SUN PRAIRIE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT EQUITY EVALUATION INTEGRATED COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEMS FOR EQUITY Design Identity Relevant Teaching for All Learners C3 Teams must consistently rely on strategies and instructional practices that have the greatest impact on student achievement 100% of the time. These practices should occur in heterogeneous small groups that represent the diverse normative of students. In so doing, C3 Teams are better able to create lessons that lift all learners academically, emotionally, and behaviorally. Hattie provides a list of practices that support those strategies that have the greatest impact on student learning in his 2018 publication, 10 Mindframes for Visible Learning: Teaching for Success. Certainly, other researchers and practices can be included such as Max Teaching and Cooperative Learning. Below are just a few of those practices and their associated strategies that have the greatest impact on student learning from (Hattie & Zierer, 2018)29. The following practices are examples of opportunities to engage in high impact strategies for student learning: •
Worked examples (.67)
Meta Cognitive Strategies (.69)
Questioning (.48)
Study Skills (.63)
Dialogue vs Monologue (.82)
Peer Tutoring (.55)
Summarization (.74)
Highlighting (.44)
Small-Group Learning (.49)
Reciprocal Learning (.74)
Self-Reporting Grades (1.33)
More specifically, when educators use every minute of a student’s educational time to intentionally prevent stereotype threats ( .-33) and engage in collective teacher efficacy (1.33) through Co-Plan to Co-Serve to Co-Learn (C3) Teams that are orchestrated within heterogenous (Peer influence .53) small groups (.47), while not labeling students (.61), educators support all students in positive self-esteem (.47) and learning more. In this way, literally all students in the district learn more. Educators in the SPASD shared that they are proud of their work specific to Universal Design for Learning. They reported that they view Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as an instructional 29
Hattie, J. (2018) 10 Mindframes for Visible Learning: Teaching for Success
© 2022 Elise M. Frattura and Colleen A. Capper. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce, modify, or distribute this work without written123 consent from the authors or the Sun Prairie Area School District. Please email to obtain such permission. .