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How ca n a n old building be m ade m or e sustaina ble? Ylva Frid a nd KK A m ade so m e proposals for the city m useu m in Gothenburg.
The building is located in the oldest pa rt of Gothenburg. It was ther e befor e oil beca m e the base of production a nd tr a nsportation a nd will be ther e long after. Its install ations a nd technical syste ms h av e been r epl aced m a ny tim es while its a rchitectur al po m p h as been left intact. W e vision a simil a r futur e. Outside fisher m en a nd fa r m ers used to co m e by boat in the ca nals to sell their products in m a r ket pl aces or dir ectly fro m their boats. Today, the a r ea is dependent on fossil fuel in all it´s fu nctions. Tr a nsportation, heating, the food consu m ed a nd activities ta king pl ace a r e all linked to high consu m ption of fossil fuels. Ther e´s v ery few tr ees in the a r ea, a nd the water is e m pty a nd silent with exception for tourist boats, but the high building density a nd the waterways provide opportu nities for m a king the a r ea m or e sustaina ble.
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High-efficient sol a r-cells on the roof of the buildings (1) could cov er the buildings ow n energy consu m ption.* Together with sm all quiet wind mills(2)the building could produce a n energy sur plus without distur bing the historical en viron m ent. By using extr e m ely thin vacuu m insul ation the walls a nd ceilings of the old buildings could be insul ated cutting the energy used for heating while keeping the a rchitectonic expr ession of the old facades (3). Fruit tr ees (4) along the str eet m a kes the city gr eener, giv es sh adow in hot su m m er days a nd m a ke a living spot for bees a nd birds. They could also produce enough fruit to cov er the consu m ption in the nea r est blocks. A floating squa r e with a mix of m a r kets, house boats a nd floating ga rdens (5) could m a ke use of the water a nd m a ke this a m uch m or e vivid pl ace th a n today. Tr a nsports on water h av e always pl ayed a key role in Gothenburg. If the futur e contains m or e of sm all-scale, locally produced food, the ch a n nels in centr al Gothenburg could once again pl ay a n im porta nt role for tr a nsporting (6) a nd selling (7) fish a nd v egeta bles. Supersustaina ble highways (8) with a personal r a pid tr a nsport syste m co m bined with cycle paths, sol a r cells a nd r ain water collectors could minimize the need for ca r tr a nsportations.