Pioneer (1982 Vol.29 No.1)

Page 1

JanuaryFebruary 1982


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Marvin E* Smith

This gleaming white sculpture of President Spencer W« Kimball seem¬ ed almost to glow with an inner light as it as unveiled under spot¬ lights at the front of the SUP Heri¬ tage Hall stage, It bears the name of Arizona artist, Justin Fairbanks, and the date, 1981. The marble bust however, was carved by Avard Fair¬ banks in Italy from his son’s original in clay. It will replace a white plaster cast on display in the building *s dedicatory services.

Lorry E. Rytting

Executive Committee

Arlene Harris Grover Librarian

Dr. Junius W. Gibbons

Alan S. Young Assist. Don C* Summers

Blaine Olsen

David A. Schilling

Published bimonthly by The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers 3301 East 2920 South Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109

Subscriptions: S7.50/year; Jl.50/copy Entered as second class mail at Salt Lake City, Utah

Editor Advertising Mgr. Business Manager


Stacy Gam

Dr. Warren M. Woolsey


Wayne H. Banks

Orson Wright


Orin P. Black

E+ Kay Kirkham Historian

Dean Holbrook Kenneth M. Smith

John J. Nielsen

Milton V. Backman

Phone: 484-4441

Paul J. Updike

Ron Van Woerden

Frederick Babbell

C. Mort Hnl



Col. Elmer B. Jones

Special articles Pioneer Village Mormon Battalion fUSPS 602-980)

Ronald O. Barney

Arizona Arizona No. Arizona Cent. Arizona So, California No Disf. of Col. Idaho Illinois Utah( Cache Utah, Box Elder Utah, Weber Utah, Davis Utah, SLCNo. Utah. SLCE. Utah. SLCSo. Utah, Cottonwood Utah. SLCS.E. Utah, SLCM. Balt. Utah Cent. Utah So. Utah S, W.

The Cover

President President-Elect Past President Executive Secretary Executive Secretary Recording Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Judge Advocate Pioneer Editor

Dr. Evan K. Perkins

Volume 29, Number 1

January-February 1982

William j. Critchlow Ill

John J. Nielsen

Leonard H. Johnson

Eldred G. Smith

Vice Presidents

Milton W. Priest

Adolph Johnson

L+ Clvde Park

W. Lowell Castleton

Photo and cover design by Lorry E. Rytting

Lorry E. Rytting

Elmo Poulson

K+ Grant Hale

Glen L. Greenwood

The National Society of The Sons of Utah Pioneers

Spencer D, Madsen

Sylvester C. Anderson

Salt Lake City Riverton Salt Lake City Salt Lake City

Emmett Morris

Everett H. Call


Send change of address or form 3579 to Sons of Utah Pioneers 3301 East 2920 South Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109

Glen A. Lloyd

A. NO. OF ISSUES PUBLISHED ANNUALLY B-J S INNUAL SuBSCflIPTION *ice $3*00 * COMPLETE MAILING AOGflESS OF KNOWN OFFICE OF PUBLICATION City. County, Stmtt arid ZIP CMf*l (Hat prfri 3301 Salt 2920 South Salt Lake City Utah 34109 t*r*i ! COMPLETE MAILING AC&R£3a OF THE HEADQUARTERS Qfl GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICES OF THE PUBLISHERS (Hoi prfnUn.P 3301 £aat 2920 South Salt Lake Gity Utah 34109 4. FULL NAMES AND COMPLETE MAILING ADOHESS OF PUBLISHER, EDITOR, ANO MANAGING EDITOR ffftM ttPP MUST NOT 6a publisher rwan»* wm Gompt*t* m*ittng Addtmai National Society* Sons of Utah Pioneers 3301 E* 2920 So., Salt Lake City, Utah 34109 EDITOR /Nam* and Compt+t* Mallirty Adtirwa*} Lorry E„ Byttlng 3237 Joyce Drive, Salt Lake Gity, Utah 34109 MANAGING EDITOR ifNim# and Comprtf* JWAfWrtp Addrmma\ Jotm J Nielsen 3301 East 2920 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 7- CwNeh (I awn*d by * ^otpurtthn. tt* n*m* ami nMnu mup/ Jif v*d me lmm*\ OUfJpng Ot floJtfUrtB t pmrcmnt ofmen Ol deiw WfMLinl at .fadr. It nat awnmd by cQn mumt am gtvmn. J t OWfl+tf by * pbrtnmrahlf} pr atlr*f Uf\tneortKH*t*d tfrm, )tt namw and nldn jjpjWIcdlteP ji ptioHahvt by * nonprofit drfanii:>rfaiT, it* amt KUnu mu»T A* tut* BHWNy thtrtitfidtr tfi* nwnwi md iddfttim WiTfJgft, lh* nmmma and rt(TrfWAf Qi W*Rttff 1 of arocFytdutl QTfftdn a givmij. d rnv 3lit corporationri .l iltan? mutt ba cSnrpNlPdJ HOn^pTC F1|LL NAME COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS national Society. Some of Utah Pioneers T3Q1 Eaat 2920 South Salt Lake Gity, Utah 84109 1. KNOWN BONDHOLDERS. MORTGAGEES. ANO OTHER SECURITY h0L0£R£ OWNING OR holding PERCENT Ofi MORE OF TOTAL AMOUNT of SONOS, MORTGAGES OR OTHER SECURITIES {It thmrm m non*, lb tr#J«.l full name COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS hone 9. FOR COMPLETION BY NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AUTHORIZED TO MAIL AT SPECIAL RATES lTj-i DMM only} TTie purpnsH. lunglign. jnd nonprofit fltltiH at Wifi organ nation and the eaftflnpc status *0r F-frSSrftI TriiOm* la* punbdiiii iCAacJi Of,*i m m Q NAS WOT CHANCED 0 tSAING 1“^ HAS CHANGED CORING fif cAwngwi. mu*t tubmH wpitntiion at LSI PRECEDING It MONTHS 1 J PRECEDING It MONTHE clungi with rWi Hmtmmmnt.f itt, EXTENT ANO NA TORE OF CIRCULATION AVERAGE NQ. COPIES EACH ISSUE DURING PRECEDING 1? MONTHS ACTUAL r-fO COPIES OF SINGLE ISSUE PUBLISHED NEAREST TO F'LlNO DaT£ A TOTAL NO. C0P1I1 \H« Pram Hun) 2150 2300 0. PAID CIHCULATIOU 1. THROUGH OEalLRS AnC CAR PIERS. STM1T VEMDQHS AND COUNTER SALES Non* Non* a. hail mjucimptton 1838 1346 C, TOTAL PAID Circulation f-sunr otioat ami rnszv 1S3B 1846 D. FREt blSTftlWJTION 0Y MAIL, CARRIER Oft OTHER MEANS SAMPLE'S. COMPLIMENTARY, AMD OTHlfl FREE COPIES 20 20 EL TOTAL DISTMEllTICIH (bm at C and Of 1853 1866 F. COPIES HOT CMlTRliuTlP 1. OFFICE USE, LEFT OVER. UNACCOUNTED. SPOILED AFTER PRINTING 292 634 a. RETURN rROM NEWS A CENTS a. TOTAL l Stim o-i f. Ft prW i rftMifd i^up' pr*rt aski Attr-rm iVt AJ 2150 2300 ii 1 cerilfy that the sialcmenls nnede by StBFU JURE AND TJT1E OF EDITOR, PLjftAijWf* tvS/HtSA .Wan-acep oh cpsiirv me above are correct and complete riy(Jl Buaineaa 99 Fjrtii \ T VI j mu 1*0 (S&^IMttfUCilOn o/imvaivti

Farrell W, Lewis



• Memorial Names

Every challenge offers the alternatives of future success or failure* No Mormon pioneer ever realized this more clearly than young Harry Roberts who had to face in addition to all other challenges of pioneer settlement the relatively unique challenge of being disfellowshipped from the church at the young age of 17 years for riotous conduct unbecoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints* Would he continue his constant associa¬ tion and activity with one of the wildest, hard drinking, gun fighting Utah miners, or would he accept the challenge of Bishop Edwin Wooley by turning his life around and following gospel precepts?

The silent darkness of a Saturday night at SUP headquarters was shat¬ tered by vandals who fired shells at the large windows of the Pioneer Historical Research Library*

Three Challenges:

Three of the units were eventual¬ ly replaced. The loss was covered by insurance which went into force only weeks earlier.

So may it be with the Sons of Utah Pioneers and our challenge to name memorialize all Utah pioneers. If we falter with only 6,000 names, our response to the challenge will be failure. However, if we each personnally commit diligently to memorialize all our pioneer ancestors and invite all our friends and neighbors to join with us, a spiritual success not dissimilar to that of Brigham H* Roberts may attend our efforts.

Three Library Windows Shattered by Vandals

William J. Critchlow III President

A Delinquent Outcast at 17;

*Tf we commit diligently , Spiritual success may attend,11

Incidentally, neither Brigham H. Roberts nor his excep¬ tional pioneer mother, Ann Everington Roberts, a/k/a Ann Everington Wooley, have yet been memorialized in our Pioneer Hall of Fame* They are but 2 of the 74,000 names we have yet to secure to convert our challenge into a meaningful success.

Jack Nielsen, SUP Executive Sec¬ retary, discovered and reported the damage to police. Investigation of the scene produced few leads to help identify the culprits*


His extraordinarily successful response to that challenge is still one of the greatest examples of personal growth in the history of Mormondom. That delinquent, nearly il¬ literate boy became President Brigham Henry Roberts of the First Quorum of Seventy, elected Utah Congressional Delegate and author of thirty major books, including the monumental Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints* The editions of his writings have totaled nearly three-quarters of a million copies, and his reputation nearly a half century after his death is that of a Mormon genius who, probably more than any other individual, became the greatest defender and ex¬ ponent of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, His response to his unique challenge was an overwhelming success.


East Mill Creek Presents $2500 For SUP Building

Responding to National President William Critchlow’s appeal for $25 per member to pay final expenses on the new headquarters building, the East Mill Creek Chapter has presented a check for $2500 to the National Society*

• Recruit Members

Overlooking the building's en¬ trance, the double-glazed windows were struck repeatedly by bullets, fired from the parking lot area. Twice, they penetrated both outer and inner panes*

II thus became the first chapter to meet that challenge in full* The check was presented to John J. Nielsen, Executive Secretary, and also a member of the chapter. Two other chapters have made partial payments, he added. The National Board commended the chapter for their loyalty and support, and urged other chapters to follow their exam¬ ple,

I trust that all chapters will have by the end of January, 1982, actively working committees on name memorialization, membership and chapter projects. We can successfully chip away at our name memorialization challenge if each chapter will submit monthly at least 10 names for memorialization. Our work' load will be lighter and the benefits of our membership more extensively shared if each chapter would sponsor at least 6 new members each month. And finally, our special mission to preserve the heritage of our pioneer forebears will be immeasureably enhanced if each chapter will complete during 1982 a meaningful pioneer memorialization project* At no other time in the history of our society has the success of our society depended so much on each individual member*

f 'This is the kind of response we have been hoping for, M said Presi¬ dent Critchlow.

Became LDS Exponent

• Memorial Projects

Arthur Haycock described his feelings of eight years earlier when at the death of President Harold B. Lee on December 26, 1973, the mantle of leadership fell upon Presi¬

Arthur Haycock, secretary to Pres Kimball,

Admiring finished marble bust are its recounted experiences wif/i LDS leader. creators, Justin and Avard Fairbanks.

A bronze reproduction was com¬ pleted for display in Thatcher, and the elder sculptor completed a mar¬ ble bust for presentation to President Kimball, It is in President Kimball's office. Subsequently, he was asked to do the second marble carving.

Dr. Avard Fairbanks addresses audience and press who saw new marble sculpture unveiled at SUP building.

Eight years to the day after Presi¬ dent Spencer W. Kimball 's ordina¬ tion as President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a marble bust honoring him was unveiled at SUP National Head¬ quarters, The ceremonies took place at 4 p.rxi,, Wednesday, December 30, under direction of National President William F. Critchlow III, The bust was carved earlier this year in Italy, of white cararra mar¬ ble, by Dr, Avard Fairbanks from an original by his son, Justin Fairbanks, Participating with the father-son sculptors in the unveiling was Grif¬ fith Lyn Kimball, of Draper, Utah, president of the Kimball Family Association. Representing President Kimball was his personal secretary, Arthur Haycock,

Speakers recalled President Kim¬ ball s participation in the SUP re-en¬ actment in 1947 of the original Mormon Pioneer Trek.

LDS President

President Kimball and his family were not present. On advice of his doctor, he remained at home, and other family members were atten¬ ding the funeral services for his brother-in-law, Dr. Henry Eyring.

W. Phil Robbins, past national SUP president, introduced Dr. Avard Fairbanks, citing notable ac¬ complishments of the sculptor, who is a life member of SUP, and who explained the story of the Kimball sculpture, and then introduced its originator, his son.

Bust Honors

ball's hometown. The clay original was started there during President Kimball's visit, and completed dur¬ ing additional sittings in Salt Lake City, with the assistance of his father,

Justin Fairbanks, head of the Art Department at the College of Eastern Arizona, in Gila, Arizona, was commissioned by friends of President Kimball to do the statue during a Homecoming celebration in Thatcner, Arizona, President Kim¬

dent Kimball. He also paid tribute to his leadership and described Presi¬ dent Kimball's affection for the peo¬ ple of the Gila Valley who spon¬ sored the original sculpture.

In his concluding remarks, Presi¬ dent Critchlow recounted some im¬ pressive counsel he received from President Kimball as the church leader visited his home during a stake conference assignment in Ogden, President Kimball told the young man that the Priests Quorum was the most important group to which he could belong. As he followed President Kimball's advice, other high school students followed his example, leading to solution of a problem with youth clubs at Ogden High School.


‘‘During our stay in Winter Quarters, we sent to England, and procured the following in¬ struments preparatory to our exploring expedition, viz: two sextants, one circle of reflection, two artificial horizons, two barometers, several thermometers, telescopes, etc.M


ORSON PRATTSelf-taught in math¬ ematics and natural science, he became an apostle and missionary ca. 1878)

On April 19, 1847 the Great Mormon Trek was on* The Vanguard Company left Winter Quarters with 143 men, 3 women, and 2 children. The most famous member of the elite group was of course Brigham Young, president of the twelve and leader of the expedi¬ tion. But there were others (in¬ cluding seven members of the twelve) who are not as well known yet were just as important to the company as was Brigham. One such man was Orson Pratt. Pratt, al¬ though self-taught, was remarkably well educated especially in mathe¬ matics and natural science. His ex¬ pertise proved invaluable to that first company of pioneers and to all those who followed.

The years that followed brought many missions and many hardships including participation in the long march of Zion's Camp. In 1835 he was ordained one of the original twelve apostles of the new dispensa¬ tion which brought more missions

by Larry W. Draper Treasurer of City Creek Chapter

Pioneer and Scientist


and no fewer hardships. In 1840 he with several of the twelve went to the British Isles to preach. Orson labored in Scotland where he published the first of his numerous pamphlets and articles defending the Church. Upon his return to America he again labored as a missionary, this time in the Eastern United States and Canada. He returned to Nauvoo in July of 1844 after hear¬ ing of the martyrdom of the Prophet and assisted the twelve in their preparation to move the church west.

1847 TREK

When Orson left Winter Quarters with the Vanguard Com¬ pany in early April of 1847 he was well equipped to fulfill the role assigned to him by Brigham Young, His wagon contained the normal provisions: food, seed, farming equipment, hunting rifle, etc., but also among these necessities were many unique items. Orson's diary gives a list of these unusual provi¬ sions,

These items by no means were unnecessary baggage for Orson. The thermometer and barometer were used to take readings which allowed him to calculate elevation to a fair degree of accuracy. The sextant was used to measure distance and deter¬ mine latitude and longitude so the company might know their position on the map. Typical entries from his diary exemplify the use of these in¬ struments:

"May 24th (1847) at six o ’clock this morning a few flakes of snow descended. The barometer stood at 26.433, attached thermometer 40 deg., detached ther. 38 deg,,

(Courtesy of the LDS Historical Department)

In September of 1830 Parley P. Pratt paid a visit to Orson, his younger brother, in order to intro¬ duce him to Mormonism. Parley's message did not fall upon deaf ears for what Orson heard rang true and he submitted to baptism on September 19th his 19th birthday.

Orson was born in the brilliant New England autumn of 1811. His family was then residing in Hart¬ ford, Washington County, New York, just sixty miles from the birth¬ place of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Sharon, Vermont. His parents, Jared Pratt and Charity Dickinson were poor farmers which meant Or¬ son and his brothers as young men were required to leave home to seek work and provide for their own education. Providing for his own education Orson did with a passion including the study of science and mathematics as well as a careful study of the Bible.


PIONEER ODOMETER a device very similar to this was designed by Orson Pratt to measure the distance travelled by the 1847 Company. fCourtesy of the LDS Historical Department)

4 'May 10th (1847) For several days past, Mr* Clayton, and several others, have been thinking upon the best method of attaching some machinery to a wagon, to in¬ dicate the number of miles dai¬ ly travelled. I was requested this forenoon, by Mr* B* Young, to give this subject some attention; accordingly, this afternoon, I proposed tne following method: Let a wagon wheel be of such a cir¬ cumference, that 360 revolu¬ tions make one mile, (It hap¬ pens that one the requisite dimensions is now in camp.) Let this wheel act upon a screw, in such a manner, that six revolutions of this screw act upon a wheel of sixty cogs, which will evidently perform one revolution per mile. Let this wheel of sixty cogs, be the head of another screw, acting upon another wheel of thirty cogs; it is evident that in the movements of this second wheel, each cog will represent one mile* Now, if the cogs were numbered from O to 30,

the number of miles travelled will be indicated during every parf of the day. Let every sixth cog of the first wheel, be numbered from 0 to JO, and this division will indicate the fractional parts of a mile, or tenths; while if any one should be desirous to ascertain still smaller divisional fractions; each cog between this divi¬ sion, will give five and onethird rods* This machinery (which may be called the dou¬ ble endless screw) will be sim¬ ple in its construction, and of very small bulk, requiring scarcely any sensible additional power, and the knowledge ob¬ tained respecting distances in travelling, will certainly be very satisfactory to every traveller, especially in a coun¬ try, but little known* The weight of this machinery need not exceed three pounds*”

Another important contribution which Orson made was to design a device which would measure the distance travelled by the company each day. Some have suggested that Orson was the inventor of this device called the odometer (some¬ times called Roadometer) but this cannot be so. Early in the 19th cen¬ tury odometers were used in England and there are extant draw¬ ing of an odometer designed by Leonardo Da Vinci dating to the 16th century* This is also clear evidence that odometer designs were in existance in Rome at the time of Christ and possibly the first design dates to Archimedes in 200 B.C«

Even though Orson is not the first inventor of the odometer, his accomplishment on the plains of

“May 27th (1847)*,.a trigo¬ nometrical measurement with the sextant gives the width of the river at this place 792 yards* By a meridian observa¬ tion of the sun, determined the latitude to be 41 deg. 50 min. 52 sec.”

showing a considerable change both in weight and tempera¬ ture of the air since yesterday morning, giving for tne height of our camp above the level of the sea 3370 feet,,.1'

Nebraska is nevertheless praise¬ worthy for he completed the design quickly and with remarable ease* Again from his diary he explains:



The contributions of Orson Pratt to the Mormon migration to Utah were numerous indeed, but of even greater value was the example he set of seeking truth throughout his life regardless of the source.

A few days later on May 16th, a carpenter named Appelton Harmon finished the construction and ac¬ curate milage of the pioneer trek could then be recorded.

Tellers will be appointed to report results of each area's balloting to the national president, to be announced at the general business session. Tfcwes

Now Three Convenient

The SUP National Board approv¬ ed new procedures Dec. 8 to elect area vice presidents during the 1982 elections. The rules implement changes of the Articles of Incorpora¬ tion approved by delegates at the 1981 Encampment.

to be returned by July I.

Orson D* Wright, national socie¬ ty election committee chairman, and two other past national presidents comprise the national society elec¬ tion committee, who explained the new process*

It is proposed that this date be a significant milestone in the history of our enduring organization. To be free of all indebtedness* To reach a goal of perhaps 10,000 names in our continuing pioneer memorialElaque program and that our history e brought up to date in a printed history to be available to all members present and future.


We invite each of our present chapters to call upon their historians to briefly summarize their chapter history, to provide a date of organi¬ zation with initial chapter officers and add to this the main and impor¬ tant events within their chapter

Next, the combined list of nominees for each area will be for¬ warded to currently serving area vice presidents by July 15th* Chapters which have not responded will be contacted, and names may be sugested by the current area vice presient, with additions accepted until August 1st*

Rules to Elect Vice Presidents

by E. Kay Kirkham National Historian

50th Anniversary One Year Away, Reminds Historian

We quote from the 41Brief His¬ tory of the National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers” by Gustive O* Larson (July 1963)

'Tapers left by the late Lawrence T* Epperson tell of an organization meeting held in the office of Heber Jex with Epperson presiding* In this and subsequent meetings a consti¬ tution and by-laws were for¬ mulated and on March 29, 1933, the Sons of LItah Pioneers were incorporated as a state society* ***J

Nominations for area vice presi¬ dents will first be sought by the na¬ tional election committee in writing from each chapter prior to June 1, history. Send this with other chapter information to the Historian at the national headquarters office.

Chapters favoring a candidate are then free to announce their choice and his qualifications*

Our 50th Anniversary , our Year o* Jubilee, will arrive on Tuesday, the 29th of March 1983 all too soon to commemorate this important date in the history of our organiza¬ tion*

:.Jy{pcT)oagol ‘Tufte.wl

The current area vice presidents are responsible for verifying the final ballot and scheduling and conducting the area election meeting > to be held before the general business meeting of the Encampment. Nominations from the floor may he added

Delegates at the Mesa Encamp¬ ment in October will vote for the vice presidential candidates only for their own area* The elections will take place during area meetings at the annual meeting*

These three goals are not un¬ reasonable and they can be ac¬ complished with the cooperation of all of our present members and those who will join with us in the months to come. A program has already been arranged for our complete freedom from debt. With 6,000 pioneers memorialized out of an ap¬ proximate 80,000 in all, there is no excuse here for not accepting such a challenge. An up-dated history can be written from the annals of our past.

Mark Richards, at right, indicates the name of his great-great-grandfather, Franklin D* Richards, on a plaque in the Sons of Utah Pioneers Memorial Gallery. Looking on are, left to right, Bryan Richards, another brother; Elder LeGrand Richards of the Council of the Twelve, their grandfather; and Alden Richards, their father.

McDougal Funeral Home 4330 So Redwood While Chapel 124 Soulh 4th East West Jordan Mortuary 1861 West 7800 South 8

After a study of the actual costs of operating the building for the events of this trial period, the SUP National Board instructed the Ex¬ ecutive Staff to increase the contri¬ butions requested of those using it in 1982*

Head table decor Table centerpiece

by other organizations*

Chapter meetings accounted for most of the bookings, as ten chapters met a total of 21 times, two as many as four times each. They came from as far away as Box Elder Chapter, who held a “Big Mac** banquet, with the coopera¬ tion of McDonald's restaurants*


Red Sleigh in foyer Light tree and fireplace

Holiday finery adorned Memorial Gallery and Heritage Hall as the new SUP building saw almost daily use during December. One Saturday saw three different groups enjoying the facility.

9 ki hfl

Peak Use of Building in December

Between Dedicatory Services August and December 7, thirty-one formal events were held in the facilities of the SUP national head¬ quarters building, according to Ex¬ ecutive Secretary John J, Neilsen, An additional 18 events were scheduled before year-end, for a total of 49*

Three family organizations have held reunions, and two wedding receptions were scheduled by SUP families. Five other events were held

The building is available only to SUP members and chapters and con¬ tributors to the Pioneer Gallery*

In addition to the events already held, the building is being con¬ sidered for recitals, concerts, dances and seminars.

A practical and effective way of developing an appreciation of the we enjoy today is to sponmarking of historical sites. Such projects naturally involve a study of the history of the particular landmarks being preserved and the contribution of the pioneers of yesterday to our present civilization* Several landmarks and trails have Complfments of

heritagt sor the




The SUP Committee on Trails and Landmarks will be glad to assist local Chapters in selecting trails and landmarks to memorialize and advise them as to types of markers to erect or install and secure historical and background information*

Chapters which have completed or planned a pioneer landmark pro¬ ject should advise the SUP Commit¬ tee through the Executive Secretary, providing information as to its loca¬ tion, the nature of the marker and a photograph of it.

'project' minded and not so much involved in ‘eatin* and 'meetinL'1

The Committee recommends that (Continued on page 22)


"Helpfuf-Accommodating s 3251 So, 2300 E. Dial 484-2045

SUP Shapes New Plans to Mark Trails, Landmarks

President William Critchlow III recently announced the creation of the ‘Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Committee', including; M. Elmer Cnristensen, Chairman; Marshal K, Rrinton, Murray Chapter; Ralph ]* Carlson, Pioneer Trails Relay Chapter; W. Randall Dixon, City Creek Chapter; and William B* Smart, Advisor*

FOOTHILL VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER 13th South and Foothill Drive for Quality * Service * Value


Pine Room 55 North Main 295-2347 BOUNTIFUL is Happy To Serve South Davis Chapter

The responsibilities of the Com¬ mittee include:

It is recommended that every Chapter become involved in a pro¬ ject of its own selection. The Chapter Projects Chairman should assume the initiative in such a pro¬ gram* President Critchlow recently said “our Chapters should be more

already been identified and marked by various groups interested in preserving our pioneer history. Some of those monuments or markers have been mutilated or damaged and are now neither attrac¬ tive nor appealing to the public* The SUP would do well not only to select and mark new sites, but also restore previously marked sites which need to be improved or restored*


1. To emphasize the impor¬ tance of remembering and recognizing Pioneer Trails and landmarks; 2* To locate and identify trails and sites signifi¬ cant in Pioneer history and assemble preliminary informa¬ tion regarding them, and 3* To encourange chapters to select and appropriately memorialize through monu¬ ments, plaques or otherwise, trails traversed by pioneers or landmarks significant in the development of the West*

Members of the Committee ac¬ cepted their appointments with en¬ thusiasm and will endeavor to develop a program of education and activity worthy of the important goals and purposes of the Sons of the Utah Pioneers* The Committee appeals to all chapters and members for their cooperation and support in carrying out, successfully, the objec¬ tives of the Committee*

jMolbrturk Jmtmti (Eljapel Dale & Beverly Holbrook

553. John Elmer Yates EMC 554*.Edwin J. Skeen.SH 555.. Eldon P. Morrell.A/L 556.. Henry Timmerman MB 557.. Roman Grant Moncur . . A/L 558.. Clayton W. Pike .... CR/H 559.. Blaine F. Olsen.BE 560.. Lorenzo j. Bates EMC/M 561.. Edward B. Perkins A/L 562.. Ralph P. Frandsen Holl 563.. Harold C. Gerber.Holl 564.. Kenneth C. Stevenson Holl 565.. Karl A. Merrell.Holl 566.. Rono D. Garff. Holl 567.. Erin N. Howard.Holl 568. .Arthur Vanderlinden Holl 569.. H Leroy Erickson EMC 570.. A Lamont Nielsen EMC

In the first thirty years of the national society’s life member program, a total of 287 members were listed. The last three years since December, 1978 have ad¬ ded 307 more, for a total of 594. And the trust fund balance has grown from $23,332 three years ago to

Nearly 320 filled tables in the hall* on the stages, and even in the adjoining prop storage room to hear an address by Utah Senator Orrin Hatch, who called for a new spirit of pioneering to meet the challenges of our time through lives of courage and devotion to principle.

...doubled in 3 years.

The death of Dr, Theris P. Astle on Dec. 1 leaves the Na¬ tional Society bereft of the leader who directed the SUP Life Membership Program through its period of greatest growth. We extend our sym¬ pathies to Mrs, Astle and their children. His obituary is printed on page 23.

longest-living survivor, A plaque was presented by na¬ tional president William J. Cntchlow HI in recognition of the selfless and dedicated leadership and boundless generosity of past na¬ tional president K. Grant Hale and members of the Hale family, most of whom are themselves Life Members.

The recent growth resulted from the efforts of chapter presidents and local Life Membership committees, the leadership of national SUP chairmen, especially the late Dr. Theris P. Astle, listing Life Member names as record¬ ed by the national executive staff in issues of the Pioneer, and recognition that the fee will be self-perpetuating through investment of the Life Membership Trust Account, Life Member Ronald Vern Jackson presented to Senator Hatch bound pedigree charts and family group sheets of President Ronald Reagan’s ancestry for presentation to the President by Senator Hatch for his next birthday.

Senator Hatch Addresses SUP Life Member Banquet

SUP Mourns Dr. Astle

Life Memberships were in¬ itiated in 1948 under national president Judge Jesse P. Rich. A one-time fee pays up a membership for life, without renewal of national dues. In¬ auguration of the trust account came during the terms of Nicholas G. Morgan and Horace A. Sorensen.

approximately $50,000 to¬ day.

Celebrating a doubling of their numbers in the past three years, the National Society's elite group of Life Members and their wives filled Heritage Hall to overflowing Jan* 9th for their annual banquet.


The Senator praised President Reagan as a modern-day pioneer who has great affection for Utah and great admiration for the Mormon ioneers. He also reminisced about is own pioneer ancestry, including a grandfather who was the founder of Vernal, once known as Hatchtown, and another who was a Mor¬ mon Battalion member, and its 571.. Alan W. Layton.Holl 572.. Duane O. Wright .... Holl 573.. Carvel Davis Holl 574.. Karl Gunnell.Mesa 575.. Clark Hamblin.Mesa 5 76,, Kenneth P. Heywood Mesa 577.. Lyle Hilton , Mesa 578. .Ivan V. Larsen.Mesa 579.. Lorenzo Lisonbee Mesa 580.. N Leo Packer.Mesa 581.. George Whitlock Mesa 582. .John W. Clifford_EMC 583.. William G. Shelton . . Holl 584.. W, Matt Taylor ..Holl 585.. Lewis B. Murdock Holl 586. .Vernon D. Smith.Holl 587. .LaGrande Holt Lamb O. Pio. 588.. Merrill W. Beckstead EMC 589.. Morris L. Blalock EMC 590.. Donald F. Fielden .... EMC 591.. Ellis T. Demars EMC 592.. Alma V. Decker ..SLC 593.. Bruce F, Parker.TF

Life Members Add 64 in Two Months

594..Vernon R. Howard Holl 595.. H Vern Hardy EMC 596.. John D. Willcox CR/H 597.. Clyde E. Stewart.TF 598*.H. Hiland Kent Oq Mt. 599.. Darrel R. Michaelis Oq Mt, 600.. Dean A. Riddle SLC Pion. 601.. David Crawford Houston A/L 602, J. Lovell Hilbert Mesa 603.. Douglas G. Hale Mt. Oly 604. .Jonathan H. Hale Mt. Oly 605.. Karl Lawrence Hale Mt. Oly 606.. Loran Clayton Hale Mt, Oly 607.. Jeffrey H. Hale Mt. Oly 608 Dennis Roennebeck , Mt, Oly 609. Peter L. Schiess Mt, Oly 610. .Lawrence E. Shaw Og. Pio. 611.. Elden Rasmussen .... EMC 612. .Richard K. Bertoeh Oq Mt 613.. Harold Dangerfield Oq Mt 614. .Merrill D. Hymas Oq Mt 615.. Felix Lobato Oq Mt 616. .Wilford W, Brimhall BY


Chapter presidents attending of¬ ficers training seminar included (seated, left to right): Donald J, Evans, Murray; Dilworth H Marchant, Holladay; Lamar Gardner, East Mill Creek Mills; Wally Bates, East Mill Creek; Edward Midgley, Brigham Young; Ralph M> Uavey, Sugarhouse; J.C. Haws, Box Elder and Bert Carter, Salt Lake City. (Standing, left to right): Clarence W. Giles, new chapter from Temple Qgarry; C.L Draper, unidentified; Richard Horsley, Timpanogos; Peter Rob¬ bins, Mt Olympus; Walter L. Ewell, Oquirrh Mountain; Weldon Jensen, South Davis; Wayne Mallet, Settlement Canyon; Robert Simonsen, Salt Lake Pioneer and Jerry Crouch, Ogden Pioneer.

SUP Hosts 1(

RIGHT: K. Grant Hale conducts Past Presidents Council,


Meanwhile, partners of SUP leaders were enjoying a women’s program in Pioneer Historical Re¬ search Library, which included an

The day began with a 12:30 p.m. luncheon for the Past Presi¬ dent's Council and their wives, followed by a business meeting under direction of K, Grant Hale. The Heritage Hall stage provided a cozy setting for the event.

A two-hour training session for national and chapter officers follow¬ ed in Pioneer Hall, under direction of President Elect Glen Lloyd, with the assistance of past presidents K. Grant Hale and Dr. Orson Wright.

LEFT: Treasurer Emmet Morris presents financial report.

It was a lively agenda that brought officers and their partners from many parts of the National Society to the SUP National Head¬ quarters on Saturday, January 9. Nearly every part of the building was in use during the full schedule of activities.

National dues for 1982 were in¬ creased from $10 to $15 per year, and the Life Membership fee was in¬ creased from $ 125 to $ 150 per year. The board voted, however to allow those who pay before March 30 to receive full credit for this year's dues, or Life Membership, at the previous rate.

BELOW: National and chapter officers hold annual training session in Pioneer HatL Past President Orson Wight speaking.

Next, at 1:30 p.m., the National Board met in Pioneer Hall, on the lower level of the building. It was the first official use of the area.

Cfioras, lecture on castles presented to partners.

After the general session, the delegates attended area meetings held on all three floors including the loft over the executive offices.

?82 Officers; Life Member Banquet

Utah Senator Orrin Hatch greets SUP Life Members,

Heritage Hall overflows with 320 Life Members, guests

Banquet service was by Canyon Kim Heritage

Climaxing the day was the Life Membership Banquet, served to more than 320 persons and address¬ ed by Utah Senator Orrin Hatch* (See report on previous page,)

address by President Bill Critchlow, music by singers from the University of Utah LDS Institute, and a presen¬ tation on European Castles*

As you leave Chinle, travel north towards Many Farms (site of an In¬ dian Junior College), and other trading posts until you reach route 160 where you will turn right and drive to Four Corners, the only point in the United States where four States come together. There are no sleeping accommodations at Four Corners,

Salt Lake's Foremost MEMORIAL PARK

You can drive to excellent view look-out points on the high plateaus or hike into the bottom of the can¬ yon to see the remains of an earlier civilization. Conducted tours can be arranged at Monument Headquarters located east of Chinle. There are sleeping accommodations available in this Navajo town.

ffiasafch laiun___ Memorial fark

Investments, Estate Planning, Lite, Health & Disability Insurance Advisorys


On the eastern outskirts of Globe you should turn left on route 60 or 77 towards the towns of Show Low and Holbrook, You will drive down into the Salt River Canyon and up the other side- In Show Low you could continue on to the St. Johns and Springerville area, but suggest you go left on route 77 through Snowflake (an early Northern Arizona pioneer community and largely LDS today) to Holbrook.

President Grant Hale, CLU and Loran C. Hale Salt Lake City (801) 355-3401 Res. 278-1830

b. Turn rijzbt at the far end of Payson and drive past Kohls Ranch to Heber, Continue on (either through Snowflake to Holbrook or) towards Holbrook on route 377 where you will locate route 180 to the Petrified Forest.

Trading Post and highway 163 and Blanding.

b. Continue east on route 160 to route 666 and 789. Turn left and drive to Cortez, Colorado. Turn right in Cortez on route 160 and drive to the Verde National Park where you will want to stop for a visit. Return to Cortez, turn right on route 666 and continue to Monticello and Moab, Utah,

(Editor's Note: In the last issue, the 1982 Encampment chairman told Utah members some routes to Mesa. 77iis is the return trip installment.)

by Spencer Madsen

JHale atth ^ssactatts

In Holbrook, take route ISO east to the Petrified Forest area where you may want to make several stops. As you travel north through the Petrified Forest, you will reach 1-40 where you will make a right turn towards the Chambers Junetion. Here you should turn left or north on route 63 through Indian Country to the junction at Ganado.

3401 Highland Dr. 466-8687


Here you will turn lett on route 264 for a short distance to the com¬ munity of Chinle. Here you may want to take some time to visit Can¬ yon De Chelly Monument.

a. Continue on route 87 through Pine, Strawberry and other resort areas to Winslow on 1-40, Turn right to Holbrook. Exit from Freeway and locate highway 180 to the Petrified Forest area.

NORTHEASTERN ARIZONA: Leave Mesa going east on Main Street (Highway 60), You will pass through Apache junction, a fastgrowing community, especially in the winter time. You will pass the Superstition Mountains and the towns of Superior, Miami and Globe, noted for their copper mining activities.

As you conclude your visit to Four Corners, continue east on route 160. Here you will have some op¬ tions:

NORTH CENTRAL ARIZONA: Leave Mesa via Country Club Drive across the Salt River to highway 87 towards Payson area. In Payson you have two options:



A four wheel vehicle is suggested beyond this point if you desire to see the other fortresses built during the Book of Mormon period. As you leave Hovenweep National Monu¬ ment, you may desire to drive east to Cortez, Colorado. The roads are good and a bus should make this trip rather easily. If you desire, you may want to drive west to the Hatch

As you reach Winslow from Payson under (a) above you have a possibility on continuing on route 87 into the Hopi Indian Reservation and the First and Second Mesa set¬ tlements located near route 264. At this junction you have two options: a. Turn left on route 264 towards Tuba City, route 160 near Tuba City driving to Kayenta area. Go north on route 163 through Monument Valley, Mexican Hat to Blanding, etc. Don't overlook the possibility of leaving Monument Valley north of Mexican Hat on Utah route 261 driving past the

As the October, 1982 encamp¬ ment in Mesa comes to a close, you may want to see additional areas of interest enroute to your homes. The following are some suggested routes to travel:

How to Get Home Again from Mesa...

a. Turn left on route 41 traveling to Aneth, {You may con¬ tinue on route 41 to Montezuma Creek, Hatch Trading Post and highway 163 towards Blanding, or) turn right on an unimproved road to Ismay Trading Post Junction and to the Hovenweep National Monu¬ ment. On one of the monument markers one reads of the tradition that this is an area where the Gadiantian Robbers of the Book of Mormon period lived. There are several fortresses to be seen near the Monument Headquarters.

Leave Mesa via 1-360 going west to I-10 turning left towards Tucson. You will pass several communities and developments enroute. In Tuc¬ son you may want to stop to visit Old Tuscon, the present filmland of Tucson and the University of Arizona. As you leave Tucson, con¬ tinue on I-10 to the Benson area. Here you have some options;

Here you will want to stop for a visit through the streets of Tomb¬ stone, (A side trip to Charlestown, a Ghost Town, on the route be¬ tween Tombstone and Sierra Vista

Sister Richards devoted fifty years in research and study in completing the book. Proceeds from sale of the book are donated to the Church mis¬ sionary fund. At present writing, nearly $3,000.00 has been donated.

Pioneer Life Is Sketched From Book

,P. Plii] IRoLB>ii[iis President

Goosenecks on the San Juan River and continue on route 160 from Kayenta east to Four Corners.

As you leave Douglas, travel on route 666 north towards I-10 turn¬ ing east towards Wilcox continuing on route 666 towards Safford, Thatcher and Pima area. (If you take this route, contact Wilford Crockett III of Pima, the past President of the Andrew Kimball Chapter, who will be glad to assist you in a tour of in¬ teresting points of Pioneer history in this area as it relates to the life of President Spencer W. Kimball.) As you leave Pima, go west on route 70 through the San Carlos Indian Reservation to Globe turning right on route 60 or 77 to Show Low and Holbrook areas.

CALIFORNIA: a. Take route 1-360 to I-10 and Phoenix to Blythe, Cali¬ fornia, and points in the Los Angeles area.

might prove of interest to see the Mormon Battalion Monument The Battle of the Bulls).

Brother and Sister Richards dramatized through narrative, music, and costumes, the historical events surrounding the early days of the Church and the Saints* exodus west. The book is based on facts from diaries, journals, and other authentic resources.

Centra, Eleetrie Inue a Maintenance Repair, Contracting and Engineering

The program followed a delicious ootluck buffet.

Sister Richards is a prolific writer, having written other materials and is presently preparing church writings for children and women of the Book of Mormon.

b. Exit at Benson entering the town. {See the Mormon Bat¬ talion Monument in the center of Benson on the north side of the highway). Continue on to St. David on route 80. (See the Mormon Bat¬ talion Monument in the east end of town just after you pass the High School). (You have come about 8 miles from the Freeway. You may want to return to the Freeway and continue your trip towards Safford). Continue on route 80 to Tomb¬ stone .

As you leave Tombstone, con¬ tinue on route 80 to Bisbee and Douglas, You are near the Mormon Battalion Trail as you travel on this route and there are two monuments in Douglas area, (Here you may want to take a walking tour into Mexico before you leave Douglas).

by William H. Fotheringham


Plan Bus Charter

..after 1982 Encampment


(801) 467-5479


Members and invited guests of the Beehive Chapter enjoyed a most entertaining evening Wednesday, October 21, as they were presented a dramatic sketch of the book, * ‘Mormon Trail*1 written by Aurelia Pyper Richards.

Distinctive Catering Co. is proud to serve the SUP Thank you for your patronage.

285 East 2700 South Ph: 467-8893

a. Continue on .1-10 past Wilcox to route 666 turning north towards Safford area.

701 East South Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84103

Don Busath-M. Phntog.

b. Continue right on route 264 at Second Mesa driving through Kearns Canyon, Steamboat Springs to Ganado Mesa where you turn left on route 63 to Chinle and Four Cor¬ ners.

b. Take route 1-360 to I-10 towards Tucson, Join 1-8 near Casa Grande going west to Yuma and Southern California and San Diego area. (You may want to take a side trip through Ajo to the Organ Pipe National Monument, This is a driv¬ ing tour through many different kinds of Cactus. It is also near the Mexican Border.)

UTAH via ST. GFORGE: Take 1-360 to I-10 and 1-17 and Phoenix, North on 1-17 to route 74 turning west to route 89 and Wickenburg. Turn right in Wickenburg to Kingman, Boulder Dam, Lake Mead, Las Vegas and 1-15 to St, George,

Glen L. Greenwood, Area Vice President for Salt Lake County, Southern, told SUP Chapter presidents at the Officers Training Seminar to contact him if they have members who want seats on chartered buses for the 1982 Encampment in Mesa. Some chapters will charter their own buses, Greenwood said. Plans are to stagger the travel schedule to avoid conges¬ tion in accommodations enroute,

Telephone (801) 364-6645


With two treks this year and also the National Encampment at Ogden, the EMC Chapter still re¬ mains strong and steadfast to the cause of honoring our heritage. It is a pleasure to belong to such a unified, congenial group of people that enjoy blissful harmony. Thanks to all to wonderful members of the East Mill Creek Chapter for this and their support.

Lees Ferry on the Colorado River was the gateway to Northern Arizona for early day pioneers* The Kanab Red Rock Chapter of SUP members and wives made a trek to this historic site in September.

Wallace W. Bates, President: Daniel F* Allred, President Elect: Wallace (Bud) Brown, 1st Vice President: W, Glenn Swaner, 2nd Vice President; Marvin S, Stevens, Hold over Director; Harold G* Har¬ dy, Hold over Director; J. Marden Despain, Two year Director; Arthur V. Bulkley, Two year Director; G. Lynn Garff, Past President; Joel H. Bowen, Secretary; Alan S. Young, Treasurer.

We wish to thank Kay Garff and Lois Allred for being responsible in the adornment of the Headquarters building for the holiday season, as part of the EMC Chapter,

by Thayne C. Smith

198! has been a busy but outstanding year for the East Mill Creek Chapter,

Each dinner meeting has been one of pleasure and satisfaction. We have had wonderful speakers ad¬ dress us on a wide range of subjects from: Health care, publishing, chapter area history, what it means to be doctor to a prophet, church history new museum, and Brigham Young, the man.

by Marvin Spencer Stevens

Busy Year Ended for EMC Chapter; Leaders Chosen

Our very capable President G. Lynn Garff displayed those highly desired and effective qualities of leadership to guide the chapter through a banner yearv

Pioneers is the next important organization to belong to.

However, on July 20, 1981, the EMC Chapter had a Picnic Basket Dinner in Heritage Hall while it was under construction, just to whet the appetite of the members over the new building and to view its pro¬ gress


An election was held for the chapter on November 16. Officers and Board members were elected. They are as follows:

Two mini buses filled with modern day pioneers journeyed across the Arizona Strip, climbed the gentle slopes of Buckskin (Kaibab) mountain, passed Jacob Lake (nam¬ ed for Jacob Hamblin), descended to the colorful Houserock Valley and arrived at Lees Ferry in time for lunch* Dutch oven cookout with all the trimmings was a special treat in the cool shade of spreading cotton¬ wood trees. Ted Cox, Ermon Robinson, and Whit Robinson were among those who shared their knowledge of the history of the area and the events and people who lived there, A hike to the old cemetery and a boat ride up the river provided a greater appreciation of the peaceful beauty*

The ride home was by way of Bitter Springs on the Navajo Indian reservation, and Glen Canyon Dam with Lake Powell. At Wahweap recreation area everyone enjoyed a rest stop with cool watermelon and community singing. Everyone had a great time and is looking forward to the next adventure.

Kanab Red Rock Chapter Visits The Arizona Strip

EMC Officers and Board for 1982, Front row (left to right): Wallace W, Bates, Daniel F. Allred, Wallace (Bud) Brown; J. Marden Despain; Marvin S. Stevens; (rear row) G. Lynn Garff; Alan S. Young; W. Glenn Swaner; Joel H. Bowen; (missing from picture) Arthur V. Bulkley.

The October dinner meeting was the first time for any chapter to use the new National Headquarters building since its dedication* The guest speaker for that event was the exciting, warm, radiant, vibrant special person Elder Legrand Richards of the Council of Twelve Apostles, In bis address to the group he stated that outside of being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that membership in the Sons of Utah

Eldon P, Morrell

It was sometimes said, "this piece of land is sacred" Or "all land is sacred".

Knowing who and where we are, are intimately linked We should be able to say, "I really love and know This place." This Utah.

We came here by a path, A line of people that worked their way Westward This is how we came to be where we are*

Keith C. Cox

Beehive Chapter

John M, Limburg

C. Walter Malan Francis W. Woods

Stephen R. Wilson

Gerald T. Holladay Joseph M, Shewell

Harold C. Gerber Arthur Vanderlinden

Edward B. Perkins

‘‘Sons of Utah Pioneers ’ ’

Clyde L. Hunter

Oguirrh Mountain

We, in the Sons of Utah Pioneers, should strive Through the coming year To maintain this sense of the magic system.

Ellis T, Demars Malcolm E. Pike

C. Phillip Lambert Glen E. Youngherg


East Mill Creek Chapter

Scottsdale Chapter

Lawrence W, Morgan Ralph West Sanders

Love means living as though our grandchildren Will also be alive, in this land, Carrying on, with deepening delight.

New Members Since Last Issue of The Pioneer

Warren D. Brady

Holladay Chapter

Rono D. Garff

John Bennion Cannon

Robert J. Stephenson E. Douglas Dana Settlement Canyon

The capacity to see and hear and feel; An appreciation of the struggles And successes of the Pioneers.

Temple Quarry Chapter

There was an awareness of the mystery of life and death Of taking life to live, or giving life back A sense of sacramental quality in that relationship.

LaGrande Holt Lamb Gilbert K. Wallace

East Mill Creek Mills Chapter

George Taggart Frost James Malcolm Madsen

Olympus Hills Chapter

Guy R. Shepard J. Elmo England

By Jerry Crouch President, Ogden Pioneer Chapter Paraphrased from Gary Snyder

Walter Formo

At Large Members

George L. Carey C. Clifford Davis

Golden Atkin Buchmiller

Gordon Quinton Jones

Earl N. Dorius

Dominic Priano

We define ourselves in relation to this place, Utah There are many people who are not settled They are far removed from their ancestral territories. Our ancestors were once in that condition They left their ancestral place That leaving was usually harsh and painful*

Anton Lamont Nielsen J. Elmo Garff

Ogden Pioneers

Lee G. Dimond

Roman Grant Moncur

The pioneers had to develop specific ways to be here Knowledge of plants and traps and hunting and tools A spirit of what it was to be here evolved.

Alden R, Richards Raymond E, Erickson

Sugarhouse Chapter

Canyon Rim/Heritage Chapter

Harold O. Smith

Salt Lake

Orin F. Salisbury

Two of the board members, Joseph F. R. Smith and Arthur J, Wagstaff passed away during their term in office,

During the Hulladay Chapter’s Christmas Banquet, National Presi¬ dent William J. Critchlow III outlin¬ ed the accomplishments of a pace¬ setting year during 1981 under President Joseph S. Hellewell.

President Hellewell and the chapter board also started the wheels in motion to increase the chapter membership by approximately twen¬ ty percent.

Special guests included Wm. Critchlow III, and his wife, Donna; Jack Nielsen, National SUP ex¬ ecutive secretary, and his wife, Louise; Don Green, Pres, of the Union Fort Chapter, and his wife, Louise; Past Pres, Green; Pres, John Turner, of Temple Quarry chapter; and Oliver Carlsen, Sec, of Union Fort chapter.

DIAL 487-8574

family, consisting of Mr, and Mrs. Massey and their three children, two girls and a boy. Mr, Massey spoke of the many blessings of our land. He told of his experiences in Guatamala where he worked to improve agriculture, diet, schools, and health as a teacher and doctor. Among the teachers he hired was Amelda, whom he converted, baptized, and married. They now live in the United States. Their children sang some Christmas songs, accompanied by their mother, and then each child played a classical number on the piano.


National President Critchlow presented President Hellewell with a plaque, announcing that the Holladay Chapter was the first in the society ’s nistory to enroll 100% of their members to that honored group. He congratulated them for setting a record for all the chapters to aim for.

The chapter sponsored the new Mount Jordan Chapter with a joint dinner on July 10, where the new charter was presented to President Richard Siggard,

Culminating the year was the realization of an even more am¬ bitious goal. As new members were

LaMar Sainsbury, Charles Christensen, Richard Blackburn

RAISED $100,000

We are proud to serve the SUP UTAH PRINTING CO.

enrolling, they were encouraged, along with other chapter members, to become Life Members of SUP. On November 12, he realized the goal by presenting a check for all the new Life Members.

B. Murdock

2855 South West Temple

260 East South Temple

Phone 363-5781

The Oquirrh Mountain Chapter Christmas dinner-meeting was held Dec, 15 at the SUP National Head¬ quarters building. Ninety-five members and their guests from the Union Fort chapter attended. Members enjoyed finding names of their ancestors on the plaques in the Memorial Gallery in remembrance of the pioneers. Dinner was catered by Chuck-o-Rama,

by Lewis

Bob Larkin, SLC Pioneer SUP

Max Larkinf SIC, Chapter SUP

Installed as officers for 1982 were Dilworth Marchant, president; Joseph S, Hellewell, immediate past president; Arthur Vanderlinden, secretary-treasurer; and William G, Shelton, Ralph P. Frandsen, Mervin A, Peterson, Vaun O. Fotheringham, D, A, Oseuthorpe, and Duane O. Wright, directors.

The group sang Christmas songs, conducted by Kate Pearce, and ac¬ companied by Ida Ewell, Hilland Kent, who was conducting, gave a brief history of his pioneer family.

Pres. Ewell also mentioned im¬ mediate projects for the chapter. These are to get our histories started, to get a flag and uniforms for the chapter, to plan and carry out excursions of historical significance, and ten life memberships before the October encampment in Mesa, Arizona.

Glenn Greenwood and Lee Robertson each spoke briefly concer¬ ning future activities for the chapter.

Oquirrh Mountain Chapter Presi¬ dent, Walter Ewell spoke briefly about three important challenges to the chapter. First, two new names added to the memorial plaques in the SUP headquarters building each month. Second, two pioneer biographies submitted to the Pioneer Memorial Research Library. Third, plan and carry out a project for a memorial landmark or monument.

Board members for the year in¬ cluded; Bernard Tanner, immediate past president; Dilworth Marchant, president-elect; Lewis Hathaway, first vice president; Francis Par¬ tridge, second vice president, and directors Arthur j, Wagstaff, William Shelton, Lewis Murdock and Joseph F. R, Smith.

Holladay Wins Honors As First All-Life Chapter Two Chapters Hold Joint Holiday Event

Highlights of the evening was a musical program by the Massey

Life memberships were presented by Wm, Critchlow to Darrell Michaelis, Felix Labato, Harold Dangerfield, Merrill Hymas and Hiland Kent.

The chapter membership raised more than $100,000 in funds and donations for the new National Headquarters building. A majority of members honored their ancestors by listing them on the plaques in the Pioneer Memorial Gallery. The ac¬ tivity brought great unity in the chapter.

Bernard Tanner presented each of the past presidents a plaque marking their year of service. The Madrigal Singers from Olympus High provid¬ ed Christmas songs, and a favor was given to each of the ladies present.



Quality Men's Clothing

Formed by Temple Quarry

The Chapter has also been in¬ strumental in sponsoring four new Chapters* Union Fort Chapter organized in 1979-80 with two of our members joining that group* Settlement Canyon in the Tooele area, taking 4 Chapter members, Beehive Chapter in the East Mill Creek area with two members breaking off to organize that Chapter and the Oquirrh Mountain Chapter in the Granger-Hunter area with five members joining that group* All of these chapters will welcome new members*


Membership certificates were presented to Douglas Peisley, Doyle Mdnelly, Harold O* Smith and Golden Buchmiller*

For the fifth time, the Temple Quarry Chapter has multiplied by dividing, forming a new SUP chapter for its members living west of the Jordan River*

In December 1980 into January 1981, a Rose Parade Holiday to California was enjoyed with 46 members participating. Other points of interest were also visited, Glen Greenwood and George Krebs were the trek masters.

The new formed Chapter officers

On December 10th, at the annual Christmas party a new Chapter was formed from the group. Those peo¬ ple living West of the Jordan River will comprise a new chapter not named yet in that area* Members living East of the Jordan River will remain the Temple Quarry Chapter

Clarence Giles, president of the newly formed chapter on the west side of the Jordan River. Center, retiring president John Turner and George Krebbs, newly elected president of the Temple Qparry Chapter on the east side of the Jordan River.

At our April meeting a special display of valuable dolls was ex¬ hibited by Louis and Dorothy to en¬ courage our members to participate in honoring their ancestors on the Memorial plaques for the National Headquarters building. We feel that the response of our members to par¬ ticipate in this project has been very ratifying. Over 240 names have een turned in, with twelve couples in the 1000 man club and over*

During the year, Russell Stocking completed a book on the history of the town of Welby* Many members purchased the book and it was also presented to the Jordan School district to be placed in their libraries.

President John Turner and Myrle will leave on a mission to Billings, Montana in January. We wish them much success*

This year the group celebrated their 25tn birthday anniversary with a membership of 93 plus the part¬ ners, with John Turner as the Presi¬ dent* The meetings have been held at the Jordan Ell Reception Center in West Jordan with an average atten¬ dance of 133 each month*


19 Myrtle Wright

Dress for Success at BUD’S DUDS FOR MEN

in the area it was first organized and chartered *

The Chapter will meet at the BiCentennial Park building in Sandy on the 2nd Thursday of each month *

that have been chosen to date are: President, Clarence Giles; Past President, Adolph Johnson; Presi¬ dent Elect, Morris Bennion; Secretary, Vem Francis; Chaplain, Gene Drake; Trek Master, Ken Rasmussen; Music, jack Smith* They will meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Jordan Ell Recep¬ tion center in West Jordan*

A camper-trailer trek was enjoyed to Pinto, Utah on July 9th, 10th and 11 th to the property of Barbara and Jerome Tullis*

Officers chosen for the Temple Quarry Chapter for 1982 will be: President, George F* Krebs: PastPresident, Charles Wright; Pres* Elect, Clyde Beckstead; 1st Vice President, Eugene Newbold; 2nd Vice President, Mont Margetts; Secretary, Lawrence Etherington; Treasurer, James Ostler; Historian, Leo Bigler; Chaplain, J.C* Richards; Trek Master, Glen Green¬ wood, and Building and Decora¬ tions, Louis Smith*

Fourth Chapter

The Christmas party was held at the National Headquarters building in Salt Lake* A delicious catered din¬ ner was served to 145* The ‘ 'Sun¬ shine Company ’1 presented the pro¬ gram* National SUP President Wm* Critchlow III and his wife were special guests.

Seven Chapter members have become life members during the year.

2152 Highland Drive 484-4365

The original Temple Quarry Chapter was organized in Sandy, Utah in 1956, receiving their charter on June 13th* Marlin S* Bateman was the first President of the Chapter.




50 Herbert Avenue

* * * * *

Buy Direct from an Announcement Printer and Save

The Salt River Valley Chapter sponsored a dedicatory service to in¬ augurate a cast aluminum plaque marking the site of the first meeting¬ house of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Phoenix, Arizona.

Fine Commercial Printing

Mrs. Marie Earl, choir director of the old First Ward choir, conducted a large chorus in singing, "Let the Mountains Shout for Joy," Wendell Noble, radio personali¬ ty, and boyhood member of the First

Packed fresh every day


Salt River Valley Marks Site of Phoenix Ward

Phone 363-4189

Give a fresh basket of fruit for all occasions

Most of those present were members of that Phoenix First Ward or their families. Honored at the dedication were families of the four bishops who presided at the building between May 4, 1919 and October 16, 1949. Those bishops were, in order, J. Robert Price, George F. Price, John H. Udall and Arch B. Campbell.


Salt Lake City, Utah

2020 East 3300 South, Suite 14 Phone 484-1722



Gofden Wedding Invitations Napkins, Guest Books, etc.


Memoers of the Chapter, moved in 600 chairs for the occasion, under the direction of C. Ferrel Dana, chapter president.

TrophiesPlaques-Gifts and Engraving 2020 East 3300 South, Suite 13 Phone 486-3056

The Joseph Noble Family Chorus, consisting of the descendents of a soloist from the old First Ward choir, sang several selec¬ tions reminiscent of the heyday of the building.

by J. Morris Richards Past President

The site is now part of Heritage Square, an historical restoration pro¬ ject of the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, at Seventh Street and Monroe. The Church building has been demolished but the marker was placed on the side of the administration building of Heritage Square on the exact loca¬ tion of the original church building.

nished by members of the families of two of the prominent families of Phoenix First Ward during the years it occupied the structure. The A. H, Dixon Family Ensemble furnished preliminary music which featured music composed by one of the members of the Ward, Ralph Sarager. The ensemble was compos¬ ed of Aloa Dixon Richards, piano; Gloria Dixon Strauss, violin; Le Dair Dixon, organ; Barbara Huff, cello; and Nordessa Dixon Coates, voice.

Elder H. Burke Peterson, first counselor in the Presiding Bishopric of the church, who attended services in the building as a boy, spoke to an audience of more than 600 on Oct. 25, and dedicated the marker. His father, Harold A. Peterson, was Sunday School superintendent there.

AT DEDICATION of marker site offirst Mormon church meeting house in Phoenix, Arizona, Left to right: the metallic marker; Elder H. Burke Peter¬ son, first counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, Church who dedicated the marker; C. Ferrel Dana, president of the Salt River Valley Chapter, Sons of Utah Pioneers, who was master of ceremonies; and John D, Driggs, former Mayor of Phoenix, who represented the City of Phoenix at the dedicatory Services* L.D.S, Public Communications photo.

Jaffa Printing Co.


Former Phoenix Mayor John D. Driggs, a member of the chapter, represented the City of Phoenix, having been responsiole in large part for the development of Heritage Square while a city official.

Ward, gave a historical narration concerning the Ward, the buildings and its people.

Music for the occasion was fur¬

Officially representing the families of the four bishops being honored were Dr. Robert A. Price, Dix W. Price, Judge Nicholas Udall and Bishop Paul Campbell.


In 1897 these were the survivors of the 503 men and 46 women and children who comprised the Mormon Bat¬ talion during its historic march from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego in 1846-47 This picture was taken during the 1897 Jubilee Celebration of the arrival of the Mormon pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley,

22. 23. 24. 21

Seated, left to right: . 2. 4.{F) 6, 7.(F) Standing, left to right: 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. 21.

This picture will be on permanent display in our Na¬ tional Headquarters, and we hope may soon add an ac¬ companying plaque identifying the surviving battalion members.

Identify individuals in the photograph above by referring to the numbers in the outline drawing



Photo Identities Sought for 1897 Survivors of Mormon Battalion


Each of the veterans was presented a gold medal in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of that excep¬ tional military trek which its commanding officer, Lt* CoL Philip St. George Cooke, characterized with the statement, 4'History may be searched in vain for an equal march of infantry ''

8. 9.



Not all of those appearing in this picture have been identified. Consequently, we should appreciate the assistance of our readers in identifying each survivor ap¬ pearing in the above picture. If you know the names of any of these swrvivorsi please advise John J. Nielson, our National Executive Secretary, by mail or telephone at our National Headquarters, 3301 East 2920 South, Sa(t Lake City, Utah 84109, or telephone (801) 484-444 L

Concluding their building fund drive, the Sugar House Chapter has presented a check for $1,000 to the national society Shown in the presenta¬ tion are Pres. William J. Critchlow III receiving the check, left, from Chapter Chapter President Ferdinand E. Peterson, as John f. Nielsen, Eugene Lud¬ wig, Ralph M, Davey and Alfred R. Holfert look on

ment Association {YMM1A, predecessor to the Young Men*)

The committee has received per¬ mission to reprint William B,

(Continued from page 10)

several chapters in the central Utah area cooperate in the selection and marking of sites or landmarks along the original pioneer trail from Henefer to the mouth of Emigration Canyon, the * 'Granddaddy*' of all pioneer trails*


At some other sites, a monument still stands but the metal plaque has been removed and stolen. The entire Trail really needs a new 1 ‘face¬ lifting* ’ and awaits the efforts of some appreciative Sons of the original Pioneers*


at 10055 South State Lake Hilfs Sandy R, ADDISON and MILDRED M. RICHEY SUP T. Wride, South

The booklet has long been out of print since its original publication by the Young Men's Mutual Improve¬

Member of the

BEEHIVE TRAVEL AT YOUR FINGERTIPS WITH ITS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES * Airline Tickets The Price is the same here as at the Airport * Business 8 Incentive Travel * Conventions * Car Rentals * Individual Tours * Group Tours * Hotel & Motel Reservations * Passport & Visa Service * Steamship Cruises Through: Beehive iours&iravelft 1325 5p- Warn Street, Suita B Suit Lain City, Uitai B4I15 Phone 487-1731 d i ALnrai 4 B E mm Featuring Special Travel Arrangements to the Encampment at Phoenix, Arizona October 19-23rd, 1982 Call or write for all the details Beehive Tours and Travel Inc. is owned by Barry

Davis Chapter and Richard A. Lambert, Past National President of the S.U.P. 22

Several sites previously marked have been mutilated or completely destroyed and need to be restored. Other important sites have not yet been marked. An example is tfie en¬ trance to Little Emigration Canyon, where crude fortifications erected by the Pioneers in 1857 to serve as the third and last defense against a possible advance of Johnston's Ar¬ my are still discernible.

at 36 East 700 South and 566-1249

SmartJs booklet, “Exploring the Pioneer Trail/* through the courtesy of the author, from Elder Robert L. Backman, of the First Quorum of the Seventy, President of the Young Men's association and from the Copyrights and Permis¬ sions Office at Church headquarters*

Trails, Landmarks

He was a veteran of World War II serving in the Navy, He was a retired bus driver and was an active member of the LDS Church.

He married Anna Belle Tiber on April 1, J 964 in San Diego, Calif.

Survivors; Widow, Logan; one son, Joseph Todd, Logan; brother. LaFarr P. Astle, Pittsburgh, Califor¬ nia; sister, Mrs. Sylvan (Mavis) Rindlisbacher, St, George, preceded in death by a daughter, Gwen, Funeral services Hall Mortuary Chapel. Burial: Logan City Cemetary,

Bom January 24, 1911 in East Millcreek, Utah to John Phillip and Eliza Caroline Petersen Young. Mar¬ ried Betty Clayton September 3, 1936 in Tooele, Utah. Retired from Kennecott after 37 years of employment. Very good friend and neighbor who was loved by many.

He was active in LDS Church assignments, among them ward clerk, Sunday School Superintendent and the LDS Indian Branch President for seven years. He fulfilled a Full-time mission with his wife in 1975 and 1976.

Funeral services were Nov, 23 in the Cedar Eight LDS Ward Chapel. Burial was in the Cedar City Cemetary.


Gordon Jay Young, 70„ of Salt Lake City died Oc¬ tober 24, 1981 at his home of cancer.

Marian Margetts Painting Gift

Walter Fred Westfall, 66, died Nov, 16, 1981 in the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City. He was born Aug. 25, 1915 in Eagle Rock, Colo, to Earl Eli and Gurtrude Frees Westfall.

Fie was an active member of the LDS church, serv¬ ing in a bishopric and stake presidency.

W, Arthur Jones, 93, died Dec. 16, 1981, in £ Cedar City Hospital.

Walter Westfall

Chapter Theris P. Astle

The presentation was made dur¬ ing a National Board Meeting in November, and now is on display in the Pioneer Memorial Research Library.

Within a month, as 1981 drew to a close, death claimed two past presidents and loyal members of the Cedar City Chapter.

The Chapter scheduled its annual Bread and Milk Supper for January 7 in Southern Utah State College's small ballroom.

Gordon Jay Young

Lake Stamp 380 West 2nd South Phone 364-3200 23

He was President of Cedar City Chapter Sons of Utah Pioneers and director of Chamber of Commerce.

Funeral services were held Dec. 19 in the Cedar Se¬ cond LDS Ward Chapel. Interment was in the Cedar City Cemetary,

Clifton Chatterley, 67, passed away in a Salt Lake City hospital on Nov. 19 and W. Arthur Jones, 93, died Dec. 16, in a Cedar City hospital. Their obituaries are published on this page.

Artist Marian Margetts of Sandy presented her reproduction of the painting of the Christ Head by Peter V. Bianchi to President John Turner of the Temple Quarry Chapter at a recent Chapter meeting. Her pain¬ ting was then presented to National President Wm, Critchlow III and the National board to be placed in the

He was born Dec. 24, 1913, in Cedar City to John M. and Ellen Lunt Chatterley, He married Lillian Jar¬ vis June 7, 1937, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.


Survivors; Wife, Salt Lake City; children, Michael Clayton, Basalt, Idaho; Hoyd Jay, Jon Robert, David Gordon, Mrs. George fEfissa Ann) Rourdos, Lark Melodie, all Salt Lake City; 15 grandchildren; two real grandchildren' brothers and sisters, Melva rown, Blackfoot Idaho; Joseph Wayne, Halfway, Oregon, Preceded in death by brothers and sister, Hoyd Phillip, James Guy and Martha Bernice.

new headquarters building.

Eternal Clifton Chatterley

His civic responsibilities included: director of council of aging, Lions Club officer, president of Escalante Knife and Fork Club, president of Local Historical Society.

He was a merchant and farmer. He was the founder and past president of Cedar Lumber and Hardware, Co,, president of the State Shade Tree Commission and president of Inteimountaln Lumber Dealers Assoc,

He is survived by his wife of Cedar City; two daughters; Shirley Merchant of Cedar City and Betty Lou Jones of Salt Lake City; and stepchildren, Garth Webster of Cedar City, Louise Turner of Flagstaff, Ariz. and Mary Olds of Las Vegas, Nev.

Gift of Painting for SUP Library

He is survived by his wife of Kanab; son, Larry Westfall of Carlsbad, Calif.; daughters, Mrs. Garth (Caro]) Penny, Mrs. Ronald (Connie) Lord both of Kanab; 10 grandchildren; Brother, William Westfall of Fullerton, Calif,; sisters, Mary Graham, In¬ dependence, Calif.; Thelma Emmons, Laguna Hills, Burial will be in the Kanab City Cemetary under the direction of Mosdeli Mortuary.

He served as president of the Cedar City Chapter Sons of Utah Pioneers-


He was born January 9, 1919 in Salt Lake City, a son of Joseph Hyrum and Elizabeth Ellen Price Astle. He married Vivyeime Noble, September, 1946, Salt Lake LDS Temple, He was a graduate of Palmer Col¬ lege of Chiropractic in 1954, Started his business in Logan in 1955, Vice President Utah State Chiropractic Assoc. Was instrumental in organizing the Bear River District Chiropractic Association. Attended ChiTopractic Bio-Mechankal Seminars held in the United States, Italy and Russia; was instrumental in the introduction of Chiropractics into Russia. Listed in Who's Who in Modem Chiropractic. Past President Son fs of Utah Pioneers, Temple Fork Chapter, Past President Bridgerland Lion's Club. LDS Mission to Hawaii.

Marian is the wife of Mont Margetts, Vice President of the Temple Quarry Chapter.

Dr, Theris Price Aslie, age 62, died Tuesday, December L 1981 in Logan,

Funeral services Valley View 6th Ward. Interment Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park.

Clifton Lunt Chatterley, 67, died Nov. 19, 1981 in Salt Lake City.

He attended schools in Cedar City and graduated from Utah State College.

He taught industrial arts in the schools in St. George, Parowan.

Also surviving are 21 grandchildren and 49 great¬ grandchildren. He was preceeded in death by a son Howard, and a daughter, Ona Lewis.


W. Arthur Jones

Also surviving are nine grandchildren, three brothers and three sisters: Jay L, of Ventura, Calif,, Earl W, of Bountiful, J. Garth, Fem Bauer, Anita Davis, all of Cedar City, and Inez Davis of St. George.


He was born Feb. 2, 1888, in Cedar City to William Trehame and Caroline Arthur Jones, He mar¬ ried Blanche Corry June 6, 1914 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. She died Jan, 24, 1942. He married Rhoda F. Webster, Nov, IS, 1949, in Thatcher, Ariz.

He is survived by his wife of CedaT City; children: John R. of St, Louis, Missouri, Phyllis Chatterley of West Covina, California and Jane Beuhrine of Orem.


The Weber State College Bicentennial Historical Art Collection is comprised of over 60 original paintings by 23 prominent Utah artists to preserve in visual art form a measure of Utah's history. The collection is on per¬ manent display in the Stewart Library of Weber State College, Ogden, Utah.

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Chief Pocatello- Bloody Indian Trader of 1862— Oil Painting by Gary Smith

History through art...

With fresh scalps hanging from his belt and his squaws wearing white women’s clothing, Chief Pocatello demanded that Brigham City settlers trade with him for the goods he had plundered from Oregon and California bound wagon trains.

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