Portfolio for UCL MLA Landscape Architecture

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Application number: 22074171

As I grow up, I gradually realise that every space around me is constantly changing over time, and that some of the spaces that hold my childhood memories are sometimes being replaced and rebuilt as society evolves. But as each space changes rapidly and new spaces emerge, some of the old spaces are gradually forgotten by society, and people change their social behaviour as new spaces are created. This also makes me realise that people interfere with space, breaking the original connection between space and people to a certain extent. Every time a space is renewed, it changes and radiates the social behaviour of people in the surrounding area, and even rebuilds social relations. At the same time this is what my research is about - the impact of spatial renewal formation - so I have carried out the following three projects (02/03/04) on different sites for exploring my research.

Design Research, Design Expression, Public Art Design,Exhibition Design,Graphic Design, Landscape Design, Environmental Illumination Design, History of Chinese Architecture, History of Foreign Architecture, Traditional Chinese Garden, Public Architecture Design

Auto CAD,Photoshop, Sketchup, V-vary, Illustrator, InDesign,Premiere,Rhino,Proficient in MS Office, Lumion,Cinema C4D, 3DMAX

Minzu University of China,Beijing, China

2018.9 - 2022.7

Major :


Environmental design

2021 Chinese University Student Computer Design Competition Third Prize National University Digital Art and Design Competition - NCDA 2021 NCDA Second Prize 2021 NCDA Third Prize 2020 NCDA Third Prize

Teacher at Woli-painted Oil Painting studio,Taiyuan,July-September 2018 Design Assistant at Yige Co-working Space Co. Ltd, Tai yuan , July-September 2020 Personal design studio named “One Design Studio”(I established the design studio with other 6 friends since April 2020): Participate in the design scheme bidding in three projects as follows, Beijing , 2020 Served as a member of the Student Council, Beijing, 2018 Participate in the 2019 Varsity Basketball Tournament , Beijing Participation in the 2018 Varsity Basketball Tournament , Beijing

Participation in the Beijing Minan District Redevelopment Tender Project ,Lead Designer Spatial design of the Six Arts Sports Complex in Nanchang ,Lead Designer Spatial design of the internal painting and calligraphy exhibition of the General Administration of Sports of China , Beijing , Lead Designer Exhibition space design for The Museum of Chinese Gardens and landscape Architecture: Chinese School Emblem Exhibition Hall , Beijing, Lead Designer Research on “Fubo Temple”: study the narrative expression of Fubo and how it affects the culture from the perspective of discussing the narrative of memorial national architecture.


FILM TRANSCRIPTION : MIND GAMES This project is a film translation project for a mental game, in which I extracted the overall emotional changes of the main character and used them to translate into architecture to introduce the whole film, for example the low self-esteem at the beginning, translated into a closed house, to a wide square at the end when he faces life again. Then from such a combination of emotional spaces into one building. Academic Programmes Group work pre-production, production of models, and drawings. team leader Date: 2021 . 7 - 2021 . 9 * This item has been personally reworked

Through a series of adventures of the protagonist -NISHI which push the storyline.The emotional changes make us feel a series of up & down of the plot.We can translate these emotions extracted from the character include low self-esteem,regret, free,confidence,happy and endeavor. Translating these emotions into space which we can find a great many fun of space-combination.Inspire our ability of space-combination.ThVe abstract eVmotion is translated into the concrete space.

Escape from life Low self-esteem

Rebirth in the Flesh Regret

Becoming brave

Falling into the mouth of a fish and re-examining yourself

A true rebirthA true rebirth



Work hard

Break the chains

The image features of the minor characters are transformed into ancillary space and traffic space which can connect scattered spaces with main spaces-the layout not only makes viewing a delightful experience but also forms a unique multi-layer featured narrative spaces.

Movie plot of the Mind Game The protagonist was a loser,the girl he adored which washis childhood sweetheart has been robbed by other people and unfoturnatelay killed by the girl’s creditor.After his death he met the god.After a serise of struggle he come back to life.He killed the mob and drove away with the girls.Eaten by whale,met old guy,losing hope and finally breaking through the barrier and found the meaning of the life.At the end of movie we know the protagonist was killed from the start and everything was a Mind Game.

The Narrative in the film translated into a storyline The story contains many different reality scene and abstract plo t.We take the affetive fluctuation of protagonist.Translate them into a serise of narrative space.The surporting players’ images are taken to construct a serises of vertical circulation space for transport links.

In the first chapter the hero's emotions as a whole reflect a closed situation as the girl he adores has a boyfriend and reject hime and is shot by someone else and sees God, among other things.

INTRODUCTION: The architectural details are presented, with the sections corresponding to each part, and specific architectural structures and building masses, such as pla drawings.


Disappointment in yourself


Fear of death


The Struggle for Death

The three stages of autism are translated into three buildings of different sizes for the viewer to experience the different periods of autism of the protagonist.

The mood swings around the frist chapter are broken down into detailed episodoes to translate into architecture.

Second plane surface

Front view planing surface 1

Front view planing surface 3

First plane surface

Axonometric drawings Top view

The exterior reveals the thorny outcrops of the interior and also the enclosed

Front view planing surface 3

walls, a design that echoes the overrall mood rhythm of the frist chapter.

Sunlight is projected through the deck at intervals as follows

Follow the red route to get a feel for how the mood details change under this section.

The use of the gap between the floorboards is used to convey the psychological changes in the protagonist in this mood.

The transparent shell is interlaced with the entity to express emotion

Using the Rhino plugin for random sermons WASP Randomly generated spaces are used to show the chaotic emotions of the protagonist at the time The first few failed escapes from the mouth of the fish suffered a blow. Meet the elderly at the fish belly for a pleasant get-together.

Relaxed, confident, in the joy of living again.

Instead of running away from the hardships that life brings, the protagonist chooses to live again and face them anew, and then escapes from paradise.

Happy to enjoy life as there is no telling if you will die when you escape the fish's mouth for the last time.

Because the protagonist is faced with a choice at this time, I have divide the flow of the building into several section, so that visitors can experience the space by their own choice.

Escape from the whale's mouth to live again.

In the end the main character escapes the whale's mouth, recognises clearly for himself what he wants and liberates himself, and the whole is an open mood, so I designed an open circular space.

A translation of the protagonist's emotions as he flies out of the whale's mouth and looks down on the land. An emotion of total openness.

This axial-side image and detail expresses mainly the overall architectural translation of the male protagonist's mood and a little of the plot of it later on.

The highest point of this space is the highest point of the building as a whole, and it is also the space that occupies the largest area, meaning that the protagonist has reached an emotional climax, liberated from his original emotions and has become bold enough to face life head-on, no longer shying away from it as he did before.


80M 300M



The large space gives a wide view to enjoy and echoes the mood of the main character.

The construction of two levels, underground and above ground, creates a different flow and echoes the plot from the mouth of the whale to the sponge and then to the sky.

The cumulative arches half enclose the central square, which on the one hand allows the building to breathe and echo the thematic mood of the space, and on the other hand suggests that the main character will have different difficulties later in life, and the design of the central tower, which is taller than the highest point of the arches, foreshadows the main character's ability to overcome these difficulties.

Presentation: It is a strange paradise where people can explore themselves by experiencing the changing character of the film's protagonist, gradually experiencing a person's life from a closed space at the beginning and then finally entering an open space, thus bringing life inspiration to the viewer.

ACT 4 Minimal planting to create

ACT 1 plants create a more enclosed

ACT 2-3 Create a tangled

an open space and thus a free


atmosphere by reducing the number


of plants and making them more varied and confusing

The plants placed around the building will integrate with the architecture and thus deepen the experience of the viewer.

The enclosed house can be made available for visitors to live in on the first day, on the one hand adapting to the enclosed environment and, on the second, coming out of the building to re-experience the enclosed space, allowing the viewer to generate different emotions also echoing the multiple timelines at the end of the story.



Safety 1.Maintenance personnel must wear protective clothing and have access checked 2.No irregularities are allowed 3.All actions must comply with the relevant national regulations and systems

Drone patrols

Solving the Fukushima nuclear waste water problem at its source is the theme of this design. I have designed a grid purification system consisting of nodes. In this system most of the time drones take over people's work, for example when changing purification materials. We also installed sound waves at each node. They effectively stop nuclear particles from forming a dispersion between organisms. Among other things, we have also solved possible problems with drones, such as repelling birds from flying with sound waves, which also prevents collisions between the two. In this device, each node purifies each layer of water in the space it is in with a very high probability. As long as we regularly replace the saturated purification material, in the long run I predict that the nuclear contamination at Fukushima will remediate the environment faster than Chernobyl. One of the most important things is about the choice of decontamination materials. I have chosen zeolite and microbial treatment, the ultimate solution based on a combination of locally adapted microbial technology and zeolite treatment methods derived from Chernobyl practices. INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS Academic Programmes Date: 2020. 6 - 2021. 1

1.Daily patrols as required to identify problems and deal with them promptly 2.Clear records of inspections in place

Inspection and repair 1.The task must be attended to immediately upon receipt, the cause of the fault identified and dealt with promptly 2.Keep good maintenance records 3.Cleaning up the site after equipment maintenance

Tokyo Electric power company release of radioactive material to the Pacific Ocean for the first time in 2011 years. Because radioactive materials can not be broken down by themselves it have followed bu sea water and wild animal.

Nuclear contaminated land

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1-6 Unit)

Red areas Areas of massive nuclear particle deposition

Black area More heavily polluted areas

Pollution trends show more in the middle and less in the sides.The circle not only Survey shows central spread of nuclear contamination in Fukushima, Japan, from 2011 to 2020

3000M 2000M 1000M

represents the trend of pollution flow in the sea, but as the circle increases in size, it also indicates that the area is more polluted.

1.After zeolite adsorption, unprocessed conyaminated particles are further transmitted to a container containing bacteria for a second deep purification. 2.Cultured bacteria form bacteriums, which are placed in container devices in different water layers.

Zeolites can purify most nuclear particles: Natural clinoptilolite is a porous structure of inorganic non metallic mincrals, the main composition of aluminosilicate. Zeolite is cheap, safe and available, and the cost of treating the same type of low-level radioactive waste water can be saved by more than 80%. It is often used as adsorbent in water treatment process, amd has the function of ion exchange agent and filter agent.

Microorganisms can purify nuclear particles that zeolites cannot: For the radioactive wastewater with low concentration, large quantity, complex composition and serious organic pollution. we can consider domesticatistic bacteria to make the microbial community in activated sludge gradually form a radioacive wastewater, and then treat the watewater. We can use different strains of bacteria for the decontamination of different nuclear particles, so that they are broken down or removed by means of ion exchange. For example:Uranium adsorption by Rhizobium up to 200mg/g dry weight.

Using sound waves to cut the path of nuclear particles from creatures on the sea floor that cannot move to those that can, and from creatures in the sea to the land and sky.

Installation body formation diagram Construction materials

Replace the system

Zeolite Operation House

Water cooling units Instrumentation

Redder represents near satyration Tempered glass

of zeolite and bacterial purification capablilties Hydraulic pillars

Water-cooled generators

Osmosis membranes

Small deflectors

Steel frame

Purification units

Concrete Composition of the operating house block

Back to type guide tube

Sound installations Osmosis membranes Polluted water

Bacterial decontamination

Purified water

Prohibition of bacterial run-off


Centrifuge covers Conduit Zeolite


Water depth

Gradual increase in pollution levels

The mesh size of fishing net is stable and the net

One unit can purify 200 square metres of the

structure is compact. The mesh size of the fishing net

surrounding area.

will not change, and the yarn of the net will not loosen.

From the preliminary study, it was found that after different factors, the flow of nuclear elements formed a distribution with more in the middle and less in the middle because of the

The resistance to water flow is small. Because the net

topography, so we will use an arrangement with more spacing

knot does not protrude on the surface of the fishing net,

between the two sides and less spacing between the middle for

the friction resistance is small.

a more rational layout.

The effect of the installation at the bottom shows that the water has gradually returned to its original quality and that the living environment for fish and plants has been significantly improved.

Possible problems with drones are solved, such as using sound waves to repel birds in flight, which also prevents collisions between the two.

Shit ! ! Node 15 is faulty. The UVA can't change the decontamination material properly. I have to go and fix it. Before I can do that, I have to test the radiation intensity in the vicinity and then take my assistant robot to fix it.

The depth can be adjusted so that each water layer is fully cleansed of nuclear particles.


The community is severely ageing and the circulation of people is not strong, I have designed a discrete space based on these two pain points to attract outsiders and promote community activities. Through the function and appearance of this design, I hope to encourage people within the community to get out and play sports and to attract people from outside, ultimately changing the age composition of the community and increasing its vitality. INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS Academic Programmes Date : 2019 . 9 - 2020 . 3

The relatively closed nature of the Mingan community and the low mobility of people, especially the relatively low inflow of young people.

There are few people working out outdoors in the area and the fitness facilities are rudimentary, especially in the winter months when footfall is even thinner, thus resulting in a less vibrant community.

With the advent of ageing, the elderly have limited mobility and difficulties in getting around, resulting in them spending most of their time at home rather than going out,and with the onset of winter older people face a variety of physical ailments .

As the Minan community is not very dynamic and is relatively closed, we will activate its vitality, making the community interlinked, making the residents willing to move around the community, and bringing in the foreign population, making the community more dynamic, forming an open community, making a community from closed to open, especially in the context of the upcoming Winter Olympics, making winter sports popular among the masses. It will make the Minyan community more active in winter.

I would like to get out more and meet more neighbours, like in the old Beijing hutongs, and this neighbourhood is not very vibrant at the moment, especially in the winter when this neighbourhood is sparsely populated outside and few people go out.

Surveys show that older people are more dependent on the environment and prefer to exercise close to home, and that there are many old buildings in the area that are too old for major demolition.

The four sections are divided according to the time of return, the building and the surrounding environment.Use these to influence each other and bring the whole community to life.

The neighbourhood is located at the border of Beijing's Dongcheng District, where there are more ancient buildings, and old Beijing hutongs. Most of the neighbourhoods are returning families after the demolition of old houses, so the overall area is rather closed, with fewer public facilities and a serious ageing population.

We can mend communities to include public facilities that can be used by residents, and this will reduce costs. Now that the Beijing Winter Olympics are around the corner, we can design an open community with a Winter Olympics theme to activate the community and drive the neighbourhood.

The shape of the surrounding buildings and the surrounding open spaces were investigated and elements and shapes were extracted to make the design more relevant to the original site.

The distribution of people in zones A, B, C and D is the highest in zone A and the lowest in zone C, while the age structure is higher in zone C and .

Population size

Age of the population

It can be seen that people in our zones A, B, C and D

A range of fixed site forms such as buildings and parks and lakes.

largely do not go to diagonal areas, preferring to go to parks and curved flat terrain, and it can also be seen that the elderly have the smallest range of activities and couples the largest.

Blank spaces around buildings, lakes, parks, etc.

Because there are so many people in areas A and D, we divert people and bring them into areas B and C., making the whole community vibrant. INSIDE THE COMMUNITY

We borrow outdoor fitness and sports venues and recreational facilities to retain crowds and increase footfall and community vibrancy while promoting winter sports.

OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY Bringing in foreigners in the four zones A, B, C and D to increase community vibrancy, drive community movement and inject fresh blood into the community.

Because there are parks in Zones A and C and people prefer to live in Zones A and C, we need to invest in more community facilities in Zones B and D than in Zones A and C to awaken the vitality of Zones B and D and bring people from Zones A and C into them.

Increased accessibility, bridges between buildings A, B, C and D, and landscaping that makes people want to move between communities. Increased accessibility for people and the use of unitary structures for construction, creating discrete production.

Up to now, more than 100 units of wind power large tonnage cranes in the market began to be idle, and many 450-tonne crawler cranes, 600-tonne c rawler cranes and 800-tonne car cranes were idle. —— Xinhua Newspaper

I use the triangular unit structure for the whole community because it is more stable and the triangular structure is easy to assemble and disassemble.

I have used the crane's science structure to make the gallery more stable, and the insulated glass to insulate the gallery, and enlarged the gallery opening at both ends to increase the forces.

The design is based on mortise and tenon construction,Connecting each triangular unit in series in th e form of a bayonet.

The entire building can be dismantled and installed according to different weather and climatic conditions. It is also possible to close the windows depending on the climate, thus safeguarding some outdoor activities in Beijing's extreme climate. In addition, according to the preliminary analysis, we will combine the buildings according to the surrounding terrain and the preferences of the inhabitants, who mostly like to go to buildings that are not so square, for example.

Placement of device nodes based on pre-analysis

Distribution of installations

Distribution of ornamental plants

Viewing corridor

The bridges between the component units and the direct access to the residents' buildings allow for a significant increase in accessibility. The design is based on a steel-framed tower crane, which is easy to dismantle and assemble, and is equipped with a wheeled base, making it highly mobile.

Opening community barriers and enhancing vitality

By allowing community residents to use the corridor and outsiders to use the street at ground level, this also makes for a better experience for community residents and reduces the disadvantages of an open community.


This project is a redevelopment of an abandoned railway station in southern Chongqing, incorporating the local origami culture to create a mixed-use space of commercial street and park, allowing the abandoned site to be reused. INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS Academic Programmes Date: 2021 . 2 - 2021 . 6

Kowloon Town

Jiulongpo District

Abandoned History

H e y, d i d y o u h e a r t h a t Chongqing South Railway Station is being renovated?

Yangjiaping Chongqing South Railway Station

huangjueping Really, it's going to be back to the old days when it was so lively and I could introduce my friends to it!

Chongqing South Station was built in 1952 and was formerly known as Jiulongpo Station. since December 2009, Chongqing South Station does not handle less-thantruckload cargo transportation.

Away from residential buildings

Plant and public buildings Location of the old railway station Group of residential buildings


Close to residential buildings

From 2011-01-01 to 2021-07-01, Chongqing has had a total of: 1,282 days of rain, 1,164 days of cloud, 1,014 days of cloud, 280 days of sun, 11 days of snow and 5 days of snow.

1,282 days of rain

1,164 days of cloud

1,014 days of cloud 5 days of snow 280 days of sun

How do you plan to design and solve local problems?

We intend to reactivate the railway station to the south into an attractive pedestrianised commercial street and park complex that will attract visitors from outside and provide a good recreational area for the residents of the former area.

This design will be based at South Railway Station and will attract people from the surrounding area.

Look!!! Our place is going to be just as lively as it was.

Designing this site as a commercial plus landscaped space would better address local issues, and then adding a local origami element would fit in with the local context.

In 2009, the Chinese paper-cutting project, which was jointly declared by Chongqing paper-cutting and 13 other provinces and cities, including Shanxi and Gansu, was successfully selected for inclusion in the UNESCO List of Oral and Intangible Masterpieces of Humanity.

The spatial distribution of the ground floor is divided into large shops in the first part, small traders in the second part and a restaurant area in the third part.

3 precrease diagonally. Then kite fold

2 1

valley fold model in hlaf.

Reverse fold using the precrease from srep 1 as an angle bisector.

Valley fold the neck, while squash folding the corner. Repeat behind

Revarse fold the neck up as far as it will go.

Subjective treatment to make the whole slender

The opening faces in the opposite direction to avoid the shadow of residential buildings obscuring the ground floor plaza

Wind resistant, resistant to atmospheric pollution.

Aromatic tree species, resistant to many harmful gases, a good species for factory landscaping.

Strong wind resistance and resistance to harmful gases such as sulphur dioxide and chlorine.

Resistant to soot and toxic fumes, suitable for mineral and factory planting.

Coastal damp-proof forests, wind-proof forests and greenery planting in the factory area, with noise insulation and fire protection.

Ornamental plants.

Pollution resistant tree species, resistant to atmospheric pollution and soot。

Resistant to sulphur dioxide and chlorides Highly adaptable, fume resistant and resistant to toxic fumes, it is also a good vegetation for greening and beautifying industrial and mining enterprises.

Highly capable of absorbing sulphur dioxide and fluoride, suitable for planting around factories.

It has a high resistance to poisonous gases and is highly fire resistant and can be used as a windbreak.

Ornamental plants.

Anti-Sea Tide Wind

It is tolerant of alkaline soil and is a good looking ornamental plant as it is a folklore symbol for the reunion of children and families.



—————— 2019.9

—————— 2020.4

Interspersed between residential buildings with the help of a horizontal mechanical footbridge, forming a home-way to open up the closed environment of the neighbourhood.

Think of the city as the human body, metabolising and replacing itself every day. The city can also get sick, and in the manner of Chinese medicine, a small action is taken to adjust the whole in a small way.


VILLAGE WILDERNESS MOUNTAIN HOUSE - HAND MODELING ————2020.7 The Peach Blossom Garden in Mandarin, a translation of the paradisiacal building that became.

04 RING OF THE SUN Research on Simulation of building landscape device based on zero gravity environment —————— 2021.3 People who walk on two legs seem to be particularly interested in one thing since ancient times, that is flying in the blue sky. Who are the people who can fly? There are gods, monsters, angels, demons... In short, they are cool people! The attempt to break away from the earth's gravity has never stopped since our great ancestors learned to fly kites, and it has become an eyecatching element in landscape architecture.

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