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Brothers and Sisters in Principle
While plural marriage presented a wide vari¬ ety of lifestyle challenges to many who lived it, George Lionel Farrell and his four wives enjoyed an unusually close and satisfying rela¬ tionship. Rather than four separate families, the Farrell family functioned as one large family, and George and his wives could often be seen enjoying an evening stroll together through the streets ofSmithfield, Utah,
On one such occasion a federal marshall happened to be passing through town. Since laws against "cohabi¬ tation" had been passed and were being strictly enforced, it was rare to see such open displays of famil¬ ial togetherness among those living “the principle." Still, the marshall felt it was his duty to make inquiries.
“Excuse me, sir,” the marshall said, "but those females wouldn't be your wives, would they?”
Farrell paused only a moment before responding with an answer he firmly believed to be gospel truth; "Sir, I walk every evening through these streets with these wonderful women who are in fact my sisters!"
The "sisters” smiled and nodded their agreement to the marshall, who assumed they must be speaking the truth since he was sure no polygamist would dare to be so blatant in his disre¬ gard for the law. So he left Brother Farrell and the four sisters Farrell to finish their walk together and contin¬ ued his search for polyga¬ mists in hiding. "T — Submitted by Carol Cliff ofSalt Lake City Thomas L. Kane to take the post, but Kane declined. So Brigham addressed the sub¬ ject during a Sunday meet¬ ing in the Bowery the day before the scheduled elec¬ tion.

There have probably been more eloquent political endorsement speeches than the one Brigham Young made in behalf of Dr. John Bemhisel in 1857. But none was ever more effective.
Bernhisel had already served several two-year terms as the territory's dele¬ gate to Congress, and had done an adequate-if-notspectacular job. Brigham had tried to persuade
“Brother Bernhisel, brethren, has done well enough in Congress, though nobody's of much use there,” the LDS Church leader said, "And if it’s worthwhile to send any¬ body to Washington, 1 guess we might as well send him back; if he can't do us any good, he won’t do us any harm. So all ofyou that are in favor of sending Brother Bemhisel back, will please rise.”
According to the Sacramento Daily Union, “the whole audience arose,1'. T — From Brigham Young: American Moses by Leonard J. Arrington.
Hans Jasperson met Marinda Epson in Goshen, Utah, in April, 1864. They only had a few opportuni¬ ties to speak to each other before he left on a mission to the Missouri River, where he would drive oxen for immigrants. Six months later he returned.
“She hadn't heard a word from me or me from her for six months,” Jasperson wrote in his per¬ sonal history. “I asked her if she had found anybody that she would rather have than me if so she was at liberty. She answered that she had not. 1 said I had not either so the sooner she could get ready to get married would suit me the best. She said she would get ready as soon as possible.”
They were married in Goshen on Nov. 5, 1864. T — Submitted by Merrill J. Nelson, Oquirrh Moun¬ tain Chapter INSIDE BACK COVER
"Antelope Island11 by Enoch Perry Oil on Canvas
Courtesy Museum of Church History and Art

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