Super Sustainable Stockholm

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s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e ST O C K H O L M

h t t p :// w w w . s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e . o r g

Stockholm alr eady h as one of the world’s m ost a m bitions en viron m ental progr a ms. R eaching its goal of beco ming fossil fuel fr ee by 2050 m ea ns ta king one of l a rgest ch allenges to date- to beco m e a sustaina ble city!

In order to get ther e, w e believ e Stockhol m m ust utilize one of its m ain r esources - the water. With 14% of its a r ea being water a nd boasting slightly m or e th a n 160k m of waterfront a nd quays, Stockhol m truly is a city of water.

But with the Baltic Sea being in crisis, one sixth of it alr eady dead, a nd with the futur e clim ate ch a nges th at include incr eased risk of flooding, water is often seen as a thr eat r ather th a n a n asset.

Ca n water be seen as a n asset? Ca n Stockhol m’s water bodies help the city in its struggle to beco m e a sustaina ble city?

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s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e ST O C K H O L M

h t t p :// w w w . s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e . o r g

Stockholm 2050 seeks to co m bine in novativ e ways in a nsw ering Stockhol m’s cur r ent pl a n ning issues, a nd is ca r efully proposed to inspir e the consider ation of m ultiple sustaina ble desig n str ategies th at contribute to a n ov er all sustaina ble ur ba n profile.







Today’s Ur ba n Pl a n ners, Engineers a nd A rchitects face a new ch allenge th at hits differ ent pa rts of the world in va rious ways. Clim ate ch a nge r esults ca n often be a nalyzed a nd expected, such as gr adual water lev el rise, but sponta neous effects like fl ash-flooding, intense te mper atur e extr e m es a nd ev en hur rica nes a r e only so m e of the consequences w e m ust keep in mind while pl a n ning new dev elopm ents. To ensur e a sta ble a nd safe built en vironm ent, w e m ust pr epa r e for a nu m ber of scena rios to co m e, all in the mind fr a m e of sustaina ble, ecological a nd sm a rt desig ning.

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s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e ST O C K H O L M

h t t p :// w w w . s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e . o r g

Super Sustaina ble h as begu n the new ch allenge of designing housing on a nd a rou nd waterfronts. Our m ain obj ectiv es a r e to utilize this r esource to its fullest potential while sim ulta neously cr eating desig ns th at will also pr eserv e a nd protect h a r bor cities’ m ost im porta nt asset.

LIVING SPACES: W e believ e th at a sense of neighboring co m m u nity should not be sacrificed for a centr al location of living spaces. The ov er all proj ect will include va rious sizes of housing for va rious budgets.

To better integr ate water to our desig n, m a ny of these houses will be equipped with a boat ga r age at it’s “grou nd” floor.

TRANSPORTATION: Sustaina ble tr a nsportation is a key ele m ent of our proposal. Our roads a r e desig ned for electric v ehicles, a nd boat tr affic is driv en by biofuel fro m alga e. The entir e floating district acts as a bridge betw een existing city zones, cr eating a m or e fluid ur ba n l a ndsca pe. Floating bridges at differ ent scales provide possibilities for m a ny m odes of tr a nsportation, especially foot tr affic a nd cycling. In all cases, con nection to stockhol m’s water bodies is not only pr eserv ed, but str engthened, bringing people closer to the water th a n ev er befor e.

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s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e ST O C K H O L M

h t t p :// w w w . s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e . o r g


ALGAE FARMING: Alga e a r e oil-rich autotrophic orga nisms th at thriv e off ca r bon dioxide, su nligt, water, a nd waste. They offset the adv erse effects of cur r ent hu m a n im pacts on the en viron m ent by a bsor bing ca r bon dioxide, a er ating water, a nd purifying conta minated water. They a r e also a n im porta nt pa rt of the aquatic food ch ain.

In controlled syste ms alga e ca n be cultivated to produce specially tailor ed biofuels for m a ny a pplications, pa rticul a rly within the tr a nsportation industry.

In this proj ect w e cultivate alga e in floating beds fro m which the alga e a r e h a rv ested a nd fed to bior eactors. The r esulting fuels a r e then used to driv e the city’s buses, boats, a nd other hybrid v ehicles.

MUSSCLE FARMING: M ussels a r e a type of shellfish th at thriv e on pl a nkton a nd other microorga nisms. M ussels a r e fa r m ed effectiv ely using a syste m of suspended ropes hu ng fro m a r aft or a line stru ng betw een two buoys. They ca n thriv e in m a ny differ ent aquatic locations a nd act as natur al water purifiers helping to keep water clea r of h a r mful alga e bloo ms. Fa r m ed m ussels a r e also edible a nd ca n be a m ain featur e of the local food econo my. W e see m ussels as a n im porta nt u nder pin ning of the sustaina ble m ech a nisms th at driv e the city of the water.

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s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e ST O C K H O L M

h t t p :// w w w . s u p e r s u s t a i n a b l e . o r g


As one of the clea nest energy gener ators, the wind turbine is a new addition to Stockhol m’s 2050 skyline. Keeping the spirit of h a r nessing our buildings’ rooftops for energy production, w e h av e alig ned a nu m ber of silent, sm aller-scale wind tur bines atop a select few buildings.

Wind tur bines also add a m oder n twist to our ov er all pl a n ning str ategy. Being the tallest points of our new skyline, our thr ee wind tur bines at the centr al nodes mir ror the thr ee crow ns ov er tr aditional City H alls, sig nalling progr ess with it m a r ked inter pl ay of old a nd new.


Sol a r Isl a nds a r e circul a r floating pl atfor ms th at support a n a r r ay of tilted sol a r pa nels. Because the pa nels r est nea r the water’s surface, the pa nels collect not only dir ect su nlight but also indir ect r ays th at a r e r eflected off the water. The isl a nd rotates like a slowling spin ning r ecord, allowing the pa nels to m aintain optim al orientation towa rds the su n. In this aspect the water provides a low-friction surface so th at the rotational m ov e m ent r equir es minim u m energy in itself. Finally, pl acing pa nels nea r the water’s surface also provides the opportu nity to use a thin l ayer of flowing water to clea n its surface of sm all debris continuously throughout the day.

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