Each issue reaches thousands of readers and one copy is available FREE to residents and visitors. Anyone taking papers in bulk will be prosecuted. The opinions expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher, owners or writers. This publication may not be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the publisher.
Causes for the tax hike include regional tax increases, inflation, high property values and expanded services.
Panellists discussed diverse topics, from gender to conservation and conflicting values for trail development.
For comments, questions and concerns contact us at: brandi@sunpeaksnews.com
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213 - 1130 Sun Peaks Rd. Sun Peaks, B.C.
Publisher brandi@sunpeaksnews.com
Community Editor hollie@sunpeaksnews.com
Community Journalist liz@sunpeaksnews.com
Layout & Graphic Designer sonia@sunpeaksnews.com
A return to travel, population growth and excellent skiing conditions resulted in high ski visitation and hotel stays.
A student from Sun Peaks School says his project ‘is like an Amber Alert, but for your heart.’
In response to the Louis Creek fire, the municipality is reminding community members that the area is at risk of wildfire.
The mountain may be closed for activities but there’s still plenty to do in and around Sun Peaks before summer hits.
The association has been fundraising for over seven years and will start preparing the site this summer.
A recent focus session sparked the idea to find a permanent home for Sun Peaks’ art organization.


A return to travel, population growth and excellent skiing conditions resulted in high ski visitation and hotel stays
By Liz McDonaldSkier visitations and revenue from hotel taxes hit record numbers this winter in Sun Peaks.
Aidan Kelly, chief marketing officer of Sun Peaks Resort (SPR), said the number of people skiing at the resort was close to 10 per cent higher than the previous record and skier visitation was up 25 per cent more than last year.
Kelly credits these high numbers to a late-season snow dump in Sun Peaks, in addition to returning Australian and international tourism.
Roads reopening certainly helped, too, after last year’s season was delayed significantly by atmospheric rivers shutting down all four highway routes to Sun Peaks from the Lower Mainland.
“We are still a primary drive market destination. We get lots of international guests coming through the Kamloops airport … but when all of the highways to the west were gone, that had a really, really big impact,” Kelly explained.
According to Kelly, travellers from Australia are Sun Peaks' biggest international customers. While international visitation is still down by around 25 per cent compared to pre-COVID-19 numbers, he told SPIN a return of these customers bodes well for the future.
Kelly said another trend is increased sales and the use of season passes.
A few weeks of powder in February resulted in excellent conditions on the mountain and Kelly said that encouraged people to use their season tickets.
Most season pass holders were local over the last season and Kelly said an increase in Kamloops’ population led to the growth in that market. Kamloops’ population increased by 8.4 per cent from 2016 to 2021, according to the 2021 census.
Arlene Schieven, president and CEO of Tourism Sun Peaks (TSP), told SPIN room sales were up 26 per cent from the previous year between November to March compared to last year and revenue from hotel taxes hit record highs.
The municipal regional district tax (MRDT) is a three per cent tax applied to every hotel and Airbnb rental which then goes to the province. TSP gets 2.8 per cent of the tax back for revenue.
Schieven told SPIN the revenue from MRDT was far higher than ever before from December to February. She forecasts a 50 per cent increase compared to TSP’s previous record for MRDT revenue. However, the province submits revenue on a twomonth delay, so TSP does not have numbers for March and April.
Access to SPR’s controlled recreation area is closed as the resort prepares for summer operations.
Causes for the tax hike include regional tax increases, inflation, high property values and expanded services
By Liz McDonaldHigh home values, increased services and inflation mean property taxes are increasing for 2023.
Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality (SPMRM) council met on April 21 to present the municipality’s annual budget and five-year financial plan for public input, including an overall 7.5 per cent propety tax increase.
SPMRM Chief administrative officer Shane Bourke presented the 2023 budget and five-year financial plan to council on Friday.
While Bourke said the municipality has traditionally kept municipal taxes low because regional taxes are high, he explained the method isn’t sustainable with an increase in services and inflation. He said inflation has been seven per cent higher over the last 12 years than municipal tax increases.
“Failure to increase now will create larger challenges in the future in our ability to maintain current infrastructure,” Bourke said during his presentation.
Council approved the 7.5 per cent tax increase in December 2022, citing expanded services, high inflation rates and higher property values compared to other regions. According to Bourke, on average, municipal property taxes will increase by $85 for a property worth $500,000 and $170 for a $1-million property.
BC Assessment pegs Sun Peaks’ average home value at $1.6 million. Because home values in Sun Peaks have increased more than other homes in the region, regional taxes paid by Sun Peaks residents have also increased.
Regional tax increases compared to 2022 include a 19.7 per cent increase for BC Assessment tax, a hospital levy of 9.7 per cent and the municipal finance authority levy of 25.5 per cent.
The school levy is 21 per cent, the regional district levy is 10 per cent and the police levy is increasing by 39.8 per cent.
Municipal taxes in Sun Peaks represent 35 per cent of SPMRM’s budget, while 38 per cent comes from utilities. Various grants and fees comprise the remainder of the total operating income.

Operations and capital costs
Bylaw expenses increased 11 per cent in 2023 because the city purchased a bylaw software called Granicus to monitor short-term rental compliance and hired a new part-time employee to cover vacations and enforce daytime parking.
The budget for a permanent daycare is still being developed, but revenue and grants should meet expected costs. The daycare is expected to open in
September and operations will cost more than $400,000 in 2024.
Fire department costs for 2023 have increased by 13 per cent compared to 2022. Expenses include forest fuel treatment, volunteer stipends and staffing, fire fall repairs and emergency response vehicle maintenance.
The health centre budget shows a large decline in expenses and revenue as operations have been transferred to Supporting Team Excellents with Patients (STEPS) as of April 1, 2023. Around $30,000 of revenue surplus from the health centre will be spent to support funding for a mental health program STEPS provides.
Public works expenses for 2023 have increased by 18 per cent. Council has added a temporary project manager position and increased a seasonal public works employee’s contract to year-round. Insurance rates for snow removal have increased as well.
Other public works costs include the transfer station, whose budget is increasing by $6,000 because of increased use in 2023. The total budget from the municipality for the station is $63,000 for 2023 and covers garbage removal and extra days of service during the winter.
Should council decide to increase the station’s service to seven days a week year-round, costs would increase by at least an additional $30,000 per year and result in an additional one per cent tax increase. However, the costs for this possibility were not included in the 2023 budget.
Water utility rates increased by ten per cent and a minimum usage charge was added in January. Wastewater fee charges also increased by 10 per cent in 2023 because the number of full-time residents increased and tourism returned to the mountain in full force.
The total cost to operate and improve the Sun Peaks Centre in 2023 is $2,246,810. Planned work includes adding removable bleachers, acoustic panelling, a compressor for the ice rink and a curtain wall.
Landscaping around the centre will cost $50,000, the plaza and tennis courts cost $1.2 million and the pool will cost over $300,000. Bourke expects the pool will open in 2023.
Long term debt
SPMRM is planning no new debt borrowing in 2023 or 2024. The next planned debt is in 2025 to replace a fire truck.
The municipality estimates it is at 71 per cent of its debt limit. Current debt from loans is $14.5 million and the municipality’s annual principal debt payments are $952,328.
Any public input on the proposed budget will be brought forward to council on May 2 and the plan will be adopted on May 10.
By Liz McDonaldJulian Generaux, is representing the Sun Peaks School in May at the Canada Wide Science Fair.
Generaux, who is in grade nine, developed a portable electrocardiogram (EKG), which records electrical signals from heartbeats and uses a radio signal to remotely transfer heart data. The EKG uses telemetry, which gathers and sends data remotely through sensors for analysis.
His project was one of two that won first place at the Cariboo Mainline Regional Science Fair April 12 at Thompson Rivers University, qualifying him for the national competition in Edmonton May 14 to May 19.
Generaux made his EKG using a microbit, a creditcard-sized computer for teaching youth how to code. This technology was launched in 2015 by The BBC for one million students in the United Kingdom during the Make it Digital campaign.
The remote nature of Generaux’s EKG allows longterm patterns to emerge from monitoring someone’s heart, a feature that isn’t available when someone visits a health centre periodically.
“[It has] code in it so it reads your heartbeat. And for example, if your heart stops, it will send a signal to emergency services, or in the case of my project, it just sends a radio signal to another receiver. So it’s kind of like an Amber Alert but for your heart,” Generaux explained.
He designed the technology for people with heart diseases, such as coronary artery disease or arrhythmias, and says the tool can assist people to live life to the fullest.
“Maybe they're a little worried about going out into the wilderness for skiing, hiking, or kayaking. The point of this is, yes, it saves lives, but it also lets people have lives and not be worried about their health,” Generaux told SPIN.
Modern classes for the modern world
Keith Massey teaches at Sun Peaks School and encouraged Generaux to compete in the science fair. Working with School District 73, Massey sought funding to purchase microbits for the applied design skills and technology course he teaches to grade eight and night students through a grant from Kids Code Jeunesse.
When he contacted Kids Code, Massey discovered the grant had ended, but the non-profit organization still donated 30 microbits to Sun Peaks educators anyway. The Sun Peaks Parents Advisory Council purchased additional microbits for the school for $1700 so more students can learn coding.
Providing students with access to the microbits technology keeps them up-to-date and ready for the modern job market, Massey told SPIN.
The mini-computer chip can code diverse creations, from watering plants to creating alarm systems – including heart monitors like Generaux’s.
Engineering his future
The exceptional 14-year-old thrives in science and math and is cross-enrolled in grades nine and 10 for these courses. He’s passionate about engineering, astronomy and astrophysics and also has an interest in law.
Generaux is enrolling in online schooling through Athabasca University for sciences once he’s 16 – the youngest age accepted at the university.
Generaux told SPIN if he enjoys the engineering courses, he’d like to enroll at UBC Vancouver and complete a bachelor's degree in engineering. If he decides to pursue astrophysics, he will continue at Athabasca University before working toward a master's degree.
Preparing his project over four weeks was stressful, he said, but a good learning experience. Generaux is improving the online submission for the project to prepare for the national competition in Edmonton. Competitors must come equipped with an in-person presentation as well as an online version.
Massey said Generaux’s interest in microbits is something he’s proud of as an educator.
“I'm really proud of Julian's accomplishments,” he said. “It's so cool to see a student just take a simple radio transmitter device in class … and run with this cool project.”
In the future, Generaux hopes to add AI to the EKG to detect more arrhythmias, increasing the complexity of his technology’s response in order to differentiate between mild danger and serious heart failure.
When asked how he hopes people use his project, he told SPIN, “that’s up to people who buy it after I patent it.”
A student from Sun Peaks School says his project ‘is like an Amber Alert, but for your heart.’
Parents say childcare would benefit their careers and children

An update regarding Sun Peaks’ new daycare is scheduled for next week's council meeting, May 16.

Al Raine, Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality (SPMRM) mayor, told SPIN council expects to hear details regarding the application process and the number of spaces available.

“We’re hopeful there’s enough spaces, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s more popular than we’ve even dreamed about,” Raine told SPIN.
He noted the number of spots available is dependent on licensing by Interior Health.
Parents hopeful for intake process update
Many parents in the area are eagerly awaiting news on the application and intake process for the new centre.
Kayla Alfred owns Sun Peaks Yoga, and as a business owner, she feels her work and parenting would benefit from having reliable childcare. She cares for her son during the day and works during the evening.
In order to focus on her business and get ahead on chores, Alfred needs childcare on Mondays and Fridays, and she’d like to see flexible options for the days kids can attend the new centre.
“I feel like my business is suffering, and Andrew [her husband] and I are both just exhausted,” Alfred said. “It takes me three hours to do a simple task…I end up working and cleaning and meal prepping at 10 p.m. when I get home from work.”

While she understands there are challenges in setting up a new facility, including hiring childcare professionals, Alfred wants more information about the age and ability requirements for intake.
“I am nervous that we don't qualify, and then I've gotten all excited about the prospects because, a nanny is nice, but it's crazy expensive [at $85 a day],” she said. “Bottom line, all I really need is more information.”

Melissa Vike is another parent and business owner who is looking forward to the daycare centre. Vike is a realtor and also runs Flight Deck Cannabis with her husband, Kyle Vike, who is the primary childcare provider for their family.
The couple started looking for childcare almost four years ago when she became pregnant.
“We’re very grateful to live on the hill and we understand that some amenities are going to be limited,” Vike explained. “That’s the sacrifice you pay for being in such an amazing community. On the flip side, it is very difficult for families to have both spouses working.”
The family previously drove to Kamloops for daycare, but their son started getting car sick. Rather than subject him to that each day, Vike even considered moving to Kamloops.
“Luckily, we're in a position where we have grandparents close by who are fantastic and take him on days that we need,” Vike told SPIN.
While Vike has family support, she says spending time building a business with her husband and having two incomes would be a welcome relief if she gets her son into daycare.
Socialization and connection

Another benefit to daycare, aside from a better career and family balance, is the socialization kids get through interacting with peers.
Vike and her husband only plan on having one child and she said her son is missing out developmentally because he’s not in childcare.
“Our son is very social. He’s missing out on the social aspect childcare can provide … He’s not learning to share. He’s not learning to play the other way kids do and taking social cues,” Vike said.
For Alfred, deciding to put her son in childcare comes with complicated emotions. She described a sense of “mom guilt” over seeking childcare when she can adjust her own schedule. However, she knows her son would enjoy spending more time with other children.
“I feel like I’m denying him that chance to play with other kids his age instead of hanging out with me all day,” she said.
Vike has previously contacted the municipality about updates for the new facility, but was told there isn’t a waitlist system because SPMRM worked on licencing and staffing before starting the intake process.
In response to the Louis Creek fire, the municipality is reminding community members that the area is at risk of wildfire
By Liz McDonaldWhile snow is still melting throughout Sun Peaks, three human-caused wildfires were recently active in our region.
The first fire, discovered on April 26 at Cadwallader Creek, spanned seven hectares. A 38-hectare fire was reported three days later near Merritt at Snake Road.
The next day, on Thursday, April 27, a third blaze started near Louis Creek, only three kilometres from Sun Peaks. The fire spanned two hectares.

All three fires were reportedly caused by human activity and have now been declared under control.
The Louis Creek fire resulted in a full response from BC Wildfire Service because of threats to public safety and property. When a full response happens, the fire is suppressed until it’s considered out.
On April 27, BC Wildfire fire information officer Nicole Bonnett told SPIN seven firefighters and one response officer were dispatched to Louis Creek. The crew created a break around the fire by removing materials and using water on the active perimeter.
The response resulted in a change in fire status from being held to under control by the weekend. Sun Peaks Fire Rescue was not asked to respond but was aware that BC Wildfire was dispatched.
Bonnett told SPIN crews were not out over the weekend because the fire was under control but will patrol for hotspots this week.
According to BC Wildfire, an investigation into the exact cause will take months to complete.
In response to the Louis Creek fire, SPMRM is reminding community members that the area is at risk of wildfire.
The municipality is asking people to “FireSmart” their properties or ask their strata management to conduct a wildfire hazard assessment by contacting Sun Peaks Fire Rescue (SPFR). You can have your property assessed free of charge by emailing SPFR at info@sunpeaksfirerescue.com

FireSmarting a residence involves removing flammable materials — like low tree branches, lumber and overgrown vegetation — from yards in addition to other maintenance recommendations.
For more information on becoming FireSmart, visit firesmartbc.ca
To report a wildfire, call 1 800 663-5555 or text *5555 from a cell phone.
By Liz McDonaldThrow axes at Cleavage Axe Co.

Cleavage opened for business in the summer of 2022 and is open from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. every day except Mondays and Thursdays.
Dustin Folk, general manager of Cleavage Axe Co., told SPIN there’s more to axe throwing than just hucking sharp objects at a target.
“We set people up in tournament style [games] and show them how to do the scoring. We have all sorts of fun games like around the world, connect four [and] blackjack,” Folk explained.
There are instructors on hand who teach throwing styles and can keep score for customers.
The business is open to all ages and abilities and even has games for young kids. Ages ten and up get real steel axes, while kids nine and under get plastic axes and specialized kids' games. Plus, kids accompanying a group get in free.
Find your zen at Sun Peaks Yoga
Sun Peaks Yoga has private classes and group sessions over the shoulder season.
Studio owner Kayla Alfred says her private classes offer a more personalized yoga experience, whether for guided meditation, yoga nidra, sound healing or specific asanas. While the studio is not offering its regular schedule, groups can still book sessions.
A group booking is $300 for up to ten people, which works out to $30 per person.
“Yoga unifies your mind, your body and your emotional well-being. It’s not about punishing [yourself] … it’s about bringing you closer to your own body,” Alfred told SPIN.
The studio had a Mother's Day Bendy Brunch on May 14 on the terrace above Mantles Restaurant and Lounge.
Towards the end of May, the studio will have three different five-week series that can be booked on the studio’s website.
A bike body prep series starts May 23 and prepares people for the upcoming mountain bike season, focusing on muscles specific to the sport as well as meditation and breathwork.
The pilates series begins May 24 and focuses on whole-body strength training, core, spine movement and joint mobility. The class is intended to bridge the gap between summer and winter physical activities.
A lower back pain care series also starts May 24 and helps build strength and relieve discomfort in the lower back. The series is open to all abilities and experience levels.
The hill may be closed for activities but there’s still plenty to do in and around Sun Peaks before summer hits
As the snow slowly melts in Sun Peaks, you might wonder how to fill your time before summer.
To help you beat your boredom, we’ve compiled a list of six Sun Peaks shoulder season activities, from events at local businesses to outdoor adventures.
Slo-pitch season
Sun Peaks shoulder season is the perfect time to come out and watch a game of slo-pitch at Dick Hart Memorial Park.
The Heffley - Rayleigh Slo Pitch Association has eight teams compete each week from Monday to Thursday at 6 p.m. Games will start at 6:30 p.m. as the days get longer throughout the season.
Brad Wolters is an assistant coach for Sun Peaks’ team.
“It’s the only ballpark I’ve been to where you don’t see businesses. You don’t see industry. It’s just surrounded by hilltops and beautiful scenery,” Wolters told SPIN.
The league wants people to come and cheer the teams on and if you want to get involved, you can reach out to Wolters over Facebook.
Dance away shoulder season
Sun Peaks Academy of Dance offers various dance classes throughout the year.

Karen Mallinson opened the studio in 2018 and comes to instruction with over a decade of experience teaching.
Sun Peaks shoulder season sees the introduction of a barre class for adults and a preschool dance session for little ones.
Classes generally follow the school calendar, ending in June. Offerings at the studio include kids and adult dance courses and involve ballet, jazz and musical theatre genres. Register online at classes
Sharpen your golf swing
As the character Chubbs from the film Happy Gilmore says, “It’s all in the hips.” Work on your swing with virtual golf at Sun Peaks Indoor Golf.
Rob Keep, general manager for the business, says the simulator offers around 150,000 courses. You can play nine holes or 18 and work on your driving game with the simulated driving range.
“It doesn’t matter if it rains. It doesn’t matter if it's night. You can still come and golf,” Keep said.
Using a simulator gives golfers granular detail about their golf

Outdoor adventures
If seeking outdoor adventure is more your style, there are plenty of activities, from hiking to fishing, at play during the Sun Peaks shoulder season. Embleton Mountain’s trails offer challenging routes and stunning views of Heffley Lake at the top. Various paths along the 9.5 kilometre trail system are steep, and the elevation at the summit is 1,449 metres.
When you’re done getting sweaty from climbing a mountain, head to Heffley Lake.

Despite the lingering winter chill, you can go swimming (if you dare)

Mountain bike community members gathered at Kamloops Museum and Archives, May 9, to expand discussions about the history of mountain biking in the region and where the sport is headed.
Around 20 people participated in an intimate evening, with seating interwoven within the current museum exhibition, Mountain Bike Mecca. Guest panellists included Cheryl Beattie, owner of Bicycle Cafe, Dana Heyman, a founding member of Dirt Chix, Dustin Adams, founder of We Are Composites and Ian Barnett, representing the Grasslands Conservation Council.
Moderated by museum educator Meghan Stewart, the panel touched on why Kamloops is so famous for the sport, the socio-economics of the region, conservation needs, gender and how accessibility needs are changing trail development.
Matt Macintosh, the curator of the museum’s exhibit, began the night by touching on how the items displayed have commonalities but don’t fully represent the diverse history of mountain biking in Kamloops. The evening’s discussion was intended to spur critical and positive discourse around mountain biking from within the community.
Session highlights
Stewart began by asking panellists why the Thompson-Nicola is popular for mountain biking.
“Dirt,” Beattie declared to laughs from the audience.
“Your bang for your buck is extended here more than anywhere and there's the most diverse amount of terrain,” Adams said.
Beattie expanded on her assertion that dirt is key, by emphasizing thethe ease of access for biking in Kamloops, which sets the city apart. Many other locations require people to drive out to access trails, but folks in Kamloops can often ride to trails from their homes.
Another topic raised by Stewart was the socioeconomic demographics of Kamloops, with high-paying jobs in the mining and rail industries helping to fund people’s passion for a sport where the bike alone can cost thousands of dollars.
While panellists agreed socioeconomics could play a role in the sport’s popularity in Sun Peaks and Kamloops, they also noted that many people would cobble together gear with what is available to them, in order to participate in their passion.
However, Beattie acknowledged the high gear cost is a barrier that could make people feel excluded.
By Liz McDonaldPanellists agreed more work needs to be done to include all mountain bikers, regardless of the gear they show up with.
Gender also plays a role in the sport, with a rise in women participating and engaging together as a group. According to Heyman, there is a confidence boost associated with riding with other women who share similar life experiences and are more advanced. Additionally, Heyman said women tend to go out in groups together for a sense of safety.
“There's safety in numbers for women,” she said. “You're not only learning a fairly dangerous sport –you're also going out in the woods alone.”
Conservation efforts within mountain biking were also discussed amongst the group. Barnett told SPIN he would like to see more education for riders relating to the natural landscapes they spend time in.
He said the Grasslands Community Trail would be useful for more education about diverse habitats that could benefit from interpretation efforts, such as signage.
“We need to do more,” Barnett said. “We need to have more areas with signage and with information so that people understand [the ecosystems] and respect [them]. You don't respect unless you understand.”
“I think the demographics of biking would probably lend itself to listening [and supporting] conservation,” he told SPIN.
Trail development
One of the panel’s most important topics for discussion was accessible trail development.
Beattie explained during the talk, that grantsfunding for new trails goes to the most accessible projects with wide paths. While these styles enhance accessibility and revenue from increased visits,
they often require large financial investments for environmental assessment, archeological approvals, machinery and related environmental impacts.
This style of trail isn’t sought after by all riders, which leads to unsanctioned trail building on lands often slated for development. Advanced riders often prefer narrow trails, whereas wider tracks provide opportunities for adaptive biking and multi-use activities.
Adams says funding opportunities must exist for riders who still seek single-track trails. More funding needs to come from the city and the province to provide trail options for different user groups, he explained.
“There's still a lot of work to do, and a lot of funding is lacking, both in the city and then in the province, to back and fund and pay attention to what needs to be done for these user groups,” Adams explained.
While Heyman highlighted the importance of accessibility on trails, she said the evolution of the sport to broader groups also comes with a loss of the original culture around trail building.
“We are moving as a society toward accessibility for all, which is great. As a sport, we have to accept that we are losing some of that uniqueness.”
After the event, Macintosh said his vision for Mountain Bike Mecca is to amplify community members' voices.
“My approach as a curator is to try to amplify other people's own stories speaking on behalf of their own communities,” he said.
However, creating a full historical record of mountain biking in Kamloops is difficult, with some submissions showing robust representation and others less so, Macintosh explained.
“How do you frame those two in the same space when you're trying to give people equal billing? And then how do you make the show [the exibit] maybe not so much about just the figures, but what is interesting about mountain biking itself?”
As a non-mountain biker, Macintosh resonates with the evening's discussion around land use tensions and environmental concerns.
“I’m a skier, so I know what it's like to have this tension where you care about the environment, and you also have an appetite for new terrain,” he said. “So I think that exists in a similar way with mountain biking.”
Mountain Bike Mecca has been on exhibit since February 24 at the Kamloops Museum and Archives and runs until June 10.

Panellists discussed diverse topics, from gender to conservation and conflicting values for trail developmentKamloops Museum held a panel to discuss the history of mountain biking in the community on May 9. Photo by Liz McDonald.
The association has been fundraising for over seven years and will start preparing the site this summer
By Liz McDonaldThe Whitecroft Community Association officially owns land for a playground near Louis Creek.
Whitecroft resident and association president Michelle Landry told SPIN the association received a donation of almost two acres of land for the park from an anonymous donor.
The land transfer was finalized last year and Landry told SPIN the donation came with three stipulations.
The first is the park will be named Nancy Wilson Park after a longtime community member who passed away. The second requirement is that the land belongs to the community in perpetuity through the community association and Whitecroft’s Water Society.
“The two organizations own the land, so if one dissolves, the other one will take it, and vice versa,” Landry explained.
The third requirement is that the park's land be fenced in because ranchland surrounds the area.
Association members have been working to open a community playground for over seven years. The idea was initially spearheaded by Bill Brock, a Whitecroft resident who passed away in 2020.
In addition to playground equipment, organizers want the playground land to include a basketball and tennis court. They’ve also asked for kids' input into the design and have had requests for a bike pump track.
The organization hopes to hold outdoor concerts on the land as well.
While having land secured is a major milestone, organizers still have a ways to go before they can break ground on the site.
The expected cost for the playground will be $250,000. So far, the association has collected $12,000 in donations from a bottle drive and the TNRD previously donated $1,435.
Association member Katy Wyatt is spearheading fundraising for the playground. She explained there are now multiple fundraisers in play with the goal of developing the space this year.
A pub night is slated for May 25 at Bottoms and will include live music, a silent auction and a 50/50 draw. Local businesses have provided items from the silent auction.
Another funding source came from stickers made by Wyatt and a friend with the words “slow rolling” and pitchfork on them.
Inspiration for the design came from social media posts about a van driving slowly or “slow rolling” through the community that left residents concerned about properties being surveilled for theft.
The design represents people in a small town getting their pitchforks out.
“It was a community social media comment gone horribly right,” Wyatt said.
Wyatt sold out of the stickers — with all proceeds going towards the park — and was asked to start making clothing with the design. T-shirts designed by Red Tree Designs also sold out.
Wyatt said the playground was only possible with the support of business owners in Sun Peaks who have volunteered their time to work on the project.
The organization is looking to start a GoFundMe page soon to garner additional donations.
Groundbreaking starts this year
Development on the playground will start this summer, beginning with excavation, weeding and fencing.
Landry explained that Keith Lyall, Sun Peaks Golf Club’s superintendent, will be the playground’s development superintendent.

Organizers hope to complete the playground in two years.
Wyatt said Whitecroft experiences more seasonal variation than other communities in the area, so children and adults from Sun Peaks will be able to access the park when outdoor recreation facilities in Sun Peaks are still covered with snow.
“There's more opportunity to go outside and play in the shoulder season for everyone if we have that space.”
by Barbara Olson © ClassiCanadian CrosswordsThe Bright Stuff - solution
1 Bee Gees' surname
5 Stick in a birdcage?
10 Decorative bit on a moccasin
14 Jazz diva Fitzgerald
15 __ Carr University of Art and Design
29 "Mazel ___!"
30 Hobbit with Precious cargo?
32 Anderson of "WKRP in Cincinnati"
56 City in England and town in Ontario
59 Name for Highway 16 cutting across central Alberta
62 Retired Tory Ambrose
63 Lion voiced by Beyoncé in "The Lion King," 2019
64 ___ Québécois
65 August, in French
66 Tap annoyance
67 Fit for ___
68 Commercial hubs: Abbr.
69 Newsman Hanomansing, and others
70 T. rexes, e.g.
71 Prefix meaning "god"
13 Say "Yeah, right," say
47 Be a ham in "Hamlet"
49 Nickname of Sault Ste. Marie with "the"
51 Makes the trench deeper
52 Pop's Lauper
53 ___ pin drop
54 Crazy, in rap slang
55 Fatigues colour
57 Become hardened to
58 Hoffman's role in "Midnight Cowboy"
60 Former Conservative leader O'Toole
61 O's is 8, to a chemist: Abbr.
ArtZone is one step closer to finding a permanent home for its organization.
Members discussed funding a dedicated space during an April 12 focus session, the organization’s third planning meeting since 2019. Guest speakers for the event included Revelstoke Arts executive director Daniel Bhattacharya and Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality Mayor Al Raine.
Marj Knive, ArtZone’s president, said Arlene Schieven of Tourism Sun Peaks was also in attendance and helped ArtZone members determine how they can work together to enhance events held by TSP and the artists' organization.
Raine’s presentation explored how ArtZone can find a permanent home in Sun Peaks.
“We pressed [Raine] hard about finding a home because we’re desperate… nothing has been secured at this point, and we’re running out of ideas,” Knive said.
Finding a permanent space became a focal point during the workshop, and the group officially decided to start a building fund.
Currently, ArtZone holds events and seminars throughout the village. The building fund would rely on a portion of sales and event profits in order to support the organization’s future property investment.

“A percentage of everything we sell or any event that we put on will go into that fund so that we know that when [an opportunity] comes along, we have the resources,” Knive explained.
Previously, ArtZone wanted to use the red barn between the east and west village as a community hub but was unsuccessful as the building is used for golf maintenance and storage.
By Liz McDonaldMoving forward, the group would consider an unfinished basement where members could hold workshops as well.
In addition to planning the fund, ArtZone members discussed how the organization could expand programming to collaborate with Indigenous artists and invigorate Sun Peaks’ music and theatre scene. Bhattacharya’s presentation focused on the similarities and differences between Revelstoke’s and Sun Peaks’ art scenes.
Revelstoke differs from Sun Peaks because its older architecture is well-suited to art installations, which ArtZone wants to increase in the community. The funding models for each organization, however, are very similar. Bhattacharya explained
that incorporating reconciliation, inclusion, equity and accessibility into programming meets important criteria for grants and funding.
Knive said attendees examined how well ArtZone is focusing on these criteria and highlighted the film screenings held by the group, including Precious Leader Women and Salmon Parks, which focus on Indigenous rights, and the all-ages nature of their programming.
She said ArtZone members especially want to engage in programming with local Indigenous communities and increase music and theatre programming.
“We really want to get a community theatre going in Sun Peaks,” Knive told SPIN.
To do that, ArtZone is testing the waters by bringing in a U.S.-based theatre production company, Missoula Children's Theatre (MCT), from Oct. 2 to 7.
MCT will collaborate with ArtZone to organize a theatre production involving local children from kindergarten to grade 12. The organization will then transfer skills they’ve learned for future theatre productions.
“Two theatre directors come into town. They bring the set, the lights, the costumes, the makeup, everything but the actor [and the stage crew],” Knive explained.
MCT chooses 50 to 60 students for the stage and behind-the-scenes work, and there are workshops throughout the week for kids that aren’t chosen to be part of the production.
The week will culminate with two public performances — ArtZone organizers hope to use the stage at Sun Peaks Centre.
A recent focus session sparked the idea to find a permanent home for Sun Peaks’ art organization




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