Support Eye Health With The Help Of Natural Ingredients Present In Sunsafe Rx Pills Being outside during the summer is enjoyable, be it at the pool or at a park. It is a great time to just relax or play outdoor sports. However, sunlight can also have harmful effects on your eyes and body. Sun’s harmful rays can cause irreparable damage to your eyes. Therefore, it is critical that you protect and support the health of your eyes. This is where Sunsafe Rx pills come in. The pills contain two specific antioxidants - lutein and zeaxanthin - which aid skin health and eye function. Both of these antioxidants exist naturally in foods, such as some specific colorful fruits and vegetables. In the human body, they are essential constituents of the retina and also support your eyes in the presence of environmental stresses, like that from UV light from the sun. A representative from the company stated, “Sunsafe Rx includes two specific antioxidants—lutein and zeaxanthin—that, in addition to aiding skin health, have important functions in your eyes. Both essential constituents of the retina, lutein and zeaxanthin support your eyes in the presence of oxidative stress such as that from the environment, and provide other protective benefits.” For more information about the various benefits of our capsules, click on this link: Please email us at with any questions. Warning: Sunlight ages your skin and can still be harmful. This product is not intended to replace topical sunscreen and other methods of sun protection. Please use care when in the sun. About Sunsafe Rx Sunsafe Rx is “supplemental sun protection in a pill” and is a natural, anti-aging nutritional supplement made with antioxidants clinically shown to help protect your skin from sun damage. Sunsafe Rx is taken orally and the ingredients provide a measurable amount of extra protection from both UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Made with specific antioxidants that naturally occur in certain foods and plants, Sunsafe Rx is a healthy nutraceutical designed to prevent skin aging and wrinkles while at the same time supporting the overall health of your skin and eyes. The effectiveness of Sunsafe Rx is due to a precise, proprietary formulation called Antioxidine. Antioxidine contains a powerful mix of antioxidants that decades of research and numerous clinical studies have proven demonstrate a photo-protective effect for the skin but do not inhibit the body’s natural production of Vitamin D. Furthermore, the ingredients in Sunsafe Rx have been clinically shown to help preserve collagen and elastin, inhibit the formation of wrinkles and sun spots, and improve the appearance of your skin. These ingredients are also healthy and help prevent free-radical damage throughout your whole body. Sunsafe Rx, however, should not be considered a sunscreen, and can in fact be used in conjunction with sunscreen lotion and other methods of sun protection. For more information, please visit: