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CALLUM O’BRIEN FOUNDER, JUMPING GOAT Callum O’Brien, the ‘Goatfather’, is the founder of Jumping Goat Liquor which produces a range of liquors infused with coffee.
n addition to Jumping Goat, O’Brien is also the part-owner of Dr Rudi’s Rooftop Brewing Co., and Saint Alice Bar and Eatery. Being involved in the hospitality business for most of his career, O’Brien said that it’s safe to say his life somewhat revolves around bars and alcohol.
O’Brien started playing around with Jumping Goat between 2012-2013.
“I always used to like having a shot of whisky and an espresso coffee before I went out at night, so I figured it would be easy to blend the two in a bottle,” said O’Brien. After trialling this very idea with a cheap espresso machine and a bottle of vodka, O’Brien decided it was better to use cold brew coffee, instead. There has been a lot of tweaking since its inception, but Jumping Goat now runs a full-scale operation at a distillery in Tauranga called Distillerie Deinlein. Jumping Goat has always endeavoured to source the best-quality ingredients, according to O’Brien.
“Our coffee is 100 percent organic, and the farm we source from in Papua New Guinea is currently working through getting I

Rain Forest Alliance which encompasses social as well as environmental standards, similar to fair trade,” said O’Brien.
Jumping Goat has also been working closely with the charity Farm Africa Online for the last three months. Through Farm Africa Online, Jumping Goat has involved itself in Livestock for Livelihoods, whereby women in Ethiopia are supported in a way that is tangible and has room to grow and spread. “A female farmer receives two goats. Those goats have kids. The farmer then donates two of the kids to another qualifying farmer. Those kids grow up and have kids of their own, two of whom are passed onto another new farmer—and so it goes on,” he said.
In addition to the ethical and responsible way of operating, Jumping Goat’s product is unique in the way it is made, as well. Around 100g of coffee beans are used for each bottle made, which generates high-levels of natural caffeine in the finished good. This means that about 60mg of caffeine is being

ingested per 100ml of 33 percent ABV alcohol. O’Brien noted that New Zealand tends to follow other markets from around the world in terms of our trends and flavours. O’Brien stated that people are becoming increasingly aware of what they are drinking and actually care about what’s in the bottle. “The emergence of so many craft spirit brands has meant people are spoilt for choice when it comes to products,” said O’Brien. “Quality ingredients, good brand story, and standout packaging all have a big impact on success.” With New Zealand’s flourishing coffee culture, as well, O’Brien said that it’s about educating internationals as Jumping Goat begins to spread the importance of quality coffee.
Recently, Jumping Goat made the leap into the UK market. O’Brien said that the launch was received well, and people seemed to understand the brand and what Jumping Goat is trying to achieve. O’Brien also said that production and distribution in the USA are underway, and he hopes to have the product on the ground in early 2020.
Although the craft spirit industry is tough and highly competitive, the first few years for Jumping Goat have been successful. O’Brien said that for now they are focussed on the new UK and the soonto-be USA market, something that will likely take up a lot of their time. “We will continue to do things in our vibrant, Jumping Goat way, and hopefully, that will see the brand become a well-known one worldwide.”