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a hot drink tonic or a dry soda. The other soda syrups include Raspberry & Lemon, Cherry & Pomegranate, C elery Tonic, Cola Six, Creaming Soda, Orange & Dandelion, Hibiscus, Lemonade, Ginger Ale, Lime, Sarsaparilla and Coffee. The bottled sodas are Raspberry & Lemon, Cherry & Pomegranate, Salted Cucumber & Mint (sugar-free), Cola Six, Lemonade and Ginger Ale.
Q: What is innovative or unique about the product?
A: High quality product, handmade, fairtrade, organic and locally sourced ingredients, creative flavours.
Q: What is the brand story?
A: Creative and delicious soda handmade by an independent Wellington based company, bringing a new level of quality to the drinks category.
Q: What is the current product range and variants and what makes these products stand out in the market?
A: The Lemon Honey Ginger syrup can be

Q: Who is the consumer and what benefit does the product bring them?
A: People who want to make good drinks at home. They are great for Soda Streams and making restaurant quality sodas and cocktails.
Q: What consumer trend does the product support?
A: Good quality, handmade, New Zealand independent non-alcoholic drinks. n
For more information please contact tegan@sixbarrelsoda.co or call +64 021 167 3049

Q: What is the brand story?
A: The New Zealand Tamarillo Co-Operative Ltd (Tamco Ltd) was formed to secure a constant supply of high grade fruit and the products marketed under the brand name “For the love of Tams”. Recently both products were launched into the US and will shortly be available in Australia.
Q: What is the current product range and variants and what makes these products stand out in the market?
A: The Tamarillo Vinegar Dressing is a red wine vinaigrette infused with tamarillo and slightly sweetened. This infusion technique was not available in New Zealand, so Tamco had to design and construct the necessary equipment. The Tamarillo Relish is a delicious blend of tamarillo, vinegars and spices.

Q: What is innovative or unique about the product?
A: The Tamarillo Relish is unique as Tamco has