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Seasonal playability
Historians believe the Egyptians developed the game of lawn bowling. Before the invention of the lawnmower in 1830, bowling greens were kept trimmed by grazing sheep.
he oldest lawn bowls site still played on is in Southampton, England, with records showing its operation since 1299 AD.
However, the upkeep of a natural bowling lawn is challenging and timeconsuming. With the invention of artificial turf, bowling greens can be kept even and usable all year round.
Fieldturf NZ is a leading figure in the New Zealand turf industry, specialising in the consultancy, construction and maintenance of natural and artificial turf. Fieldturf NZ is also Bowls New Zealand’s preferred supplier for new and replacement greens in New Zealand as its product meets the World Bowls Standards.
Fieldturf NZ’s managing director Mark Perham explains that multiple factors should be considered when designing a bowling green.
“A key element is access to the site, not only for construction but for green maintenance and surface replacement in years to come,” said Perham.
It is also essential to factor in consideration for suitable drainage to ensure playability throughout all seasons.
“We believe a key element to a good bowling green, especially when being installed in an aged care setting, is the ability for the surface to be playable by all levels.
“Ensuring that the levels of the green are to the standards set by World Bowls is also essential for a good bowling green,” he said.