1 minute read
Now I know what you are thinking, how can a big breed be ok to stay alone at home?
Golden Retrievers are loyal, friendly, intelligent, easy to train and just deadly adorable. An ideal Golden Retriever is gentle and harmless; they love children, making the breed the perfect family dog.
The downside to Golden Retrievers is the fact that they love food; therefore, a strict diet is required to stay on a healthy figure. They also shed a lot, so daily brushing can help reduce that.
Greyhounds are well known to be professional racing dogs, but how can a racing dog be kept at home alone for long hours? Well, just because they can do incredibly fast zoomies doesn’t mean that’s what they want to do all the time. Greyhounds are easy-going and super chill; they can lay on the couch and sprint away on an open field.

dog beds