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Honoring Our Heritage, by Kent V, Lott

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First Crossing

By Kent VThe Lottf PioneerMagazinepublisher National Society ofthe Sons ofUtah Pioneers

pays tribute toour pioneer forebearers through the erection of monuments and places plaques on his¬ toric buildings and locations for the purpose ofpreserving the memory and heritage of early pioneers of the Utah Territory These pioneers are so honored because of their faith in God,devotionto family, loyaltytochurchand coun¬ try hard work and service to others, courage in adversity, personal integrity and unyieldingdetermination.


Whenever we make the effort to better learn and

understand out heritage, we are strengthened From the early events ofthe Restoration, to the trek of the pioneers across the plains, and the history of the coloniza¬ tion of the West, we have a rich heritage that needs to be remembered and memo¬

rialized. By studying and visit¬ ing the sites ofimportant

events, we can gain a strong understanding and connection with our past.

This special issue ofthe Pionee?'magazinepresents the monuments, markers, and plaques that the Sons of Utah Pioneers has erected and dedicatedthrough the years. Most have been done by individual chapters ofthe Sons of Utah Pioneers. Somehavebeen a cooperativeeffortwith otheror¬ ganizations such as the Daughters of Utah Pioneers and state agencies. At least two sites have been sponsored by in¬ dividual members ofthe Society, and some have been proj¬ ects taken on by the national organization at the request of The ChurchofJesus ChristofLatter-day Saints.

An example ofone monument that was completed at the request ofthe CDS Church is the Mormon Battalion Monumentatthe PresidioinSan Diego,California,which is featured in this issue. Aprojectthatwascompletedat the re¬ quest ofPresident David O. McKay was to raise funds for the Pioneer Memorial Theater in I 960, which the Sons did by sellingseat plaques honoringpioneer ancestors. This issue includes a list of all knownmonuments and

markers that the Sons have sponsored, as well as a few short articles aboutsome ofthe monuments

and markers.The oldest markeron the list, dedicated to the memory of the pioneersof 1850, was completed by the Lehi Chapter in 1950 andwas located threemiles westof Lehi on the SaratogaHighway, Themost recent markerwasinstalled on the West Nantmeal Seminary Building in Chester County, Pennsylvania, in 2005 and is featured in this issue.

Although not an SUP monument, we wish to also pay tribute to die This Is the Place Monument. It stands as a

beautiful reminder to the Mormon pioneer trek west and the influenceofothers who had part in the settlementofthe great American West,

We hope to accomplish several purposeswith the pub¬ lication ofthis special issue of the Pioneer magazine. We trustthat this issue will—

Encourage readers to learn more about the history and heritage ofthe pioneers ofthe great AmericanWest.

Provide a list of sites for individuals and families to use

when planningtrips and vacations,

Solicit comments and input regarding monuments and markers where there is incomplete information.

Encourage chapters of SUP to continue the efforts to memorialize important historical sites,

Provide the basis for a more detailed publication at some future time to be the definitive document on historic sites

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