The Sunshine Source

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The Sunshine Source Summer-August 2010

Volume: VI Issue: II

Official Publication of the Mighty Mighty Florida Florida District

Look inside for

Service , School

, and

Sunshine !

Summer Service

Report Page 2

The Florida District of Key Club International

Welcome Back to School...and Service! โ€œThose who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.โ€ - James Matthew Barrie

Welcome back!

Key Clubbers of the

In this issue...

Mighty Might Florida District!

We welcome you to enjoy the

Summer-August edition of the Sunshine Source, Florida Key Clubโ€™s very own district-wide publication! The Sunshine Source caters to the members, officers, and advisors of the Florida District and aims to promote servant leadership. Weโ€™re hoping to get you pumped for school and service after a great summer break, as well as provide you with informational updates about Key Club. Enjoy!

Yours in Service,

2010-2011 District Executive Board District Governor Renรฉ Miller District Secretary Rachel Braziel District Treasurer Micki Hall District Webmaster Brian Lavoie District Editor Lydia Mansfield Executive Assistant Paul Mysak


Back to School and Service!.........................3 Summer Service Report.................................4 K-Family Konnection.......................................5 District Board Updates...................................6 Note from the Internatโ€™l Pres.......................8 Secretary Update...........................................10 Opportunity Funds.......................................11 International Updates..................................14

School is back in session - and so is service! Now that most everyone has returned to school, itโ€™s time to get organized and promote Key Club! The best way to get going is to Plan It Out! - Hold an officer meeting to plan out the year - everything from meeting dates to service projects. Figure out the date, location, and other details of each event. Invite your faculty advisor and Kiwanis advisor to join you! Hold an Informational Meeting! - Motivate old members and recruit new ones with an informational meeting. Be sure to explain what Key Club is, detail your clubโ€™s plans for the year, and keep it fun! Follow the Dues Schedule!

Cover Photo: Key Club member Elaine Golden smiles with service as she and other Division 24B members enjoy a summer afternoon by making PB&J sandwiches for a local food bank in Broward County. Their efforts yielded over 500 sandwiches. โ€œService with friends is the best! We accomplish a lot and have a great time in the process,โ€ Elaine said.

- District Treasurer Micki Hall has put together a dues schedule to help clubs stay on track during dues season. CLICK HERE to see the schedule. CLICK HERE to view the Dues Process Tutorial.

Most importantly, stay organized, keep it fun, and involve yourself in community service!

LTG Carolina Echeverri and a fellow Key Clubber use an agenda to plan out events.

Start off a year of service, leadership, and fun!


Summer Service Update In the last issue, we promoted service in the summer and encouraged Key Clubbers from all over the state to let us know what they were up to. Now that summer is coming to an end, itโ€™s time to showcase the great service the Mighty Mighty Florida District has performed in the last few months. Take a look at a sample of all weโ€™ve done and keep up the great work during the school year!

K y l i m a F K-

Carolina Echeverri LTG of Division 24B, K-Family Relations committee chair

Over the weekend of August 26-29, seventeen Key Club District Board members had the unique opportunity to attend the 2010 Florida Kiwanis District Convention (DCON) in Orlando, FL. Equipped with an informative presentation board, business attire, and winning smiles, board members represented the Florida District of Key Club International as they sat in on Kiwanis board meetings, helped with youth-oriented workshops, and increased ties with the K-Family.

Key Clubbers of Division 2 3B come tog er to hold a ethcar wash for Operation S a non-profit m ile, organization dedicated to correcting fa cial deformit ies in third-w countries. W orld ith a little so ap, water, an work, they ra d hard ised $508 fo r the organiz ation.

Kimberly Willoughby, president of the Pembroke Pines Charter High School Key Club, cools off with a car wash to raise money for her home club.

LTG Carolina Echeverri organized a service-oriented Divisional Council Meeting where 60+ Key Clubbers of Division 24B spent two hours making hundreds of PB&J sandwiches for a local food cooperative.



I have always seen Kiwanians as a glimpse of my future self and spending time with so many wonderful adults over the long weekend reinforced my dream of growing up to be a Kiwanian. Through workshops and events, I met hundreds of Kiwanis members who shared my commitment to service and to the youth of today. Kiwanis DCON, I also had the chance to attend an Aktion Club Conference. Aktion Club is another branch of the K-Family tree that provides the same opportunities and servant leadership experience as Kiwanis and Key Club but to mentally and physically challenged adults. The conference was by far the highlight of my entire weekend. I interacted directly with the Aktion Club members and asked them about the service they perform, learning that the type and amount of service they do is no different than the service we perform as Key Clubbers. I was touched by one particular member who told me about a card-making project his club does for hospitalized individuals. He described the different ways to make cards special for these people who really could use some positivity. He expressed to me his daily wish that the hospitalized people be able to get better and be reunited with their families once again because โ€œeveryone deserves to be with their familyโ€. I have never heard a more beautiful thing from such an earnest human being. I will surely never forget my conversation with the Aktion Clubber; itโ€™s inspired me to look into my local Aktion Club and become more involved with their projects. My experience at the convention opened my eyes to all the possibilities available to Key Clubbers when they โ€œkonnectโ€ with Kiwanis and the rest of the K-Family. Many thanks to Governor Donna Parton, incoming Governor Tom Ramiccio, and the entire Florida District of Kiwanis for the amazing opportunity to strengthen our K-Family relations!


District Board Update

District Board Update

What has your Key Club District Board been up to this summer?

What has your Key Club District Board been up to this summer?

June 11 - 13: Leadership Training Conference (LTC) - District Board members meet to develop their leadership skills and prepare for the adventures ahead of them! LTG Doug Ream of Division 2B and LTG Molly Schladenhauffen of Division 1B pose for a photo after meeting at LTC.

July 5 - 13: Key Club International Convention (ICON) Over 60 members of the Florida District embark on a nine-day trip to Memphis, TN. Attendees met Key Clubbers from all over the world, learned new things in various workshops, elected the 2010-2011 International Board, and had loads of fun!

Florida Key Clubbers in the ICON caucaus.


July 30 - Aug 1: Fall Board Meeting (FBM) - The Florida District Board meets to work in their various committees. Committee reports were given, policies and procedures were reviews, and the 2010-2011 District Budget was presented and approved.

The Florida District Tour!

District Board members ponder great new service project ideas at FBM!

District Board members stop to chat with Tom Ramiccio, the 2010 - 2011 Florida Kiwanis Governor.

August 14: Interview and Luncheon with Malcom Lewis - Members of the Florida District Board and the current KCI President meet with Malcolm Lewis, the first ever Key Club International president!

District Board members pose for a photo at Kiwanis DCON.

August 26 - 29: Florida Kiwanis District Convention (DCON) Members of the Florida District Board represent the Florida District of Key Club International at Florida Kiwanis DCON by helping out, running workshops, and attending Kiwanis board meetings.

Members of the Florida Key Club District Board with Malcolm Lewis, the first-ever KCI president.


From the desk of... XinLei โ€œTonyโ€ Wang, Key Club International President Hello Key Clubbers of the Florida


et our first visit the Sunshine State and me to nity rtu po op e iqu un a ed In August, I receiv t, Malcolm Lewis! Key Club International Presiden t and three any other Key Club event: a sui for uld wo I like gs ba my d vcke I quickly pa mpbell and Division 23A Lt. Go Ca Mc vid Da . Mr y, da xt ne ying at his days worth of clothes. The vid told me that I would be sta Da . ort airp the at me d ete gre ernor Van Dao felt anxious staying at met Van, and I consequently r ve ne d ha I . nd eke we the house for good! b member though, so it was all a strangerโ€™s home. Heโ€™s Key Clu rida. k showed me around South Flo too n Va ! nd eke we this of nt ach. I live in I enjoyed every mome have never been to a โ€œrealโ€ be I use ca be lly rtia pa h ac be We went to the tic Ocean. cannot compare to the Atlan ply sim an hig Mic e Lak d an sident n Wisconsi meet and dine with our Past Pre to s ing Spr lm Pa to up ed ad On Saturday, we he ional pieces about our roots than the tradit re mo ch mu so d rne lea I is! rnaMalcolm Lew founding days of Key Club Inte the ked tal is Lew . Mr s. icle art the time often found in Key Club was โ€œWe serve, tooโ€. Although tto mo t firs r Ou n. ntio nve co first tional and their In 1943, Key Clubs a of service remians the same. ide the d, ge an ch s ha on . Lewis ati and situ r Key Clubs hold food drives. Mr ou ay Tod es. driv tal me ap scr all over Florida held r communities, ated themselves to serving ou dic de rtin Ma rold Ha G. r is nto and his me today. I enjoyed asking Mr. Lew ers mb me lion mil of er art qu a was unlike setting an example for cess in the past. Honestly, this pro ns ctio ele the t ou ab rn lea questions and any other Key Club event! pouring rain! nt to a Dolphinsโ€™ game under we we , ay urd Sat on left e tim the With some joyed getting to know some of en I g! din kid t Jus ? ne shi sun on with their What happened to the the activities they are working t ou ab g rnin lea d an ers mb District Board me clubs. ! I want to give a for seeing me off at the airport n Va d an t, rre Ga , na roli Ca bell for Thank you nights and Mr. David McCamp two for up me g ttin pu for n huge thank you to Va ministrator! simply being an outstanding ad Submitted by XinLei โ€œTonyโ€ Wang Key Club International President

Division 23B LTG Van Dao, District Administrator David McCampbell, and International President XinLei โ€œTonyโ€ Wang

District Board members with first-ever Key Club International President Malcolm Lewis

Current In ternationa l President โ€œ Tonyโ€ Wa XinLei ng and firs t-ever Inte President rnational Malcolm L ewis

Maintain your integrity, stay resolute, but humble and never forget why we are members of Key Club and Kiwanis; we are here to serve others and make the world a better place for the next generation.โ€ - Malcolm Lewis



๏€ถ๏€‡๏€Ž๏€๏€๏€๏€๏€Š๏€•๏€บ๏€ Definition of a Service Hour Rachel Braziel, District Secretary What counts as a service hour: โ€ข Projects pre-approved or organized exclusively by the individual Key Club โ€ข Any project that contributes to the overall betterment of the community โ€ข Book drives, food drives, or any other drive benefitting others (the service is the actual time worked to collect, count, package, and/ or deliver the objects) โ€ข Serving as a host club at District Convention (actual time worked, not time attending convention) What doesnโ€™t count as a service hour: โ€ข Attendance at DCMs, KCKCs, Zone Rallies, DCON, and ICON (Exception: when a service project is done at this event, only the time spent doing the project counts.) โ€ข Club, Board, committee or other planning meetings. โ€ข Socials or church services (attending worship services, etc) โ€ข Anything considered to be a chore or that is supposed to be done โ€ข Fundraisers for the individual Key Clubโ€™s own use (Example: raising money to have an end of the year banquet or to attend DCON) โ€ข Time spent not working during overnight service projects (eating, sleeping, etc) Providing transportation for members or time spent going to and from a service project NOTE: Clubs may award hours for any of the above for incentive purposes or purposes of their own records, however it must not be reported to the District as Key Club service hours.


Calling All Secretaries!

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My Secretaries Council Meeting Brian Merlano, LTG of Division 25C


A new school year always brings an air of excitement; new classes, new teachers, new friends, and most exciting of all, new Key Clubbing opportunities! Sometimes Key Club can lead to confusion about certain aspects of the club, especially the Online Pride Report System. Secretaries can have a wide variety of questions about this system, and if not addressed promptly, the District canโ€™t accurately observe and analyze how the District is impacting their home, school, and communities via โ€œservant leadershipโ€. Keeping these kinds of concerns in mind, Division 25C held the first ever Secretaryโ€™s Council Meeting (SCM)! After meeting up at a local community center and enjoying some doughnuts and orange juice for our Key Breakfast, we got straight to work. Anything and everything related to the Secretaryโ€™s officer position was thoroughly discussed; this included the Pride Report system, OIS Forms, new year registration, service hour logging, and so much more! By having all these officers present, Secretaries were not only able to further socialize (and empathize!) with their peers, but they were also able to clear the air of any confusion or concern. The meeting was a great way to ensure not only the success the clubs of Division 25C, but also that of the Mighty, Mighty Florida District of Key Club International!

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Itโ€™s Your Future, Too

Key Clubber Spotlight!

The Florida District is Getting a New Website and Wants Your Ideas

For years now, the Florida District has used the Florida Key Club website (www.floridakeyclub. com) to connect with you, the members. From building up the hype for DCON to offering a direct link to service opportunities and ways to make your club the best it can be, weโ€™re constantly expanding its content and working to improve your experiences.

Weโ€™re already planning out the basics, however this website would be nothing without your input. You can submit your ideas one of two ways. The first option is to go to www. and filling out our quick and easy survey. The second option is to simply email your ideas to Webmaster Brian Lavoie at webmaster@floridakeyclub. com. Remember itโ€™s your future, too, so make it count by contributing to the Future of the 12

Meet thPatrick Gober Division 3A

Brian Lavoie, District Webmaster

The Florida District of Key Club International is proud to announce that we are currently constructing a brand new website. However, we donโ€™t want to simply build the website โ€“ we want the website to reflect your clubs. To do this, the Florida District wants members to Define Productivity. What could we put on our website that would benefit you? What could we improve on to make sure your year is the best?

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Name: Brittany Shamburger School: Vernon High School โ€œI joined Key Club because I wanted to be active in my school and community helping with service projects! I stayed in Key Club because I fell in love with it. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the community, and [Key Club] is the perfect way to do it!โ€ Favorite service project? Any project working hands-on with people in need! Nominated by: Randolph McKinney, LTG of Division 2A

Iโ€™m a senior at Leon High school. I enjoy playing guitar, singing, and writing songs. My favorite service project is the Target shopping project, a project where we help less fortunate families pick out Christmas presents for their families using money that Kiwanis raises. Itโ€™s cool because the families end up buying basic items such as underwear and clothing instead of toys. I plan on strengthing the communication between our stronger clubs and making sure that the clubs realize that Key Club goes far beyond just their individual club.

Zainab Khatoon Division 13 I am Zainab Khatoon, Lieutenant Governer of Division 13, Zone 7. I attend Lakewood High School and I am a Center for Advanced Technologies student. I love to work with technology, and Iโ€™m an extreme math and science nerd. My favorite hobby is dance, it releases stress and keeps me in shape. I started Key club at my school and had the privilege of being President for the club in its inaugural year. I really enjoy working with other members in key, and encouraging others to do service. My favorite service project of all times is Relay for Life. I like the whole idea of spreading cancer awareness and encouraging the concept of Hope. I plan to make Division 13 a much stronger Division this year, and hope to get all the clubs in my division together to collaborate in one giant service project!

Sara Qureshi Division 19 Hey there, Key Clubbers! My name is Sara Qureshi. I am your new Lieutenant Governor for Division 19, part of Zone 10. I attend Cape Coral High School, where I am a senior. I can honestly say I LOVE KEY CLUB! My plans as an Lieutenant Governor are: to be able to have 100% of OIS forms completed, to have all dues turned in on time from all my clubs, to have all pride reports in on time for my clubs, to help educate my clubs about Key Club, to keep all my clubs informed, to promote service within our homes, schools, and communities; to push every club into doing their best, to increase communication among my clubs within my division and to help my clubs as much as possible. I have always believed in the saying, โ€œTo accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.โ€


International Update

Kiwanis announces the new World-Wide Service Project!

Key Club International reaches 250,000 members! Key Club International passed a major milestone a few months ago when it reached a membership of a quarter-million! The Florida District of Key Club International is excited to be home to Tyler Theriault, the 250,oooth KCI member.

Meet the 250,000th KCI member! Q: Tell us a little about yourself. Tyler: My name is Tyler Theriault and I am a tenth grade student at Edison Colligate High School. I enjoy football, fishing, and hanging out with friends. Q: Why did you join Key Club? Tyler: I joined Key club to try to support my community and to make [my local area] a better place to live. Q: What does it feel like to be the worldrenowned 250,000th Key Club member? Tyler: I feel honored to be the 250,000 member of Key Club. I also feel I have the responsibility to be a role model to any new Key Club members. 14

Tyler with immediate past International President Abigail McKamey

Q: What was your understanding of the international reach of Key Club when you joined? Tyler: I thought that Key Club was not very big at all. I was astounded when I heard there are 250,000 members. I realized that Key Club is growing and therefore expanding its footprint on the community.

Over the summer, Kiwanis International announced the new World-Wide Service Project - a partnership with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus around the world. Tetanus (MNT), a painful and deadly disease, affects the โ€œpoorest of the poorโ€ in 40 countries with one child dying every nine minutes. The Eliminate Project uses a series of 60 cent immunizations to prevent MNT from taking hold in mothers and their babies. To learn more about the initiative, visit The Eliminate Project online.

Click above to watch a video introducing The Eliminate Project! Keep an eye out for Renรฉ Miller, our governor, who had the unique opportunity to be a part of this initiative.

Q: Whatโ€™s your favorite type of service project? Tyler: I love helping the environment. My favorite is cleaning up the beaches because thatโ€™s such a major part of Florida life. Without clean beaches, what tourist would want to vacation down here? 15

Meet our 2010-2011 International Trustee!

Thank you for reading!

David Velasquez Hello everyone! I hope that everyone is adjusting well to the beginning of the school year. As we continue working through our Key Club year, I would like to introduce myself and the responsibilities of my position. As you may know, I was elected as an International Trustee at the 2010 International Convention in Memphis, TN. Fortunately, I was assigned the mighty mighty Florida District, as well as the Alabama District and the Georgia District. As an International Trustee, I serve as the liaison between my assigned districts and the Key Club International Board, thus communicating information between the two. However, a Trustee also works with the International Board to fulfill Key Club Internationalรข€™s directives and to make sure that our organization continues to excel. For this reason, my goals for this year are to assist each district by providing them with all the available resources and strengthening Key Club in international communities. In hopes of interacting and meeting with Key Club members, I will be attending several Key Club Kick-off Conferences, Zone Rallies, and the awesome District Convention, so I hope that everyone attends! It is an honor to have the opportunity to work with the Key Club Florida District and I ask that you please contact me if you ever have any questions. I hope you are all just as excited as I am for another year of service! Yours in service, David Velasquez International Trustee Key Club International


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