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Dining With Dignity
Just over a year ago, Wendy Reeve was talking with her Aunty Viv about her clothing protectors.

oth my Aunty Viv and my 90 year old Oma used clothing protectors for every meal (My Oma, who has since passed away, was confined to a bed, and my Aunty has a form of Muscular Dystrophy, so is in a wheelchair),” she explained.
“The more I looked around their retirement home and hospital level care home, the more I started seeing a real need for nicer, more user friendly clothing protectors.”
What started out as Reeve making beautiful clothing protectors for her Aunty and Oma, soon turned into a business. She started receiving emails from people who had spotted her Aunty at the mall wearing hers, or people who saw Reeve’s photos on facebook.
“They›d tell me about their personal lives, family members who used six towels a day in order to not get dirty clothes, grandparents who stopped drinking tea in fears of spilling it, and teenagers who required dribble protectors, but felt their dignity wasn›t being met by wearing a baby bib.”
This is where Eveer Creations all started, a business which ensures confidence and dignity with beautiful handmade Clothing Protectors, made in Pukerua Bay.
Reeve makes each clothing protector from scratch. Each has three layers, a beautiful cotton front, absorbent middle and 100% waterproof backing. Over time, she has made some changes, such as the diamond clothing protector having a side dome, to allow the wearer more self help.
“I have also introduced the ‹Pull Over› protector, which I made for my Aunty who can›t manage any domes, and wants to do as much for herself as she can.”
The Adult Dribble Protectors are fun and look lovely. They are absorbent, waterproof and made with quality fabrics to ensure they are not just functional, but also comfortable to wear.
The Diamond Clothing Protectors are lightweight, durable and easy to wear. They are designed to ensure clothes are kept clean and dry, with a high quality cotton front and waterproof backing.
The Adult Full Clothing Protectors are functional and beautiful protectors, ideal for people in wheelchairs or in a seated position for meals. The side dome placement is ideal for people with low mobility in their arms.
The Pull Over Clothing Protector is designed to allow the wearer more self help, independence and dignity. Made with high quality fabrics, it is waterproof, machine washable and looks great!
Dignity and confidence are the top values for Reeve.
“All these people are just people, like you and I, and like my Aunty Viv and Oma. They, like us, deserve to wear nice things and feel confident while wearing them too. Nobody wants to wear a clothing protector, but it is a part of life. So, if you need to, why not wear one that looks great?”
Reeve noted that the feedback about her products has been amazing.
“It is really special to hear so many stories of people feeling confident. I am really thankful that I have found something that brings me joy as well.”
Eveer Creations can also create custom orders, such as if someone has had a stroke and requires the dome on a specific side or if someone requires a large size.
For more information and to order, visit www.eveer.co.nz