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Gallery Longa & Fönari Helsinki, Finland
Gallery Longa & Fönari, Tukkutorinkuja 6, 00580 Helsinki, Finland longa.fonari@arslongatalo.fi | www.longafonari.blogspot.com
Gallery Longa & Fönari, established in 2020, is located in Ars Longa, a new apartment building for artists in the Kalasatama area near the center of Helsinki. The gallery is run by the building’s resident artists, designers and writers. The exhibitors in the gallery are the apartments’ residents and their invited guests, and the profile is diverse including all types of visual arts. At Supermarket 2022: Merja Heino (curator and artist), paintings, photos, videos; Mirka Flander & Jari Haanperä, performances, art-craft design, short films, photos, light-sound installations; Mandi Nurmi, paintings, installations; Anu Suhonen, videos, photos, public art; Inari Virmakoski, performance.

Mandi Nurmi, ‘Dolce Vita Trays’, acrylic on board, various sizes, 2016 Inari Virmakoski, ‘Ocean Woman’, performance, 5 min, 2013, photo: Anitta Hillestad Merja Heino, ‘Animal farm, Finland (Cow’s Dream)’, photo, silisec, 20 x 50 cm, 2022 Anu Suhonen, ‘Carousel – The Holy Water Project’, video, 4 min, 2021 Mirka Flander & Jari Haanperä, ‘Slides of Life’, live slide performance, 15 min, 2022