2 minute read

Tania Walters Publisher

Sarah Mitchell Editorial Director

That’s the question we asked 80+ New Zealand suppliers and the answer that came back was a resounding yes. In this, our first F&B Market Ready report we feature the brands and products of 80+ producers and suppliers, outlining a little of their brand story.
New Zealand is marked by a substantial duopoly between Foodstuffs and Progressive Enterprises as well as being dotted with a small number of gourmet independents. The market has gone through an exciting year with innovative store openings in terms of layout and ranging.
Price continues to be a key driver for consumers, but the real winner is the popularity of healthy convenience, with this category continuing to grow. Customers have been increasingly driven towards products that are free from, more sustainable, with less sugar and a clear origin. Health conscious foods certainly play a major role with this trend involving both brands and consumers pushing manufacturers to change their recipes and develop healthier lines.
While premiumisation and brand collaborations continue to show up in NPD, the top trends to watch are:
• Balance the Sweet – sugar is under pressure as consumers drive to balance taste and health, a real driver for NPD.
• In Tune Body – consumers are personalising their own nutrition intake, experimenting with free from, superfoods, plant alternatives and specific diets like paleo.
• Clean & Clear – clean label is the new global standard.
Encapsulating moments – targeting specific moments, for example, snacking on beyond chia and quinoa, consumer interest is fuelled by the natural source of flavour, texture and health benefits.
• Sophistication – consumers are willing to pay for an indulgent product of premium quality. This is especially the case in the growing middle classes in developing markets.
• Connected World – connectivity means that the spread and choice of authentic international cuisines give consumers more knowledge of other foods and flavours.
• Blurring of Borders – innovation continues as manufacturers continue to capitalise on the potential of hybrid innovation and fusion.
• Rise of plant-based – plant milks, meat alternatives and vegan offerings have moved into mainstream as consumers move to take the benefits of plants into their daily diet.
• Kid Power – kids continue to be influencers for what goes in the grocery basket, but now it’s not the unhealthy options such as confectionery, typically they are now driving consumption of healthier options.

Emerging producers are responding to the growing consumer demand for artisanal products, while mainstream producers are also innovating through new ingredients, flavours, product variants, clean label and packaging design.
Innovation is an over-used word but it is the catch-phrase of the moment for consumers who are looking for the next trend, the next food ingredient or superfood.
Our team at SupermarketNews continues to support all suppliers to the New Zealand grocery industry and this F&B Market Ready the many innovations that we have
CHAIRMAN: Peter Mitchell, peter@reviewmags.com
PUBLISHER: Tania Walters, tania@reviewmags.com
GENERAL MANAGER: Kieran Mitchell, kieran@reviewmags.com
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Sarah Mitchell, sarah@reviewmags.com
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SENIOR DESIGNER: RaymundSarmiento raymund@reviewmags.com
GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Tay James Marriott, tjames@reviewmags.com
F&B MARKET READY is published under license to Review Publishing Co Ltd as a supplementary publication to SupermarketNews magazine. Please direct all enquiries and correspondence to Review Publishing Co Ltd.The opinions and materialpublishedinthiseditionofF&BMarketReadyarenotnecessarilythoseof thepublishersunlessspecificallystated.Allmaterialinthispublicationiscopyright and may only be reproduced with the consent of the publisher. Copyright 2017 F&BMarketReadyisasupplementarypublicationtoSupermarketNewsmagazine.
ISSN No. 1173-3365
PO Box 37140 Parnell, Auckland. Tel +64
The New Zealand Food & Grocery Council works for food & beverage manufacturers. We are always looking for ways to create local and export opportunities for our member companies and the wider food industry.

One way to do this is by helping manufacturers make connections with supermarket buyers. This is why we are delighted to team up with Supermarket News and New Zealand Trade & Enterprise with the production of F&B Market Ready.

The aim is to showcase what’s market ready, innovative and exciting. From the large number of entries, you can tell that the New Zealand food industry is good heart!
KATHERINE RICH Chief Executive, NZ Food & Grocery Council