is a proud supporter of Sun Peaks Bear Aware! In the fall, bears are on a feeding frenzy to gain weight for winter hibernation! - Check your yard, make sure there are no bear attractants on site - Clean your BBQ, store garbage and recyclables indoors, take down bird feeders - Do not leave pet food outside and do not leave food items in your car Please do your part to keep our community and wildlife safe! Remember – your actions can save an animal’s life! Sun Peaks Bear Aware is a nonprofit organization founded by a group of dedicated volunteers. Through education, information and community engagement we aim to minimize human-bear conflicts, creating an environment where people and bears can coexist successfully here at Sun Peaks Resort. Follow Sun Peaks Bear Aware on Facebook or contact them at September 08 - October 19, 2023 Vol. 21, Issue 9 free 06. Sun Peaks' Chief Administrative Officer starts a new chapter. Visitors and residents of Sun Peaks enjoy a slopeside concert at Retro Weekend on Aug. 26, 2023.
Liz McDonald 12. Bon Voyage to Voyageur Bistro.
Each issue reaches thousands of readers and one copy is available FREE to residents and visitors. Anyone taking papers in bulk will be prosecuted. The opinions expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher, owners or writers. This publication may not be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the publisher.
Sun Peaks joins municipalities across B.C. in implementing water restrictions due to ongoing drought and wildfires in the province.
Three people were arrested and charged with various offences according to Kamloops RCMP.
Community members want to know the expected cost for the municipal daycare and whether there is enough staff for all age demographics.
For comments, questions and concerns contact us at:
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Sun Peaks Bear Aware plans to use the $1,000 donation to increase presence in the community.
As Shane Bourke prepares to start work in Grande Prairie, Alta., SPIN sat down with him to cover what projects he’s worked on and what’s next for his career.
After landslides in May of this year, Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality is working to get the wastewater treatment plant back to full use before the winter season.
Blade Cleaver is embarking on a solo bike ride over 3200 kilometres, aiming to complete his trip within 21 days.
After 12 years of operating a French Canadian-themed restaurant well-loved by locals and guests alike, Voyageur Bistro served its last meals in August.
15 PUZZLE 16
The Canadian Enduro League and local organizations built a new enduro trail on Mt. Morrisey for the upcoming event.
The trail adds another 4 kilometres of track for hikers and bikers to add to their outdoor experience in Sun Peaks.
By Liz McDonald
Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality (SPMRM) remains in stage two water restrictions, in response to the Ministry of Forests’ (MoF) requests for the municipality to reduce water use and, as a precaution, preserve water to fight wildfires.
Worsening drought conditions, heat waves and wildfires have continued to impact the region, and the MoF requested the municipality reduce water use because flows to Louis Creek are at drought level four, impacting salmon spawning.
Under the current stage of water use restrictions, using irrigation and sprinkler systems for gardens is now only permitted on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, depending on an individual’s address. Odd-numbered properties can use sprinkler and irrigation systems on Tuesdays and even-numbered homes can use these systems on Wednesdays.
Use of these systems is not allowed between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., but hoses and cans are permitted any time during the week.
Pools and hot tubs can be refilled or topped up when necessary, washing vehicles is allowed and the golf course has reduced water consumption.
SPMRM’s director of infrastructure, Clint Burton said while local water reservoir levels aren’t a concern.
“This is really more of a conservation effort in terms of due diligence in addition to the notice that came from the Ministry of Forests about the Louis Creek watershed,” Burton explained. “They are seeing significantly lower water levels in the creek, which can obviously impact the salmon spawning.”
Aquifers that hold groundwater also feed local wells, Burton said. By reducing water use in Sun Peaks, groundwater can hopefully make its way through the watershed and into Louis Creek.
“Anything we can do to limit the interception of that flow will help them,” Burton said.
Other methods of water consumption Burton highlighted included taking shorter showers, filling up the dishwasher and washing machine all the way and installing low-flow water fixtures.
Water use restrictions are also crucial for ensuring fire protection services have the necessary resources, according to Burton. Another factor the municipality considered when implementing water use restrictions is the need for ongoing water system flushing, which uses a large amount of water but is necessary because it keeps water sources safe for consumption. Finally, water use is above average this year, which Burton said is due to several leaks in the water system.
“It is helpful for us if residents inform us of potential water leaks – things like water rising from the ground or constant discharge from the perimeter drains around buildings,” Burton told SPIN.
Through SPMRM’s water service bylaw, the municipality can fine residents who don’t adhere to water use restrictions at a minimum of $200 for their first offence and $500 or more for subsequent offences.
However, Burton said he’d rather focus on education over punitive measures.
“It's more of an educational process than an enforcement process. But obviously, if there are people out there blatantly showing disregard for the bylaws, then we have the enforcement in our back pocket.”
By Liz McDonald
Three individuals were charged in relation to the Heffley Creek Store break and enter, according to a news release issued by Kamloops RCMP.
Two men and one woman were arrested by Kamloops RCMP Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) Aug. 10 for various alleged crimes, including breaking and entering the Heffley Creek Store, motor vehicle theft, possession of stolen property and failure to comply with release conditions.
In the news release, Superintendent Jeff Pelley, Kamloops RCMP Detachment’s Officer in Charge said the arrests were the result of multijurisdictional efforts.
“The arrests and subsequent charge approvals came following an investigation that led the Kamloops Detachment CRU to a property in Barriere and to three suspects,” Pelley said.
“With the assistance of frontline officers in Barriere and Kamloops, as well as support units, the CRU was able to take three suspects into custody and obtain a search warrant for a residence, which led to the recovery of stolen property.”
Heffley Creek Store was broken into July 3, resulting in $20,000 in damages and lost goods.
The Heffley Creek community subsequently launched a fundraiser for the store Aug. 12 at the Heffley Creek Community Hall.
The following people are charged in relation to the break and enter.
Justice Nicara Lee McKay-Saul, age 26 from Hope, was charged with theft of motor vehicle, two counts of possession of stolen property, break-and-enter and failure to comply with a release order. McKay-Saul was released after her arrest and RCMP have issued a warrant for her arrest.
Raymond Francis Thiffault, age 32, of British Columbia, was charged with theft of motor vehicle, four counts of failure to comply with a release order, two counts of possession of stolen property and break and enter. The police news release noted Thiffault was also arrested in connection with warrants from Chilliwack. He was remanded in custody until his next court appearance, scheduled for Aug. 17.
George Walter Saunders, age 64 from Hope, was charged with two counts of possession of stolen property, break and enter, and breach of a court order. He was remanded in custody until his next appearance, scheduled for Aug. 22.
Anyone with information relating to the investigations should contact the Kamloops RCMP Detachment at 250-828-3000
4 local news
Sun Peaks joins municipalities across B.C. in implementing water restrictions due to ongoing drought and wildfires in the province.
Three people were arrested and charged with various offences according to Kamloops RCMP.
By Liz McDonald
Sun Peaks Bear Aware, a local non-profit that works to ensure bears and humans coexist, has received a helping hand.
Bear Country Lodging Property Management donated $1000 to Sun Peaks Bear Aware (SPBA), and the non-profit plans to use the funds to have a greater presence in Sun Peaks at the farmers market and various locations throughout the community. While the group has applied for grants from the Thompson-Nicola Regional District and Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality, they’ve been unsuccessful in securing them.
“[The donation] was really welcome seeing that we really have basically no finances, no funds, apart from a few donations that we get at the farmers' market,” SPBA member Irene Kastner told SPIN.
The donation will go toward purchasing materials needed for the local farmers’ market, including a table, canopy and handouts. The non-profit had been borrowing booth material from Tourism Sun Peaks and Bear Country lodging up until now, according to Kastner.
She also noted that SPBA could use some of the funds to pay for more days at the market because community groups are allowed one complimentary
booth per month.
“There's a bunch of stuff we would need to increase our presence in the community,” Kastner explained. “I think that's the ultimate goal – to be more present –and we can only do that if we do have some materials.”
The group hopes to put up more information booths, once they have the much-needed equipment, outside Guest Services at Sun Peaks Resort LLP and will possibly pursue presentations at Sun Peaks School.
Reiner Brecht, chief executive officer and president of Bear Country Lodging Property Management, said the company chose to donate to SPBA because safely co-existing with bears is vital for residents and businesses in the community.
“Bears are obviously very important to us,” Brecht said.“We took them in our company name and logo. I personally feel that bears have a place in Sun Peaks.”
While locals and tourists love seeing the bears, ensuring a safe distance from the animals and taking precautions to reduce human-bear contact is integral to living in Sun Peaks, Brecht said.
“I really appreciate what [SPBA] is doing, and I think they should be at every farmers’ market to make sure that people understand what’s going on,” Brecht said.
Sun Peaks Bear Aware plans to use the $1,000 donation to increase presence in the community.
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Sun Peaks Bear Aware members Tracey Williams Irene Kastner stand beside Reiner Brecht and Sabrina Koch from Bear Country Property Management.
Photo by Sun Peaks Bear Aware
By Liz McDonald
The following interview has been edited for clarity.
Shane Bourke, Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality’s (SPMRM) chief administrative officer (CAO), is heading to Grand Prairie, Alta., to take a role as the city manager. Sun Peaks Independent News (SPIN) sat down with him to discuss what files he’s moved the dial on during his tenure and what he’ll remember fondly about Sun Peaks.
SPIN: Can you tell me a little about yourself and why you came to Sun Peaks?
Bourke: I moved my family here two years ago to be the CAO of Sun Peaks, which was a really exciting opportunity. This is one of the best places to live in Canada. I've worked at all three levels of government and municipal government is certainly the most interesting and meaningful to residents, in that we can enact change quickly and see progress on projects.
SPIN: When you say it's interesting, do you mean because of the direct impact that you've had on a local level?
Bourke: In municipal Government, you can move quickly when you have an idea and bring it into action and to completion. You get to work with
residents on issues that matter to them and affect their lives on a daily basis. And it also is just varied days. One day, we can be dealing with an emergency, whether that be concerns with [wild] fires or landslides, and the next day, we're figuring out how to operate a daycare.
SPIN: Speaking of the daycare, I know that was one of the priorities that you had when you started a couple of years ago. Can you talk about getting that project off the ground?
Bourke: Something I'd heard when I first came to Sun Peaks was that the daycare capacity was limiting our economic growth, the quality of life for our families and our ability to attract employees throughout the community. I’m very proud that we were able to submit a capital grant to the province and receive funding for the new daycare, even with the challenges of inflation and [limited land for] sites. [The building] will be in place before I leave, which is something I'm proud of. We're still working through the operations and staffing but our intent is still open before the end of September.
SPIN: Thank you for the update on that. Other projects you mentioned were a priority when you first started in 2021 include the health centre, the
rink, housing and education. Let’s start with the health centre.
Bourke: When I arrived in Sun Peaks, one thing that really amazed me was the community's ability to see a need and to figure out how to get it done. One of [the most] successful is the operation of the Sun Peaks Health Center that came with municipal support but community donations… It was clear that while we got to a certain point with the health centre, there could be so much more. [We partnered] with STEPS from Kamloops in taking over operations this spring. It's already moving forward with expanding services beyond what the municipality could…It's a good evolution and recognizes municipalities' role in getting things started but not always running them long-term, if there are better operators with more expertise.
SPIN: The rink was also something you wanted to have fully operational a couple of years ago. What developments were made?
Bourke: The rink is an amazing asset for a community of our size and just reflects that we do have a tourism-based economy. We are able to get to work on assets that we might not be able to have if we didn't have some sort of tourism sector. The rink was fully operational last winter and we had
6 local news
Outgoing chief administrative officer for SPMRM is headed to Grande Prarie, Alta., to continue his career in municipal government. Photo by Liz McDonald
As Shane Bourke prepares to start work in Grande Prairie, Alta., SPIN sat down with him to cover what projects he’s worked on and what’s next for his career.
a number of really successful tournaments. We already have bigger plans for this year and we're putting the ice in earlier to attract more off-season tournaments…which will support the tourism economy with hotel rooms and restaurants in the shoulder season.
We had our first successful concert on the new stage, the curtain project has started. There's some audio upgrades ongoing, the new score clock was installed last winter. And we're just finishing off the new penalty boxes and building an office to expand our public skating rental program.
SPIN: Some of the things you mentioned, like the penalty box and curtain, were goals in 2021. Were there any issues getting those off the ground?
Bourke: The curtain project’s probably been the longest one, but we're making progress on all of them – and all these are grant-funded projects. Some of those just take time to work through the grant process and then get contractors up when they're in high demand.
SPIN: How does it feel when you complete a project that is important to the community?
Bourke: When I arrived, there were just so many projects going on, [it’s important to] acknowledge the effort that goes into securing grants and coming up with ideas, whether it's the health centre, the stage, the plaza, the tennis courts – it's great to see us moving forward with adding new amenities for the community. One thing that attracted me to Sun Peaks is that it’s on a growth pattern and not every community gets to say that. Some are wellestablished or declining.
SPIN: Are there challenges to having growth?
Bourke: We still are a tourism community at our core and that's essential to everything we do here. But as we evolve into having a larger permanent residence population, we have to find that balance [between] providing community amenities and ensuring we don't forget why everybody wants to be in Sun Peaks.
SPIN: Housing can be an issue considering the tourism nature of Sun Peaks. I know the Housing Authority was something you wanted to get work done on. How do you think that's gone so far?
Bourke: I always want to move faster on things. But I’m pleased that we've taken some really important steps to set us up for supporting non-market employee housing. We've worked with a consultant on a non-market and employee housing strategy - we've already started to proceed with some of the elements in that - including working with a developer and the resort corporation on parcel 74 [behind the community mailboxes], which will be the first non-market employee housing project. I expect that to be started next spring.
SPIN: Would that be specific to resort employees or would it be open to all community members?
Bourke: We're going to be able to get a covenant on the title that it will be only employees, as the municipality defines them, that would be able to rent in these units. There will be some recognition of the resort’s contribution to the land that will be dedicated to them, but it'll be less than half.
SPIN: The brick-and-mortar school – can you talk about the ongoing process?
Bourke: The municipality and the community are the reason that there are schools in Sun Peaks and we’re really proud of that. We’ve demonstrated the need for a brick-and-mortar school and we make our case to School District [73] and the province at every opportunity.
We secured the land and we've transferred it to the school district. Now it really is up to the province to fund the school. I know the mayor and council will continue [advocating] until one gets built.
SPIN: Do you have a favourite memory from working in Sun Peaks?
Bourke: My favourite memory is a really recent one. And it's because I just know how much effort municipal staff put into it being a success – the first concert on the new stage in the last week [Aug. 4] That was the first time that we had to transition from regular summer operations, which have the mini golf and skate park, and the building took some reconfiguring. They worked really hard to make that quick transition. And then just to see it all, the community out enjoying a really great evening in a new venue that we didn't have before.
SPIN: What will working in Grande Prairie and leaving your role in Sun Peaks look like?
Bourke: Grand Prairie [has] some exciting projects, including creating the first municipal police force in Alberta in 75 years, which is something that I couldn't pass up. I know that I'm leaving Sun Peaks in really great hands. Deanna Campbell is extremely qualified, and she has a passion for Sun Peaks that will serve it well. I feel absolutely confident that she's going to take it to bigger and better places.
will cover the unexpected cost for the municipality, according to Shane Bourke, outgoing chief administrative officer (CAO) for SPMRM.
Bourke explained the influx of water, trees and mud meant all three rapid infiltration trenches couldn’t receive treated wastewater, requiring the municipality to temporarily discharge treated wastewater in the surrounding area.
“There's an unpopulated area where we were able to discharge the treated [wastewater] into the trees and then the surrounding area,” Bourke said. “It was also diluted because there was so much water coming down".
By Liz McDonald
Bourke went on to say that “a rigorous testing program” was implemented to ensure the health and safety of the area. No untreated wastewater was released into the environment around the wastewater treatment plant, and the municipality contacted property owners downstream out of an abundance of caution Bourke explained. He emphasized the choice wasn’t ideal, but releasing treated wastewater was the only way to ensure water access remained in Sun Peaks.
In the weeks following the landslide, SPMRM worked to recover two of the rapid infiltration trenches. The third is still offline and needs to be rebuilt to handle wastewater flows come winter.
The costs for rebuilding the third trench will be covered through insurance Bourke said.
To prevent the impact of potential future landslides, the municipality is planning to stabilize the slope above the wastewater treatment facility, using large stones to redirect water flows.
Another option includes rerouting the newlyformed water channel, but that would be a long-term project because the new channel is on a steep slope and goes up for hundreds of meters.
The municipality’s current focus is on getting the third trench up and running for the winter and armouring the slope before they turn their attention to prevention, Bourke said.
Sun Peaks Road was washed out during the same weather event. The culvert under the pavement, which routes water, was filled with debris, causing water to pool over the road and destabilize the pavement.
“We’ll either have to upgrade those or monitor them and keep them free and clear of debris,” Bourke told SPIN.
While work is ongoing to ensure the wastewater treatment plant and Sun Peaks Road can withstand future spring melts, Bourke expressed gratitude to the utilities and fire department for managing the emergency at the time.
After a series of landslides in May that impacted Sun Peaks road and the wastewater treatment plant, Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality (SPMRM) is looking to improve slope stability near the facility and prevent future landslides in the area.
On May 14, a combination of heavy snowpack and later-than-usual spring melt, combined with rain caused new water channels to form above the wastewater treatment plant, which entered the rapid infiltration trenches used to discharge wastewater at the facility. The resulting emergency response was close to $200,000, and Emergency Management B.C.
8 community
After landslides in May of this year, Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality is working to get the wastewater treatment plant back to full use before the winter season.
One of three rapid infiltration trenches that stores treated wastewater. During the landslide, it was filled with debris, and has since been cleaned out. Photo by Liz McDonald
One infiltration trench closest to the newly formed channel is still caked with debris. SPMRM will build a new trench before winter operations increase waste water throughout the village. Photo by Liz McDonald
Blade Cleaver is embarking on a solo bike ride over 3,200 kilometres, aiming to complete his trip within 21 days.
By Liz McDonald
Blade Cleaver is embarking on a solo bike ride he’s dreamed of since he was in high school.
The 31-year-old left Sun Peaks for Tijuana, Mexico Aug. 28, and he hopes to complete the 3,238 kilometres ride in 21 days. Once there, he’ll fly to visit his family in Oaxaca, Mexico, before returning to Sun Peaks for the upcoming ski season.
Friends showed up to wish him well before he hit the road and Cleaver said he’s received encouragement from his employers and the community.
While Cleaver initially dreamed of heading south more than a decade ago, it wasn’t until he started cycling long distances this summer that his dream was sparked once again.
“I did a few super long rides earlier this summer. I got to Revelstoke in 13 and a half hours and then just sort of laid on a soccer field and thought to myself, ‘what am I doing working [construction] and destroying my body? Like, should be riding my bike to Tijuana.’”
So, he planned his route by determining the distance between towns and finding the easiest routes on secondary and gravel roads, as well as paths.
“Then I figured out what was the earliest thing that opened in the town and the latest thing open for refuelling,” Cleaver told SPIN.
On his bike, a cannondale topstone 4, he’s packed gear for sleeping, from a mat and sleeping bag to a tent, as well as a change of warmer clothes. He’ll carry a day's worth of food and buy more along the way, aiming to consume 10,000 calories from sunrise until sundown.
Another important item is a GPS he has to share his live location along the way. He’s trying to make the journey without outside support and only plans to contact others in the case of an emergency.
Cleaver is aiming to clock in 200 kilometres per day before he reaches California, after which he wants to ramp up his riding to 300 kilometres each day. The challenge of the ride is his driving force, he said.
“When you say 3200 kilometers, it seems really, really far. But when you break it down into daily numbers, it's achievable. Except, it's not easy. I think that's what I get the most gratification out of, is how difficult it's going to be. But in the end, it's gonna feel worth it.”
Blade Cleaver stands with his bicycle packed with everything he needs for a 21-day trip biking to Mexico. Photo by Adam Bullock
Blade Cleaver leaves Sun Peaks Village. Photo by Adam Bullock
Blade Cleaver stands with his friends before leaving for Tijuana, Mexico on his bicycle.
Photo by Adam Bullock
Community members want to know the expected cost for the municipal daycare and whether there is enough staff for all age demographics.
By Liz McDonald
10 community
Sun Peaks new daycare centre under construction on Sept. 5, 2023. An Update on the project is expected by Sept. 12.
Photo by Liz McDonald
Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality (SPMRM) is working to finalize hiring, cost of enrollment, building and licensing for the daycare before it’s slated to open in late September. Local families are eager to know how the hiring process is going and what the cost will be as August comes to an end.
Intake for the centre began in May, but securing a spot depends on hiring enough staff for each age category. The daycare is licensed for up to 50 children, and the municipality’s goal is to hire ten employees, including infant-toddler educators, early childhood educators (ECE) and assistants.
However, some parents haven’t been able to enroll their children because employees for their age group have yet to be hired. Sun Peaks has been waiting for the daycare since spring of last year, when the municipality received a grant of $1.8 million from the province.
Leigh Kolodka works at a licenced business in Sun Peaks and has lived here for years, which means she met two of the requirements for priority intake at the daycare, and her family applied when intake was announced.
However, because her child is under three, she is still on the waitlist.
“We received the email saying that they hadn't found any ECEs for children under three,” Kolodka told SPIN. “We've got one little boy who's just over two. It was disappointing to hear that because we were kind of back to square one, and we had thought that we would definitely get in.”
Kolodka fears enticing people to work in Sun Peaks is a challenge because of affordable housing shortages, with the population more than doubling since 2016, combined with the low pay rates for childcare professionals.
Childcare workers hired for SPMRM would make anywhere between $18 to $24 per hour, depending on their qualifications, but the job posting notes they gain access to municipal benefits such a pension, health and wellness packages, and the municipality applied for an ECE wage enhancement program.
Kolodka still wants to know how much her family would pay if she could get her son into the daycare, which echoes
what other parents told SPIN right before the intake process first started. The municipality has yet to set a price and previously told SPIN it will be dependent on staffing and securing various provincial subsidies.
Other options for childcare in Sun Peaks include Sun Peaks Resort LLP’s staff daycare, which can be difficult to access, a private home daycare or nannies. Kolodka will keep using a nanny over the coming months, but her family spends between $80 to $90 each day so she and her husband can work. Not having a spot is a curveball financially, she said.
“We are expecting our second baby in about two months, and our savings are not really where we wanted them to be because we had expected him to be in daycare.”
The family's access to a nanny can be inconsistent, which creates another element of strain on top of the financial burden.
“It makes it a lot harder and we want to just enjoy ourselves,” she said. “We want to be able to just drop him off, come back home, not have to figure out week by week what we're doing for childcare.”
SPIN has reached out to SPMRM to ask for an update on the daycare. Deanna Campbell, chief administrative officer, wrote in an email that the municipality hopes to update the community in the coming weeks.
“We are in the process of hiring and applying for subsidies which will have an impact on the final rates. Modulars have begun to arrive and we are working with the province on licensing. We [are] eager to open and are working on finalizing the operating details,” she wrote.
SPIN asked in a follow-up email when the next update will be, which specific subsidies the municipality is applying for, which age groups the municipality has secured employees for, how many families are still on the waitlist by age group, whether there are housing considerations for employees and cost estimates depending on staffing and subsidies. Campbell wrote the majority of these questions will be answered at the next regular council meeting on Sept. 12.
By Liz McDonald
If the walls of Voyageur Bistro could talk, they would tell tales harkening back to Canada's colonial fur trade and countless odysseys from residents, visitors, staff and the owner, Kevin Tessier.
After over 12 successful years owning the Voyageur Bistro, Tessier closed the doors of his French-Canadian, fur-trader-themed restaurant Aug. 15. The Bistro’s journey was long and winding, borne out of Tessier’s experience as a canoe tour-guide, restaurant industry professional and his education in adventure studies at Thompson Rivers University.
Tessier began leading canoe tours out of McGillivray Lake in 1999, where he offered catered meals styled after French-Canadian voyageurs, from Elk Wellington to meat pies.
Comments about the high-quality fare from busloads of people embarking on canoe tours and the opportunity to lease a restaurant space in Sun Peaks fed his dream for Voyageur Bistro.
“As much as possible, we would use ingredients that the Voyagers had available to them just to make it an authentic experience,” Tessier told SPIN. “It turned out to be wildly popular.”
Running a business outside of ski season in Sun Peaks requires a connection to available guests, which Tessier already had through canoe tours in the summer.
“We had contracts that would eat here, and at the same time, we would have things going on McGillivray Lake, so some weekends pre-COVID, we were serving like 500 guests in two days.”
The canoe tour and fur-trading theme worked their way into the brick-and-mortar restaurant.
Growing up in Ontario, his family inspired his love of antiques like the items that adorned the walls of the bistro, but Tessier’s time working on the river led to his interest in fur-trade history. Tessier once worked on
the upper Fraser River by Mount Robson, which led to time spent learning fur-trading history.
“The Fraser River is the longest undammed river in North America,” Tessier explained. It's [around] 1400 kilometres, and I started reading about these guys, Simon Fraser, Alexander McKenzie, David Thompson…John Tod, Mcgillivray.”
“To read about the exploits of these people who paddled 4000 kilometres upstream, against the current, with three tons of trade goods at 55 strokes a minute, 10 to 12 hours a day – it's just mindboggling… how many calories would you burn? So that was always a part of the flair and the story of the restaurant.”
The calories people burn skiing and boarding in Sun Peaks fit well into his dream, inspiring his hearty meals, which guests enjoyed after long days spent in the cold on the slopes.
12 community
After 12 years of operating a French-Canadian-themed restaurant well-loved by locals and guests alike, Voyageur Bistro served its last meals in August.
Kevin Tessier sits on a memorial bench for his former head chef, Annie Campbell, located outside Voyageur Bistro. Photo by Liz McDonald
Inside Voyageur Bistro, copious pieces of history
The final trip for guests and Tessier came Aug. 14, and the night included live music by Andrew Christopher, a long-time performer who graced the halls of the Bistro over its 12 years in operation.
Tessier said the evening was “monumental, with a lot of love.”
For Tessier, opening the restaurant involved a rollercoaster of emotions, with his excitement driving him to work tirelessly to start serving customers. Its closure has caused the opposite reaction.
on with the restaurant, I think that's where it would have wound up,” Tessier said. “Now there's a bit of a financial crunch. I'm going to see who wants to buy
Tessier recalled how the bear trap was frequently used in a seemingly high-stakes game for a shot of
The trap sat open on the bar at one time, appearing would place a shot in the middle for any brave souls
shot.’ And they go for it,” Tessier said with a smile.
knew that it was welded open. So we play that trick
“It's been incredibly difficult to get motivated…I've never been wracked with such anxiety to the point where I’m frozen,” he said. “The key thing is starting – once you get started, keep going. There are so many cliches – Rome wasn't built in a day. It wasn't destroyed in a day either.”
While he isn’t sure exactly what’s next for him, whether it’s a return to the river for tour guiding or writing a book about the restaurant industry, he’s looking forward to not being responsible for ensuring a business's survival and taking time for himself in the shoulder season.
He’s also hoping to frequently visit the bench outside what was once his business, where a memorial plaque honouring his former chef sits and his dog, Rio, would spend her days.
“That's definitely her domain, and I'll try and maintain that ritual. I haven't spent a lot of time sitting down there. But I have taken a few moments, especially lately. And that'll be a place for me to go to find sanctity.”
While the COVID-19 pandemic led to difficulties for Tessier, as did the early passing of the restaurant’s head chef, Annie Campbell, in 2019, Tessier said the “We didn't go under necessarily. Truth be told, yes – for every business, especially restaurants, it's been
He hopes another restaurant featuring Canadian
and use these concepts,” Tessier said. “There's a lot of restaurants that are moving in this direction. It’s a huge part of tourism, and it's a huge thrust whether
A bear trap was used in a long-standing game for visitors to Voyageur Bistro. Photo by Liz McDonald
A birchwood canoe from 1937 hangs above the bar at Voyageur Bistro. Photo by Liz McDonald
Monday meditation at Sun Peaks Yoga at 4:30 p.m.
Games night at Morrisey's Public House starts at 3 p.m.
AA meetings at Sun Peaks Secondary Academy at 7:30 p.m.
Kamloops Farmers Market runs from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Sun Peaks market in the village runs from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and features local vendors with art, food, beverages and more. The market ends for the season on Oct. 8.
Now until Sept. 24
Are you looking to find sales on summer gear?
Several of the village's retailers have deals on equipment up to 40 per cent off. Stop by on your way through the village as you soak up the last days of summer and gear up to play next year.
Now until Oct. 31
ArtZone Sun Peaks features artists' exhibits throughout the village. Head to Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, located at the Residences at Sun Peaks Grand, for watercolour paintings by Barb Klie. Vertical Cafe in Sundance Lodge features photography by Wyatt Sherman. Sun Peaks Grand Hotel and Conference Centre, Guest Services at the Village Day Lodge and the Residences at Sun Peaks Grand have work from Artists Collective.
Sept. 8 to 10
McSporties’ annual blowout sale has deals on lots of gear to get you stoked for the upcoming season. Head out early to Heffley Creek Hall for the "School is good, skiing is gooder" sale from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. There's even catering Sept. 9 and 10 from Cahilty Creek Kitchen & Taproom.
Sept. 9
Tod Mountain Home Leisure Open hits the greens at Sun Peaks Golf Course. The allday tournament starts at 1 p.m. and includes dinner, prizes, a silent auction, live music, and contests. All proceeds from the day are donated to Sun Peaks School.
Fall Fest, presented by Tourism Sun Peaks, brings a host of family-friendly events to the village, with mini golf, a live science show, face painting, axe throwing, popcorn, a magic show and scavenger hunt, a 19plus beer and taco cook-off, live music, and tours on the Shuswap Medicine Trail to learn about Indigenous medicines and local flora and fauna. For more information, visit
Sept. 15
Cahilty Creek Kitchen & Taproom has its fifth annual Rock N’ Robs & Reds dinner from 6 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Five courses are paired with red wine from Hillside Winery. Kris Ruston performs live music, and you can reserve your ticket or table by calling 250-434-0279
Sept. 17
Head out to Tk'emlúps te Secwẻpemc Powwow Arbour for Music for the People. The event runs from 4:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., featuring Indigenous arts and crafts, cultural presentations, food and music. Margit Sky Project, Kamloops Symphony and Sage Hill Singers, Drummers and Dancers perform concerts from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Admission is free.
Sept. 23
Kamloops-born pop sensation Madison Olds performs at the Village Stage from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Sept. 23 to 24
The We Are One Canadian Enduro League event, presented by Leatt, rides into Sun Peaks for the weekend. For more information, visit
Sept. 24 to Nov. 19
ArtZone Sun Peaks is participating in a sixweek-long film program with YKA Short Film Lab, helping filmmakers produce professional short films, from scripting to screening. The organization is giving a scholarship to one person as well. For more information, visit
Sept. 30
Break out your lederhosen and dirndls for Sun Peaks Alpine Club’s Oktoberfest. The evening includes a Bavarian dinner, dessert and dancing, and a complimentary stein. Doors open at 5 p.m., and the event is held at the Colombo Lodge, 14 Lorne St., Kamloops. To get tickets and learn more, visit
Oct. 2 to 7
ArtZone Sun Peaks is working with Missoula Children’s Theatre to present Rapunzel at the Sun Peaks Centre Stage. Auditions are Oct. 2, and the production team selects 50 to 60 kids to participate. The week leading up to the performance involves workshops for different age groups, and the crew will be ready for two performances on Oct. 7. For more information, visit
Oct. 6 to 9
Various businesses in Sun Peaks take part in the Turkey Sale over Thanksgiving Weekend with deals up to 70 per cent off of gear. For more information, visit
14 events
by Barbara Olson
© ClassiCanadian Crosswords
1 British Columbia's northern neighbour
23 Perry Mason portrayer Raymond
25 Something that smells
44 British punk rocker Billy on becoming a U.S. citizen?
47 Get an ___ effort
50 59-Down, to Ovid
51 It means "since," in a New Year's song
52 "Little green man"
55 Via, to Burns
57 Impersonator of Canadian country legend Hank?
61 Bur ton's band, with "the"
62 Happening
63 Game using sevens to aces
64 "Atlas Shrugged" author Rand
65 WWI Belgian battle town
1 "Ouch!"
39 Aunt in "Arsenic and Old Lace," e.g.
42 Big racket
44 "Starving" career choice
45 ___ rug (dance)
46 Cape Breton fiddler MacIsaac
47 Paperless 'zines
48 Egyptian king until 1952
49 "Which do you prefer, coffee ___?"
53 Uncertainties
54 Electronics co. bought by Sony
56 SASE insert in an invitation
58 Particle with a plus or minus
59 Vowel's value in Scrabble
60 Newborns' stats: Abbr
15 events puzzles
6 Pah-pah preceder
9 Take orders from diners
13 Cat-___-tails
14 Extra tight friendship between two dudes
16 Visibly awed Motown singer Stevie?
18 "___ I" ("Me too")
19 Dangles a carrot, so to speak 20 "Up and ___ !" (wake-up call)
2 Verse opener?
3 Menu choice that might come with a toy 4 ___'clock (1300 hours)
for a
Wasting no words
5 As required, with "if" 6 U.K. award bestowed by royalty 7 Have dinner delivered 8 Clipped by a Toro 9 Losing intensity 10 Catchall ending
bus name 11 Slurpee rivals 12
26 Folk singer Neil who's been cryogenically preserved? 30 Words after bend or lend 31 Prefix meaning "self" 32 Rapper with the album "Illmatic" 35 One-eyed giant of myth 38 Teapot contents, idiomatically 40 Bit of body ar t, for short 41
music can be burnt 43 Line
the heart 15 Word for word, in French? 17 Part of BYOB
20 "Is that ___?" ("You don't say!")
21 Ousted Olympic figure skater Harding
22 Straight up?
24 Handwoven Scandinavian rug
27 Souped-up engine sound
28 Middle of SUV: Abbr.
29 "___ is an island": John Donne
32 Like Sheldon of "The Big Bang Theory" 33 ___ Mar tin (James Bond car) 34 Like air in a windowless room 36 Summer fair in Van. 37 Cloth-covered hair elastic
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The Canadian Enduro League and local organizations built a new enduro trail on Mt. Morrisey for the upcoming event.
By Liz McDonald
The Canadian Enduro League (CEL) takes over the Sun Peaks village for Sun Peaks Resort LLP’s final weekend of summer operations, providing an actionpacked series of competitions and events during the Three Peaks Classic.
From Sept. 21 to 24, the Three Peaks Classic bike festival features everything from a group ride with Sun Peaks Recreational Trail Association (SPRTA), slalom and classic air downhill competitions, a hill climb and more. Tourism Sun Peaks (TSP) contributed $50,000 in funds to the construction of the new enduro trail on Mt. Morrisey,which was built by SPRTA and CEL.
Brooke Hanson, CEL’s logistics director, told SPIN bringing the event to Sun Peaks was “an easy choice.”
“When you think of activating mountain bike events, we really want to keep everybody in one location, and Sun Peaks has that ability to not only have the accommodation factor built right in but to have access to amazing trails that everybody wants to ride,” she said.
The trail will provide purpose-built amenities for enduro racing and will add to the overall trail experience in Sun Peaks, Sam Loxton, SPRTA president, said.
“Between us and Sun Peaks Resort, we thought it would be really cool to get some racing on Morrisey and extend the race over all three mountains,” Loxton said. Additionally, having an enduro-specific trail for competitions will reduce wear and tear on the existing trail network, according to Loxton. The trail will also be accessible to the public outside of events.
To prepare the course for the Three Peaks Classic, SPRTA members, We Are One Composites from Kamloops and CEL hosted two trail building nights in August.
The CEL launched this year and Jacob Tooke, operations director for the company, said the idea behind a league was to open competitions to all skill levels.
“The idea behind calling it a league is we have a tiered structure, so we can cater to all levels of racing in Canada,” he said.
The weekend events are open to everyone, and people interested in registering can do so online before a cut off date of Sept. 19 at 12 p.m.
The trail adds another 4 kilometres of track for hikers and bikers to add to their outdoor experience in Sun Peaks.
By Liz McDonald
Sun Peaks Recreational Trail Association (SPRTA) has officially opened a new trail on Mt. Morrisey, Sticky Fingers.
Sticky Fingers is the fourth and final trail designed for the Mt. Morrisey Destination Trail Project. The Cedar Twist, Calypso Groove and El Diablo trails are already open for hiking and riding. Sticky Fingers is an out-and-back, crosscountry style, multi-use route for hiking and biking at the top of Mt. Morrissey. Anyone who wants to increase their time outside after going up Cedar Twist can now add 4.4 kilometres round-trip of extra terrain to their day.
“It flows pretty nicely as a little extension of Cedar Twist for the people that want to keep pedaling, get a bit more exercise and a bit of a longer ride,” said Sam Loxton, SPRTA president.
Most work on the trail began in the summer and fall of 2022 by Starr Trail Solutions Inc., with the final touches completed this summer. The dirt on the Sticky Fingers trail required more time to dry out before it could be used due to the higher elevation.
The intermediate blue grade trail through Mt. Morrissey offers inviting views of Mount Tod at the turn-around point.
The four-trail project was funded through multiple streams, including $297,875 from the BC Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program and $150,000 from Tourism Sun Peaks. Sun Peaks Resort LLP supported SPRTA’s planning process and many hours of work came from volunteer SPRTA members.
By keeping the budget tight for the project, the original dream increased from three to four trails, with El Diablo added to the mix, Loxton explained.
While the project is done, there’s still much on the go for SPRTA, including fundraising to hire a trail crew position for next year and trail building nights to get a new enduro trail ready for September.
From Sept. 21 to 23, Sun Peaks will host the Canadian Enduro League for a weekend of racing, bike demos and more. SPRTA is building an enduro-specific trail for the event, which will be open for public use afterward.
Fundraising for the new trail crew position includes a raffle for an Altitude mountain bike donated by Rocky Mountain Bicycles and fundraising through the Fire Fighters Gala in November.
“That'll kind of take the pressure off some of our volunteers that have been working pretty hard and let us have someone out there for 40 hours a week on the trails,” Loxton said.
16 sports
The final touches of trail building are ongoing before the track makes its debut in late September. Photo by Liz McDonald
The intermediate blue grade trail through Mt. Morrisey offers inviting views of Mount Tod at the turn-around point. Photo submitted by Sam Loxton
17 arts SERVICES business listings
T: 250 578 8222
TF: 1 800 663 2838
$ 1,229,000
Upscale 2 bedroom 2 bath fully furnished vacation property comes well appointed with a fully outfitted spacious kitchen with cherry cabinets and granite counter tops, plus a cozy fireplace to gather around, in suite laundry and central air conditioning. Enjoy mountain and village views from your very own private deck. Shops and dining are just steps away. True ski-in, skiout convenience in the heart of the village with amenities such as a outdoor pool, hot tubs, gym, sauna, restaurants, bike & ski valet, room service, heated underground parking and more. GST applicable.
This is a welcoming 3 bedroom ski-in chalet with separate self-contained 2 bedroom legal suite on a large lot backing onto forested ski terrain. With an abundance of sunshine and mountain views, this 5 bedroom home plus loft presents solid revenue options and space for your family and friends to relax and enjoy the resort lifestyle. The main floor is an inviting open living space that features a cozy gas fireplace, vaulted ceiling, soaring windows and direct access to a spacious sunny deck where you can enjoy views to Mt Morrisey ski runs and the golf course.
This is an excellent opportunity to own a piece of heaven on the tranquil shores on Heffley Lake. Find solitude in this lakefront 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom cottage with detached garage and workshop with additional studio space and bathroom. The main floor features an open kitchen, dining room and living room with vaulted ceiling, wood burning rock fireplace and sliding doors that open up to your sundeck overlooking the lake. The lower-level feature two additional bedrooms, bright family room and laundry space opening up to the side yard and outside shower. This year-round home is situated on .39 acres with exceptional waterfront & your own private dock that can easily be transformed into a flatboat.
This landscaped slope side mountain home offers the ultimate ski-in, ski-out convenience as one of the best locations on the mountain. Superior design and fi nishing with quality construction, with extensive use of stone, granite, hardwood and tile. This spectacular home radiates warmth and intimacy with the most incredible setting and presents and exceptional opportunity to own one of the very best in resort living.
Soaring windows, radiant in fl oor heat, HRV, games room, inviting hot tub, oversized double car garage and beautiful sundeck directly off the kitchen which fronts right onto the ski run. Self-contained two bedroom legal suite that can be rented or used for guests. GST n/a.
Quarter Ownership: it is about convenience and luxury vacationing in this large 1 bedroom apartment in the heart of Sun Peaks. Fully furnished and well appointed with cherry cabinets, granite counter tops, fireplace, in-suite laundry and air conditioning. Great views of mountain and village from your private deck. Enjoy the Residences hot tubs as well as all the amenities of the Grand including, outdoor pool and hot tubs, gym, room service, ski concierge service and more. GST applicable.
This is a fractional interest offering secured by title to a 1/4 interest registered in the Provincial Land Titles Office. The property is a south facing deluxe 2 bedroom apartment in the ski-in/ski-out Grand Residences located in the heart of the Sun Peaks village. This spacious suite is fully furnished with amenities including granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, heated tile floors in bathroom and kitchen, cherry cabinets, deluxe master with soaker tub and separate shower, and in suite laundry. Owners in the Residences are offered use of pool, hot tubs, exercise room, and ski concierge. GST applies.
Nancy Greene's Cahilty Hotel and Suites is an unrestricted owner use full service hotel offering ski to the door access to the slopes. This third floor lock-off offers fantastic views of the main mountain, while having the flexibility of renting or using the studio side or the bedroom side separately, or as a suite of rooms. This property has a fresh modern look having just been totally renovated and comfortably sleeps 8. The in house rental management provides flexible opportunities for personal use and revenue. Offered fully furnished; GST applies.
1210B THE RESIDENCES $90,000
QUARTER OWNERSHIP Deluxe 1 bedroom apartment in prime village central location. Enjoy fine finishing a lavish comfort in this great ski-in/ski-out location. Enjoy all the amenities of the Grand hotel including ski and bike valet, hot tubs, swimming pool, fitness centre, room service, shops and more. Fully equipped kitchen complete with stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, in suite laundry, gracious bedroom with king bed and well appointed bath with soaker tub. All ownership expenses are include in your monthly strata fee. GST applies.
This well appointed upper floor 2 bedroom 2 bathroom condo with fantastic mountain views provides easy access to the East Village Orient lift, Nordic network , snow shoeing, mountain biking, golf, and tennis. Originally owned and never been rented, this attractive mountain retreat shines and is ready to occupy. Private covered deck, cozy gas fireplace, hardwood upgrade, vaulted ceiling, exceptional window package, ski locker directly outside your front door, 1 covered pkg. space plus a large storage cage in the u/g parking. TA zoning allows for nightly rentals. Offered furnished; GST n/a.
#1313 A & B THE RESIDENCES $164,900 EACH
4119 SUNDANCE DRIVE $3,399,000
1305 B & C THE RESIDENCES $159,500 EACH