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30 Playgrounds
Helping Little Brains Grow Strong
Brachiation is the movement by which primates swing from tree limb to tree limb using only their arms. Put simply it is the form of movement whereby one swings from one arm to the other across overhead equipment – think of a child crossing an overhead monkey bar or gladiator rings – that is brachiation.

So why is brachiation important for school playground equipment?
Making the left and right hemispheres of the brain work together in an alternating fashion is critical to the neurological development of children, which is why the act of crawling is so important for infants.
Of course, with the exception of the odd crawl tunnel in junior playgrounds, there is little compulsion for school aged children to crawl. This is where brachiation comes in – swinging hand over hand from one rung to another makes the brain work in the same way.
We are quite fortunate in New Zealand that “upper body equipment” is included in nearly every school playground and the vast majority of public playgrounds – be it the plain over-head ladder or the more dynamic spinning rings. In fact, this is almost considered a requirement of playgrounds in New Zealand, this is not the case in the European playgrounds and especially the UK.
What does this mean for children in New Zealand school playgrounds?
Crossing an overhead ladder from one side to the other is hard work – go out to your playground and give it a go, if you haven’t been on the monkey bars for a few years you will soon see what we mean.

Playing on a playground structure that includes a number of overhead components during playtime is a fantastic way of building kids endurance and fitter kids are not only more alert but they find it easier to get through the school day without getting drowsy. Some other ways this translates to positive outcomes in the school environment:
Proprioception helps children to understand their personal space and how their action might impinge on the personal space of others
Communication and conflict resolution – negotiating with another child who might be crossing on the other direction – how will they move around each other, who’s turn is it?
Small and fine motor skills help with writing, typing, painting etc
A strong upper body is very important for posture and sitting comfortably at a desk for long periods.
The benefits of brachiating:
• Development of motor skills – gross, fine and small • Increases upper body strength as well as grip strength • Builds flexibility and endurance • Promotes proprioception - awareness of the body’s movement. • Development of hand-eye coordination • Development of depth perception and visual comprehension of distance • Toughens up the hands!
Play Equals Learning
Albert Einstein said “Play is the highest form of research”.
This is something Playground People Ltd live by as play is an integral part of what it means to be human. Developing minds learn so much of what they will need to cope with a school environment and the world at large – the benefits of brachiation are a great example of this.
Playground People are proud of the role our playground equipment plays in the development of children in schools around New Zealand. H
While a little dirt on an outdoor playground is perfectly normal, there are steps you can take to keep your school playground as clean as possible. In addition to making the playground more visually appealing, proper cleaning and disinfecting can also help prevent the spread of germs, making the playground a safer place.

When it comes to playground equipment, many little hands can touch these surfaces throughout each day, and each touch can leave behind microbes. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, more attention has shifted to those invisible marks users leave behind.
As children grab onto monkey bars, slides and swings, they can transfer germs from their hands. They can also leave germs behind from the bottoms of shoes or can send germs airborne from coughs or sneezes that land on surfaces.
Some germs can live on surfaces for a significant amount of time. For example, the influenza virus can live up to two full days on surfaces. Despite the upsides of outdoor play, playground equipment can still facilitate the spread of germs without proper cleaning. Even as COVID-19 becomes less of a concern for communities, viruses and bacteria can pose a threat to our health, making removing these germs an important part of playground safety.
Cleaning can be an essential task for keeping the playground in tip-top condition. There are some steps schools can take to help keep the playground cleaner and more hygienic in between cleanings, as well:
Install surfacing: You should install playground surfacing designed for shock absorption and accessibility. These surfaces, such as poured-in-place rubber or rubber tiles, are safer and can minimise the dirt and dust that get kicked up in the playground.
Provide handwashing or sanitising stations: When it comes to minimising the spread of germs, one of the best steps playground users can take is washing or sanitising their hands. You can install hand sanitizing stations near the playground, which is a convenient option for keeping kids from transmitting germs by touch.
Use equipment with an antimicrobial coating: Disinfecting regularly used playground equipment can kill germs that are present, but as soon as children start playing on the equipment again, more germs can appear. An antimicrobial coating can help protect against germs between cleanings, it acts as an invisible barrier of protection on playground equipment that kill pathogens while being completely safe for kids. H