1 minute read

Dedicate the Merit

reciting the following stanza altogether.

And so, today, within the sight of all protectors, I summon beings, calling them to Buddhahood. And, till that state is reached, to every earthly joy! May gods and demigods and all the rest rejoice!


H. Dedicate the Merit

The entire program on conferring the bodhisattva vow is now completed. Lastly, let’s dedicate all the virtuous roots to boundless sentient beings. May the wish-fulfilling Dharma prosper, may all sentient beings be happy, and may the world be wonderful like the beginning of the current kalpa when the phenomenal world and the sentient beings are felicitous across the six times. With this intention, let’s dedicate the merits.

By this accumulation of merit, may I obtain all seeing omniscience, And may all faults be defeated. The whirling, turbulent waves of birth, aging, sickness, And death — from this ocean of samsara, may I liberate beings.

This is the end of Khenpo Sodargye’s commentary and conferral of the bodhisattva vow by following His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche’s Concise Sadhana of the Bodhisattva Vow on June 4th, 2020, the anniversary of Buddha Shakyamuni’s first turning of the Dharma Wheel.

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