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by Grant Barton

by Grant Barton



The Sevier Valley Chapter of the SUP hosted over 350 people at the 2008 Annual Convention held at the Snow College–Richfield campus. Tours included visits to Fremont State Park, Cove Fort and Fillmore, Utah, with its Provisional State Capitol Building—built under the direction of President Brigham Young, this territorial statehouse is the oldest government building in Utah. It served from 1855 to 1858, at which time the seat of government was returned to Salt Lake City. The structure was remodeled in 1930 and turned into a museum. Other tour buses traveled to Fish Lake and Capitol Reef National Monument

Dil Strasser, National President-Elect, 2009 while local members served as tour guides on the buses, providing local stories and scenic highlights. The Executive Council and the National Program Directors helped prepare the new chapter presidents so they can begin their year in January ready to go, while the women attendees were treated to a wonderful meeting on Saturday morning. The final awards luncheon featured a talk by Jefferey O. Johnson of the LDS Church History Department on the Blackhawk War and a musical program of country western music by the Durfee Country Western Family Band.

In a close convention election, 139 voting delegates elected Dil Strasser as the National President-Elect for 2009. Those who came to the Convention were well rewarded for their attendance.

The 2009 Convention will be held in Ogden, Utah, September 17–19, 2009.


Remember your time honor’d laws,

Kind master of the merry glee: Prepare your gifts, good Santa Claus,

And hang them on the Christmas tree. And where no Christmas trees are found,

With liberal hand your gifts distill, The bags and stockings hanging ’round,

Great Santa Claus, be sure to fill. Untie your purse—enlarge your heart

O, do not pass one single door: And in your gen’rous walk impart

Your comforts to the sick and poor. When eyes are watching for the morn,

In humble hut and cottage too: How disappointed and forlorn,

If missed, dear Santa Claus, by you. Go all the rounds of baby-hood, And bless and cheer the hearts of all The “little folks,” and please be good To those who’re not so very small. —Eliza R. Snow

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