2 minute read
The Washroom
theWASHROOM Make Sure Your School Gets an A+ For Cleanliness
Schools, pre-schools, and universities all have several high-touch and high-use areas that can be a breeding ground for bacteria and disease. Now more than ever it’s important that these areas are properly cleaned and maintained.
During a pandemic, you will need to clean more thoroughly to minimise the spread of the virus. This applies particularly to hard surfaces such as, sinks, handles, railings, changing facilities, objects, and counters.
Choosing the Right Disinfectant
Influenza viruses are inactivated by alcohol and by chlorine. Cleaning of surfaces with a neutral detergent followed by a disinfectant solution is recommended. Surfaces that are frequently touched with hands should be cleaned often, preferably daily. The Ministry of Health recommends: • to clean surfaces with a suitable cleaner and/ or disinfectant and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use • when choosing a suitable cleaning product, consider what the product is effective against and the length of time the product needs to be left on a surface to clean it properly • where possible, use disposable cloths to clean surfaces. Reusable cloths should be cleaned, disinfected and then dried after use • ensure appropriate equipment is available for workers to wash and dry their hands.
Review cleaning contracts
During the pandemic planning phase, cleaning contracts should be reviewed, and contingency plans agreed with the cleaning contractor e.g. for cleaning and disinfecting classrooms, removing towels and increasing the supply of paper towels.
Active phase of the pandemic
During the active (red) phase, the quality and, if necessary, frequency of cleaning is to be increased, including: • General cleaning Specialised cleaning - If a child, student, or staff member has entered the school or service while ill, specialised cleaning of their locker, desk and/or workspace should take place immediately to minimise the spread of infection.
Bathroom Hygiene
Consider alternatives to hot-air hand-driers. Increase use of disposable paper towels in a suitable dispenser. Antibacterial liquid soap should be provided in all bathrooms/toilets in preference to bar soap.
It’s also important to make sure instant hand sanitiser is available and accessible in all areas of the school. Setting up a hand sanitise station at the doorway of classrooms is a great way to get kids into the habit of sanitising their hands before entering. H
PEFC certified

This tissue product is from sustainably managed forest and controlled resources
Contact your Territory Account Manager to discuss our full range of dispenser and hand towel options, or contact us on 0800 22 34 11 livi.co.nz /livi-new-zealand