Ss eng 22 09 2015

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22th September, 2015 - Tuesday

Year :01 Issue : 224 Pages:4 Price :Rs.1/Annual Subscription : Rs. 300 /Edition : Ahmedabad. M.:9687612324

RNI NO.: GUJENG/2014/59629


22th September, 2015 - Tuesday

Editor : Kapilkumar M. Hirpara Deputy Editor : Chirag Rudani Reg. Add : A-24, Shardhdha Apartment, Thakkarbapanagar Road, Bapunagar, Ahmedabad - 382350 Ph: 079-32452269 Corpo. Office: 302, Center Point, Opp-Jagatnagar-2, India Colony Road, Bapunagar, Ahmedababad - 380024 Web: Email: Mo : 9687612324

“Reserved or wait-listed?” f e i r B s w e N Gold slips on profittaking, sluggish global cues Agency | Mumbai

Snapping a three-session upmove, gold prices succumbed to fresh bouts of selling by stockists and investors at the domestic bullion market here amid a weak overseas trend. Silver also drifted further owing to subdued demand from consuming industries. Standard gold (99.5 purity) dropped by Rs 125 to end at Rs 26,215 per 10 grams from weekend level of Rs 26,340.

Air Force rememb ers heroes of IndoPak war

Agency | Chandigarh

Air warriors, who laid down their lives during the Indo-Pak war of 1965, were remembered at a wreath laying ceremony held at 12 Wing Air Force Station here today. Homage and respect were paid to the martyrs to mark the Golden Jubilee of the war at War Memorial of the Air Force Station. Air Commodore S K Indoria, Air Officer Commanding, 12 Wing paid their tribute to the martyrs.

Kejriwal holds review meeting on development projects Agency | New Delhi

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal today held a review meeting to discuss developmental works being carried out by the government and the bottlenecks faced by the departments in completing work. A joint meeting with all the MLAs and senior officials of various agencies to discuss status of various developmental works across the city, was held at Chief Minister’s residence at Flagstaff road here. According to senior officials, the ongoing work and planned projects were discussed by the MLAs. They highlighted the status of the development work and the problems faced in completing them.

After Bhagwat Suggests Review of Reservation Policy, RSS Clarifies

Why RSS wants ‘review’ of quota policy Caste-based reservations have been resisted bitterly by the RSS in the past, as they acknowledge social discrimination as coded into the Indian social system and it allows for more than one identity to flower

Agency | New Delhi

of members who are “committed for social equality,” be set up to examine As 22-year-old politician Hardik Patel who needs the benefit of reservation sought over the weekend to escalate his and for how long. “The non-political agitation for quota in government jobs committee like autonomous commisand colleges for Gujarat’s wealthy Pa- sions should be the implementation tel community, the Rashtriya Swayam- authority; political authorities should sevak Sangh or RSS has suggested a supervise them for honesty and integreview of the country’s reservation rity,” he told RSS magazines ‘Organpolicy. Mohan Bhagwat, chief of the iser’ and ‘Panchjanya’ in an interview. RSS, which is the ideological mentor It was with considerable shock and of the ruling BJP, said quota has for awe that long time watchers – both, years been used as a political tool and critics and admirers of the Rashtriya suggested that a committee made up Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) – heard the Sarsanghchalak say at a book release on September 8, 2014, “We support reservation. Till Agency | Mumbai the time there is inequalThe Bombay High Court ity in the society, reseron Monday refused to vation is needed.” This stay the ban on sale and goes against the grain consumption of beef for of what have been core the Islamic festival of EidRSS principles and obul-Azha, which will be jectives. Now, with Mocelebrated on September han Bhagwat, head of 25. A petition had asked the RSS calling for a the court to relax the ban “review” of the reservaon slaughter of bulls and tion policy, in the latest sale of its meat temporar- garh and cities like Mum- the world’s top exporter Panchajanya magazine ily for three days for Eid. bai and its suburbs have of beef since last year. issue – and restating old In a controversial order, recently introduced tem- As per data released by RSS positions, what has the BJP government in porary bans on sale and the US Department of changed for the Sangh Maharashtra had banned possession of meat for Agriculture in April this between the two Sepbeef in March this year, varying number of days year, India has doubled tembers? Perhaps Bhagfollowed soon by another in respect of Paryushan, its beef export from 1.26 wat should follow his BJP-ruled state, Haryana. a Jain fasting season. The million tonnes in 2011- advice to other people: Many other states includ- ban on beef comes even 12 to 2.40 million tonnes not use the quota policy ing Gujarat and Chhattis- as India has emerged as in 2014-15. for “political purposes”.

Bombay High Court refuses to stay beef ban

9 days in the dark: 2 workers rescued from Bilaspur tunnel Agency | Bilaspur

Two labourers trapped more than 40 metres underground for over a week in Himachal Pradesh’s Bilaspur district were rescued on Monday, bringing relief to their worried families after a long, tiring operation that suffered many setbacks. Satish Tomar and Mani Ram were brought out by a National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team around 4:30pm, nine days after they got trapped following a tunnel collapse. Search is on for Hirday Ram, the third worker who was with the duo. His fate is uncertain since there has been no contact with him so far. On September 12, three workers of the Himalayan Construction

In the first flush of the Modi government coming to power in 2014 with a very impressive performance – emerging as the unquestioned political formation in north India – there was a sense of the ‘end of history’ moment which was reflected in the RSS wanting to firmly entrench itself in the system. Critics say this form of RSS-Hinduism, is a political project. This, like other such movements around the world, takes a narrow identity to mean ‘nationality’. Castebased reservations have been resisted bitterly by the RSS in the past, as they acknowledge social discrimination as coded

into the Indian social system and it allows for more than one identity to flower. Alarmed by the way the Mandal movement in the 1980s damaged its push in the Hindi heartland, there was a bid to co-opt the so-called lower castes and tribals into its fold. Getting them to accept a RSS-view of a mostly upper-caste framework of One India and pit them against the Muslims and Christians had been the objective and the assessment in September 2014. It seemed that it could be successful if a face was put up of ‘tolerating’ reservation for those who are entitled to it. Now, as the Patidar unrest on reservation continues to simmer in Gujarat, the local administration have found it necessary to disable the internet for law and order has been threatened and economic recession and unemployment give the impression of a Gujarat that is unraveling. When the most loyal of the powerful and landed

groups, the Patels feel economically embattled and are hitting out at reservation for the OBCs, it has become imperative for the RSS to remind its core base what it originally stood for and to ensure that the Patels do not end up exiting the parivar fold. Over the past 40 years, there were at least two instances which proved to be politically momentous: in 1974 when the nav-nirman agitation provided the anti-Congress forces a pivot and then in the mid-1980s when again, the anti-reservation movement turned the tide for the Sangh Parivar forces. If the Patel agitation is allowed to continue without comment, the unintended consequence can be the game turning against the BJP which has kept an iron grip on the state for almost two decades. Mohan Bhagwat understands that. He does not want to let the Patels forget what the RSS and its affiliates in politics actually stand for.

they silent?” CJI asked “Lawyers form different groups based on caste. They take processions in court halls with wives and children. They enter judges chambers,” Senior advocate K.K. Venugopal appearing for the High Court Registrar said. Mr. Venugopal apprised the Bench led by Chief Justice Dattu of the recent spate of violence by lawyers against judges. Mr. Venugopal suggested the Bench

to send three Supreme Court judges to the Madras High Court for an enquiry. To which, the CJI said: “Let’s give the CJ sometime. Sending judges from here will create more unnecessarily problems.” Madras High Court witnessed violent protests by lawyers after a Division Bench initiated suo motu contempt proceedings against two advocates of Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court.

Supreme Court frowns on violence by lawyers in Madras HC Agency | New Delhi

The Supreme Court on Monday blasted the Madras Bar association and the Bar Council for keeping mum on the recent violence by lawyers on the Madras High Court premises. Chief Justice Dattu said: “[The] Madras HC judges preside in courts with fear psychosis. It was once a traditional court that we all looked up to. Never before has it fallen to such low levels. All because of you lawyers.” The two labourers were rescued after being trapped in a tunnel for 9 days in “I have had a long long Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh. conversation with the Company were trapped it collapsed 80 metres morning, an NDRF team Madras HC Chief Jusin Tunnel Number 4 be- from the mouth. Rescuers made some significant tice,” Justice Dattu said. ing built for the Kirat- first made contact with progress in the drilling “The CISF is guarding pur-Nerchowk four-lane Satish Tomar and Mani work on the collapsed the judges against unproject after a cave-in Ram on September 17, tunnel. But, soon rescuers rulymobs of lawyers blocked the entrance with and food and water were understood that the open- and their families who tonnes of earth and boul- dropped during the week ing was not big enough to scream, shout obsceniders. The 1.2-kilometre after engineers drilled a bring out the workers. Af- ties against judges. What tunnel, a project worth thin 47-metre (154-foot) ter more drilling, the final is ur bar council doing, Rs 82 crore, had been shaft down to the roof of effort was launched in the you have 3 powerful bar associations... why are dug 275 metres when the tunnel. On Monday afternoon.

2 / Dt. 22-09-2015, Tuesday Editors’ Picks tuesday, SEPTEMBER 22, 2015

A Glitch In The Model

Friends from all over the world had been sending messages, asking if it was true that the finance ministry was taking away the central bank’s power to use the bank rate as an instrument of monetary policy. The RBI governor, whom we expected would take a firm stand since interest rates and debt management are not just prosaic activities in macro policymaking but the heart of monetary policy, was correctly appreciative of the need for a monetary policy committee, but was willing, apparently, to give up the present role of his office in it. He did, however, make the point that the final say would be of the governor since he would have a casting vote. Arvind Panagariya has raised the level of the policy debate by laying on the table the issue of the growth rate and land-use policies. It is correct to state that an annual growth rate of 8 per cent-plus is feasible. The question is how? Investment levels have been falling since 2012, as also in each quarter this year. Yes, GDP growth is robust according to the new numbers, but we are not sure why. We do know that the manufacturing sector is not flying as the latest releases show. The handling of labour-related issues will be this government’s acid test. Finally, as we showed with a small model in our book, The Future of Indian Agriculture, trade shares will have to rise to 4 per cent of GDP. This has already happened, although there could possibly be some slippage this year. India needs a land-use plan to temper the present chaos and corruption in land markets. The government has wisely given up the attempt to go back to the bad old colonial ways. Corporates will have to pay the price for land. It makes sense to insist on this in a liberalising regime. Spatial planning may be needed since transport infrastructure leads to locational advantages and agglomeration effects. The movement of millions of Indians to Census Towns has been a preoccupation, but this project hasn’t been mirrored in policy. The 100 smart cities are not going to be smart enough to connect with the kisan as he moves to sell his wares in a growing economy. Companies will want land close to centres of demand or resource requirements, even if it is good agricultural land. A land-use plan would send these companies to barren land with good transport links. Also, powerful corporations may not like them, for land-use plans take time to yield market benefits, and land is, after all, also an asset in the short run. Our objective is certainly not to discourage industrial growth. A year ago, 1,000 tractors descended on Gandhinagar from an area called the Chuwal, the land of 44 villages, which Kanaiyalal Munshi had immortalised in Patan ni Prabhuta. Their leader was Lalji Desai.

- Kapilkumar M. Hirpara Editor

Whoa! Here’s Gautam Gulati’s first on-screen lip lock

Agency | New Delhi A few days back the latest heartthrob of the nation posted a picture of himself on Twitter stating that he would be seen entering the Emraan Hashmi zone soon. While there was curiosity to know whether it would be for his first film ‘Azhar’ where he would be seen along with the serial kisser himself, it has now been revealed that his lip lock is for MTV’s new show ‘Big F’. Here’s what the Bigg Boss Season 8 Winner had to say about the kiss,” As an artist, I am always looking at ways to challenge myself.

After having done several shows as an actor and appearing on a reality show, I was really keen on taking up anchoring as my next challenge and MTV has provided me with the perfect platform with MTV Big F.MTV Big F is going to showcase stories and concepts that have never been explored on Indian Television before. It’s indeed a thrilling experience to be a part of something so different and exciting. I just shot for the promo, which keeping in line with the concept of the show, explores fantasies people have.

QUOTE “If you have drunk your mother’s milk (mai ka OF THE have it scrapped, each would know his strength.” DAY


doodh), then

- A political row broke out over RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat’s call for review of reservation policy with BJP opposing it and distancing itself from its ideological mentor and Lalu Prasad’s RJD dared the Modi government to scrap the quotas with a tweet..

Will ‘Katti Batti’ be Imran Khan’s redemption?

Agency | Mumbai

Katti Batti might have failed to surprise the critics and audiences alike and the reviews might have panned the film but there’s one person who’s received good reviews, despite it being a bad film. Imran Khan. His latest performance has been zeroed down and appreciated by reviewers and audiences alike. Imran is praised by most critics for his realistic portrayal of character which is appreciated by the audiences too. His portray of his onscreen character ‘Maddy’ has resulted in a level of relatability among the audiences. Although Kangana Ranaut was undoubtedly was the star behind the film, Katti

Agency | New Delhi

Batti didn’t do justice to her acting prowess as she was merely reduced to being another supporting character. She played the cranky, over-the-top Payal with utmost effort but

the shoddy story line and the half baked character could hardly do anything for her. Instead, it was Imran’s character that was portrayed in a much better fashion.

Dangal poster: Aamir Khan shows his rooted, rustic side Agency | New Delhi

Aamir Khan shared the first poster of his next, Dangal, on Monday. The PK star had tweeted on Sunday night, “Kal se shuru (It starts from tomorrow).” Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, Dangal is a biopic based on the famous Haryanvi wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat. Signifying the milieu and premise of the story, the poster has Aamir’s face emerging from mud, as found in akharas of our country. Currently in Ludhiana for the shooting of the film, Aamir Khan has put on a lot of weight for his role. In fact, we have never seen Aamir Khan so bulked up before. The 50-yearold actor will portray two phases in the life of his character in Dangal and he’s expected to lose weight after the first phase of the shooting is over. It was rumoured that actors like Kangana Ranaut, Tapsee Pannu, Urvashi Rautela or

Tiger Shroff’s rugged look in ‘Baaghi’ will bowl you over! Tiger Shroff might have had a fabulous debut with Heropanti but the actor has constantly faced a lot of flak for his appearance. Online jokes and memes popping up everywhere, it was initially tough for Tiger to get used to it. But with Baaghi, Tiger has a perfect answer to all the criticism. A source tells us, “Tiger sported a stubble for the HRX campaign and he was really happy with the way people started appreciating his look. That caught his fancy and he’s decided to sport a rugged look for Baaghi.” The actor is extremely kicked about Baaghi and he believes that it will possibly be one of the biggest action films ever made in India. “Baaghi is going to be something extra special, something extra-ordinary. For everyone who loved Heropanti, I just have to tell them one thing. Just wait for Baaghi to come.” Sporting different looks for Baaghi? Tiger replies,

“Yes, it’s Sajid sir’s call. Whatever my team would want me to do, I am game for it.” Intense action scenes and gruelling sessions galore, Tiger is now busy prepping up for the role. “I am training really hard for the film. You

will see never-seen-before action in Baaghi and I don’t want to go wrong. Baaghi is about rebels in love. It’s intense and I am sure people will like it.” Baaghi which also stars Shraddha Kapoor releases on April 29, 2016.

self first” which is written in Arabic. Also spotted on her body was “J” tattoo on her neck that was presumably for her

ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber. The ‘Good for You’ hitmaker was in Miami to film an appearance for Despierta America.

Selena Gomez unveils new tattoo in Miami Agency | Mumbai

Mallika Sherawat will play the role of Aamir’s daughters in the movie. However, the filmmakers decided to go for newbies Fatima Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra for the coveted roles after months of auditions. “We auditioned a lot of girls and have finalised Fatima Shaikh

and Sanya Malhotra. We tested them and they are very good. These two young girls are very talented. These girls are training in wrestling,” Aamir said. Fatima is a Mumbai girl and has acted in TV and films while Sanya, a Delhiite, is a trained ballet dancer.

pecially for her fans and followers, with a brand new name and with a brand cum sizzling title of the movie as ‘Jai Gangaajal’. Check this out, despite the movie is on the verge to give some last touch to be explored around the globe the director, makers and the leading star none other than Priyanka Chopra have come up with the first look of the movie

on the social blogging website ‘Twitter’. Have a look below what she tweeted..”So proud! Thank you @prakashjha27 for giving me ‘Jai Gangajaal’! In theatres on March 4, 2016 – over to u guys!” – As per the sources. Under the directions of Prakash Jha the movie is set to touch the floors soon in the looming year 2016 i.e. on 4th March 2016.

Pop star Selena Gomez debuted a new tattoo, the symbol of ‘Om’, on her upper left thigh. The new tattoo is a sacred Hindu symbol, which stands for clearing the mind, and is often chanted during meditation. The 23-year-old singer showed off the tattoo as she made her way out of the ocean in Miami on Friday was revealed. The tattoo joins Gomez’s other inks, which include the number 76 in Roman Numerals below her ear, a phrase on her upper left hip that reads “God Who Strengthens Me”, a musical note on her right wrist and a phrase “love your-

Priyanka Chopra Jai Gangaajal First Look Revealed Agency | New Delhi

After a huge buzz of controversies the day has finally come up for the loving fans of stunning celeb of Bollywood, none other than Priyanka Chopra. A star who has given those movies which have been rolling like a smashing gold star in the entire Bollywood, so guess what she’s again ready to give a comeback es-

3 / Dt. 22-09-2015, Tuesday Now, Airtel pre-paid customers to pay only per-second rates for calls

Murray sends Great Britain into Davis Cup final, to face Belgium

Volkswagen Shares Skid 20% on False Emission Scam in US

Agency | New Delhi

Agency | Glasgow World number three Andy Murray fired Great Britain into its first Davis Cup final in 37 years after his defeat of Bernard Tomic handed the Brits an unassailable 3-1 lead in their World Group semi-final clash against Australia at Glasgow’s Emirates Arena on Sunday, setting up a final showdown against Belgium, who defeated Argentina to enter their first final in 111 years. Murray secured the final berth with his 7-5, 6-3, 6-2 win in the first re-

verse singles rubber to clinch the best-of-five tie after playing three days in succession. The 28-year-old’s 25th win from 27 Davis Cup singles matches, which took under two hours, secured a first victory over old rivals Australia since 1978. It puts nine-time winners Britain on the verge of a historic first title triumph since 1936, when Fred Perry and Bunny Austin sealed a 3-2 victory over Australia at Wimbledon. “Winning for your country and your team-mates means a lot. The crowd

were unbelievable from the first ball to the last,” Murray told the BBC. “I didn’t feel great the whole weekend to be honest, I’ve been struggling with my back, but I just tried to disguise it.” Great Britain captain Leon Smith hailed the impact of former Wimbledon and US Open champion Murray. “He’s quite good isn’t he? It’s pretty amazing watching Andy’s work over the whole weekend, he fights so hard and he’s got the quality. He executed it perfectly today.”

lan Qualifier. “The game against Turkmenistan is very important game for us. We will focus on playing positively like we played against Oman and Iran and hopefully we will get a win against Turkmenistan and get a point,” he said. Former captain Baichung Bhutia recently pointed out that Indian coach Stephen Constantine needs much more time with the players for training

throughout the year and ahead of a match. Speaking on it, Chhetri said: “If you see the calendar, all the European teams, and other big teams like Brazil, they all get five to six days before an international match or friendly. As our calendar is not fixed right now, we have to go as it comes. We have a young team and must stay focused on what is in our hand and what is coming up.”

Turkmenistan clash crucial for India’s World Cup Qualifying: Sunil Chhetri Agency | Frankfurt Shares in German auto giant Volkswagen plummeted more than 20 per cent on Monday after it emerged that nearly half a million of its diesel cars in the United States had been fitted with software that falsified emissions data. By late morning on the Frankfurt stock exchange, VW shares had fallen by more than 20 per cent to 126.35 euros, dragging down the entire market. The scandal, which came to light on Friday, could lead to financial fines of up to $18 billion for the carmaker as well as threatening the brand’s image in the United States and the rest of the world. It is unknown how far the scandal may spread. South Korea’s Yonhap news agency said the country will conduct emissions tests on three Volkswagen car models in mid-October to check for similar deception.

Ola Says Will Invest $20 Million on Safety Initiatives This Year


| New Delhi

Taxi aggregator Ola said that it introduced number masking on its platform, which will enable mobile numbers of customers to remain undisclosed to drivers. The aggregator integrated a cloud telephony solution, which sends an encrypted number to the driver whenever a customer books a cab. Drivers calling from their Ola device will not be able to see the customer’s mobile number but will automatically be routed through the encrypted number, the company said in a release. The number masking feature is active for driver-partners in all cities where Ola operates, it added. With this, calls made by the driver-partners can be traced by Ola from archived recordings at all times, Ola said. The company’s driver-partners will not bear the cost of calls made to customers, since they would be routed directly through the device, the firm said and claimed that this was a first of its kind step in the industry towards ensuring complete privacy of user’s contact details.

SPORTS ROUNDUP India vs South Africa: India squad reflects the focus is World T20

Agency | New Delhi Indian telecom major Bharti Airtel has moved all its pre-paid subscribers across the country to payper-second, ensuring customers pay only for the time they use the network. The move comes amid regulator TRAI examining whether there are any tariff plans by the service providers wherein call drops actually incentivise or benefit the companies. “... starting today it will move all its pre-paid mobile customers nationally to the more affordable per-second bill plan... this will help ensure customers pay only for the time they use the Airtel network,” the company said in a statement. Pre-paid customers constitute 94.4 percent of its total user base at the end of June 2015. With call drops on the rise, Telecom Secretary Rakesh Garg had also said plans where customers get some free minutes and the billing is minute-based need to be examined. Bharti Airtel (India and South Asia) MD and CEO Gopal Vittal recently said about 95 percent plans are second-based, so they don’t earn anything if a call gets dropped.


With the focus now shifting from Virat Kohli to MS Dhoni, the Indian selectors on Sunday picked the squad for the three T20s and the first three one-day internationals in the upcoming home series against South Africa, starting October 2. And while the squad looks balanced, recalling seniors like Amit Mishra and picking youngsters like Gurkeerat Mann shows the selectors are in no mood to experiment too much or take too much liberty by trying more youngsters. The story of the meet held in Bangalore was the selection of uncapped Punjab all-

rounder Gurkeerat in the ODI squad while Karnataka left-arm seamer Sreenath Aravind was a surprise inclusion in the T20 squad. The 25-year-old Gurkeerat was rewarded with a place in the ODI team for his consistent performance for India A in the recent limited-overs

matches. By picking Gurkeerat, the Indian selectors have given Dhoni, who is making a return to the team after a gap of three months, a chance to try out yet another man for the allrounders’ spot that has so far been a vulnerable zone in the Indian team.

and Justice RM Lodha Committee, which culminated in the two-year suspension of CSK and Rajasthan Royals, stands completely vitiated due to motivated and vested litigation instituted by the Cricket Association of Bihar, said Swamy in a writ petition filed in the Madras High Court. He urged the Court to grant an interim stay on the ban on CSK by the Supreme Court-appointed Lodha Committee order passed on July 14 on behalf of the Board of Control for

Cricket in India (BCCI). Swamy’s petition came up before a two-judge bench headed by the Chief Justice Kishan Kaul and Justice TS Sivagnanam. Accepting the petition, the bench said it will be taken up along with a petition filed by CSK coming up for hearing on September 23. Swamy later Tweeted saying the “Madras High Court saw prima facie merit in my arguments, issued notice and listed it for hearing on 23. The process for liberating CSK starts now.”

1 in doubles after she was conferred with the honorary life membership of the Cricket Club of India. Sania, who had won the US Open doubles crown with Swiss partner Mar-

tina Hingis after grabbing the Wimbledon title for back-to-back Grand Slam women’s doubles titles, explained how difficult it was to keep playing nonstop on the pro circuit. “The main thing is to peak for the (Grand) Slams, but it’s very tough and one of the hardest things to do mentally. But tennis players are used to it.

Swamy files petition seeking stay on CSK’s ban

Agency | Mumbai

Following three consecutive defeats in the 2018 World Cup Qualifiers, Indian football captain Sunil Chhetri believes the coming away match against Turkmenistan on October 8 will be crucial -- if India has to bag at least a point. India lost 1-2 to Oman, 1-2 to Guam and 0-3 to Iran in the qualifiers. “Very sad and disappointed to lose three matches. Next is away game against Turkmenistan. Realistically, we as a team take one match at a time. I think we gave whatever we had against Iran. We gave everything but on the given day they (Iran) were better than us,” Chhetri Sunday on the sidelines of the PES League Road To Mi-

Shahid Afridi right in asking PCB not to run after BCCI Agency | Bengaluru

Shahid Afridi’s impact and aura is not something that can be challenged. Having played cricket for 17 years and still going strong, the 35-year-old (or is it 17?) Pakistan all-rounder is one of most iconic figures in Pakistan. He is one of the few current Pakistan cricketers to have been part of some memorable battles with India. Things have changed though; Afridi has retired from two formats of the game (for now). He is still leading the team in Twenty20 Internationals (T20Is). He

Agency | Chennai The single most popular and successful Indian Premier League (IPL) team, the Chennai Super Kings (CSK), stands unfairly suspended from the IPL T20 cricket tournament, said Subramanian Swamy, a noted economist and head of the Action Committee Against Corruption in India. The entire proceedings before the Bombay High Court, the Supreme Court, the Justice Mudgal Committee

Peaking for 25 weeks a year is not easy, says Sania Mirza

Agency | New York

has always been vocal about his thoughts, and similar to his style of play expresses himself without a care the world. India and Pakistan have not played a bilateral series in the last two years. Pakistan won the One-Day Internation-

al (ODI) series in India 2-1 in early 2013 but there has been no cricket series whatsoever between the two sides since then. Political tensions between the two nations have been the hindering factor in resumption of cricketing ties.

Sania Mirza said that while confining herself to playing in doubles was good for her body physically it was, at the same time, a mentally draining affair. “I am playing in one format which is a lot easy on my body, but mentally it’s tough. Peaking for 25 weeks a year is not easy,” said world No

4 / Dt. 22-09-2015, Tuesday

Asaram rape case: Two arrested in connection with attacks on witnesses


Rain deficit in South Gujarat, Saurashtra despite downpour Sunvilla News | Ahmedabad

Sunvilla News | Ahmedabad

The Detection of Crime Branch (DCB) on Monday arrested a husband-wife duo, suspected to be main conspirators, for attacks on witnesses in rape cases against self-styled godman Asaram Bapu and his son Narayan Sai who are behind the bars for the past two years. The police said the duo was arrested from Bengaluru and are being questioned. Deputy Commissioner of Police,

DCB, Deepan Bhadran said that Vasavraj alias Vasu, a resident of Bijapur in Karnataka and his wife Sejal Mahesh Prajapati, originally from Daman, were arrested from Bangaluru last night. Bhadran said both the accused are involved in four incidents of attack in Gujarat and possibly linked to the murder of Amrut Prajapati who was shot dead in Rajkot. He said that Vasu and his wife are among the core sadhak or followers of

Students to study slum dwellers the SEWA way in Cept University Sunvilla News | Ahmedabad

The forthcoming Cept Winter School will expose students to various challenges of living in slums and effect of Ahmedabad: development interventions on the life of occupants. As part of the course, students will have to stay in a slum house for two days and gain real experience. The course, Inclusive Cities, will help students present a picture of slum dwellers’ physical, demographic, economic and health conditions along with crowding conditions and distribution of residents according to place of origin and duration of residence. The 18-day course is in association with Mahila Housing Trust and SEWA and will commence from November 30. As part of the course, students will be taken to various sites,

where interventions have taken place or are under way. Preliminary discussions and debates related to slums will also be held and it will be followed by explaining various interventions adopted to include slums in Indian cities. The course will be conducted by Mirai Chatterjee, director of Social Security for SEWA, Bijal Brahmbhatt, director of Gujarat Mahila Housing Trust and Rutool Sharma, assistant professor at Centre for Urban Land and Real Estate Policy. A Cept University official said: “This approach goes beyond provision of housing or services. Adjusting tenure, enhancing economic opportunities, providing access to health and education facilities and improving social security and resilience are also equally important.”

Asaram. Besides the police have also identified 15 other accused. Ahmedabad commissioner of police Shivanand Jha said that the attacks were part of a conspiracy to derail the investigation of rape cases lodged against Asaram and his son Sai. He said that many more facts of the case will be revealed in further investigation such as hiring sharp shooters who targeted the witnesses. Sejal, in her early 20s, and Vasu, in late 30s, fell in

love at Asaram’s motera Ashram in 2012 and got married. The couple runs a cable network business back in Bijapur. Police said that Vasu, Sejal and 15 others conspired to “teach a lesson” to those who testified against the father-son duo soon after their arrests in 2013 in separate rape cases. The DCB has identified a total of 17 accused allegedly involved in all the attacks that occurred in Gujarat including Ahmedabad and Surat.

THE South Gujarat region recorded the highest rainfall of 50 milimetre (mm) from Saturday to Sunday evening, while the state witnessed an average rainfall of 26.49 mm . With a record rainfall of 258 mm or more than 10 inch, Surat saw highest rainfall in the state. However, the region is still rain deficit compared to the average rainfall numbers. Following South Gujarat, as per the state emergency operation centre of the revenue department, Saurashtra too witnessed heavy rainfall of 47 mm till Sunday evening.While South Gujarat region has received only 63.96 per cent rainfall this monsoon, recording a deficit of 36 per cent against an average of 1,356 mm it has received only 867 mm. Similarly, Saurashtra region too

patients are undergoing treatment, said J P Gupta, state health commissioner on Sunday. Out of the nine cases that were reported on Sunday, four were from Surat while one each from Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Amreli, Junagadh and Porbandar, he said. Dr Kamlesh Updhyay head of department of medicine at Civil Hospital here said that doctors should not prescribe anti-biotic to patients instead of anti-viral drugs. He said the government had enough

stock of medicines with all its hospitals. This is a disease common in tropical countries that include India, he said. Further, it is unpredictable and must be taken seriously from first time symptoms begin showing, especially in monsoon. AMC medical officer Dr Bhavin Solanki said there was no fresh case of swine flu in the city on Sunday. The sole suspect case at Civil Hospital was from outside Ahmedabad, he said. One death in Vadodara on Sunday, was that of an old woman Mina Mali (62), a resident of Manjalpur area. Mali died around 4 am and was cremated immediately under hospital supervision. According to the VMC health department, eight more patients have reported positive this month.

The colourful and vividly detailed pata or banners of Jainism date back to 14th and 15th centuries when they were used as visual representation of mysticism (tantric), lives of Tirthankara, to provide an idea about the world around (cosmology), describe a place or pilgrimage spot and send invitation (vijnyaptipatra). These scrolls not only have religious significance but also his-

torical importance as it contains invaluable information about an era in which they were prepared. Researchers Dr Shridhar Andhare and late Lakshman Bhojak have compiled over 170 such pata and analyzed it in book ‘Jain Vastrapatas: Jain Paintings on Cloth and Paper’ published by LD Institute of Indology and two other city-based trusts. The book was released on Sunday at LD Institute. “The book covers some of the fin-

rainfall since Friday over the entire state to the deep depression over Vidarbha region that has resulted in a low pressure area over Saurashtra and neighbouring areas. This, along with upper air cyclonic circulation, has resulted in heavy rainfall over

Saurashtra and South Gujarat. The Ahmedabad centre of IMD has issued a warning of heavy to very heavy rainfall for the entire state for Monday and Tuesday. Rainfall of varying intensity has been forecast in the state for the next five days.

Akshesh | Ahmedabad

the target of the Patidar Anamat Aandolan Samiti (PAAS) after a violent police crackdown — insisted that neither the home department nor the police had ordered the August 25 lathicharge in Ahmedabad. “Somewhere the issue of admissions and jobs has been hurting them’’, said Patel, who represents Bahucharaji constituency. “There are some problems the Patidars are facing due to the reservation system, but in the agitation it has been unnecessarily magnified. Like they say that Patidars with 90 per cent do not get admissions, which

is not correct…even if there are more problems, the government is ready to provide education package as well as new institutions’’. Patel was the first minister targeted by the mob when his residence was torched in Mehsana city on the night of August 25. Last week, he was chased out of a public function by protesting Patidar women. On September 16, PAAS convenor Hardik Patel demanded his resignation within 10 days questioning his absence at the outfit’s first ever meeting with the Gujarat CM on September 14.

jewelleries that has a bohemian touch or tribal accents to it.” Colorful bead and thread based jewellery blended with trinklets and stones are also in vogue.Fashion designer Archana Makwana says, “ Thread bangles with pom-pom, trinkets, stones and gota lining are in vogue. Along with these chokers made of semi-precious or precious stones, earcuffs, handcuff and stone based jewelleries are selling like hot cakes.” You can also splash some colours on the authen-

tic oxidized jewellery by adding beads, rhinestones or enamel, suggest jewellery designer Radhika Agarwal.”Oxidized chokers, borla, dool, jhumkas, kadas, kamarbandhs, and anklets can be mixed and matched with other jewellery to have a new look every day, or one can add shimmering stones along with beads, rhinestone or enamel which makes a simple outfit gorgeous. Also gold metallic jewellery blended with a colour blocked lehenga choli is also a cool option.”

Patidaragitation: Caste conflict threatening law & order in state, says Gujarat minister

Swine flu: One more dead, toll stands at 30 in Gujarat

Kapil | Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad With one case of swine flu death reported from Vadodara on Sunday, the death toll due to swine flu since August has risen to 30 in the state, according to figures released by state government on Sunday. Total nine new cases were reported on Sunday, according to the release. The total number of swine flu in Gujarat since August 1, 2015 are 243, out which 120 have been cured, while 92

Book on Jain paintings explores Woman, daughter die in fire accident in Vadaj 600 years of religious art

Sunvilla News | Ahmedabad

has not received normal rainfall this year. Though a little better than South Gujarat (it has received 81.57 per cent), it is still short of 18 per cent of average rainfall of 643 mm. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has attributed this

est examples from the LD Institute repository such as Nandishwardwipa pata dating back to 1450 and an imagery of Loka Purusha on an 8-feet long scroll,” said Andhare. The art of preparing elaborate scrolls, according to the book, flourished around 17th century in Gujarat. The book includes a couple of important Tirtha pata dating back to 1641 prepared in Ahmedabad at the behest of Sheth Shantidas Zaveri.

Sunvilla News | Ahmedabad

A 23-year-old woman and her two-and-a-halfyear-old daughter died in a fire accident at their residence in Nava Vadaj on Sunday morning. Vadaj police investigating the case are yet to ascertain the cause of the incident and have registered case of accidental deaths. According to Ahmedabad Fire and Emergency Services (AFES), they received a call at 10.33 am on Sunday from Kedar

Apartment near Gopi Annakshetra in Vadaj. “On reaching the spot, the team found Kinjal Darji, the mother and Muskaan, her daughter, in the kitchen. We believe that fire started after kerosene got spilled, pointing towards immolation,” said an AFES official. The duo was rushed to Sola Civil Hospital for treatment where they died in the afternoon. However, Vadaj police have decided to register a case of accidental death.

Gujarat’s Minister of State for Home Rajnikant Patel the Patidar agitation and the resistance to it by some OBC groups was posing a grave threat to the law and order situation in the state. “The law and order situation has been threatened. In the past, state saw caste conflicts out of similar situation. Gujarat has flourished and developed in last decade under the feeling of security. Conflicts should be avoided to continue our progress,’’ Patel said. While admitting that the Patidars were “hurt”, Patel — who has been

Raas revelry - Contemporary baubles to rock this Navratri Sunvilla News | Ahmedabad

While you are giving your Navratri ensemble and makeup a modern twist, how come baubles be left behind? This year, give your authentic oxidized jewelleries a little breather and opt for some cool and edgy pieces. Vadodara based jewellery designer Chaitali Shah says, “Opt for fusion jewellery which is a blend of semi-precious stones with gold or silver plating. Also, many women are experimenting with

Year : 01, Issue : 224 “Sunvilla Samachar” (English) Daily Morning Newspaper Printed at “Sunvilla Samachar(Daily)” Printing Press, Survey No.: 1624-25-26, Final Plot No.F/P/537, Urmila Compound, Opp.Ambica Estate, G.D. School Road, Saijpur Bogha, Ahmedabad -382340 and Published at A-24, Shardha Apartment, Thakkarbapanagar Road, Bapunagar, Ahmedabad-382350. Mo.: 9687612324, by Owner, Printer, Publisher : Aksheshkumar S. Savaliya on date 22-09-2015 (Tuesday), Editor : Kapilkumar M. Hirpara* (*Responsible for selection of News under the PRB act). RNI Regn No. : GUJENG/2014/59629

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