2 minute read

President’s Message

For more than a decade my wife Kathy and I have been among the 3,200 volunteers who serve in the Salt Lake Temple each year. Every Wednesday as we climb the Grand Stairway we can view the marvelous Ti any glass window depicting an angel holding a aming sword as he drives Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. This special piece is backlit so that the colors are rich and vibrant throughout the day, enhancing the drama and sacredness of the event depicted by the window.

Unfortunately, many beautiful areas of the temple are not seen during a patron’s normal visit. As temple workers, we can meditate in a room that Lorenzo Snow used as his o ce while he was serving as Temple President and as President of the Quorum of the Twelve. From that room one can view the beautiful Ti any masterpiece, The First Vision, that is a central feature of the room known as the Holy of Holies.


Louis Ti any started his glass business in New York City only fourteen years before President Wilford Woodru commissioned these and other wonderful glass pieces for the Salt Lake Temple. The colors are infused in the glass with textures and shading that make Ti any glass unique. The nished windows were shipped by train to Salt Lake City in time for the temple’s dedication in 1893.

As I tour Utah to speak at chapter meetings and meet with SUP members, I’ve learned that many older Latter-day Saint buildings incorporate aesthetic treasures that are not always wellknown. A chandelier, a table, a painting, a special chapel window. For example, on 400 South and 800 East in Salt Lake City is a fabulous 1870s meetinghouse (Salt Lake 10th Ward) that leaves me breathless because of the beautiful chandelier in its chapel and the Ti any windows that surround that room. The Ti any glass art and other treasures in our heritage buildings are testament to the pioneers' commitment to leaving enduring legacies for future generations.

We hope you enjoy this special edition of Pioneer and its glimpses of Ti any masterpieces in the Salt Lake Temple and other heritage buildings.


PIONEER would like to express appreciation to Dr. F. Charles Graves for his many years of service as a member of the Pioneer editorial advisory board. Charles’ devoted care of his beloved wife and his own health issues have recently prevented his participation with us.

Charles started with Pioneer in 1994 and has been associated with the magazine’s production since then. He has been a guiding light to us, providing insight and ideas that have greatly improved the magazine. His many contacts and relationships have helped strengthen magazine content and have bolstered its production, nancing, and distribution. He has consistently reminded us that the intent of Pioneer is to remember and honor those who proceeded us, our pioneer forebearers, and to record their stories and remember their faith. His understanding of and devotion to the pioneers has been invaluable to our work. We love his gentle, good humor and his wonderful service as a contemporary pioneer. Our prayers are with him for a quick recovery.

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