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junio del 2019
Our motto of love P2
Education faces new The best at playing challenges today the piano
Great celebration for a great institution!
1 Portada 2 opinión 3 personajes 4 noticias 6 historia 7 deportes
2 // junio del 2019
Dice la autoridad Diego Morillo, asesor educativo de la Unidad Educativa APCH
opinión Libertad de expresión
Education that generates changes Alicia Álvarez, DECE
Education faces new challenges
he contemporary world poses several challenges in education, which can be seen from different perspectives. Students are always surrounded by technology and have a lot of information at their disposal; that is why our duty, as teachers, is to guide them in the use of the internet and social media smartly. On the other hand, parents work and have no time to share with their children and promote values, so we must be aware of the new challenges and take responsibility for the integral formation of our children. Teachers must plan strategies to make learning meaningful and parents must be involved in this learning process.
Citizenship makes us be active people who seek democracy in order to defend our rights with wellfounded arguments. Every citizen must be educated in values and democracy so that he or she can act in a critical, conscious and responsible manner. Citizenship construction must be imparted from childhood, so as to be responsible by fulfilling our obligations. Then and only then we are going to improve our quality of life as individuals and a society.
Being a citizen implies belonging to a nation, but most importantly to a society which demands duties and responsibilities from the individuals. In the same way, it implies fulfilling duties and exercising our rights, which are granted to us equally. Under this aspect, education has a great challenge, which involves guiding children and teenagers in the construction of identity with their homeland, their culture, their traditions, the way they are and the way they act.
Mónica Benavides, English Teacher BGU
Daniel Grijalva, Student
Citizenship is a key element of education as it carries out duties and responsibilities that we all must comply with. It is my belief that the educational system is the one in charge of educating children and teenagers by showing and teaching them the rights they have and most importantly the ones they can apply, likewise, obeying the law in order to become active members of society, participate in decisions, and engage with the creation of a conscious and civilized society.
Education is an essential tool to develop and promote attitudes and behaviors which allow the construction of citizenship. Educating for citizenship is, therefore, a priority objective in the teachinglearning process, since it facilitates the exercise of rights and the fulfillment of duties. Likewise, it involves preparing all students to be actively integrated into society, expand their knowledge and adapt to the changes demanded by the contemporary world.
Luis Aranda, DECE
Coordinadores: Francisco Cruz y Agustín Eusse Estudiantes: Camila Pacheco, Cristina Padilla, Angie López, Mateo Morales, Eduardo Velasco, Valery Jumbo, Rut Urresta, Paula Melo, Yessenia Vinueza y Stalyn Herrera. Créditos de fotografía: Unidad Educativa APCH
junio del 2019 // 3
los más
LA MÁS QUERIDA Innovation and commitment to education cortesía unidad educativa apch
La más activa
The multi-motor work helps to learn
aunching, catching and jumping are basic activities which soften the way for a multimotor work,” says Physical Education teacher Silvia Haro, who also teaches “Learning through movement” to 1st, 2nd and 3rd EGB students of elementary. Silvia Haro, Children go through three Physical Education circuits, each of which has Teacher different levels of difficulty. As these levels are scaled, students improve their reading comprehension skills, as well as their ability to write. In addition, all this process occurs in a playful environment and in contact with nature.
El más TALENTOSO Mercedes Morales is very innovative and committed.
aking responsibility for the tasks assigned and giving priority to the human being has been the work of Mercedes Morales, an educator in our institution. For more than 32 years Mercedes has been working with children, adolescents and teachers to generate a synergy and, as a result, working in the classroom has become more dynamic and ludic. The teacher and coordinator spends her time generating innovative projects, such as implementing reading corners in the school. “This undoubtedly delivers extra value, which mainly benefits the students,” she says. A project which is planned to be implemented is the “Reading Chain” which consists in reading a book and then passing it on to another teacher, so that all the teachers can be involved. This project is innovative, interesting and meaningful as we can bring more ideas to work with our students. Traditional games such as: the bagging race, pata pata, macateta, marbles, among others, is another of ther ideas, whose main objective is to rescue the culture and traditions of the youngest. These are only some examples of all the contributions that committed teachers give to enhance students’ interrelationships and well - being.
He is the best at playing the piano
saac Rodríguez is the best at playing the piano. He has been practiced it since he was 6 years old. Now, he is in 10th grade EGB, and tells us that, from a very young age, he received the support and motivation from his parents. “Since childhood, my parents took me to classical music concerts and instilled in Isaac Rodríguez, me the love for music.” Isaac Student tells us that, at first, he wanted to play the violin, but then he changed his mind and chose the piano instead. This artist finished the interview inviting young people to study and understand music, as it will help them develop new different skills and enjoy it better.
4 // junio del 2019
noticias PROYECTO
International certifications were granted
We hosted an educational congress
n November 8, 9 and 10 the International Congress of Education “Education Management in an uncertain and complex world” was held at Eugenio Espejo Convention Center. This great event was attended by the former Minister of Education, Dr. Fander Falconí, who stressed the importance of promoting values, because they are framed in humanistic education. In addition, he was alarmed by the existing social gap among the country’s schools. Lecturers from Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador discussed aspects related to various practices in education like politics, health and nutrition, values and ecology. Patricio Chaves, in his speech, referred to the alarming figures on the social situation of schools and colleges around the world, so he urged education not to focus only on adaptation, but merely on transformation. The expert Teodoro Pérez, who visited us from his homeland, Colombia, explicitly explained that tea-
The event brought together teachers, managers, experts in education.
cher training in ontology is a necessity, because the guidelines which shape the essence of human beings lies on it and this is vital for knowledge facilitators. Work teams were formed to develop workshops with different topics . The educationl congress became a new space for dialogue and reflection among teachers and authorities who committed to accept the current challenges. Undoubtedly, this Congress was preponderant in order to show the way towards a substantial change in educational management, therefore, it is mandatory to acknowledge and understand that the student is the main actor of the teaching-learning process and that, in the not so distant future, will be the only one in the reins from the country.
n a ceremony held at the Cámara de Comercio de Quito auditorium, Education First (EF) delivered certificates of accreditation for the English language. Miguel Llerena, School and high school coordinator, was in charge of opening the gala with a speech : “they are amazingly able to face a world in which there are no barriers to language”, he said. To these words were added those of the principal, M.Sc. Martha Chaves, who expressed her satisfaction and optimism because the English Certification is the result of a joint effort among managers, parents, teachers and, of course, students. She also assured that this achievement
Gold Ambassadors Achievement. Kamille Martinez, Vallerie Cajo and Rut Urresta, students of APCH along with Marisol Riera, their teacher, participated in the Annual Interschool Standards Contest organized by the Ecuadorian Service of Normalization (INEN). They were chosen as GOLD AMBASSADORS to travel to Korea to participate in the 14th STANDARDS OLYMPICS next July 23rd. KATS and Korean Standards Association provide students opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge about standards and technology.
junio del 2019 // 5
Children were part of a UN model
They are some of the students who received the certifications for their accomplishments.
opens the doors of children and young people towards a promising future before a diverse world and it is necessary to understand, assimilate, tolerate and respect the different cultural manifestations of different people.
Some of the students who took part in the UN model in our school.
ast January 18th and 19th, a 26-student delegation from 4th to 7th grade of Elementary School were part of the United Nations Model held at Albert Einstein School. This event has been organized since 2010, where students are trained on new skills and values. Their preparation was in charge of Marco Zavala and Mayra Cerruto, who handled issues of parliamentary language necessary to have an adequate intervention. Actions to combat the lack of education and the importance of environmental protection were discussed in this model. Honorable mentions were granted to our students for their outstanding participation.
Former-students Committee REUNION.  APCH former-students met with the purpose of reviving moments, contacting old friends and, above all, forming a network of work and public relations. The meeting was attended by ex-students of several generations, who were thrilled to return to their beloved school. After the toast, the general director, Lic. Maritza López urged to form an interim committee of graduates, who will be in charge of planning and coordinating future activities aimed to give students the opportunity to share with their peers.
6 // junio del 2019
Cortesía unidad educativa apch
Teachers, students and parents ran in the marathon for their institution.
We had a great celebration for a great institution!
40 years being excellent! “I
am APCH, I am excellent” is the motto that the Bilingual Educational Institution “Ángel Polibio Chaves” has earned over 40 years of experience. Furthermore, that excellence is only possible if you work with effort, dedication and focused on specific objectives every day. These four decades of experience give the APCH the privilege of being among the best institutions in Ecuador. For this reason, its directors, the team work and the students joined all their efforts to honor their noble institution with events of the highest category, among which are: The APCH 5K, an athletic competition which brought together athletes of all ages, highlighting the
topics of great interest importance of caring for for education. the body, healthy eating Open houses, festivals, and the practice of posicinema-forums are added tive habits. to these events as well as The campaign “APCH other activities that confree of drugs, alcohol and tribute to the formation tobacco” was an initiatiof our students. ve whose purpose is to Cortesía APCH The English certificakeep young people and the whole community National and inter- tions are a plus in our institution. During classes, away from vices. With national lecturers. teachers and students the motto: “I love myself, I take care of myself, I love life”, they work very hard on their training to pledged to avoid drug consumption obtain them. Some of these exams are: Cambridge Advanced English, outright. The Educational Conference First Certificate, Preliminary En“Educational management in an glish Test and Young Learners. uncertain and complex world”, brought together national and international speakers and addressed
junio del 2019 // 7
Basketball APCH beat at the
inter-school basketball competition in the Valley.
Victoria, a champion Winner Victoria Padilla won two gold medals in the Paralympic Taekwondo Contest. Due to this great achievement, she was summoned to be part of the Pichincha National Team and make us proud.
Our champions and their trainers.
APCH won inter-school competition
he SUB 18 men basketball team won the title of champions in the tournament organized by the Valley Student Sports Association and the Student Provincial Sports Federation of Pichincha. Under the direction of the coach Indira Salazar, the team played the final against La Salle, on February 1st. APCH took an effusive group fans made up of students of 9th and 10th years of EGB, who constantly cheered the team up. The matches started on November 23rd, 2018 and took place on Mondays and Fridays. “This championship was very
difficult to obtain, due to the great level of the other teams,” Cristian Iza, player of the team said. These talented athletes worked hard to get the victory, so they trained even harder every afternoon under the intense sun and rain. In addition, it is remarkable that these young people are not only good at the field, but also at their studies, as they must have a minimum average of 8.5 / 10 in all the assignments for being part of the basketball team. Once the team arrived at school, they were surprised by all the kids and their partners who congratulated them. After this joy and the moments of celebration, the players got ready to start a new phase of training. New friendly matches with other educational establishments took place which would help them improve and strengthen their abilities. These champions now know that victories are followed by hard work and effort and are an ispiration for thier partners. They also helped to make students love their school even more.
Gabriela’s victories A professional Gaby Echeverría obtained the 2nd place in the “All Around” of Classic Gymnastic International. Gaby dominated the competition winning four medals.
Emy’s voice in Ambato Little singer Emilia Maldonado is happy to have appeared on Ecuador TV and Teleamazonas singing Christmas carols. She is part of the group “Guaguas cantores”.
8 // junio del 2019