Geneseo 2012 13 annual report

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TogeTher We Change Lives

Courtney Cataudella ’15 is passionate about travelling and enjoys immersing herself in other cultures. Not a surprise, considering that she is majoring in International Relations, with a minor in Spanish. She’s already determined her path: earn her law degree, specialize in adoption law and become a child advocate. With those goals in mind, Courtney is thinking ahead about the funds needed for law school. Fortunately, her expenses at Geneseo are eased with the assistance of the Bridget Murphy ’01 Memorial Endowed Scholarship, a full-tuition, renewable scholarship. It is awarded to a deserving student who demonstrates financial need, is in good academic standing and has an interest in community service and writing. e Murphy family created the scholarship in memory of Bridget. Courtney corresponds with the Murphys on a frequent basis, contact which evolved from her first thank you note (expressions of gratitude to donors are handwritten by all Geneseo scholarship recipients). In her last update, she told of her summer trip to Nicaragua, and noted “I truly believe that the achievements I have made are a direct result of the amazing community of support with which I have been blessed.”

shaping our Future Two years ago, on September 15, more than 400 alumni and supporters of Geneseo gathered in New York City to launch Shaping Lives of Purpose: the Campaign for Geneseo. at night, Geneseo announced that we had chosen to actively shape our own future and ensure that students of modest means would continue to participate in an educational experience on par with the best liberal arts colleges in the country. In order to maintain that level of learning and enable Geneseo to move forward, alumni, parents and friends of the College had to commit to being true stakeholders. Last month, I had the privilege of standing in Wadsworth Auditorium to announce that Geneseo had indeed fulfilled that commitment—successfully completing Shaping Lives of Purpose. Geneseo secured gifts and pledges totaling more than $23 million from generous alumni, parents, friends, faculty and staff. rough the commitment of our donors, our campaign has accomplished much.

Frank Vafier ’74 The Geneseo Foundation Board of Directors and Campaign Chair, Shaping Lives of Purpose

anks to Shaping Lives of Purpose, e Center for Inquiry, Discovery and Development was founded. As of today, 24 students have undertaken transformational ambassadorships through e Center, which provides opportunities that inspire students to build better communities, make a difference in the world and truly lead lives of purpose. Another incredible opportunity that grew out of this campaign is the VanArsdale Endowed Chair for Entrepreneurship. Bud VanArsdale’s leadership gift of $2.5 million dollars, the largest gift in the history of the College, funded Geneseo’s very first endowed professorship. But most of Geneseo’s donors did not endow ambassadorships or professorships during this campaign. So what did your gifts accomplish? How did your leadership and generosity shape Geneseo? Since the launch of Shaping Lives of Purpose—Geneseo has awarded more than 2,500 scholarships to students— and nearly 900 students have been awarded research and travel grants. e newly formed Alumni Council is a product of this campaign. Increased alumni participation rates, more regional alumni events, and a stronger and more broadly supported athletics program are all results of your support and generosity. ank you for making 2012-2013 a historic year for Geneseo. To all of you who lead lives of purpose and support Geneseo students in discovering their lives of purpose, I am grateful for your partnership and commitment!

e Frank Vafier ’74 Ambassadors in Leadership are transforming local healthcare for lower-income residents. Since 2004, volunteer physicians and staff at the Geneseo Parish Outreach Center have treated more than 1,000 low-income residents who are uninsured or under-insured. Four members of Geneseo’s student Community Health Alliance service organization used their Frank Vafier Ambassadorship award to assist the center in switching from paper records to an electronic system. e upgrade allows staff to share vital information with hospitals, specialists, and each other. In addition to the purchase of necessary hardware and software, the students donated their time and talent, working with doctors and patients to enter the data into the electronic system. Using the new technology and their data analysis

skills, the students created a portrait of the patient demographic. e Center can now provide more comprehensive patient care and spend more time with patients, says Linda Weaver, the Center’s executive director. e biggest impact, she believes, are the long-term benefits provided by the system and data analysis that service organization members will continue to provide.

Hayley Martin ’12, Michael Mattiucci ’12, Grace Trompeter ’12, and Stephanie Kell ’12, with Geneseo Parish Outreach Center Executive Director Linda Weaver (center).

inspiring supporT “Ed Pettinella has generously supported Geneseo in many ways over the years. I am deeply grateful for his genuine commitment to his alma mater. Leadership gifts such as the one made by Ed truly energize our fundraising efforts.” - Christopher C. Dahl, president

Ed Pettinella ’73 appreciates how philanthropy can serve as a catalyst. His generous gift of $1 million enhances the School of Business through endowments to fund a professorship and scholarships. He also funded an ambassadorship in the Center for Inquiry, Discovery and Development. e CEO and president of Home Properties, Inc., Pettinella has served in leadership roles for Geneseo’s development efforts since 1988. “Geneseo offers a great education, but with the constant budget cuts I think private support from alumni, parents and friends is going to shape the future of the College," he believes. “Geneseo has received much recognition for its quality and value offered, and that perpetuates itself by maintaining strong faculty and brings in a higher caliber of students.”

engaging aLumni “Advancement involves all the ways we promote and advance the cause of Geneseo. Our alumni programs have grown five- or six-fold and we now have a national network of alumni with regional committees across the country, a class leadership committee and career and - Christopher C. Dahl, communication committees.” president

Chris Dahl has often stated that, job descriptions and titles aside, he is the college's chief advancement officer. It's one of his presidential roles that he most enjoys; spending time with alumni, parents and students, and hearing their Geneseo stories. During 2012-13, his travels took him from coast-to-coast, as he attended events and receptions in every region of the country. Similar journeys await in the upcoming year, as Dahl will give alumni the opportunity to wish him well in his retirement.

a reWarding ChaLLenge “Geneseo’s student-athletes develop a special bond with teammates and coaches, one that often remains strong throughout their lives. It is so encouraging to see former Knights being so loyal to the experience they had at Geneseo.” - Michael Mooney, director of intercollegiate athletics and recreation

e passion to compete burns brightly within every student-athlete. e desire of Geneseo Knights to rise to the occasion—even after graduation— was displayed by the results of “A Knight’s Challenge.” Bob Avallone ’76 and Dan Loughran ’86 contributed $50,000 to challenge alumni-athletes to contribute unrestricted gifts. Prizes went to men’s and women’s teams with the highest alumni participation rates. First place garnered $7,000 (ice hockey and field hockey); second place $5,500 (men’s and women’s swimming and diving), and third place $4,500 (men’s and women’s basketball). Teams having 15 percent participation received $2,000 (women’s volleyball and men’s soccer). • e ice hockey team was also the beneficiary of a significant gift. Former player Larry Gaus ’84, whose daughter Katie ’15 is a current student, donated funds for the renovation of the locker room, as well as an endowment for the team. A portion of his gift was also unrestricted. Geneseo’s coaches share the desire to capture the Knight’s Challenge Cup, since triumph secures additional dollars for their programs. Pictured with the spoils of victory from the 2012-13 competition are Jess Seren (field hockey) and Chris Schultz (men’s hockey).

• Stafford Country Club was the new venue for the RAA Golf Tournament. Proceeds from this year’s event will help replace lockers in the women’s soccer, women’s lacrosse and men’s basketball team rooms.

making hisTory “A gift from Elaine and Joe Bucci is enabling us to host a major new initiative—Teachers Day—which will bring area social studies teachers to campus at no cost to them—to hear our history faculty review scholarly trends in the areas of U.S. and global history.” - Joseph Cope, assistant professor and chair, department of history

e study of history can lead to opportunities to make history. Alumni support can greatly expand opportunities for Geneseo students and faculty, and this type of assistance is exemplified by Elaine and Joe Bucci’s support for the history department. As a department chair, Joseph Cope has firsthand knowledge of how such gifts support a variety of high-impact learning experiences for students and growth opportunities for faculty: • is year, their funds will help two students attend a national conference where they will present results of their undergraduate research experience—only the second time the college has been able to send students to this prestigious conference. • Last year, gifts from the Buccis funded travel and speaker fees for four lecturers, part of the Bill Gohlman Memorial Lectures in Global History, in honor of the late Geneseo history professor. e support of Elaine and Joe Bucci helps reinforce an extraordinarily productive history department. Faculty (including Cope) have published 14 books over the past decade— several of them award-winning— with six additional books scheduled for publication the next two years.

Forging neW ConneCTions “I think nearly every person I’ve ever met has had a positive experience at Geneseo and as for me, I had a great time. I think that anything that I can do will help make a difference. at’s what it’s all about and that’s why I volunteered.” - Chris Mattoni ’96, chair, Class Leadership Committee, Geneseo Alumni Council

Our alumni have an impressive range of expertise and extraordinary depth of life experiences. e newly-formed Class Leadership Committee of the Alumni Council is comprised of Geneseo alumni who have chosen to share their talents and acquired knowledge—along with their time—to help strengthen the Geneseo alumni network. Its purpose is to connect alumni with one another, with the College and with current students. “It’s about maturing into a real organization and recognizing that you’re a part of something special,” says Chris Mattoni ’96. “e alumni experience is being harnessed by the alumni themselves. at’s really what the Class Leadership Committee is about—reconnecting with your classmates and with Geneseo.” e core mission of the Class Leadership Committee is to increase alumni engagement. Among its goals: improve class giving participation rates, increase the number of Class Notes submitted by alumni and expand alumni attendance at regional events, on-campus events and Reunion.

Alumni Class Participation Rates Class Year



2014 Goal

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960

NA 20% 3% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% 3% 2% 3% 5% 4% 6% 5% 8% 7% 8% 7% 9% 8% 9% 7% 8% 9% 9% 9% 11% 10% 10% 9% 9% 9% 9% 8% 10% 12% 11% 11% 10% 11% 13% 13% 13% 14% 13% 19% 18% 14% 15% 12% 32% 19% 21%

44% 5% 5% 6% 5% 6% 6% 5% 5% 5% 5% 6% 6% 8% 7% 9% 8% 9% 10% 10% 11% 10% 10% 10% 9% 12% 9% 12% 12% 11% 12% 11% 10% 11% 9% 12% 12% 13% 13% 13% 16% 14% 14% 17% 16% 16% 19% 23% 18% 17% 18% 28% 20% 26%

13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 16% 15% 15% 14% 14% 20% 14% 14% 19% 19% 17% 16% 14% 18% 16% 17% 17% 19% 19% 20% 19% 19% 19% 21% 23% 23% 22% 29% 34% 32% 27% 37% 47% 42% 39%

5th Reunion Class

10th Reunion Class

15th Reunion Class

20th Reunion Class

25th Reunion Class

30th Reunion Class

35th Reunion Class

Geneseo graduates go out into the world hoping to make their mark, but now they are given a chance to do so as students. Each year, the Make Your Mark! Student Giving Challenge encourages students to give back to Geneseo and support the areas on campus that matter most to them. is program aims to educate Geneseo students on the importance of philanthropy and create a pattern of giving back to prepare them to become engaged alumni. In 2013, the challenge broke records as 540 students contributed more than $7,300. With a 44% participation rate, the Class of 2013 set an example for all class years to demonstrate their pride and appreciation by supporting Geneseo. Make Your Mark! also received a boost from Jeff Clarke ’83, who continued his tradition of generosity to Geneseo by providing $10,000 for five weeks of challenges. Fraternities and sororities, athletic teams and academic departments competed to win money. is year, the Class of 2014 aims to reach 50% participation.

40th Reunion Class

45th Reunion Class

50th Reunion Class

The percentage of donors is a strong indicator of alumni engagement. Increasing participation, regardless of donation amount, is an important goal for Geneseo. Similar institutions have average giving rates of 30-40%; considering the number of alumni who have positive memories of their time at Geneseo, participation in that range can certainly be achieved, if not surpassed.

ambitious goals As a newcomer to Geneseo, it took no time to understand this is a special place, a magical place. Oh Ha Daih—the beautiful valley. Ivy-covered walls, weathered oak doors and unforgettable sunsets. Turn right on Main Street. ere’s the bear. Look out over the Valley. Memories flood back. Alumni fondly recall their time here, recognizing the transformative power of great professors and coaches and the gift of lifelong friends. Geneseo shapes lives. For some, thoughts and feelings inspire action. Alumni include the College among their top philanthropic priorities and encourage friends to do the same. ey attend events near home, return to campus for reunions, and offer students careerrelated experiences—from job shadowing to internships. ey submit class notes to the Scene and encourage high school students to apply. With the successful completion of our capital campaign, our new alumni council providing volunteer opportunities to do meaningful work for the College, and 1,500 additional alumni donors in 2012-13, we have much to celebrate.

Bill Brower, Vice President for College Advancement

Yet, there is more the Geneseo family can do for the College it loves. State funding, at less than 15%, continues in a downward spiral. Private support is needed more than ever for Geneseo to continue to provide deserving, motivated students with transformational experiences. As we look to our future with exceptionally ambitious goals and aspirations commensurate with our place in the higher education universe, my hope is that the vital support alumni and friends provide will continue to grow, reflecting their pride in and gratitude e people on campus every day—Geneseo’s dedicated for the College. Can the Class of 2014 exceed a record-breaking 50% participation? Will 1,500 more alumni make gifts this year, joining the 1,500 additional supporters who joined the ranks last year and pushing alumni participation above 14% in 2014? Will donors contribute $3 million or more as they have the past two years? Most important, will we continue to work together to enhance the experiences of those who study, teach, mentor and coach here? Given the gratitude and affection alumni express, the answer is yes! Together we can! ank you for all you do for Geneseo.

faculty and staff—truly understand the impact made by gifts to the college. ey witness the benefits of philanthropy firsthand and, more important, participate in many different ways: utilizing new equipment and resources, or perhaps welcoming a distinguished guest speaker to campus. In the case of faculty, a primary area of funding is research, projects which usually involve the direct participation of their students. For Shaping Lives of Purpose, faculty and staff campaign co-chairs Andrea Klein (director of scheduling, events and conference services) and Ron Herzman (distinguished teaching professor of English) challenged colleagues to translate that daily dedication into tangible gifts. rough the end of the 2013 fiscal

year, campaign gifts by faculty and staff totaled close to $250,000. “eir participation helps demonstrate to alumni, parents and major donors that Geneseo enjoys broadbased support,” states Herzman. “Every gift from faculty and staff is a vote of confidence in the programs, initiatives and people that make Geneseo such an extraordinary college.”

Ron Herzman and Andrea Klein.

FinanCiaL Findings Five-year record of gifts

gift income by source

allocation of gifts

For Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013

For Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013

Alumni: Friends Corporations: Parents:

$1,980,575 $298,873 $231,412 $160,656

Foundations: Faculty/Staff Others:


$156,140 $100,837 $74,930


Academic Innovation and Faculty Support $1,126,135 Scholarship and Grants $866,417

Where need is greatest (unrestricted): $793,542 Athletics: $217,329



Geneseo Foundation Board of Directors

Geneseo Alumni Council Executive Committee

2013-14 Jack A. Kramer ’76, Chair James N. Leary ’75, Vice Chair Kevin P. Gavagan ’75, Treasurer John T. Camiolo ’86, P’14, Secretary Robert J. Avallone ’76 P’09 Kevin M. Canty ’77 Joseph L. Carr ’82 Jeffrey J. Clarke ’83 Jennifer M. Dunlap ’81 Michael J. Eble ’85 John A. Gleason ’87 James S. Houston ’80 Charles Kleman ’72 Raymond L. Kotcher ’73 Daniel G. Loughran ’86 Gregory O’Connell ’64, P’10 Edward J. Pettinella ’73 Eric B. Rorapaugh ’89 Jane I. Ryan ’74 Brian J. Saluzzo ’92 George W. Speedy ’71 David C. Turner ’72 Frank L. Vafier ’74 Daniel B. Ward ’87 Ex-Officio William H. Brower III Eddie Lee ’76 Carol S. Long James G. McLean James B. Milroy ’81 Forrest Regan ’14 Robert D. Wayland-Smith P’93, ’98 Member Emerita Myrtle A. Merritt

2013-14 John A. Gleason ’87, Chair Career Advisory Committee Robert J. Muller ’83, Chair Kathy Acierno-Baron ’83, Vice Chair

Class Leadership Committee Christopher T. Mattoni ’96, Chair Communication Advisory Committee Gary E. Grose ’87, Chair Christopher W. Pinckney ’88, Vice Chair

Regional Events Committee Tracie Lopardi Brown ’95, Chair Clare M. Cusack ’96, Vice Chair

Geneseo Alumni Association Board of Directors Eddie Lee ’76, President Patricia Malet Fennell ’65, Vice President

Valarie A. Scott ’82, Secretary Douglas R. Dickman ’89, Treasurer Allison K. Barley ’00 Frank J. Blasioli ’73 Clare M. Cusack ’96 Michael J. Fuchs ’77 Tanya F. Gesek, Ph.D. ’93 Gary E. Grose ’87 Eric J. Hinman ’02 Bronwyn L. Irwin ’97 Mark S. Kane ’80, P’06, ’09, ’11 Denise M. Lamoreaux ’84, P’11 Marissa J. Lewis ’10 Bruno A. Lombardo ’00 Betty Mitchell Minemier ’61 Judith Nichols Rhodes ’73 James D. Rogers ’04 Jonna Van Wagenen Shutowick ’88 Douglas R. Smith ’97 Ann Gallic Tiede ’00 Ex-Officio William H. Brower III Christopher C. Dahl Carol S. Long

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