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Ă la Carte


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Welcome to Supersudaca

Supersudaca is a group of 11 architects spread in different parts of the world that join forces to redefine planning, architecture, research and design in the most wide range of possibilities. Founded in Rotterdam in 2001 with members from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic, Ukraine and Uruguay, Supersudaca aims to offer a refreshing and outstanding approach to diverse themes and challenges. The group counts with a promising experience in several urban, residential and commercial proposals, that include projects related to the public perception such as recreation spaces, public spaces, and installations in various locations such as Caracas, Lima, Tokyo, Talca, Buenos Aires. Supersudaca continuously collaborates with various Universities worldwide to launch such projects. Besides direct actions Supersudaca has two ongoing (award winning) research projects, one related to experimental social housing in Lima (Y PREVI?) and another about the impacts of tourism in the Caribbean. More recently Supersudaca as won the international competition of ‘vanguard’ social housing in Ceuta, Spain with 170 houses, among other initiatives. Supersudaca has received various kinds of funding and grants, above all from Dutch foundations such as The Prince Claus Funds and the Stimulering Funds for Architecture.





Urbanism Vivienda de Patr贸n Talca Hot Spot La Vecindad del Patio Elemental Lumineda Rotterdam GP

Supersudaca / urbanism


Vivienda de Patrón LOCATION: Ceuta, Spain (North Africa). YEAR : 2007 THEME: Competition,1º Prize. ARCHITECTS: Félix Madrazo and Elena Chevtchenko with Arman Abdogan/IND

Supersudaca / urbanism


Talca HotSpot LOCATION: Talca Chile. YEAR : 2006 THEME: Urban study and Masterplan. SURFACE: 80 000 m2. ARCHITECTS: Juan Pablo Corvalan with German Molina/GMM. TEAM: Gabriel Vergara, Manuel Gaete, Juan Paulo Alrac贸n. PRELIMINAR STUDY: 3rd Year studio, School of Architecture, Universidad de Talca.

Supersudaca / urbanism


LaVecindad del Patio LOCATION: La Serena, Chile YEAR PROJECT: 2007 THEME: Competition 3º Prize. ARCHITECTS: Juan Pablo Corvalán and Gabriel Vergara. TEAM: Miguel Angel Reyes y Andrés Valenzuela.

Supersudaca / urbanism


Elemental LOCATION: Chile YEAR PROJECT: 2004 THEME: Competition. ARCHITECTS: Manuel De Rivero, Felix Madrazo, Ana Rascovsky, Max Zolkwer. TEAM: Sebastian Duque

Supersudaca / urbanism


Lumineda LOCATION: Linares, Chile YEAR: 2004 THEME: competition 3rd prize. ARCHITECT: Juan Pablo Corvalán. TEAM: Juan Pablo Alarcón, Pablo Abdala, Carolina Lizama, Pablo Sepúlveda, José Miguel Mardones, Mario Bueno.

Supersudaca / urbanism


Rotterdam GP LOCATION: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. YEAR: 2002 THEME: Thesis Berlage Institute, Urban Proposal for Rotterdam Marketing. ARCHITECT: Juan Pablo Corvalรกn. TEAM (proposal): Patrick Decaix, Sebastian Duque, Eriko Watanabe, Hiroshi Kohno, Roubini Makidou, Hara Kyhakidou, Peter Senk, Suncana Rapaic, Sudbert Schimidt. TUTORS: Brett Steele, Vedran Mimica and Elia Zenghelis.

Projects Kindergarden Multivacaciones Kiltro House Curch(ita) AAA Condo Eight House Machu PĂŽchu Cloud Canoe Club MAAM Curico School Good Will Project Nest Non Glue Chair Stair Petit Projets

Supersudaca / projects


Kindergarden LOCATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina YEAR: 2007 THEME: Kindergarden ARCHITECTS: Ana Rascovsky with Irene Joselevich.

Supersudaca / projects


Multivacaciones LOCATION: Lima, Peru. YEAR: 2007 THEME: Travel Agency. ARCHITECTS: Manuel De Rivero with Cesar Becerra/511 and Fernando Puente Arnao/511.

Supersudaca / projects


Kiltro House LOCATION: Pencahue, Chile. YEAR: 2007THEME: House ARCHITECT: Juan Pablo Corvalan. TEAM: Gabriel Vergara, Miguel Angel Reyes.

Supersudaca / projects


Church (ita) LOCATION: Talca, Chile. YEAR: 2007THEME: Chapel and Social Programme. ARCHITECTS: Juan Pablo Corvalan and Gabriel Vergara. TEAM: Jaime Pavez.

Supersudaca / projects


AAA condo LOCATION: Lima, Peru. YEAR: 2007THEME: Residential. ARCHITECTS: Manuel De Rivero with Cesar Becerra/511 and Fernando Puente Arnao/511.

Supersudaca / projects


Eight House LOCATION: Chicureo, Chile. YEAR: 2007THEME: House. ARCHITECT: Juan Pablo Corvalan. TEAM: Gabriel Vergara, Felipe Perez,Jaime Pavez.

Supersudaca / projects


Multihouse LOCATION: Chicureo, Chile. YEAR: 2007 THEME: House. ARCHITECT: Juan Pablo Corvalan. TEAM: Gabriel Vergara, Jaime Pavez, Miguel Angel Reyes, AndrĂŠs Valenzuela

Supersudaca / projects


Machu Pichu Cloud LOCATION: Machu Pichu, Peru. YEAR: 2004 THEME: Competition. ARCHITECTS: Ana Rascovsky, Manuel De Reivero, Felix Madrazo, Max Zolkwer. TEAM: Sebastian Duque.

Supersudaca / projects


Canoe Club LOCATION: Talca, Chile. YEAR: 2006 THEME: Municipal Sports Facility. ARCHITECTS: Juan Pablo Corvalan and Gabriel Vergara.

Supersudaca / projects


MAAM LOCATION: Linares, Chile. YEAR: 2004 THEME: Competion 3rd place. ARCHITECT: Juan Pablo Corvalan. TEAM: Juan Pablo Alarc贸n, Pablo Abdala, Carolina Lizama, Jos茅 Miguel Mardones.

Supersudaca / projects


Curic贸 School LOCATION: Talca, Chile. YEAR: 2006 THEME: School Extension Capacity Study ARCHITECTS: Juan Pablo Corvalan and Gabriel Vergara.

Supersudaca / projects


Good Will Project LOCATION: Puente Alto, Chile. YEAR: 2003 THEME: Social Risk School. ARCHITECT: Juan Pablo Corvalan. TEAM: Mauricio Carcamo, Gabriel Vergara, Carlos Pelaez

Supersudaca / projects


Nest LOCATION: Punta del Este, Argentina. YEAR: 2005 THEME: Relaxing Hanging Furniture. ARCHITECT: Ana Rascovsky.

Supersudaca / projects


Non Glue Chair LOCATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina-Various. YEAR: 2000 THEME: Cardboard and Plywood Furniture. ARCHITECTS: Ana Razcovsky and Max Zolkwer.

Supersudaca / projects


Stair LOCATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina. YEAR: 2007 THEME: Architecture-Furniture. ARCHITECT: Max Zolkwer.

Supersudaca / projects


Bedboard LOCATION: Talca, Chile. YEAR: 2007 THEME: Architecture-Furniture. ARCHITECT: J.P. Corvalan.

Supersudaca / projects


Petit Projets LOCATION: Paris, France. YEAR: 2000 THEME: Architecture Excercise (Paris Masterclas Berlage Institute) ARCHITECT: Juan Pablo Corvalan and Manuel de Rivero.

Research Al_Caribe Report And Previ?

Supersudaca /research


Al_Caribe Report LOCATION: Caribbean YEAR: 2005 THEME: Research on the impact of Turism, Best Entry Award 2nd Biennale of Architecture of Rotterdam. RESERACHERS: Elena Chevtchenko, Martin Delgado, Pablo Guerrero,Victoria Goldstein, Felix Madrazo, Ana Rascovsky, Manuel de Rivero, Sofia Saavedra, Juan Alfonso Zapata, Max Zolkwer.

Supersudaca /research


And Previ? LOCATION: Lima, Peru. YEAR: 2004THEME: Research on Social Housing Competiion of the 60`s PREVI and its possible contributions nowadays RESERACHERS: Manuel de Rivero, Felix Madrazo, Juan Pablo Corvalan. TEAM: Cristian Valdes, Natalia Gajardo, Ingrid Sepulveda. STUDENTS: Urban Studio 2005, School of Architecture, Universidad Catolica de Lima, Peru, and 3rd Year Housing Studio, School of Architecture, Universidad de Talca, Chile.

Education Sydney Workshop Havana Workshop Tokyo Workshop Buenos Aires Workshop Talca Studio

Supersudaca / education


Mumbai Workshop: Dharavi/Koliwada LOCATION: Mumbai, India. YEAR: 2008 THEME: Disaster scenarios for reactions on how to develop Koliwada. TUTORS: Juan Pablo Corvalan and Felix Madrazo. PARTICIPANTS: Urban Typhoon registred. ORGANIZERS: Mathias Echanove with PUKAR.

Supersudaca / education


Sidney Workshop:Cockatoo Island LOCATION: Sydney, Australia. YEAR: 2007 THEME: Proposals and scenarios playing for Cockatoo Island. TUTORS: Juan Pablo Corvalan and Manuel de Rivero with Cesar Becerra/511 and Fernando Puente Arnao/511. TEAM: Sam STUDENTS: Urban Islands: Sydney University + New South Wales University + Tecnical University of Sydeny. ORGANIZERS: Alltogether: Olvia Hyde,Joanne Jacovich and Tom Rivard.

Supersudaca / education


Havana Workshop:Cuba Report LOCATION: Havana, Cuba. YEAR: 2006 THEME: Analisis on Cuban Turism impact. TUTORS: Juan Pablo Corvalan, Sofia Saavedra, Felix Madrazo, Pablo Guerrero, Juan Alfonso Zapata. STUDENTS: School of Architecture, CUJAE, Havana. ORGANIZER: Gisela Diaz/CUJAE

Supersudaca / education


Tokyo Workshop: Shimokitazawa LOCATION: Tokyo, Japan. YEAR: 2006 THEME: Analsys and Urban Actions for Shimokitazawa. TUTORS: Elena Chevtchenko, Juan Pablo Corvalan, Felix Madrazo, Manuel de Rivero. STUDENTS: University of Tokyo and others. ORGANIZERS: Mathias Echanove/ and Joanne Jacovich.

Supersudaca / education


Buenos Aires Workshop: La Calle LOCATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina. YEAR: 2005 THEME: Urban Actions for the Street. TUTORS: Juan Pablo Corvalan, Ana Rascovsky and Max Zolkwer. STUDENTS: 4th Year Studio School of Architecture, Universidad de Talca. ORGANIZERS: Juan Pablo Corvalan/Universidad de Talca and Max Zolkwer with Javier Fernadez/Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Supersudaca / education


Talca Studio LOCATION: Talca, Chile. YEAR: 2002 THEME: Urban Actions in the City. TUTORS: Juan Pablo Corvalan. STUDENTS: 2nd Year Studio School of Architecture, Universidad de Talca. ORGANIZERS: School of Architecture, Universidad de Talca.

JUAN PABLO CORVALAN (Geneva, 1973). Graduated as an architect in the Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Genève (1996, Switzerland), and Master degree in Berlage Institute (2002, The Netherlands). He worked in Chile with Mathias Klotz-architect and the Geographic Institute of the Pontificia Universidad Católica. In 1999 he is part of the founding faculty of School the Architecture of the Universidad de Talca. He was part of the “Panorama emergente Iberoamericano” selection at the IV IberoAmerican Architecture Biennial (2004, Peru). He has written articles in Domus and other publications in Chile. Currently a professor at the school of architecture of the Universidad de Talca, developing among others projects a research with MVRDV about the Central Valley in Chile and setting Supersudaca’s base in Chile: Supersudaka.cl

FELIX MADRAZO Saltillo, Mexico 1972 Arquitecto por la Universidad La Salle (1996), estudios de arquitectura en la Universidad de Arizona (1994). Postgrado Metrópolis en el CCCB-UPC, Barcelona (2001). Master en Arquitectura en el Berlage Institute (2001-2002). Colaboró en OMA ( Office for Metropolitan Architecture ) en Rotterdam y en el Taller de Arquitectura X de Alberto Kalach en la Ciudad de México. Con el arquitecto Alberto Kalach realizo la casa GGG en la ciudad de México 1998-2000. Ha colaborado anteriormente en las oficinas de MVRDV (NL), Urhahn (NL), TAX (Mex) y LBC (Mex). Recibió entre otras distinciones la beca para estudios de postgrado en el extranjero por CONACYT y recientemente la beca del gobierno alemán y el Kulturstifstung para realizar investigación sobre el urbanismo informal en Caracas en colaboración con el Caracas Urban Think Tank. (2003).

MANUEL DE RIVERO Lima, Perú, 1973. arquitecto y urbanista, graduado en 1996 de la Universidad Ricardo Palma (Lima) y con un Master of Excellence en Arquitectura en 2002 en el Berlage Insititute de Holanda. Entre el 2000 y 2002 hizo estudios de postgrado en la Maestría de Arquitectura del Instituto Berlage (Holanda). Desde 2002 hasta 2005, trabajó en el estudio holandés MVRDV como jefe de proyectos. Como profesor ha enseñado arquitectura en la Universidad Ricardo Palma (Lima 1999-2000), en las maestrías de la Universidad de Yale (New Haven, 2003) y del Instituto Berlage (Rótterdam 2002-2004). Ha escrito en los libros The Regionmaker (2002), Five Minutes City (2003), Climat (2003), Hipercatalunya (2003), KM3 (2005). El Panorama Emergente Iberoamericano con sede en Madrid seleccionó a Manuel de Rivero como uno de los arquitectos emergentes de Iberoamérica en el 2004.

ANA RASCOVSKY Architect from Buenos Aires University in 1996. Master degree in Architecture and Urbanism from The Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2002, and Diplome d´Etudes Approfondis from l’Ecole d’Architecture de Versailles, France, 2001. 2002-3 worked for the Dutch Landscape and Urban Design office, B+B. 2004-5 worked as Permanent Consultant for the Urban Planning Department of the Buenos Aires. She has taught at University of Buenos Aires, and has written for various magazines in Latin America and The Netherlands. She has won several awards, and competitions, including a full grant from Fondo Nacional de las Artes and French Embassy.

MARTIN DELGADO Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1975. Graduated as an architect at Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay in 2005. From 2000 to 2001 worked in Uruguay as free lance designer as well as associated with several offices (ABCVO arquitectos and HCT Arquitectura & Ingeniería). During 2003 and 2004 worked at MVRDV, Rotterdam. Currently his practice is based in Montevideo. Has done research on the impact of informal street commerce on public space in Montevideo´s central districts.

SOFIA SAAVEDRA (1972, Belgium-Bolivia), currently lives in Curacao. Graduated in 1995 as a civil engineer architect from the University of Gent, Belgium. Between 1996-1997 did her masters degree in Architecture and Urbanism at the Berlage Institute (Holland). She also got an Erasmus grant to study in la ecole de Architecture de Paris la Villette and l’ Institut d’ Amérique Latine in París (France,1995). From 2003 till October 2005 she was part of the conceptgroup of MAB Development in the Hague & Paris, later on Studio Bouwfonds MAB and participated in the Dutch architectural debate as a member of the advisory board of Stroom, the Hague. As a guest professor she teached at the University of Delft and the Academies of Amsterdam and Rotterdam (Holland). She published the book “Urbanism and architecture in Chiquitos. Pragmatic application of European principles in de Jesuit missions of Latin America” (Santillana, 2001). She recently joined Team Cactus, a Curacao foundation for Architecture and Society.

VICTORIA GOLDSTEIN Argentina (1979). Graduated as Architect from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina 2004). Currently works as independent architect and in association with other offices, in Buenos Aires. Taught at FADU Universidad de Buenos Aires, as assistant professor. Will begin Design Research Lab programme at Architectural Association, London, next September 2006.

JUAN ALFONSO ZAPATO Santiago, República Dominicana 1974. Graduado en 1998 de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, República Dominicana. En julio del 2003 recibe un Master en arquitectura del Berlage Institute en Rotterdam, Países Bajos. Ha colaborado con diversos estudios de arquitectura e instituciones culturales en Rep. Dominicana, Brasil y mas recientemente con el fotógrafo Francesco Jodice y el Grupo MULTIPLICITY en Milano, Italia e invitado al proyecto Social Actors in Transformation en el Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art en Rotterdam, Países Bajos.

PABLO GUERRERO Bogota, Colombia, 1974. Graduado como arquitecto de la Universidad de Los Andes en Bogotá, es Máster en Urbanismo y Arquitectura del Berlage Institute de Rotterdam. Es consultor del Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo y del Banco Mundial en Washington D.C. en el area de transporte y desarrollo urbano. Profesor del Módulo de Economia Urbana de la Especialización en Diseño Urbano de la Universidad Nacional de Medellín, Colombia.

MAX ZOLKWER Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1972. Arquitecto por la Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en 2000. Desde el 2004 lleva adelante “Max Zolkwer Arquitectura” en Buenos Aires. He worked in MVRDV. Fue docente en la FADUUBA (1997-2000). Entre los concursos ganados cuenta 3er premio en el Centro Cultural Catamarca, Argentina 2000 (MARZ + OSM), 1er premio en Europan 6, Vennissieux, Francia 2001(con Project XO) y 1er premio en Brughuis, Middelburg, Holanda, 2001 (BAR).


Supersudaca / branches

Ana Rascovsky Max Zolkwer Martin Delgado

Juan Pablo Corvalan

Manuel de Rivero

Sofia Saavedra

Felix Madrazo


Supersudaca å la Carte gives a small apercu of the work done by the group since 2001 to nowadays, but most of all, of what will the work tend to in the future. Like icebergs peaks, there’s much more to discover.

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