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About Granvia®
Granvia® is a collection of Xerochrysum (Bracteantha) with unusually big, long lasting flowers. There are multiple bracteatum on the market, but the Granvia® variety is stronger, has better branching, blooms earlier and has huge flowers . When talking Xerochrysum, we believe bigger is always better. The flowers of Granvia® are certainly bigger than any other Xerochrysum out there, We are promising you, Granvia® will be the next big thing in bedding plants.
The Xerochrysum (Bractheantha) is an Australian plant. Originally they grow in a dry and hot landscape. But even though she naturally prefers dry and sunny places, she doesn’t have a problem thriving in colder climates. Her super strong garden performance is truly remarkable. Beside her resistance to all kinds of weather, she is also self-cleaning. This means that you don’t need to give her a lot of attention to keep up the quality. But if you notice a lesser flower in her plant, you can always take it out and Granvia® will replace it with a new flower even sooner.
Blooms with a beat. The Granvia® colours are not the only attributes that are lively, Granvia® has a day and night rhythm. Granvia® starts her day with closed buds, but as soon as she feels the sun on her petals, her big flowers will open up. All in a matter of minutes. As the night falls, she will fall asleep and her flowers close up again. Granvia® also closes her flowers if they get wet, so you can tease her with your watering can.