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Galleri CC Malmö, Sweden
Galleri CC, Båstadsgatan 4, 214 39 Malmö, Sweden contact@gallericc.se | www.gallericc.se
Galleri CC is a non-commercial artist-run gallery. The group of artists running the gallery take on the roles of curators, embody and partake in exhibition concepts in collaboration with artists invited by the gallery. The gallery is in a constant state of transformation, and the engagement in art and with artists from all over the world is the groundwork of the organisation. Each year, the gallery has eight exhibition periods which consist of solo and group exhibitions as well as open calls. For Supermarket 2022 Galleri CC present the works of Arngrímur Borgþórsson (IS/SE), Maja Gade Christensen (DK), Bahareh Mirhadi (IR/SE), Ina Michonne Nian (SE) and Sofia Wickman (SE). Galleri CC is funded by the City of Malmö and the Swedish Arts Council.

Arngrímur Borgþórsson, ’It wasn’t me’, bronze, 2021 Maja Gade Christensen, ‘Ruins in full bloom’, bricks and photogravure, 100 x 100 x 20 cm and 53 x 40 cm, 2021 Bahareh Mirhadinezhadfard, ‘City’, photo collage, drawing, 26.5 x 20 cm, 2019 Ina Michonne Nian, ‘Black Noise #4’, glass, sea water, metal, iron, 2021, photo: Lena Bergendahl Sofia Wickman, ‘Fragments’, light tubes with photographic clear film, 42 x 64 cm, 2022