four-person ski and snowboard teams competing on a recreational cross course. The event goes from Friday, Jan. 27 to Saturday, Jan. 28 and funds raised will go towards the Sun Peaks Education Society (SPES) and the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation. 2010 Olympian and ski cross gold medalist Ashleigh McIvor will be a guest coach.
Since its inception 26 years ago, the Alpine Classic has supported a number of community causes in Sun Peaks. The event previously helped establish a part-time health clinic in town and later, a permanent health facility. Fundraisers have also helped the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation as well as the Alpine Ski Club. By 2016, the Alpine Classic had raised over $500,000 across its events.
Event volunteer Cora Tataru told SPIN the funds raised for SPES will go towards building the community school. Currently, more than 160 youth in the community are educated in portables at three different locations throughout Sun Peaks. The new building would include a library and a gymnasium that are accessible to community members, regardless of age.
“Having this brick and mortar school would actually help the whole community because we would have a library that is shared not only for the kids in school, [but] for everyone here and the same with the gymnasium,” Tataru said.
Tataru said that with Sun Peaks’ population growth, there is increasing pressure to create facilities for the growing community. Sun Peaks’ population more than doubled from 2016 to 2021.
“These kinds of facilities are … an important factor for decision making if you choose to move here or not. And as a family considering moving to the community with kids, you'd like to know that somewhere in the future these things will show up,” Tataru said.
She noted that educating youth in Sun Peaks is about more than fostering basic skills.
“[Schooling] is more than just learning how to read. Education is about people meeting, sharing ideas, being creative [and] getting to know each other, and this is what actually builds the community,” Tataru said.
In 2022, the event raised over $40,000. Tataru hopes they can raise even more this year.
The event kicks off on Jan. 27, when professional skiers and snowboarders will offer training for participants and help them get to know the course, before a pre-race social that evening at the Annex.
The next day, Jan. 28, competitors will face off and can race again for a small fee. That evening, there will be a celebration party and live auction in the Sun Peaks Grand Ballroom. A silent auction is available online.
Registrants must be over 19 years old and teams must have at least one person of a different gender.
Team entry costs $900 for four people and individuals can enter for $225.
As of Jan. 18, registration is now full.
Travellers from Calgary to Kamloops may decide to switch to WestJet after Air Canada decided to end non-stop routes from some cities in Western Canada.
Colin Brost is the senior director of destination and market development for Tourism Sun Peaks (TSP). He said late last year, TSP was informed Air Canada would be cancelling multiple non-stop routes including flights from Kamloops to Calgary. He said the change comes as Air Canada restructures because of COVID-19 and positions itself in relation to WestJet.
In an emailed statement to SPIN, Air Canada wrote the company adjusted their winter schedule this fall, temporarily suspending non-stop flights from Kamloops to Calgary.
The company mentioned in the statement that “affected passengers have been offered travel options including rebooking over YVR.” Air Canada is assessing whether to resume the flights to Calgary, and highlighted that flights from YKA to YVR are still available.
In statements reported by the Saskatoon StarPheonix, Air Canada said the cancelled routes are a business decision, as the company focuses its resources on key cities, including Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto.
After non-stop Air Canada flights from Calgary to Kamloops end on Jan. 15, WestJet will “be adding a route from Calgary to Kamloops beginning on February 17,” Brost said.
Ed Ratuski, YKA’s managing director, confirmed that WestJet is adding non-stop flights as of Feb. 17.
“In terms of the number of seats available out of Kamloops, there isn’t much of a change. WestJet and Air Canada are continuing to operate out of Vancouver. This does leave just one operator on the Calgary route with WestJet. But the additional frequencies [WestJet is] adding compensates for the loss of seats from Air Canada,” Ratuski explained.
He did mention that YKA was “caught off-guard” when they learned about Air Canada’s ending non-stop routes, and that the airport’s main concern is that it “doesn’t give us any options for travellers flying to Calgary.”
Affected travellers heading to Sun Peaks have been compensated by Air Canada, according to Ratuski.
According to Brost, the new WestJet route from Calgary will arrive in Kamloops in the evening.
“The timing actually works relatively well with some of the connecting flights with WestJet going over to, say, Europe or through the rest of Canada. So that's always a positive,” Brost said.
He noted TSP is working with local partners to increase air access to the region but it’s “a challenging time” to approach airlines about new routes because of lost revenue with COVID-19.
TSP and its partners are creating proposals for airlines including Flair and Porter, and having “ongoing discussions with Alaska Airlines out of Seattle,” Brost explained.
“We’re looking at our core markets and seeing if there's an opportunity to propose something with any airline to operate routes that we’re really interested in, primarily in the winter season,” Brost said.
SPIN has reached out to WestJet for comment.
SPLSC hosts gatherings every Tuesday at four different venues. Photo submitted. After two decades of successful relationship building, the Sun Peaks Locals Social Club (SPLSC) is now focusing on expansion. The club was originally launched when a village realtor noticed new residents were finding it difficult to establish friendships and support networks.
The SPLSC mailing list now has close to 300 members, with room for more. Activities include weekly après ski meets and coffee mornings which often lead to other splinter groups.
“Our Wine and Beer Socials are a great way to meet up with others who consider themselves Local Sun Peaksians,” coordinator Harold Richins said. “This group gets together every Tuesday at 4 p.m. for a couple of hours of drinks, appetizers and conversation.”
Currently, SPLSC hosts gatherings every Tuesday at four different venues, with upcoming dates including Jan. 24 at Masa’s Bar & Grill, Jan. 31 at Capone’s Italian Kitchen and
Feb. 7 at Cahilty Creek Kitchen & Taproom. A member of SPLSC for nearly nine years, Glen Burns said it helped him and his wife Diane launch a vibrant social life.
“When we moved up here, we didn’t really know anybody so this was a good way of meeting up with people of a similar age,” Burns said. “This has led to some long lasting friendships.”
From participating in marbles games and tournaments in the early days to joining events in recent months, he’s seen the club morph over the years.
“Through word of mouth, lots of other groups have developed such as the quilting group, the book club and others,” Burns
Despite the long list of members, Richins is keen to add new blood and is encouraging regulars to reach out to new residents.
“It’s open to all ages — retirees and semiretirees are the mainstays, but digital nomads with flexible work schedules [take part too],” he said. “It’s got to be the quickest way to join in the social scene in Sun Peaks.”
Many SPLSC members also take part in weekly snowsports groups such as the Wednesday Polar Bears and Grizzlies, join hiking, biking and golf groups during summer and run book clubs, games nights and other ad hoc activities year-round.
The Coffee Klatsch, held every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at The Annex during ski season, has been less well-attended recently.
“We need more people to put this on their weekly winter calendar,” Richin says. “We set it up at The Annex because participants indicated that they wanted to have a social coffee break after a few morning runs on the mountain.”
Anyone wishing to join these groups can email Richins at sunpeakslocals360@gmail.com.
Other social groups in Sun Peaks include ArtZone, the Nordic Club, Adaptive Sports and Sun Peaks Rotary Club.
On Facebook, newcomers can join two online social information networks — Sun Peaks Survivors and Unofficial Sun Peaks — that offer connections for community help, information, rideshares, activities, events, buying, selling and bartering.
Destination communities like Sun Peaks often struggle to bolster their economies during the shoulder season. As a result, the growing number of digital nomads — employees who work remotely instead of in an office — has become a focus for tourism-heavy communities in an attempt to increase populations and spending.
By June 2022, 25 countries even launched special visa programs enabling remote travelers to work longer and more freely from their communities.
With its perfect work-lifestyle blend and active outdoor environment, Sun Peaks is an attractive option for would-be digital nomads. All that is needed to work remotely is highspeed Wi-Fi, a home desk and a schedule flexible enough to take advantage of snowsports and summer activities during breaks.
So, beyond national visa programs, how can communities like Sun Peaks entice and retain remote workers?
Research has shown that co-working facilities are key and many B.C. tourism communities are spearheading this trend. Regional examples include Revelstoke’s Mountain Co Lab, founded back in 2015, as well as 2nd Edition Coworking Fernie and Golden’s Go Lab.
Closer to home, Big White hosted a co-working event alongside the Boundary Country Regional Chambers of Commerce last August to explore the potential for opening Canada’s highest altitude co-working centre.
“We think it’s a great opportunity for folks who work in Kelowna and have a condo up at the mountain to start the weekend a day early,” said Andrew Zwicker, rural business advisor with the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce. “Come up to the mountain and work out of our co-working space on Friday, then roll right into your weekend and hop on the lifts with your bike.”
Sun Peaks-based digital nomads have a wide variety of ideas from co-working cafés to office and computer supplies, to professional training seminars and dedicated social groups.
But the common denominator is the need for a business networking hub.
Gary Boddington is an entrepreneur who relocated to Sun Peaks from Vancouver in 2019.
“I do think there are opportunities for Sun Peaks to develop a digital nomad strategy … not only to harness the talent that exists in the village … but also to attract more digital nomads who stay longer and spend more, specifically in summer and in shoulder-season months,” he said.
With just a computer and Wi-Fi connection, Boddington can make his multi-tasking empire work. Still, he said he’d appreciate networking opportunities with likeminded people such as “those who share the same journey and can assist and support each other in their growth plans, and can interact professionally and socially.”
Furthermore, Boddington would like to see targeted campaigns to attract more digital nomads to Sun Peaks, suggesting perks like discounts on products and activities.
While there is no plan as yet for a digital nomad hub, Sun Peaks’ Mayor Al Raine says there would be central space available. For example around eight to 10 work stations could be accommodated in a meeting room in the Sun Peaks Grand Hotel & Conference Centre.
“The digital nomad community has got to come together as a group to demonstrate the need,” Raine said. “Probably 90 percent of the people don’t realize they are here. They work from home, out of the public eye, so we need this group to coalesce a bit to get an idea of how many they are.”
Anyone interested in helping to form or join a Digital Nomad Group can contact louise.hudson2011@gmail.com for more information.
Destination communities across B.C. are hoping to make themselves more attractive to remote workers
Local filmmaker Kelly Brown’s recent screening of Day 100 on Jan. 12 was a success, according to Marj Knive, president of ArtZone.
The organization held a filmmaking workshop leading up to the event which included a contest. Local Kelly Brown won a $500 prize and a pair of custom atomic skis from McSporties, a sponsor.
Knive told SPIN that contest prizes make participation worthwhile.
“I really hope it encourages other filmmakers to come and do it next year as well,” Knive said.
Day 100 is about Brown’s wife, Linda Stratton. On her 100th day of skiing in Sun Peaks, she decided to ski 100 kilometers.
“It was a very exciting documentary … Everybody laughed. Everybody cried. It was great. All the locals know them,” Knive said.
The film is available on YouTube.
After locals’ night, the rest of the film festival, held at Sun Peaks Centre, ran from Jan. 12 to 14. The event involved screenings from other B.C. filmmakers and movies from Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival (VIMFF).
Knive said she and her husband watched over 50 VIMFF films, curating selections that would be interesting for Sun Peaks residents
to watch. Selections included sports films and cultural pieces.
Revenue from the event will help fund programming for ArtZone the rest of the year.
Other upcoming events with ArtZone include a painting workshop with famous painter David Langevin on Jan. 20, where attendees will learn how to paint water in a landscape. The event is sold out according to ArtZone’s Facebook.
Knive said other events put on by ArtZone include monthly Paint n’ Sip nights, with the next event happening Feb. 9. They’ve partnered with JuggerBean Tattoo Parlour and Morrisey’s Public House.
According to Knive, JuggerBean tattoo artist Amie Easton has other ideas for future events, including possible henna nights or carving.
“She's got some great ideas … I think it'll be a big hit for as long as we do them. They're just really relaxed, fun nights that you can do what you want and go home with something that you made,” said Knive.
Another winter event by ArtZone includes Sunday Jams every other Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Magic Catteguard. Bring your acoustic instrument or your voice and be led through songs that are accessible for all levels.
Monday Quizzy Rascals at Masa’s Bar & Grill, 8 p.m.
Tuesday · Locals' night, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Friday Free family activity nights at Sun Peaks Centre from 4 to 7 p.m.
AA meeting from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Sun Peaks Secondary Academy
Saturday · Live music at Morrisey’s Public House. Free family activity nights at Sun Peaks Centre from 4 to 7 p.m.
Sunday Sunday FUNday at Morrisey’s Public House, DJ starts at 8 p.m.
Jan. 19 to 22
Sun Peaks Timber Tour
Jan. 20
David Langevin painting workshop
Jan. 21 to 22
Glenn Bond Nordic Ski Camp
Jan. 26 to 29
Teck open round 1 race
Jan. 27 to 28
TELUS Nancy Greene Alpine Classic
Jan. 28
Juggerbean Tattoo Parlour’s flash day
Feb. 3 to 4
BC Special Olympics
Feb. 4
Aurveda workshop at Sun Peaks Yoga and Red Bull Homerun event
Feb. 11 to 12
Elevation & Southside demo weekend
Feb. 17
Run for Ryan
1 Dark, igneous rock
7 Word with chicken or small
10 Diplomas for aspiring CEOs
14 "Ya kiddin' me?"
15 Aberdeen agreement
16 In ___ (going nowhere)
17 Diner who's bouncing off the walls?
19 Québec's Lévesque
20 "Yes Minister" network
21 Write "dele" or "stet"
1 Explosive after H, or expletive after F
2 Moby's hunter
3 Lip ___ contest
4 Vowel string
5 Bodice tighteners
6 No earlier and no later, with "on"
7 Page of country music?
8 "___ of little faith...": Matthew 8:26
9 Gen-___ (thirtysomething)
10 Day before mercredi
11 Slender alternative to soup crackers
12 Relative of Dorothy
51 Shock and ___ (battle tactic)
54 Hen, to a fox
55 Anxiety when the Domino's delivery arrives?
58 Meeting agenda subject
59 IMer's "I did NOT need to know that!"
60 Canadian ___ (home/crafts magazine)
61 Heavy reading?
62 Easy target on April 1
63 Snide remarks
43 Chorus of "Cheers!", in
44 It may be bowled over in an alley
46 "You think I won't?"
47 Open a pencil case
48 Unc's kid
51 Feel ___ in the air
52 Stain treatable with club soda
53 Stress test readouts
55 Ale amts.
56 "___ bad, bad boy ..." (Nazareth lyric)
57 Prefix meaning "bird"
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Sun Peaks Resort hosted the Canada Cup from Jan. 12 to 15, with freestyle skiers and snowboarders competing in slopestyle and big air events. Sun Peaks Freestyle Club (SPFC) walked away with a gold medal after Gabi Dinn won ladies slopestyle. The Canada Cup is a circuit national competition, hosted throughout Canada.
SPFC’s high performance head coach Chris Mavin said the 15 year old’s results are impressive, and Gabi has only been competing in freestyle skiing for a year.
“I think it’s very difficult at that age to see your own potential sometimes. I think [in this Canada Cup] we saw how talented she is,” Mavin said.
Before the competition, her coach said Dinn wasn’t planning on going to the next Canada Cup event in Ontario. With such impressive results, Dinn decided she’d like to compete again in Ontario at the Horseshoe Canada Cup Jan. 19 to 22.
The Canada Cup doesn’t have age categories, meaning athletes from 12 to 20 compete against each other, according to SPFC president Brennan Thompson.
Thompson said because of the age ranges, “even to make it into the final round … that’s a huge success.”
The other members of the team “had a bit of a rough go this weekend for various different reasons. So we didn’t quite get the results we were hoping for but we’re going [to Ontario] and doing it all again this week,” according to Mavin.
The Canada Cup competitors collect points, allowing them to qualify for the NorAm (North America) event, which is a level below the World Cup.
There is a NorAm event in Calgary at the end of January and Mavin said that if Gabi does well in Ontario, she’ll qualify for the NorAm slopestyle event.
The next freestyle event in Sun Peaks is the provincial level Timber Tour, which runs Jan. 19 to Jan. 22.
The weekend will see two competitions, split by age. Athletes from six to 13 compete in a “super youth” division and the Timber Tour event includes athletes from age 12 to 18. The overlap in age categories allows 12 to 14-year-old competitors to decide what category to compete in, Thompson said.
The Timber Tour competition has events for big air, slopestyle and moguls.
Thompson said the four-day school week for youth in Sun Peaks provides a unique opportunity for young athletes to train for three days over weekends.
Thompson and Mavin thanked the community, local businesses and groups for supporting SPFC, as well as Sun Peaks Resort.
“We're very fortunate to have so much support from the community,” said Thompson
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This landscaped slope side mountain home offers the ultimate ski-in, ski-out convenience as one of the best locations on the mountain, Sundance Estates. Superior design and finishing with quality construction, with extensive use of stone, granite, hardwood and tile. This spectacular home radiates warmth and intimacy with the most incredible setting in Sun Peaks and presents and exceptional opportunity to own one of the very best in resort living. Some of the features include soaring windows, radiant in floor heat, HRV, games room, inviting hot tub, oversized double car garage. GST n/a.
Whether it's a year-round address or weekend getaway, this is truly the ultimate escape. This beautiful log post & beam home has been carefully crafted into this lakeside landscape with spectacular south facing panoramic views of the crystal clear water & mountains. Enjoy 120 feet of private lakefront on the quiet end of pristine Heffley Lake. The quiet location offers privacy & serenity with nature trails & recreation out your back door. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, plus great loft/sleeping area with office, spacious living with open kitchen, vaulted ceiling, hardwood flooring & entertainment sized decks.
The location of the home offers immediate access to the best of mountain living. This true ski-in, ski-out, slope side 4 bedroom, 4 bath half duplex backs directly onto forested ski terrain & the Morrisey Connector ski run with direct access to the Orient and Morrissey Chairlifts. This immaculate townhome has never been rented and is offered furnished with private hot tub. Beautiful hardwood floors and high-end carpeting with new paint compliment this home which is the perfect year-round retreat to enjoy with family & friends.
Enjoy all Sun Peaks has to offer in Settler's Crossing! Perfect for the outdoor enthusiast, this attractive 2 bedroom 2 bathroom condo with fantastic mountain views offers easy access to the East Village Orient lift, the expansive Nordic network comprised of 37 kilometres of impeccably groomed and track set trail, and cross-country mountain biking. Never been rented and offered by original owner, this condo is thoughtfully outfitted and ready to be enjoyed by friends and family. GST not applicable.
This Dansk built town home is conveniently situated in popular ski-in/ ski-out Trail's Edge, with panoramic views of mountains and valley. Ski out to Orient or Morrissey lifts and ski home from Sundance and Orient chairs. This property is extremely well kept and offers a large living room, well appointed kitchen, 2 bedrooms 2 and 1/2 baths and den. The large front deck and rear patio, with hot tub, provide for great all season Resort living. Trail's Edge provides the flexibility of the ability to rent short term or to pay the Residential Tourism Sun Peaks fee if not renting.
Enjoy skiing in and out to within 50 feet of your front door, just one of the amenities of this Woodhaven town home. Plenty of room for family and friends in this 2 bedroom, 3 and 1/2 bath property with large daylight family room in walkout basement. The open concept main level features heated tile floors, deluxe kitchen, river rock fireplace, and spectacular views of mountains and valley. The sunny southern exposure provides wonderful light and a radiant heat that is especially valued in the darker days of winter. Enjoy decks off master bedroom and living room, and a covered patio with private hot tub!
Experience a luxurious getaway in this modern one bedroom condo located in 'The Residences at Sun Peaks Grand' which is Sun Peaks' only quarter ownership offering. Relax after a fun fi lled day on the slopes in the spacious living room around the fi replace or on the outdoor deck overlooking the village. This fully furnished condo offers true ski-in, ski-out convenience in the heart of the village with amenities such as a outdoor pool, hot tubs, gym, sauna, restaurants, bike & ski valet, room service, heated underground parking and more. GST applies.
Set along McGillivray Creek, this meticulous and charming cedar & stone cottage with double cedar carport offers 3 bedrooms plus den and open air loft / 3 baths, in the desirable bare land strata community of 'Fairway Cottages'. Enjoy lush natural views from the abundant & bright window packaging throughout, quartz counter tops in the kitchen, cozy rock fireplace to gather around with family and friends after a round of golf or turns on the slopes, luxurious master suite with roomy loft occupying the entire upper floor, plenty of separation and space in the basement, main floor wrap around sunny deck with glass panes, attractive landscaping and true curb appeal.
Custom townhome in duplex configuration in prestigious ski-in ski-out Bridge Gate location. Situated on the 15th fairway, the sense of space and unobstructed views will always remain. The main floor features an open living area with post and beams, soaring windows, massive rock fireplace, and gourmet kitchen complete with gas range and top end appliances. Superior finishing detail throughout is complimented by hardwood floors mixed with heated tile in bathrooms and entries. Offered furnished; GST n/a.