5 minute read
National Encampment 2002
National Encampment
%e Cwgrohiz o^tke hJe^-fmek Uhk
n 1849, a kancllul of brave Mormon Pionters braJoel 35 miles southwest of tbe Salt Lake Valley. Past the Great SaMLfke and into a pristine valley; they carved out a new life in the Great Basin fron¬ tier at tke mouth of what is now Settlement Canyon. I Key endured hunger, disease and hostile Indians and now, over IdO :ity ol iooele lias grown into a major l'tali connmmity* Discover the 5ch pioneer history of Tooele, nestled between the Oquirrh moun-
.mountains to the -yv'cst, dtirirrg
I the 2002 National Encampment
The Hilda Erickson Monument in front of Grantsville City Hall honors this last survivor of 80,000 pioneers who crossed the prior to 186Q. She died in J 068 at the age of 108. Visit Pioneer City Hall and the Tooele City Library dedicated in October 2000 (above). The library features a monument A with over 800 names ofthe original pioneers.

Tmi HllUltri P ruff PFBIHrED OH AIVi.11 H.BMJ V
The old town site oflosepa in Skull Valley was settled by Hawaiian I DS converts longing to be closer to the Salt Lake Temple (monument pictured to right).
After severaldesperate days oftravel across the Great Salt Lake Desert, the Donner-Reed party fell upon a spring near the base ofPilot Mountain in Box Elder County They rested and recoveredfor 10 days before continuing their journey [ toward the Sierra Mountains (pictured in background).
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Tooele Stake House at 253 Soutli 200 East
, u u ncamprmnt airman ex ennion Chapter President: Marvm Wallace Bus Tours # 1,2,& 3 include a box lunch
"Tour # I : 120 Miles, 6 hours. Tooele, Stockton Clover, to Skull \fa!!ey. Covers history ofPony Express, Lincoln Highway Overland Stage, Hawaiian Colony Dormer Museum, j ,1 1 and other places if time permits.
Thursday, 8 August 02 _____ Tour # 2: 00 Miles, 6 hours. Tooele, Grantsvifle, Lakepoint, Deseret Peak Fire Fighters Museum, other muse¬ ums, monuments and historical homes.
2:00-5:00 Check In & Registration 5:30 - 7:15 Opening Ceremonies & Dinner KEYNOTE SPEAKER: James E. Faust
8:00 Historical Pageant: Benson Grist Mill
Friday, 9 August 02 •Tour # 3: Two \itns, Limited to 28 people, Up to 6 hours. Drive up Middle Canyon to Q000ft. elevation and look down into the Copper Pit, then return to Tooele to cover the main areas ofinterest in Tooele and Grantsvifle.
7:30 - 9:30 Chapter Presidents' Meeting 8:00 - 9:30 Cheek In & Registration 8:30 - 9:30 Brunch
9:30 - 4:00 Bus Tours 9:30 - 4:00 Self-Guided Tours & Free Time 6:00 - 8:30 Dinner, Music & Historical Program Tour # 4: Self-guided tour with aid ofa map to many of the areas fisted above.
For the hus tours, mate a selection o{ First & Second choic¬ es as provided on the registration form. All hus tours include a lunch.
Saturday, 10 August 02
8:00 - 9:30 Check In & Registration 7:30 - 9:00 National Board Breakfast Meeting 9:30 11:30 Business Meeting & Spouse Program 12:00 - 2:00 National SUP Awards Luncheon

2:00 - 5:00 Free Time 5:30 - 7:00 President s Banquet Registration Tees: per person____

Early Registration hy July 15.$ 85-00 All banquets, programs & activities, except bus tours & housing
Late Registration after July 15. $ 95*00 AH banquets, programs &activities, except bus tours & housing
Saturday Activities only *........ S 45.00 Awards and luncheon, entertainment & evening banquet
Optiona1 Friday Bus Tours ..$15,00 Guided tours to historical sites and points ofinterest with box lunch
Cut here and return with your check to the address_helowj_JBach £erson_isjespo\nsibleJor $ _
please print Registration Form: 2002 SUP National Encampment in Tooele, Utah, August 8 - 10, 2002 ___
Name: Spo
Select 1st & 2nd Choices: Circle and mark choice
Early Registration
$ 85.00 _
Member: $
Spouse: $ Late Registration
$ 95*00 Pkone: L
Stale:, _SUP Chapter:__
Bus Tour # 1 Bus Tour # 2 Bus Tour # 3
Benson Mill Pageant: Circle Yes No
Sateirday Only
$45.00 Bus Tour
$15.00 TOTAL
Total $ ,
Mail chocks and Registration Form to: Total Amount Enclosed: $ _---
Russ Hammond (435-882-2737) 250 So. Colemail Make checks payable to: SUP looele Settlement Canyon Chapter Tooele, Utah 84074 For additional Information contact President Marvin Wallace (435-882-0653)