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Cold Smoked Speck Bacon
Cold Smoked Speck Bacon is a 100 percent natural, handcrafted artisanal meat product without preservatives. Inspired by traditional European craftsmanship, this bacon is carefully produced using premium ingredients sourced from trusted New Zealand farmers. The bacon undergoes a slow and gentle cold-smoking process, infusing it with a subtle smoky flavour while retaining its tenderness. Its unique Speck style originates from Northern Serbia regions. Salash-family-inspired artisan meats' dedication to quality and attention to detail have earned this bacon a prestigious gold award for its exceptional flavour and craftsmanship.
For more information, visit www.salash. co.nz. n
Consumers continue to move to include more plant-based options into their diet, with Kantar research indicating that 19 percent of New Zealanders are adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet, and more than one in three are actively flexitarian, represented through international figures. With this increased demand and consumer movement towards plant-based lifestyles, plan*t is committed to remaining focused on bringing great-tasting plantbased nutrition to the market, which can be seen with its world-first New Zealand grown Hemp based chick*n, delivering the fastest cooking, safe, great-tasting, highquality protein to customer. The plan*t team has loved seeing what the public and its partners in the broader food service space are creating with its latest innovation. For more information, visit www.plan-t.earth. n