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Office of Admissions A U S T I N W. E R W I N H A L L SUNY GENESEO

1 COLLEGE CIRCLE GENESEO, NY 14454-1471 TEL: 585-245-5571 TOLL FREE : 8 6 6 - 2 4 5 - 5 2 1 1 FA X : 5 8 5 - 2 4 5 - 5 5 5 0 W W W. G E N E S E O . E D U

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“ Wi s d o m B e g i n s i n Wo n d e r .” SOCRATES

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Do you wonder about things? Why people do what they do? Why poets write? How climates change? Where justice lies? What it all means? And what is “it” anyway?

Do you wonder about your own possibilities? There is a special place in the heart of a historic village set in a beau tiful valley where you will find kindred spirits. Here, students and faculty alike experience wonder and awe in the pursuit of wisdom, deriving deepest joy not from the high grade or the prestigious teaching award, but from the journey. Here it’s cool to be smart; it’s wise to wonder. Your path will lead you to engaging class discussions, intense research projects, rewarding service activities, eye-opening study abroad semesters, new leadership roles and, to be sure, the library, a center for students, not just a place to study. You will share a common bond with the generations of young men and women before you who have let wonder be their guide and wisdom be their reward.

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Geneseo in Perspective: A Bold Choice Geneseo is tough to categorize because, all things considered, we stand alone. Having achieved national prominence as a “Public Ivy,” our top competitors now include Colgate, Hamilton, Cornell, Vassar, and Boston College. Students who consider Geneseo dis cover what has become increasingly apparent to families everywhere: that Geneseo offers everything one expects from the best private liberal arts colleges — no exceptions — but at a fraction of the cost. In short, Geneseo students have the wisdom to recognize a great value, and the confidence to make a bold choice — selecting a “Public Ivy.”

The New York Times Education Life supplement described Geneseo as increasingly seen as a first choice for high achievers.”

“a hidden gem. . .

“ This year, Geneseo ranks number one for out-of- state value…What’s missing at Geneseo? Arguably, only the buzz that impels some parents to pay two or even three times as much for the same features at a private college.” — K I PL I N GE R’ S

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Geneseo professors personify casual brilliance, LEIGH O’BRIEN Professor of Education (standing top ce nte r)

Research focuses on early childhood, children with disabilities, and conflict resolution. Interests include bicycling, gardening, and parenting. On students: “They’re hardworking and well prepared, but they’re not hypercompetitive. They’re decent human beings.”

RU E L M CK N I G H T Assistant Professor of Chemistry (se at e d b o t t o m r i g h t)

S T E V E PA D A L I N O Distinguished Teaching Professor of Physics (standing top le ft)

Research focuses on inertial confinement fusion nuclear diagnostics. Interests include woodworking, marksmanship, scuba diving, and martial arts. On students: “They’re enthusiastic colleagues and collaborators.”

Research focuses on the DNA of therapeutic drug interaction. Enjoys playing soccer and watching soccer with his kids. On students: “They’re focused and disciplined, more like graduate students than undergraduates.”

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Brilliant but Approachable Faculty. Your professors will be scholars with prestigious degrees and prodigious expertise on subjects ranging from cancer therapy to Latin American literature, the Irish Rebellion to global warming. But their primary focus is on students.

approachable excellence — and they’re here for you.

JENNY KATZ Associate Professor of Psychology (standing top ce nte r)

Research focuses on women’s mental health and sexual victimization. Avid reader and selfdescribed “yoga nut.” On students: “They value learning for its own sake. It’s breathtaking to see their incredible development.”

MICHAEL OBERG Professor of History (standing top le ft)

Research focuses on interaction between colonial Americans and Native American societies, particularly the Seneca. Recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.A devoted Buffalo Bills fan and summerleague baseball player. On students: “I love the extent to which they keep me on my toes and challenge me intellectually.”

JUN E OKADA Assistant Professor of English and Film (standing top right)

Research focuses on the institutional history of contemporary ethnic media. Immigrated to the U.S. at age six. Enjoys international cinema, long-distance running, traveling, and “fooding.” On students: “I’ve been consistently pleased with the level of curiosity and intelligence they bring to the table.”

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Pioneering Students. Do you wonder about your future peers? What kind of student is drawn to this college in this village at this time? With whom will you share courses and meals, chats and laughs, wins and losses, ideas and dreams?

“Our students are so talented! It’s just breathtaking AARON YOUNG (standing top center)

Aaron Young’s college list included Cornell and M.I.T., but he chose Geneseo for its extraordinary educational value and fine reputation for preparing teachers. In addition to earning Phi Beta Kappa laurels, this math-computer science major presented the results of his DNA research at a national conference. “Geneseo was the best educational decision I could have made,” notes this future college teacher. S E T H PA L M E R (seated top left)

Seth Palmer, who chose Geneseo over Colgate, Hamilton, and Hobart-William Smith, believes we should “use knowledge to better other people’s lives.” In addition to serving as a Resident Assistant, this anthropology major/ African studies minor has been to Mexico twice to explore Mayan architectural sites and spent a year studying Zora Neale Hurston, an author and anthropologist who wrote about Haiti in the ’s. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, Seth hopes to receive a Fulbright Scholarship to study in Madagascar.

ANNA HOPE (seated bottom left)

Anna Hope, who chose Geneseo over Colgate and the University of Rochester, majors in philosophy with a minor in art because “I wanted the most liberal arts degree I could get.” Her big picture mindset infused her entire Geneseo experience: studying humanities in Athens, Greece; volunteering at a local hospice for three years; providing hurricane relief in Biloxi, Mississippi, during Alternative Spring Break; and engaging in discussions about God, justice, and consciousness with the Philosophy Club. “I’ve become more assertive intellectually,” says this Presidential Scholar, “but more moderate in my views.” Anna’s future plans call for graduate school but the field remains undetermined. “I’ve left my options open.”

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to see them develop.” — J E N N Y K A T Z , A S S I S TA N T P R O F E S S O R O F P S Y C H O L O G Y

JARED CHESTER (standing top right)

Jared originally explored  college options and chose Geneseo because he wanted an affordable liberal arts college with a fine reputation (“the best in the SUNY system”). This philosophycommunications double major notes that Geneseo’s great sunsets added a bonus. In addition to attaining Phi Beta Kappa status, Jared served as a teaching assistant; wrote for Lamron, the College paper; and served as president of Phi Sigma Tau, the philosophy honor society. After graduation, he will join Teach for America where he hopes to “inspire and motivate students to do and be their best.” NICOLE KINGSLEY (standing bottom right)

Nicole Kingsley developed an appreciation of applied math at Geneseo, thanks to the support of Dr. Caroline Haddad, associate professor of mathematics. Nicole assisted Dr. Haddad with research on wavelets. Other college highlights included spending five eye-opening weeks in the Czech Republic and working on community service projects. “I’ve learned to make things happen,” notes Nicole, one of  Presidential Scholars who assists the offices of the President and the Provost.

ARUNI MA RAY (seated bottom center)

Arunima Ray, from Kolkata, India, says that Geneseo fit her college criteria perfectly: “small, affordable, top academic quality.” A biochemistry-mathematics major, she began working on research in biometrics as a first-year student, and as an upperclass student she presented her research at conferences in New Orleans and San Diego. Arunima says, “At Geneseo, I learned more about myself than I bargained for.” Future plans for this Phi Beta Kappa member include graduate school in mathematics.

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“The doorstep to the temple of wisdom

is a knowledge of our own ignorance.” BEN FRANKLIN

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The Liberal Arts and Freedom to Choose Whether you arrive at Geneseo undecided about what to study, or find yourself conflicted about where to focus because you have too many interests, we offer the same advice: relax, you’re at a liberal arts college. Last year, 34 percent of first-year students did not declare a major. And, in most cases, it’s not necessary to do so until the end of your sophomore year. On the other hand, if you’re having difficulty choosing between several areas of study, remem ber that you have the flexibility to create a double major, or to add on one or more minors. Your advanced standing credits (for AP and/or IB courses) and the flexibility afforded by a liberal arts curriculum give you ample latitude to achieve your objectives.

Real Professors

From day one, you’ll be taught by members of the Geneseo faculty, not by graduate teaching assistants. Virtually all of them have earned a Ph.D. or an equivalent credential.

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Rigorous Academics—Strong Support Our courses are tough. But if you aren’t the kind of person who welcomes challenges, you wouldn’t have considered Geneseo in the first place. And you don’t have to face every challenge alone: you’ll find ample support whenever you need it.

Here’s more advice: Explore. Scan the offerings. Keep an open mind. Take courses beyond your field, outside your com fort zone. Talk to seniors and find out what they’re glad they did here — or wish they had done differently. At Geneseo, you can be the architect of your own education. We stand ready to guide as needed.

Beyond the Classroom. You can join other students for field study in locations ranging from Arizona to the Adirondacks, and from Kenya to Costa Rica. Easy access to Rochester, Buffalo, and other cities provides additional field study venues.

Nearly every academic department offers Capstone Experiences for their majors. Examples include a thesis, advanced seminar, recital or exhibit, extended fieldwork , or an intensive research project.

in the Classroom.

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Entering students in Undergraduate Programs School of Business Accounting Business Administration Economics*

School of Education Early Childhood Education Childhood Education Childhood with Special Education Adolescent Education

School of Performing Arts Music

The Common Core. All students complete the

Common Core, which includes courses in the human ities, the fine arts, the social sciences, the natural sciences, numer ic and symbolic reasoning, foreign language, and non-Western studies.

Musical Theatre Theatre

Arts and Sciences American Studies Anthropology* Applied Physics Art History Art Studio Biochemistry Biology* Biophysics Black Studies* Chemistry* Communication Comparative Literature Computer Science Engineering ◊ English* Foreign Language French* Spanish* Geography* Geology* Geochemistry Geophysics History* Inter national Relations Mathematics* Natural Science Philosophy Physics*

The Teaching and Learning Center underscores Geneseo’s steadfast commitment to excellence in undergraduate education. Supporting a learning culture that values and rewards excellent teaching, the Center offers workshops, seminars, and lectures throughout the academic year to faculty members devoted to honing their teaching skills.

Political Science* Pre-Physical Therapy ◊ Psychology* Sociology* Speech Pathology Theatre and English*

* Secondary Certification Available ◊

Cooperative Degree Program

Nearly all Geneseo freshmen receive academic credit for


and IB courses. The average number of credits awarded is , which affords students the flexibility to pursue double majors, participate in internships, or engage in research projects.

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the Class of  have a mean SAT of

. Centers of Support. In addition to advice and mentoring from your faculty advisor and, more informally, upper-level students, you can take advantage of the interactive Online Writing Center, the Math Learning Center, and the Writing Learning Center.

Geneseo’s new  million Integrated Science Center (ISC), which earned a Gold Award for Excellence from the American Council of Engineering Companies, is one of the most advanced facilities of its kind at any undergraduate liberal arts college in the nation.

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Each semester, about  percent of our students gain

Geneseo backs up its commitment to student research opportunities with several funding options. Examples include: Undergraduate Research and Travel Grant () Dr. Wendell and Barbara Rhodes Research Award ( for a research project combining the natural sciences and the social sciences) Dean Johnston and Geneseo Foundation Student Research Assistanceship ( to assist a faculty member) Undergraduate Summer Fellowship (, to spend two consecutive summers conducting research)

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Pushing Boundaries Are you always curious about things, always asking questions, always wanting to know more? Do you like the idea of pursuing a subject that really captures your interest, framing a research question around that topic, designing the research methodology with the help of a professor, and seeing the project through? Rest assured, you’re not alone. Geneseo students tend to be inquisitive and independent minded. Most plan to attend graduate or professional school at some point, and research experience carries significant weight in the application process. All students who conduct research benefit from the opportunity to delve more deeply into a subject than they ever imagined.

A “GREAT” Emphasis on Research.

Last year, more than  students made presentations and mounted exhibits as part of the annual Geneseo Recognizing Excellence, Achievement, and Talent day.

firsthand experience by taking part in professional internships or faculty-sponsored research projects. You may schedule your internships for any place and any time, even combining them with summer jobs.

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Global Partners Geneseo has partnership agreements with: Argentina Barbados Canada Costa Rica Czech Republic England France Greece Haiti Ireland Italy Jamaica Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Russia Scotland South Africa South Korea Spain Trinidad Turkey

No Extra Charge. Students who study abroad through Geneseo or SUNY pay no additional tuition.

A Global Classroom We strongly encourage all students to spend some time in another country during their undergraduate years — a semester, a full year, or perhaps a summer. About 300 Geneseo students study abroad every year, and the number of students taking advantage of the College’s extensive international options continues to rise. Study abroad isn’t just about preparing to live and work in the global economy, although it is that. It’s about discovering who you are by stepping outside your comfort zone and seeing yourself and your homeland through the prism of other perspectives.

over  programs in

Geneseo students are eligible to participate in offered by the State University of New York.

 countries

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Summer Study Abroad Options Argentina History and Urban Geography Canada Geographic Field Studies Costa Rica Spanish Intensive Czech Republic Humanities II England Black British Literature, Comparative Education, Chemistry Research at Oxford, Humanities II at Oxford France Humanities II in Paris Greece Humanities I in Athens Italy Humanities I in Rome Mexico Research and Service Learning in Coba Netherlands Psychology, Sociology Nicaragua Service Learning in El Sauce Russia History, Politics, and Culture Scotland Sociology of the Paranormal

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and curiosity must be kept alive.

“ Life was meant to be lived, One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.�


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The Geneseo campus is . . . ◊

 minutes from Letchworth State Park or Conesus Lake

 minutes from a major ski slope

 minutes from Rochester

within an hour of New York State’s wine country

A Historic Setting.

Geneseo is one of only a handful

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Geneseo: The Village If you wonder what the quintessential college town looks like, look no further. Tourists come from miles around just to walk through the village and experience firsthand the town that Geneseo calls home. It’s a Norman Rockwell kind of place where the main street is called Main Street, the courthouse is on Court Street, and elms grow on Elm Street. It’s not Boston or New York, but it sure is a comfortable place to hang out, and maybe enjoy a bagel and an espresso at a sidewalk café.

of communities nationwide listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Geneseo provides weekend bus service to (and from) Rochester, one of New York’s most culturally rich cities. And a shuttle bus, free to student riders, operates in the village day and evening, including service to nearby shopping centers.

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As you stroll tree-lined walks crossing grassy quads, you can understand why, in addition to the College’s high selectivity, many visitors and educational observers have labeled

Geneseo, “New York’s Public Ivy.” The Campus: A Mix of Traditional and Contemporary. Most of Geneseo’s campus buildings reflect a traditional style, conveying the impres sion that important things have been happening here for years. And, indeed, they have. Yet you need not look far to find significant evidence of the modern world. One prime example: the spectacular Integrated Science Center (ISC) , which opened for classes and research in August 2006 . When the Center was dedicated, hundreds attended symposiums and lectures on topics ranging from evolution and science pedagogy to the relationship between the arts and sciences. When you visit, be sure to look for both the old and the new.

Take your laptop nearly anywhere on campus, including the quad, and you’ll enjoy wireless connectivity to the Internet.

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Friends and Community.

Most of Geneseo’s residence halls house ‒ students, so residents bond quickly in both corridor and suite-style buildings.

A Residential Campus. It’s a short walk from the residential villages to the academic quads, so Geneseo students move easily between their living spaces and their classrooms, the library, labs, and art studies, no matter what time of day. Close proximity also draws professors into residence halls and dining centers to spend time with students outside the classroom.

Traditionally Geneseo: Watching the sunset,  Volunteers,

MidKnight Breakfast, Senior Week, the Painted Tree and the Dr. Seuss Tree, Spring Weekend, Broomball, and Homecoming.

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Shared Interests —Diverse Approaches Geneseo’s new residential college houses are communities formed within residence halls that include special relationships with Faculty Fellows. Dante House, a community of first-year students, invites students to think about their lives as global citizens. Writer’s House, with spaces reserved for students from every class year, allows any student interested in being part of a writing community to apply to live with other writers, including chemistry majors who write poetry or sociology majors who write fantasy fiction. Our students have proposed future houses, including a “green” house where residents focus on environmental issues.

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“A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom.” ROBERT FROST

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In addition to a two-day summer orientation, Geneseo sponsors an innovative W.O.W. (Weeks of Welcome) program at the beginning of the academic year. The W.O.W. program features four weeks of welcoming activities, ranging from seminars on setting goals and reducing stress to book discussions and craft shows; from midnight movies and ice cream socials to dances and billiards.

More than , Geneseo students


at area children’s centers, nursing homes, schools, soup kitchens, health and service agencies, and other community organizations. The College’s Big Brother, Big Sister program is the largest of any collegiate program in the nation.

Activities for All Were you deeply involved in activities during high school? Do you wish you had tried more things, taken more risks? Do you wonder about life outside the college classroom, especially when your college isn’t in the middle of a big city? Ask Geneseo students if they have any advice for new students and they’ll likely respond: “Get involved!” Point well taken. To get the most out of your Geneseo experience, simply step outside your residence hall and immerse yourself in the life of the campus. There’s no end of things to do and activities to try. And be judicious, at first, until you find your footing. But at the end of the day — or four years — the busier you are, the happier you’ll be and the more growth you’ll experience.

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+ Here’s but a small sampling of the + student organizations. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Start a club of your own! Activities Commission Amnesty Inter national Biochemistry Club Black Student Union Carol Choristers

every year

Chamber Singers Chamber Symphony Chinese Cultural Club CIAO (Italian Student Union) Frater nities and Sororities Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals & Friends GSTV (student television) Hispanos Unidos en Geneseo Honor Societies (more than a dozen) International Business Club Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Irish Student Union Jazz Ensemble Jewish Student Union Korean American Students Association Latinas en Progresso y DeSarrolo Model United Nations Musical Theatre Club Newman Club Orchesis (dance) Our Time (literary magazine) Political Affairs Club Residence Hall Councils String Band Student Art Association Student Music Association Students for a Free T ibet Swing Club The Lamron (newspaper) WGSU-FM W ind Ensemble

Check out our website ( to learn about other popular offerings such as Upstate Escapes, the Adirondack Adventure, and the Knight Spot Dance Club.

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Launching Leaders. If you are admitted to Geneseo, you’re not only a top student, but it’s likely you’ve already demonstrated leadership qualities. If you plan to build upon your experience, you’re in luck because we offer a nationally acclaimed program for preparing future leaders.

At Geneseo, we are firmly committed to preparing students

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Demonstrate Leadership. Attend

GOLD program activities. Captain an athletic team. Become a resident assistant. Run for an office. Start a new club. Give campus tours. Opportunities abound. Seize them.

Going with the GOLD The GOLD program prepares students for leadership roles and services to the College and the global community through an extensive series of personal development programs, institutes, leadership certificates, service learning, volunteer work, and active engagement in College and community life. Here’s but a small sampling of offerings: ◊

Situational Leadership

Listening Skills

How Do I Get Other People to Step Forward?

Developing a Personal Leadership Model

Planning and Managing Major Events

It’s Not Who You Know— It’s WHO Knows YOU!

Smart Goals

Fostering Creativity


to take leadership positions, whatever their career goals, however grand (or modest) their dreams. Our award-winning GOLD (Geneseo Opportunities for Leadership Development) program epitomizes that commitment. If you possess the drive to lead, you can find opportunities to lead just about everywhere — beginning with your first day on campus.

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Scholar-Athletes: Not an Oxymoron Competitive athletics at a selective liberal arts college? You bet. In fact, some of the best NCAA Division III athletics take place here and at our peer institutions — the top private liberal arts colleges. In the past decade, our athletic teams have compiled an impressive record, including numerous conference championships won by both men’s and women’s teams, and a national championship captured by our women’s cross country team. If you’re not planning to play intercollegiate athletics, you can join the crowds cheering our teams, and sign up for intramurals (broomball on ice, anyone?) or one of our club sports teams (warthog rugby, anyone?). And, of course, plan to spend some time at our fitness center or practicing Tae Kwon Do with a few friends.

Last year, , students—far more than half the student body—played an intramural sport.

Myrtle A. Merritt Athletic Center (contains the Ira S. Wilson Ice Arena, the Louise Kuhl Gymnasium, a state-ofthe-art fitness center, and squash courts) The Carl Schrader Gymnasium (serves as home to the volleyball and basketball teams and also includes four racquetball courts, academic classrooms, and a free-weight training facility) The Alumni Pool Leg Up Stables (a -acre farm with over  horses and a quality training facility)

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Club Sports Cheerleading, crew, fencing, men’s tennis, men’s volleyball, men’s water polo, ultimate frisbee, women’s ice hockey, women’s rugby, warthog rugby

Intramurals Basketball, bocce, kickball, indoor soccer, softball

Blue Knight Varsity Teams Men




Cross country

Cross country



Indoor and outdoor track

Field hockey

Indoor and outdoor track










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the daughter of experience.” LEONARD O DA VINCI

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Named for Senator Barry Goldwater, Goldwater Scholarships recognize outstanding accomplishments in mathematics, science, and computer science. Geneseo students have won more Goldwater Scholarships () than students at any other undergraduate institution in New York except Vassar College where graduates have matched Geneseo’s achievement.

Last year,  percent of Geneseo’s students — more than twice the national average — pursued full-time graduate study immediately after graduation.

Mehr Qureshi will attend The University of Rochester’s School of Medicine next fall to pursue her M.D. degree.

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Career Services. The many offerings of the Career Services office include: ◊

FOCUS, a self-paced career planning tool

with accompanying resources; ◊

Strong Interest Inventory, a computer-based career assessment based on interest;

Personal counseling;

Alumni Career Partners Program, which features a list of alumni volunteers eager to help Geneseo undergraduates explore career options, talk about internships and other opportunities, and discuss graduate school options in their field;

Access to information about what Geneseo graduates are currently doing;

Information on “What can I do with this major/degree?”;

Seminars on topics such as résumé writing, interviewing, and networking;

Career Days;

Virtual Career Fairs

Future Doctors. On average, more than  percent of qualified Geneseo students who apply to medical school are accepted within two years.

After Geneseo Are you concerned about your prospects for landing a job or gaining acceptance to graduate school after Geneseo? Do you wonder if you’ll achieve the same level of success as former Geneseo graduates?

Are services available to help you crystallize your goals? We take seriously our responsibility to help you move from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. In addition to the extensive offerings of the Career Services office, you can turn to your professors for advice regarding employment and graduate school options. A thought: Investigate future career (or graduate school) possibilities with the same pioneering spirit that you explored college options as a high school student. Bring the same spirit of wonder and inquiry you apply to your academic work at Geneseo, and history suggests that you’ll do just fine.

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The Search for Wisdom Begins: Selecting the Best and Brightest College guides place Geneseo in the “highly selective” category, and while it's true that we strive to enroll the smartest students from New York and beyond, we also make sure that our classes include student leaders, team captains, accomplished writers, actors, musicians and artists, community volunteers, and others with exemplary accomplishments. If you choose Geneseo, you can be sure that you will be living and learning with some of the brightest and most interesting people you’ll ever meet.


Financial Aid Our Office of Financial Aid will work closely with you and your family to explore the wide array of resources available for financing your education, including federal and state grants, scholarships, student loans, and student employment. The Office can also offer suggestions on alternative loan sources, payment plans, and researching outside scholarship opportunities. Geneseo makes all financial aid awards on the basis of demonstrated need. To be considered for financial aid, you must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You must also request that your data be sent directly to the Financial Aid Office at Geneseo by February  if you wish to receive full and equal consideration. If you’re a prospective transfer student, you must also submit a financial aid transcript that shows the aid you’ve received from all previously attended colleges.












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Last year, . percent of first-year students identified themselves as students of color. And the proportion of international students continues to grow, with more than  nations represented on campus.

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Travel to Geneseo From the west: New York State Thruway to Exit ; Route  Southeast to Geneseo; turn left at the first traffic light onto College Drive.

Come for a Visit We’d love to welcome you to our campus. We offer tours Monday through Friday and on most Saturdays. To schedule a visit, please call our Office of Admissions or, better yet, schedule yourself on our admissions tours and events calendar ( Office of Admissions TEL : 585-245-5571 TOLL FREE : 866-245-5211 FAX: 585-245-5550 WWW.GE NESEO.EDU

Office of Financial Aid TEL : 585-245-5731 FAX: 585-245-5717 E MAIL : FI NAID @ GE NESEO.EDU

From the south: Route  North to Exit ; Route / North (about  miles); turn left at the traffic light onto Main Street (Route ); turn onto Park Street. From the north and east: New York State Thruway to Exit ; Route  South to Exit ; Route A West (about  miles); turn right at the third traffic light onto Main Street (Route ); turn onto Park Street.

When you arrive: Having entered the campus on Park Street, park on the visitors’ circle on the right. The Admissions Office is on the first floor of Austin W. Erwin Hall. Visitor parking is also available in lot “B”. Travel Time by Car ALBANY

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Geneseo in Brief Character: Highly selective, state-supported, four-year, residential, liberal arts collegewidely regarded as New York’s Public Honors College .



Toronto L ak e O ntar io Buffalo GENESEO


Rochester Syracuse 390

Utica 90


17 17

New York City


History: Founded in  as Wadsworth Normal and Training School.



Location: Geneseo, New York, a small college town (population ,) in the state’s Finger Lakes Region, is  miles south of Rochester and  miles east of Buffalo. Campus:  acres,  buildings, including  residence halls. Enrollment: , full-time undergraduates;  graduate students. Faculty:  full time;  percent hold Ph.D. or another terminal degree. Phi Beta Kappa: The nation’s oldest and most prestigious student honor society. Student-faculty ratio:  to one.

Graduation rate:  percent of first-year students graduate, one of the highest rates in the nation. Graduate study:  percent of students pursue full-time study immediately after graduation, more than twice the national average. Technology: Intel Corp ora tion’s “Most Unwired College Campuses” survey ranked Geneseo No.  among the Top  campuses in the nation where students have Internet access on notebook PCs without a wired connection. Residence life:  halls averaging  residents; all firstyear students and sophomores live in halls; twothirds of all students reside on campus. Annual cost: Tuition, ,; fees, ,; room, ,; board, ,; total, ,. Out-of-state tuition differential is ,. Admission: Highly selective.

Class size: Last year,  percent of fall semester class sections had fewer than  students.


Student diversity: . percent of undergraduates are students of color.

Application deadline: January  for fall, October  for spring, November  for early decision.

Middle  percent: .-. SAT I

Middle  percent: -

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