2012 Vendors Directory

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DON’T MISS OUT! List your company in the most comprehensive directory for supply chain & logistics related services in Asia! The essential guide to vendors in supply chain management, logistics and procurement

• Logistics Services • Professional Services • IT & Software Solutions • Real Estate Services • Equipment Providers  Companies are listed according

to their specific service offering  Integrated Google mapping  Advanced search features  Multi-language interface

 Listings from all over Asia  New services categories  More Interactive features  Listing Viewing Tracking

VendorsDirectory.com is the new online directory giving you access to key vendors information across a wide range of business services, from logistics providers and consultants to HR experts, lawyers and IT solutions.

Print Edition Available 2012

To find out more visit: www.VendorsDirectory.com +86 (21) 6280 1731



www.VendorsDirectory.com INDEX

Publisher: Global Supply Chain Council (Hong Kong) The Vendors Directory is available free-of-charge in Mainland China (excluding the cost of post and packaging). If requesting the directory outside of China, the cost (including postage) is US$50. To request your copy, email at directory@supplychain.cn 出版商:Global Supply Chain Council (香港) Directory是为 Council会员准备的免费名录。中国大陆之外如需 获取杂志费用(包邮):US$50。如需收到印刷版名录,请发电邮 至:directory@supplychain.cn

The 2012 Vendors Directory is published by the Global Supply Chain Council. Publisher Max Henry Project Executive Regina Liao

Graphic Designers Jane Jin Susy Song Assistant Andy Yang

Distribution: 10,000 copies

> 10,000 copies will be distributed FREE of charge throughout the supply chain profession in China during one year. > All subscribers to CHaINA Magazine (www.chainamag.com) will receive at least one complimentary copy during the year. > The directory is also distributed free of charge at 40+ workshops, roadshows, seminars and conferences. > The directory is distributed at major logistics trade shows such as transport logistic China, China International Logistics Expo, China (Shenzhen) International Logistics and Transportation and more. > Listings content also published on the web version of directory at www.vendorsdirectory.com. > Replica of the print directory also available as digital PDF and within the iPad App of CHaINA Magazine. Vendor’s Directory is offered FREE of charge by direct post mail to qualified readers in Greater China or abroad who are involved in all aspects of supply chain management. 发行量:一年两期,八千本 Vendors’ Directory 通过直接向中国各供应链管理的专业读者发送邮 件来提供免费的阅读机会。

Target Readers Our target readers are R&D, sourcing, procurement, purchasing, manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, transportation, retail, distribution and operations managers, directors, vice presidents and decision makers. A majority of our readers are end-users shippers, mainly foreign-invested and local manufacturers and retailers. 目标读者 我们的目标读者有来自采购、制造、物流、仓储、运输、零售和分销 的运营经理、总监、副总裁、或总裁。大部分读者是物流的需求者, 外资或国内的制造企业和零售商。

Listings Fees A 12 month listing in the Vendors’ Directory costs US$ 750 (RMB 5,000) for non-members or US$ 450 (RMB 3,000) for Council members. This includes one listing for the full year in the China print edition and the web version at www.vendorsdirectory.com. Your company listing can start at any time. We welcome your comments and feedback, to list your company in the directory, please contact: directory@supplychain.cn


610 Nathan Road Kowloon, Hong Kong

China Print Edition

2012 VENDORS DIRECTORY Welcome to the China Print Edition of the 2012 Supply Chain and Logistics Vendors' Directory Since 2003, this publication has been the #1 reference and source to find the best vendors, providers and experts in Greater China. This edition boasts over 100 leading companies, enabling end-users and shippers to effectively find logistics providers, real estate, consultants, IT solutions and some equipment for their operations in the region. With the introduction of the website VendorsDirectory.com, we will expand on the success of the print edition by adding new services categories, and welcome vendors from outside China. The online listing will also allow vendors to create additional services/solutions listings, publish press releases, introduce special promotions, add photos, video, documents and customer reviews! Once you list, your company will be placed on an interactive map, meaning buyers will be able to find you in their targeted region. Your listing will also be categorized according to language preferences, which will drive targetable traffic to your business. Whether you list on print or online, the directory is heavily promoted on the Council’s own database of 50,000+ executives all over Asia, as well as through the 40+ events organized each year, and numerous social media platforms like CHA1N, LinkedIn and Twitter. We hope you find this issue of the directory a useful and welcome change to other less professional directories. Any feedback that can make us even more practical and interesting is welcome. We are always open to our needs and suggestions. 欢迎参阅2012版«供应链及供应商名录»。 自03年出版以来,这本刊物一直是大中华区查找供应商及物流相关服务的最佳读本。 该版名录收录了近百家全球领先供应链及相关服务企业,多年来一直为决策人员 在选择共事的制造商和零售商方面提供重要参考。 今年我们又新推出了VendorsDirectory.com,在秉承刊物成功历史的同时,我们 将添加新的服务专栏,力争把«供应链及供应商名录»推向新的高度。电子版的名录额 外添加了服务/解决方案名录,同时强力推出网上新闻发布,促销活动介绍,图片,视 频,文件及客户留言等新功能。 我们不是普通的黄页或传统的货运目录,我们所设计的动态地图将方便买家定位 您的公司。目录的栏目也会依据选择语言的不同而寻找到特定的客户。 除了依靠协会的数量超过五万的行政精英数据库在全亚洲进行推广,我们还通过 协会全年所组织的四十多场会议,及其他网络社交平台来宣传该名录。 我们希望您能从我们的名录中找到对您有价值的信息,名录中出现的可喜变化将帮 助您规避其他既昂贵又不专业的媒体。刊物的提高离不开您的关注,如对我们的刊物 有任何意见和建议,敬请联系我们。

Max Henry

Founder & Executive Director Global Supply Chain Council

© Copyright 2012, Global Supply Chain Council. All rights reserved. Important Disclaimer: The information contained in the directory is provided for information purposes only. The information included is provided by the companies listed and the listings are paid entries. The publication of the information is not an endorsement by the publisher of the solutions, products or services advertised. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this Directory is correct, we accept no liability whatsoever for any direct loss, indirect loss or legal action arising out of reliance on anything found in the directory listings. All company and product names in the Directory are the trademarks, registered trademarks or copyright of their respective companies.




How to choose a 3PL Make the right move: Why a Third Party Logistics provider might be right for you Outsourcing more to less - selecting your 3PL Hamstrung Warehouse Users How to Optimize Warehouse Design & Layout The Top 5 Skills Required For A Regional Supply Chain Management Role Top 10 Mistakes When Outsourcing Sourcing Implementing a new WMS










A.S.I 艾莎.......................................32­ APL 美集.......................................33 arvato 欧唯特....................................34 AsiaInspection.......................76 Bain 贝恩.......................................77 Baker & Mckenzie 贝克・麦坚时...........................78 Barloworld........................... 110 BDP 百运达....................................35 Blogis 宝湾.......................................96 Booz&co 博斯.......................................79 cargo-partner 欧展国际................................36 CB Richard Ellis 世邦魏理仕.............................97 CEVA 基华.......................................37 CHEP 集保.....................................130 CKS 珠江船务................................38 Colliers 高力.......................................98 Dajin 大金.......................................39 Damco 丹玛士....................................40 DB Schenker 德铁信可................................41 Demand Solutions............... 111 Deret 得雷.......................................42 Dexion 德仕安.................................. 131 DSV 得斯威....................................43 E2open 欧佩恩.................................. 112

ELee 铱力.......................................44 Elemica................................ 113 Emptoris 沐雷软件.............................. 114 ESP.......................................80 FM Logistic 弗玛.......................................45 forflow 恒流.......................................81 Gazeley 盖世理....................................99 Geodis 乔达.......................................46 GLP 普洛斯..................................100 Goodman 嘉民......................................101 GSE 杰仕依..................................102 Hill & Associates....................82 HAVI 夏晖.......................................47 Hercules 海格物流 ...............................48 HYT 鸿益达....................................49 ID Logistics 安地.......................................50 Inther 英腾..................................... 115 Ipower.................................. 116 Jacobson 华美信....................................51 JDA 杰迪..................................... 117 Jones Lang LaSalle 仲量联行..............................103 Kerkhoff 凯阔福....................................83 Kerry 嘉里.......................................52 Kewill 可维..................................... 118 Kinaxis................................. 119



Schneider 世能达....................................65 Schoeller Arca 舒乐阿卡...............................133 SDV 硕达.......................................66 SEEBURGER 斯铂格..................................123 SpaceFrame 事百世..................................105 SPS Commerce...................124 Sunjex 新杰.......................................67 SupplyOn 速普.....................................125 TradeCard 亚太贸易卡...........................126 Toll 拓领.......................................68 Tompkins 汤普金斯................................90 Transluck 茂金.......................................69 UPS.......................................70 Vocollect..............................127 Wallenius Wilhelmsen 华轮威尔森.............................71 Yat Fai 一辉.......................................72 Yupei 宇培.....................................106


KPMG 毕马威....................................84 LF Logistics 利和.......................................53 LifeStyle 丽服仓储................................54 Linfox 林孚克斯................................55 Linghua 菱华.......................................56 Linkstar 精裕捷星................................57 Logisfashion 衣尚.......................................58 Logistics Executive................85 Logwin 普及........................................59 Loscam 路凯.....................................132 Manhattan 曼哈特..................................120 Menlo 万络........................................60 Michael Page 米高浦志.................................86 MKT.......................................87 ModusLink 麦迪实....................................61 Panalpina 泛亚班拿................................62 Penske 潘世奇....................................63 Prologis 安博.....................................104 PwC 普华永道................................88 Resources Global Professionals 荟才.......................................89 Ryder 锐得物流................................64 SAP 思爱普..................................121 Schmidt 兴华科仪..............................122



4PL Services


Air Freight

A.S.I ......................................32 BDP.......................................35 CEVA.....................................37 Damco...................................40 DB Schenker.........................41 DSV.......................................43 Geodis...................................46 Linkstar..................................57 Logwin...................................59 Panalpina...............................62 SDV.......................................66 Sunjex....................................67 UPS.......................................70

Customs Management

BDP.......................................35 Damco...................................40 Logwin...................................59 SDV.......................................66 Yat Fai....................................72


arvato....................................34 Deret......................................42 Elee.......................................44 LifeStyle.................................54 Logisfashion..........................58 Ryder.....................................64

Domestic Distribution

APL........................................33 cargo-partner.........................36 CEVA.....................................37 CKS.......................................38 Dajin......................................39 Elee.......................................44 FM Logistic............................45 HAVI......................................47 Hercules................................48 HYT.......................................49 Kerry......................................52 LF Logistics...........................53 LifeStyle.................................54 Linfox.....................................55 Logisfashion..........................58

Menlo.....................................60 Sunjex....................................67 Toll.........................................68 Transluck...............................69 Wallenius Wilhelmsen............71

Fashion Logistics

A.S.I.......................................32 Elee.......................................44 Kerry......................................52 LF Logistics...........................53 LifeStyle.................................54 Logisfashion..........................58 Logwin...................................59

Fleet Management


Freight Consolidation

A.S.I.......................................32 APL........................................33 CKS.......................................38 DSV.......................................43 ID Logitics..............................50 Jacobson...............................51 Logisfashion..........................58 Ryder.....................................64 Yat Fai....................................72

Hazardous & Dangerous Goods

Dajin......................................39 Linfox.....................................55

In-Plant Logistics

DSV.......................................43 LF Logistics...........................53

Inventory Management

APL........................................33 CKS.......................................38 HAVI......................................47 HYT.......................................49 Linghua..................................56 Linkstar..................................57 Panalpina...............................62 Penske...................................63 Ryder.....................................64 Tompkins...............................90

Logistics Services


Project & Overweight

BDP.......................................35 DB Schenker.........................41 DSV.......................................43 Geodis...................................46 Jacobson...............................51 SDV.......................................66 Wallenius Wilhelmsen............71

Rail Freight

DSV.......................................43 Geodis...................................46 Jacobson...............................51 Linkstar..................................57 Logwin...................................59 Panalpina...............................62 SDV.......................................66 UPS.......................................70 Wallenius Wilhelmsen............71

Temperature Controlled

DB Schenker.........................41 Sunjex....................................67

Damco...................................40 HAVI......................................47 ID Logistics............................50

Reverse & Aftermarket

Value-Added Services

arvato....................................34 Geodis...................................46 Linghua..................................56 Logwin...................................59 ModusLink.............................61 Penske...................................63 SDV.......................................66 UPS.......................................70

Road Transportation

Sea Freight

A.S.I.......................................32 BDP.......................................35 CEVA.....................................37 Damco...................................40 DB Schenker.........................41

Logistics Services

eCommerce Logistics

arvato....................................34 ModusLink.............................61


cargo-partner.........................36 CEVA.....................................37 Dajin......................................39 FM Logistic............................45 Hercules................................48 HYT.......................................49 Kerry......................................52 Linfox.....................................55 Linghua..................................56 Menlo.....................................60 Penske...................................67 Schneider..............................65 Sunjex....................................67 Toll.........................................68 Transluck...............................69 Yat Fai....................................72

A.S.I ......................................32 APL........................................33 cargo-partner.........................36 CEVA.....................................37 CKS ......................................38 Damco...................................40 Deret......................................42 Geodis...................................46 Hercules................................48 HYT.......................................49 LifeStyle.................................54 Menlo.....................................60 ModusLink.............................61 Panalpina...............................62 Ryder.....................................64 Schneider..............................65 Sunjex....................................67 Toll.........................................68 Transluck...............................69 UPS.......................................70 Wallenius Wilhelmsen............71


Change Management

Resources Global Professionals.........................89

Customs & Trade Compliance

Baker & McKenzie.................78 PWC......................................88

Recruiting & Placement

Logistics Executive................85 Michael Page.........................86 Resources Global Professionals.........................89

Risk Management

Fraud Prevention

Booz&co................................79 Hill & Associates....................82 KPMG....................................84

Lean & Six Sigma

Sourcing & Supplier Selection

Hill & Associates....................82 forflow....................................81

Legal Services

Baker & McKenzie.................78

Bain.......................................77 Booz&co................................79 Kerkhoff.................................83

Supply Chain Strategy

Network Design

forflow....................................81 Schneider..............................65 Tompkins...............................90

Bain.......................................77 Booz&co................................79 KPMG....................................84 PWC......................................88

Marketing Services

Taxation Services


Process Improvement

ESP.......................................80 Kerkhoff.................................83 Resources Global Professionals.........................89

Procurement Outsourcing

Baker & McKenzie.................78 KPMG....................................84 PWC......................................88

Warehouse & DC Design

ID Logistics............................50 Kerry......................................52 Penske...................................63 Tompkins...............................90


Quality Control

AsiaInspection.......................76 Deret......................................42 Elee.......................................44 ESP.......................................80


Bonded Warehouses

GLP.....................................100 Yupei....................................106

Design Build & Build-to-Suit

Gazeley.................................99 GLP.....................................100 Goodman.............................101 GSE.....................................102 Prologis................................104 Spaceframe.........................105 Yupei....................................106

Property Development

Gazeley.................................99 Goodman.............................101 GSE.....................................102 Jones Lang LaSalle.............103

Sales & Leasing

Blogis.....................................96 CB Richard Ellis.....................97 Colliers..................................98

Site Selection

CB Richard Ellis.....................97

Building Structure & Construction

GSE.....................................102 Spaceframe.........................105

Distribution Centers

Industrial Properties

Colliers..................................98 GLP.....................................100 Spaceframe.........................105


Jones Lang LaSalle.............103

Property Asset Management

CB Richard Ellis.....................97 Jones Lang LaSalle.............103



Blogis.....................................96 Colliers..................................98 Gazeley.................................99 GLP.....................................100 Goodman.............................101 Spaceframe.........................105 Yupei....................................106



Collaboration & Visibility

Demand Solution................. 111 E2open................................ 112 Elemica................................ 113 Ipower.................................. 116 JDA...................................... 117 SEEBURGER......................123 SPS Commerce...................124 SupplyOn.............................125

Contract Management

Emptoris.............................. 114

Distribution Management

Ipower.................................. 116 Manhattan...........................120

eProcurement & eSourcing

Elemica................................ 113 SPS Commerce...................124

Inventory Optimization

Barloworld........................... 110 forflow....................................81 Inther................................... 115 JDA...................................... 117 Manhattan...........................120 Vocollect..............................127

Order Lifecycle

Emptoris.............................. 114 Manhattan...........................120

Planning & Forecasting

Barloworld........................... 110 Demand Solution................. 111 JDA...................................... 117 Kinaxis................................. 119 Manhattan...........................120 SAP.....................................121

Radio Frequency & RFID

Inther................................... 115 Vocollect..............................127


Kinaxis................................. 119

Software as a Service (SaaS)

E2open................................ 112 Elemica................................ 113 Kinaxis................................. 119 SEEBURGER......................123 SPS Commerce...................124

Supply Chain Finance

Emptoris.............................. 114 SupplyOn.............................125 TradeCard............................126

System Integration

Kinaxis................................. 119 Schmidt................................122 SEEBURGER......................123 SPS Commerce...................124 Tompkins...............................90

Transportation Management (TMS)

Kewill................................... 118 SAP.....................................121

Warehouse Management (WMS)

Kewill................................... 118 Manhattan...........................120 SAP.....................................121 Schmidt................................122

Voice Picking

Inther................................... 115 Vocollect..............................127

Pallets & Equipment

CHEP...................................130 Dexion................................. 131 Loscam................................132 Schoeller Arca.....................133


Loscam................................132 Schoeller Arca.....................133

Shelving & Racking

Dexion................................. 131

IT & Software Solutions EQUIPMENT pROVIDERS


How to choose a 3PL Make the right move: Why a Third Party Logistics provider might be right for you Outsourcing more to less - selecting your 3PL Hamstrung Warehouse Users How to Optimize Warehouse Design & Layout The Top 5 Skills Required For A Regional Supply Chain Management Role Top 10 Mistakes When Outsourcing Sourcing Implementing a new WMS


How to Choose a 3PL

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Choosing the right logistics partner or changing a current logistics provider can be a tough decision. Here are some tips on how to choose a forwarder for import/export from professionals who have been working on both sides of the business (logistic department inside end-user company and logistic s company). These are questions you should ask yourself before making your decision:


Is the freight forwarder's company big enough to handle your business? How many service contracts do they have?

If it is important your goods are shipped with the first sailing vessel then you should work with 3PLs who have various carrier contracts. This is also very important in peak season when space become a problem. If your forwarder has more than one carrier option then the chance of your cargo getting on board will be higher. Your 3PLs can always find an alternate option if they have various carrier contracts. That is very important for a 3PLs doing United States and European traffic. Different carriers have different service levels and rate standards, especially to the United States and Europe where there are a lot of discharge ports. Small 3PLs may have limited connections, and only work with a few carriers, and thus the service provided to the exporters are also limited. In China, because the deviation of 3PLs is high, some exporters are using over 5-6 service providers to ship overseas, which make the logistics work more complicated and much less efficient.


Can the freight forwarder handle the product you want to ship or do they specialized in certain commodities?

Make sure the 3PLs has some knowledge of your product. China customs does impose specific requirements and standards (and also rules of course) to specific items on export. For example, a special certificate is required for exporting toys but not furniture. To go more in depth, fashion accessories like bracelets, ear rings, necklaces etc require specific examination/inspection but hair accessories do not. It is really important to have a good, experienced 3PLs to help you with these factors.




Does the freight forwarder have a good network of global agents at origin/destination ports?

A good network of overseas agents ensures a smooth information flow which helps you to know where your product is and help you to get your product in a timely manner. There is a routine in China that most of the CIF export shipments to countries like Europe and Middle Eastern countries come with a Master Bill of Lading instead of NVOCC House Bill of Lading. One of the reasons is that many Chinese local 3PLs do not have a global network, but only business connections locally. That causes an inconvenience or even troubles to the overseas consignee because there is no value added services provided by these 3PLs. To perform a more sophisticated and well-rounded service, the exporter in China should work with a logistics partner that has good global network.

Does the freight forwarder have cargo insurance?

The goods you are importing or exporting must have an insurance cover from shipment point to the final destination. For this reason you should buy your own insurance, and also check if your 3PLs has cargo insurance in case claims are made.


5 4 4

Is the freight forwarding company financially strong?

Even though you are the paying party, you should always check their financial strength. Let's say you made your payment for the freight to your 3PL then you find out your cargo has not been released because your forwarder couldn't pay to the ocean carrier. This might delay your cargo release and accumulate other charges such as demurrage and detention which might cause you to pay more. Being a 3PL in China is indeed a very easy job with very low requirements. In the past 10 years, quite a number of self-owned 3PLs were established in the local market. Some of them could start the business with a small capital like RMB100,000. Some even ran their business in an improper way like “working” under a big freight forwarder but appearing as a self-owned company. Hence, it is really important to study the capability of a potential transportation partner, checking if the company is properly registered, and if it is an NOVCC. To have those registrations, that China 3PL must have a capital of at least more than RMB5000000. That speaks volumes of how financially strong a proper 3PL in China is.


Can they give you good references? Ask for references, to see if their other customers are happy with them and what their customer satisfaction level is.

6 9




Do they secure the best pricing with truck lines, air freight companies, and steamship lines ?

On top of the good local connections (in areas like warehousing, trucking and custom brokerage), that your 3PL must have its own House Bill of Lading with legal registration in China NVOCC. The company must also have direct service contracts with carriers in order to obtain the best ocean freight rates and space and equipment priority. In the Chinese local market, some small 3PLs are also serving their customers internationally. However, since they do not have connections there and no service contract with carriers, they are “selling” the containers to another NVOCC who is capable of doing international bussiness. Despite the higher cost that the exporter is paying, the entire cargo movement process is not safe without any control.


What is the freight forwarder's document turnaround time? Are you getting the information you need on time ? An efficient and timely information flow is essential for you, your business and your customers - and it should be the top priority of your 3PL as well.


How is the communication level with the freight forwarder?

Are you getting personal service or are you calling a 1 800 number and keep waiting on the line to get one simple answer? Are they switching your call from one person to another or do you have one designated person who handles your cargo? Are they picking up the phone when things go wrong or are they are nowhere to be found?

Contributed by Onur Akarca and Eric Yeung with More Than Shipping – a logistics and supply chain blog with readers from over 40 countries worldwide. Onur worked as a Logistics Manager for a garment importing company for 10 years before joining MTS Logistics in 2008 as a Sales Executive. Eric is the Founder and Vice President of Sino Connections Logistics Inc. and has over 15 years of experience in the freight forwarding industry (www.morethanshipping.com)



Make the Right Move: Why a Third Party Logistics provider might be right for you


ould you trust a podiatrist to perform your open-heart surgery? Likely not. Surprisingly however as the complexity of transportation modes, methods and regulations increase, many organizations continue to attempt to manage their logistics activities internally, disregarding the significant expertise and leverage that may exist through outsourcing with Third or Fourth Party logistics provider. The 2012 Third Party Logistics Study1 has identified that the global use of 3PL's is growing, as reported by 64% of the 2,200 global respondents. The study also finds that some organizations have decided to return to managing outsourced logistics services in-house for a variety of reasons. Despite the reasons for or against outsourcing, what remains clear is the need to thoroughly scrutinize the potential rewards that may exist through the utilization of a Third Party Logistics provider.

Would now be a good time? There are several criteria that should be investigated in order to determine the potential benefits of outsourcing logistics services. Based on our work and research with numerous global organizations, here are the three most prevalent criteria:

1 Size matters If volume of freight is such that several dedicated resources are required to manage daily operations, then it is likely that outsourcing logistics services may offer several advantages.

Significant volume suggests that the organization has significant leverage; however, applying this volume to the existing leverage strength of many larger 3PLs can reap significant savings. In addition, outsourcing can provide a means to shift responsibility for labor-intensive activities allowing for redeployment or a reduction in internal resources, and a reduction in direct labor costs.

2 Significant investment Most 3PLs are able to deliver a reduction in the cost of logistics services. These can be presented in several ways including leveraging of lane volume or strategic market knowledge that in turn provides a reduction in cost. Many may argue that cost is not the only determining factor for shifting to a 3PL, however if a reduction in the total cost of logistics services is not present or a clear and decisive competitive advantage can not be identified, then the shift is likely to result in discontent over the long-term. 3 Infrastructure cost For organizations that require a global reach, 3PL services offer a competitive solution as compared to the significant capital investment required to initiate and manage global distribution. I have assisted several organizations with the implementation of a global distribution strategy, and in virtually all situations the use of a 3PL was far less costly than the costs associated with leasing, staffing, and operating numerous distribution centers. Maintaining oversight on these critical areas provides the foundational elements that support logistical strategy and

2012 Third Party Logistics study is research collaboration between Capgemini, Penn State, Panalpina, Hendrick & Struggles and Eyeontransport.



EDITORIAL execution. Following the initiation of a relationship with a 3PL, measuring progress in each of these areas on a continuous basis is a means to ensuring ongoing value in the relationship.

Why not focus on what you’re good at? Unfortunately, many organizations that pursue entering a relationship with a 3PL or 4PL often do so as the result of a significant failure. Rarely are outsourcing decisions pursued as a proactive means to support organizational growth and evolution. Utilizing a 3PL, 4PL, or any other outsource service for that matter, enables the organization to focus its resources and energy on core competencies. Harnessing the expertise and horsepower of a 3PL for example, while focusing internal efforts on developing and managing a logistics strategy is a benefit that is often overlooked. Organizations such as Wal-Mart and Apple have developed a Supply Chain Strategy to support their immense and complex Logistics network. With the strategy in place, they let 3PLs including Nippon Express and C.H. Robinson focus on the execution. The last point of consideration before venturing into a stra-

With every reward there are risks. tegic relationship with a 3PL is to be wary of potential risks and to ensure they are discussed, documented, and agreed upon prior to executing a service level agreement. Below I have captured several of the potential risks that should be addressed:

1 This better be good Late deliveries are not an option, and neither is damaged freight. These represent the greatest fears of any organization investigating outsourcing of logistics services. Requesting and following up with references is the simplest means by which to reduce these fears and gain confidence in 3PL service levels. Consider that most businesses, 3PL’s being no exception, are built upon reputation. If you fail to meet expectations, sooner or later word will get around. Make sure to investigate claims and promises to

ensure they have been delivered successfully before.

2 How much? Ensure that all prices are clearly understood before entering into a service agreement. Most 3PLs will define service fees and penalty charges, though often times these are found buried in the fine print. Take the time to fully understand pricing and to request examples of how penalty and surcharges are applied to gain a full understanding of the total cost of services.

3 It’s not my fault. Under what circumstances is the 3PL liable for damage or late delivery? It is absolutely essential that the answer to this question be clearly captured within the service agreement. Failing to discuss and document accountability for liability is simply negligible. 4 Let me out! Not all relationships work out, and ensuring a means by which both parties can exit the agreement gracefully is essential to ensuring confidence. Allowing for immediate termination for cause, as well as termination for convenience, should be discussed and documented. Things change, so why should either party be penalized for staying in a relationship that is no longer beneficial for them? From a customer perspective, ensure exit clauses permit enough time to implement a replacement solution. Outsourcing logistics services, in whole or part, is not a decision that should be taken lightly. It is, however, negligent if we choose not to investigate such options as a means by which to develop and evolve a logistics strategy. Applying the steps above will bring clarity to the potential value of entering into a relationship with a 3PL, and provides a road map to successful identification and implementation of such relationships.

Contributed by Shawn Casemore is the President of Casemore and Co., a leader in enabling Operational excellence. Casemore and Co. supports business owners, executives and advisors in dramatically improving Operational performance. For more information, visit casemoreandco.com.



Outsourcing more to less selecting your 3PL Based on international best practices learned from 20 years of global experience


ecent studies confirm that companies are now outsourcing more of their logistics activities, and they are outsourcing to a fewer number of service providers. The Third-Party Logistics Study found that 65% of shippers are increasing their use of 3PL services and the Eye-for-Transport Global 3PL & Logistics Outsourcing Strategy survey reported that companies are consolidating their vendor base of 3PL’s. The proportion of shippers using between one and three service providers has more than doubled year-on-year to 58%, whereas in prior years almost 60% of shippers were using four or more 3PL’s. With this increasing reliance on a fewer number of 3PL providers to execute even more of your supply chain, selecting your 3PL provider becomes increasingly critical, and so it is essential to have both a clear selection process and appropriate evaluation criteria.

Challenges in selecting a 3PL provider The selection process will typically take 3-4 months and involves considerable effort managing the RFQ (Request For Quotation) project. With the majority of 3PL service providers offering a comprehensive range of capabilities, it can be quite challenging to differentiate between them. The consequences of selecting an unsuitable 3PL provider are significant. The potential damage to your supply chain ecosystem could include adversely impacting customer service, profitability and stakeholder value. The process to repair an incorrect selection is lengthy, painful and costly. Fully recovering from an unsuitable selection – from trying to fix the situation through to migrating to a new 3PL provider - could take up to two years. Engaging an external resource on a contract basis can


benefit the RFQ process of evaluation and selection by combining project leadership – alleviating the burden on in-house resources from the additional workload – together with industry experience and expertise, to provide external knowledge and an independent dimension to the project. 1. Define RFQ Requirements a. Detailed scoping of logistics model within your supply chain b. Compile detailed requirements specifications, metrics & templates 2. Issue RFQ to invited 3PL Vendors a. Pre qualify Vendors, execute Confidentiality Agreements b. Manage bid process with 3PL’s, including dealing with queries c. Compile queries and responses, collate and issue updates 3. Receive Proposals from 3PL Vendors a. Review proposals, map to requirements and criteria b. Collate team views and feedback, compile comments and questions 4. Vendor Presentations a. 3PL to present their company, solution and benefits b. Management discussions - process, people, pricing 5. Site Visits a. Visit 3PL’s logistics facility: operations, processes, people b. Review capabilities, capacity, competencies 6. Short List (as required) a. Continue with further exploration and evaluation b. Probe deeper into capabilities, pricing & assumptions

EDITORIAL 7. References a. Consultations with Client references provided by 3PL b. Obtain independent perspective, reputation, ex-clients 8. Executive Engagement a. 3PL present to senior management b. Explore and assess organisational fit 9. Evaluation & Selection a. Compare and Contrast – company, solution, economics b. Map shortlisted venders to evaluation criteria

Evaluation Criteria for selecting your 3PL provider In compiling your evaluation criteria, include both quantitative and qualitative factors, together with consideration of future potential requirements. Consider the following seven primary categories as the evaluation criteria to support your selection process. 1. 3PL Provider – size and scale of their operations, people and finances, what is their standing in the industry? Market reputation, competitive positioning and financial viability; are they the appropriate size for your company? Amount of their senior management involvement in the bid process? Are they committed to your company and your business? Will you be important enough to their business? Consider their corporate DNA – vision, values, approach to corporate responsibility. Are they a good organisational fit for your company? 2. Logistics Solution – do they have the operational capabilities? Does the proposed solution meet your business needs? Consider operational aspects such as their facilities, equipment, space, expertise? Similar solutions for similar customers? From the geographic perspective, does their logistics network provide adequate logistics services for the origins and destinations within your supply chain? 3. Economics – how do they rank from the financial perspective - are they competitive on price? Are there opportunities for economies of scale? Are they flexible in their pricing approach? 4. Technology – how robust are their information technology systems; what about their ability to integrate with your IT platform? How do you rate their IT capability and competence? What prior experience do they have of similar system integrations? 5. Future Proof – are they and their solution able to grow with you as your business grows? Is their solution scalable and flexible? Can they meet your future potential needs? How quickly can they ramp up operations to serve your business expansion? 6. Value Add - do they have the experience, knowledge,

expertise – and desire, to help you improve your company’s logistics activities? How do you perceive the provider in terms of industry leadership? How are they perceived by their industry peers? 7. Services Delivery – your confidence levels in their ability to ‘deliver on the promise’ – execute on their proposed solution to deliver the operational requirements and business benefits – consistently, reliably and cost effectively. What are the experiences of other customers – through anecdotal evidence and client references? When selecting a 3PL provider it is very tempting to focus most efforts on evaluating the Logistics Solution, the Economics and the Technology (items 2, 3 and 4). These ‘hard’ dimensions are tangible and relatively straightforward to compare across multiple vendors. However, the soft factors – the intangibles in items 5, 6 and 7 – are of equal if not more, importance. These soft factors are what will determine the long term sustainability and success of your chosen service provider and their logistics solution. Careful consideration of all of the evaluation criteria is essential to ensure a successful outcome.

Summary It is essential to adopt good process and use proven evaluation criteria to choose your 3PL provider. The selection process is an intensive, time-consuming project that requires specific expertise and additional resources - over and above normal business activities – for the duration of the project. The consequences of making a mistake are significant. The anecdotal consensus at a recent supply chain conference was that changing your 3PL provider will likely take 9 to 12 months and could cost between 15 to 25% of your annual logistics spend! In the context of delivering services, prior experience is a very powerful means to evaluate alternative providers. Successful service delivery manifests itself through the three P’s of Services - the Physical results, the Processes and the People. Therefore I encourage active dialogue with current and previous customers of the 3PL’s being evaluated – their insights and experiences will provide valuable insights. In the context of references in service businesses, I like to use my simple litmus test of customer satisfaction, just two key questions: Would you buy again? and Would you recommend?

Contributed by Mark Millar leverages over 25 years of business experience to develop and deliver advice on improving the performance of logistics and supply chain activities in China and the Asia Pacific region. Contact him at mark@markmillar.com


Hamstrung Warehouse Users EDITORIAL


t has been in the cards for some time, but new supply of logistics facilities entering the market will be limited in the coming 12 to 18 months. This is painfully apparent in nearly all tier one coastal cities and developing western locations such as Chengdu and Wuhan.

Contributing Factors There are a number of underlying reasons for this future shortage but the main hurdle is the inability for the sector to grow due to land constraints, both urban renewal and governmental as well as over pricing for land that remains for possible logistics development. That said, the market has for years been controlled by quasi government related developers and service providers where relationships to acquire land and develop facilities has outweighed market forces. This has in recent years seen a dramatic shift as land has become more scarce and highly sought after, land quota’s and the land auction system have created a degree of control. Also the development by a handful of international groups that have gone into either joint ventures with local government controlled zones or got in early and absorbed well located sites and any available secondary land parcels has meant that the grip of the local relationship has slipped into the hands of market forces as market driven solutions take over and dominate. Another factor that has influenced the ability of local developers to invest and develop has been the inability to secure local development funding from banks. Most recently this void has been mostly provide in the form of a life line from a number of international funds and developers who are able to secure funding from off-shore by way of cross border financial structuring. That said it comes at a price to the market as only a few developers have ended holding a majority of stock in the market. Contrary to this trend are those investors, especially Real Estate Investment Trust’s (REIT's) based out of Singapore who have raised funds and have the mandate to invest in China but due to higher returns on investment in familiar off-shore markets, and skewed view on China risk, they are not prepared to invest into what is perceived as a lower investment return market. Although this trend may be short lived it does mean that it has created an imbalance in supply with only a few holding the assets that everyone seems to want, hence a lack of real market competition. For years (from the mid 1990's) rentals have stayed


EDITORIAL below the RMB1.0sq.m however in key, well established markets there is now little chance of such rentals. Typically asset-light logistics service providers and end users are typically not in a position of owning their space and are hence subject to market rental fluctuations. As the development of modern logistics space has evolved and become more streamlined the product available in the market has risen to a level that meets international investment grade product. In moving into this mainstream market, the industry is now driven by international market forces and by association streamlined contract terms that align the interests of their international financial backers versus those of local authorities that focus on tax generating businesses, certainly something logistics related businesses are not known for.

The Users' Position At the end of this land and development cycle are the interests of the user. A large majority of warehouse users are traditionally third party logistics service providers who typically take space based on client demand and is therefore usually very reactionary demand. The conundrum that most users face today is do they precommit to space and hope they source enough clients to fill the space while a facility is being developed. This creates a disconnect between market demand and supply timing. Service providers and users work within windows of 3 to 6 months and developers work with a 12 to 24 month window. Those that have taken the punt in recent years have typically gained the upper hand as they are able to operate without facing the frenzy of competitors competing over the last remaining bit of space. The disconnect has been exacerbated on the demand side in recent years with the emergence of the “Online Retailer” as their business models moves retail form the street front and retail podiums to the warehouse. Where the logistics service providers once had pole position on space, on-line retailers have become a large absorber of warehouses soaking up what space remains leaving little for space for traditional warehouse users. At present this has created a situation where developers

How to reduce the cost of increasing rental prices going forward  Get educated on the market and future supply trends going forward  Where possible consolidate in multiple locations (multiusersites)  Employ higher density storage solutions to maximize the use of warehousing space  Design smarter supply chain solutions that meet customer’s needs without consuming real estate (reduced inventory holdings, cross-docking, etc.)  Be smart about you real estate choices by creating a competitive platform that forces developers to work for you versus the other way around.  Outsource the real estate to those in the know, and in doing so decisions will be based on financial trend analysis and benchmarking versus relation based approaches. are perceived to be hamstringing the user, however they have carrying costs in bringing product to the market and without pre-commitment they are required to employ a speculative play and therefore require higher margin due a perceived higher risk. The result - higher rentals. Interestingly, most warehouse users in the market today are international in their use of warehouse space. With multiple locations across multiple borders typically with the same developers but few leverage the aggregate space they rent to influence the terms they obtain here.

Summary For the foreseeable future users are going to face a shortage of supply in most markets across China. They will face continued rental increases and less flexibility in the terms they are able to achieve as developers look to recover the higher costs to developing facilities and as a small number of players continue to control supply to the market. Contributed by Jeremy Chapman, Director of Industrial Services, Colliers International. Mr. Chapman has more than 17 years of real estate experience in China specialising in industrial and investment services. Prior to a career in real estate he gained 10 years of project management and construction experience.



How To Optimize Warehouse Design & Layout

In any warehouse, space is always at a premium, through consideration of alternative storage and whether it is used for product storage, pick areas, storage/retrieval equipment. dock operations or value-added processes. In general, there are three types of space deficiencies that Visualize the Building in Three Dimensions: occur in all warehouses. Understanding building restrictions and opportunities is vital to good warehouse design. Obstacles First, simply too much of the right inventory can such as columns, mechanical systems, egress doors, be an issue, due to inventory builds for seasonal and others limit equipment options and placement. peaks or upcoming promotions. Second, an excess On the other hand, building clear heights present of the wrong merchandise, which results from poor good opportunities for vertical space gains. Often purchasing decision or bad production planning, inexperienced warehouse planners look at standard also creates issues. Third, poorly utilized warehouse location sizes or equipment and fail to consider space may occur because of inadequate cube utiliza- space gains by creating variable height, width, and tion, product density, layout, or equipment optimi- depth storage, as well as investing in more flexible zation. storage/retrieval equipment. Focusing on any single aspect (including storage density) of the operations in the design and layout of the warehouse will inevitably create issues in the other areas. Whether a company is located in China, Europe, North America, Latin America, or any other corner of the globe, in order to design a warehouse correctly, here are a few tips to consider: Gain a thorough Understanding of the Product: Product characteristics, inventory levels, required storage condition, and product velocity are key factors in choosing the right storage equipment, optimizing location sizes, and evaluating best practice material handling equipment alternatives. Understanding the product is critical in defining storage, which is often the largest footprint area in a warehouse. Product storage also generally presents the most opportunities f o r space improvement


Understand Operational Adjacencies: Warehouse operations tend to develop organically based on business demands and where process areas have been created. But this haphazard placement suboptimizes product movement and increases staging requirements. The end result is non-adjacent operations, duplicate staging, mulPrimary Objectives of Warehouse Layout Planning • Use space efficiently. • Allow for the most efficient material handling. • Provide economical storage in relation to costs of equipment, use of space, damage to material, handling labor, and operational safety. • Ensure maximum flexibility to meet changing storage and handling requirements. • Make the warehouse a model of good housekeeping.


6 Steps to Evaluating Your Warehouse Layout

Optimize Inventory There is an old saying in warehousing that goes, “If there is available space, someone will eventually fill it, usually sooner than later.� Therefore, it is not uncommon for a warehouse to be full, even during slow periods. Normally a warehouse will run out of space due to rapid growth, seasonal peaks, volume buying, seasonal inventory builds, or slow sales. This results in valuable space being occupied by the wrong materials. When companies find themselves dealing with these issues, they can resolve this by:

-> Eliminating obsolete, expired, and dead stock -> Consolidating slow moving stock to smaller locations -> Creating pick locations based upon pick frequency (resize accordingly) -> Relocating/removing old equipment and files Start with a Blank Sheet Ask where storage and process areas really should be and how much space is truly needed. Although the first layout attempt will likely overlap and not fit, it is the template for making trade-offs and balancing all area needs, not just a specific few. Create Major Flow Paths As the operation areas are refined, maintain proper access for safety and efficiency.

Use the Building Cube Fully Mezzanines, overhead storage, and time-shifted processes are critical when space is tight. Select the Right Equipment Additional space, relocation and/or a new building are usually more expensive than better equipment. Manage results by evaluating multiple storage and handling options against operational efficiency and space costs with a warehouse expert. Look Ahead Plan not only for current requirements but future needs and potential operational requests. Design the facility to be adaptable. Understand limits and have growth plans in place regardless of current demands placed on the operation.

tiple product handling, and long travel distances. Assessing the layout and developing a simple material movement chart is generally an eye opener for most warehouse operations.

they want, how they want it and when they need it is critical to designing pick areas, packaging areas, and docks. Often orders are picked and packed well ahead of time, awaiting pick-up or pre-picked to best leverage limited fulfillment capacity. This creKnow the Customer: ates additional floor-level staging and dock congesWhether the customer is a local manufacturing tion that companies need to be aware of in their operation, field technician, or outside customer warehouse design and layout. (domestic or international), understanding what

Contributed by Tompkins International. Tompkins International transforms supply chains to create value for organizations. For over 35 years, Tompkins has provided global, end-to-end solutions that align business & supply chain strategies via operations planning, design & implementation. The company delivers leading-edge solutions by optimizing the Mega Processes: PLAN-BUY-MAKE-MOVE-STORE-SELL. www.tompkinsinc.com.



The Top 5 Skills Required For A Regional Supply Chain Management Role


upply chain management, is a powerful new source of competitive advantage for many organisations. As defined by the APICS Dictionary, supply chain management is the "design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronising supply with demand and measuring performance globally." It integrates manufacturing, operations, purchasing, transportation and the distribution into a seamless process. In addition, supply chain management is also required to embrace and link third party partners such as vendors, suppliers, carriers into the process as well as forecast, process orders and plan production and scheduling. For this reason, supply chain is viewed as one of the most challenging and rewarding discipline to pursue. However, there are many differences within supply chain management particularly between a regional role and a local role. If you think a regional role in supply chain can offer you better career opportunities and wider job scopes, you might want to look at some of the important skills required before considering a switch.

Regional exposure This is one of the most important key requirements employers seek for when hiring for a regional role. The core concept of supply chain management is the ability to increase efficiency, drive projects and better support the business. This of course, will require you to have an understanding and the ability to manage the different policies as well as logistics procedures of different countries within Asia. You will also need to demonstrate your capability in managing multiple markets and multicultural teams.

Cross-functional collaboration Part of the responsibilities in supply chain management


is to work in collaboration with other functional teams and to ensure on-time, quality deliverables. In order to achieve successful results, you will need to have a close engagement and communicate well with other teams as well as internal stakeholders. It is also important to understand the different cultures and the ability to manage the expectations of team members from other countries, especially in Asia.

Align with segments’ strategies The rapid growth and development of organisations particularly within a high-growth economy only means an ever demanding business environment. With competition high among businesses, organisations understand it’s important to deliver before competitors to gain a competitive edge. Being in a regional position, business planning and strategies will encompass a larger scope and your flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of businesses. At times, global headquarters might implement change to business models and when this happens, you will be expected to collaborate with regional teams, adopt these changes and apply it to your responsible markets.

Be part of the global SCM team Unlike a local role, supply chain management in a regional perspective encompasses a wider range of objectives and activities. Not only do you have to put into consideration the local programmes and processes, you will also need to define the metrics and programmes to measure and improve the regional supply chain management performance. In addition, you will be required to drive global initiatives, plans and programmes in support of global business strategies and drive the implementation of local, regional as well as global projects. You must be able to strategically customise these projects according to the needs and relevancy of the local market to achieve global targets.


Manage different time-zones The perks of a regional role for some, is the opportunity to travel around the world. Even if the opportunity is minimal, chances are you will need to hold conference calls with team members from other countries. Perhaps you’ll have to be at

the office at 4 am to hold a call with your US counterparts or maybe stay past midnight in the office for the call. With this in mind, it is extremely important that you have the flexibility to adapt yourself to different time-zones or compromise your rest time for work.

Top 4 Supply Chain Skills Technical Skills

- sales and operations planning - hands-on knowledge of the supply chain process and its activities

Negotiation Skills

- ability to analyse supplier market and identify a supplier that is consistent with business strategies for purchasing and materials management - ability to develop a negotiation plan - able to influence and create a win-win situation

Communication Skills

- ability to liaise with all levels within the company and external parties - ability to communicate effectively and coherently with stakeholders and other staff - demonstrate a cooperative approach to resolve issues - analyse problems to root cause and then communicate the corrective action - communicate quality issues via the correctly defined business process

Managerial Skills

- project management skills - ability to manage varying priorities concurrently - ability to delegate at an appropriate level to achieve accountabilities - strong sense of ownership and problem solving ability - ability to ensure effective leadership and management - ability to analyse and manage change When you’ve checked yourself against this list and find yourself meeting the requirements above, you know you are ready to make your next career move. Start talking to a specialist consultant and see what they can do for you. Find one that specialises in your industry so that they can help you differentiate your niche within job market and target only what is relevant to you. Contributed by Sophie Shang, Manager of Supply Chain & Manufacturing division at Robert Walters Shanghai. Robert Walters is a leading global recruitment consultancy, specialising in placing high calibre professionals into permanent positions at all management levels. For more information, please visit www.robertlwalters.cn or email us at marketing@robertwalters.com.cn.



Top 10 mistakes when outsourcing sourcing Some importers don’t have the expertise, or the time, to find and manage Asian manufacturing partners. They typically need help from an external sourcing agency to handle these tasks: - Identifying, screening, and qualifying new suppliers; - Help in developing new products/ styles with suppliers; - Ongoing management of the supplier relationships (communication, quality control, shipments follow-up). Here are the most common mistakes to avoid when evaluating sourcing agents and working with them.

Unreasonable expectations

Even the best sourcing agency will have a hard time getting you low prices, on-time shipments, and consistently great quality. If someone promises this to you, you are not talking to a professional. Know what is most important to you, and plan accordingly. For example, if you absolutely need on-time and highquality products, then you cannot work with the cheapest manufacturers on the market.

Not clarifying the sourcing agency’s responsibility

Let’s say you work with a third-party service provider that takes care of the sourcing/production side of your business. What guarantee do they offer in case a supplier scams you? If shipments are behind schedule? And if you receive junk product in your warehouse?


Will they at least pay some of their fees back to you? Do you have a contract with them?

Failing to consider the agent’s geographical presence

If you purchase products that are mostly made in Jiangsu province, don’t work with an agent who is only present in Guangdong. How often will he have face-to-face contact with suppliers (no to mention controlling product quality)? This is the problem with individual agents: they generally know only one industry in one area.

Assuming that they follow a rigorous process

When you evaluate sourcing agencies, try to understand how they work. Request to see their order management system (if any). Even better, ask for examples of factory visit reports, product QC checklists, and QC reports. If the agent is more disorganized than the manufacturer, he will give you new headaches.


Accepting an inappropriate compensation structure

Giving a commission to a sourcing company is very common. Finding and managing a good supplier it is a lot of work. But, if you keep re-ordering the same products from the same sources, you will probably pay more than you should. Another option, which better reflects the agent’s work, is to pay a flat fee for each job: identifying and screening suppliers; following each new product development; managing each order’s production & shipment.

Insisting on going “factory direct”

If a sourcing agent is watching for your interests on the ground, you should try to purchase directly from a manufacturer, right? Well, not always. If you import small quantities, large manufacturers will seldom be interested in your business. And trading companies might be the right solution to place production in smaller workshops.

Not checking the market price by yourself

How do you get an idea of the market price for a given product? You simply (1) request quotes from 10 companies listed on globalsources.com, (2) eliminate outliers, and (3) calculate the average price. If the supplier’s price is above the market price, your agent might get a hidden commission. Even the multi-billion dollar “contract manufacturers” play this game when they sell to mega-retailers, so it can happen to you as well.

Not asking for reporting on production status & quality

A sourcing agency should work for you, the buyer. You should be briefed every time your agent visits your manufacturers. - If they only report on production status when a shipment is delayed, you should ask for regular updates on every production run. - If they fail to notice some quality issues, you should request them to appoint a professional third-party inspector (at least for final random inspections). And you should be in CC of the report.

Micromanaging production yourself

Some importers ask a sourcing agency for help, but keep interfering. They show suppliers that they are the ones taking the decisions. Then what happens? Suppliers don’t listen to the sourcing agency any more. Make sure that your sourcing partner is involved in all decisions (you pay for their professional advice, right?), and that your suppliers know that.

Relying too much on a third party

What happens if your sourcing agency goes out of business? Or if they re-negotiate the deal and they want you to buy from them? You should be prepared for these situations. Don’t get locked into a relationship with an agent. You need to know the main actors in your supply chain and you should get regular reporting on the situation on the ground.

Contributed by Renaud Anjoran, general manager of Sofeast, a quality assurance and inspector training firm in China. He writes advice for importers on www.qualityinspection.org



implementing a new WMS


The opportune time to install WMS o keep your warehouse operations at an optimal performance level, it is absolutely critical to keep an eye out for indications that your existing system has reached its limitations. At the same time, the timing of a switch to a new WMS can facilitate a smooth transition. Moving to a new warehouse is often a good opportunity to implement a new system. But first, here are some questions you can ask yourself before switching to a new system: 1. Do inaccuracies in your warehouse management negatively affect your organization? 2. Does your current system integrate well with any e-commerce initiatives you have in the pipeline? 3. Do you need your warehouse data transmitted across your organization more quickly? 4. Are you getting the information you need to make decisions quickly and easily enough? 5. Is your existing warehouse management system preventing you from meeting any benchmarks? If you have determined that a new WMS is needed, the


daunting task of how to choose a system begins. There is no shortage of systems out there for every type of product, and enterprises of all shapes and sizes. But choosing the wrong system can be disastrous. Take a look at these aspects of a WMS that most firms cannot do without: • Integration with advanced radio-frequency and bar coding technologies • Integration with back-office through its order entry, inventory control, and purchase order modules • Sufficient scalability for your company`s foreseeable future growth • Easily transportable, and user-friendly hand-held terminal • Flexible advanced reporting functions • Automated inventory receipts with real-time inventory updates, and assisted put-away • Support for multiple picking methods

Integrity and simplicity Despite the high complexity and volume of information a WMS is equipped to deal with, the actual interface of the system should not reflect this to the staff who are expected to

EDITORIAL use this. If you expect your staff to use the system to its full potential, the interface should be intuitive and its functions logical. Staff in other sections of your organization should also be able access the information necessary to track inventory and order fulfillment. Significant time and money can be saved if your WMS integrates well with your existing ERP such that there is no need to manually input data or check for transcription errors. A suitable WMS will be synchronized with accounting data, generating in-depth financial reporting in real time. Naturally, the simplest solution would be make use of a WMS function within your company`s existing ERP system. While not widely used, if your warehouse management needs are as basic as these existing modules are usually found to be, this can be a simple and seamless solution.

The right vendor Just as there are a variety of questions to ask yourself about what kind of system you will need, it is critical to ask your software vendor important questions to control the amount of time and money the system installation will require. Not only do you need to find out what the license costs of the WMS are, but what it will cost to adapt the system and equipment such as bar-coding machines to your specific requirements. The less customization, the more time and money you will save.

Timeframes for implementation can vary widely across different vendors and systems, so comparing different systems in their estimates here might be a deciding factor. And as no system can realistically be set up without any glitches, a vendor`s training methods, customer support and maintenance fees can also help in the decision-making process. Any good vendor will also invest heavily in the development of its products, and will proactively share these enhancements with its existing customers. Once you have found a suitable WMS, upgrading it rather than purchasing an entirely new program is the best way forward. If a vendor can offer these upgrades at reasonable prices, you may have found the right one.

Implementation steps Thus we can summarize all the process of installing WMS as following: 1. Planning. The company should perfectly understand its needs and the particular goals it wants to reach by installing/ upgrading the software. 2. Data mining. The more available variants the company would consider, the more chances that it will finally choose the right option. 3. Analysis of options. Crucial to remember is that all the WMS systems have certain advantages and disadvantages. The goal is to pick the one which will maximise the advantages. While comparing different options a client can use the following list of benchmarks and choose the best combination of them: • Accuracy of inventory • Maximizing space utilization inside warehouse • Improving the fulfillment of the orders • Payback period • Reducing the inventory • Shortening decision-making time • Easy and quick implementation 4. Implementation. That phase can last from weeks to months and might require training of personnel. 5. Monitoring the system. After instalment it is necessary not only to control the normal functioning of WMS but also track the needs of upgrade, which arise naturally as the business develops. As mentioned above it is preferable to upgrade the existing system, rather than changing it to a completely different solution.

Contributed by CHaINA Magazine (www.chainamag.com), the leading bi-lingual magazine for supply chain professionals and executives.



A.S.I.......................................32 APL........................................33 arvato ...................................34 BDP.......................................35 cargo-partner.........................36 CEVA.....................................37 CKS.......................................38 Dajin......................................39 Damco...................................40 DB Schenker.........................41 Deret......................................42 DSV ......................................43 Elee ......................................44 FM Logistic............................45 Geodis...................................46 HAVI......................................47 Hercules................................48 HYT.......................................49 ID Logistics............................50 Jacobson...............................51 Kerry......................................52

LF Logistics...........................53 LifeStyle.................................54 Linfox.....................................55 Linghua..................................56 Linkstar..................................57 Logisfashion..........................58 Logwin...................................59 Menlo.....................................60 ModusLink.............................61 Panalpina...............................62 Penske...................................63 Ryder.....................................64 Schneider..............................65 SDV.......................................66 Sunjex....................................67 Toll.........................................68 Transluck...............................69 UPS.......................................70 Wallenius Wilhelmsen............71 Yat Fai....................................72

A.S.I Logistic 艾莎国际货物运输代理  Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai  Established in China 在中国成立于 2009 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 1703, Hitime International Tower 888 North Sichuan Road Shanghai, 20080 上海市虹口区四川北路888号海泰国际大厦 1703室,邮编200080 ) +86 (21) 5187 3773  +86 (21) 3633 8163 8 www.asilogistic.com

Key Contacts A.S.I. is an international forwarding company and third-party logistics (3PL) providing integrated Supply Chain Management and Logistics solutions throughout China.

Mohamed Moussaoui Logistics Department Manager )+86 (21) 5187 3773 +86 (21) 3633 8163 +info@asilogistic.com

Our customer-fit supply chain solutions are based on industry best practice and supported with state-of-the-art logistics facilities and leading edge technology. We want to be perceived by our customers as a true business partner and not simply as a service provider, switching the emphasis to the value they will gain from this partnership.

Jeremy Jannet BD Manager )+86 (21) 5187 3773 +86 (21) 3633 8163 +sales@asilogistic.com

艾莎作为国际货物运输公司及第三方物流企业在中国提供综合供应链管理及物流方案。 我们客户化的供应链方案基于良好的专业实践,先进的配套物流设施及领先的技术。我 们希望我们的客户都能够成为我们真正的生意伙伴,而不是简单地向客户提供物流服务, 并将重点转移到客户能够从这个生意伙伴关系取得利益。

Highlights  Branch offices in Xiamen, Shenzhen,

Services and Solutions

Hong Kong, Combodia, Bangladesh.

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Air Freight  Fashion Logistics  Freight Consolidation  Sea Freight  Value-Added Services


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A.S.I Logistic in China offers a full range of services including:

 Total warehouse area 20,000 sqm  Textile specialist division with

 International Air and Sea freight  Domestic Warehousing and Distribution  Fashion logistics; piece level logistics management solution  Value-added services: labeling, tagging, repacking, order processing,

cross-dock and DC models

 PO Management  Full-scale co-packing services with

inventory counting, etc

 Co-packing: multi products from multi suppliers assembled into store-ready

store ready display

display to be shipped as one finished product.

 Export platform, Buyer consol, scan

 Export Consolidation Platform Supported by our ERP. Supported by QC on

pack, store order preparation

platform and multi-supplier kitting at store level

 Import and export license

 Import and Export trading as support to our logistics services & customers

 分公司分布于厦门,深圳,香港,柬埔寨及孟 加拉国;

 印度,巴基斯坦及越南的分公司也在积极的 筹备中


 快速反应的团队专注于降低成本及供应链 合理化


 各地仓储面积总和2万平方米  时装产品的物流转运  完整全面的各级包装服务  出口平台,买家出口集拼,门店订单配货  进出口贸易代理资质




 国际空运海运服务  国内仓储物流服务  时装产品以件为单位的管理物流方案  增值服务:标签管理,包装,订单管理,库存管理,等。  整合包装:不同的货品,不同的供应商整合为可以在门店直接上柜销售的产品。  电子商务系统及质量检验支持的出口集运平台服务  进出口贸易服务 linkedin.com/ company/2045474

APL Logistics 美集物流

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Singapore新加坡 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1989 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 5F, Raffles City, Office Tower 268 Xi Zang Road Central Shanghai 200001 上海市西藏中路268号来福士广场办公楼5楼 邮编200001 ) +86 (21) 2301 2800 7 +86 (21) 6340 3659 8 www.apllogistics.com

Key Contacts Paul Man 文显伟 Regional Director North PRC ) +86 (21) 2301 2888 7 +86 (21) 6340 3828 + paul_man@apllogistics.com

APL Logistics provides international, end-to-end logistics solutions that help customers move products seamlessly throughout the world. We also offer one of the world’s largest and most modern networks of distribution facilities. Known to employ the latest technology and connectivity, customers are offered maximum supply-chain visibility and control. APL Logistics is a unit of Singapore-based Neptune Orient Lines (NOL), a global cargo transportation, forwarding and logistics company.

Jacky Li 李英杰 Regional Director HK & South PRC ) +852 2302 7489 7 +852 2817 4181 + jacky_li@apllogistics.com

美集物流提供端到端的全球物流服务,帮助客户将产品无缝运输到世界各地。我们拥有 全球最大和最现代的配送网络之一。通过利用最新科技和通信技术,让客户最大程度掌 握整个供应链的可视性和可控性。美集物流是新加坡海皇集团(NOL Group)旗下的第 三方物流及国际货运公司,海皇集团是一家在全球从事集装箱航运、国际货运和物流业 务的公司。


Services and Solutions

 Industry-leading information management and data connectivity tools for increased product visibility and better inventory management  Service excellence and extensive experience in focused industries of automotive, retail, apparel and hi-tech  Provide supply chain solution to Fortune 500 companies, major Chinese stateowned enterprises and multi-national companies  完善的国内网络:在华员工500多名,分支机构13 个,仓储设施42处  业内领先的信息技术及数据传送工具,提供高效 的产品追踪及优化库存管理方案  具备一流的服务及丰富的行业物流经验,在汽 车、零售、服装以及高科技产业的服务尤为突出  为世界500强、国内大型企业及跨国公司提供供应 链解决方案


Domestic Distribution  Freight Consolidation  Inventory Management  Value-Added Services APL Logistics offers end-to-end supply chain solutions that empower you to better manage with efficiency, effectiveness, control and visibility. Our services include:         

Shipment Consolidation/Deconsolidation Global Freight Forwarding Customs Management Warehouse Management Value-added Services Distribution Networks Contract Logistics Supply Chain IT Solutions Multi-Modal Solutions

美集物流的端到端供应链解决方案能够使客户的管理工作更高效、更有力、更可控、更 直观。 我们的服务包括:         

集装箱拼/拆箱业务 国际货运代理 海关清关 仓储管理 增值服务 配送网络 合同物流 供应链信息解决方案 多式联运服务


 More than 500 employees and a comprehensive pan-China network of 13 offices and 42 facilities


arvato China Supply Chain Solutions 欧唯特(中国)供应链管理 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Germany 德国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2008 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 3203, Changping Commercial Building Futian Bonded Zone, Futian District Shenzhen, China 深圳福田保税区长平商务大厦3202室 ) +86 (755) 3386 1666 7 +86 (755) 3386 1000 8 www.arvatologistics.com.cn

Key Contacts Raoul Kuetemeier Vice President ) +86 (755) 3386 1666 +86 13922881099 7 +86 (755) 3386 1000 + Raoul.Kuetemeier@bertelsmann.de

We operate more than 60 logistics centers in China, delivering over 100 million products p.a. and serving over 45,000 retail outlets. We help clients with our international experience and know-how to achieve the desired quality and transparency in the domestic logistics market.

Qingsong Miao BD Director ) +86 (755) 3386 1666 +86 13922881099 +49 1725647941 7 +86 (755) 3386 1000 + qingsong.miao@bertelsmann.de

应变能力、扩展性、透明化以及增长潜力是一个供应链管理合作伙伴需要具备的必要条 件。作为业内领先企业的首选合作伙伴,时间和经验都证明了我们是您的最佳选择。通过 整合现有的全国网点资源及运输网络,我们可以为客户提供量身定制的、超乎客户期望 的供应链解决方案,并发展成客户的战略合作伙伴。


公司在全国设有60余家仓库,每年配送过亿件产品至国内45,000家零售店。我们借助自 身的国际经验和专业知识,为客户提供高品质、透明化的国内物流服务。

 Direct2Retail – the solution that brings simplicity to your retailer’s doorstep

Services and Solutions Direct-to-Store  Reverse & Aftermarket  eCommerce Logistics

 Supply Chain Management – from inventory management to after sales management  International Business Solution – expanding business without borders  E-Commerce Logistics – fulfilling your online demands  直接面向零售商 – 快捷便利地连接您的零售商  供应链管理 – 从库存管理到售后管理的一站式 服务  国际商业方案 – 让您的业务无国界限制

Flexibility, scalability, transparency and growth potential is what one seeks in a supply chain partner. As the partner of choice for leading industry clients, arvato China Supply Chain Solutions has proven that we are the only choice for best-in-class service. By combining our existing nationwide warehouse and transportation network with our tailor made solution approach, we create solutions that exceed your expectations and still have room for growth as strategic partners.

With a state of the art IT-platform for WMS, TMS and inventory management, arvato China supply chain solutions provides supply chain management solutions, including Direct-to-Retail distribution, e-commerce, customized IT solutions, vendor management, import handling, after sales services, value added services, and COD services to its clients from the telecommunications, automotive, healthcare, and high tech electronics. 依靠集合仓库管理、运输管理及库存管理于一体的先进IT平台,欧唯特(中国)供应链管 理为不同行业的客户提供供应链管理方案,包括直接面向零售商的配送服务、电子商务、 客户化IT解决方案、承运商管理、货物进口、售后服务、增值服务及货到付款服务,客户遍 及电讯、汽车、医疗保健行业及高科技电子产品等多个行业。


 电子商务物流 – 满足您的线上需求



linkedin.com/ company/4349



BDP International

百运达国际货运代理(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Philadelphia, U.S.A. 美国费城 n Established in China 在中国成立于 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 2101-2110, Shanghai Bund Int'l Tower 99 Huangpu Road, Shanghai 200080 上海市虹口区黄浦路99号上海滩国际大厦 2101-2110室,邮编:200080 ) +86 (21) 6364 9336 7 +86 (21) 6364 9337 8 www.bdpinternational.com

Key Contacts Francis Ngiam 严居君 Global Sales Leader North China & Korea ) +86 (21) 6364 9336 x 266 7 +86 (21) 6364 9337 x 266 + francis.ngiam@bdpcn.com Dick Yip 叶庆乾 GM, North China ) +86 (21) 6364 9336 x 268 7 +86 (21) 6364 9337 x 268 + dick.yip@bdpcn.com

As a privately-owned family business, we never lose sight of what matters most. Solid execution and relationships based on new-fashioned ideas applied to old-fashioned hard work. It is about being nimble to changing business conditions. Leveraging broad-based oversight into bottom line cost reductions for the best companies in the world. Keeping the wheels of your supply chain very well greased. Right place, right time, just the right size. 随着物流业整合成为几个巨型公司,对顾客的关怀理念似乎在一视同仁的商业模式中变 得越来越淡泊了。但在百运达国际货运代理有限公司,情况大不相同。 “小则无微不至,大 则游刃有余”并非一个浅层次的承诺。它是我们从业40多年来的经营之道:一个熟悉的面 孔;一个电话线上生动的声音;还有您所期望的后续关注。

BDP International is one of the leading privately held freight logistics / transportation management firms based in the U.S.A.

BDP operates freight logistics centers in more than 20 cities throughout North America and a network of subsidiaries, joint ventures and strategic partnerships in more than 120 countries

 Regional headquarters in Antwerp,

Dubai, Hong Kong, Houston, London, Melbourne, Mexico City, Philadelphia, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore and Toronto

 Serves more than 4,000 customers worldwide

 Clients include Bayer, Cargill, Conoco Phillips, Heineken USA, Honeywell, Johnson & Johnson, Revlon, Rohm & Haas, Dow, Trek Bicycle, Wacker, Dupont and others

作为一个私人拥有的家族企业,我们从未忽视最重要的事情,那就是坚定的执行和良好 的关系,这些都建立在新式思想理念和传统辛勤工作完美结合的基础之上。我们需要灵 活应对不断变化的业务条件,将基础广泛的监督杠杆作用运用到底线上,降低成本,争 取跻身世界最佳公司之列。有些人说我们重视细节。我们称之为正常业务。只有这样,才 能保证您的供应链运作通畅。合适的地点,合适的时间,合适的规模。

Services and Solutions Customs Management  Project & Overweight  Sea Freight  Air Freight Transportation – air, ocean, ground Export logistics – freight forwarding Import logistics – customs clearance Regulatory & security compliance Warehousing & distribution Project & energy logistics Humanitarian aid logistics Process improvement Globalize logistics modelling and management (LLP Practice)  Supply chain consultancy         

BDP offer customizes solutions that meet your company’s transportation and logistics needs


linkedin.com/ company/17654

         

运输 – 空运、海运、地面运输 货运代理 报关代理 协助遵守与监管安全條例 仓储及分销 项目与能源物流 人道物资物流 流程改进 全球化物流模式与管理(LLP做法) 供应链顾问 LOGISTICS SERVICES


As the logistics industry consolidates into a few mega-companies, taking good care of the customer seems to be getting lost in the business model of one-size-fits-all. Not everywhere. At BDP, "Small enough to care, large enough to deliver" is more than a shallow pledge. It is the way we have done business for more than 40 years.


cargo-partner Logistics

欧展国际贸运(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Fischamend, Austria 奥地利 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 in Hong Kong 香港 2006 in Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 6F, Building A, Sun Young Center 398 Jiangsu Road, Changning Shanghai 200050 上海市长宁区江苏路398号舜元企业发展大厦 A栋6楼,邮编200050 ) +86 (21) 6195 3800 7 +86 (21) 6195 3905 8 www.cargo-partner.com

Key Contacts

cargo-partner is an independent freight forwarder and logistics service provider. Flexible and reactive. With all means of transport on all continents and waters: airplane, ship, railway and truck. The cargo-partner group is present around the world with more than 100 offices and employs more than 2,500 employees in 30 countries.

John Cheng Chief Executive Officer Asia Pacific ) +852 2110 6608 7 +852 8161 0980 + John.cheng@cargo-partner.com

Being a family owned company with Headquarters in Austria, our business model is based on personalized and global partnership with and for our clients. Long-term relationships are really important as cargo-partner was already founded in 1983 and established in Greater China since 2004.


Local operational excellence delivered by the best logistics professionals and innovative systems and solutions create competitive advantages for our customers.

 Global tailor-made logistics solutions with strong local expertise

Our logistics experts in Greater China are looking forward to get in contact with you.

 Climate and environmentally friendly transport solutions  Particular strength in oversea’s solutions  E-Business as a living reality

欧展集团是一家独立的货代和物流服务供应商, 在大中华市场首屈一指 。在遍及全球的 陆地和水域,提供灵活及高效空运、海运、铁路和卡车等运输服务。欧展集团在全球30个 国家有超过100家的办事处,员工人数达2500名以上 。 作为一个家族企业,欧展总部设在奥地利。其主要业务模式建立在与客户的个性化和全 球化合作关系。欧展成立于1983年,由此可见,欧展非常重视长期的合作关系。欧展于 2004年在大中华地区成立分公司。

 拥有强大的当地物流专家,为您提供量身定 制的全球物流解决方案  环保式运输服务  海外运输服务质量一流

欧展公司拥有最专业的物流人才、创新的系统和解决方案,因此在当地市场创造了良好的 经营业绩,为其赢得了竞争的优势。

 电子商务蓬勃发展


Services and Solutions Road Transportation  Domestic Distribution  Value-Added Services




       

passion for excellence


 

CP Air Cargo 空运  CP Industrial Goods 工业制品 CP Sea Cargo 海运  CP Retail 零售 CP ROAD-Xpress 公路运输  CP IT-Services 信息技术服务 CP Intermodal 联合运输 CP Integrated Logistics 综合物流 CP Pharmaceuticals & Health care 保健医药品 CP Automotive 汽车 CP Clean Technology & Alternative Energy 洁净技术与替代能源 CP FMCG 快速消费品 CP High -Tech / Electronics 高科技/电子产品

linkedin.com/ company/57623

CEVA Logistics

基华国际贸易(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hoofddorp, Netherlands 荷兰 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1988 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 23F, New Rich Port Center, 763 Mengzi Road, Shanghai 200023 上海市卢湾区蒙自路763号新富港中心23楼 邮编200023 ) +86 (21) 2310 7000 7 +86 (21) 5302 1022 8 www.cevalogistics.com

Jurrie-Jan Tap Vice President Business Development Greater China ) +86 (21) 2310 7066 + Jurrie-Jan.Tap@cevalogistics.com Anita Wei 韦锡婷 Marketing & Communications Manager ) +86 (21) 2310 7688 + Anita.Wei@cevalogistics.com

Highlights  Our resources in Greater China include: 88 sites, 14,000 employees  Our own fleet of over 150 container trucks provides domestic line haul service, local pickup and delivery, and cross border trucking  Our freight management division is a fully licensed Class A domestic and international sea, air and freight management service provider in China  China market leader in automotive logistics  我们在大中华区的资源包括:88个办公点, 14,000名员工  我们的运输车队拥有150多辆自有集装箱卡 车,提供国内线路运输, 当地派送,跨境运输  基华的货代部是一家在中国提供国内国际海 运、空运和货代服务的A级服务供应商  在汽车物流行业,我们是中国市场领导者


CEVA’s integrated global network has facilities in over 170 countries and more than 51,000 employees; all dedicated to delivering consistently excellent operations and supply chain solutions. CEVA is a leading supply chain company in China; we are one of the few foreign 3PLs in China that is truly capable of offering a dedicated road line haul solution in China. At CEVA we are focused on delivering operational excellence to our customers, each and every day. 目前,基华物流在中国的主要业务包括货运代理,合同物流以及国内运输。我们的货运代 理服务包括国际多式联运,报关代理以及包机运输服务。基华物流的国内运输服务部门 的配送网络更是全中国最好的网络之一,也成为了中国唯一一家真正有能力在中国境内 提供专门长途道路运输方案的外资第三方物流公司。

Services and Solutions Domestic Distribution  Air Freight  Road Transportation  Sea Freight  Value-Added Services In China, our operating model integrates and manages end to end supply chain for the Automotive, Consumer & Retail, Energy, Industrial and Technology sectors. Our Freight Management includes coordinating the movement of products and materials by air, ground or ocean. Our Contract Logistics includes warehousing and ground based distribution, offered separately or in combination. Our CEVA Ground manages one of the best distribution networks throughout China and CEVA is one of the few foreign 3PLs in China that is truly capable of offering a dedicated roadline haul solution in China. 在中国我们为汽车、零售和消费品、能源、工业、高科技领域提供整合性的物流管理。我 们的货运代理服务包括海空陆运、国际多式联运, 报关代理以及包机运输服务。我们的合 同物流包括仓储管理及国内运输,基华的国内运输部门的配送网络是全中国最好的网络 之一,而基华也成为了中国唯一一家真正有能力在中国境内提供专门长途道路运输方案 的外资第三方物流公司。 Greater China Locations:  Northern China: Beijing, Changchun, Shenyang Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao  Eastern China: Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou Nanjing, Wuxi, Ningbo , Fujian  Southern China: Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhuhai , Taiwan  Western China: Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Wuhan, Chuzhou, Xiangfan

linkedin.com/ company/8434





Key Contacts


Chu Kong Shipping


创造价值 成就客户  Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港  Established in China 在中国成立于 1962年  Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint-stock enterprise 股份制企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 23/F, Guangdong Navigation Building 48 Baqi Er Road, Guangzhou 广州市八旗二马路48号广东航运大厦23楼 ) +86 (20) 3905 8330  +86 (20) 3466 2500 8 www.cksd.com

Key Contacts Tony Yu 余俊杰 BD in Hong Kong ) +852 2239 3316 +852 6683 8162 +yjj-cksd@cks.com.hk

Chu Kong Shipping is a listed company incorporated in Hong Kong. Our business scope covers transportation, warehousing, distribution, value-added services etc. We are dedicated to providing high-quality & professional integrated logistics services for our customers, and becoming our customers' lead integrated logistics provider on the basis of sustainable partnership. The industries we focus on are: hi-tech, consumer goods, automotive & spares, chemical etc.

Ryan Wu 吴 泽 鸿 BD in Mainland China ) +86 (20) 3905 8330 +86 13826492120 + wzh-cksd@chukong.com

珠江船务是目前粤港澳航运物流界唯一的香港上市公司。业务涵盖运输、仓储、配送、货 运代理及其他综合物流配套服务。立足于珠三角地区,尤其香港和广州南沙,为客户提供 高质量、专业的综合物流服务,成为客户的主导综合物流合作伙伴。目前,我们所专注的 行业主要有:高科技产品、消费品、汽车零配件及化工品等行业。

Highlights  Own and manage 18 terminals in Pearl Rivers Delta Region, a private wharf with 2 berths in TuenMun, 11 berths in Yau Ma Tei and 1 marine terminal at HK Airport;

 Manage more than 30 Container Marine Lines and 17 Bulk Cargo Line, become the largest feeder operator in the PRD region

 Owner-operator of 460,000 m2 of modern logistics warehouses in Guangzhou NanSha Business Logistics Park and 37,800 m2 at TuenMun, Hong Kong;

 Provide intelligentized logistics services for customers via advanced IT system

 拥有珠三角18家内河码头、香港私家码头(2个 泊位)、香港公共货物装卸区11个泊位及机场码 头等资源;

 经营管理30多条粤港集装箱航线及17条散货航 线,是粤港最大的支线运营商;


 经营管理南沙460000m2的保税港新型物流中 心及香港屯门37800m2的独立货仓;

 拥有完善的信息网络及IT系统,为客户提供智能




Services and Solutions Freight Consolidation  Domestic Distribution  Inventory Management  Value-Added Services Our core services and products on integrated logistics include:  Bonded & Non-Bonded Warehousing & Distribution  Cross-docking Operations & Consolidated Freight Services  Multi-country Consolidation (MCC)  Inbound Materials Hub & VMI  Supply Chain Management &Value-added Services  CDC & RDC for Inbound and Outbound Logistics Services  High-tech Products Display Exhibition Logistics 我们综合物流业务的核心服务与产品包括:  保税与非保税仓储配送  越库作业,CFS等散货拼箱  多国货物拼箱服务(MCC)  进口原材料中转仓与供应商库存管理(VMI)  供应链管理、运输管理与简单加工等增值服务  外贸进出口CDC & RDC仓储配送  高新产品展示物流服务

linkedin.com/ company/2469067

Dajin Logistics 大金物流

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1997 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 3000 South Lianhua Road Prologis Logistics Park, Minhang Shanghai 201109 莲花南路3000号,普洛斯闵行物流园区内, 邮编201109 ) +86 (21) 3430 7666 7 +86 (21) 3430 7221 8 www.dajin.com.cn + jiangdaquan@dajin.com.cn

Key Contacts

Dajin Logistics, established in 1997, is a leading fully-integrated logistics service provider in China.

Wen Bing You 尤文兵 Vice General Manager ) +86 (21) 3430 7936 7 +86 (21) 6616 7299 + youwenbing@dajin.com.cn

In everything we do we look to provide our customers with innovative and customized solutions. No two companies have the same logistics and supply chain requirements. So we are fully committed to offering flexible and tailored solutions dependent upon our customer’s distinct needs and pressures. 大金物流成立于1997年,是中国领先的综合物流服务商。

Miao Xu 许苗 Marketing Manager & General Manager Assistant ) +86 (21) 3430 7065 7 +86 (21) 3430 7221 + xumiao@dajin.com.cn


Services and Solutions Hazardous & Dangerous Goods  Domestic Distribution  Road Transportation

Highlights  Door to Door delivery to all tier 1 and tier 2 cities all over China

Dajin Logistics offers a range of tailored logistics and supply chain solutions including multimodal transportation services (road, rail, river and air), warehousing, distribution and direct store delivery, specialist logistics (chemical logistics, dangerous goods, cold chain) and IT systems implementation (TMS, WMS, EDI). Our focus:

 Self-owned DGs and chemical fleet  Warehouse space totalling 80,000 m


 Specialist in:

 Chemical & DG  Electric & Electronics  Auto & Auto Parts

 FMCG  Machinery  Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics

大金物流为客户提供贴身的物流解决方案,包括:多式联运(公路运输,铁路运输,水运, 空运),仓储和配送,专业物流(化工物流,危险品物流,冷链物流)和IT系统(运输管理系 统,仓储管理系统,电子数据交互)。

- Chemical logistics - Dangerous goods - Cold chain


 Branch offices spread all over major

cities in China, such as : Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjin, Xi'an, Wuhan, Wuxi.

 化工和危险品  电子、电气  汽车及汽车配件

 快速消费品  工业机械  医药和化妆品

 配送网络覆盖全国一、二级城市  自有化学危险品运输车队  专业从事: - 化工物流 - 危险品物流 - 冷链物流

 中国分公司:北京,广州,深圳,南京,




linkedin.com/ company/1478697


 全国仓储面积达到80,000平方米



丹马士环球物流 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Copenhagen, Denmark 丹麦 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1998 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 2-5/F, Tian An Centre, 338 Nanjing Road (W), Shanghai 上海市南京西路338号,天安中心2-5楼 ) +86 (21) 2306 2000 7 +86 (21) 2306 1099 8 www.damco.com

Key Contacts Richard Briggs General Manager Shanghai Branch ) +86 (21) 2306 2992 7 +86 (21) 2306 1099 + Richard.briggs@damco.com

Damco is one of the world's leading third party logistics providers specializing in customized freight forwarding and supply chain solutions. The company has 10,800 employees in over 300 offices across 90 countries and representation in a further 30 countries. In 2011, the company had a net turnover of USD 2.8 billion, managed more than 2.5 million TEU of ocean freight and supply chain management volumes and air freighted more than 110,000 tons.

James Tang Sales Manager Shanghai Branch ) +86 (21) 2308 3308 7 +86 (21) 2306 1099 + James.tang@damco.com

Damco is part of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group. 丹马士公司(Damco)是世界领先的第三方物流供应商,为世界各地客户提供全方位、 度身订制的供应链管理与货代业务服务。丹马士现有员工10,800名,在亚洲、非洲、澳 洲、欧洲、中东、北美及拉丁美洲的90个国家和地区设有280多个办事机构,在30多个 国家有代表处。2011年,丹马士的净营业总额达28亿美元,海运及供应链管理总量超过 250万标准箱,空运总重11万余吨。



Damco North Asia Quick Facts in 2011:

Services and Solutions Air Freight  Sea Freight  Temperature Controlled  Value-Added Services  Customs Management

 More than 3000 employees  34 Offices  Air freight: 198,142 tons*

End-To-End "Industry Focused & Customer Driven" services & solutions:

 Ocean freight: 295,000 teu

 Ocean Freight Forwarding  Air Freight Forwarding  Supply Chain Solutions  Supply Chain Development  Warehouse And Distribution  Reefer Logistics  Information Management  Customs House Brokerage  Value Added Services

 Supply chain: 33 million cbm  Warehouse: 550,000+ m² 丹马士北亚洲区2011年业务概况:  拥有超过 3000 名员工  34个办工室  空运量达198,142吨*

我们提供“环球物流服务,个别解决方案” 以配合全球客户的不同需要。 我们的主要服务包括:

 海运量达295,000个标准箱  管理达3,300 万立方米货物


 超过仓库550,000 平方米


*Damco and NTS combined volumes 丹马士与新时代的总量


 海运  空运  供应链解决方案  供应链发展  仓储及分销  冷链物流  物流讯息管理  报关代理  增值服务

linkedin.com/ company/5681



DB Schenker 德铁信可

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Essen, Germany 德国,埃森 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1966 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Raffles City (Office Tower) 268 Xi Zang Zhong Road Shanghai 200001 中国上海市西藏中路268号来福士商务楼, 邮编200001 ) +86 (21) 6170 8888 7 +86 (21) 6170 7777 8 www.dbschenker.com/cn

Key Contacts

With a dense worldwide network of 90,000 logistics specialists in more than 130 countries, DB Schenker is one of the leading global integrated logistics providers offering comprehensive supply chain management solutions, efficient air, ocean, rail and land transport as well as contract logistics.

Thomas Ruelke Director, BD ) +86 (21) 6170 8700 + thomas.ruelke@dbschenker.com

With extensive experience of over 45 years in China we offer you excellent and customized services in over 60 offices throughout the country – from standard transports to complex multimodal supply chain solutions.

Vivian Liu Manager, BD / Customer Solutions ) +86 (21) 6170 8773 + vivian.liu@dbschenker.com

德铁信可的据点遍及世界130多个国家,拥有90,000多名物流专家,是全球领先的综合 物流供应商之一,为客户提供海运、空运、陆运、铁路运输、合同物流的高效服务,以及全 方位的物流供应链管理解决方案。


我们在中国拥有45年多的丰富经验,在全国拥有60多个办事处,无论是标准的运输,还 是综合多元的供应链管理解决方案,我们都能提供卓越的服务及个性化定制方案。

 One of the most extensive global and nationwide networks with more than 4,700 employees working in over 60 offices throughout China  Over 60 warehouses with more than 550,000 m² storage space in all major economic centers in China  CATA licensed, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and TAPA – A certificated  全球第二大运输和物流服务供应商,为客户提供 卓越的供应链管理服务,满足所有的物流需求。  全球业务最广泛的公司之一,并在中国拥有 4600多名员工,遍布全国60多个网点。  在中国所有主要的经济中心拥有60多个物流中 心,仓储面积超过550,000平方米。  我司享有CATA认证, ISO 9001:2008和ISO 14001:2004 认证,以及 TAPA – A级证书


Services and Solutions Project & Overweight Air Freight  Sea Freight  Rail Freight DB Schenker provides the full range of complex transport and logistics services from a single source:  Global air freight, ocean freight, rail freight  Multimodal transport (air/ocean/land/rail)  Warehousing and logistics  Industry solutions including automotive, industrial, electronics, fashion, healthcare & consumer  Heavy-lift and special project transports  Customs clearance services  Fairs and exhibitions  Global sports events  Relocations 全方位的运输及物流解决方案  全球化的海运、空运、铁路运输  海运、空运、陆运、铁路运输的 多式联运  仓储及综合物流管理  为汽车、工业、时尚、健康保健及 消费品等行业提供运输解决方案  超重货及特殊货物运输  清关服务  会展运输服务  国际体育赛事运输  国际搬迁及移民运输

linkedin.com/ company/4823




 One of the world's largest transportation and logistics providers with excellent supply chain management capabilities for all logistics needs


Deret Logistique Asie 法国德雷亚洲物流公司

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Saran, France 法国萨兰 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2003 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Representative Office 代表处 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 1703, Shanghai Bund Int'l Tower 99 Huangpu Road, Shanghai 200080 上海市黄浦路99号上海滩国际大厦 1703室,邮编200080 ) +86 (21) 6306 2592 +86 (21) 6324 4596 7 +86 (21) 6364 5930 8 www.deret-asie.com.cn

Key Contacts Stéphane Guimard Asia CEO ) +86 (21) 6306 2592 7 +86 (21) 6364 5930 + sguimard@deret.fr Hanmin Zhang 张寒敏 Deputy manager ) +86 (21) 6306 2592 7 +86 (21) 6364 5930 + hanmin.zhang@deret-asie.com.cn

Highlights  Advanced order preparation, platform

service in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Bangkok, Bangladesh, India

Deret Logistique Asie is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Deret Logistique Group-Saran/France. We are a B2B logistics services provider specialized in design, implementation and management of value-added tailor-made solutions dedicated to global trade. Deret Logistique Asie has developed and run specific logistics solutions to handle global trade from and to China or Asia. Deret Logistique Asie gathers a team of professionals with a large and extensive experience related to global supply chain management we offer:  Interactive information  Security and professionalism  Cost efficiency 法国德雷亚洲物流公司隶属于法国Deret集团,是致力于全球贸易的 B TO B 物流服务 供应商,为各大公司提供专业性物流增值服务的设计、执行和管理。我们拥有一支专 业的团队,为中国及亚洲进出口贸易提供物流解决方案。

Services and Solutions Direct-to-Store  Quality Control  Value-Added Services

 Quality control solutions

We provide our clients with five kinds of services:

 Regional distribution center  Custom packaging promotional displays  Supply chain integration  Shipment tracking system: ASMA

 Advanced order preparation: A new way to prepare your international orders in China


 先进的订单管理平台  质量管理方案  地区配送中心  个性化的其他物流增值服务  供应链整合  先进的物流跟踪系统



 ASMA: ASMA is the unique dynamic software and tool to monitor and control your global logistics flows  Quality control solutions: Our specific approach to quality will help meet your clients requirements, reduce your costs and increase your profit  Regional distribution center: Make China your value-added logistics distribution center for the Northern Pacific Region  Custom packaging promotional displays: Packaging solutions increase productivity at arrival; display design and preparation for direct store delivery

DSV Logistics

上海得斯威国际货运有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Brondby, Denmark 丹麦 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 38/F, 1 Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200030 上海虹桥路1号港汇中心1座38楼 ) +86 (21) 5406 9800 7 +86 (21) 5406 9970 8 www.dsv.com/cn

Key Contacts DSV is one of the leading global logistics providers with turnover exceeding 5 billion euro and 22,000 employees worldwide. DSV divisions include DSV Road, 3rd largest trucking company in Europe; DSV Air & Sea, top 10 global freight forwarder with presence in over 60 countries and DSV Solutions, contract logistics with a footprint exceeding 2 mln sqm.

Jason Zhang (Logistics) Business Development Executive logistics ) +86 (21) 5046 0899 x 209 7 +86 (21) 5046 2632 + Jason.Zhang@cn.dsv.com

DSV has been present in China since 1995 and as WOFE since 2001. With over 500 associates in the mainland, 23 branch & representative offices, distribution centers in 14 cities we provide both integrated logistics solutions as well as individual services: air & sea freight, contract and project logistics. Total space of distribution centers in China is over 70,000 sqm.

Highlights 

DSV is a dynamic, young company with fast organic growth in China recently supplemented by ABX acquisition

 Our core value is a customer centric

attitude - through our decentralized organization, responsiveness, and no redundant overheads - which makes us an attractive alternative to the largest integrated logistics providers

We help you to reduce cost & optimize your supply chain through process based approach and our professional expertise – without operational shortcuts

 在收购ABX并顺利的完成整合之后,DSV中国

进一步建立了年轻、充满活力、并保持快速增长 的团队

 我们的核心价值是以客为尊-通过扁平化的组织 结构,快速响应以及消除管理冗余- 使我们在与 众多国际化物流公司的竞争中脱颖而出

 我们致力于通过专业的团队,以运作为基础,从

DSV是全球领先的物流服务商之一,年销售额超过50亿欧元,拥有22,000员工。DSV集 团由三个业务分支构成:DSV Road-欧洲排名第三的运输公司,DSV Air& Sea – 主营货 运代理业务,位列全球前十,在全球60多个国家建立分支机构以及DSV solution – 主营 合同物流,管理仓库面积超过200万平方米。 DSV1995年进入中国市场,并且在2001年成为外商独资企业。DSV中国拥有500多名员 工,23个分公司和办事处,其中14个城市有自己管理的区域物流中心。依托于广泛的网 络及专业的团队,DSV中国既可以向我们的客户提供整体物流解决方案以及任何单项服 务,比如:空海运货代,合同物流以及项目物流。全国配送中心面积超过70,000平米。

Services and Solutions Air Freight DSV in China offers a full range of services including:

       

International Air & Sea Freight Domestic Warehousing & distribution Projects Logistics Export Consolidation Bonded Logistics In-plant logistics Import & export trading (VAT invoice) Customs Clearance

流程切入,帮助客户实现降低成本和供应链优化 的双赢


 Project & Overweight  Freight Consolidation  Sea Freight  In-Plant Logistics

linkedin.com/ company/5262


       

国际空海运货运代理 国内仓储和配送 项目物流 出口集散/拼箱 保税物流 入厂物流(生产企业) 进出口贸易代理(增值税发票) 进出口清关 LOGISTICS SERVICES

Claire Ding (Air & Sea) Business Development Manager ) +86 (21) 5406 9891 7 +86 (21) 5406 9976 x 9891 + Claire.Ding@cn.dsv.com


Elee logistics China

上海铱力物流有限公司  Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海  Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 Shanghai 上海  Legal status in China 企业性质 Local Private Enterprise 私营企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 No.3 Warehouse, 895 Dongxue Road Dongjing Town, Songjiang District Shanghai, China 上海市松江区洞泾镇洞薛路895号三号仓库 (近S224和S124高速) 邮编201619 ) +86 (21) 6785 5188  +86 (21) 6785 5145 8 www.eleechina.com

Key Contacts Elee is a local third-party logistics (3PL) company specializing in providing integrated Supply Chain Management and Logistics solutions throughout China. Our custom-fit supply chain solutions are based on industry best practice and supported with state-of-the-art logistics facilities and leading-edge technology. We want to be perceived by our customers as a true business partner and not simply as a service provider, switching the emphasis to the value they will gain from this partnership.

Jean Pierre Roquet CEO )+86 (21) 6785 5188 +86 (21) 6785 5145 +jproquet@eleechina.com Diana Chen 陈婵娟 Design and Implementation Logistics Specialist )+86 (21) 6785 5188 +86 (21) 6785 5145 +dianachen@eleechina.com

铱力物流是一家提供综合供应链管理和物流方案的中国第三方物流公司。我们个性化的 物流方案是基于我们丰富的经验以及一流的物流设施和领先的物流管理和信息管理技 术。我们希望对于客户的真正的商业伙伴,我们不仅仅是服务供应商,而是能够为我们的 客户提供更多价值的。

Services and Solutions

Highlights  Domestic distribution network 5 DCs

in Shanghai , Beijing and Guangzhou, Shenyang, Chengdu with real time web support functions

 Total warehouse area 40,000m2  Fashion logistics with cross-dock and

 Domestic Distribution: Daily deliveries to more than 300 hypermarkets in 70 Chinese cities.

 Fashion Logistics: Fashion product logistics & distribution management solution supported by an in-house cutting edge IT system.

 Full-scale co-packing services with

 Value-added services: labeling, tagging, repacking, ironing, store making etc.  Co-packing: Multi products from multi suppliers assembled into store-

 Quality control

 Export Platform with QC: Supported by a powerful system. Consistent

 Import and export license

 Ready-to-Store: Scan Pack operations from China to worldwide destinations

 上海,北京,广州,沈阳和成都5大配送中心,配送

 国内配送:服务覆盖全国约70个城市的近300家门店。

DC models

ready display shipped as finished product.

store ready display

export platform, Buyer consol, scan pack, store order preparation


Fashion Logistics  Domestic Distribution  Direct-to-Store  Quality Control

络覆盖40多个一,二级城市  总仓储面积达40,000平方米  时尚物流:转驳和配送两大模式  门店陈列式集成包装  质检和拼箱功能出口平台  进出口经营权


visibility on vendor performance, coupled with QC on platform and multi-supplier kitting at store level.

 服饰物流:自主开发系统软件,有力支持产品物流及配送管理 方案。

 增值服务包括:标签或吊牌的打印、缝制、贴挂,产品重新包 装、熨烫、按门店要求定制等服务。

 组合包装:将不同供应商的不同产品重新包装到专门为门店销 售设计的展示架中,将其作为完成品直接发送到门店进行销售。

Key Clients: Carrefour, Tesco, Hettich, Pimkie, Spotlight, Axfood, Okaidi/Jacaidi, PSA, Walmart, Auchan, Sinodis, Goodwell, Hager, Mellow Yellow , Chinese I&E firms.

 出口兼质检平台:强大的系统支持,透明详细的信息:供商 考核;平台操作流程等。同时还提供质检平台服务以及按 照门店定单分拣出口的服务等。

 备货到门店:从中国到世界各国目的地货物扫描包装操作。


linkedin.com/ company/2279767

FM Logistic 弗玛仓储(太仓)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Phalsbourg, France 法国法尔斯堡 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 3 West Guangzhou Road, Taicang EDZ, Jiangsu Province 江苏省太仓市经济开发区广州西路3号 ) +86 (512) 8889 8666 7 +86 (512) 8889 8604 8 www.fmlogistic.com www.fmlogistic.cn

Key Contacts FM Logistic is one of Europe's top 20 logistics companies. It carried its excellent service, advanced transportation and warehousing model as well as the best logistics management concept as to China in 2004. In China, FM Logistic will maintain the same service concept in Europe—whether warehousing, transportation or supply chain management—with the best equipment, the best option to supply, the most effective services to customers.

Amaury Vrignaud China GM ) +86 (512) 8889 8600 7 +86 (512) 8889 8604 + avrignaud@fmlogistic.cn

In July 2009, FM opened a new warehouse in Taicang district nearby Shanghai, and in 2010 opened another warehouse in Yanjiao, achieving 100,000 m2 of space and an even wider range of service options.

Francis Jiang BD Manager ) +86 (512) 8889 8605 7 +86 (512) 8889 8604 + fjiang@fmlogistic.cn

FM Logistic offers the gold standard in cost-performance, bringing a new level of quality and timeliness to warehousing and distribution.

High-class own warehousing and transportation truck resource

 Integrated Logistic Management experience over 40 years

 Advanced IT system(TMS and WMS)  Mature operation network  Global market experience  Competitive service price  自有一流的仓储和运输车辆资源  超过四十年的综合物流管理经验  先进的IT系统(仓库和运输管理系统)支持  成熟的运作网络  全球化的市场经验  有竞争力的服务价格 Key Clients:

 Unilever  Auchan  Ferrero  Pernod Ricard  Kimberly-Clark



联合利华 欧尚 费列罗 保乐力加 金佰利

FM Logistic是欧洲排名前20强的物流企业,于2004年携其在欧洲的卓越的服务品质、 先进的运输和仓储模式、最佳的物流管理理念登录中国。在中国,FM Logistic将秉承与 欧洲完全相同的服务理念——无论是仓储、运输或供应链管理——用最佳的设备,最佳 的方案达到最有效的服务 2009年7月,FM在上海附近的太仓仓库开始了其物流操作,随后于2010年,在北京附近 的燕郊建立了另一个大型自有仓库--10万平方米的仓库面积为客户提供了更广阔的服务 空间。 FM中国为物流业的成本效率树立了良好的标准, 将仓储和配送服务的质量和时效性提高 到一个新的水平。

Services and Solutions Road Transportation  Domestic Distribution Domestic road transportation  Warehousing  Distribution  Supply chain management optimization  Transportation management systems and logistic software development

linkedin.com/ company/7481


 国内公路运输  仓储  配送  供应链管理  FM2i,FM专门的软件开发部门, 为供应链管理提供完全的IT技术 支持,目标是物流及信息流的 持续改进





乔达国际货运(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 France 法国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1978 年 Beijing 北京 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 3/F, OOCL Plaza, 841 Middle Yan'an Rd. Shanghai 200040 上海市静安区延安中路841号 东方海外大厦3 楼,邮编200040 ) +86 (21) 6193 2323 7 +86 (21) 6193 2287 8 www.geodis.com

Key Contacts Alvin Chan 陈尚哲 Regional BD Manager APAC ) +86 13761927627 7 +86 (21) 6193 2233 + alvin.chan@cn.geodiswilson.com

乔达国际货运(上海)有限公司,是法国国营铁路公司旗下之物流与运输分支乔达集团在 中国成立的子公司。乔达专为客户提供全球多式联运和端到端物流管理方案。在亚太地 区,乔达在15个国家和地区设立260家分公司,包括澳大利亚、孟加拉、中国、香港、印 度、印度尼西亚、日本、南韩、马来西亚、菲律宾、新西兰、新加坡、台湾、泰国和越南。 乔达获Air Cargo Week –「2010及2011年度最佳空运货代商」奖。


Services and Solutions

Greater China region

 More than 30-year long experience in China  Importer of Records (IOR) license and own customs declaration licenses

- Automotive/Industrial - FMCG/Retail/Fashion - Healthcare & Cosmetics - High-tech

 物流服务网络覆盖120个国家,2011年总收入 达96亿美元

 1100名员工遍布大中华区54个服务网点  拥有超过30年的中国市场经验  拥有进口商登记权以及自主报关权  在上海及香港, 我们拥有一级货代资质  服务主要市场 -汽车/工业项目 -快速消费品/零售业/纺织品 -保健品及化妆品 -高科技


Air Freight

 Project & Overweight  Value-Added Services  Sea Freight  Reverse & Aftermarket

Freight Management:  Multimodal transportation by air, sea, combined sea-air, road and rail  Customs clearance  Industrial projects Contract Logistics:  Inbound and outbound logistics  Value-added services for finished goods and spare parts  Reverse Logistics: asset recovery, verification and test, refurbishment, re-configuration, repair, dismantling and re-cycling

 Class A licensed forwarder  Our Main Market Sectors


"Geodis is Airfreight Forwarder of The Year 2010+2011", awarded by Air Cargo Week.

David Morel Regional BD Director APAC ) +852 9880 1606 7 +852 2783 0379 + david.morel@hk.geodiswilson.com

 US$ 9.6 bn 2011 revenue across 120 countries  1,100 employees and 54 locations in the


Geodis, the transport and logistics division of SNCF Group (French Railway Company), provides global multimodal offerings and end-to-end flow management solutions for its customers worldwide. In Asia Pacific, Geodis operates through 260 locations in 15 countries including Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Supply Chain Optimisation:  Engineering collaborative, flexible and best-practice supply chain solutions  Procuring, assembling and integrating best value service partners  Providing one-stop shopping, end-to-end visibility, security and control 货运管理  多式联运: 空运、海运、 海空联运、陆运及铁路运输  清关  工业项目

合同物流  入境及出境物流  成品及备件增值服务  逆向物流:资产回收、验证测试、翻新、重 新配置、维修、拆卸和循环再造

供应链优化  灵活、便捷、最佳实践供应链解决方案  采购、安装以及综合服务的最具价值合作伙伴  实现一站式购物、点到点全程信息透明、安全、控制

linkedin.com/ company/17137



HAVI Logistics 夏晖物流 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Chicago, U.S.A. 美国芝加哥 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1994 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国总部 6 Xingsheng Jie, Beijing Economic & Technological Development Area Beijing 100176 北京经济技术开发区兴盛街6号, 邮编100176 ) +86 (10) 6788 3335 7 +86 (10) 6788 0465 8 www.havi-logistics.asia

Key Contacts William Zhang 张宇峰 Senior Manager-BD Mainland China ) +86 (21) 6915 3330 x 629 7 +86 (21) 6915 3484 + william_zhang@havilogasia.com

HAVI Logistic Services is a part of a privately held company established in 1974 to service McDonald’s restaurants in the Chicago, Illinois area. Today HAVI employs over 7500 associates and provides total logistic solutions and delivers products to over 10,000 stores from 65 distribution centers in 39 countries worldwide. We currently provide services to a wide range of customers such as McDonalds, Subway and Circle K etc. 夏晖物流从属于一家美国私人企业,是1974年为在伊利诺伊州芝加哥地区的麦当劳餐厅提

Patrick Lin 林志仁 Regional Director Strategic Accounts, Greater Asia ) +86 (10) 6788 3335 x 109 7 +86 (10) 6788 0465 + patrick_lin@havilogasia.com

供服务而建立的。如今,夏晖拥有7500多名员工,从世界各地的39个国家的65个分发中心向 10,000多家餐厅提供全面的物流解决方案和配送货品,目前我们的客户范围更加广泛,其 中包括麦当劳、赛百味以及OK便利店等。

Services and Solutions


Temperature Controlled  Domestic Distribution  Inventory Management

Locations in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Wuhan, Shenyang, and Xiamen.

HAVI p rovides log istic se r vices fo r custome r s requi r i ng special i zed multi -tempe ratu re cont rol led p roducts to quick se r vice restau rants, convenient stores and catering companies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Locations in Asia: Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan.

As a leading Logistics Provider, HAVI is seeking strategic long-term partnerships with companies requiring a total logistics solution. This includes such value added services as: inventory management, in-store logistic solutions, network optimization, supply chain integration, and cold chain logistics support throughout Asia.

 Havi operates one of China’s first tem-

perature controlled import / export bonded warehouse in Southern China.

 Goal: continuously look for new ways

to create value for our customers’ logistic needs in China and throughout the entire Greater Asia region.

 Customers: McDonald’s, Subway, Compass, Shell and Circle K etc.

夏晖一年365天,一天24小时不间断地向需要多温控货品的快餐餐厅、便利店及餐饮公司等 多种企业提供物流服务。作为领先的物流服务商,夏晖正在努力寻找与那些需要全面的综 合物流解决方案的公司建立长期战略合作关系的机会。我们还提供多项增值服务:诸如存 货控制管理、优化配送网络、供应链整合、货运管理以及提供亚洲范围内的冷链物流支持。

 大中华区:北京、上海、广州、香港、澳门、  亚洲:新加坡,马来西亚,菲律宾,泰国,印 度尼西亚,日本。

 我们在华南的温控保税库是中国第一批温控保 税库之一。

 夏晖的目标是通过不断寻求新方法为客户在中 国乃至整个亚洲的物流需求创造价值。


linkedin.com/ company/1003145





Hercules Logistics 海格物流

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shenzhen China 中国深圳 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private Enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 5A, Bldg. A, Shenfubao High-tech Park, No. 3, Huanghuai Road., Futian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518038 广东省深圳市福田保税区黄槐道3号深福保科 技工业园A栋5A,邮编518038 ) +86 (755) 8358 0000 7 +86 (755) 2380 7500 8 www.hercules-logistics.com

Key Contacts

Since it's foundation in 2001, we have been constantly evolving in response to the dynamic market changes and client requirements. We focus/target on international procurement customers and retailer including their suppliers, and focusing on "Fundamental Logistics" and "Integrated Logistics" services. In conjunction with this strategic change, Hercules Logistics has founded four sub-business units, including Domestic Logistics, International Logistics, Port transportation and Warehouse business.

Bryan Yan 闫斌 BD Director ) +86 (755) 8891 2382 7 +86 (755) 2380 7500 + yan.bryan@hercules-logistics.com Sidney Sun 孙三军 BD Manager ) +86 (21) 5238 0890 + sunsanjun@hercules-logistics.com

海格物流成立于2001年,作为一个立足本土、实践现代物流理念的创新成长型企业。海 格物流以“零售业及其供应商”、 “国际采购商及其制造企业”为主要服务对象,创新发 展兼顾服务个性化及执行标准化的服务模式,在提供口岸运输、报关报检、货运代理、驳 船支线、长途汽运、仓储管理等标准化基础服务的同时,不断贴近客户需求,深化服务内 容,结合创新理念及信息技术,为客户设计个性化的物流解决方案,为客户的供应链管理 提供专业化高效率的物流服务,帮助客户在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出;目前海格物流已 经成为中国主要的综合物流服务商之一。

Highlights  We

are more than a physical operator of warehousing, inland haulage and container drayage of export and import freight, but also a supply chain solution provider creating value in logistic operation, inventory control and facility management for our clients.

 Centered around Hercules corporate

value, we think internationally and act locally. We serve both local and international customers to drive consistent customer satisfaction.

 具备坚实的物流服务基础能力,可提供支

持客户战略及供应链管理需要的整体解决 方案,保障客户供应链管理得以提升的可靠 性。

 广泛的国内外服务网络,具有高度控制权的


物流设施,服务多样化及深入化,以客户为中 心的创新服务理念,使我们能够对客户的需 求做出快速回应。



Services and Solutions Domestic Distribution  Road Transportation  Value-Added Services International Procurement Model Hercules logistics provides the international purchasing logistics service mode, especially for the target customer – International purchasing enterprise and their manufactory. Retail and Distribution Logistics Model We provide such service to some well-known retail enterprise such as Walmart, Renrenle, Yihaodian, Nike. 国际采购模式 海格物流针对“国际采购商及其制造企业”的服务对象,提供完整的国际采购物流服务 模式。 零售及分销模式 以城市、城际、省际三级陆运并以内贸海运作为补充,依托遍布各地的仓库资源及仓储能 力,以运输为桥梁,搭建起国内零销分销的物流模式。海格物流提供从工厂/供货商至终 端零售的一条龙服务,已为沃尔玛、人人乐、一号店、NIKE等知名零售分销企业提供服 务。

linkedin.com/ company/793783

HYT Logistics 鸿益达物流

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shenzhen China 中国深圳 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private Enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 HYT Logistics Center, Shiwei Road Fuyong, Bao'an, Shenzhen 518103 深圳市宝安区福永街道十围路 鸿益达物流中心 ) +86 (755) 2998 7168 7 +86 (755) 2998 7448 8 www.hyt-logistics.com

Key Contacts Larry Leung 梁兆禧 Deputy General Manager ) +86 (755) 2998 7168 7 +86 (755) 2998 7448 + LarryLeung@hyt-logistics.com Marco Zhang 张鹏 Project Specialist Integrated Logistics ) +86 (755) 2998 7168 7 +86 (755) 2998 7448 + Marco@hyt-logistics.com

HYT Logistics is a pioneer enterprise working with versatile and modern logistics concepts. We consolidate various logistic elements, like warehousing, transportation, import/export agency and information processing, into allin-one solutions. Particularly, HYT focus on manufacturing clients, which are demanding sophisticated logistics operations. The business objectives are to off-load the clients from the complicated supply chain affair, in order to concentrate the resources on their core competences. 鸿益达物流成立于2005年来,以前瞻的理念和全新的运作模式,整合各种物流资源,包括 仓储,运输,进出口及信息处理等元素,成为综合方案。鸿益达尤其专长于制造企业及工业 产品的处理,我们的业务目标是分担企业在供应链管理上的负担,让其专著于自己的核心业 务。

Highlights  Focus on Manufacturers or Industrial Commodities

 Particular strength on domestic operations

Absorb modern concepts into China environments

 Deployment of sophisticated logistics plans

Services and Solutions

 特别针对制造企业和工业货物

Inventory Managment  Road Transportation  Domestic Distribution  Value-Added Services

 专注于中国本土操作  物流整合的计划与实施

 Warehousing  Transportation (LTL & FTL)  In-Factory Logistics  Commodity Assembly, Inspection & Packaging  Import/Export Agency  VMI/JMI, Milk Run, and JIT kitting  仓储服务  长途运输(零担及整车)  驻厂物流  组装,检查及包装  进出口代理  整合物流(VMI/JMI, Milk Run, JIT分拣)




 结合西方先进概念于中国物流环境


ID Logistics

安地物流(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 France 法国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 19D, Dong Tai Plaza 309 Tanggu Road, Shanghai 上海市塘沽路309号19D ) +86 (21) 6306 7083 7 +86 (21) 6364 2915 8 www.id-logistics.com

Key Contacts Thibault Saint General Manager ) +86 (21) 6306 5049 7 +86 (21) 6364 2915 + tsaint@id-logistics.com

ID Logistics was founded in France in 2001. Accompany with the customer, ID Logistics is now set up branches in France, Poland, Taiwan, China, Brazil, Indonesia, Argentina, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, the Indian Ocean and the Russian.

Lei Zhong 钟蕾 Communication & BD Manager ) +86 (21) 6306 7083 7 +86 (21) 6364 2915 + lei_zhong@id-logistics.com.cn

Highlights  Every day, ID Logistics China organizes

more than 1,600 high density deliveries in frozen, chilled and ambient temperature

 Provides various value-added services  Operates 24,000m2 warehouse  Organizes 10,000 long distance transportations per year

 Main branches in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing and Guangzhou

 中国ID物流每天组织和管理超过1,600个高密度 配送,包括冷冻,冷藏温度和常温产品

 中国ID物流为客户提供多种包括包装组合在内 的增值服务

 中国ID物流管理超过24 000平方米仓库  中国ID物流每年组织10 000次长途运输作业  中国ID物流分公司分布在上海,北京,广州和南京

ID Logistics is a specialized in warehouse management (chilled and dry), domestic distribution and integrated supply chain logistics management, from customer's production site to its clients. ID Logistics 2001年在法国诞生.伴随着客户,ID物流在各个国家快速发展。ID物流如今 在法国,波兰,台湾,中国,巴西,印度尼西亚,阿根廷,西班牙,摩洛哥,阿尔及利亚,印 度洋和俄罗斯设立分公司。 ID Logistics 提供专业的仓库管理(低温和常温)、内陆运输和整合供应链物流管理,从客 户的生产工厂到他的消费者。

Services and Solutions Temperature Controlled  Freight Consolidation  Warehouse & DC Design

 Inner-city Distribution: Distribution to hypermarkets, supermarkets, conve-

nience stores, hotels, restaurants and bakeries in key cities through efficient route planning.

 Co-packing: Daily production is flexible with the requirement of our customers. The activities involve re-labeling, re-packing, grouping.

 Warehousing: ID Logistics China is operating chilled and dry warehouses

with state-of-the-art warehouse management system (Infolog) and a professional warehouse management team.

 Long distance transportation: ID Logistics' services include freight man-

agement, LTL consolidation capacity-only solutions and direct-part-load deliveries.

 市内配送:通过有效经济的路线计划配送直达大型超市,中型超市,便利店,酒店,餐 厅和面包房。

 包装组合:中国ID物流为客户提供多种包括包


装组合在内的增值服务。它的日生产能力可根 据客户要求灵活地进行调整。


 仓库管理:中国ID物流拥有专业的仓库管理团 队和如艺术般精湛的仓库管理系统,管理冷 冻,冷藏和常温仓库。

 长途运输:服务包括货物管理,零担整合,以 容量为导向的解决方案,和部分直接配送。


linkedin.com/ company/90973

Jacobson Global Logistics (HK) 华美信国际货运代理(香港)有限公司  Corporate HQ 公司总部 Des Moines, lowa, USA 美国  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  Asia HQ 亚洲总部 Unit 1201B-03, 12/F., Tower 1 Ever Gain Plaza, 88 Container Port Road Kwai Chung, NT., Hong Kong 香港新界葵涌货柜码头路88号永得利广场 第1座12楼1201B-03室 ) +852 2790 9600  +852 2772 5800 8 www.jacobsonco.com

Key Contacts Jason Pun Director, BD, Asia ) +852 3586 7021  +852 2772 5800 + jason.pun@jacobsonco.com

Founded in 1968, Jacobson Companies is a leading third-party logistics service provider offering end-to-end supply chain management solutions around the globe. Jacobson operates more than 35 million square feet of warehouse space worldwide with approximately 7,000 employees. We offer a complete suite of end-to-end supply chain solutions that delivers value and continuous improvement within your supply chain. Our extensive network of offices and facilities are strategically located across the region. Look to Jacobson for your International and Domestic requirements, and to offer a onestop supply chain service offering. Visit our website at www.jacobsonco.com. 'What Can We Do For You?'

Highlights  Operates dedicated warehouses in

Greater China and South East Asia offering: consolidation, multi-vendor country consolidation and value added services

 Consists of international and domestic

ocean freight through its own NVOCC as well as air freight services

 JGL offers PO management as well as

other services: customs brokerage, insurance coverage and risk analysis

 JGL also runs an unique division for

Project Cargo offering flatbed, lowboy and step-deck trailers

 JGL在大中华区和东南亚都拥有仓库,提供的服 务包括:集运、多国集运和增值服务

 JGL的货运服务是由在国内外都拥有NVOCC 的海运服务以及空运服务组成

 JGL提供订单管理服务以及一些其他的服务,包 括:报关、投保以及风险评估

 JGL同样拥有项目部门,能够提供特平板车,低 平板半挂车,拖板车等运输服务


Jacobson公司成立于1968年,是全球领先的第三方物流企业,为客户提供点到点全 球供应链管理方案。Jacobson经营着超过3500万平方英尺的仓库并在全世界拥有约 7000名员工。我们能够为您提供一套完整的、物有所值以及持续改进的供应链管理方 案。我们广泛的办公设施网络在物流领域占有极具战略意义的位置Jacobson能够最 大限度地减少供应链中断的情况,并为您提供一站式全球供应链服务。更多信息请浏览 www.jacobsonco.com “我们能为你做什么?”

Services and Solutions Freight Consolidation  Project & Overweight  Sea Freight Our vision is to be the best at managing value added supply chains, continuously improving operations and driving reliability in the flow of our customers' goods within the world's economy. We believe in total customer satisfaction and exceeding expectations, which leads to on-time deliveries, solving complex logistics and customs scenarios and reducing your logistics costs. Our broad reach and proven expertise give us the power to deliver smart logistics and transportation solutions around the globe. JGL has a solid presence here in Asia. In addition to our China coverage's, we have own offices in Southeast Asia. 我们致力于成为最好的增值供应链管理商,不断地提高业务水平并根据客户的货量和世 界经济形势来制定可行的物流运输方案。 我们相信客户的满意程度和超出预期的期望是取决于能够准时送货、解决复杂的物流 及海关问题、同时降低物流成本。我们广博和丰富的经验使我们有能力在全球范围内制 定 出出色 的 物 流 方 案。JGL在亚洲也拥 有 坚 实 的 实 力 。此 外,在全国范围内以 及东南亚,我们都拥 有自己的办事处。

linkedin.com/ company/42662



Jason Woo Vice President, BD, Asia ) +852 2790 9600  +852 2772 5800 + Jason.woo@jacobsonco.com


Kerry Logistics 嘉里物流 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong 香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1985 年 北京 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资 n China head office 中国代表处总部 No.21, Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 中国北京市朝阳区东三环北路霄云路21号大通 大厦 邮编100027 ) +86 (10) 6461 8899 7 +86 (10) 6462 3262 8 www.kerryeas.com

Key Contacts Kerry Logistics is Asia's premier logistics service provider with a strong focus on China. With its base of operations in Asia and a strong focus on China, Kerry Logistics consistently deliver the best logistics solutions to make its customers successful.

Iris Lai Deputy GM-Group IL Division & East China / Director of Key Acount ) +86 (21) 5117 8111 7 +86 (21) 3133 0010 + iris.lai@kerrylogistics.com

Based in Hong Kong, Kerry Logistics has offices in 23 countries with over 16,000 employees and a transportation fleet of 8,000 vehicles. In Greater China alone, it has 12,000 employees, 6,000 vehicles, 260 business centres serving 1,600 cities, 1.7m sq.m. of logistics facilities, 700 operating licences and 300 customs brokers.

Kevin Lam Assistant Regional Sales Director - China / Director of IFF - Eastern Region ) + 86 (21) 5117 8111 7 +86 (21) 3133 0010 + kevin.lam@kerryeas.com

In Asia, Kerry Logistics has built an ASEAN-wide cross-border road transportation network by linking Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos directly to Kunming and Shenzhen in Western and Southern China, providing customers with effective long-haul trucking as well as sea-land and air-land services. 嘉里物流是亚洲主要的物流服务供应商,凭着在亚洲建立的基础、于中国的重点发展,为 客户提供最佳物流方案。

Highlights  Kerry Logistics has offices in 23 countries

with over 16,000 employees and a transportation fleet of 8,000 vehicles.

 Our core business encompasses integrat-

ed logistics, international freight forwarding and supply chain solutions.

 By owning and managing 2.4 milion sq.m. of logistics facilities, we provides customers with reliability and flexibility to support their future expansion.

单在中国大陆,嘉里物流已拥有12,000名员工、6,000辆货车、260个业务点服务1,600城 市、170万平米物流设施、700个营运许可证,及300名报关代理。 另外,嘉里物流在东盟地区建立全陆路跨境运输网络,贯通新加坡、泰国、越南、柬埔寨、 老挝及中国西、南部的昆明和深圳,让客户体验高效能长途陆运及海陆、海空联运服务。

Services and Solutions Road Transportation  Fashion Logistics  Domestic Distribution  Warehouse & DC Design

 In Greater China alone, it has 12,000 em-

Our core business encompasses integrated logistics, international freight forwarding and supply chain solutions. By owning and managing 2.4m sq.m. of logistics facilities, it provides customers with reliability and flexibility to support their future expansion and long-term growth.

 嘉里物流之业务遍及23个国家,拥有超过

Today, Kerry Logistics is serving a vast majority of Fortune 500 companies. Our target markets include electronics & technology, fashion & lifestyle, food & beverage, FMCG, industrial & material science, automotive, and pharmaceutical & healthcare.

ployees, 6,000 vehicles, 260 business centres serving 1,600 cities, 1.7m sq.m. of logistics facilities, 700 operating licences and 300 customs brokers.


 其业务以综合物流、国际货代及点到点供应链方 LOGISTICS SERVICES

总部设于香港,嘉里物流之业务遍及23个国家,拥有超过16,000名员工,及8,000辆货车 车队。


 在世界各地营运逾240万平米物流设施,为客户 提供可靠的物流服务,及灵活地配合客户未来的 拓展和远期规划。

我们业务以综合物流、国际货代及点到点供应链方案为主,在世界各地营运逾240万平 米物流设施,为客户提供可靠的物流服务,及灵活地配合客户未来的拓展和远期规划。

 单在中国大陆,嘉里物流已拥有12,000名员工、

目前,众多财富五百强企业,选取嘉里物流。其处理的货品种类更是多样化,涉及电子科 技、时尚服饰及精品、食品及饮料、快消品、工业及物料科技、汽车、医疗及医药产品等市 场领域。


6,000辆货车、260 个业务点服务1,600城市、170 万平米物流设施、700个营运许可证,及300名报 关代理。 cha.in/kerry-logist

linkedin.com/ company/993772

LF Logistics 利和物流仓储(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1996 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 7/F Tower Block, LiFung Plaza 2000 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103 上海市闵行区宜山路2000号利丰广场主楼 7楼,邮编201103 ) +86 (21) 2416 4699 7 +86 (21) 3462 7580 8 www.lifung.com

Key Contacts Founded in Guangzhou in 1906, Li & Fung is now the world's leading supply chain company for consumer goods. Our three business networks of trading, logistics and distribution employ 29,000 people over 40 economies, with a total revenue of over US$20 billion in 2011.

Jimmy Lai Vice President Development, China ) +86 (21) 2416 4820 7 +86 (21) 3462 7189 + Jimmylai@lflogistics.com

LF Logistics China is now the largest business unit in our global logistics network. Driven by our deep rooted local knowledge and in-depth operational experience, we provide services to over 80 customers in the Footwear and Apparel, FMCG and Chemical industries.

Emily Xie Senior Manager Development, China ) +86 (21) 2416 4888 7 +86 (21) 3462 7189 + Emilyxie@lflogistics.com

利丰于1906年成立于广州,现已发展成为全球消费品供应链管理行业中的翘楚。2011年, 公司三大业务模块 – 贸易、物流和经销,遍布全球40多个经济体,拥有29000名员工,总 营业额超过200亿美金。 利和物流中国是利丰集团全球物流网络中最大的业务单位。通过根植于本土的丰富中国 市场运作经验,我们现在为80多个客户提供服务,涵盖服装、快速消费品、奢侈品和化工 等各个行业。

 More than 40 modern distribution centres with a footprint of over 400,000 sq.m

 Nationwide transportation network de-

livering to more than 17,000 drop-points in 767 cities

 State-of-the-art, integrated IT systems that can be customized to support our clients' needs

 Industry leadership in footwear and apparel logistics

 拥有40多个先进、交通便利的分拨中心,总面积 超过400,000平方米

 覆盖767个城市,17,000多个派送点的多式联 运运输网

 拥有可定制化的综合、先进的信息系统来支持客 户的需求

 服装类物流领域的领军人物


Services and Solutions Fashion Logistics  Domestic Distribution  In-Plant Logistics Distribution Centre Service 仓储服务  Bonded Distribution Centre 保税仓储  Duty Paid Distribution Centre 非保税仓储  E – Commerce Logistics 电子商务物流  Garments on Hangers (GOH) 挂装物流  Facility Management 设施管理  Value Added Services 增值服务 Domestic Transportation 国内运输  Transportation / Fleet Management 运输、车队管理  Door-to-door delivery 门到门配送  Dangerous Goods Transportation 危险品运输  Reverse Logistics 逆向物流  Online Track & Trace 在线跟踪查询 International Logistics 国际物流  Freight forwarding 国际货代业务  Customs Brokerage / Clearance 报关 / 清关  Consolidation and Hubbing 出口拼箱及分拨  Supply Chain Network Planning and Design 网络规划与设计

linkedin.com/ company/37457




LifeStyle Logistics

丽服仓储(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai 上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2007年8月 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Ltd. 有限责任公司(台港澳法人投资) n China head office 中国代表处总部 2/F, Building No.2 East, 211 Qinqiao Road Jinqiao EPZ, Pudong District Shanghai 201206 上海浦东金桥出口加工区秦桥路211号2号楼东侧 邮编201206 ) +86 (21) 3872 0388 x 123 7 +86 (21) 3872 0389 8 www.lifestyle-log.com

Key Contacts

LifeStyle Logistics, based in Shanghai ,China is today the premier provider of Fashion Logistics and distribution in China and Hong Kong. With over 20 years experience in the Logistics sector and 5 of those totally focused within Mainland China, the company boasts of over 400 specialized employees in this sector and covers over 40 tier 1 cities and 400 tier 2 cities in the PRC through its hubs in Shanghai – Beijing and Shenzhen.


Andre Suguiura Managing Director ) +86 (21) 3872 0378 x 101 +86 15900690866 7 +86 (21) 3872 0389 + asuguiura@lifestyle-log.com

Our Mission is: To provide Leading Brands in the Lifestyle and Fashion sector a one-stop shop solution in China and Japan, with service levels that are on par or above the best logistics providers in the world.

Cynthia Lu BD Manager ) +86 (21) 3872 0388 +86 13761035018 7 +86 (21) 3872 0389 + cynthia.lu@lifestyle-log.com

丽服仓储,总部位于中国上海,是大中华区一流的服饰品牌物流配送供应商。拥有20 多年国际物流理念,5年国内运营经验。公司的分拨中心位于上海,北京和深圳。公司 在40多个一线城市和400多个二,三线城市拥有400多位专业物流人才。


Services and Solutions


 No.1 Public Fashion Label Rectification Warehouse authorized by China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau  The member of Fashion Standard  Clients include the Spanish leading fast fashion group, High fashion brand s of Italy and France  Tailored Logistics IT Development Platform  国内第一家商检局认可的公共标签整改仓库  主要客户群包括西班牙著名的快速时尚品牌, 意大利,法国等奢侈时尚品牌

Direct-to-Store  Domestic Distribution  Fashion Logistics  Value-Added Services      

China Retail Consultancy Services Efficiency Customs Clearance Pre-Retail and China Labeling Services China-Wide Warehouse & Distribution Fashion VAS Service International Cargo picking/packing and consolidation

     

大中华零售咨询 快速清关,报检 售前和中国标签服务 国内仓储和运输 服饰类增值服务 国际货物分拣,拼箱


 客户式的定制物流信息管理系统



linkedin.com/ company/1353541

Linfox Road Transport 林孚克斯(上海)道路运输有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Melbourne, Australia 澳大利亚 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 26-F, Cross Region Plaza, 899 Lingling Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200030 上海市徐汇区零陵路899号飞洲国际广场26 楼F座,邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 5150 6699 7 +86 (21) 5150 6698 8 www.linfox.com

Key Contacts Linfox was established in 1956 by Lindsay Fox, the pioneer of integrated logistics in Australia. The Linfox approach begins with a total commitment to Safety, Environmental Sustainability and a dedication to Operational Excellence. This real and tangible commitment to safety and compliance is unparalleled in the logistics industry throughout the Asia Pacific region. Throughout Asia and Australia, Linfox employs over 15,000 skilled personnel, manages over 5,000 vehicles and distribution facilities with a total area of 2,000,000 m2.

Reese Sun 孙荣 Country Manager China ) +86 (21) 5150 6691 7 +86 (21) 5150 6698 + reese_sun@linfox.com Jesse Saint John 孔明 Commercial Manager Asia ) +86 (21) 5150 6696 7 +86 (21) 5150 6698 + Jesse_StJohn@Linfox.com

Established in China in 2005, Linfox has expanded to over 230 employees and operates dedicated fleets for a variety of clients in the FMCG, retail, and petro-chemical industries.

Highlights  Leveraging over 55 years of experience,

Linfox has proven experience with key clients throughout the following industries:

延续超过55年的营运经验,Linfox已经在下列行 业的客户中证明了我们的营运管理经验: FMCG 快速消费品 Retail 零售 Food and Beverage 食品及饮料 Mining 矿产业 Petro-Chemical 石油化工 Oil and Gas 油汽 Wood, Packaging, Print 木料,包装及印刷业

 Customers in China 大中国区的客户: Tesco 乐购 Unilever 联合利华

Bayi Steel 八一钢铁 Exxon Mobil 美孚石油

 Operational Locations 大中国区营运地区: Shanghai 上海 Wulumuqi 乌鲁木齐

Beijing 北京 Hong Kong 香港

Linfox是由澳大利亚物流业的先锋Lindsay Fox1956年建立。Linfox的业务在开始就致力 于安全,环境的持续发展及营运的卓越。这些对安全及安全实施的真实并可见的承诺在 亚太地区的物流业是处于领先地位。在澳大利亚及亚太地区,Linfox拥有超过15,000名 专业的员工,管理超过5,000辆的车辆及2百万平方米仓库的配送设施。Linfox中国建立 于2005年,我们已经拥有超过230名员工并管理专业的车辆为快速消费品行业,零售行 业及石油化工行业的不同客户提供物流服务。

Services and Solutions Hazardous & Dangerous Goods  Domestic Distribution  Road Transportation Operating dedicated services and fleets for long-term contracted clients, Linfox provide the following state of the art supply chain operational solutions:

 Warehouse management  Transportation solutions for retailing,

FMCG, dangerous goods, metals/mining  SAP systems: WMS and TMS  Vehicle management system (FoxTrax)  Safety Management

 Supply Chain Modeling

通过我们的SAP仓库管理软件,运输管理软件,车 辆管理软件,安全管理系统及供应链模式管理软 件为零售,快速消费品,危险品运输和分发,金属 及矿产业提供仓库管理和运输管理方案




为长期合作的客户提供专业的车辆和服务,Linfox 为客户提供量身订制的供应链管理方案


Linghua Logistics

上海菱华仓储服务有限公司  Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai 上海  Established in China 在中国成立于 1996 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 333 Ke Yuan Rd., Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Pudong, Shanghai 201203 上海市浦东新区张江高科技园区科苑路333号 邮编201203 ) +86 (21) 5080 0107  +86 (21) 5080 0109 8 www.linghua-logistics.com

Key Contacts Leon Liang 梁俊昌 Business Manager )+86 (21) 5080 0108 +Liang.junchang@linghua-logistics.com Ochi 越智翔平 Business Assistant Manager ) +86 (21) 5080 0108 + Ochi@linghua-logistics.com

Highlights The main feature of Shanghai Linghua logistics is strong operational management

 Customer Orientation:

We meet customer's needs and requirements

 Strong Kaizen Policy:

We continuously improve operational processes

 Dealing Promptly with Problems:

We take appropriate actions for solving problems and build strong relationships with customers.

 Stable Day-to-Day Operations (Speedy and Accurate): We are confident of our high-quality operations. You will be surely satisfied with our powerful logistics support. 上海菱华物流的主要特点是强有力的运营管理。

上海菱华仓储服务有限公司系日本三菱仓库株式会社属下企业。1996年在上海成立以 来,致力于高品质的仓储和运输物流服务。我们在上海、广州、成都等城市,目前拥有115,000 平方米的仓库。凭借领先于行业的软硬件优势,我们可以向客户提供包含合同物流和多元 化方案在内的仓储配送、增值物流服务。

Services and Solutions Reverse & Aftermarket  Inventory Management  Road Transportation Shanghai Linghua Logistics offers customized services and solution as follows: Warehousing Services  Strategitic distribution center in China, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week  Parts distribution center accurately handling over 30,000 SKU  GMP-compliant storage  Packing and labeling  Inventory management and handling operation in customer’s premises Domestic Transportation Services  Door -to-Door distribution service 上海菱华物流提供定制化的物流服务和解决方案:

 客户至上:我们提供给客户满足需求的服务。


 强有力的改善能力:不断改善我们的运营流程。

 在中国成立战略配送中心,全天候24小时提供服务

 发现问题及时处理:我们采取合理的措施来解决

 零部件配送中心具备30,000品种以上部品准确操

 稳定的日常操作(快速/准确):我们对高品质的

 以GMP为基础的规范的仓储服务



Established in 1996, as a member of Mitshubishi Logistics Group, Linghua Logistics focuses on providing the storage and delivery services with high quality. Now we operate 115,000 square meters floor space of warehouse in China, located in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and other cities. Taking advantage of the facilities and well experienced know-how, we offer clients with warehousing & distribution, value-added logistics services, including contract logistics and turn-key solutions.




作和管理能力  货品流通加工(包装及加贴标贴)  在客户的场所代替客户进行仓储管理及作业 国内运输  门到门的配送服务


Linkstar Logistics

精裕捷星物流有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 49A, 199, North Riying Road Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai, 200131 上海市外高桥保税区日樱北路199号49A 邮编200131 )+86 (21) 5046 1666 7+86 (21) 5046 3898 8www.linkstarlogistics.com

Key Contacts Linkstar Logistics was founded in 2001 as a 3rd Party Logistics service provider. Its services cover the whole supply chain including import and export agency, forwarding, warehousing and distribution, etc. By providing logistics solutions, Linkstar Logistics is improving the core links of the supply chain for Chinese and foreign manufacturers.

Victor Shi 施煜敏 General Manager ) +86 (21) 5046 1666 7 +86 (21) 5046 3898 + victor@linkstarlogistics.com

We have agencies and partners in global core ports. In East, North and South China, Linkstar has its own warehousing and distributing service locations and in Shanghai, Linkstar has its own bonded and non-bonded warehouses.

Janny Lv 吕蔚雯 Marketing Manager ) +86 (21) 5046 1855 7 +86 (21) 5046 3898 + janny_lv@linkstarlogistics.com

成立于2001年的精裕捷星物流有限公司是一家从事第三方物流服务的专业公司。业务覆盖 了包括国际贸易代理、国际货运、仓储、配送等供应链的各个环节,通过为客户提供整体物 流解决方案,服务于中外制造企业和贸易商。 精裕捷星在全球核心港口拥有物流网点,在华北、华东和华南拥有自己的仓储和配送设施。 在上海,精裕捷星在外高桥、高桥、松江等工业园区拥有设施先进的保税和非保税仓库。


Services and Solutions 荣誉与客户评价

Shanghai famous brand enterprise (Shanghai Famous Brand Recommendation Committee) 上海名牌企业(上海市名牌推荐委员会 ) High Service Performance Vendor (GE) AAA Class Logistics Enterprise (CFLP) AAA级物流企业 (中国物流与采购联合会) National Famous Brand (CLA) 中国著名品牌(中国物流行业协会)

 Industries supported/targeted in China: Chemical, Engineering Machinery, Industrial equipment/machinery, Automotive, Healthcare/Pharmaceutical/ biotech, Cold chain goods, High-tech, Electrical/electronics, Semiconductor, Telecoms, Retail, Wood/paper, Clothing/ textiles/apparel/fashion, FMCG.

 Warehouse locations: Shanghai (Waigaoqiao, Gaoqiao, Songjiang, Yangshan), Tianjin, Nantong, Ningbo


Air Freight  Sea Freight  Inventory Management

International sourcing 国际采购  Trade agency service 进出口贸易代理  Consolidation 集货  Permits and certificates application 许可证办理 Freight forwarding 货运代理  Air freight/Ocean freight 空运/海运 Customs brokerage services 清关服务 Warehousing and distribution 仓储配送  Cargo distribution 货物分拨  Bonded distribution center 保税分拨中心  Inventory management 库存管理  Purchase order, management 订单管理  Claims management 索赔管理  Management of returned goods 退货管理 Value-added warehousing services 仓库增值服务  Comprehensive support to purchasing and sale 采购与产品销售的全方位支持  Bulk Declaration and Batch delivering 分批出货,集中报关  Devanning, picking, packing 装卸、分拣、包装  Labeling and barcode scanning 贴标签和条形码扫描  Reverse logistics 维修品逆向物流  Individual operation procedure 个性化的业务操作流程 Transportation services 运输服务 Information system services 信息系统服务  Periodical stocking report forming 定期库存报告  On-line stock checking 在线库存查询



 Honors of Shanghai Linkstar



上海衣尚仓储有限公司  Corporate HQ 公司总部 Spain 西班牙  Established in China 在中国成立于 2007 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 1101, Transportation Tower 218 Hengfeng Road, Shanghai 上海现代交通大厦恒丰路218号1101室 ) +86 (21) 5180 1025  +86 (21) 5180 1027 8 www.logisfashion.com

Key Contacts Alvaro Los Arcos General Manager )+86 18616614949 +Alosarcos.cn@logisfashion.com

With 16 years experience in the fashion logistics sector, today we work from fully equipped warehouses for textile handling and distribution in: Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hongkong (China), Barcelona, Guadalajara (Spain), Santiago de Chile (Chile), Mexico DF (Mexico).

Juan Manzanedo CEO ) +34 670085165 + manzanedo@logisfashion.com

These logistics centers have more than 100,000m 2 of space and a storage capacity for over 3,000,000 hanging garments. 19 96 年成 立于西 班 牙,16 年来始 终 给 全 球 服 装 行业 提 供 整 体专业 和 特 色 的 供 应 链 物 流 服务。我们在 提 供基本服 装 物 流的服务之外,更在 质量检验,包 装,整 合标 签,库存 控制,配 送,进出口运输贸易等服 装 物 流方面有自己独树一帜的高水准。

Highlights  Outsourcing, specialization and

flexibility: our major ADVANTAGES

Services and Solutions

 Turn fixed cost into variable cost  Tailor made customer services to help them improve their efficiency in their core business operations

In this area, we cover the beginning of the supply chain together with the QC, aspects of increasing importance helping the relocation of the production.

 Customer Efficiency (ECR)  Specialization in garment processing, picking and transportation

 Flexibility to fulfill the growth plans of our customers

 IT market leadership that allow our

customers to have "on-line" information and customized reports wherever they are




The most common operations are:  Different suppliers´ consolidation of one country or more countries  Preparation of first orders  Direct distribution to different markets, such as the Chinese or American  Trading operations  Establishment of local distribution center  Transportation We also offer in our subsidiaries the following services:

 Reduce logistic costs derived from the seasonality of the textile sector

Fashion Logistics  Domestic Distribution  Freight Consolidation  Direct-to-Store

 Goods reception  Unbox and hang  Tunnel finishing  Dollie pressing  Hand ironing  Bagging  Picking via radiofrequency

linkedin.com/ company/609426

 Storing  Hanging garments distribution  On line connection to the IT system  Quality control  Tagging  Trading services  Warehousing consulting  Logistics consultancy

Logwin Air + Ocean China 普及国际货运代理(中国)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Aschaffenburg, Germany 德国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1972 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 25th Floor, Ocean Towers 550 East Yan'an Road Shanghai 200001 上海市延安东路550号海洋大厦25楼, 邮编200001 ) +86 (21) 2326 2000 7 +86 (21) 6360 4476 8 www.logwin-logistics.com + airocean.cn@logwin-logistics.com

Key Contacts Henk Westerhoek 韦汉克 Managing Director, China ) +86 (21) 2326 2068 +86 13901744775 7 +86 (21) 6360 4476 + henk.westerhoek@logwin-logistics.com Hull Pang 庞浩 Sales & Marketing Manager, China ) +86 (21) 2326 2070 +86 13601615586 7 +86 (21) 6360 4476 + hull.pang@logwin-logistics.com


As an external partner, Logwin AG, Grevenmacher (Luxembourg), develops a comprehensive range of logistics and service solutions for trade and industry. In 2010, the group generated sales of 1.4 billion euros and currently employs approximately 5,900 staff. Logwin operates in all main markets worldwide and has over 250 locations across all continents. With its two business segments, Solutions (customer- focused contract logistics solutions) and Air + Ocean (global air and sea freight activities), Logwin AG is one of the market leaders. Logwin AG is listed on the Prime Standard of Deutsche Boerse. The majority shareholder is DELTON AG, Bad Homburg. 总部位于德国的普及国际货运作为一个外部的合作伙伴为贸易企业和工业厂商提供全方位 综合的物流服务和解决方案。2010年公司的营业额达到14亿欧元。近年来公司规模逐步扩 大,服务网络已延伸至全球各大洲250多个地区,拥有员工近5900名。 公司主要有二大业务板块:产业解决方案(以客户为导向的合同式物流解决方案)和航空海 洋运输(全球性的航空海洋运输服务)。凭借这两大业务,普及已跻身于市场引领者的行列。 普及国际货运以德国证券交易所的上市公司巴德洪堡的DELTON AG为其主要持股人。

 在全球200个地区拥有2000多名员工  在中国40年中建立了20家分公司  中国货运一级代理及无船承运人资质  全球陆运,海洋航空运输独立或综合服务  保税及非保税仓储物流服务  挂衣操作  清关  售后服务市场物流

Services and Solutions Fashion Logistics  Customs Management  Reverse & Aftermarket  Air Freight  Sea Freight The business segment Air + Ocean is represented at over 200 locations, of which 115 are wholly-owned, on all five continents. Around 2,000 employees provide air and sea transportation as well as specially tailored and complex logistics solutions. The focus of our international engagement is in Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and Africa. The company is active in the following market segments: high-tech, electrical/electronics, telecoms, semiconductor, energy, chemical, automotive, engineering, healthcare/pharmaceutical, industrial equipment/machinery, consumer goods, plastics/rubber, wood/paper, building materials, metal products, textiles/apparel/fashion, retail. 普及开展的航空海洋运输业务遍布全球五大洲200个地区,其中包括115个分公司,2000名 员工,为客户定制全方位的综合物流服务。公司放眼国际市场,聚焦欧洲、亚洲、澳洲、南美 及非洲。 普及国际货运代理的细分市场:高科技产品,电子电气,电信,半导体,能源,化学制品,汽 车,工程,医疗及医药,工业机器设备,消费品,塑料橡胶,木制品纸业,建材,金属制品,纺 织品及服装,零售产品。


linkedin.com/ company/221715




 200 locations worldwide, 2000 employees  20 branches in China (for 40 years)  “Class A” Freight Forwarding Agent and NVOCC licenses in China  Road, sea and air consolidated/direct services worldwide  Bonded and non-bonded warehouses  Hanging garment processing  Customs clearance  Aftermarket logistics


Menlo Worldwide Logistics 万络国际物流有限公司

 Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海  Established in China 在中国成立于 1962 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 13/F Tower A, Golden Eagle Mansion, 1518, Minsheng Road Shanghai 200135 上海浦东新区民生路1518号 金鹰大厦A座13楼,邮编200135 ) +86 (21) 6160 1198 7 +86 (21) 6160 1190 8 www.menlochina.com

Key Contacts Leong Choong Cheng Deputy Managing Director North Asia ) +86 (21) 6160 1198  +86 (21) 6160 1190 8 enquiry.cn@menloworldwide.com

Highlights  Creative solutions for every logistics challenge, from the simplest to the most complex supply chain needs.

 A network of offices, warehouses and logistics centers in 110 cities in China.

 Menlo China benefits from the deep

experience of its US parent company for 12 consecutive years a top-ten 3PL provider in the United States, according to Inbound Logistics magazine.

 Particular strength in High-tech, FMCG,

Automotive and Chemical and Energy industries.

 Menlo China handled over one million tons of cargo in 2011.

 提供创新物流解决方案,满足从最简单到最 复杂的供应链运作需求

 办事处、仓储及物流中心网络遍及中国110个 城市。

 万络中国得益于美国集团总部在物流业的深


厚经验—12年连续雄踞美国第三方物流公司 十佳(由权威杂志《Inbound Logistics》评 选)。

 行业优势突出:高科技、快速消费品、汽 车、化工及能源行业。

 2011年万络在中国的总货运量超过了1百万吨。



Menlo Worldwide Logistics provides total logistics solutions through a network of offices, warehouses and logistics centers in 110 cities in China. Our processoriented approach is driven by logistics professionals with in-depth experience and market knowledge and is supported by state-of-the-art systems. We enable our customers to reduce cost, improve service – and get ahead of the competition. Through operational excellence, continuous improvement discipline and engineering expertise, we eliminate waste from the supply chain. Menlo China is a subsidiary of Con-way, the $5.3 billion New York Stock Ex- change-listed freight transportation and logistics services company head- quartered in San Mateo, California. 万络国际物流是提供全方位供应链解决方案的领先物流公司,其办事处、仓储及物流中 心网络遍及中国110个城市。其深悉市场的专业团队通过高精尖系统,使用行之有效的流 程驱动方法,帮助客户有效降低成本、提升服务,从而在竞争中超凡出众。通过周密的操 作,不断改进纪律和工程科技,万络国际物流承诺杜绝供应链中的浪费现象。万络中国 是Con-way物流运输的子公司,其母公司是纽约证交所上市公司,营业收入53亿美元, 总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的圣马特奥。

Services and Solutions Road Transportation  Domestic Distribution  4PL Services  Value-Added Services Menlo China offers customized and program managed solutions to execute all phases of the supply chain, including design, engineering, implementation, management and fulfillment. Our greater China services include:  Multi-modal domestic transportation network management  Dedicated and scalable multi-client warehousing  Global supply chain solutions  Line-side delivery and parts sequencing  Nationwide network of product pickup and drop-off points  Value added services (e.g. kitting, labeling, configuration)  Logistics engineering, optimization modeling, and value stream mapping  4PL, LLP, using LEAN methodologies 万络国际物流(中国)为客户量身打造的物流解决方案,涵盖从设计、实施、管理到运作 的供应链项目所有阶段。 大中华区主要服务领域:  多方式国内运输管理服务  专属或多客户仓储服务  全球供应链解决方案  直接送货至生产线并按顺序排列部件  产品提货点及卸货点遍布全国  增值物流服务(如配套拣货、贴标签、简单装配)  物流工程设计、模型优化、价值流程图分析  第四方物流、领先物流提供商(LLP)、精益物流

linkedin.com/ company/4871



麦迪实计算机软件(深圳)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Waltham, MA USA 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1997年 深圳 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China Office: 中国办公室 Building 7, No. 789 Pu Xing Road Cao He Jing Export Processing Zone Shanghai, P.R. China 201114 上海市浦星公路789号7号楼,邮编201114 ) +86 (21) 5431 5055 7 +86 (21) 5431 5058 8 www.moduslink.com

Key Contacts Jack Chan 陈列强 Director of sales ) +86 (21) 5431 5055 x 278 +86 13916016587 + Jack_Chan@moduslink.com

ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc. designs and executes value chain strategies to solve cost, time-to-market, customer satisfaction and revenue objectives. Our supply chain, aftermarket, e-Business and entitlement management solutions support the end-to-end product lifecycles of the world's leading technology and consumer goods companies. ModusLink has decades of experience executing complex supply chain processes such as sourcing, configuration and fulfillment. We can integrate these critical functions seamlessly with global e-Business initiatives and multichannel aftermarket programs. Backed by a footprint of more than 25 solution centers in 14 countries, clients can react quickly to shifting market dynamics impacting value chain performance and revenues.

Highlights  Our global footprint of more than 25 solutions centers in 14 countries is unmatched in the industry.

 End-to-end global supply chain solution

delivering, Industry-leading expertise, targeted execution, Technology integration and System visibility.

 Integrated aftermarket solution, delivering

returns management, Repair and remanufacturing, Multichannel recovery and Maximum value from at-risk inventory.

 E-Business solution for a multichannel world,

delivering e-Commerce, Integrated financial management and global payment systems, Fulfillment/returns and Total customer satisfaction.

 我们的足迹遍及全球,在全球 14 个国家或地区 有超过 25 个解决方案中心。

 我们的全球端到端供应链解决方案为您提供, 行 业领先的专业知识, 针对性的任务执行,整合的 技术和系统可见性。

 我们的整合零部件市场解决方案为您提供退货管 理,维修和改制,多渠道回收和为有风险的库存 保留最大的价值。

 我们的电子商务解决方案为您提供电子商务,综 合财务管理和全球付款系统,配货和退货和提高 总体客户满意度。


麦迪实是一家为客户设计与实行价值链战略的管理公司。我司利用不同的方案来帮助我司 的客户达到成本,到达市场时间,客户满意度和收入的目标。我司的供应链,零配件,电子 商务和数字版权管理方案能为国际知名的高科技和消费类产品公司管理和支持产品的生 命周期。麦迪实对执行复杂的供应链流程如采购,配置和订单履行有数十年的丰富经验。 我司能天衣无缝地把这些重要的环节整合到我司提供的全球电子商务和零部件方案上, 提高贵司在市场上的竞争力。我司在全球14个国家,拥有25个方案中心,让我司的客户能 迅速地应对不断改变的市场动态。

Services and Solutions Reverse & Aftermarket  eCommerce Logistics  Value-Added Services ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc. is a leader in executing value chain strategies for the world's largest technology and consumer goods companies. We design and execute critical processes across the end-to-end product lifecycle, from sourcing, configuration and fulfillment, to revenue-generating e-commerce, customer service and brand loyalty solutions, to aftermarket returns, repair and recovery. ModusLink's profit optimized, sustainably designed value chains can maximize clients' cost, time-to-market, customer satisfaction and revenue objectives. ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc. 是为全球最大的科技和消费品公司执行价值链战 略 的 首 选 品 牌 。我 们 设 计 并 执 行整 个端到 端产品生 命周期 的 关 键 流 程 ,从 采 购 、配 置 和 执 行 至 创 收 的 电子商务、客户服务和品牌 忠 诚 度 解 决 方 案 ,直 至 零 部 件 市 场 退 货、维 修 和 回 收。ModusLink 以利润优化 和可持续前提而设计的价值 链可以最大限度地降低客户 成本、缩短上市时间,并提 高客户满意度和营收目标。

linkedin.com/ company/5212



Frankie Y H Tan VP Sales Asia Pacific ) +65 68839240 +65 96381969 + frankie_tan@moduslink.com


Panalpina World Transport

泛亚班拿国际运输代理(中国)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Switzerland 瑞士 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1976 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 6/F AZIA Center 1233 Lujiazui Ring Road Pudong New Area Shanghai PRC 200120 中国上海市浦东新区陆家嘴环路1233 号 汇亚大厦6 楼 邮编 200120 ) +86 (21) 6105 1500 7 +86 (21) 6888 6727 8 www.panalpina.com

Key Contacts Anders Jonsson Area Head of Supply Chain Solutions Greater China Vice President ) +86 (21) 6105 1590 7 +86 (21) 6888 6727 + anders.jonsson@panalpina.com Brenda Ng Area Sales Responsible Greater China ) +852 2760 2720 7 +852 2195 4818 + brenda.ng@panalpina.com

泛亚班拿大中华区总部设于上海,其业务范围主要分为三个区域:扬子江区、渤海湾区、珠 江三角洲区和台湾业务单位,现有22 间分公司,1,600 多名员工。

 Domestic trucking services in China and cross border trucking service in Intra Asia  Newly expanded logistics centers in Shanghai Yangshan port, Tianjin and Hong Kong with total area of 62,000 square meters  Multi-modal transportation solutions: Innovative Rail-Air service from China to Europe, Full Rail service China-European and CIS countries  Own-controlled air network: China-Europe, -North and South America; Own-controlled ocean LCL services: Intra Asia, China-Europe, -North and South America  中国国内陆路运输服务和亚洲区内跨国陆路运输 服务


 最新扩建的上海洋山港、天津和香港物流中心, 总面积达62,000平方米  多联式运输解决方案:中国至欧洲的创新铁空联 运服务,连接中国至欧洲和独联体国家的全铁运 输服务  自行经营的空运网络: 中国至欧洲、北美洲和南美洲 的空运服务; 自行经营的海运散货集拼服务:亚洲区 域内和中国至欧洲、 北美洲和南美洲的海运服务


Panalpina Greater China is headquartered in Shanghai, has a workforce of more than 1,600 employees located at 22 branch offices. Panalpina Greater China covers three major districts: Yangtze River, Bohai Bay and Pearl River Delta, and the Taiwan Business Unit. 泛亚班拿是全球首屈一指的供应链解决方案供应商,其业务专注于将国际海空运输服务、 综合的物流增值服务和供应链服务融合。凭借着丰富的经验和先进的网络系统,泛亚班拿 根据客户需求来提供全球综合到户运输服务。泛亚班拿在全球80 多个国家拥有500 多间 分公司及约15,500 名员工,营运着以泛亚班拿为核心的全球物流网络。



Panalpina is one of the world's leading providers of Supply Chain Solutions, combining intercontinental Air and Ocean Freight with comprehensive ValueAdded Logistics Services and Supply Chain Services. Thanks to in-depth industry know-how and customized IT systems, we provide globally integrated endto-end solutions tailored to customers' supply chain needs. Panalpina operates a global network with some 500 branches in more than 80 countries and employs approximately 15,500 people worldwide.

Services and Solutions Air Freight  Sea Freight  Value-Added Services  Inventory Management Panalpina specializes in nine core industry verticals: Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer and Retail, Fashion, Healthcare, Hi-tech, Manufacturing, Telecom, Oil and Gas, to provide industry expertise, and a range of standard-, tailormade- and value added solutions. In Greater China, Panalpina combines the appropriate products and services from our portfolio of Air Freight, Ocean Freight, comprehensive suite of non-bonded and bonded warehouse Logistics Services or Supply Chain Service offerings to create solutions that match particular demands. These can range from the excellence of Panalpina's freight forwarding products right the way through to designing and implementing an end to end, integrated supply chain solution. 泛 亚班拿专业 从事九个重点行业:汽 车、化 工、消费及零售、时装、医疗保 健、高科技、制造、电讯、石油及天然气 行业,提供丰富的产业知识及一系列标 准化、量身制订、增值的解决方案。在 大中华区,泛亚班拿提供空运、海运, 以及完整的非保税及保税仓库物流或 供应链服务。泛 亚班拿的服务范围广 泛,从卓越的运输服务到设计和实施端 对端一体化解决方案都有所涉及。


Penske (China) Logistics 潘世奇物流

 Corporate HQ 公司总部 Reading, Pennsylvania, USA  Established in China 在中国成立于 2003 年 Shanghai 上海  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 1801, Honi International Building 233 Weihai Road, Shanghai 200030 上海威海路233号恒利国际大厦1801室 邮编 200030 ) +86 (21) 6327 8566  +86 (21) 6327 2881 8 www.penskelogistics.com www.penskelogistics.com/asia/zh

Key Contacts Since our introduction into the Chinese market, Penske Logistics has grown significantly each year. Our focus is to provide world-class, global logistics solutions to our existing customers and gain new customers by offering the same service. Our focus on Enterprise Account Management (accounts that are serviced in multiple regions and/or continents) has allowed us to become a preferred global partner for customers crossing multiple industries. These industries include, but are not limited to; healthcare, automotive, industrial and diversified manufacturing, hi-tech, consumer products, and food and beverage.

Stan Lin Senior BD Manager ) +86 13816505031 + Stan.Lin@Penske.com Victor Wang Engineering & Solution Manager ) +86 13901974568 + Victor.Wang@Penske.com

Highlights Recognized leaders for innovative solutions in manufacturing, high end consumer products and health care logistics including:

 Inbound material transportation  Inventory management

Penske Logistics' more than 400 locations, 10,000 associates, 4,000 vehicle fleet, and 1.5 million square meters of warehousing and cross-docking space serve customers throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. We are a global provider of logistics, transportation, and distribution services. Companies such as Ford, General Motors, Pepsi, Merck, Sony, Whirlpool, and others have teamed with us to reduce supply chain costs, increase market share, and improve profitability. We have established ourselves globally to better meet the logistics needs of customers with dynamic global supply chains.

Services and Solutions

 Aftermarket service parts logistics

Road Transportation  Inventory Management  Reverse & Aftermarket  Warehouse & DC Design

潘世奇物流是公认的在制造业,高端消费品 和 医疗保健领域中具有创新方案的物流服 务领导 者,主要包含如下服务内容:

Our collaborative, "best teams" approach enables us to be more than a logistics service provider. We are your business partner.

 材料的入厂运输

 Inbound/outbound Logistics  Bonded & non-bonded DC management  FTL, LTL Transportation  Supply chain management  International transportation management  Optimized solutions - Transportation routing - Network location analysis - Warehouse design

 库存管理  成品配送  售后服务零部件的物流

We offer a full spectrum of services in China:

通过“最佳的团队”的合作方式使我们不仅仅是你的物流服务 商,我们又是你的业务合作伙伴。 在中国我们提供全面的物流服务,包括:  进厂/出厂物流  保税和非保税仓库管理  整车,零担运输  供应链管理



 国际货运  物流优化方案 - 运输路经优化 - 网络选址分析 - 仓库规划设计 PenskeNews



 Finished goods distribution


Ryder Logistics

锐得物流(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Miami, Florida, USA n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 #1801-1802, International Capital Plaza 1318 North Sichuan Road Shanghai 200080 上海市虹口区四川北路1318号盛邦国际大厦 1801-1802室,邮编200080 ) +86 (21) 3653 7799 7 +86 (21) 3653 7766 8 www.ryder.com

Key Contacts

Ryder System, Inc., founded in 1933, is a FORTUNE 500® provider of integrated logistics, supply chain management and transportation solutions. Ryder has grown into a multi-billion dollar business, with 25,900 employees and 15,000 customers worldwide.

Gill Wu Director Logistics Greater China ) +86 (21) 3653 7818 7 +86 (21) 3653 7766 + Gill_wu@ryder.com

Ryder Asia offers a portfolio of solutions designed to serve customers from an array of industries, including the retail, hi-tech and FMCG industries. Our operation spans across 31 cities in China and 16 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. With more than 3,600 employees and agents, we run 108 offices and DCs, with a total of 6 million sq. ft. of DC space managed.

Helen Xing BD Manager ) +86 (21) 3653 7828 7 +86 (21) 3653 7766 + Helen_xing@ryder.com

Ryder公司成立于1933年,是美国最大的供应链物流公司之一。目前,锐得物流在美 国,加拿大,墨西哥,英国,新加坡和中国都设有自己的分公司,全球员工总数达到 了25,900 人。 2006年8月,锐得物流在上海成立。随着业务发展的需要,锐得物流成功的将自己的 服务网络拓展到了中国所有的沿海港口城市以及内陆城市如重庆,西安,杭州,北京 等。在全亚洲,锐得在16个国家31个城市都有了自己的服务网点。

Highlights  Expertise and Proven Track record in Offering Total Supply Chain Solution.  Strong Solutions Orientation as Opposed to a Transactional Forwarder.  Extensive Geographic Network in Asia.  Expertise in Retail "Out of Carton" Operations.

 我们有丰富的专业知识以及很多成功的案例来为 客户提整套供应链解决方案。  比传统意义上的物流公司拥有更强的方案解决 能力。  在全亚洲覆盖有广泛的服务网点。


 针对零售业企业,不仅提供整箱货物的物流运输 服务,而且对其相关服务细化到包装内每件产品。


Services and Solutions Freight Consolidation  Inventory Management  Direct-to-Store  Value-Added Services Our origin/destination solutions provide a seamless flow of products throughout the Far East and Transpacific regions. Services include Purchase Order Management, Vendor Management, International Consolidation and Deconsolidation services, DC Bypass for Direct-to-Store delivery and Value-added services, such as price tagging, kitting, packaging, ticketing, labeling and GOH. Ryder offers other services in Asia as well: Supply Chain Solutions, Distribution Management, Transportation Solutions, Technology 锐得物流致力于为客 人提供全程跨太平洋 的优质物流服务,其 中包括:采购订单管 理,供应商管理,收 货人集货拼箱服务以 及各种物流增值服 务。 除此之外,锐得物流 还提供包括供应链解 决方案,分拨管理, 运输解决方案等其他 服务



Schneider Logistics

世能达物流(天津)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 U.S.A. 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 1001-1004, 10th Floor MAIGO International Building 11 Nan Ma Road Heping District, Tianjin 天津市和平区南马路11号麦购国际大厦10层 1001-1004,邮编:300022 ) +86 (22) 2622 8888 7 +86 (22) 2622 2222 8 www.schneider.com

Key Contacts

Schneider National is an international premier provider of transportation, logistics and related services with more than 77 years of experience. Schneider Logistics helps customers capture strategic business value from their supply chains in lowered distribution costs, reduced inventory, improved customer service and increased availability to working capital. The company delivers efficient solutions to its world-class customer base which includes more than two-thirds of "Fortune 500" companies.

Su Jin 苏进 Deputy GM, Greater China, BD, IT and Engineering ) +86 (10) 6568 6968 x 108 7 +86 (10) 6568 6711 + suj@schneider.com

Schneider Logistics (Tianjin) Co., Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Schneider National.

Amy Li 李昂 BD Manager ) +86 (21) 5058 7970 x 125 7 +86 (21) 5058 7909

Schneider can leverage a winning 16-year track record in providing comprehensive transportation and logistics services in China market. With a combination of global expertise and local cost competitiveness, Schneider has always provided highly efficient solutions to our customers worldwide.

 50+ operating sites in China, location: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Baicheng, Shenyang, Dalian, Yantai, Qingdao, Jinan, Bingzhou, Linyi, Mengzhou, Zhengzhou, Xi’an, Chuzhou, Hefei, Nanjin, Wuxi, Suzhou, Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Lanxi, Wuhu, Wuhan, Xiamen, Shenzhen

 在中国有50+个运营点,主要分布于以下城市: 北京,天津,上海,广州,成都,白城,沈 阳,大连,烟台,青岛,济南,滨州,临沂, 孟州,郑州,西安,滁州,合肥,南京,无锡, 苏州,嘉兴,杭州,芜湖,兰溪,武汉,厦门, 深圳

作为一家国际领先的物流服务提供商,世能达公司拥有77余年专业运输和物流解决方案的悠久历 史。在运输、物流及相关服务领域享有盛誉。世能达致力帮助客户降低运输成本,减少库存,改进客 户服务,增加营运资本的顺畅流动,让他们因此从其供应链中获得具有战略意义的业务价值。世能 达公司拥有世界级的客户群,其中包括三分之二以上的“世界500强”企业。 世能达物流(天津)有限公司是世能达股份有限公司在中国的全资子公司。 世能达在中国市场上积累了16年本土运输和物流运作经验。国际化高质量的专业服务结合有竞争力 的本土化价格,为我们的客户提供高效的解决方案。

Services and Solutions Road Transportation  Fleet Management  Network Design  Value-added Services Domestics Logistics 国内物流服务

 Transportation management 运输管理  Warehousing and cross-docking 仓储分拨管理  3PL Management services 第三方物流服务  Multimode solutions 多式联运服务  Fleet Management 车队管理及安全培训 Supply Chain Consulting供应链咨询

 Supply chain engineering 供应链方案设计  Research and development 全球供应链服务  Network optimization 网络优化  China education program 职业培训






SDV Greater China


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Paris, France 法国巴黎 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1994 年 Beijing 北京 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 20/F, East Building, New Hualian Mansion, 755 Middle Huaihai Road Shanghai 200020 上海市淮海中路755号新华联大厦东楼20 楼,邮编200020 ) +86 (21) 3395 0600 8 www.sdv.com

Key Contacts Marc de la Breteque BD Director Greater China ) +86 (21) 3395 0617 +86 13621793979 + m.delabreteque@sdv.com

SDV is a subsidiary of Bolloré, a highly diversified, independent industrial group that ranks among the world’s top 10 in transport and logistics. Historically, SDV's core business has always been intercontinental air and ocean freight. By monitoring and responding to its customers' changing needs, SDV has broadened the scope of its expertise and is now a global leader in supply chain management.

Lily Fei National Compliance Manager ) +86 (21) 3395 0503 +86 13816091887 + l.fei@sdv.com

SDV隶属 Bolloré 集团。Bolloré 是一家高度多元化的独立性工业集团,在交通运输和物 流领域位居全球 10 强。SDV 传统的核心业务是国际空运和海运服务。为满足和响应不断 变化的客户需求,SDV 拓展了服务范围,现已是全球领先的供应链管理提供商。

Services and Solutions

Highlights Our resources in Greater China include 25 offices, 1000 employees, 53,500 sqm warehouse space Head office: Shanghai (East & Central China); Beijing (North China); Hong Kong (South China); Taipei 我们在大中华区的资源包括25个办(公)点, 1000名员工,53500平方米仓库 总部:上海(华东&华中);北京(华北); 香港(华南);台北


List of industry expertise 行业专长  Aerospace 航空器材  Aid & Relief 救援和救助  Automotive & Transport 汽车和运输  Food & Beverages 食品和饮料  Fragrances & Flavors 香精和香料  Garments & Shoes 服装和鞋类


 Healthcare 医疗器械  Hightech 高科技  Industrial projects 工业项目  Oil & Gas 石油和天然气  Perfumes & Cosmetics 香水和化妆品  Power technologies 能源技术  Telecom 电信 cha.in/sdvprc

Air Freight  Project & Overweight  Customs Management  Sea Freight  Reverse & Aftermarket We offer a full range of services and industry expertise:  SDV proposes Multimodal Transport, namely ocean freight, air freight, surface and express.

 SDV proposes Customs & Regulatory Compliance, namely customs

brokerage, consulting & training programs and cargo security & safety.

 SDV proposes Logistics, namely storage & order preparation, reverse

logistics, supply & distribution centers and value added services to the client's products.

 SDV proposes Global Supply Chain, namely solution design & integration, client & supplier relationships management, lead logistics provider and end-to end approach.


 SDV 提供多式联运服

务,即海运、空运、地面 运输和快递服务。  SDV 提供清关和合规服 务,即报关、咨询和培训 项目以及货物保全和安 全服务。  SDV 提供物流服务,即 为客户的产品提供存储 及订单准备、逆向物流、 供应和经销中心以及增 值服务。  SDV 提供全球供应链服 务,即解决方案设计和整合、客户和供应商 关系管理、领先物流提供商服务和端到端服 务方式。


Sunjex Logistics


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国,上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1997 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private Enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 299 Huaxiang Road, Shanghai 上海华翔路299号 ) +86 (21) 6127 2637 7 +86 (21) 6127 2634 8 www.sunjex.com

Key Contacts

Sunjex Logistics is a premium transportation and logistics company in China with the head office based in Shanghai. The company provides one-stop solutions which realize the integration of multimode transportation(road, airfreight and railway)and warehousing capabilities with Information technology and service innovations. With over 3000 professional and skilled employees in China, Sunjex Logistics serves more than 200 MNCs and leading Chinese enterprises, 80% of which are Fortune 500 enterprises.

Ben Liu 刘涛 Senior Manager, Group Marketing and Sales ) +86 (21) 6127 2637 7 +86 (21) 6127 2634 + tao_liush@sunjex.com

新杰物流是国内领先的综合物流和货运服务公司。依托优越的IT能力和业务创新精神, 新杰物流积极有效地整合多种运输能力(公路运输、航空运输、铁路行包运输)和仓储服 务能力,为客户提供一站式综合物流服务。通过遍布国内的3000多名专业而富有经验的 员工,新杰物流为200多家跨国公司和中国领军企业在国内提供优质和可靠的服务,其中 80%的客户属于财富500强。

Kannon Qian 钱凯南 Director, Group Marketing and Sales ) +86 (21) 6127 2632 7 +86 (21) 6127 2634 + kainan_qian@sunjex.com

Services and Solutions

Highlights  Operation sites in 90 domestic cities  Door to door service covers more than 1000 domestic destinations

 Warehouse services available in 40 domestic cities with 250,000 sqm land space

 More than 600 trucks under Sunjex's ownership  7 regional cross dock centers in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an, Beijing and Shenyang  Targeting the sectors of Hi-tech, Industrial & Engineering, Clothes & Apparels, Consumer Electronics, E-Commerce, Automotive, Health care & Pharmaceutical, and Consumer Goods

 全国90个城市拥有运营点  门到门运输服务覆盖1000多个国内城市  在国内40个城市可提供仓储服务,拥有仓储面积达 250,000平方米

 拥有600余辆自有车辆  在上海、广州、武汉、成都、西安、北京、沈阳等七个 城市拥有区域性公路转运中心

 专注于高科技,工业工程,电子商务,服装服饰,消费 电子,汽车,医疗医药和个人消费品行业 cha.in/sunjex


Domestic Transportation Management  Door to door LTL and FTL  Door to door airfreight transportation  Railway transportation (parcel service)  Multi-Mode transportations  Hazardous goods transportation

国内运输管理  零担与整车的门到门服务  航空门到门服务  铁路运输(分包服务)  多式联运  危险品运输

Warehousing and Distribution  Dedicated warehouse service  Bonded DC and Non-bonded DC management  Cross docking operations  Value added services (packaging, kitting, labeling, etc...)

仓储与配送  专注于大客户的仓储服务  保税与非保税配送中心管理  越库转运操作  增值服务 (包装、组装、贴标等)

Customer Tailored Solutions  DC management + regional/local delivery solutions  Integrated transportation solution (road, air and railway capability combined)  Project logistics  Business relocation service

客户订制服务  区域分拨中心及区域(本地) 配送整合方案  综合运输方案 (整合公路、空运和公路运能)  项目物流  企业搬场服务


Road Transportation ► Air Freight ► Rail Freight ► Domestic Distribution ► Value-Added Services


Toll Global Logistics


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Australia 澳大利亚

Local People, Local Knowledge. Working Harder For Our Customers.

n Established in China 在中国成立于 1995 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外资独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 No. 388, Tieli Road, Yanghang Town Baoshan District, Shanghai 201900 中国上海市宝山区杨行镇铁力路388号 邮编 201900 ) +86 (21) 3379 3366 + www.tollgroup.com

Key Contacts Dominic Rego Director, BD ) +65 6462 8988 7 +65 9271 1557 + dominic.rego@tollgroup.com

As an Asia-Pacific based supply chain company with over 120 years of operating experience in the region and a A$8.2 billion annual revenue, Toll's Global Logistics division is uniquely positioned to offer supply chain solutions to our customers' needs and manages a comprehensive network in China (previously known as ST-Anda).

Eddie Boo Koh GM, BD, Greater China ) +86 (21) 3379 4119 +86 13817839584 + eddie.bookoh@tollgroup.com

Toll's capabilities include providing fully integrated end-to-end logistics solutions, incorporating the critical components of operational expertise, scale, diversity of services, asset ownership and technology solutions. 作为一家以亚太地区为基地并拥有超越120年丰富业务经验的物流公司,以及现年度营运收益 已发展至超过82亿澳元,拓领完全可以因应客户需要提供物流解决方案。拓领环球该部门的 中国业务部(拓领集团其中一个部门),前身为新科安达,现时管理在全中国的所有业务网络。

Highlights  Focused in Asia Pacific with a Global Reach. Local people with local knowledge, working harder for our customers.  Awarded Asia's "Best 3PL Supply Chain Provider" in 2010, and Supply Chain Asia Innovation Award in 2011.  Operates in China over 17 years, with >2,100 employees, seven distribution centres, >400,000sqm of logistics facilities, >1,200 trucks, and delivers to 1,685 locations within 48-hour coverage to 70% of the cities in PanChina region.  The Group employs over 40,000 people across 1,200+ sites in over 55 countries, and generates an annual revenue of A$8.2 billion.  拓领环球物流的远景是“ 成为亚太地区最成功的 综合物流供应商,向客户提供通达全球的服务。” 员工本地化,可以更好的服务的当地的客户。


 全球供应链委员会授予拓领环球物流为2010年 亚洲地区最佳第三方物流供应商; 2011年荣获供 应链创新奖。  在中国大陆有超过17年的物流实际操作经验, 2100名有操作经验和理论基础的专业员工, 超 过40万平方米的仓库面积,管理自营车队在内的 1200辆车的运输网络,负责向全国各地1685个城 市送货,可以在48小时内覆盖70%的中国区域。  拓领集团是亚洲地区提供综合物流服务供应商中 处于领先地位的公司,年收益为82亿澳元,并且 在世界各地55多个国家设有超过1200运作点。



拓领的业务包括提供全面综合物流解决方案,并结合主要的业务运作专家、规模化、多元服 务、资产所有权和技术解决方案等。

Services and Solutions Road Transportation  Domestic Distribution  Value-Added Services Toll Global Logistics is in a unique position with the ability to offer Chinese businesses bespoke logistics solutions. We have links and networks across Greater China (including Taiwan) as well as the rest of the world. Through our comprehensive China distribution network, Toll Global Logistics provides a range of transportation and contract logistics services to both China's leading domestic heroes and multinational companies, harnessing our global capabilities across a diverse range of sectors including: 拓领环球物流为中国商界提供的物流方案是独一无二的。我们提供联系大中国地区(包 括台湾),以至全球其它地区的网络运输服务。 透过其位于中国的全面配送网络,拓领环球 物流为本地及跨国企业提供一系列的运输及 合同物流服务,在多个不同领域上发挥其全 球货运能力,这些领域包括:  Retail 零售  Consumer & Healthcare 消费及医疗护理  Industrial & Chemical工业及化工  Hi-Tech 高科技  Automotive 汽车  Government 政府部门  Defence and Humanitarian Logistics 国防及人道救援物资物流


Transluck Logistics

上海茂金物流有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 China 中国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 民营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 1655 Hengcang Rd, Ma Lu Industrial Garden, Jiading District Shanghai 201801 中国上海市嘉定区马陆工业园区横仓 公路1655号,邮编201801 ) +86 (21) 3127 3388 7 +86 (21) 3127 8080 8 www.transluck.com

Yu Cai 蔡昱 General Manager ) +86 (21) 3127 8383 7 +86 (21) 3127 8080 + yu.cai@transluck.com Fancy Zhou 周大龙 Deputy General Manager ) +86 (21) 3119 6008 7 +86 (21) 3127 8080 + fancy.zhou@transluck.com

Highlights  We have approximately 150,000 square

meters of warehouse, and a big variety of delivery vehicles running all over the country.

 Transluck's distribution network covers

as many as 6500 outlets across the country, meeting the growing demands of serving more than 20 Fortune - 500 global giant companies and of the managing of over 130 world-famous brands.

 Transluck has grown into the leading

brand in supply-chain management for general merchandisers and daily consuming goods all around China.

 全国区域物流中心共拥有近15万平米的库房, 及多种配送车辆

 公司配送网络覆盖全国6500个网点,服务于20 多家国际500强客户,管理超过130个品牌

 公司现已成为中国百货零售领域内供应链管理 的第一品牌


Incorporated in 2006, Transluck attracted and aggregated a group of talents holding international outlooks and overseas knowledge as well as local experiences in China. Transluck has been constantly focusing in building up itself to be the most professional players in terms of supply chain management for fashion goods. Transluck sets up its own RDC. Transluck has unrivalled experiences in serving customers from the Fashion retail industry with different specific requirements to provide a tailor-made solution (warehousing, distribution, reverse, valueadded services). 2006年成立后以打造“最专业的百货零售供应链管理公司”为战略核心,以专业程度最 高,网络覆盖最全,信息集成度最紧密的物流公司为企业目标,陆续在上海、北京、广州、 成都、武汉、沈阳等城市设立区域配送中心和运输中转中心。核心业务在于:将仓储、配 送、退货、增值包装等多种服务,不断整合资源,为客户提供一体化解决方案。

Services and Solutions Road Transportation  Domestic Distribution  Value-Added Services In China one of the Company's most important business advantages is that it has unrivalled experiences in serving customers from the retailing industry who have different specific requirements, which makes warehousing, distribution, return, value-added packaging and other services to match the continuous integrating of resources and thus gradually forms an effective network, providing a complete supply chain solution tailored carefully for different clients. We did it! Transluck has unrivalled experiences in serving customers from the Fashion retail industry with different specific requirements to provide a tailor-made solution. 在中国,由于条件限制,多数物流公司只是在传 统的运输业务上进行改进和提高,但我们能够 从传统物流运作理念上突破,以满足客户的需 求出发,为客户提供一体化综合服务。除正常 的仓储、配送外,还提供了拆/分包装、贴签、 门店盘点、门店滞销品逆向回收、门店间调换 货等特殊增值服务,协助客户有效快速应对市 场变化。


Key Contacts


UPS n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Atlanta, USA n Established in China 在中国成立于 1988 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 23F/33F, No. 166 Lujiazui East Road Pudong District, Shanghai 200120 中国上海浦东新区陆家嘴东路166号23/33 楼, 邮编200120 ) +86 (21) 3896 5599 7 +86 (21) 3896 5588 8 www.thenewlogistics.ups.cn

Key Contacts UPS is a global leader in logistics, serving more than 220 countries and territories worldwide with more than a century of experience in transportation and logistics. For China, UPS offers a broad range of solutions including warehousing distribution and service parts logistics, and transportation of packages, international air and ocean freight.

Bernard Jiang Division Manager, UPS China Contract Logistics and Healthcare ) +86 (21) 6105 7846 + bjiang@ups.com

UPS operates the world's largest aftermarket logistics network integrated with a global transportation network with same-day, air, ground and international services for customers throughout the world and in China. UPS also manages warehousing facilities for some of the leading companies in their respective industries. With a broad portfolio of global services, UPS helps China companies seize new opportunities domestically, regionally and worldwide.

Paul Liu Division Manager, Business Development, UPS Asia Pacific Contract Logistics ) +65 6883 9367 + pliu@ups.com

UPS是全球物流行业的领导者,它拥有100多年的物流运输经验,服务遍布全球220多个 国家和地区。在中国,UPS提供包括仓储分拨、备件物流、包裹递送、国际空运、海运等服 务在内的一整套全面完善的解决方案。

Highlights  UPS China Contract Logistics covers a broad spectrum of industries including  High Tech

UPS运作着全球最大的备件物流网络和国际运输网络,为中国和世界各地的客户提供国 内当日、空运、陆运和国际备件物流服务。UPS也为各行各业的领军企业提供仓储设施。 依托全球服务网络,UPS帮助中国企业在国内、亚太区以及国际市场赢得商机。

Services and Solutions Inventory Management  Reverse & Aftermarket  Air Freight  Sea Freight  Value-Added Services

 Healthcare  Industrial

Contract Logistics (Distribution; Post Sales/Service Parts Logistics), Freight Forwarding, Package Delivery, Healthcare Logistics

 Consumer  Fashion / Retail  Aerospace  UPS China has a delivery fleet of 872 package vans, trailers, truck s and tractors

UPS covers key cities across China with more than 100 bonded and nonbonded locations for Post Sales and Distribution. We serve companies in a variety of industries that require same-day and/or next-business-day delivery of critical service parts and distribution activities. Scope includes 合同物流(仓储分拨、售后/备件物流)、国际货运、包裹递送、医疗保健物流

 UPS flight segments in China: 192 weekly flights connecting China to the U.S., Europe


and across Asia  Offers package delivery, international


freight forwarding services and international trade services (customs services, supplier management) as an end-to-end supply chain provider


UPS拥有100多个保税和非保税的备件、分拨库存点,遍布全国主要城市。我们为需要紧 急备件和仓储分拨的各行各业提供当日、次日(工作日)的递送服务。服务范围包括 Distribution  Manufacturing Support  Finished Goods & Wholesale Distribution  Returns Handling  Value-added services such as kitting, labeling, etc  Transportation Management



Post Sales / Service Parts Logistics  Critical Order Fulfillment  Reverse Logistics  Test, Repair and Refurbish  Network and Parts Planning  Next Flight Out



Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics 华轮威尔森物流有限公司

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Oslo, Norway 奥斯陆,挪威 n Established in China 在中国成立于 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Rm. 2701-2703, Shanghai Square 138 Huaihai Zhong Road Shanghai 200021 上海市淮海中路138号上海广场2701-2703室 邮编200021 ) +86 (21) 6385 1609 7 +86 (21) 6385 1610 8 www.2wglobal.com

Key Contacts

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics delivers innovative and sustainable global shipping and logistics solutions for manufacturers of cars, trucks, heavy equipment and specialized cargo. The company also specialises in handling complex project cargoes such as rail cars, power generators, mining equipment and yachts. WWL's sophisticated supply chain management services ensure an efficient integration of ocean transportation, inland distribution, terminal handling and a large comprehensive range of specialised technical services.

Richard Ma 马巡医 Commercial Director ) +86 (21) 6385 1609 +86 15800506070 7 +86 (21) 6385 1610 + Richard.ma@2wglobal.com

华轮威尔森物流是一家具有世界领先地位,为汽车制造业、农业和建筑设备业等行业独 立提供从生产厂家到经销商的全球性运输服务解决方案的供应商。公司也是承接轨道车 辆、发电设备、矿产设备和游艇等复杂工程货物运输的专业企业。华轮威尔森物流以其 成熟配套的供应链管理服务确保了海洋运输、内陆分拨、码头操作以及广泛的专项特殊 技术服务的高效融合。

Nathan Ullrich BD Manager ) +86 (21) 6375 6433 +86 13818583679 7 +86 (21) 6385 1610 + nathan.ullrich@2wglobal.com

Services and Solutions


Sea Freight  Domestic Distribution  Project & Overweight  Value-Added Services

 3000 Employees, 100 offices around the world

 Region Asia HQ located in Japan,

Own offices in China, Singapore, Thailand and Korea

 Established in China in 1994, now with 4 Representations (BJG,TSN, SHA, GZ)

 Service Product: Ro/Ro Ocean Services,

Logistics Management and Inland Services dedicated to the vehicle industry

    

Supply chain management: full visibility, integrated solutions Inland distribution: 2 million vehicles annually Ocean transportation: more than 60 vessels 2.3 million vehicles annually Terminal services: close to market 2.6 million m2 total facility area Technical services: 3 million units processed annually

    

供应链管理:全程透明化管理方式为您提供整体的技术解决方案 内陆运输:每年可运输200万辆车 海洋运输:拥有超过60艘船,每年能运输230万辆车 码头服务:拥有260万平方米的设备场地,完全满足您的需求 技术服务:每年可为300万辆车提供所需的技术服务(保养,机械维修,调试等)

 全球拥有100个办公室,3000名员工。  亚洲总部坐落于日本,并在中国,新加坡,泰国, 韩国都设有分公司。 京,天津,上海,广州)。

 产品服务:滚装海运服务,物流管理以及针对汽 车行业的内陆运输。





 1994年进入中国,并在中国设有四个办公室(北


Yat Fai Logistics

一辉物流(集团)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong 香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1985 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 39 H Fortune Building, 88 Fuhua San Rd Shenzhen, Guangdong 广东省深圳市福田区,福华三路88号 财富大厦39楼H座 )+86 (755) 3336 6898 7+86 (755) 3336 6899 8 www.yatfai.com

Key Contacts Brookie Chau Business Development Director Group )+86 (755) 3336 6898 +852 6323 0810 7+86 (755) 3336 6899 +brookiechau@yatfai.com

As an integrated logistics management company, concentrate with "One-Stop" integrated logistics service. We help our clients who compete across channels, geographies and business units, to integrate the many different components and process of the supply chain, from the time of planning and placing material orders, all the way through to the arrival of the finished products at their final delivery points. Established in 1985, Yat Fai Logistics Group focuses on providing integrated logistics services in the mainland and Hong Kong market. 400,000sqm floor space, 150+ self owned domestics tractor/truck fleet, NVOCC licensed carrier, over 300 agents globally. With professionally trained and dedicated workforces, and branches strategically located in Eastern China, Southern China and Hong Kong.

Sasha Zhang Business Development Manager Eastern China )+86 (510) 8619 8153 +86 15061567817 7+86 (510) 8619 8198 +sashazhang@yatfai.com

作为综合物流管理公司,一辉专注于向客户提供“一站”式综合的物流服务。提升客户多渠 道跨区域的商业竞争力,整合供应链管理资源和流程,从原材料采购订单下达和时间的控 制,到成品安全准时的运送到指定目的地,全程提供全方位专业物流方案和操作指导。

Highlights Our visions 公司远景 To be the leading integrated logistics service provider in Hong Kong and Mainland China




Current customers  DSM  Amcor Flexible  Foxconn  Bekaert  TCL  Cheers  CNPC  Stella Luna  OOCL  Fountain Set  BBK  Taisheng  Johnson Electrics  Sateri  ShangShang Cable


客户包括:  帝斯曼  安姆科  富士康  贝卡尔特  TCL  敏华  中石油  Stella Luna  东方海外  福田集团

成立於1985年,一辉物流集团关注香港和大陆地区的客户并为其提供综合的物流服务。一 辉拥有超过40,000平方米的现代化仓储设施,150多台码头柜拖车,NVOCC承运人资质, 全球超过300个代理为客户提供便捷的货代服务。专业的操作团队,位于华东,华南和香港 的分支机构为客户提供充足的服务保障。

Services and Solutions Road Transportation  Freight Consolidation  Customs Management      

Our Services: Warehousing & Distribution International Freight Forwarding Cross-Border Transportation Haulage & Transportation CHN-HK Cross-Border Express Import/Export Trade Agency

 步步高  台升  德昌电机等  赛得利  上上电缆


     

服务: 仓储及配送 国际货代 中 港 直达 运 输 拖车及国内公路运输 中港快递服务 进出口贸易代理

Other Logistics Services

n Agility

2010 Shanghai Mart, 2299 Yan An Xi Road, Chang Ning District Shanghai 上海长宁区延安西路2299号上海 世贸商城2010室 +82 (21) 6236 0666 www.agilitylogistics.com

n Ahlers China

12th floor ACE Building 307, Hai Ning Road, Shanghai 200080 上海海宁路307号爱思大厦12楼 +86 (21) 6330 6600 www.ahlers.com

n Allwings Logistics Room 118, No.668 Chang Jiang South Road, Baoshan District Shanghai 上海宝山区长江南路668号-118 +86 (21) 6393 4505 www.alls-sh.com n BALtrans Logistics 1/F, Wangjiao Plaza, 175 East Yan An Road, Shanghai 200002 上海延安东路175号旺角广场1楼 +86 (21) 5169 5775 www.bim.com.hk n Bansard

Room 901, Central Plaza, 227 North Huangpi Road, Shanghai 200003 上海黄陂南路227号中环广场901 室,邮编200003 +86 (21) 6465 9668 www.bansard.com

n Best Logistics Technology No.6588 Yin Gang Road (E), Zhao Gang Town, Qing Pu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区赵巷镇盈港东路 6588号 +86 (21) 5986 8708 www.800best.com n China Railway Express China Railway Business Building, No.24 Yaziqiao Road, Beijing 北京市宣武区鸭子桥路24号中铁 商务大厦 +86 (10) 5184 5225 www.cre.cn

n Chindex Fosun International Center, Floor 28, No. 237 Chaoyang North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 北京市朝阳区朝阳南路237号复 星国际大厦28楼,邮编100020 +86 (10) 6552 8822 www.chindex.com n CMA CGM 39/F & 3506 Bund Centre, 222 East Yan'an Road, Shanghai 200002 上海市延安东路222号外滩中心 39楼 +86 (21) 2306 9696 www.cma-cgm.com n Clasquin 17B Philharmonic Building, 631 Linlin Road, Shanghai 上海市徐汇区零陵路631号爱乐 大厦17B +86 (21) 6445 1452 www.clasquin.com

n DTW logistics Group No.1800 Zhen Nan Road, Shanghai 上海市真南路1800号 +86 (21) 5408 4118 www.dtw.com.cn n East Top Logistics Room 1108 China Insurance Building, 166 East Lujiazui Road, Shanghai 200120 上海市浦东新区陆家嘴东路166 号中保大厦11层1108室 +86 (21) 6841 9166 www.easttop.com.cn n Ensign 20/F, Xing Teng Mansion, 1 South Henan Road, Shanghai 200002 上海市河南南路1号星腾大厦20 楼,邮编200002 +86 (21) 6373 8393 www.ensignfreight.com

23C Yin Dong Building No.58 New Jin Qiao Road, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区新金桥路58号银 东大厦23楼C座,邮编200001 +86 (21) 3872 6526×813 www.cwtlogistics.com.cn

n Eternal Asia 27/F, International Cultural Building, 3039 Shennan Road Central, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区深南中路3039号国 际文化大厦27楼,邮编518033 +86 (755) 8839 3198 www.eascs.com

n Cosco Logistics 531 Wusong Road, Shanghai 上海市吴淞路531号 +86 (21) 6364 5660 www.cosco-logistics.com.cn

n Expeditors 1, Lane 128, Linhong Road,Shanghai 200335 +86 (21) 5257 4698 www.expeditors.com

n Crown Worldwide 59 Lane 729-75 Sui De Road, Shanghai 200331 上海绥德路729弄75支弄59号 +86 (21) 6250 8820 www.crownworldwide.com

n Fedex 10/F, Ben Ben Mansion, 300 Xi Kang Road, Shanghai 200040 上海西康路本本大厦10楼 +800 988 1888 www.fedex.com

n Dachser 16th Floor V-Capital, 333 Xianxia Road, Shanghai 200336 上海市仙霞路333号东方维京大 厦16楼,邮编200336 +86 (21) 3217 4790 www.dachser.com.cn

n Fiege Room 401 - 404, Cross Tower, 318 Fuzhou Road, Shanghai 200001 上海福州路318号高腾大厦 401-404 +86 (21) 6391 3136 www.fiege.com

n DHL 3398, Xiupu Road, Shanghai 201315 上海市秀浦路3398号 +86 (21) 38256288 www.dhl.com

n H&T 5/F, China Merchandise Building152-155 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong +852 2543 0708 www.hthkg.com.hk

n Dimerco Room1101-1104,1088 South Pudong Road, Shanghai 上海浦东南路1088号, 1101-1104室 +86 (21) 5133 6588 www.dimerco.com

n Hanjin Logistics Room 1506-1510,Tower 1 Kerry Everbright City, 218West Tianmu Road, Shanghai 200070 +86 (21) 6181 5600 www.hanjinlogistics.com

n Connecting World Trade

n Hapag-Lloyd Room 2601, Ocean Towers, 550East Yan'an Road, Shanghai 200001 上海延安东路550号海洋大厦 2601室,邮编200001 +86 (21) 2308 6000 www.hapag-lloyd.com n HMG Suite B-E, 10/F International Shipping & Finance Building, 720 Pudong Avenue, Shanghai 中国上海浦东大道720号国际航 运金融大厦10楼B-E座 +86 (21) 5036 8000 www.hmglog.com n Hurry Top 1189 Xin Xie Road, Shanghai, 201100 +86 (21) 6082 9167 上海新河路1189号 www.hurrytop.com n Kuehne Nagel Block 1, 10-16/F, 1868 Gonghexin Road, Shanghai, 200072 共和新路1868号大宁国际商业广 场第一幢10-16楼 +86 (21) 2602 8000 www.kuehne-nagel.com n M&M G Site 18th Floor, Shuangge Mansion 438 Pudian Road, Shanghai 上海浦电路438号双鸽大厦18 楼G座 +86 (21) 6105 0722 www.mumnet.com n Martin Bencher Hitime Building, Room 925, 289 Wujin Road, Shanghai, 200085 +86 (21) 5882 4642 www.martin-bencher.com n Nowaday Rational Logistics 685 Huadan Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区华丹路685号,邮 编201708 +86 (21) 5155 6226 www.heli56.com n OOCL 21/F, OOCL Plaza, No.841 Middle Yan'an Road, Shanghai 200040 中国上海延安中路841号东方海 外大厦21楼,邮编200040 +86 (21) 2301 8888 www.oocl.com


n 4SCM A10, 5/F, 61 Old Warehouse Building, 61 Yangshupu Road, Shanghai 200082 上海市杨树浦路61号老栈商务楼 5楼A10室 +86 (21) 6448 9800 www.4scm.com.cn


Other Logistics Services n P.G. Logistics Group 4/F, Baogong Building, 361 East Longkou Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市 天河区龙口东路361号宝供大厦 四楼 +86 (20) 3848 2090 www.pgl-world.com n PIL Logistics

5/F Shanghai Bund International Tower, 99 Huangpu Road, Shanghai 200080 上海市黄浦路99号上海滩国际大 厦505室,邮编200080 +86 (21) 6393 0663 www.pillogistics.com

n Runbow Logistics 3F, Building 19, 1500 South Lianhua Road, Shanghai, 201108 上海莲花南路1500号19幢3楼, 邮编201108 +86 (21) 5443 1003 www.runbow.com.cn


n S&W Room 2701, Fuhai Commercial Center 1318, North Sichuan Road, Shanghai 200080 上海市四川北路1318号盛邦大 厦2701 +86 (21) 6306 2971 www.swlogisticsinc.com


n Safmarine 4F, Tian An Center, 338 Nanjing Road West 上海南京路338号,天安中心大 厦4层 +86 (21) 2306 2650 www.safmarine.com

n Tie Yang 2401, Tian An Center No.338 Nan Jing West Rd., Shanghai 上海市南京西路338号天安中心 2401室 +86 (21) 6132 2700 www.tieyang.com

n Worldwide Group Room 1103, 269 Haining Road, Shanghai 200080 上海海宁路269号1103室,邮编 200080 +86 (21) 6393 7222 www.worldwide-logistics.cn

n Sinodis 上海市金钟路658号4号楼1,2 层,邮编 200335 +86 (21) 6128 1820 www.sinodis.com.cn

n TNT Hoau 2239 Huaxiang Road, Shanghai 上海市华翔路2239号,邮编 201107 +86 (21) 6091 6666 www.hoau.net

n YCH Logistics 377 Huigang Road, Yang ShanFree Trade Zone Lingang, Shanghai 201308 +86 (21) 6828 7777 www.ych.com

n Sinolog Logistics No.446, Fu Te Dong Yi Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai 200131 上海外高桥保税区富特东一路 446 +86 (21) 5866 6988 www.02156.cn/users/ xingluo789/ n Stolt-Nielsen

No 288 Liang Le Road, Lao Gang Zhen Industry Area, Nanhui, Shanghai 上海南汇老港镇工业园良乐路 288号 +86 (21) 6829 6397 www.stoltchina.com

n Teckwah 925 Ye Cheng Road, Jia Ding, Shanghai 201821 +86 (21) 5916 7580 www.teckwah.com.sg

n UBI Logistics

A302-304 Jin Ying Plaza, 1518 MinSheng Road, Shanghai 200135 +86 (21) 61047111 www.gotoubi.com

n Weiss-Rohlig Unite 1712-1719, 1 Coporate Avenue222 Hu Bin Road, Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 6340 6000 www.weiss-rohlig.com n Werner Global 5/F South Harbour Building1, Fenghe Road, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区丰和路1号港务 大厦南楼5楼 +86 (21) 6330 6600 www.ahlers.com

n YRC Jia-Yu Logistics 8F, Block 2, No.1178 Bei Zhai Road, Shanghai,Shanghai 200335 上海市长宁区北翟1178号2号楼8 层,邮编200335 +86 (21) 5219 8888 www.jia-yu.com n Zephyr Logistics Unit 501, 1010, Zhoujiazui Road Shanghai 200082 上海周家嘴路1010号,501 +86 (21) 5182 1155 www.zephyrlogistics.com n Zuellig Building 39, 275 West Basheng Road Waigaoqiao FTZ, Shanghai 200131 +86 (21) 5048 1998 www.zuellig.com


AsiaInspection.......................76 Bain.......................................77 Baker & Mckenzie..................78 Booz&co................................79 ESP.......................................80 forflow....................................81 Hill & Associates....................82 Kerkhoff ................................83 KPMG....................................84 Logistics Executive................85 Michael Page.........................86 MKT.......................................87 PwC.......................................88 Resources Global Professionals.........................89 Tompkins...............................90

DELTA AIR LINES HANK HALTER (left) SVP – Finance & Controller CHALLENGE: Change management

RESOURCES GLOBAL PROFESSIONALS WANDA MOTON (right) 25-years experience: > Financial Analyst > Business Planner > Corporate Accountant > MBA


NON-STOP. Few businesses have to deal with change the way airlines do: commodity pricing, consolidation, weather, loads, fierce competition, and, for Delta, global expansion. That’s why, for the past eight years, they’ve enlisted the help of Resources Global Professionals. We work inside business to help manage change. Sometimes on the fly. business. from the inside out. Visit www.resourcesglobal.com/register for a free copy of our human capital survey results, Insights on Global Transformation

AsiaInspection n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong 香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 Hong Kong 香港 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 2201-03, Guidu Building 3007 Chun Feng Road Luo Hu District, Shenzhen 深圳市罗湖区春风路3007号 桂都大厦2201-03室 ) +86 (755) 2223 9888 7 +86 (755) 2223 9097 8 www.asiainspection.com

Key Contacts Pierre-Nicolas Disser Sales Director ) +86 (755) 2223 9086 + pierre-nicolas.disser@asiainspection.com Melvin Tang Sales Manager ) +86 (755) 2223 9089 + sales@asiainspection.com

Highlights  AsiaInspection offers the #1 online platform for Quality Control.

 Via AsiaInspection.com, send an

inspector to any factory in Asia within 48 hours from $299 USD.

AsiaInspection is a quality control service provider in Asia, founded in Hong Kong on a unique concept: To provide clients with a cost-effective, rapid-response service, anywhere in Asia, anytime. Over a decade later, satisfied clients from more than 100 countries worldwide continue to drive AsiaInspection's growth as the market leader in quality control, managed online. Our clients could quickly and easily manage scheduling, access reports and engage account managers for inspections, audits and testing, all via the web. Within 48 hours of booking, an inspector is on the factory premises, anywhere in Asia, compiling a detailed report available online, the same day as the inspection. AsiaInspection亚检产品质量检验(深圳)有限公司是亚洲地区的专业质量控制服务机构, 公司的成立基于一个独特的理念--在亚洲境内,无论何时何地,都为客户提供高性价比及 反应迅速的服务。多年来,来自全球100多个国家的客户推动亚检 AsiaInspection 成长为 在线管理质量控制行业的领导者。 这个流程专为全球进口商而设计,无论规模大小,都将适用。预订服务后48小时内,我们 的专业检验员便可抵达亚洲地区的任何工厂,并在检验当天出具可在线获取的详细报告。

Services and Solutions Quality Control

 From over 100 countries, AsiaInspection serves clients from all industries, with specialized teams defining the right testing protocols for your product.

创建您的免费账户并且制定您的检验计划只需 几分钟时间。

我们的验货员能在48小时内抵达位于亚洲的任 何工厂,费用只需$299USD起。




AsiaInspection is "Your Eyes in the Factory"! Performing over 65,000 product inspections, factory audits and laboratory testing each year, AsiaInspection is established as a market leader providing quality control services in Asia. Clients from more than 100 countries book and manage their quality control completely online at www.AsiaInspection.com. 您在工厂的眼睛!TM AsiaInspection在亚洲 地区提 供反 应更加迅 速 的产品检验、工厂审核及 实验室测试服务。 AsiaInspection 亚检产 品质量检验(深圳)有限公 司的350余名拥有大学学 历的合格检验员遍布亚洲 地区的所有工厂,致力于 确保产品质量 及保 护您 的投资。AsiaInspection 是“您在工厂的眼睛”!





Bain & Company 贝恩公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Boston, U.S.A. 美国波士顿 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1991 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 31/F, 2 Plaza 66 1366 West Nanjing Road Shanghai, 200040 China 上海市南京西路1366号恒隆广场办公楼 2座31楼 邮编 200040 ) +86 (21) 2211 5588 7 +86 (21) 2211 5500 8 www.bain.com www.bain.cn

Key Contacts

Bain & Company is the management consulting firm that the world's business leaders come to when they want results. Bain & Company helps companies become supply chain leaders, who outperform their competitors by more than 50 percent on key metrics such as inventory turnover. We offer objective advice, focusing on the biggest levers of value that will deliver the fastest improvements. We conduct a thorough eight- to 10-week analysis, measuring defects, delays and returns; mapping organizational processes; and assessing systems to identify the largest opportunities. In the following six to eight months and beyond, we provide our clients' implementation teams with Bain support for the most critical and difficult initiatives.

Gerry Mattios 马加里 Expert Principal, Head of Supply Chain Practice in Greater China Chairman, Greater China ) +86 (10) 6533 1199 7 +86 (10) 6598 9090 + Gerry.Mattios@Bain.com Pinky He 何萍 Marketing Manager, Greater China ) +86 (21) 2211 5588 7 +86 (21) 2211 5500 + Pinky.He@Bain.com

贝恩公司是世界领先的管理咨询公司,致力于协助全球商业领袖实现真正的成果。在供应 链管理方面,贝恩公司帮助客户取得领先优势,在库存周转率等重要指标上的表现超出竞 争对手至少50%。我们协助企业规划目标,聚焦于最重要的价值杠杆,以实现最快速的提 升。在8到10周的时间内,通过开展详尽的分析,评估不足、延误和回报,帮助客户梳理组 织流程,评测系统,从而找出最佳的改进机会。在之后6到8个月甚至更长的实施阶段,我 们全力支持客户的执行团队完成最关键最困难的工作。


Services and Solutions

 We share our clients' ambitions. We work to understand their reality and deliver true results - focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions  Bain clients have outperformed the stock market 4 to 1  There are 150 consultants in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong offices, covering the Greater China region  贝恩公司帮助客户在供应链管理方面取得领先优 势,在重要指标上的表现超出竞争对手至少50%  贝恩公司与客户的目标一致。我们努力了解客户 的实际状况,协助客户实现真正的成果,即战略 性的决策与切实可行的举措  贝恩公司服务过的客户其业绩超出市场平均 水平四倍之多  贝恩公司在北京、上海和香港三个办事处超过 150名咨询顾问为大中华区的客户提供最佳服务


Supply Chain Strategy  Sourcing & Supplier Selection Bain & Company advises clients on strategy, operations, technology, organization, private equity, supply chain and mergers and acquisition, developing practical insights that clients act on and transferring skills that make change stick. Bain clients have outperformed the stock market 4 to 1. Founded in 1973, Bain has 47 offices in 30 countries, and its deep expertise and client roster cross every industry and economic sector. In China, Bain was the first strategic consulting firm to set up an office in Beijing in 1993. There are 150 consultants in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong offices, with extensive Chinese and global working experiences. 贝恩公司为 客户提 供 战 略、运 营、技术、组织、私募、供应链及 兼并购等方面的咨询,制定可操 作的切实建议。我们还为客户传 授技能,以保持变革成果。成立 于1973年的贝恩公司在30个国 家设有47家办事处,深厚的经验 和多样的客户群遍及每 个行业 和领域。服务过的客户的业绩超 出市场平均水平四倍之多。1993 年,贝恩成 为 在 北京成 立办 事 处的首家全球管理咨询公司。如 今,大中华区拥有超过150名兼 具丰富国际和国内工作经验的优 秀咨询人员。





 We helps companies become supply chain leaders, who outperform their competitors by more than 50 percent on key metrics


Baker & McKenzie

贝克 • 麦坚时国际律师事务所 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1974 年 Hong Kong 香港 1993 年 Beijing 北京 2002 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Foreign Law Firm 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 3401, China World Office 2 China World Trade Center 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Beijing 100004 中国北京市建国门外大街一号中国国际贸易中 心国贸写字楼2座3401室 邮编 100004 ) +86 (10) 6535 3800 7 +86 (10) 6505 2309 8 www.bakermckenzie.com

Key Contacts Jon Eichelberger 艾文 Partner, Beijing ) +86 (10) 6535 3868 7 +86 (10) 6505 2309 + jon.eichelberger@bakermckenzie.com Eugene Lim 林有義 Partner, Hong Kong ) + 852 2846 2413 7 + 852 2845 0476 + eugene.lim@bakermckenzie.com

Baker & McKenzie defined the global law firm of the 20th century and is redefining it to meet the needs of the global economy of the 21st century. With 3,800 lawyers in 42 countries, what sets us apart is our uncompromising commitment to excellence, coupled with our deep local roots and the experienced global perspective that comes from helping companies navigate sophisticated legal and business issues at home and across borders. 在20世纪,贝克•麦坚时国际律师事务所是律师业务全球化的先驱,而在21世纪,本所将 树立全球化律师事务所的典范以应对世界经济的挑战。贝克•麦坚时的全球网络覆盖42 个国家和地区,共有3,800多位具备本地执业资格的律师。本所的卓尔不群源于我们对卓 越的不懈追求,深厚的本地根基以及与生俱来的全球视野——在协助客户管理和解决各 种复杂的本地及跨境法律和商业问题方面,我们拥有丰富的经验。

Services and Solutions Legal Services  Customs & Trade Compliance  Taxation Services

Highlights  Key Numbers: 70 offices in 42 countries  Selling Points – Providing a wide range of dedicated services and advice on international trade, customs, tax and regulatory issues in China and the Asia Pacific region

 Customer List – Leading MNCs, financial institutions and local corporations

 Key Expertise – Leading global law firm

providing dedicated services across the spectrum of corporate law


 数字与事实-在42个国家设立了70个办事处  卖点-就中国乃至整个亚太地区的国际贸易、海 关、税务和监管事宜提供广泛的专业服务与咨询

 客户名单-领先的跨国公司、金融机构和当地公司

Our dedicated team of trade and commerce attorneys advise on international trade, customs, tax and regulatory issues in China and Asia: Our services include:  Customs valuation, duty planning and dispute resolution  Tariff classification  Free trade agreements  Contract manufacturing operations  Export processing zones, bonded zones, bonded logistics centers etc.  Export controls and commercial encryption 专业人员就中国和亚太地区的国际贸易、海关、税务和监管问题提供广泛的服务和咨询。 本所的服务包括:  海关估价、关税、规划和争议解决  关税税则分类  税务规则  自由贸易协定  合约制造运作  出口加工区、保税区、 保税物流中心等  出口管制和商业加密

 主要专长-领先的全球化律师事务所,在公司法






Booz & Company 博斯 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 New York U.S.A 美国纽约 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 2511, One Corporate Avenue 222 Hu Bin Road, Shanghai 200021 上海市湖滨路222号企业天地1号楼2511室 邮编 200021 ) +86 (21) 2327 9800 7 +86 (21) 2327 9833 8 www.booz.com/cn

Key Contacts Dr. Edward Tse Chairman, Greater China ) +86 (21) 2327 9800 7 +86 (21) 2327 9833 + Edward.tse@booz.com

Booz & Company is a leading global consulting firm, helping the world's top businesses, governments and organizations. With more than 3,300 people in 60 offices around the world, we bring foresight and knowledge, deep functional expertise and a practical approach to building capabilities and delivering real impact. Our definition of operations includes product and process development, manufacturing, sourcing, distribution, supply chain strategy and "back office" operations.

Ms. Anna Mansson Senior Associate ) +86 (21) 2327 9800 7 +86 (21) 2327 9833 + Anna.mansson@booz.com

For two consecutive years (2010-11), Manager Magazine ranks Booz & Company as the top strategy consulting firm in China. Dr. Edward Tse, Chairman of Greater China, was awarded as one of "Top 20 Most Admirable Knowledge Stars in China" of 2011.

 We are recognized for the relevance of our ideas, the practical impact of our contributions, the collaborative spirit of our people, and the intrinsically global nature of our firm

作为全球顶尖的管理咨询公司,博斯公司(Booz & Company)为世界领先的企业、政 府及机构提供协助。通过3,300名优秀员工和在全球设立的60家办事处,我们以独特的 远见卓识、精湛的专业技能和有效的方法为客户增强能力并影响深远。我们对运营的定 义包括产品和流程的开发、生产、采购、分销、供应链战略以及和运营部的配合。

 Founded in 1914 in Chicago – 90+ years

博斯公司连续两年(2010-2011年)位列《经理人》杂志发布的“咨询公司专业能力排行 榜”中“战略咨询”领域第一。大中华区董事长谢祖墀博士当选2011年度20位最受赞赏的 知识明星之一。

 Prestigious clients – serve the senior

Services and Solutions

consulting experience

agenda of world's leading institutions, public and private

 Privately owned by 250+ partners – guaranteeing firm's independence

 Success based on client results - 85%

of our assignments come from existing clients

 我们以思想的实用性、贡献的实际影响、员工的 协作精神和公司固有的国际化特征而著称于世

 于1914年成立于芝加哥 — 迄今已具备90多年的 专业咨询经验

 尊崇的客户群 — 为全球顶尖的公共及私人机构 提供专业的咨询服务

 由250多名合伙人全资所有 — 保证公司的独 立性

 以客户的业绩作为自身成功的评判标准 — 85% 的业务来自于曾经服务过的客户


Risk Management  Sourcing & Supplier Selection  Supply Chain Strategy Booz & Company provides growth strategy studies, organizational development and operational programs for MNC and Chinese companies. In the area of Operations and Supply Chain, we offer the following services:  We help clients improve Operations Strategy.  We invented Supply Chain Management more than 20 years ago and have maintained our thought-leadership position.  We continue to work with clients to develop and refine Sourcing capabilities.  We help clients assess and improve Manufacturing competitiveness and technology, new global manufacturing network and production system development, and cost-improvement programs. 博斯公司为跨国及中资企业提供成长战略、组织和运营战略咨询。在运营和供应链领域, 我们提供以下服务:  我们帮助客户改进运营战略  我们在20多年前创立了“供应链管理”这一概念,并一直是该领域的思想领袖  我们和客户一起发展采购能力  帮助客户进行生产技术评估、全球生产网络开发评估和成本改进评估







ESP International n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Cedar Rapids, U.S.A. 美国锡达拉皮兹市 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2007 Shenzhen 深圳 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国总部 Pan Ten 2nd Industrial, Bugy Town Long Gang District Shenzhen, 518129 深圳市龙岗区坂田街道第二工业区大发路 谦进公司B座 邮编518129 ) +86 (755) 8419 2746 7 +86 (755) 8419 3472 8 www.espint.com

Key Contacts For over 40 years ESP International has helped companies like yours find engineered solutions for your products. ESP designs product and service solutions that help you remain competitive in today's global marketplace. We make your production and procurement process more efficient by allowing you to focus on your core competencies.

Jeff Albright VP of Global Sales & Marketing Cedar Rapids, IA ) + 319 393 4310 7 + 319 393 5327 + jeffa@espint.com

ESP has facilities, talent and qualified source around the globe allowing us to pick the best operating and cost models for our customers of all sizes. OEMs of all sizes and capabilities can plug into ESP's global resources to gain an engineering and global platform or enhance their current model.

Minglian Sullivan 练明澄 BD Manager – China ) +86 (755) 8419 2746 7 +86 (755) 8419 3472 + ming@espint.com

在过去的40多年里,ESP帮助过许多与贵公司同产业的企业解决产品设计相关问题。ESP 提供产品设计以及改进设计的解决方案等服务,从而帮助客户在竞争日益激烈的国际市 场上保持竞争力。我公司帮助提高客户的产品与采购流程的效率,从而让客户能更专注 于 自身的核心竞争力。

Highlights  ESP leverages our current supply base in

the U.S., Mexico, India, China & Taiwan and is set up to support all of your worldwide operations with our products & services.

 Our SCM solutions include Just-In-Time

strategies, supplier development, source selection and logistics

 Clients: John Deere, CNH, Agco, Polaris,

Emerson, Entegris, Vermeer and SPX Process Equipment

 ESP正扩大在美国、墨西哥、印度、中国大陆与台 湾的现有的供应商资源,同时也通过我公司的产 品与服务来支持客户们在全世界的运行。

 我公司的物流管理技术包括及时化生产战略、供 应商开发以及质量管理等。


 我公司主要的国际客户包括:John Deere,


CNH, AGCO, Polaris, Emerson, Entegris, Vermeer以及SPX Process Equipment。

ESP在全世界范围内布点、其优秀的人才以及高质量的供应商使得我公司能为客户全方面 地提供最好的服务与经济效益。各种规模的设备制造商们(OEM)能利用ESP的国际资 源来支撑他们的工程与国际业务,并提高他们目前的技术和质量。

Services and Solutions Procurement Outsourcing  Quality Control  Process Improvement ESP has developed in-house engineering that helps design OEM components such as seals, metal castings and weldment conversions and custom manufactured parts. After working with customers on design, ESP then uses its qualified domestic and global sources to find the best cost manufacturer of the component. ESP can then provide any necessary subassembly or add the components to a highly automated inventory management program. ESP continues to increase the value added to our customers' bottom line with successfully implemented engineering services, assembly services, assembly fixtures, kitting, global supplier qualification, vendor optimization and the technology to efficiently manage a process from sourcing to manufacturing plant delivery. ESP开发研制并帮助设计各种设备制造商们(OEM)的元件设备,比如:密封零件、金属 铸造与焊件的转换、以及设计定做产品。在与客户 合作完成产品的设计后,ESP会从美国本地与分布 国际的供应商中挑选出最合适、性价比最高的的高 质量供应商。同时,ESP也提供必要的组件或者高 度自动化的库存管理项目所需的元件。 通 过成功地实施运用工程、装配、装配夹具、成 套工具、全球供应商考核、供应商优化服务、以及 有效地 经营从 采购到生 产厂 商的物流配 送的 技 术,ESP专注致力于提供这些增值服务,以提高客 户的经济效益。



forflow consulting

恒流管理咨询(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Berlin, Germany 柏林,德国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2011 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Ltd. n China office 中国总部 1706 Information Tower, 1403 Minsheng Road, Pudong Shanghai 200135 上海市浦东新区民生路1403号上海信息大厦 1706室,邮编200135 ) +86 (21) 5031 6808 7 +86 (21) 3392 6850 8 www.forflow.com + contact@forflow.com

Key Contacts

forflow is a leading provider of supply chain consulting, software and network management solutions. More than 160 employees leverage their logistics expertise and IT know-how to best serve our customers. Around the globe we support our international clients in developing and implementing lean and sustainable logistics strategies for their businesses.

Thorben Seiler Managing Director ) +852 3796 3621 7 +852 3796 5666 + t.seiler@forflow.com

恒流是一家杰出的提供供应链管理咨询、软件以及物流网络管理等服务的公司。超过160 名国际化专业的供应链管理及软件人才组成的恒流团队致力于满足客户的各种需求。我 们在全世界范围内帮助国际级的客户以完善他们商业网络为目的,建立并执行精益的以 及可持续发现的物流管理战略。

Sören Hagen Managing Director ) +86 (21) 5031 6808 7 +86 (21) 3392 6850 + s.hagen@forflow.com

Services and Solutions Lean & Six Sigma  Network Design  Inventory Optimization

 forflow offers consulting, software and services for logistics and supply chain management.  We are located in Shanghai and Hong Kong as well as in Europe with our headquarters in Berlin, Germany.  forflow supports medium and large-sized companies on a global level.

forflow consulting provides comprehensive logistics and supply chain management solutions spanning across management consulting, concept design, strategy development and implementation support throughout the entire process. 4flow vista© is the standard software for supply chain design and optimization. 4flow turn© is our standard web-based software for inventory optimization and dynamic material management. 4flow management as a neutral Fourth Party Logistics (4PL) provider handles the routine planning, optimization and oversight of clients' supply chain networks worldwide.

 More than 160 team members leverage their expertise in SCM and software development to meet and exceed our customers' expectations.

Our customers include motor vehicle manufacturers and automotive suppliers; companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries; renewable energies; consumer and retail goods; high-tech and telecommunications; industrial and electrical engineering; medical technology; and logistics service providers.

 恒流提供供应链管理咨询、软件以及物流网络管

我们专业的咨询师们提供全面的物流与供应链管理的解决方案,其中包括专业的企业管 理咨询,理念设计、战略发展以及执行过程的全程支持。

理等服务。  恒流亚洲部在上海和香港分别设有分公司,与此 同时公司总部坐落于德国首都--柏林。  恒流可以有效的在全球范围内帮助大中型企业。  超过160名国际化专业的供应链管理及软件人才 组成的恒流团队致力于满足客户的各种需求。


恒流vista © 在供应链设计和优化领域内是仅有的一款完全整合的标准化软件。恒流 turn© 是一款基于互联网,用来提供综合的库存优化方案的标准软件。 恒流管理是一个帮助客户规划并优化全球物流网络的中立的第四方物流服务提供商。 我们的客户遍布汽车制造业以及汽车零部件制造业;化学、医药品行业;再生能源产业; 消费品零售业;高新科技以及通信产业;工业电气工程业;医疗技术以及物流服务提供 商。





Hill & Associates n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong n Established in China 在中国成立于 1994 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 6A, Huamin Empire Plaza No. 728 Yan An Road (W) Shanghai, 200050, China ) +86 (21) 5238 5599 7 +86 (21) 5237 1693 8 www.hill-assoc.com

Key Contacts Neil Marshall President, China ) +86 (21) 5238 5599 7 +86 (21) 5237 1693 + neil.marshall@hill-assoc.com

Hill & Associates consults to MNCs on business risks that affect their people, productivity and profits in challenging geographical, political and economic environments. With a staff of 300, we have offices in 14 major Asian cities as well as relationships in many second and third tier cities in China. Our staff consist of ex-law enforcement and military professionals, certified fraud examiners, legal, finance and forensic accounting, investigative journalism, diplomatic, IT security, and business professionals. Hill & Associates is a G4S company.

Iain Young Director ) +86 (21) 5238 5599 7 +86 (21) 5237 1693 + iain.young@hill-assoc.com

Hill & Associates 是一家全球知名的,一流的风险管理公司。在中国以及整个亚太地区(从 日本到巴基斯坦)长期保持着良好的信誉记录。 Hill为美国,欧洲等地区跨国公司,尤其向公司各管理层,包括CEO,COO,CFO,MD,CIO及 总法律顾问,提供有关规范遵守,职业道德以及安全等问题咨询服务。同时,我们也为亚太 地区的许多律师事务所,私募基金公司以及银行金融投资机构提供支持以及服务。我公司 在亚洲主要城市都设有分支机构,并在许多二线城市也拥有运营网络。公司目前在亚洲地区 共有300位员工,其中包括前执法人员,军事专员,注册舞弊审查师,律师,审计专员,司法会计 以及新闻调查,外交,IT安全管理,方面的专家。

Highlights  More than half of the Fortune Global 100 Companies have been/are currently clients of the Hill & Associates Group.

Services and Solutions

 Over 25% of the Fortune Global 100

Companies have been/are clients of H&A China

 8 of the Fortune Global 50 companies

have been clients H&A China in the last 12 months.

 H&A clients operate in a number of

industries, including Chemicals, Automotive & Parts, General Retailers, Aerospace, Industrials and Manufacturing, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical among others.

Fraud Prevention  Risk Management We operate with 4 primary business units:  Fraud Prevention and Integrity Risk Consulting and Advisory  Corporate Intelligence  Enterprise Risk Management  Risk Intelligence. 公司4大主营业务:  反欺诈以及信誉风险咨询和建议-对FCPA,SOX,信誉危机,利益冲突调查,诚信培训, 商业秘密,知识产权保护,假冒产品防范,商标侵权调查等方面提供有效的,预防性的咨 询和建议。


 商业调查- IPO,M&A,供应商以及高层人员的信誉,运营情况及尽职调查。


 安全管理/安保-危机评估;关于员工,供应商以及商业争端的安全咨询;公司裁员及关 闭工厂相关安全咨询;连续性规划;应急响应;为工厂,办公楼以及研发中心等提供人身 安全咨询;C-TPAT审计;高管及贵宾的引导和保护;绑架及勒索;BOD以及重要活动安 全顾问。  风险情报-每周中国风险报告,每日亚洲分风险报告



Kerkhoff Consulting 凯阔福咨询(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Düsseldorf, Germany 德国杜塞尔多夫 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 1113-1114, 11F, LJZ Plaza 1600 Century Avenue, Pudong 200122, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区世纪大道1600号陆家嘴 商务广场11层1113-1114室, 邮编200122 ) +86 (21) 5820 1099 7 +86 (21) 5047 2030 8 www.kerkhoff-consulting.com

John Zhang BD Manager ) +86 (21) 5820 1099 x 119 +86 18930065437 7 +86 (21) 5047 2030 + j.zhang@kerkhoff-consulting.com Ludwig Goebl Head of Operations Asia Pacific ) + 86 (21) 5820 1099 x 101 + l.goebl@kerkhoff-consulting.com

Highlights  Focused on cost optimization  Result-oriented in projects  Strong in implementation with the client  International through 10 locations  Specialist instead of generalist  Measurability of the project success  Best references  聚焦成本优化  项目以结果为导向  强有力的实施方案  跨越10大国家的国际化  专家而非杂家  项目结果的可衡量性  几百个成功案例


Kerkhoff Consulting is the quality leader of the consultancies for purchasing and procurement. In 2009, the business magazine CAPITAL awarded Kerkhoff Consulting the title of "Hidden Champion of the Consultancy Market"; in 2010 and 2011, Wirtschaftswoche elected Kerkhoff Consulting as the best consultancy for supply chain management. No other consultancy for purchasing and procurement won both titles. The consultancy has its headquarters in Düsseldorf and is represented worldwide in ten countries. Kerkhoff Consulting primarily consults clients from small and medium-sized companies, but also from major groups and public authorities. The Kerkhoff Competence Center of Supply Chain Management (KCC) at the chair for Logistics Management at the University of St. Gallen is bringing together theory and practice in purchasing and supply chain management. 凯阔福咨询是采购与供应链领域的领导者。凯阔福咨询于2010年和2011年连续两届荣膺 著名媒体德国《经济周刊》所颁发的“最佳咨询公司”奖项;并于2009年被德国资本杂志 评选为“咨询业的隐形冠军”。凯阔福咨询的主要客户群体为国际及国内中型制造业企 业,同时也为一些大型集团和公共机构提供服务。 凯阔福圣加伦大学供应链竞争力中心(KCC)由凯阔福咨询和著名的瑞士圣加伦大学共同 建立,作为科学和实践的一个纽带,凯阔福竞争力中心从事采购和供应链管理趋势和变革 过程的研究。

Services and Solutions Sourcing & Supplier Selection  Supply Chain Strategy  Process Improvement  Global sourcing  全球采购  Diagnose for purchasing related business  采购诊断和审核  Implementation of Projects to realize potentials  采购节约项目实施  Supplier management  供应商管理  Strategic Sourcing  战略采购  Process development and optimization  组织优化  Organization improvement  流程建立和优化  Material Group Management  物料组管理  Logistics  物流  Procurement controlling and risk controlling  采购控制和风险控制  Training and Coaching for purchasing employees  采购培训 Kerkhoff Consulting is a consulting specialist and quality leader for projects in purchasing, procurement and supply chain management – across borders and industry sectors. Kerkhoff Consulting provide consulting services: From cost optimization through clever supplier management via changes of a purchasing organization all the way to the development of ratio models for the results assessment of purchasing.



Key Contacts


KPMG 毕马威企业咨询 (中国) 有限公司 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1985 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n Shanghai office 上海办事处 50F, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing West Road Shanghai 200040 中国上海南京西路1266号恒隆广场50楼 邮编200040 ) +86(21) 2212 2888 7 +86(21) 6288 1889 8 www.kpmg.com/cn

Key Contacts Jeffrey Wong Partner, Transaction Services Transport & Logistics Sector Leader ) +86 (21) 2212 2721 7 +86 (21) 6288 1889 + jeffrey. wong@kpmg.com

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 150 countries and have 138,000 people working in member firms around the world. In KPMG China we have 13 offices and a strength of 9,000 professionals.

Jennifer Weng Partner, Taxation Transport & Logistics Sector Partner ) +86 (21) 2212 3431 7 +86 (21) 6288 1889 + jennifer. weng@kpmg.com

KPMG China is a provider of professional services, which include Audit, Tax and Advisory services. Our approach to relationships and service delivery helps our clients, both international and local, develop new opportunities, improve performance, manage risk and enhance value for both shareholders and stakeholders alike. 毕马威是由专业成员所组成的网络。成员所遍布全球 150 个国家,专业人员超过 138,000 名,提供审计、税务和咨询等专业服务。毕马威中国共设有13家机构,专业人员约9,000名。

Highlights At KPMG, we understand that each industry has its own opportunities, issues and challenges. Our business has established industry and sector groups, enabling targeted, industry-specific experience and advice and solutions to be delivered. We have a team of professionals focused on the transport & logistics sector to serve clients in this sector. This focus on industry and country-specific knowledge means we can deliver trained professionals who have an intimate knowledge of your specific business issues, as well as an overriding commitment to strive for the highest quality services.


Locations in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR.


毕马威深谙各行业的独特情况,以及挑战和机 遇,并建立了专注于各行各业的专业服务团队, 以便能够有针对性地向客户提供具体的行业经 验、建议和解决方案。毕马威物流运输行业咨询 团队便是其中的典范之一,致力于服务该行业的 客户。凭借对各行各业和中国内地的深入了解,毕 马威可以随时调派洞察客户具体业务问题、恪尽 职守、训练有素的专业人员,为客户提供优质的 服务。 办事处分布:北京、上海、沈阳、南京、杭州、福 州、厦门、青岛、广州、深圳、成都、香港特别行 政区及澳门特别行政区。


毕马威中国提供审计、税务和咨询等专业服务。凭借其广泛的网络与优质的服务,毕马威 始终致力于帮助国内外客户开拓商机、提升绩效、控制风险,并为股东及各利益相关方增值。

Services and Solutions Risk Management  Supply Chain Strategy  Taxation Services KPMG combines our multidisciplinary approach with deep and practical industry knowledge to help clients meet challenges and respond to opportunities. Our experienced team around the world can help on a wide spectrum of audit, tax, and advisory services areas across all major industries including:  Taxation services: transfer pricing, customs, direct and indirect tax solutions  Market entry and transaction services assistance  Mergers & Acquisitions advisory including valuation, deal management and negotiation support  Supply chain strategy and solutions  Outsourcing and shared services centre (SSC) advisory  Risk management, internal controls, and improvement plans  Climate Change and Sustainability Services  Financial statement audit, reporting accounting services, and IFRS and GAAP reporting services 毕马威结合跨领域的多元化工具以及丰富和务实的行业知识协助客户迎接挑战、把握机会。 我们来自世界各地的资深专业团队能够为各行各业提供广泛的审计、税务和咨询服务:  税务服务,包括转让定价服务、海关事务、直接和间接税解决方案  市场准入和交易并购服务帮助  合并与收购咨询,包括估值、交易管理和谈判支持  供应链战略和解决方案  外包和共享服务中心(SSC)的咨询  风险管理、内部控制和改进计划  气候变化和可持续发展服务  财务报表审计、申报会计师服务,以及按《国际财务报告准则》和公认会计原则进行报告 的服务





Logistics Executive n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Australia 澳大利亚 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 13G, Shanghai Ind'l Investment Bldg. 18 North Caoxi Road Shanghai 200030 上海市徐汇区漕溪北路18号上海实业大厦 13楼G座,邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6427 6697 8 www.logisticsexecutive.com

Key Contacts Kate Broughton Executive Search Practice Manager ) +86 (21) 6427 6697 +852 9220 1052 + kateb@logisticsexecutive.com Darryl Judd COO ) +61 4199 8817 6 +65 6722 0918 + darrylj@logisticsexecutive.com

Highlights In the last 12 months, Logistics Executive has:

 Placed over 500 executives in international markets

 Transformed business performance for over 20 companies

 Led market evaluation for acquisition opportunities and managed M&A engagement

 Provided domestic talent market and localisation strategies to MNCs

 Recruited in Sales & Marketing, Finance,

Logistics Executive is your premium international supply chain, logistics & manufacturing chain specialist executive recruitment and Human Resources organisation. Our business model is built on a commitment of client collaboration, providing services beyond the transactional recruitment activity and is focused on helping you extract the best from you business through the deployment of best practice models and talent development. We have built a proud reputation for the delivery of the highest level of professional services to our clients. Our specialist recruitment team works hard to understand your business, core values, company culture and unique requirements when undertaking all assignments. A specific recruitment strategy is formulated to ensure we attain the highest caliber candidates for the role. We cover the full supply chain, logistics & manufacturing verticals from senior executive to entry level positions.

Services and Solutions Recruiting & Placement Executive & permanent recruitment International search Technical recruitment such as engineers Specialist services such as;  Operational change management  Recruitment managed services (BPO)  Commercial & sales  Talent mapping / sourcing  Process improvement  Salary benchmarking & market guides

 Talent management

 Psychological assessment & testing business improvement consulting and project management



Logistics Recruitment



Operations, Manufacturing,

 Procurement, Supply Chain, and Human


Michael Page International 米高蒲志

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 London, UK 英国伦敦 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2003 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 601-603 Shanghai Kerry Centre 1515 West Nanjing Road Shanghai 200040 上海南京西路1515号,嘉里中心601- 603 邮编200040 ) +86 (21) 3222 4758 7 +86 (21) 3222 4759 8 www.michaelpage.com.cn

Key Contacts Michael Page International is a leading professional recruitment consultancy specialising in the recruitment of permanent, contract and temporary positions on behalf of the world's top employers.

Josh Hollway Senior Manager ) +86 (21) 6122 6213 7 +86 (21) 3222 4759 + joshhollway@michaelpage.com.cn

Our role is to work with employers and job seekers to facilitate a successful match. This can range from advising a global company on a candidate sourcing strategy to helping a job seeker find their dream job.

Stephen Wu 吴斯琦 Manager ) +86 (512) 6799 5388 7 +86 (512) 6799 5301 + stephenwu@michaelpage.com.cn

米高蒲志国际是代表全球顶尖客户,从事长期、合同和临时职位招聘的一家知名的,专业的 人才服务公司。 我们的角色是促进客户和求职者的成功匹配。业务范围从为全球性公司提供招聘策略咨 询到为求职者寻找理想的工作。


Services and Solutions Recruiting & Placement

 Operates through 161 offices in 33 countries with over 5,000 employees worldwide.

 First established in London in 1976, have

been bringing job seekers and employers together for more than 30 years.

 Opened the first office in Hong Kong in 1994, Shanghai in 2003 and most recently Beijing and Shenzhen in 2008.

 Presence in the Asia Pacific region

extends across China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand.

 Clients range from large multinationals to local and international SME's.

 我们集团在33个国家设有161个办事处,全球雇 员超过5000人。

 自1976年英国伦敦公司成立三十多年来,我们一 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES


 1994年,我们在香港成立办事处,并于2003年

成立上海办事处;在 2008年,由于公司规模的 发展与扩张,又成功开办了北京和深圳办事处。

 米高蒲志国际在亚太地区设有多个分支机构, 包括澳大利亚、新加坡、日本、印度、马来西亚 和新西兰等等。

 我们的客户范围宽泛,包括大型跨国公司、中小




Our Procurement & Supply Chain Division works with multinational clients from a wide range of industries across mainland China, focusing on recruitment in:  Purchasing/procurement  Warehousing  Strategic sourcing  Planning & forecasting  Vendor management  Supply chain management  Contract management  Consulting  Logistics  Distribution, transport & shipping 我们采购和供应链部门的客户主要是中国大陆各 个行业的国际公司,专注于:  采购  战略性采购  供应商管理  合同管理  物流  仓库  计划 & 预测  供应链管理  咨询  配送运输 & 航运


MKT China n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hongkong 香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2007 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Jiedi Building, Unit 1102 2790 Zhongshan North Road Putuo District, Shanghai 200063 上海市普陀区中山北路2790号杰地大厦 1102室 邮编200063 ) +86 (21) 6095 5225 7 +86 (21) 6095 5226 8 www.mkt-china.com

Key Contacts Nicolas Aubert 倪振杰 Chief Representative ) +86 (21) 6095 5225 7 +86 (21) 6095 5226 + nicolas.aubert@mkt-china.com Amy He 何苗苗 Admin Manager ) +86 (21) 6095 5225 7 +86 (21) 6095 5226 + amy.he@mkt-china.com

MKT is a marketing company located in Shanghai and operates across China and has a rapidly growing customer base all over the world. MKT will help you to overcome the difference in culture, language and business practice. We approach all client projects with competitive creativity and flair and to service our clients to the highest professional level. MKT坐落在上海市中心, 公司业务飞速发展经营范围横跨整个中国,客户遍布全球。MKT 协助您克服在文化、语言和商务上的差异,实现您的销售和市场目标。我们的理念是:通 过高效的市场工具,达到你的销售目标!

Services and Solutions Marketing Services MKT is a marketing company with rapidly growing customer base all around the world. Our objective is to support your strategy in China using efficient marketing tools:


 Marketing Service

We offer a full range of Marketing Services including Graphic Design, Corporate Design, Editing, Printing, Translation, Exhibition & Event Service, PR & Advertisement, Mailings, Telemarketing, Sales Support, Market Research and much more.

 Founded in 2007 In Hong Kong  2008: WOFE

 Exhibition Service

 Operational in China  Marketing, exhibitions, internet and consulting services

 Our leitmotiv: High-quality, flexibility, reliability, service and on-time

 创立于2007年在香港

We offer a full range of Exhibition Services including the assistance to select the right fair for you in China, to coordinate all paper work and registration procedure, Booth Design & Construction, QC Supervision, Pre-event Mailings, Brochures, Printing, Translation, Hostess Service, Promotion Gifts, Post-Event Management and much more.

 Web Solutions

We offer a full Internet Service including Chinese Webpage Extension, Web Design, Flash Sites, CMS Management (such as Typo3), E-commerce tools, Hosting, Domains, Search Engine Optimization (SEO for Chinese & other languages) and much more.

 Consulting

Our consulting branch offer specialized services including Company & Sales Representation Set-up, Headhunting, HR Services, Brand Registration, Sourcing (Supplier Search, Audit, QC, Order follow-up) and much more.

 2008年:外商独资企业  开展中国的业务  我们的主旨:高品质,灵活性,可靠性,准时 高效

我们提供适合各种行业的高品质市场和销售解决方案,以及个性化的建议和服务:  营销推广服务:设计、印刷、翻译、展会、活动安排、展会服务、公关&广告、邮寄、电话市场、销售 支持、市场调研、商务指南、促销礼品等。

 展会服务:搜索、安排、展位设计&搭建、质量监督控制、邮寄、手册、印刷、翻译、礼仪服务、商务 指南、促销礼品、物流安排。

 网站建设与推广:中文服务、网站设计、Flash网站、主机、域名、搜索引擎最佳化。  咨询服务:公司&销售处的成立、人才猎头、招聘服务、品牌注册。




 市场营销,展览,互联网和咨询服务



普华永道 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1902 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n Shanghai office 上海办事处 11/F, PricewaterhouseCoopers Center 202 Hubin Road, Shanghai 200021 上海湖滨路202号普华永道中心11楼, 邮编200021 ) +86 (21) 2323 8888 7 +86 (21) 2323 8800 8 www.pwccn.com

Key Contacts Damon Paling Partner ) +86 (21) 2323 2877 7 +86 (21) 2323 8800 + damon.ross.paling@cn.pwc.com Robert Barrett Partner ) +86 (21) 2323 3818 7 +86 (21) 2323 8800 + robert.barrett@cn.pwc.com

Highlights  Provides a wide range of services to help organisations solve business issues, identify and maximize opportunities.  PwC industry specialization enables it to identify trends and customise solutions for your sector of interest.  Highly qualified, experienced professionals and global network, allows to provide the support you need wherever you may be located.  Locations:Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei, Chongqing, Chungli, Dalian, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Hsinchu, Kaohsiung, Macau, Nanjing, Ningbo, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Taichung, Tainan, Tianjin, Xiamen and Xi'an.


 普华永道为客户提供多种服务,帮助客户解决 业务问题,发掘商机,抓紧机遇。  普华永道凭借专业知识,为您所关注的领域解 读趋势,度身定制解决方案。每项专业服务均 由素质出众、经验丰富的专业人士以及行业领 袖负责。  普华永道更拥有全球网络的丰富资源。无论您 身在何处,我们都可以提供支持。  我们分布于以下城市: 北京、香港、上海、新加坡、台北、重庆、中坜、 大连、广州、杭州、新竹、高雄、澳门、南京、宁 波、青岛、深圳、苏州、台中、台南、天津、厦门 及西安。



PwC China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan work together on a collaborative basis, subject to local applicable laws. Collectively, we have around 620 partners and a strength of 14,000 people. Providing organisations with the advice they need, wherever they may be located, our highly qualified, experienced professionals listen to different points of view to help organisations solve their business issues and identify and maximise the opportunities they seek. Our industry specialisation allows us to help co-create solutions with our clients for their sector of interest. 普华永道中国大陆、香港、台湾及新加坡事务所已根据各地适用的法律协作运营。整体而 言,员工总数逾14,000人,其中包括约620名合伙人。 无论客户身在何处,普华永道均能提供所需的咨询服务。我们拥有实务经验丰富、高素质 的专业团队,聆听各种意见,帮助客户解决业务问题、抓紧机会,发掘每个商机;我们的行 业专业化有助于就客户关注的领域共创解决方案。

Services and Solutions Customs & Trade Compliance  Supply Chain Strategy  Taxation Services PwC firms provide industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to enhance value for their clients. Our Advisory and Tax practices provide a range of supply chain and related services for clients. These include:  Supply chain strategy and optimization  Sourcing and supplier selection and management  Global trade, customs and duty optimization  Sourcing office set-up and structuring  Inventory optimization  Cost optimization  Supplier risk management, control and workouts  Market entry and transaction services  Shared services and process optimization 普华永道致力于提供切合各行业所需要的审计、税务及咨询服务,以提升客户的价值。我 们的咨询及税务部为客户提供一系列供应链及相关服务,包括:  供应链的战略及优化服务  供应商的甄选与管理服务  国际贸易、海关及关税服务  外包服务的建立及架构  存货优化服务  成本优化服务  供应商风险管理及控制服务  市场准入及购并服务  共享服务中心及程序优化服务





Resources Global Professionals ©2008 Resources Global Professionals


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 U.S.A. 美国

n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 2705-06, Lippo Plaza 222 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 上海市卢湾区淮海中路222号力宝广场 2705-06室

DELTA AIR LINES HANK HALTER (left) SVP – Finance & Controller CHALLENGE: Change management

RESOURCES GLOBAL PROFESSIONALS WANDA MOTON (right) 25-years experience: > Financial Analyst > Business Planner > Corporate Accountant > MBA



) +86 (21) 6386 8700 7 +86 (21) 6386 8712 8 www.resourcesglobal.com

Key Contacts

Visit www.resourcesglobal.com/register for a free copy of our human capital survey results, Insights on Global Transformation

Leon Tung 董载良 Senior Client Service Manger SCM ) +86 (21) 6386 8718 7 +86 (21) 6386 8712 + Leon.tung@resources-cn.com George Lan 兰波 Managing Director, Beijing ) +86 (10) 8518 2101 7 +86 (10) 8518 2194 + george.lan@resources-cn.com

Highlights  90% of the Fortune 50 have been our clients  590 of the Fortune 1000 have been our clients  100% of our top 50 clients have remained so for three years running  80+ Offices around the world  $499M revenue in fiscal year 2010 (Resources’ FY ends May 31)  2800+ Consultants serving clients in over 66 countries  18 years average experience for our Consultants

 美国财富50强的90%是我们的客户  美国财富1000强中有590家是我们的客户  公司最大的50家客户100%连续3年以上与 我们保持良好的合作关系  全球有80多家办事机构  2010年财政年度收入为4亿9千9百万美金 (荟才环球财政年度截至到2010年5月31日)  2800多位专业顾问在全球66个国家为客户 提供服务  荟才的顾问在全球范围内有着平均18年以上 的从业经验


Few businesses have to deal with change the way airlines do: commodity pricing, consolidation, weather, loads, fierce competition, and, for Delta, global expansion. That’s why, for the past eight years, they’ve enlisted the help of Resources Global Professionals. We work inside business to help manage change. Sometimes on the fly. business. from the inside out.




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Resources spun off of Deloitte, and we purchased Ernst & Young assets throughout Europe, so we carry a highly experienced and credentialed Finance & Accounting consultant base, usually at rates that are lower than comparable Big 4 services. We have worked with 46 of the Fortune 50 and have 4,300 consultants around the world. In order to be brief, I have attached an overview of our company for your review. Resources Global Professionals是一家专业服务公司,从四大国际会计事务所内部发 展起来。我们的工作是协助客户实现内部变革的需求。透过融入为客户工作团队的一员, 我们替客户制定计划,执行项目,解决问题并转移知识。作为一位新型的商业合作伙伴, 我们的目标是要帮助客户建立起实践变革的技能,使其能有全新的营运之道。

Services and Solutions Recruiting & Placement  Change Management  Process Improvement We work within your team's end-to end operation to improve supply chain performance.

 Sourcing: strategic sourcing; category management; operational and capital procurement; materials management; spend analysis; commodity management; E-procurement/auction.

 Manufacturing: lean manufacturing; six sigma; JIT/Kanban; quality/TQM/ Kaizen; development model analysis (CM, ODM, OEM); new product introduction

 Logistics: inbound/outbound freight optimization; warehousing and distribution management; shipment design and optimization; customs/import management.

 Planning: ERP process implementation/improvement; demand planning and forecasting; inventory management; sales & operation planning.

我们在供应链领域拥有自身的专业人才,我们融入您的团队,参与到终端至终端的营运 中,以改善供应链的最终成效。

 采购:战略性采购;品类管理;日常采购和资本设备采购;材料管理;开支分析;商品管理 电子采购/拍卖

 制造:精益制造;六西格玛(Six Sigma);即使生产(JIT)/看板(Kanban);质量/全面质量 管理/改善(Kaizen);发展模式研究(配置管理CM,原始设计制造ODM,原始设备制造 OEM);新产品上市;物料需求计划(MRP)实施

 物流:对内/对外货运优化;仓库与分销管理;海关/进口管理;危险源和可操作性研究 (HAZOP);运输设计和优化

 计划:协同计划;企业资源计划(ERP)流程执行与改善;需求计划和预估;存货管理;销售 和营运计划





n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 Beijing 北京


Tompkins International


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S. 美国北卡莱罗纳 n Established in China 在中国成立于 Technomic Asia (Tompkins International), 1985, Shanghai 1985年上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WFOE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 1204-1207, Evergo Tower 1325 Middle Huaihai Road, Xuhui District Shanghai, China 200031 中国上海徐汇区淮海中路1325号 爱美高大厦1204-1207室 200031 ) +86 (21) 6473 2588 7+86 (21) 6390 6659 8 www.tompkinsinc.com

Key Contacts Jim Serstad Director, Asia Supply Chain Practice ) +86 (21) 6473 2588 +jserstad@technomicasia.com Jessie Hu BD Director ) +86 (21) 6473 2588 +jessiehu@technomicasia.com

Highlights Tompkins Associates Helps Clients:

 Increase operating efficiency and productivity

 Improve customer service  Reduce costs  Maximize facility use  Improve safety  Prepare for future growth  Achieve business goals



 提高物流运作效率及生产力  提高客户服务水平  降低成本  最大化利用设施  提高安全性  为未来增长作准备  达成商业目标



Tompkins International transforms supply chains to help create value for all organizations. For more than 35 years, Tompkins has provided end-to-end solutions on a global scale, helping clients align business and supply chain strategies through operations planning, design and implementation. The company delivers leading-edge business and supply chain solutions by optimizing the Mega Processes of PLAN-BUY-MAKE-MOVE-STORE-SELL. Tompkins supports clients in achieving profitable growth in all areas of global supply chain and market growth strategy, organization, operations, process improvement, technology implementation, material handling integration, and benchmarking and best practices. 汤普金斯国际通过供应链变革为客户创造价值。汤普金斯已在全球范围内为客户提供端 到端的解决方案超过35年,通过运作规划、设计及实施帮助客户调整供应链战略以适应 其商业发展。公司通过贯穿计划-采购-制造-运输-存储-销售整个流程的优化提供具备领 先优势的商业发展和供应链解决方案。汤普金斯支持客户在全球供应链范围内实现盈利 性增长,服务涉及到全球范围内的供应链各环节,市场战略,组织,运营,流程改善,技术 实施,物料搬运设备集成,标杆管理和行业最佳实践。

Services and Solutions Inventory Management ► Warehouse & DC Design ► Network Design ► System Integration Tompkins' expertise can carry the warehouse from the initial planning stages through the implementation process, using proven warehousing and distribution solutions.  Warehouse Strategic Planning – Selecting highly efficient storage designs, material handling systems and warehouse management systems  Distribution Center Design and Implementation – Creating and maintaining budgets and schedules; assisting with proper permits; overseeing installation; developing slotting configurations; conducting equipment acceptance testing and providing start-up support  Network Design – Determining quantity and location of facilities.  Systems Integration – Seamlessly integrating computerized and manual warehousing systems  Inventory Management – Analyzing end-to-end supply chain inventory levels. 湯普金斯公司采用切实可行的仓储和物流配送中心解决方案,为企业提供从初期规划到项目 建设、实施的全程服务支持。  仓储策略规划-选择效率最优的仓储存储方案、物料搬运系统和仓储管理系统  物流中心设计和实施-编制、维护和管理项目预算与进度计划;协助取得必要的许可 证;监督安装设施;研究制定产品储位规划;验选并测试物流设备,为正式运作启动提 供服务支持  网络设计-分析确定物流中心的数量及地点  系统集成-实现计算机化和手工作业仓储系统的无缝集成  库存管理-分析整个供应链体系的库存水平




Other Professional Services n Accenture 30/F, Central Plaza, 381 Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200020 上海市淮海中路381号中环广场 30楼 +86 (21) 2305 3333 www.accenture.cn n Advancy Room 2501, L.C Finance Center, 288 West Nanjing Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai 200003 上海南京西路288号创兴金融中 心2501室,邮编200003 +86 (21) 6386 7033 www.advancy.com n Alaris Unit 818 Central Plaza, 381 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai200020 上海中环广场818座,邮编200020 +86 (21) 6391 6398 www.alarisconsulting.com n ARC Room 4901-8, Raffles OfficeTower, 268 Middle Xizang Road, Shanghai 上海西藏中路268号来福士广场 (办公楼)49楼4908-8室 +86 (21) 5375 2151 www.arcweb.com n AT Kearney 35/F, OneLujiazui, 68 Middle Yincheng Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200120 上海浦东新区银城中路68号时代 金融中心35楼,邮编200120 +86 (21) 6182 2000 www.atkearney.cn

n Capgemini 11 Boxia Road, Zhangjiang Highteck Park, Shanghai 201203 上海浦东新区张江软件园博霞路 11号,邮编 201203 + 86 (21) 6182 2688 www.cn.capgemini.com n Control Risks Suite 1001 East Tower China Merchants Plaza, 333 North Chengdu Road, Shanghai 200041 上海市成都北路333号招商局广 场东楼1001 +86 (21) 5298 1800 www.control-risks.com n Ernst & Young 23/F, The Center, 989 Changle Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 2228 8888 www.ey.com n Fiducia Suite 1908, Ciro's Plaza, 388West Nanjing Road, Shanghai, 200003 +86 (21) 6327 9118 www.fiducia-china.com n Global Intelligence Alliance Unit 1208 OOCL Plaza, 841 Middle Yan'an Road, Shanghai, 200003 +86 (21) 6327 9118 www.globalintelligence.com n Kong & Allan

Aile Building 16-E, 631Lingling Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 5425 7385 www.kongandallan.com

n Kroll

n Atradius Credit Information Unit 11F, Pufa Tower, 588 South Pudong Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200120 +86 (21) 6160 8088 www.atradius.com.hk

Unit 805, Tower 1, China Central Place, 81 Jianguo Road,Chaoyang District, Beijing100025 +86 (10) 5964 7600 www.kroll.com

n Barkawi


A 705, 69 Dongfang Road, Eton Place, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200120 上海市浦东新区东方路69号裕景 国际商务广场A705,200120 +86 (21) 6859 9686 www.barkawi.com

25/F IBM Tower Pacific Century,2A North Gongti Road, Beijing100027 北京市朝阳区工体北路甲2号, 盈科中心 IBM 大厦,25层 +86 (10) 6361 8888 www.ibm.com/cn/zh/

n Boston

n LowendalMasaï

21/F, Central Plaza 227 North Huangpi Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200003 上海黄陂北路227号中区广场21 楼,邮编200003 +86 (21) 2306 4000 www.bcg.com

1505 Hai Tong Tower, 689 Guangdong Road, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区广东路689号海通 证券大厦1505室,邮编200001 +86 (21) 6341 1255 www.lowendalmasai.com

n Marsh Room 903, Aurora Plaza, 99 Fucheng Road, Shanghai 200120 +86 (21) 6887 3118 www.marsh.com n McKinsey 17/F Platinum Building 233 Taicang Road, Shanghai 上海市太仓路233号新茂大厦17 楼,邮编200020 +86 (21) 6385 8888 www.mckinsey.com n Mercer Room 3601 HongKong New World Tower, 300 Middle Huaihai Rd,. Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 6335 3358 www.mercer.com n PAC Group G1/F, King Tower, 28 Xinjinqiao Road, Shanghai 上海新金桥路28号新金桥大厦 G1楼层 +86 (21) 5031 0000 www.pacgroup.com n Rödl & Partner 31/F POS Plaza, 1600 Century Avenue, Shanghai +86 (21) 6163 5200 www.roedl.com n Roland Berger 23/F, Shanghai Kerry Center,1515 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 上海南京西路1515号上海嘉里 中心23楼 +86 (21) 5298 6677 www.rolandberger.com.cn n Staufen 22H Cross Region, No.899 Lingling Rd., Shanghai 200030 上海市零陵路899号飞洲国际广 场22楼H座,邮编200030 +86 (21) 6441 7112 www.staufen.cn n Tractus Asia Suite B, 22/F, Zhaofeng Universe Building, 1800 West Zhongshan Road, Shanghai 上海中山西路1800号兆丰环球大 厦22楼B座,邮编200235 +86 (21) 6440 0990 www.tractus-asia.com n Westernacher Room 2901, Fortune Gate, 1791West Beijing Road, Shanghai200040 上海市北京西路1701号2901室, 邮编200040 +86 (21) 6288 6370 www.westernacher.com

n World-Check Unit 4C, Times Plaza, 1 TaiziRoad, Shekou, Shenzhen 深圳蛇口市太子路1号新时代广 场4C座 +86 (755) 2688 9786 www.world-check.com

Sourcing Sourcing n A.E.C China Golden Buiding 9B,258 Tongren Road, Shanghai 上海市静安区铜仁路258号金座9 层B 座,邮编200040 +86 (21) 6289 2883 www.aec-china.com n AMS Suite 302-303, Suifeng B Building 10, Middle Xianli Road, Yongtai West, Guangzhou 510095 广州越秀区先烈中路永泰西约10 号穗丰大厦B栋B302.303室,邮 编510095 +86 (20) 8732 7643 www.ams-site.com n araia Shanghai Times Square, Suite 1709, 93 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海市淮海中路93号大上海时代 广场办公楼1709室 +86 (21) 6391 8356 www.araia.com n Buy.o Procurement 18/F, Bund Centre, 222 East Yan'an Road, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区延安东路222号外 滩中心18楼,邮编 200002 +86 (21) 6132 3805 www.buyo-procurement.com n The Beijing Axis Phoenix Place Tower A, Unit 2306-2307, 5A Shuguang Xili, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100028 北京朝阳区曙光西里5A,23062307 +86 (10) 6440 2106 www.thebeijingaxis.com n BrainNet (EAC) Sunyoung Centre, Room1702, 398 Jiangsu Road,Shanghai 上海江苏路398号, 1702 +86 (21) 3250 5967 www.brainnet.com n Bryan Cave Suite 916-921, One Corporate Avenue 222 Hubin Road, Luwan District Shanghai 200021




Other Professional Services 上海市卢湾区湖滨路222号企业天 地一号楼916-921室,邮编200021 +86 (21) 2308 3000 www.bryancavetrade.com

上海市安远路501-2号, 梅山大厦 1701室,邮编200040 +86 (21) 6277 9042 www.giolong.com

n ChinaSavvy 400 Wuzi Building, Beijiaochang Henglu 12,Guangzhou 510050 广州北较场横路12号物资大厦400 +86 (20) 8388 7080 www.chinasavvy.com

n Ivie Asia Room 1507, You You International Plaza, 76 Pujian Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区浦建路76号由由 国际广场1507单元,邮编200127 +86 (21) 6165 9100 www.ivieinc.com

n Dragon Sourcing Suite 1502, Jin Tian Di International Mansions 998, Renmin Road Shanghai 200021 上海市人民路998号金天地国际大 厦1502室 +86 (21) 6141 3955 www.dragonsourcing.com n Drennan Sourcing

NO.308 Shen Xia Road Malu Town Jia Ding District Shanghai 上海嘉定区马陆镇申霞路308号 +86 (21) 5258 8855 www.drennanco.com

n Drozak Unit 1606, Silver Centre , NO.1388 North Shan Xi Road Shanghai 200060 上海陕西北路1388号,1606 +86 (21) 6149 8316 www.drozak.com n EAC-Euro Asia Sunyoung Centre, Rm. 1702 • 398 Jiangsu Road, Shanghai200050 上海江苏路398号1702 +86 (21) 6350 8150 www.eac-consulting.de


n ET2C International 23 Wangjiao Plaza, 175 East Yan'an Road, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区延安东路175号旺角 大厦23楼,邮编200002 +86 (21) 5358 9600 www.et2cint.com


n Eunasco Supply Chain Room 503, Jintiandi Mansion, 998 Renmin Road, Shanghai 200021 上海人民路998号金天地大厦503 +86 (21) 6336 1119 www.eunasco.com n EuroGroup - Rewe Unit1206-1208, Office B,188 Wujiang Road, Shanghai 上海吴江路188号B座1206-1208 +86 (21) 3210 0674 www.eurogroup.com.hk n Giolong

Office 1701, Meishan Mansion, No.501-2, Anyuan Road, Shanghai

n JLJ Group Suite 603-605, Oriental Center,699 West Nanjing Road/31Wujiang Road, Shanghai 200041 上海吴江路31号,南京西路699号 东方有线大厦603-605 +86 (21) 5211 0068 www.jljgroup.com n Li & Fung

11th Floor, LiFung Tower, 888 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2300 2300 www.lifung.com

n SourceJuice Suite 1008,Prosperity Millennia Plaza 663 King's Road,Quarry Bay, Hong Kong +852 3404 0061 www.sourcejuice.com n Shanghai Component Outsourcing Suite 806, Kairun Grand Town No.4, 1611 North Sichuan Road, Shanghai 上海四川南路1611号4号楼806 +86 (21) 6325 2390 www.shanghaioutsourcing.com n Smart Sourcing 1210-1213 Guo-Li Plaza, 1465 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 上海市北京西路1465号国立大厦 1210-1213室, 邮编 200040 +86 (21) 5212 1200 www.smart-sourcing.com n Source Direct 4A&B Richuyuan, Royal Family Yadong, Nanjing +86 (25) 8586 0724 南京皇家亚东日出园4A-B www.source-direct-int.com n SSC

n Otto Asia 19/F Peninsula Square, 18 Sung On Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2303 7000 www.ottoint.com

Room 7B, Xinda Mansion, 1399 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 上海市北京西路1399号信达大厦7 楼B座,邮编200040 +86 (21) 6289 4248 www.service-sourcing.com

n PassageMaker #2, 2nd Floor, Building #6,Huimin Huayuan, Luosha DongLu, Luohu District, Shenzhen 深圳罗湖区罗沙东路惠民花园6栋 2层2号,邮编518004 +86 (755) 2540 3811 www.psschina.com

n Taichi Auto Room 402, Building A, 951Jianchuan Road, Minhang, Shanghai 上海市闵行区剑川路951号沧源科 技园A幢402室,邮编200240 +86 (21) 6435 6742 www.taichiauto.com

n procurAsia

Renheng Building, Unit 14A 58 Qindian Ave, Shanghai 200120 上海市钦殿街58号仁恒大厦14A 室,邮编200120 +86 (21) 6875 4993 www.procurasia.com

n RT Sourcing 301-A, 3/F, Golden Valley (Haisong Building), Tairan 9 Road, Shenzhen 518040 深圳泰然九路海松大厦301 +86 (755) 8378 8488 www.rtsourcing.com n Scandic Sourcing Suite 308, 700 South Huangpi Road, Shanghai 上海黄陂南路700号308 +86 (21) 5111 5905 www.scandicsourcing.com

n ThreeSixty Sourcing 5/F Jiujiang Building, 686 Jiujiang Road, Shanghai 200001 上海九江路686号锦江办公楼5 楼,邮编200001 +86 (21) 6322 5000 www.threesixtysourcing.com n WE Connor 8F, United Power International Plaza, No. 1158, Jiangning Rd, Shanghai, China 200041 上海江宁路1158号友力国际大 厦8楼 +86 (21) 3251 2200 www.weconnor.com

Quality & SCR n Aspecto Asia 22D Century Bashi Building 398 Middle Huaihai Road.Shanghai 200020 上海淮海中路398号世纪大厦22D + 86 (21) 6385 8406 www.aspecto-asia.nl n Business for Social Responsibility Room 202, Dongdaqiao Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing 100020 北京市朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国 际中心202室100020 + 86 (10) 5907 0503 www.bsr.org n Bureau Veritas 8/F Building 8 Pudong Lujiazui Software Park, 120, Lane 91, Eshan Road, Shanghai 200127 上海宜山路91弄120号浦东陆家嘴 软件园8号楼8层 +86 (20) 6886 0643 www.bureauveritas.cn www.bureauveritas.com n Impactt Limited Room 2105 Riverside Business Complex Center, 298 Middle Yanjiang Road, Guangzhou 510110 广州沿江中路298号滨江商务综合 服务中心2105 +86 (20) 3758 8916 www.impacttlimited.com n InnoCSR Room 17-16, Yu An Building, 738 Dongfang Rd, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200122 上海市浦东新区东方路738号裕安 大厦17楼16室 +86(21)5237 7387 www.innocsr.com n Intertek 889 Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 上海宜山路889号齐来工业城4号楼 2层,邮编 200233 +86 (21) 800 999 1338 www.intertek.com.cn n Lloyd's Register 20/F Ocean Towers, 550 East Yan'an Road, Shanghai 200001 上海市延安东路550号海洋大厦 20楼 +86 (21) 51585700 www.ir.org n Quality Control Services Room 2801A, Wiselogic Building, 66 North Shanxi Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 6288 3332 www.qcs.com

Other Professional Services


16/F, Century Yuhui Mansion, 73 Fufeng Road, Beijing 100142 北京市海淀区阜成路73号世纪 裕惠大厦16层,邮编100142 +86 (10) 6845 6699 www.cn.sgs.com

n TÜV SÜD 88 Heng Tong Road, Shanghai 中国上海恒通路88号 +86 (21) 6141 0123 www.tuev-sued.com

n Egon Zehnder 8 Gao'an Road, Shanghai 上海高安路8号 +86 (21) 2401 8200 www.egonzehnder.com n EPC Consulting 23F, Citicgroup Tower, 33 Huayuanshiqiao Road, Shanghai 200120 上海花园石桥路花旗大厦23层 +86 (21) 6101 0431 www.epc-search.com n Hays Executive Unit 5805-07, 58/F, The Center 99 Queen's Road Central Hong Kong +852 2521 3366 www.haysexecutive.com

n Onpress Unit 2908, Tower 1, Boya Garden, 9 Nong Zhanguan Nan Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing 100026 北京朝阳区农展馆南路9号博雅花 园1号楼2908 +86 (10) 6461 6391 www.onpressint.com n Plimsoll Room 1716A, Silver Centre, 1388 North Shanxi Road, Shanghai 200060 上海市陕西北路1388号银座企业 大厦1716室,邮编 200060 +86 (21) 6149 8001

n Heidrick & Struggles 37F, Tower 2, Plaza 66, 1366 Nanjing Xi Lu, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 6136 1988 www.heidrick.com

n Russell Reynolds 4504, Jin Mao Tower, 88Centure Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai 上海浦东世纪大道88号金茂大厦 4504,邮编200121 +86 (21) 6163 0888 www.russellreynolds.com

n Horton China Room 1606, K. Wah Center, 1010 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200031 上海淮海中路1010号1606 +86 (21) 54050066 www.hortonchina.com

n Salzer Consulting Suite 1507, Ben Ben Mansion, 300 Xi Kang Road, Shanghai 200040 上海西康路300号本本大厦1507 +86 (21) 6288 0926 www.salzer-consulting.com

n Job Transport Room 1612 Greenland Hechuang Building, 450 Caoyang Road, Shanghai 上海市普陀区曹杨路450号绿地和 创大厦1612室 +86 (21) 2890 1139 www.jobtransport.cn

n Spencer Stuart Room 501, One Corporate Avenue, 222 Hubin Road, Shanghai 200021 上海湖滨路222号企业天地501 室,邮编200021 +86 (21) 2326 2828 www.spencerstuart.com

n AsiaNet Consultants 15/F On Fem Tower,29 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong +852 2530 0130 www.asianetconsultants.com

n KLB Room 2205, Universal Masion Building, 172 Yuyuan Road, Shanghai 200040 上海愚园路172号世界环球大厦 2205室,邮编200040 +86 (21) 6248 0735 www.klb-group.com

n Stanton Chase Room 2105-06, 21/F, Chinese Overseas Mansion, 129 Yan An West Road, Shanghai 200040 www.stantonchase.com

n Bo-Le Room 1907-1916 Lippo Plaza,222 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 中国上海市淮海中路222号力宝 广场3206-3216室 +86 (21) 5396 6686 www.bo-le.com

n Korn/Ferry International Suite 2501, One Corporate Avenue 222 Hubin Road, Shanghai 200021 上海湖滨路222号,企业天地1号 楼2501,邮编200021 +86 (21) 2306 8500 www.kornferryasia.com

n ClarkMorgan Room 2808, Building A Shanghai Universal Mansion, 172 Yuyuan Road 愚园路172号环球世界大厦2808 +86 (21) 5403 5500 www.clarkmorgan.com

n Boyden


n TÜV Rheinland

10-15/F, Huatsing Building, 88, Lane777, West Guangzhong Road, Shanghai 上海市闸北区光中西路777弄88 号华清大厦10-15层 +86 (21) 6108 1188 www.chn.tuv.com

Executive Search n Active Selection Room 1407, POS Plaza, 1600 Century Avenue, Shanghai 200122 上海世纪大道1600号浦项商务 广场1407 +86 (21) 6875 7669 www.activeselection.cn

Units 4110-11, 1 Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200030 上海虹桥路1号港汇广场411011 +86 (21) 6113 8558 www.boyden.com

704-705 Hong Kong Plaza (S.),283 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海市淮海中路283号香港广场南 座704-705室,邮编 200021 +86 (21) 6390 6007 www.mri-china.com

n Executive Learning Center Unit 3306 Tower B City Center, 100Zunyi Road, Shanghai 200051 上海遵义路100号B座3306 +86 (21) 6208 0398 www.ecutivelearningcenter. com n Innova Salvo Hotel Suite 426 ,339Guangdong Road Shanghai 上海广东路339号426 +86 (21) 5108 8670 www.innova-institute.com.cn n Linac Room 1612, Shanghai Central, 227 North Huangpi Road, Shanghai 上海黄陂南路227号1612 +86 (21) 6375 8311 http://www.linac-consulting. com.cn/ n PMMS Rm. 2207-9 Tower 2 Lippo Centre 89 Queensway Admiralty Hong Kong +852 2801 6256 www.pmms-group.com n Thomas International Long De Mansion No.371 Tian He Road, Tian He District, Guangzhou 广州市天河区天河371号隆德大厦 +86 (10) 8447 9500 www.thomasinternational.net

Corporate Training

n E&PC HK Room 2105-06, 21/F, Chinese Overseas Mansion, 129 West Yan'an Road, Shanghai 200040 上海延安西路129号海外大厦 2105-2106 +86 (21) 6249 5470 www.epchk.com


n Underwriters Laboratory Room 3201, CITIC Square 1168 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200041 上海市南京西路1168号中信泰 福广场3201室,邮编200041 +86 (21) 6137 6300 www.ul.com



Blogis.....................................96 CB Richard Ellis.....................97 Colliers..................................98 Gazeley.................................99 GLP.....................................100 Goodman.............................101 GSE.....................................102 Jones Lang Lasalle.............103 Prologis................................104 SpaceFrame........................105 Yupei....................................106

Blogis Logistics Holding


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shenzhen, China 中国深圳 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2011 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Domestic Enterprise 内资企业 ) +86 (755) 2669 4211 7 +86 (755) 2669 4227 8 www.blogis.com.cn

Key Contacts Kong Peng 孔鹏 ) +86 (755) 2669 4211 x 2516 7 +86 (755) 2669 4227 + kongpeng@chiwanbase.com Enya Lee 李梅娟 ) +86 (755) 2669 4211 x 2611 7 +86 (755) 2669 4227 + limeijuan@chiwanbase.com

Highlights China Branch 中国分公司:  Shanghai(Baoshan)BLOGIS Park 上海(宝山)宝湾物流中心

Till now, BLOGIS has maintained 12 modern logistics parks, with over 15 million square feet of logistics facilities located at 8 major cities in China, has been keeping its 95% of facilities occupancy and providing professional value added services to customers since its earliest park was built in 1990, and maintains strategic partnership with many international companies, such as Volksgen, Mercedes-Benz, Vestas, Watsons, H&M etc. In the coming 5 years, BLOGIS expects a total investment of US$ 400 million and new logistics facilities of over 12 million square feet in China to enhance its network in China.

 Shanghai(Songjiang)BLOGIS Park 上海(松江)宝湾物流中心

宝湾物流控股有限公司由深圳赤湾石油基地股份有限公司和中国南山开发(集团)有限公 司合资成立。

 Kunshan BLOGIS Park 昆山宝湾物流中心

目前宝湾旗下已有12个物流园项目,覆盖8个国内主要物流节点城市,仓储面积达140万平 方米。从1990年第一个宝湾物流园投产至今,宝湾保持了95%左右的仓库出租率,并为客 户提供专业的增值服务。与大众汽车、梅赛德斯-奔驰、维斯塔斯、屈臣氏及H&M等众多 国际知名企业结成了战略合作伙伴关系。

 Tianjin(Tanggu)BLOGIS Park 天津(塘沽)宝湾物流中心  Tianjin(Bingang)BLOGIS Park 天津(滨港)宝湾物流中心  Guangzhou BLOGIS Park 广州宝湾物流中心  Shenzhen BLOGIS Park 深圳宝湾物流中心  Chengdu(Xindu) BLOGIS Park 成都(新都)宝湾物流中心  Chengdu(Longquan) BLOGIS Park 成都(龙泉)宝湾物流中心  Nanjing BLOGIS Park 南京宝湾物流中心 REAL ESTATE SERVICES

BLOGIS Logistics Holding Co., Ltd. is founded by Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd. and China Nanshan Development (Group) Co., Ltd.

未来的5年,宝湾将投资4亿美元兴建120万平方米新型的仓储设施,用于加强物流园项目 的网络布局。

Services and Solutions Distribution Centers  Sales & Leasing

 Property leasing: Warehouse, office building, Dormitory building, etc.  Equipments rental: renting forklifts, racks, trailers, etc.  Warehouse operation: loading & unloading, material handling, tallying, etc.  Distribution processing: sorting, devanning, packaging, labeling, etc.  Logistics finance: property pledge financing & cargo against payment, etc.  Urban distribution: provide city and the municipal suburb of goods distribution services.

 物业租赁:仓库、办公楼、宿舍楼等;

 Langfang BLOGIS Park 廊坊宝湾物流中心

 设备租赁:叉车、货架、拖车等;

 Nantong BLOGIS Park 南通宝湾物流中心

 流通加工:分拣、分拆、包装、贴标签等;


 仓储操作:进出库装卸、搬运、理货等;  物流金融:仓单质押、保兑仓等;  城市配送: 城区以及市近郊的货物配送服务。


Shanghai CBRE Property Consultants


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Los Angeles, U.S.A. 美国洛杉矶 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1988 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n Shanghai office 上海分公司 11th Floor Shanghai Wheelock Square 1717 Nanjing West Rd., Shanghai 200040 上海市南京西路1717号会德丰广场11楼 邮编 200040 ) +86 (21) 2401 1200 7 +86 (21) 5403 7430 8 www.cbre.com.cn

Key Contacts

Carlo Wuysang 卡威尚 Associate Director ) +86 (21) 2401 1260 7 +86 (21) 5047 7430 + Carlo.wuysang@cbre.com.cn

Highlights 

CBRE has developed as a leading real estate service provider in China.

12 full service offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shenyang, Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Wuhan, Chengdu, Chongqing and Hangzhou.

Approximately 14 project offices and experience in over 100 cities within China

世邦魏理仕已经发展成中国区房地产市场的领 导者。

设有北京、上海、广州、深圳、沈阳、大连、天津、 青岛、武汉、成都、重庆,杭州等12家分公司。

建立了约14家项目办事处,业务遍及中国区超过 100多个城市。


CBRE Group, a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 company headquartered in Los Angeles, is the world's largest commercial real estate services firm (in terms of 2010 revenue). The Company has approximately 31,000 employees (excluding affiliates), and serves real estate owners, investors and occupiers through more than 300 offices (excluding affiliates) worldwide. CBRE offers strategic advice and execution for property sales and leasing; corporate services; property, facilities and project management; mortgage banking; appraisal and valuation; development services; investment management; and research and consulting. Please visit our Web site at www.cbre.com. 世邦魏理仕(纽约证券交易所代号:CBG)总部位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,是财富 500强和标准普尔500强企业,为全球最大的商业地产服务公司(按2010年的营业额计算)。 公司拥有员工约31,000名(不含联营公司),通过全球300多家办事处(不含联营公司) 为地产业主、投资者及承租者提供服务,具体包括:物业租售的战略顾问及实施、企业服 务、物业/设施及项目管理、按揭融资、评估与估值、开发服务、投资管理、研究与策略顾 问等。欢迎浏览公司网址www.cbre.com。

Services and Solutions Property Asset Management  Sales & Leasing  Site Selection  Site Selection 选址  Development Consulting 开发咨询  Industrial Properties & Business Parks Sales & Leasing 工业厂房和商务园区的租售  Property Asset Management 项目资产管理  Change to Distribution Centers 物流分拨中心  Financial options 财务分析  Property Disposal 资产处置  For Corporation 企业服务  For Occupier/Client 客户代表  For Developers/Property Owner 开发商/业主代表





Louisa Luo 罗瑾 Director - China ) +86 (21) 2401 1359 7 +86 (21) 5047 7430 + Louisa.luo@cbre.com.cn


Colliers International


 Corporate HQ 公司总部 Seattle, Washington, United States 美国华盛顿州西雅图  Established in China 在中国成立于 1989 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国区总部 16/F Hong Kong New World Tower, 300 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海淮海中路300号港香港新世界大厦16楼 邮编200021 ) +86 (21) 6141 3688  +86 (21) 6141 3699 8 www.colliers.com

Key Contacts

Colliers International is the leader in global real estate services, defined by our spirit of enterprise. Since 1989, Colliers has stood at the forefront of China's real estate industry, with offices established in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Foshan and Shenzhen, and site offices in more than 50 cities. We provide a full range of property services to multinationals, local companies and institutions across China.

Nigel Ingham Director, Industrial Services ) +86 (21) 6141 3665 7 +86 (21) 6141 3699 +Nigel.Ingham@colliers.com Jeremy Chapman Director, Industrial Services ) +86 (21) 6141 3502 7 +86 (21) 6141 3699 +Jeremy.chapman@colliers.com

Highlights Representative clients: 我们尊贵的客户:

FMCG & Retailer: B&Q, Campbell's Soup, Pernod Ricard, SWAROVSKI 百安居,金宝汤,保乐利加,施华洛世奇 High-tech: 3M, Cummins, GE, GOSS, Honeywell, Tyco 3M,康明斯,通用电气,高斯,霍尼韦尔,泰科


Logistics: Blogis, DHL, Gazeley, Goodman, Mapletree, Panalpina, Prologis 宝湾物流,中外运敦豪,盖世理,嘉民,丰树, 泛亚班拿,普洛斯


Services and Solutions Property Asset Management  Industrial Properties  Sales & Leasing

Chemical, processing, raw materials: Dow Chemical, Kennametal, Nordson 陶氏化学,肯纳金属,诺信

Real estate: Ascendas, Taicang Economic Development Zone, Xinzhuang Industrial Park, Zhaoli Investment, Zhoupu 腾飞,太仓经济开发区,莘庄工业园,兆力投资 管理,周浦都市工业园 Other: Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Blackstone, Faurecia, National Oilwell Varco 美银美林,黑石,弗吉亚,美国国民油井华高


高力国际秉持企业精神,成为全球房地产服务业的领袖。自1989年进入中国房地产市场, 高力国际一直立于前沿,先后在北京、上海、广州、成都、南京、杭州、天津、佛山及深圳 设立分公司,并在全国超过五十个城市设有驻场办事处,为跨国与本地企业提供全方位 的专业物业服务。

Colliers International's Industrial Services team specializes in industrial property covering everything from raw land to hi-tech industrial parks, manufacturing facilities and warehousing. Experienced in every major city in China, our expert team are well equipped to deliver exception results. We provide our clients with the competitive edge required to stay ahead in this rapidly developing, ever changing market. We are proud to have built a reputation for excellence with our national platform and local market expertise. 高力国际工业物业服务部门主要从事工业地产服务,其业务涵盖了从生地到高新技术产 业园区、生产设备和仓储。高力国际工业物业服务部的业务已经扩展到中国各大城市,我 们专业的团队以精良的配备为客户提供专业化的服务并确立良好的竞争优势,使客户在 这个迅速发展、不断变化的市场里始终保持领先地位。 引以为荣的是,我们凭借优质的平台和对本地市场的专业知识建立了良好的声誉。 Our industrial services:

 Industrial Brokerage Services  Site Selection Consultancy  Sales and Leaseback  Negotiation  Due Diligence  Land, factory, warehouse, logistics and industrial parks




 工业物业中介服务  选址分析  销售及售后返租  执行谈判  尽职调查  土地、厂房、仓库、物流及工业园区





 Corporate HQ 公司总部 UK, 英国  Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国公司总部 Room 805, Kerry Centre, 1515 Nanjing Road (W), Shanghai 上海南京西路1515号嘉里中心805室 ) +86 (21) 5298 6622  +86 (21) 5298 5098 8 www.gazeley.com

Key Contacts

Oscar Heras Regional Technical Director ) + 86 (21) 5298 6622 7 + 86 (21) 5298 5098 + oscar.heras@gazeley.com

Highlights  Founded in 1987 in the UK  Acquired by EZW in 2008  Over 6million sqm developed globally  Operational in the UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Italy, China, the UAE and USA  Expert in Build to Suit solutions  Localized turnkey solutions  Sustainability that makes sense  Cost-effective and high-quality buildings  On-budget, on-schedule delivery  1987年成立于英国  2008年被EZW收购  全球已开发优质仓储项目超过600万平方米 业务遍及英国、法国、比利时、西班牙、 德国、意大利、中国、阿联酋和美国  定制项目专家  本土化的一站式开发服务  合理的可持续性开发  有经济效益的高质量仓库  严格遵守预算的如期交付


Gazeley is a leading global developer of logistics warehouses and distribution parks and is an expert in providing tailor made solutions to meet our customer needs. Since 1987 we have delivered over 6.47 million m2 of modern, affordable, high-quality logistics warehouse space across the globe for some of the world leading retailers, manufacturers, and third party logistics providers (3PL's). We are committed to providing our customers with a consistent level of quality, service and value for money in all the products we deliver. We embed sustainable elements in our standard offer to customers providing warehouses which helps reduce running costs and carbon footprints. Gazeley has offices across Europe, USA, the Middle East and China, and is an important part of Economic Zones World Group. 盖世理作为一家全球领先的物流仓库及配送园区开发商,专长于为不同客户度身定制仓 储解决方案以满足其需求。自从1987年公司成立以来,盖世理已在全球开发逾640万平方 米高品质高性价比的现代化物流仓库,服务于世界一流知名品牌的零售商、制造商以及众 多第三方物流公司。我们致力于为全球各地的客户提供同等高品质的服务。公司将可持续 环保措施都融入仓库的标准开发模式中,从而为客户减少运营成本并降低碳排放量。盖世 理的分支机构遍布欧洲、美国、中东及中国,并已成为经济区世界集团旗下的重要成员。

Services and Solutions Property Development  Distribution Centers  Design Build & Build-to-Suit Gazeley has a flexible approach to development and can deliver build-tosuit solutions on a lease or ownership basis to suit our customers' needs. We are also able to offer Development Management services. Gazeley controls or is able to acquire strategic land opportunities in all of China's logistics 'hotspots'. Our team is committed to providing our customers with exceptional levels of service and we work in a partnership manner to ensure the delivery of property solutions. Gazeley has a reputation of producing some of the most advanced and energy efficient warehouses in the world. Not only are our warehouses best in class for sustainability, but they are cheaper for its customers to operate and to maintain. 盖世理提供灵活的开发模式,可为客户度身定制开发项目供客户任意选择租赁或持有物 业,同时,我们还提供物业开发管理的一系列服务。盖世理已在战略性地理位置拥有土 地储备,也可在全国各大物流热点区域获取其他地块。我们的中国团队致力于提供超乎 客户预期的优质服务,与客户及 其他合作方建立伙伴关系以确 保项目的顺利交付。全 球最先 进最环保的仓库中有不少是盖 世理开发的,公司也因此享有盛 誉。盖世理开发的仓库不仅在环 保方面数世界一流,而且能为客 户节省运营和维护成本。




Sally Lin Country Director, China ) + 86 (21) 5298 6622 7 + 86 (21) 5298 5098 + sally.lin@gazeley.com


Global Logistic Properties (GLP) 普洛斯

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2003 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 2708 Azia Center, 1233 Lujiazui Ring Road, Shanghai 200120 上海市陆家嘴环路1233号汇亚大厦2708室 邮编200120 ) +86 (21) 6105 3999 Hotline:800-819-3900 7 +86 (21) 6105 3900 8 www.GLProp.com

Key Contacts Louie Lu 卢利民 VP National Account Director ) +86 (21) 6105 3950 7 +86 (21) 6105 3900 + llu@GLProp.com Mountain Luo 骆镇 Senior National Account Manager ) +86 (21) 6105 2755 7 +86 (21) 6105 3900 + mluo@GLProp.com


Global Logistic Properties (GLP) is Asia’s largest provider of modern logistics facilities. It owns, manages and leases out 420 completed properties in 145 logistics parks spread across 32 major cities in China and Japan, forming an efficient logistics network with properties strategically located in key logistics hubs, industrial zones and urban distribution centers. The Group was listed on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited on October 18th, 2010. (Stock code: MC0). As of Dec.31th,2011, GLP manages 76 logistics parks in 25 major Chinese cities. GLP also manages 69 logistics parks in 7 major cities in Japan. 普洛斯是亚洲最大的现代物流设施提供商与服务商,在中国及日本的32个城市拥有并管理 着145个综合性园区的420个物业,形成了一个覆盖主要物流枢纽、工业园区和城市配送中 心等战略接点的高效物流网络。公司于2010年10月18日在新加坡证券交易所挂牌上市(股票 代码:MC0)。

 Business scope 经营范围:

截至2011年12月31日,普洛斯在中国25个主要城市投资、建设并管理着76个物流园。在日本, 普洛斯拥有并管理着分布在7个市场的69个物流园。

Services and Solutions



Modern logistics facilities provider 现代物流设施提供商与服务商 Industries support/target in China: 在中国目标服务领域 Manufacturing, Retail, Logistics/3PLs 制造商、零售业与第三方物流公司 Current customers in China 客户包括: Adidas, L’Oreal, Samsung, Nokia, DHL, UPS, Yum, Joyo Amazon, Shanghai Pharms, Deppon Logistics, Volks Wagan, Vancl, etc. No. of customers in China: 500+ 在中国客户数量:500+ Warehouse locations 在中国仓库所在地 About 76 logistics parks in 25 cities across China 在中国25个城市拥有约76个 物流园区


Bonded Warehouses  Distribution Centers  Industrial Properties  Design Build & Build-to-Suit Global Logistic Properties is building a global leading platform of modern logistics facilities platform with optimal logistic services for customers. By providing flexible solutions of Multi-tenant, Build-to-Suit and Sale and Leaseback, Global Logistic Properties is dedicated to improving supply chain efficiency to meet strategic expansion goals of the most dynamic manufacturers, retailers and 3rd party logistics companies in the world. 普洛斯宗旨是:创建全球领先的现代物流设施平台,为客户提供最优化的物流服务。 通过标准设施开发、定制开发、收购与回租等灵活的解决方案,致力于为全球最具活力的制 造商、零售商和第三方物流公司不断提高供应链效率,达成战略拓展目标。

Goodman Group


 Corporate HQ 公司总部 Sydney, Australia 澳大利亚悉尼  Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 2107 - 2109, Shui On Plaza 333 Middle Huaihai Road Shanghai 200021 上海淮海中路333号瑞安广场2107-2109室 邮编200021 ) +86 (21) 6133 2000  +86 (21) 6386 2386 8 www.goodman.com

Key Contacts Lawrence Li Leasing & Business Development Director ) +86 (21) 6133 2012 7 +86 (21) 6386 2386 +lawrence.li@goodman.com Wayne Huang G M , Opertations China ) +86 (21) 6133 2014 7 +86 (21) 6386 2386 +wayne.huang@goodman.com


 32 offices in over 16 countries  Dedicated team of over 859 property professionals

 13.6 million m2 of business space under management

 Business space customer base of approximately over 1,500

 "Own+Develop+Manage" customer service offering

 澳洲最大的上市工业地产集团  在16个国家拥有32个办事机构  逾859名专业地产人员  管理地产商业面积1,360万平方米  拥有1,500家客户  “持有+开发+管理”客户服务模式 主要客户:  金鹰国际货运  中外运物流发展  日邮物流  日通物流


在中国,嘉民主要致力于持有,开发并管理物流仓储设施及配送中心。我们早于2001年透 过阿灵顿(Arlington)参与上海科技绿洲项目而进入中国市场。并且于2005年为DHL建 设定制开发项目而进一步拓展中国市场。今天嘉民在中国大陆市场资产投资总额超过三 亿美元,管理的物业面积达400,000平方米。我们作为长期持有者以及独特的客户服务模 式使客户满意度得到不断提升。

Services and Solutions Distribution Centers  Property Development  Design Build & Build-to-Suit Own We are long term owners of logistics property, providing ongoing relationships with customers. Develop Goodman's significant development programme encompasses sites across Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the UK. Our development projects are purpose-built to meet the growing needs of our customers. Manage Our in-house property services teams ensure our customers' operational needs are met and our assets are maintained to an exceptional standard. 持有 我们是物流物业的长期持有者,同客户保持长期稳定的合作关系。 开发 嘉民大规模的开发计划遍及澳洲,亚太区,欧洲及英国。我们致力于为客户提供量身定制 的物业设施,满足其不断增长的需求。 管理 我们的内部物业服务团队确保客户的营运需求得到满足,设施保持最佳运营状态。 linkedin.com/company/11166


erty group

Key Clients:

In China, Goodman specialises in owning, developing and managing logistics properties, warehouse and distribution centres. Our first presence in China was established in 2001 via Arlington's involvement in Shanghai Business Park. We further extended our footprint in China in 2005 through the provision of a build-to-suit facility for DHL. Today, the total GFA under management in the country valued at approximately US$300 million with a total area of approximately 400,000m2. Our long term approach and unique customer services offering result in increased customer satisfaction. 嘉民集团是全球最大的综合性工业物业集团之一,主要致力于持有,开发及管理工业物 业及商业空间。

 Australia's largest listed industrial prop-

 DHL  Sinotrans  NYK Logistics  Nippon Express

Goodman Group is one of the world largest integrated industrial property groups that owns, develops and manages industrial property and business space globally.


GSE China

杰仕依建筑工程(上海)有限公司  Corporate HQ 公司总部 Avignon, France 法国阿维尼翁  Established in China 在中国成立于 1996 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 27D Industry Building, 18 North Caoxi Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市徐家汇漕溪北路18号实业大厦27D, 邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6090 1388  +86 (21) 6090 1399 8 www.gsegroup.cn

Key Contacts Arnaud Sebban Commercial Director ) +86 (21) 6090 1388 7 +86 (21) 6090 1399 +asebban@gsegroup.com

GSE is a European leading design and build contractor specialized in the delivery of turnkey construction solutions in the Logistics, Industrial and Service sectors. With its expertise in the logistics field over the past three decades, GSE has delivered 18 million sqm of warehousing facilities up to the present. The group has a presence in 20 countries with a global turnover of EUR 500m last year. In 1996 GSE entered the Chinese market bringing the industrial best practices to serve this fast growing logistics market.

Fabrice Maurizot Technical Director ) +86 (21) 6090 1388 7 +86 (21) 6090 1399 +fmaurizot@gsegroup.com.com

杰仕依是一家一流的欧洲设计与建造总承包商,在物流,工业及服务设施领域拥有丰 富的专业经验。凭借30年来在物流仓储设施建造方面的成功经验,杰仕依至今已在世 界各地成功交付了1800平方米的物流项目用地。目前公司在全球20个国家拥有分支机 构,2011年的营业额达到5亿欧元。1996年杰仕依进入中国市场,致力于为中国这个发展 迅速的物流市场提供高质量的设计与建造服务。

Highlights GSE design-and-builds warehouses delivering solutions to the increasingly complex demands of supply chain professionals:

Property Development  Build-to-Suit  Building Structure & Construction

 Temperature controlled (positive/nega-

GSE provides reliable solutions spanning an entire project, from site identification and concept design right through construction to final handover and delivery.

 Express freight forwarding platforms and

杰仕依为您提供可靠的建筑解决方案,我们的服务涵盖整个项目,从先期的土地选 址,到概念设计,并衍生至施工直至最终的项目交付。

 Handling automation AS/RS

Our fully integrated services include: 我们的综合服务包括:

tive) and dry product distribution center

cross-docking platforms

 Super flat floors for extra-high racking 杰仕依设计和建造仓储设施为物流链行业日益 复杂的需求提供解决方案:  温控仓库(正/负)和干品配送仓库  快速货运平台和双面卸货平台  自动化仓库 AS/RS  超高货架区域的超平整地坪


Services and Solutions

Clients in China:  Gazeley  Prologis  IKEA  Wal-Mart  Alstom  Alcatel  Areva T&D  Gemalto  Lafarge  Mérial  Schneider


在中国的主要客户:  盖世理  安博  宜家  沃尔玛  阿尔斯通  阿尔卡特  阿海珐研发中心  金雅拓  拉法基  梅里亚  施耐德等


 Due-diligence study 可行性研究报告  Master planning 总体规划  Site assessment / selection 土地评估/选址  Design optimization 最优化设计  Sustainable development:

green building consultancy 可持续发展:绿色建筑咨询  Property development consultancy: project funding/legal and financial arrangements 地产开发咨询(项目融资、法律与财务协助)  Turnkey construction 交钥匙工程  Aftercare service 建后保修工程服务 Typically, our projects include a combination of these specific programs and each project is custom designed to meet the client's needs. 通常,我们承接的项目是以上解决方案的整合,每一 个项目都根据客户的需求进行度身量造。


Jones Lang LaSalle 仲量联行测量师事务所(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Chicago, United States 美国芝加哥 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1994 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 25/F, Tower 2 Plaza 66, 1366 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 中国上海市南京西路1366号恒隆广场2座25 楼,邮编200040 ) +86 (21) 6393 3333 7 +86 (21) 6393 3080 8 www.joneslanglasalle.com.cn

Key Contacts Jones Lang LaSalle (NYSE:JLL) is a financial and professional services firm specializing in real estate. The firm offers integrated services delivered by expert teams worldwide to clients seeking increased value by owning, occupying or investing in real estate.

Stuart Ross 司徒艺 Head of Industrial, China ) +86 (21) 6133 5757 7 +86 (21) 6393 3080 + stuart.ross@ap.jll.com

Jones Lang LaSalle has over 50 years of experience in Asia Pacific, with over 22,000 employees operating in 78 offices in 14 countries across the region. The firm was named the Best Property Consultancy in Asia Pacific at 'The Asia Pacific Property Awards 2011 in association with Bloomberg Television'.

Wonder Wang 王成志 Head of Logistics Infrastructure, China ) +86 (21) 6133 5340 7 +86 (21) 6393 3080 + wonder.wang@ap.jll.com

For further information, please visit our Web site, www.joneslanglasalle.com.cn 仲量联行(纽约证交所交易代码:JLL)是专注于房地产领-域的专业服务企业。公司在全球 的专家团队致力于提供全面整合的服务,为客户持有、租用或投资房地产的决策实现增 值。

 Industrial support/target in China 在中国目标服务领域 High-tech, electronics/electrical, telecoms, automotive, industrial equipment/machinery, manufacturing, FMCG/ consumer goods, food/beverage, retail, distribution, warehousing, logistics/3PLs, transportation, import/export, pharmaceutical, engineering 高科技、电子、电信、汽车、工业设备/器 械、制造业、快速消费品、餐饮、零售、配 送、仓储、物流、交通、进出口、制药和工 程

 Current customers in China 客户包括

Amazon.com, AMB, BMW China, Carrier, Cisco, Delphi, DuPont, Ericsson, GM, Honeywell, Maersk, P&G, UPS, and Whirlpool 我们在中国境内有将近70个公司客户,包括 亚马逊公司、AMB、宝马(中国)汽车公 司、开利空调、思科、Delphi 汽车系统公 司、DHL、杜邦、爱立信、通用汽车、霍尼韦 尔、马士基、宝洁、UPS和惠尔浦等

 No. of customers in China: 200 在中国客户数量: 200


仲量联行在亚太地区开展业务超过50年。公司目前在亚太地区的14个国家拥有78个分 公司,员工总数超过22,000人。仲量联行在“2011年亚太地区房地产奖”颁奖典礼上荣 膺“亚太地区最佳房地产咨询公司”的最高荣誉。 更多详情请浏览: www.joneslanglasalle.com.cn

Services and Solutions Negotiation  Property Development  Property Asset Management Jones Lang LaSalle provides quality real estate advice and services in the areas of retail, residential, commercial, management services, project and development services and research. Its experienced industrial market professionals will help you with a full range of services:  Strategic consulting and research  Integrated facilities management  Property asset management  Business location advisory and  Valuation and opinions of market tenant representation value  Project marketing and landlord  Merger and acquisition advisory representation  Project and development services  Development feasibility and master planning Investment advisory  Design build and built-to-suit advisory 仲量联行所提供的专业房地产顾问及服务领域包括:商铺、住宅、办公楼、工业、物业管理 服务、企业设施管理、投资、战略顾问、项目发展服务以及市场研究等。在工业地产方面广 泛深入的经验涉及各个国家、各个市场,可以为客户制定专属的整体方案,从而有效满足工 业地产租户和业主的独特需求,具体服务包括:

 战略咨询和研究  选址咨询和租户代理  项目营销和业主代理  项目开发和管理服务 linkedin.com/company/3178

 设计施工和定制方案  综合设施管理  物业资产管理  市场估价和评价 JLLNews

 兼并和收购咨询  开发可行性研究和总体规划  投资咨询






安博中国 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 San Francisco, U.S.A. 美国旧金山 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国区总部 Suite 2908, Plaza 66 II, 1366 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 上海南京西路1366号恒隆广场二座2908单 元,邮编200040 ) +86 (21) 6135 1688 Leasing Hotline 租赁热线: 400 630 8018 7 +86 (21) 6135 1600 8 www.prologis.com

Key Contacts

Prologis, Inc. is the leading provider and operator of logistics facilities, focused on global and regional markets across the Americas, Europe and Asia. The company leases modern distribution facilities to manufacturers, retailers, transportation companies, third-party logistics providers and other enterprises. Prologis is a member of the S&P 500 and is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker "PLD". Since entering China in 2005 under AMB Property Corporation, the company has steadily expanded operations through its customer relationships and local market knowledge. Currently Prologis' platform in China is managed from four regional offices: Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Chengdu. Prologis China is headquartered in Shanghai.

Ben Cornish 康斌 President, China ) +86 (21) 6135 1688 7 +86 (21) 6135 1699 + Info-China@prologis.com David Yu 郁亦盛 SVP, COO-China ) +86 (21) 6135 1650 7 +86 (21) 6135 1699 + DYu@prologis.com

Highlights     


                    


Our China properties include: Prologis Beijing Capital Airport Logistiscs Center 1 Prologis Beijing Capital Airport Logistics Center 2 Prologis Dalian Logistics Center Prologis Port of Tianjin Logistics Center Prologis Guangzhou Development Zone Logistics Center Prologis Shanghai Jiuting Logistics Center Prologis Shanghai Fengxian Logistics Center Prologis Shanghai Qingpu Distribution Center Prologis Jiaxing Logistics Center Prologis Kunshan Lujia Logistics Center Prologis Kunshan Bonded Logistics Center Prologis Port of Ningbo Logistics Center Prologis Chengdu Airport Logistics Center 我们的中国区物业包括: 安博北京首都机场第一物流中心 安博北京首都机场第二物流中心 安博大连物流中心 安博天津港物流中心 安博广州开发区物流中心 安博上海九亭物流中心 安博上海奉贤物流中心 安博上海青浦配送中心 安博嘉兴配送中心 安博昆山陆家物流中心 安博昆山保税物流中心 安博宁波港物流中心 安博成都空港物流中心


安博是全球最大的物流基础设施提供商和运营商,重点业务覆盖美洲、欧洲和亚洲等区 域市场乃至全球。公司提供现代物流设施的租赁业务,客户包括制造商,零售商,运输公 司,第三方物流公司和其他企业。安博为美国纽约证券交易所上市公司,交易代码PLD。自 2005年以AMB名义进入中国市场,安博中国凭借其客户关系以及本地市场经验稳步拓展 事业。目前安博中国业务平台包括四大战略性区域,地区总部分别设于上海、北京、深圳和 成都。安博中国总部设于上海。

Services and Solutions 综合业务平台 INTEGRATED PLATFORM

Dedicated Logistics Operator, Owner & Investor 专注于物流设施的 运营、提供和投资




Co-Investment Partners & Fund Management 联合投资伙伴 及基金管理


























事百世 (上海) 建筑工程有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Spaceframe Buildings (Holdings) Pty Ltd Brisbane, Australia 澳大利亚布里斯班事百世有限公司 n Established in China 在中国成立于 In 1993, Shanghai & Beijing 1993年,上海与北京 n Legal status in China 企业性质 JV 中外合资 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 17A, HuaMin Empire Mansion 726 West Yan'an Road, Shanghai 延安西路726号华敏翰尊大厦17楼A ) +86 (21) 5830 3488 7 +86 (21) 5830 1730 8 www.spaceframe.com.cn

Key Contacts

Andrew Brown Strategy & Business Development Manager ) +86 (21) 5830 3488 7 +86 (21) 5830 1730 + andrewbrown@spaceframe.com.cn

Highlights  Class B Construction License and specialist qualifications in steel structure, mechanical and electrical services en able a diverse range of solutions.  Since constructing a cold store in Dalian in 1984 we have now delivered 100's of projects throughout China and the Asia Pacific region.  With Offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Changsha & Brisbane we are well placed to serve our clients' in this region.  A versatile solution provider, Spaceframe is one of the most qualified foreign invested General Contractors operating in China today  承包二级房屋建筑工程施工,二级钢结构工程和 二级机电设备安装工程  1984年大连冷藏库项目标志事百世进入中国市 场,已在中国和亚太地区交付百余项目。  上海,北京,长沙和布里斯班设有办公室,在这些 地区事百世在业内名列前茅。  多元化的解决方案供应商,事百世是当今中国最 有资格的外资总承包商之一。


At Spaceframe, we are underpinned by a commitment to serviceability and a sustainable future. As a versatile and complete solution provider with proven capabilities, Spaceframe can provide a diverse array of expertise, services and products to suit your project's needs. Our robust quality control systems and global standards ethics and compliance capability ensure we exceed your expectations. Our corporate values are steadfast, with our "Safety First" and "No Excuses" campaigns being bold indicators of this commitment. Why? We do this because we are clear about what's important; and are keen to minimize the impact of our operations for our clients, the people and communities where we work. At Spaceframe, we listen, we understand, we deliver. 事百世承诺服务能力和可持续发展。作为一个多元化的和完整解决方案的供应商,事百 世提供多样化的专业知识,服务和产品来满足您的项目需求。我们有完善的质量控制系 统和符合全球标准的产品,确保超越您的期望。事百世坚持企业价值,开展了“安全第 一”和“没有借口”的活动来实现承诺。我们这样做是因为我们清楚什么是重要的;并希 望尽量减少业务给客户,居民和社区带来的不便。事百世倾听,理解,交付。

Services and Solutions Industrial Properties  Distribution Centers  Design Build & Build-to-Suit  Building Structure & Construction We offer innovative design & construct solutions that are value engineered and sustainable, be it multilevel structural steel warehousing, single skin or box in box solutions, as a provider of quality pre- engineered buildings (PEB), ammonia refrigeration systems and warehouse flooring, the Spaceframe Group has the expertise and network of resources to provide all your warehouse and logistical needs. Our capabilities in pre-Construction services, design build contracting, general contracting/Construction, local and export PEBs, refrigeration and ventilation, enable our clients to better develop and deliver their investment & project strategy. Through sustainable design and smarter procurement, we achieve quality outcomes and improved asset performance, all with speed to market guarantees. 作为优质预制建筑,氨制冷系统和仓库地板的供应商,不管是多层次钢结构仓库,单层 玻璃幕墙还是箱中箱构造,事百 世 都能提 供价值工程和可持 续 的创新设计和建造的解决方案。 事百世的专门知识和资源网络满 足您的仓库和后勤需要。通过前 期服务,设计建筑承包,总承包 施工,预制建筑(本地和出口), 工业制冷、通风系统解决方案, 事百世能实现 您的 投资和 项目 策略,让客户最大限度地利用土 地,获得更好的效益,提高质量, 同时保证了市场速度。



David Martin General Manager ) +86 (21) 5830 3488 7 +86 (21) 5830 1730 + davidmartin@spaceframe.com.cn


Yupei Group 宇培(集团)  Corporate HQ 公司总部 China 中国  Established in China 在中国成立于 2000 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 No. 2500 Jinchang Road Shanghai 200331 上海市普陀区金昌路2500号,邮编200331 ) +86 (21) 6627 7577  +86 (21) 6627 7717 8 www.yupeigroup.com

Key Contacts Peter Pan 潘乃越 Senior Vice President ) +86 (21) 6695 7501 7 +86 (21) 6627 7717 +peterpan@yupeigroup.com Erica Wang 王文燕 Marketing Representative ) +86 (21) 6627 7577 x 605 7 +86 (21) 6627 7717 + wenyan.wang@yupeigroup.com

Highlights  Over 10 years of professional

宇培是亚洲最大的现代物流设施提供商与服务商——普洛斯(GLP)与上海宇硕控股投 资的合资公司,是一家在中国专注于物流仓储设施投资和经营管理的现代物流资产运营 商和服务商。宇培以满足每个客户的不同需求为目标,通过持有、开发和管理物流设施及 配送中心为客户提供最佳仓储解决方案。目前,宇培在中国11个城市的物流资产组合已超 过85万平方米。

experience in industrial & logistics real estate investment.

 13 logistics parks, a total GFA of

approximately 850,000 ㎡ warehousing facility across China.

Services and Solutions

 Warehouses in: Shanghai, Suzhou,

Kunshan, Chuzhou, Wuhu, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shenyang, Harbin.

Bonded Warehouses  Design Build & Build-to-Suit  Distribution Centers

 10年以上工业及物流地产投资行业的丰富 经验。

 目前,在中国已建(包括在建项目)13个物流园 区,总建筑面积超过85万平方米

 仓储所在地: 上海、苏州、昆山、滁州、芜湖、 郑州、武汉、广州、北京、沈阳、哈尔滨


Clients in China include: 在中国的主要客户包括:             


Siemens Bosch Midea CocaCola Itochu Logistics DB Schenker Logistics Sinotrans Logistics Tingtong Logistics Annto Logistics Le Saunda Dixon Metersbonwe 360buy


Headquartered in Shanghai, Yupei is a logistics "real estate" solution provider, Yupei develops, owns and operates modern warehousing and logistics properties and leases to high-quality third-party-logistics service providers in great China. Yupei’s JV partner and strategic investor Global Logistic Properties (GLP) is Asia’s largest provider of modern logistics facilities. Yupei’s current portfolio includes 13 properties in 11 cities across China, comprising approximately 850,000 square meters, forming an efficient logistics network with properties strategically located in key logistics hubs, industrial zones and urban distribution centers. By providing flexible solutions of Multi-tenant and Build-to-suit, Yupei is dedicated to improving the supply chain efficiency for strategic expansion goals of the most dynamic manufacturers, retailers and 3rd party logistics companies in great China.

 西门子  博世  美的电器  可口可乐  伊藤忠物流  全球国际物流  中外运物流  顶通物流  安得物流  莱尔斯丹  缔柯圣  美特斯•邦威  京东商城

Yupei is committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. With a team renowned for being the best in the business, we tap into our expertise, experience and resources to provide clients with optimal warehousing services. Service of Yupei in China:  Ready-built multi-tenanted warehouses for lease  Built-to-suit bonded or non-bonded warehouses for lease  Development of logistics park  Management of logistics properties and distribution centres


秉承“争做最佳”的商业理念,宇培致力于与客 户建立长期的合作关系,利用我们在物流房地产 领域的丰富经验、资源和技术力量为我们的客户 提供以下最佳物流仓储服务和解决方案:    

提供现有仓库设施 开发保税和非保税物流园区 为客户量身定制物流仓储设施 管理物流仓储设施和配送中心



Other Real Estate Services Companies n DTZ 42-43/F, Tower 2, Plaza 66,1366 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 南京西路1366号,恒隆广场2号楼 43楼,邮编 200040 +86 (21) 2208 0088 www.dtz.com

n BlueScope Steel 12F HSBC Tower, 1000 Lujiazui Ring Road, Shanghai 200120 上海陆家嘴环路1000号汇丰大厦 B座12楼,200120 +86 (21) 6841 1898 www.bluescopesteel.com

n Ed. Züblin AG D37 Crest Villa, 97 Songlin Road, Shanghai 200120 中国上海市浦东新区松林路97 弄海怡别墅37座,200120 +86 (21) 5831 8816 www.zublin.com.cn

n Bovis Lend lease

n JURONG China

20F Evergo Building No.1325 Huai Hai Middle Road, Shanghai 中国上海市淮海中路1325号爱美 高大厦20楼 +86 (21) 6445 2938 www.bovislendlease.com

Room 706, Tower 1, PlazaHyundai, 369 Xianxia Road,Shanghai 200336 上海市仙霞路369号现代广场1 号楼706室 +86 (21) 6124 0026 www.jurong.com.cn

n Bps Global Group

n Knight Frank

Unit 3104, Tower 1, Kerry Everbright City, 218 West Tianmu Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai 200070 上海闸北区天目西路218号嘉里 不夜城第一座3104室,200070 +86 (21) 6137 8830 www.bps-group.net

n Capital Land

19F Raffles City No.268 Xi Zang Middle Road, Shanghai 上海市西藏中路268号来福士广 场19楼 +86 (21) 3311 4633 www.capitaland.com

Room 1206 Evergo Tower, 1325Middle Huaihai Road, XuhuiDistrict, Shanghai 200031 Unit 1705-1706 Eco City 1788 West Nanjing Road Jing'an District, Shanghai 200040 上海静安区南京西路1788号国 际中心1705-1706 +86 (21) 6445 9968 www.KnightFrank.com

n Lingang Free Trade Port Economic Development 6/F, 188 Yesheng Road, Pudong, Shanghai 201308

上海市浦东新区业盛路188号6 楼,201308 +86 (21) 2095 0600 www.linganglogistics.com

n Mapletree Suite A-D, 14/F, China Resources Time Square, 500 Zhangyang Road, Pudong, Shanghai 200122 上海市浦东新区张杨路500号, 华润时代广场办公楼14楼A-D 单元 +86 (21) 5836 7177 www.mapletree.com.sg n Nanjing ZAL Management Office 18 B Deji Mansion, 188 Changjiang Rd, Nanjing 210018 南京市长江路188号德基大厦18 楼B座, 210018 +86 (25) 8572 6079 www.ltlog.cn n Vailog Room 3102-3104, City Gateway, 398 North Caoxi Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市漕溪北路398号汇智大厦 3102-3104室,200030 +86 (21) 6090 5292 www.vailog.com n Volume Industrial Park Zhuhai 36 Fengshou Road, Pingsha Town, Gaolan Container Port Zone, Zhuhai, Guangdong 广东省珠海市平沙镇丰收路36号 +86 (756) 772 7118 www.volumeip.com

n Losberger Blk 5, Xunhao Industrial Park,258 Jinglian Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 201108 中国上海市闵行区景联路258号 迅豪工业园区5号楼,201108 +800 819 2121 www.losbergerchina.com n NSIC 18 Duangong Road, Jiangning, Nanjing 211100 中国南京江宁端拱路18 号,211100 +86 (25) 6698 8988 www.nsic.com.cn n SIP Project Management 9F, building A4, No.1528 Gu Mei Road, Shanghai 上海市徐汇区古美路1528号A-4 幢,9层 +86 (21) 6465 0978 www.sipgroup.com n Syska Hennessy Group 3F Yong Ying Building, No.228 Xi Zang South Road, Shanghai 上海市卢湾区西藏南路228号永 银大厦3楼 +86(21) 6171 2574 www.syska.com n Tongsheng Logistics 10/F, Unit B, Shanghai Deepwater Port, Business Plaza, Luchaogang, Nanhui, Shanghai 201308 上海南汇芦潮港上海深水港商务 广场B座10楼邮编201308 +86 (21) 6828 1992 www.shtslp.com


n Ascendas 30/F, Ascendas Plaza, 333Tianyaoqiao Road, Shanghai 上海市天钥桥路333号腾飞大厦 30楼,邮编 200030 +86 (21) 6426 3505 www.ascendas.com




Barloworld........................... 110 Demand Solutions............... 111 E2open................................ 112 Elemica................................ 113 Emptoris.............................. 114 Inther................................... 115 Ipower.................................. 116 JDA...................................... 117 Kewill................................... 118 Kinaxis................................. 119 Manhattan...........................120 SAP.....................................121 Schmidt................................122 SEEBURGER......................123 SPS Commerce...................124 SupplyOn.............................125 TradeCard............................126 Vocollect..............................127

Supply Chain Software

Barloworld Supply Chain Software

 Corporate HQ 公司总部 UK 英国  Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年  Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业  China head office 中国代表处总部 15/F NCI Tower 12A Jianguomenwai Avenue Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街甲12号新华 保险大厦15楼, 邮编100022 ) +86 (10) 8523 3103  +86 (10) 8523 3001 8 www.barloworldscs.com

Key Contacts Barloworld Supply Chain Software is a world leading supply chain planning company providing software and solutions to maximise the efficiency of supply chains.

Li Wei 李玮 Manager China Operations ) +86 (10) 8523 3103 7 +86 (10) 8523 3001 +wli@barloworldscs.com

Offering a range of complementary professional services, Barloworld Supply Chain Software uses its industry knowledge, specialist staff and its understanding of the underlying technology through its development of software to construct robust supply chain models, interpret results and identify the optimal supply chain strategy.

Fraser Ironside Director Global Business Development ) +86 (10) 8523 3103 7 +86 (10) 8523 3001 +fironside@barloworldscs.com

Professional services available include global supply chain design and configuration, inventory modelling and optimization, carbon emissions modelling, mentoring, training and supply chain audits.

Highlights  Barloworld Supply Chain Software is a

supply chain planning company supporting more than 600 client software installations worldwide from offices in the UK, South Africa, Dubai, Spain, Beijing and the USA.

 Our clients include: DHL Exel, Nokia,

McDonalds, Hewlett Packard, Diageo, Unilever, Nestle, Carlsberg and many more.

 Parent company Barloworld is one of

the largest companies in South Africa with a turnover of US$ 6.2 billion and operations in 31 countries around the globe.


 Barloworld Supply Chain Software 通

过遍布全球的分支机构和合作伙伴为世界 上600多家客户提供了业界领先的供应链规 划\优化软件和相关的咨询服务,我们的客 户包括:敦豪,诺基亚,麦当劳,惠普,帝亚吉 欧,联合利华,雀巢和嘉士伯啤酒等。

 如您想了解更多关于 Barloworld Supply

Chain Software公司,产品以及服务的信 息,敬请浏览我们的网站或联络我们的办事 处:中国,英国,南非,美国,西班牙,迪拜。

 母公司Barloworld Ltd 是南非最大的公司之


Barloworld Supply Chain Software 是一家世界一流的供应链规划服务公司,我们始 终致力为各行业客户提供业界领先的供应链规划/优化软件来帮助客户降低供应链成本 并提升企业的供应链效率。根据客户的不同需求,我们也提供具有行业针对性的供应链 优化,需求预测以及库存优化的咨询服务。我们平均为客户减少15%左右的供应链成本, 减少10 -30%的库存并提高5%左右的产品可用性(服务水平)。客户行业涵盖:快速消费 品,食品零售,汽车\产品制造,服装,电子产品,第三方物流,咨询,化工及制药。

Services and Solutions Planning & Forecasting  Inventory Optimisation Our software and consulting services include:

 CAST:Strategic Supply chain network design and optimization  CINO:Combined inventory & network optimization  ODP:Demand Planning  Optimiza:Inventory Optimization  Cast-CO2:Supply Chain carbon emissions optimization

我们的软件和咨询服务包括:  供应链网络、物流网络设计及优化  供应链库存配置分布策划优化  产品需求预测规划  库存优化  成本优化  供应链二氧化碳排放优化

一,年销售额62亿美元,在世界上31个国家设 有分支机构。 cha.in/barloworld



Demand Solutions n Corporate HQ 公司总部 PO Box 6180, Norwest Business Park, Baulkham Hills BC NSW 2153 Australia  China head office 中国代表处总部 Level 29, Shanghai Kerry Centre 1515 Nanjing West Road Shanghai, China 200040 ) +86 (21) 6103 7462 7 +86 (21) 6103 7171 8 www.demandmgmt.com

Key Contacts

Lloyd Sheather Director & Chairman Asia-Pac ) +612 9659 4555 7 +612 9659 6381 + lloyds@demandmgmt.com

Highlights  Demand Solutions Forecasting and

DRP software is user friendly and maintains data integrity through integration with in-house developed or any of the major ERP transactions software systems available in the marketplace.

 Our professional team markets and supports Logility VoyagerTM and Demand Solutions TM in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

 The softwares functionality offers the spe-

cialisation necessary for your company to become proactive in response to the demand and supply of information directly affecting your bottom line.

 Demand Solutions预测软件和DFP软件解决 方案便于用户使用,在与内部定制或市场主要 ERP转换系统整合时,他们成功保留了数据的完 整性。

 DMS的专业队伍在涵盖澳大利亚,亚太地区

的范围内为Logility VoyagerTM 和 Demand SolutionsTM suite做媒体宣传,提供支持。

 软件旨在于建立起实效性,同时提供专业服务, 使贵公司能在面对公司运营意义重大的供需信 息时做出积极反应。

Demand Solutions Shanghai offers organisations the opportunity to achieve supply chain planning excellence through the marketing and supply of two separate brands of supply chain management solutions. These include the Demand SolutionsTM suite and our web based decision analysis solution named Logility VoyagerTM. "The vision of Demand Solutions Shanghai is to develop partnerships between client organisations and our team of motivated professionals. To this end we will provide consultation, support and education to improve our clients demand and supply chain management processes and procedures to assist them in achieving their corporate goals." 通过卓有成效的市场营销以及对公司旗下Demand SolutionsTM suite和依靠互联网的 决策分析方案Logility VoyagerTM 这两个品牌的推出,DMS为各个企业组织机构提供 了一个优化供应链规划的契机。 “DMS着眼于加强各个客户与公司专业化团队的合作关系。本着这一目标,DMS将为提 高客户的需求,优化供应链管理处理过程以及协助他们完成企业目标提供咨询服务,支持 以及教育。”

Services and Solutions Collaboration & Visibility ► Planning & Forecasting Demand Solutions offers an integrated approach to Supply Chain Management through:  Sales and Operations Planning  Demand Planning  Replenishment Planning  Collaboration  Distribution and Inventory  Manufacturing and Capacity Planning 对于供应链管理,DMS提供一套综合方案,其中的模式致力于解决:  协作  配送及库存  生产及产量

 销售和运营规划  需求规划  补给规划

The scope of these provides functionality to improve customer service, increase sales and reduce inventory. The software has flexibility and application which is demonstrated by the variety of industrial and commercial enterprises such as: 这些解决方案所囊括的范围为提高客户服务质量,增加销售额,与此同时减少库存提供 了功能性。软件的应用灵活性已被制造业及商业中的众多企业所证实,其中包括:

 Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals  Castrol (Shenzhen) Company Ltd  Bunnings Building Supplies  Schneider Electric (Shanghai) cha.in/demandman


 Shell (China) Ltd  PPG Paints Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd  Starbucks (Shanghai)


Yuri Verjoustinsky Managing Director Asia-Pac ) +612 9659 4555 7 +612 9659 6381 + yuriv@demandmgmt.com



欧佩恩软件(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Foster City, California, USA 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2011 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 12F Platinum Building, 233 Tai Cang Road, Shanghai 200020 上海市新天地商圈太仓路233号 新茂大厦12层, 邮编200020 )+86 (21) 5175 7788 7+86 (21) 5175 7799 8 www.e2open.com

Key Contacts E2open is a leading provider of cloud-based, on-demand supply chain control tower solutions enabling enterprises to procure, manufacture, sell, and distribute products more efficiently through collaborative execution across global trading networks. A Supply Chain Control Tower can offer that centralized view of planning and execution systems and a consolidated platform for enabling rapid recognition and faster response to change. Brand owners use E2open solutions to gain visibility into and control over their trading networks through the real-time information, integrated business processes, and advanced analytics that E2open provides.

Edward Toung 童宏仁 Vice President, Asia Pacific ) +86 (21) 5175 7788 7 +86 (21) 5175 7799 +Edward.Toung@E2open.com Fredrick Hseu 徐翰群 Vice President, Greater China ) +86 (21) 5175 7777 7 +86 (21) 5175 7799 +Fredrick.Hseu@e2open.com

E2open的是一个基于云计算的按需供应链控制塔解决方案的领先供应商,使企业在全 球贸易网络中通过协同合作而能更加高效地进行采购,生产,销售和分发产品。一个供应 链的控制塔可以提供一份集中视图,这份视图包括了规划和执行系统,以及为实现快速 识别与及时应对变化的综合平台。厂商使用E2open的解决方案,通过掌握实时信息与整 合的业务流程模式,从而提高商业网络的可视性并控制整个商业网络。E2open的客户包 括思科、戴尔、联想、华为、波音公司、摩托罗拉、希捷、和沃达丰。

Highlights  Leader in enterprise class Cloud-based Supply Chain Management solution

Services and Solutions

 Customer base of global industry

Collaboration & Visibility  SaaS

leaders known for operational excellence in High Tech, Telecom, FMCG, Aerospace, Industrials

 Large Business Network of 29,000+ Trading Partners and 85,000+ users

 Headquarter in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA. Office in Shanghai, Taipei, Malaysia, UK, and Germany

企业中的领导者,基于云计算的供应链管理解 决方案


 以客户群为基础的全球行业的领军人,在高 科技、电信、快速消费品、航空航天、工业方 面有着杰出的业务表现

 大型的商业网络,拥有超过29,000个贸易伙 伴和 85,000多名用户

 总部设在美国的旧金山海湾地区。在上海、







Elemica n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Exton, Pennsylvania, United States n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n Head office 代表处总部 300 Beach Road #13-06 The Concourse Singapore 199555 ) +65 6327 6143 7 +65 6220 8775 8 www.elemica.com

Key Contacts Brian Selby Senior Vice President - Asia ) +65 6327 6148 7 +65 6220 8775 + brian.selby@elemica.com Rich Katz CTO ) +1 678 514 3732 7 +65 6220 8775 + Rich.katz@elemica.com

Elemica delivers state-of-the-art sourcing and supply chain integration services in the areas of customer & supplier management, strategic sourcing, and logistics - promoting new levels of efficiency and profitability for a leaner and more fully optimized supply chain. Elemica's model unites global trade partners and provides an integrated framework in which they conduct business. Elemica solutions improve productivity, reduce costs, decrease errors, and increase customer and business partner satisfaction across the entire supply chain.


Services and Solutions

Clients include:  Arkema  BASF  Continental  The Dow Chemical Corporation  DuPont  The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company  LANXESS  Rhodia  Shell  Wacker QuickLink solutions allow your organization to transact with all of your trading partners through a single process using the following products:

 QuickLink ERP  QuickLink Print  QuickLink Email  QuickLink Portal  QuickLink Community Management

Collaboration & Visibility ► ePlanning &eSourcing ► SaaS Elemica delivers state-of-the-art services in the areas of customer, supplier, sourcing, and logistics management. Elemica's Connect - Transact - Optimize model drives bottom line business results by promoting reduced cost of operations, faster process execution, automation of key business processes, removal of transactional barriers, and seamless information flow between business partners. Elemica SmartLink – Complete, cloud based solutions designed to meet the specific needs of your key supply chain functions in the areas of customer, supplier, sourcing, and logistics management. Each SmartLink solution provides:  SaaS Applications  Standardized Business Processes and Transactions  Alerts, Notifications and Analytics  Master Data Management  Full Support of Elemica QuickLink Business Process Network Elemica QuickLink – The intelligent business process network that provides clean & actionable trading partner data, enabling you to operate an integrated and high performance supply chain. For companies looking to implement and operate a fully integrated supply chain – Elemica QuickLink delivers: Fast & easy partner on-boarding  QuickLink connect integration tools minimize barriers to on-boarding  Self-service testing Clean and actionable data  Enforce business rules before data gets to your ERP  Manage master data online See business issues before they develop

 Practive alerts & notifications  Transaction dashboard cha.in/elemica




Elemica was founded in 2000 and today connects more than 3000 companies across multiple industries, processing over $70 billion in annual transactions.


Emptoris, an IBM Company


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 U.S.A 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2010 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 01, Floor 7, 1 Grand Gateway 1 Hong Qiao Road, Shanghai 200030 虹桥路1号港汇中心1座701单元,邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6447 6600 7 +86 (21) 6407 2737 8 www.emptorischina.com

Key Contacts Craig Doud VP Asia Pacific Region ) +86 (21) 6447 6600 7 +86 (21) 6407 2737 + cdoud@us.ibm.com

Emptoris, an IBM Company, is a world leader in delivering strategic supply and contract management solutions that enable companies to maximize financial performance and optimize commercial risk. The company's awardwinning sourcing, contract management, spend analysis, supplier lifecycle management, service procurement and telecom expense management solutions are successfully used by Global 2000 companies.

Rainbow Zhou 周俊 Marketing Manager China Operations ) +86 (21) 6447 6600 7 +86 (21) 6407 2737 + shjzhou@cn.ibm.com

Emptoris(IBM旗下公司)是全球领先的战略采购管理与企业合同管理解决方案的供应 商,其解决方案致力于帮助全球企业降低商业风险、实现最大化价值。Emptoris解决方 案套件连续多年获得独立分析机构最高评价,并得到全球2000强企业的广泛采用和高 度认可,这套解决方案包括采购寻源、合同管理、 支出分析、供应商管理、服务采购管理 和电信支出管理。

Highlights 

Services and Solutions

Emptoris, an IBM Company, has been successfully used by more than 350 Global 2000 companies Typical client profile: Global 2000 multinational corporations

Award Winning and Industry-Recognized Solutions

  

客户均为全球排名2000的跨国公司 提供全球性业务运营与服务 Emptoris解决方案套件连续多年获得独立

Contract Management  Order Lifecycle  Supply Chain Finance Emptoris provides leading strategic supply and contract management solutions that enable companies to maximize financial performance and optimize commercial risk. Emptoris Solutions include:

      


Emptoris Supplier Lifecycle Management Emptoris Spend Analysis Emptoris Sourcing Emptoris Contract Management Emptoris Services Procurement Rivermine Telecom Expense Management



Emptoris Suite V9

沐雷目前主要为国内客户提供 以下软件产品和服务:      


供应商周期管理 支出分析 采购寻源 合同管理 服务采购 电信支出管理





英腾物流科技(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 The Netherlands, Venray 荷兰,芬赖 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2011 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room818, Yuandong Buliding No.1101 South Pudong Road Shanghai 200120 上海市浦东新区浦东南路1101号远东大厦 818室 邮编200120 )+86 (21) 6162 3638 7+86 (21) 6162 3639 8 www.inthergroup.cn

Key Contacts Inther is an international system integrator. We are an 'one-stop shop' for all logistic issues. The core of our solutions always consists of our own developed software, which is state of the art and holds all functionalities necessary in modern warehouse. Our credo is: 'Inther: Improve your intrologistics!'

Martijn Herder President ) +31 (0) 478 502 575 7 +31 (0) 478 636 432 +mherder@inthergroup.com

Highlights  The only question from the first contact

customer is: what’s the most efficient and reliable solution for the warehouse?

 As the logistic concept is established in

the design phase Inther immediately start realization of the project and integration.

 Inther’s help desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.

 Our satisfied customers include: Estee

Lauder, LG, DHL, Ford, Geodis and so on.

 对于第一次接洽的客户,英腾考虑的唯一一点就 是:怎样提供最方便快捷的仓储方案。一旦设计 方案确定,英腾会在第一时间将其付诸实施并进 行系统整合。

 英腾提供24小时全年无休的售后服务。 我们的友好合作伙伴有:雅诗兰黛、LG、DHL、福 特、Geodis等。


With Inther LC we supply software for Warehouse Management (WMS), Voice Picking, Pick to Light, barcode and RFID integration and Material Flow Control (MFC). And our technology had been widely implemented in variety of industries, such as clothing, cosmetics, logistics service provider, retail food, consumer goods, multimedia & printed media. 英腾是国际领先的系统集成商。对于所有的物流问题,我们提供“一站式”服务。我们的 解决方案核心是由我们自主开发的最新的并且具有现代化仓储功能的软件。英腾:内部物 流专家。 通过英腾物流控制(Inther LC)库,我们提供给客户仓储管理系统(WMS),语音拣货系 统,电子标签系统,无线射频识别(RFID)与条码技术和物料流控制(MFC)。我们的技术已 被广泛应用于各行各业,如服饰业、化妆品行业、第三方物流、零售业、消耗品行业以及传 媒印刷行业。

Services and Solutions Inventory Optimisation  RF & RFID  Voice Picking Inther distinguishes itself through its holistic approach. From analysis, construction and delivery to 24/7 service and support. Based on thorough data analysis by our consultants, Inther design the logistic concept with the best price/quality ratio. We integrate modern technologies into our concepts, which have already been proven in practice in many warehouses. A short implementation time, flexibility, reliability, and a proven fast payback time are characteristic of Inther's solutions. The following solutions are our major successful technologies: 一体化流程是英腾的主要特色:基础分析,模型构建,交付使用及24/7的服务。我们在深 入分析数据的基础上,设计具有最佳性价比的物流方案并将现代领先科技融入到理念当 中。实施时间短,灵活性强,可靠性高和投资回报周期短是英腾解决方案的重点。最主要 的几项技术为:  RF  Voice Picking  PTL Cart  Pick by Light  Stop & Pick  Conveyors  Sortation  AS/RS


 RF扫描技术  语音拣货系统  拣货台车  摘取式电子标签  即拣即停  输送设备  分拣机  自动化仓库系统


Haidong Xu 徐海栋 General Manager ) +86 (21) 6162 3638 7 +86 (21) 6162 3639 +hxu@inthergroup.com


Ipower Technology n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Singapore 新加坡 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2000 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 local company 私人有限 n Asia head office 亚洲总部 10 Anson Road,#26-04 International Plaza,Singapore,079903 ) +65 3152 5886 7 +86 (21) 6057 3501 8 www.winchannel.net

Key Contacts Bryan Fang Managing Director ) +65 9699 2963 + bryan.fang@ipowersg.com

Ipower Technology Singapore Pte Ltd, as the only and Exclusive partner with Winchannel Beijing Software company (www.winchannel.net), provide sales and post-sale service in South East countries for the Distributor Management System (DMS) and Sales Force Automation (SFA ) solutions.

Borris Yang VP Technical ) +86 13911855629 + yangxiaobo@winchannel.net

Ipower Technology新加坡有限公司是北京赢销通软件在东南亚地区的唯一合作伙伴。 代理其经销商管理软件及销售团队移动管理方案在该地区的销售,安装和售后服务。

Services and Solutions


Collaboration & Visibility  Distribution Management

With regional office based in Singapore, we are specialized in providing solutions and after-sale- service of Distributor Management System (DMS) and Sales Force Automation (SFA-mobile handset solution) to our FMCG/consumer goods principals across the following countries:


 Mainland China  Singapore  Korea  Australia  Indonesia  Taiwan  The Philippines  Thailand


 Distributor Management System (DMS): the solution enables customers to

gain the channel visibility, monitor trade inventory, capture market changes and make faster and better decisions by capturing the real daily data from distributor and retail outlets operation system.

 Sales Force Automation (SFA) Solution: it is a mobile sales force manage-

ment system that combines innovative 3G mobile and Wifi technology with best practices of the consumer goods industry. It standardizes the sales call process, improves productivity, and promptly collects various types of business data from retail outlets.

 Proven to be effective for large scale reputed customers.  经销商管理系统:经销商信息整合平台方案帮助企业实现经渠道管理信息透视,及时捕 捉市场变化,快速科学地制定业务决策。它实时捕捉经销商系统及零售终端中的中的主 交易数据及库存数据。

 移动销售管理系统基于消费品行业最佳销售管理实践结合3G移动网络和无线技术开发 的移动销售管理系统,能规范销售员拜访流程,及时采集终端业务信息,提升销售执行力。

 拥有大规模客户实施的经验 (部分客户如下)

and covered:  10,000+ Distributors  1,500,000+ Outlets  15,000,000+ Records/Day  4,000,000,000+ Records/Year  Over 40 MNC clientele




JDA Software

杰迪软件(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Scottsdale, AZ, United States 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 06, 29/F, Raffles City 268 Xizang Middle Road Shanghai 200001 上海市西藏中路268号,来福士广场2906室 邮编200001 )+86 (21) 2327 9400 7+86 (21) 2327 9401 8 chinese.jda.com & www.jda.com

Key Contacts

JDA Software is a leading global provider of innovative supply chain management, merchandising and pricing excellence solutions. As the partner to the world's leading retailers, wholesaler-distributors and manufacturers, we have helped more than 6,000 customers in more than 80 countries streamline operations, cuts costs, increase profitability and improve customer service. Now we can help your company to become more agile, competitive and profitable, by leveraging the powerful heritage and knowledge capital of acquired market leaders including i2 Technologies®, Manugistics®, E3®, Intactix® and Arthur®.

Yufeng Lu 卢宇峰 Sales Director ) +86 (10) 8286 2859 7 +86 (10) 8286 2857 +Yufeng.lu@jda.com Rita Ma 马石雨 Marketing Manager ) +86 (21) 2327 9533 7 +86 (21) 2327 9401 +rita.ma@jda.com

JDA软件是领先的创新型供应链管理、商品管理和定价优化解决方案提供商。作为全球 优秀零售商、批发配送商以及制造商的合作伙伴,我们已经帮助80多个国家内的 6000 多 家客户简化了他们的运营流程,降低了成本、提高了利润率并改进了其客服水平。现在我 们同样可以协助贵企业变得更加敏捷、更加赢利以及更具有竞争力。


Services and Solutions

Global Presence

 6,500+ customers in 83 countries  3,000+ associates in 39 offices  Servicing customers for 30+ years  18 of AMR Research Supply Chain Top 25 use JDA Solutions

 Every 2 days, a customer goes live with a JDA solution

Financially Strong

 NASDAQ: JDAS  Annual Revenue: $672 Million  Recurring Revenue: $283 Million  28 straight quarters of profitability

Collaboration & Visibility  Inventory Optimization  Planning & Forecasting

Our integrated software and services support end-to-end enhanced business processes, driving value throughout the enterprise, from raw materials to the end consumer. With JDA you can make better decisions, quickly respond to market trends, achieve better execution and optimize your resources. 我们的集成性软件和服务支持端到端的业务流程增强,支持从原料到终端消费者推动企 业价值提升。通过与 JDA 的合作,您可以改进决策过程,快速响应市场趋势,增强执行力 并优化企业资源。

 分布在 83 个国家 6,500 多家客户  39 处办公场所的 3000 多名员工  服务客户超过 30 年  AMR Research 供应链企业前 25 强排名中有 18 家在使用 JDA 解决方案

 每 2天,就有 1 家客户采用的 JDA 解决方案上线 雄厚的财务实力

 NASDAQ: JDAS  年收益:$6.72 亿美元  经常收益:$2.83 亿美元  连续 28 个季度实现盈利








Kewill 可维

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 United Kingdom n Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room D, 9F Baoding Building No.550 Xu Jia Hui Road, Luwan District Shanghai, 200025 上海市徐家汇路550号宝鼎大厦9楼D座 邮编200025 ) +86 (21) 6466 3030 7 +86 (21) 6136 4189 8 www.kewill.com

Key Contacts

Kewill has a suite of software solutions that significantly simplify the management of the most complex global supply chains for enterprises and logistics service providers. With over 38 years experience in global trade management and logistics, and over 600 employees worldwide, Kewill is a long-time innovator of solutions for distributors, freight forwarders, transport companies, customs brokers, 3PL's and 4PL's.

Ellis Chan 陳銘恆 BD, Consulting Director ) +852 9211 2942 7 +852 2882 4764 + ellis.chan@kewill.com

Kewill Asia headquarters is located in Singapore which covers our business in Asia, including regions such as ASEAN, Hong Kong, China, Japan and Korea.

Zhuo Lin Fei 卓翎飞 Marketing Manger,Asia ) +65 6491 3914 7 +65 6491 3998 + lingfei.zhuo@kewill.com

Kewil拥有一整套软件解决方案,它们为企业和物流服务供应商大大简化了最复杂的 全球供应链管理。拥有超过38年的全球贸易管理及物流经验,以及全球60 0多名的员 工,Kewill是长期的解决方案创新者,这些解决方案服务于制造商、分销商、零售商、货运 代理、运输公司、报关行、第三方物流和第四方物流。


Kewil在新加坡,中国和香港均设有办事处。我们的合作伙伴亦遍布亚洲,包括在香港,中 国,日本,和韩国等地。

Best-of-Breed Dynamic Supply Network Solutions

Focused on Solution Delivery and Supply Network Development

Collaborative Relationships beyond "FourWalls"

 Kewill Transport is a full blown Transport Management System (TMS), specifi-

Through a range of channels to market

 Kewill warehousing is a flexible,easy-to-use Warehouse Management

Proven implementation & support strategy

 Kewill

 同类型最佳的动态供应网络软件方案  专注于软件方案的交付和供应网络行业的发展 IT & SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS

Services and Solutions

 在业界广泛的协作关系  多方的市场渠道  行之有效的实施和支持策略


Warehouse Management (WMS) ► Transportation Management (TMS)  Kewill Forwarding is a simple and intuitive global multi-modal freight forwarding solution that provides quick and easy access to critical shipment information throughout the shipment life cycle

cally designed for 3PLs and road freight forwarders

System(WMS) that provides a comprehensive tool-set to help manage and control the variables associated with operating a warehousing business. Forwarding是一项 简单直观的全球化多模式货 运代理解决方案,通过使用 该解决方案,用户能够方便 快捷地获取整个货运过程中 的重要货运信息。

 Kewill Transport是一款完全

成熟的运输管理系统(TMS), 专为第三方物流和公路货运 代理人而设计。

 Kewill Warehousing是一款

灵活、使用简便的仓储管理 系统(WMS),提供综合性工 具组合,帮助管理和控制与仓 储业务相关的变量。



Kinaxis n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Ottawa, Canada 加拿大渥太华 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2002年 Hong Kong 香港 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Corporation--Kinaxis Asia Limited n China head office 中国代表处总部 Level 19, Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central Hong Kong 19层,国际金融中心2座金融街8号,中环,香港中国 ) +852 2251 1859 7 +852 2251 2848 8 www.kinaxis.com

Key Contacts Kinaxis delivers a cloud-based solution at the very heart of planning and response management for value chain operations. Large manufacturing companies with complex supply chain networks and volatile business environments rely on RapidResponse Control Tower for collaborative planning, continuous performance monitoring, and coordinated response to plan variances across multiple areas of the business. RapidResponse encompasses a full spectrum of supply chain related business processes, including such functions as: S&OP, supply and capacity planning, demand management, and supplier collaboration. From a single product, customers are able to make both long-term and real-time demand and supply balancing decisions quickly, collaboratively, and in line with the shared business objectives of multiple stakeholders.

Poping Sung GM, Greater China ) +86 13817833156 7 +86 (21) 6101 0296 + psung@kinaxis.com Ben Chiu Director of Sales Greater China ) +86 13816227778 7 +86 (21) 6101 0296 + bchiu@kinaxis.com

Highlights Target Industries 目标行业

 High-tech 高科技  Life science 生命科学  Aerospace and defense 航空航天和国防  Industrial 工业  Consumer products 消费类产品

Kinaxis基于云计算,对于价值链运营提供从计划到快速反应管理的全面解决方案。面对 复杂供应链网络和多变业务环境的大型制造企业运用RapidResponse Control Tower 解决供应链问题,包括协同计划,持续绩效监测,以及针对业务变化,横跨多业务领域的 协同反应。RapidResponse Control Tower帮助企业管理全方位的供应链流程,包括 销售和运营管理(S&OP),供应及产能计划,需求管理,和供应商协同。RapidResponse Control Tower是设计基于单一产品的理念。客户可以在单一产品之上进行长期及实时的 供需平衡决策 – 快速,协同并且兼顾跨部门的业务目标。

Services and Solutions S&OP ► System Integration ► Planning & Forecasting ► SaaS

            

Casio Computer Hitachi Displays Kawasaki Micro Electronics NIKON Corporation Olympus Corporation Panasonic Mobile Communications K.K. Pioneer Corporation Sanyo Electric Toshiba Corporation Toshiba Mobile Display Unicharm Corporation Venture Corporation Wacom






Current customers in Asia Pacific 客户在亚太地区


Manhattan Associates

曼哈特软件(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Atlanta, U.S.A. 美国亚特兰大 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国总部 Unit 2110, 21/F, Shui On Plaza 333 Huai Hai Zhong Road, Shanghai 200021 上海淮海中路333号瑞安广场21楼2110室 ) +86 (21) 6057 3500 7 +86 (21) 6057 3501 8 www.manh.cn

Key Contacts Arnold Consengco Managing Director North Asia ) +86 (21) 6057 3500 7 +86 (21) 6057 3501 + aconsengco@manh.com

Manhattan Associates continues to deliver on its 22-year heritage of provide global supply chain excellence to more than 1,200 customers worldwide that consider supply chain optimization core to their strategic market leadership. The company's supply chain innovations include: Manhattan SCOPE, a portfolio of software solutions and technology that leverages a supply Chain Process Platform to help organizations optimize their supply chains from planning through execution; Manhattan SCALE, a portfolio of distribution management and transportation management solutions built on Microsoft.NET technology. In 2009 and 2011, Manhattan won the award for "Best Supply Chain IT Solutions Provider in Asia".

Shelton Chan General Manager ) +86 (21) 6057 3500 7 +86 (21) 6057 3501 + schan@manh.com

22年来,曼哈特软件公司(又名曼哈顿)一直致力于全球供应链优化,帮助将供应链优化 作为市场战略核心的1200多家客户实现了供应链精简。公司的供应链革新方案包括。曼哈 顿SCOPE是一整套的供应链解决方案的技术组合,它通过供应链流程平台帮助企业从计 划到实施全面实现供应链优化;曼哈顿SCALE是基于Microsoft.NET技术的配送和运输 管理解决方案的组合。曼哈顿于2009年和2011年荣获“亚洲最佳供应链IT解决方案服务 商”大奖。

Highlights Supply Chain R&D Investment: $42+ million in 2011 Clients:  1,200 and growing  46 of the top 100 retailers  30 of the top 50 apparel retailers  7 of the top 10 North American 3PLs  More than half of the top 100 motor carriers  Haier, Gome, DHL, Adidas, Ting Tong Logistics, SinoPharm, Jiangsu Tobacco, MetersBonwe, Semir, Daphne, IGA BuBuGao, IGA QingKeLong, SPAR JiaJai Yue, SPAR JiaRong

Services and Solutions




客户:  1,200  百强零售商中的46家  五十大服装零售商中的30家  北美十大第三方物流中的7家  百强运输公司中的50家  海尔、国美、DHL、Adidas、顶通物流、国 药、江苏烟草、美特斯邦威、森马、达芙 妮、步步高、庆客隆、家家悦、嘉荣






思爱普(北京)软件系统有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Walldorf, Germany n Established in China 在中国成立于 1995 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 12/F, Tower 2, China Central Place 79 Jian Guo Rd, Chao Yang District Beijing 100025 北京朝阳区建国路79号华贸中心2号楼12层 邮编:100025 ) +86 (10) 6589 8888 7 +86 (10) 6589 8999 8 www.sap.com

Key Contacts Andreas Hube VP Global Accounts ) +86 (21) 3302 4898 x 3420 + andreas.hube@sap.com Susanne Steuer Global Account Executive ) +86 (21) 3302 4898 x 3299 + Susanne.steuer@sap.com

Highlights SAP SCM can help you transform a traditional linear supply chain into an adaptive network with the following benefits:  Faster response to changes in supply and demand  Increased customer satisfaction  Compliance with regulatory requirements  Improved cash flow  Higher margins  Greater synchronization with business priorities SAP SCM 可帮助您将传统的线性供应链转变为更 具适应性的网络,其具备如下优势:

Services and Solutions Planning & Forecasting ► Warehouse Management (WMS) ► TMS

 Supply Chain Visibility and Analytics – SAP's Event Management and Supply

Chain Performance Management solutions provide network-wide visibility across your extended supply chain to monitor the performance of your end-toend supply chain and to analyze its performance.  Transportation Management – SAP TM can help you plan, consolidate, and optimize inbound and outbound shipments – while considering real-world constraints, costs, and penalties.  Extended Warehouse Management – SAP EWM manage all warehouse functions around inbound processing, storage and operations, and outbound processing – including goods receipt and optimization, inbound quality management, yard management, physical inventory, replenishment and rearrangement, kit-to-stock management, outbound planning, picking optimization, packing, staging and load management.

 供应链可视性和分析 — SAP 的事件管理和供

应链绩效管理解决方案可跨扩展供应链提供整个 网络的可视性,以便监控端到端的供应链绩效。

 运输管理 — SAP TM 可帮助您计划、整合和优化入 站和出站装运,同时兼顾实际限制、成本和罚金。

 扩展仓储管理 — SAP EWM可帮助您管理围绕

入站处理、存储、运维和出站处理的所有仓库功 能,其中包括收货和优化、入站质量管理、堆放 场管理、库存盘点、补货和重新调整、装配到仓 储管理、出站计划、拣配优化、包装、分段运输 和装载管理。







 快速响应供需变化  提高客户满意度  符合法规要求  改善现金流  提高利润  增强与业务优先级的同步

SAP Supply Chain Execution: SAP helps companies effectively and profitably source, store, move, and deliver products through integrated end-to-end logistics and fulfillment processes on a single unified platform. SAP's deep vertical industry experience and business process expertise enables us to deliver a logistics platform that meets your unique needs regardless of the complexity or scale. SAP customers who have integrated logistics and fulfillment processes have been able to reduce logistics costs by reducing inventory and increasing asset utilization. They can better manage complexity through enhanced network-wide visibility, collaboration, and compliance, which leads to higher customer service levels. SAP 供应链执行: SAP可在一个统一的平台上运行集成的端到端物流和履行流程,帮助企业有效地执行寻 源、存储、移动和交付产品并从中获利。凭借SAP资深的垂直行业经验和业务流程技能, 不管项目复杂性程度或企业规模大小,我们所提供的物流平台均可满足您的独特需求。 通过减少库存和提高资产利用率,集成了物流和履行流程的SAP客户已经能够成功降低 其物流成本。通过增强整个供应链网络的可视性、协作和一致性,他们可以更好地管理 复杂性,进而实现更高的客户服务水平。



兴华科仪有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1994 年 Shanghai 上海 1953年 Hong Kong 香港 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 2406 Huashen Mansion 398 Hankou Road, Shanghai 200001 上海市黄浦区汉口路398号华盛大厦2406室 邮编200001 ) +86 (21) 6133 9708 7 +86 (21) 6133 9718 8 www.schmidthk.com

Key Contacts Tom Luo 罗珉 East China General Manager ) +86 13816882297 7 +86 (21) 6133 9703 + tomluo@schmidtelectronics.com Frank Lin 林靖 Channel Sales Manager ) +86 (21) 13916903371 7 +86 (21) 6133 9703 + franklin@schmidtelectronics.com

Highlights   

Over 50 years IT experience 17 offices in 8 regions Asia-wide Founding member of GUiDE (Global Union of ID Experts) with which customers can gain global support of their projects across Europe, EMEA, America and Asia "Hong Kong RFID Awards 2011" Gold Winner and entitled as "Hong Kong's Most Valuable Companies 2010"

 逾50年的IT行业经验  遍布于亚洲8个地区的17家分公司  全球识别专家联盟GUiDE的创始成员之 一,透过兴华,客户的项目可得到遍及欧 洲 、中东、非洲、美国及亚洲的全球支援



荣获“香港无线射频识别大奖2011”金奖 及成为“香港最有价值公司2010”


Schmidt & Co., (Hong Kong) Limited - a leading system integrator and proprietary product provider offering innovative yet competent Automatic Identification & Data Capture (AIDC), Mobile as well as Information Management solutions. Schmidt makes life simple by bringing together Barcoding, RFID, Voice Recognition, Biometrics technologies, Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications, to facilitate the creation of real-time information infrastructure, that helps customers optimize business processes, drive growth and improve their work and life efficiencies. Headquartered in Hong Kong, we currently operates 17 regional offices across Asia, including key cities in China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand, giving our customers the benefits of strong local presence with the promised regional support and consistently high quality of services. 兴华科仪有限公司 - 领先的系统整合及专有产品供应商,提供创新而有效的自动识别及 数据采集、移动与及信息管理解决方案。兴华,简化人类生活。兴华结集条码、无线射频 识别、语音识别、生物识别、移动运算及无线通讯等技术,使即时信息更新更简便,从而 帮助客户优化业务流程、加快企业发展步伐、提高工作和生活质素。兴华总部设于香港, 在亚洲地区已设立17个办事处,其中包括中国大陆、印度、韩国、马来西亚、菲律宾、新 加坡、台湾、泰国等地的主要城市,承诺为客户提供即时的本地化支援和一贯的高品质服 务。

Services and Solutions System Integration  Warehouse Management (WMS)

 Key Verticals: Logistics & Transportation,

          

Retail, Manufacturing, Healthcare as well as Government & Utilities Supply Chain Solutions and Customization Barcode Tracking Solutions Retail Store Operation Management Solutions Work In Process (WIP) Management Solutions Product Anti-counterfeiting Solutions Field Service Management Solutions Voice-enabled Distribution System Mobile Proof of Delivery System Warehouse Management System (WMS) Asset Tracking System (ATS) Route Sales Management System (RSMS)


 重点服务行业:物流与运输、

          

零售、制造、医疗保健及政府与 公用事业 供应链解决方案及订制化服务 条码追踪解决方案 零售店铺营运管理解决方案 工作进程管理解决方案 产品防伪解决方案 现场服务管理解决方案 语音主导配送系统 移动交货证明系统 仓库管理系统 资产追踪系统 移动销售管理系统


斯铂格软件(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Bretten, Germany 德国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 2005-06, 20/F, SINO Life Tower 707 ZhangYang Rd. Pudong Shanghai 200120 上海浦东新区张杨路707号生命人寿大厦20 层 2005-2006单元,邮编200120




) +86(21)5047 1825 7 +86(21)5047 1831 8 www.seeburger.cn

Key Contacts

SEEBURGER is a global provider of business integration (B2B/EDI) and secure managed file transfer (MFT) solutions that streamline business processes, reduce operational costs, facilitate governance and compliance, and provide visibility to the farthest edges of the supply chain to maximize ERP effectiveness and drive new efficiencies. All solutions are delivered on a unified, 100% SEEBURGER-engineered platform that lowers the total cost of ownership and reduces implementation time.

Gang Huang 黄刚 General Manager, China ) +86 (21) 5047 1826 + g.huang@seeburger.com James Hatcher Managing Director ,APAC ) +852 2584 6220 + j.hatcher@seeburger.com

With more than 25 years in the industry, SEEBURGER today is ranked among the top business integration providers by industry analysts, serves thousands of customers in more than 50 countries and 15 industries, and has 19 offices in worldwide, including a Shanghai office that opened in 2006 and a Beijing Office opened in 2009.

Highlights  Over 25 years of B2B expertise, native

integration with SAP, support for all global standards

SEEBURGER是全球领先的商务集成(B2B/EDI)和可控文件传输(MFT)解决方案供应 商,帮助企业简化业务流程、降低运营成本、促进规范管理,提供供应链终端可视化,最 大限度地发挥ERP的效益并推动业务效率。所有的解决方案都基于统一的,100%由SEEBURGER自主研发的平台。

 Positioned in the Visionary quadrant in

1986年成立于德国,拥有超过25年的行业经验,如今已是行业领先的B2B集成解决方案供 应商,其产品在全球50多个国家和15个行业领域被上万家客户所采用,在全球19个国家设 有办事处,其中包括2006年在上海设立的中国全资子公司和2009设立的北京办事处。

 30+ SEEBURGER EDI Adapters SAP-

Services and Solutions

Gartner's Magic Quadrant "Application Infrastructure for Systematic Application Integration Projects" in 2010

Certified for Integration with SAP NetWeaver® XI/PI

 Chinese Manufacturing Industry Excellent IT Solution Award

Collaboration & Visibility  SaaS  System Integration

» SEEBURGER 商务集成套件 « 可用于所有业务流程的中央数据传输平台

 Top 10 Business Software in both

Automotive and Logistics in China

SEEBURGER Business Integration Suite Integration Platform

 25多年的B2B行业经验,与SAP等ERP无缝集


 中国重点客户诸如,北京奔驰、奥托立夫、神州数


 荣获“中国制造业优秀IT解决方案奖”,“物流、 汽车行业十佳软件供应商”

Transport agencies

Document Automation Paper, TIF, PDF, …

Application Integration Web, SOA

SEEBURGER Business Integration Server (BIS)



Sensors, Barcode, …

End-to-End Monitoring


Order-to-Cash Purchase-toPay B2B/SCM Monitor

Event Management

 2007、2009年荣获“最佳供应链IT解决方案奖” cha.in/seeburger


 30多个适配器通过SAP NetWeaver XI/PI认证

SAP Solution Extensions




Your Company



 "Best IT Supply Chain Solution China" in 2007 and 2009


SPS Commerce n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Minneapolis USA 美国明尼阿波利斯 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Representative Office 外国企业常驻代表机构 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Section 1501, Building A, R&F Twin Tower, 59 Middle East 3rd Ring Road Chaoyang District,Beijing 100022 中国北京市朝阳区富力双子座A座1501室 ) +86 (10) 5639 0888 8 www.spscommerce.com

Key Contacts Anna Meyer BD Manager, Asia Pacific ) +86 (10) 5639 0888 + ameyer@spscommerce.com Mander Huang Senior Marketing Manager, Asia Pacific ) +852 2855 6994 + mhuang@spscommerce.com


SPS Commerce is a leading provider of on-demand supply chain management solutions – providing integration, collaboration, connectivity, visibility and data analytics to thousands of customers worldwide. We deliver our solutions over the Internet using a Software-as-a-Service model to improve the way suppliers, retailers, distributors and other customers manage and fulfill orders. SPS Commerce是一个供应链管理解决方案领先的提供者,我们会按要求提供服务,为 全球成千上万的客户提供整合,协作,接轨,高透明度的讯息和数据分析。我们透过互联 网提供我们的解决方案,利用软件即服务模式,以改善供货商、零售商、分销商和其他客 户管理及履行订单。

Services and Solutions Collaboration & Visibility

Target Customers 目标客户

 Retailers零售商  Suppliers供货商  Third –party logistic providers (3PLs) 第三方物流供货商


 Sourcing companies采购公司  QA firms质量保证公司  Carriers货运商  Factors 银行机构  Factories工厂 Current Customers in Asia Pacific 在亚太地区的现有客户  Coles  Guess  Toys R Us  Big W  Dress Barn  David Jones  Macy's  Kate Spade  Myer  Nordstorm  Target  Woolworth



 eProcurement & eSourcing  SaaS  System Integration

 The Broadest Retail Trading Community最广泛的零售交易区

SPS Commerce is at the center of the broadest trading community in the retail industry. More than 38,000 customers – including retailers, suppliers, third –party logistic providers (3PLs), sourcing companies, QA firms, carriers, factors and factories – use our services to enhance their relationship with trading partners.

 Proven Integrations for Your Supply Chain为您的供应链提供经过验证的整合

Our SPScommerc.net platform features pre-built integrations with 3,000 order management models across more than 1,500 retailers, grocers and distributors, as well as integrations to over 100 accounting, warehouse management, enterprise resource planning, and packing and shipping applications. These integrations help customers to streamline implementations, reduce costs and satisfy trading partner requirements.

 SPS Commerce是在零售行业内最广泛

的贸易区中心。全球已有超过38,000客户 选用我们的服务,以加强他们和贸易伙伴 的关系,包括零售商,供货商,第三方物 流供应商,采购公司,质量保证公司,货运 商,银行机构和工厂。

 我们 SPScommerc.net平台的特色是透

过预置整合,备有3,000种订单管理模式, 处理来自超过1,500名零售商、杂货店和分 销商的要求,同时也结合超过 100个会 计,仓库管理,企业资源规划,包装和运输 应用软件。透过整合,帮助客户简化运作, 降低成本,满足贸易伙伴的要求。





n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Munich, Germany 德国慕尼黑 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2008 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 1501, Silver Centre 1388 North Shanxi Road, Putuo District Shanghai 200060 上海普陀区陕西北路1388号银座中心 1501室,邮编200060 ) +86 (21) 6149 8042 7 +86 (21) 6149 8142 8 www.supplyon.com

Key Contacts

SupplyOn is the world's largest provider of web-based solutions for supply chain management in the automotive and manufacturing industries. SupplyOn offers lean, transparent and seamlessly integrated business processes to facilitate efficient communication with business partners in the areas of purchasing, development, logistics, finance and quality. Several thousand customers in over 70 countries already benefit from our innovative solutions. You too could benefit.

Zheng Zixi 郑梓熙 Chief Representative Officer ) +86 (21) 6148 8509 7 +86 (21) 6149 8142 + Zixi.Zheng@SupplyOn.com

S u p p l y O n 是 全 球 汽 车及 制 造 业 界 最 大 的 网 站 式 供 应 链 管 理 解 决 方 案 的 提 供 商。SupplyOn在采购、物流、财务及质量工程等领域提供直观、透明、无缝化链接的商 业流程,便于买方客户和其供应商进行交流。遍布于70多个国家的上千家公司已从我们 提供的创新化解决方案中获益。您也可以!

Gu Qinghua 顾清华 Key Account Manager Asia Pacific ) +86 (21) 6149 8059 7 +86 (21) 6149 8142 + Qinghua.Gu@SupplyOn.com

Services and Solutions Collaboration & Visibility  Supply Chain Finance


SupplyOn于2008年进军中国市场,凭借其高 效透明化的流程,在短时间内,已有几十家中 国厂商利用SupplyOn与其供应商开展有效的 电子化交流。众多成功企业信任并正在使用 SupplyOn系统,包括世界著名企业如宝马,博 世,大陆集团,舍弗勒,迅达,矢崎及采埃孚 集团等。 世界前100强汽车企业中75%与商业 合作伙伴进行工作时信赖使用SupplyOn。

 Investments in further development:

approx. 3 million euros per year  Market penetration: More than 75 percent of the top 100 automotive suppliers use SupplyOn  Business relationships:20,000  Users: 95,000  Transaction: approx. 5 million per year  Purchasing volume through SupplyOn: approx. 50 billion euros per year


SupplyOn provides a centralized infrastructure, allowing you to handle all key purchasing, quality, logistics and financial process in a standardized manner for your successful supplier management. Sourcing: Request for Quotations, Auctions, Master Data Management, Change Management Quality: Advanced Product Quality Management(8D) , Supplier Assessment




Logistics: VMI, Kanban, ASN, Call-off, Stock Management etc. either via WebEDI or EDI Finance: Invoice, Remittance Advice etc. SupplyOn提供整合的供应链管 理平台,涵盖了从采购、质量、物流 到财务的各个流程,以标准化方式 助您实现成功供应商管理。 采 购 :询 价,在 线 竞 标 ( A u c tions), 主数据管理,变更管理 质量:先期产品质量规划(APQP), 投诉管理(8D),供应商等级评定 物流:通过WebEDI或EDI实现供 应商管理库存(VMI)、预先发货通 知/发运通知(ASN)、调货通知、库 存管理等 财务:发票,汇款通知等




Since SupplyOn entered the Chinese market in 2008, our efficient and transparent process has helped us gain dozens of Chinese manufacturers to make effective e-communication with their suppliers. A lot of successful companies trust in SupplyOn, including world-renowned industrial companies like BMW, Bosch, Continental, Schaeffler, Schindler, Yazaki and ZF.



香港亚太贸易卡有限公司深圳代表处 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 New York, U.S.A. 美国纽约 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Representative Office 代表处 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room B-C, 12/F, JinRun Mansion 6019 ShenNan Road, FuTian District Shenzhen 518040 中国深圳市福田区深南大道6019号 金润大厦12楼B - C室 邮编 518040 ) +86 (755) 8830 9265 7 +86 (755) 8830 9030 8 www.tradecard.com

Key Contacts

TradeCard is a leading supply chain collaboration platform that improves margin, cash flow and visibility for over 7,800 buyers, sellers and service providers in 60+ countries. TradeCard delivers a Cloud-based network that facilitates complex multi-enterprise sourcing transactions across multiple layers of the supply chain. More than 38,000 individual users leverage the TradeCard Platform to streamline transaction flow from purchase order through production tracking, shipment and payment. Embedded financial services throughout the supply network reduce capital costs and risk. Multi-enterprise collaboration on the platform delivers visibility into the movement of goods from raw materials to the store shelf. TradeCard's on-the-ground trade experts throughout the world allow entire supply networks to rapidly join the platform. TradeCard is located online at www.tradecard.com.

Cliff Entrekin Director, Business Development ) +86 (755) 8830 9265 7 +86 (755) 8830 9030 + sales@tradecard.com Stephanie Wu 胡薇薇 Marketing Manager ) +852 3588 2508 7 +852 3015 7871 + SWu@tradecard.com

Highlights "We find that our suppliers can adopt TradeCard easily, because they benefit immediately from the reduction in transaction costs. TradeCard enables us to communicate with our buyers more effectively, especially in case of problems or delays." Dr Harry Lee, Managing Director, TAL Apparel 『我们发现我们的供应商可以很容易接受 TradeCard,因为他们立刻就享受到交易成本降 低的好处。』 『TradeCard能让我们与买方更有效地沟通, 尤其是发生问题或延误的时候。』


李博士(Dr Harry Lee),联业制衣董事经理


TradeCard为供应链协同作业平台之领导厂商,透过TradeCard的服务,全球已有六 十多国、超过7,800个贸易买家、卖家与服务供应商有效改善获利、现金流与交易能见 度。TradeCard 提供以云端为基础之网络平台,可协助贸易商管理供应链各面向复杂的 采购与交易流程。全球已有三万八千多位个人用户运用TradeCard平台简化交易流程, 让从订单到生产追踪、装运和付款的所有程序变得更为便捷。TradeCard在供应网络中 融入金融服务,以协助贸易交易商降低资本费用与风险。不同企业也可在此平台上协同作 业,将物流流程变得清晰可见,以管理从原物料到零售商货架之各项环节。TradeCard 的贸易专业支持团队遍迹全球,可协助企业迅速将其供应网络移至TradeCard平台 上。TradeCard 全球信息网站为:www.tradecard.com。

Services and Solutions Sypply Chain Finance TradeCard reduces costs, risk and cycle times by helping brands and retailers to:  Automate processes from purchase order through settlement  Communicate and collaborate with their entire network of trading partners in one place  Cut out layers in the supply chain through strategic programs such as direct-to-store, drop-ship and cross-docking  Allow suppliers to take advantage of their financial strength by offering early payment programs TradeCard帮助品牌和零售商降低成本, 风险和周期:  自动化流程由订单至付款  透过单一平台与整个网络的贸易伙伴进行沟通和协作  通过直接出货 (direct-to-store, drop-ship and cross-docking) 等策略方案, 减少供应链层次  让供应商利用资金实力优势,享用提前付款计划





Vocollect Asia Pacific n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Pittsburgh, PA, U.S. 美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1987 年 Pittsburgh, PA, U.S. 美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 3, 29/F, Sino Plaza, 255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港铜锣湾告士打道255-257号 信和广场3单元29楼 ) +852 3915 7000 7 +86 (10) 5957 2685 8 www.vocollect.com

Key Contacts Vocollect, a business unit of Intermec, Inc. (NYSE:IN), is the leader in creating and providing voice-enabled solutions for mobile workers in distribution and warehouse environments worldwide. Vocollect Voice Solutions leverage our Next-Generation Vocollect Voice Software Suite, ensuring that it is the ideal solution for enabling voice in a multitude of critical warehouse workflows and tasks. From the extreme conditions of freezer installations to high-moisture coolers and other demanding environments, each Vocollect Voice Solution is optimized to provide you with the industry's lowest total operating cost.

Richard Cheung 张志梁 BD Director ) +86 18616987028 + rcheung@vocollect.com Frank Lam 林小澎 BD Director ) +86 18664100483 + flam@vocollect.com

Highlights Vocollect-enabled benefits for the warehouse:

 Easy-to-measure, quantitative value in the areas of increased productivity, accuracy and overall associate throughput

Every day over 400,000 workers worldwide use Vocollect's comprehensive voice solutions to distribute more than $4 billion in goods from Distribution Centres and Warehouses to customer locations. A global team of over 2,000 supply chain reseller and channel partner experts supports Vocollect Voice offerings. Vocollect隶属于美国易腾迈科技公司(纽约证券交易所代码:IN),是开发及提供 语音解决方案的全球领导厂商,其产品广泛地被配送和仓储环境中的移动工人所采 用。Vocollect语音解决方案搭载新一代Vocollect软件套装,确保它是各种关键仓库流 程和任务启用语音导向技术的理想解决方案。在冷藏库、湿热高温和其他极端的条件下 进行部署的Vocollect语音技术都经过优化,确保为您提供行业最低的整体运营成本。

 Allows workers to operate using their

每天,在Vocollect的支持下,全球400,000多名工人将价值40多亿美元的商品从配送中 心和仓库运送到客户所在地。由2,000多名供应链分销商和渠道合作伙伴专家组成的全 球团队为Vocollect Voice产品提供支持。

 Less training cost and time  Ability to pick multiple orders at once,

Services and Solutions

another boost for productivity

 Real time management of information

to support KPI monitoring, with reporting tools to provide greater visibility 语音拣选的应用成果:

 在世界范围内,采用Vocollect语音技术企 业的生产效率有15-30%的提高,也能达到 99.99%以及更高的准确率  支持中国各地区语言,也能实现方言采样的 高效识别  培训时间大大缩短,简单易学  它能同时拣选,快速处理「多订单、多品 项」的状况  对信息进行实时管理,支持关键绩效指标监 控,系统报告工具能提供更大的可视性


Inventory Optimisation  RF & RFID  Voice Picking 'Hands-Free, Eyes-Free®' Warehousing Vocollect's purpose built mobile computing devices and headsets provide workers with ultimate flexibility as they are guided around the Warehouse and Distribution Centre to collect orders. Both of the workers' hands are free at all times, rather than holding onto a scanner or piece of paper. The workers' eyes are also able to focus solely on picking up the correct items, rather than looking from the sheet of paper or scanner back to the product. Vocollect Voice® promotes efficiency and increases productivity. “解放双手、解放双眼” 语音配货在欧美和中国被公认为最有效最先 进的技术,在面对品项(SKU)繁多,每日出货 量很大的配送中心,它早已经被广泛的应用和 肯定。使用Vocollect语音进行拣选,操作起 来非常方便,因为它毕竟有语音提示,仅需通 过‘听’和‘说’轻松方式工作,不需要浏览文 档、标签或显示器,完全解放了操作员的双眼 和双手,提高了工作效率,同时也大大降低了 差错率。



own native languages for improved work efficiency


Other IT & Software Solutions n Alibaba 29/F, Zhao Feng Plaza, 1027Changning Rd, Shanghai 上海市长宁路1027号兆丰广场29 楼,邮编200050 +86 (21) 5255 9888 www.china.alibaba.com n Apprise Software 6009 Changjiang ScienceBuilding, 40 Nanchang Road, Nanjing 江苏省南京市南昌路40号长江科 技园大厦6009室,邮编210037 +86 (25) 8345 5308 www.apprise.com.cn n Atos Origin

11/F, Unicorn International Tower, 547 West Tianmu Road, Shanghai 200070 上海天目西路547号麒麟国际大 厦11层 +86 (21) 6354 1616 www.atosorigin.com

n BravoSolution 13F-01, Tian'an Center 338 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区南京西路338号天 安中心1301室 +86 (21) 6145 8500 www.bravosolution.cn n CDC Unit E201-205, Shanghai Universal Centre 175 South Xiangyang Road, Shanghai 上海襄阳南路175号上海环球总 新E201-205 +86 (21) 6472 0992 www.cdcsoftware.com n Checkpoint Systems

5/F Block A, Shatin Industrial Centre, 5-7 Yuen Shun Circuit Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin N.T. Hong Kong +852 2527 2327 www.checkpointsystems.com


n Core Solutions Unit 2903, 113 Argyle Street Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2378 6300 www.coresolutions.com


n Crimson Logic Unit 2112, ShenXin Building, 200 Ninghai Rd (E), Shanghai 上海宁海东路200号申鑫大厦 2112 +86 (21) 5108 8773 www.crimsonlogic.com n DDS Room215, Wealth Building, No.83 Fu Min Road, Shanghai 中国上海,富民路83号巨富大厦 二楼 15室

+86 (21) 6103 5715 www.ddslogistics.com/cn

n ECnet Room H, 20/F, Foresight Mansion, 768 Xietu Road, Shanghai 上海斜土路768号致远大厦20H +86 (21) 5302 5032 www.ecnet.com n Epicor

2008 Cross Tower, 318 Fuzhou Road Huangpu District, Shanghai 200001 上海市黄浦区福州路318号高腾 大厦2008单元 +86 (21) 6391 2808 www.epicor.com

n Exact Suite 510A He Qiao Mansion 8 Jia, Guanghua Road, Beijing +86 (10) 6581 5177 www.exactsoftware.com n GT Nexus Room 907, Silvercord Tower 2 30 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2158 4022 www.gtnexus.com n GXS Room 1602, 16/F, Grand Gateway Tower 1, 1 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai, 200030 上海市虹桥路1号港汇广场1座 1602室 +86 (21) 6120 1088 www.gxschina.com.cn n Hartung Room 2302, Fortune Gate, 1701West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200040 上海市北京西路1701号静安中华 大厦2302室,邮编200040 +86 (21) 62883010 www.hartung.com.cn n Lawson Software Room 2H, Apollo Building, Yan Zhong Lu1440, Shanghai 200040 上海延安中路1440号阿波罗大 厦2H +86 (21)6248 5823 www.lawson.com n IFS Room 2706, Building 2 of Grant Gateway, 3 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 上海市虹桥路3号港汇广场2座 2706室,邮编200030 +86 (21) 6448 3398 www.ifsworld.cn

n Infosys Building 18, 1387 Zhangdong Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Teck Park, Shanghai 201203 上海市张江高科技园区张东路 1387号18号楼,邮编201203 +86 (21) 5884 3000 www.infosys.com n Infor

15/F Raffles City Shanghai Office Tower, No. 268, Xi Zang Zhong Rd, Shanghai 200001 +86 21 5359 9666 www.infor.com

n Intermec Sales and Service Unit 1503B, Kirin Plaza, 666 Gubei Road, Shanghai +86( 21) 6278 1090 www.intermec.com n Inttra Room 3607 Bund Center,222 East Yan'an Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 6335 0077 www.inttra.com n Jardine One Solutions 7/F, Building 1, Resource Plaza, 268 South Zhongshan Road,Shanghai 200010 +86 (21) 2321 6288 www.jos.com n Kingdee 张江晨晖路88号金蝶软件园1 号楼 +86 (21) 6162 5518 www.kingdee.com n MFG 9/F, The Exchange,1486 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 3203 9588 www.mfgquote.com n Microsoft 19/F, Millennium Tower 38 Xiaoyun Road, Beijing +86 (10) 8453 8989 www.microsoft.com n Navis Room 1701-1702, Laford Centre, 838 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2439 5964 www.navis.com n Oracle 16/F, One Corporate Ave, 222 HubinRoad, Shanghai 200021 上海市卢湾区湖滨路222号企业 天地商业中心1号楼16层,邮编 200021 +86 (21) 2302 3000 www.oracle.com

n PowerE2E 20A, Tower 3, No.600 Tian Shan Rd, Shanghai 上海天山路600弄3号20A +86 (21) 6274 9608 www.powere2e.com n Sensitech 3239 Shengjiang Road, Shanghai 201206 +86 (21) 3860 3204 www.sensitech.com n SoftBrands 4/F, The TEDA Building 256, Jiefangnan Road, Hexi District, Tianjin 300042 天津市河西区解放南路256号泰 达大厦第四层邮编300042 +86 (22) 2320 2260 www.fourthshiftedition.com n Trading Partners 12/F, Platinum, 233 Taicang Road, Xintiandi Shanghai 200020 上海新天地太仓路233号新茂大 厦12楼,邮编200020 +86 (21) 5178 5055 www.tradingpartners.com n UFIDA 68 Beijing Road, Haidan District, Beijing 100094 北京市海淀区北清路68号用友软 件园,邮编 100094 +86 (10) 6243 6688 www.ufida.com.cn n Viewlocity Room 404, 20 Donghu Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai +86 (21) 5404 0818 www.viewlocity.com n Vintture 21/F, Jianyin Plaza,289 Zheqiao Road, Shanghai 201206 浦东金桥浙桥路289号建银大厦A 座2108-10室,邮编201206 +86 (21) 5031 2605 www.vintture.com


CHEP...................................130 Dexion................................. 131 Loscam................................132 Schoeller Arca.....................133

CHEP (China)

集保物流设备(中国)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Orlando, U.S.A. 美国奥兰多 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国总部 40/F, Suites 8-10, 2 Grand Gateway 3 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市虹桥路3号港汇二座40楼08-10室 邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6127 2488 7 +86 (21) 6127 2466 8 www.chep.com

Key Contacts Jack Lin 林敏 Marketing Associate ) +86 (21) 6127 2410 7 +86 (21) 6127 2466 + PalletPoolingServicesChina@chep.com Jasmine Zhu 朱洁 Sales&Marketing Assistant ) +86 (21) 6127 2444 7 +86 (21) 6127 2466 + AutomotiveServicesChina@chep.com

Highlights  Business Scope: Equipment (pallets and containers) leasing, maintenance, design, sourcing, other package service of logistics equipment, the consulting service of logistics information and resolution, the wholesaling, import and export of logistics equipment, commission agent (auction excluded)

 Industries supported/targeted in China: Electrical/electronics, automotive, manufacturing, industrial equipment/ machinery, FMCG/consumer goods, food/beverage, retail, distribution, warehousing, logistics/3PLs, transportation, import/export


 经营范围


物流设备(托盘及周转箱)的租赁、维修、 保养、设计和采购,相关配套服务,物流信息 和物流解决方案的咨询服务,物流设备的批发 及进出口,佣金代理(拍卖除外)


CHEP is the global leader in pallet and container pooling services, serving customers in a wide range of industrial and retail supply chains, including consumer goods, beverage, automotive and home improvement industries. Pallet and container pooling is a strategic business option for companies that wish to concentrate their capital expenditures and day-to-day supply chain operations on their core business. CHEP manages the daily movements of over 300 million pallets and containers from a global network of over 500 service centers in 49 countries. We serve for more than 500,000 customers worldwide, and are known for "Handling the World's Most Important Products. Everyday." 集保是全球提供托盘与周转箱共用服务的龙头企业,客户遍布快速消费品、饮料、汽 车和家装等多种行业。集保与原材料和配料供应商、制造商、种植者、运输商、批 发商和零售商合作,提高其产品在供应链上的传输效率、降低相关成本并满足客户需 求。对于希望减少资本支出并集中精力于其核心业务的公司而言,托盘与周转箱共用 可谓是一项战略商业选择。集保每天掌控着3亿多个托盘和周转箱的运作,业务网络覆 盖全球49个国家的500多个服务中心。我们为全球的50多万家企业提供服务并以“承 载全球最重要的产品,每一天”而著称。

Services and Solutions Pallets & Equipment CHEP offers pallet and container pooling services in China. Currently we have launched its RFID enabled, steel reinforced plastic pallet, timber pallet, standard modular container, anti-static container and foldable large container. Our flexible service offer includes dedicated container management services, pooling of standard containers used by automakers and tier suppliers and global customer support. Equipment pooling and container management could efficiently improve utilization of returnable containers, reduce total supply chain costs, eliminate disposable packaging and large capital investment, eliminate in-plant repackaging and environmental friendly. 集保在中国为多种行业提供托盘和周转箱共享租 赁解决方案,目前我们已推出具RFID功能的钢 条加固塑料托盘、木托盘、标准模块箱、防静电 箱和折叠式大周转箱, 为汽车供应链度身定制包 装管理服务、提供标准化包装共享服务和全球化 客户支持服务,有效提高周转箱利用率、降低整体 供应链成本、消除一次性包装费用和大项资本投 入、高质量满足行业标准、免除厂内再包装环节 并且降耗环保。




Dexion (Shanghai) Logistics Equipment


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Sydney, Australia 澳大利亚,悉尼 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2008 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 1102, Block A, Phase 1 Zhang Jiang Riverfront Harbour 3000 Longdong Avenue Shanghai, 201203 上海市浦东新区龙东大道3000号张江集电 港第一期A楼1102室,邮编201203 ) +86 (21) 6879 4413 7 +86 (21) 6879 4416 8 www.dexion-china.com

Key Contacts Adrian Wang 王滋 General Manager ) +86 (21) 6879 4413 7 +86 (21) 6879 4416 + adrian.wang@dexion-china.com PC Loke 陆柏祥 Technical Sales Director ) +86 (21) 6879 4413 7 +86 (21) 6879 4416 + pc.loke@dexion-china.com

Dexion was founded in May 1947 by Mr Demetrius Comino who created the world renowned "Dexion Slotted Angle", which has been copied all over the world. The word DEXION comes from the Greek word meaning "right" and is emphasized in the logo with the "right tick". Our key corporate values are inspired by our founder, Demetrius Comino who believed in:  Excellence in Performance  Integrity in Relationships  Innovation in Application Dexion today is leading the way in seismic rack design, high rise ASRS rack applications, innovative leading edge automated system solutions and the establishment of the Comino Research Centre. Dexion is represented directly and via dedicated Dexion Supply Centres all across Asia-Pacific to give the regional as well as national customers the necessary support for their future expansion and growth with cost effective storage and materials handling solutions.

 Worldwide reknowned 65 year

established brand name and leader in storage and materials handling industry

德仕安创始于1947年,创始人科米诺先生将“孔型角钢货架”首次引入市场,直至今 天,此系统仍在全球范围内被争相仿效使用。性能卓越,诚实守信,应用创新是科米 诺先生始终坚持的公司理念。

 More than a billion pallet locations of


 Dexion Limited, publicly listed in

Services and Solutions

Dexion racking installed today.

Australian stock exchange with more than AUD 280 million turnover for Asia-Pacific

 Largest manufacturing capacity

>80,000 steel tonnage annual consumption with seven Asia-Pacific based manufacturing plants

 The One and Only DEXION in China  Market coverage: ANZ, SEA, NEA,

Pakistan India, Middle East and The Americas.  世界知名仓储品牌享誉65年  迄今为止全世界使用德仕安品牌货架超过10 亿托盘位  德仕安亚太地区市值过28亿  亚太地区年产能达8万吨  中国地区只有一个德仕安  市场覆盖区域:澳新地区,沙特地区,东北亚 地区,印巴地区,中东地区及美洲区


Pallets  Shelving & Racking

 Pallet racking and shelving storage solutions for Industrial applications.  Compact, mobile shelving and filing storage solutions for commercial applications.

 High rise and seismic ASRS racking solutions.  Integrated order fulfillment and sortation systems for distribution centres.  Design, supply, project manage, install, commission and service of Dexion

storage and material handling system, rack safety audit, rack inspection and storage solution consultancy services.

 工业领域货架存储方案  商业领域移动文件架存储方案  高位自动化立体库方案  分销中心订单及分拣集成系统  设计,供应,项目管理,安装,货架 安全检查,仓储方案咨询等一系列服务。






CM Loscam (China) 招商路凯(中国)

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong 香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room1104-1105, Block C, Ming Wah International Convention Centre, 8 Guishan Road, Shekou, Shenzhen 518067 深圳蛇口龟山路8号明华国际会议中心C座 1104-1105室 邮编518067 ) +86 (755) 2680 8820 7 +86 (755) 2680 8791 8 www.loscam.com

LOSCAM is one of the world’s largest pallet and packaging equipments hire organizations today with a long track record dating back to 1942 when the business first started in Australia. Today LOSCAM has a network of offices and depots throughout Australia and the Asia Pacific region, with over 10 million pallets on hire. LOSCAM was acquired by China Merchants Group in 2010 and renamed as China Merchants Loscam.

Key Contacts Dai Zhengnan 戴正楠 General Manager, Greater China ) +86 (755) 2688 5680 + 86 13923896775 7 +86 (755) 2680 8791 + zndai@loscam.com

路凯公司1942年成立于澳大利亚,主要从事托盘及其他物流包装设备的租赁服务业务, 目前已发展成为澳洲及亚洲地区领先的托盘共用租赁企业,业务覆盖澳洲及亚洲多个国 家和地区,运营托盘超过1,000万个。2010年7月,招商局集团全面收购路凯公司,并将其 更名为招商路凯。

Patrick Chan 陈伟光 Sales Director, Greater China ) +86 (21) 6104 8158 +86 15821119687 7 +86 (21) 6104 8162 + patrick.chan@loscam.com

Services and Solutions Pallets  Packaging

Highlights  Our service network in Greater China

includes Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Xian, Shenyang, Tianjin and Changsha

 Our unique pooling systems enable trad-

ing partners to share LOSCAM equipment through the supply chain enabling conversion of fixed cost to variable costs.

 Online system ensures maximum transparency and control of pallets

 Partner In Pallet Pooling  招商路凯已在深圳、香港、广州、上海、北京、


成都、西安、沈阳、天津、长沙等地区设立区域办 公室及营运中心,业务范围已覆盖全国28个省份 和直辖市。

 已建立的托盘循环共用系统可使产业链各环

节企业实现托盘循环共用,通过将固定成本转换 为可变成本,有效提高各环节间的货物装卸率、 减少产品损坏,有助于帮助企业应对不断攀升 的供应链成本和人工成本。

在线服务系统可有效帮助客户实现对托盘需求 管理、过程跟踪、库存盘点等方面的全面管控

 招商路凯是您选择物流包装共用系统的最佳伙伴



China Merchants Loscam provides returnable packaging solutions and equipment used to store and move products through supply chains. We have built our reputation by providing outstanding customer service, innovative products and tailored solutions to our customers. This has led to a position of leadership in the retail, FMCG, logistics and manufacturing sectors throughout the region. Our unique pooling system enables trading partners to share LOSCAM equipment through the supply chain enabling conversion of fixed costs to variable costs and promoting sustainability through sharing of pallets, intermediate bulk containers and produce bins. Our network of service depots are strategically located throughout Asia Pacific to ensure availability of our products when and where you need them. 招商路凯为供应链中各环节企业 提供可循环共用的物流包装设备 的解决方案和产品。我们致力于为 客户提供优质的客户服务、创新的 产品和量身定制的解决方案,目前 已在零售、快速消费品(FMCG)、 制造、物流等领域占据市场领先地 位。 我们所运营的循环共用系统,可为 供应链各环节企业实现托盘、周转 篮、展 示箱等物流设备的循环共 用,我们的业务网络遍布澳洲及亚 洲多个国家和地区,可确保随时随 地满足客户的产品需求。


Schoeller Arca Systems

舒乐阿卡(上海)贸易有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Zwolle, Netherlands 荷兰兹沃勒 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2007 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 1111-1112 Shui On Plaza 333 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 上海淮海中路333号瑞安广场办公楼 1111-1112室 ) +86 (21) 3133 5080 7 +86 (21) 3133 5081 8 www.schoellerarcasystems.com

Key Contacts Niclas Sternheden Business Development Manager Asia-Pacific ) +86 (21) 3133 5083 7 +86 (21) 3133 5081 + niclas.sternheden@schoellerarca.com Hansen Han 韩爱新 Sales Manager ) +86 (21) 3133 5094 7 +86 (21) 3133 5081 + hansen.han@schoellerarca.com

舒乐阿卡是物流包装领域的领导者。我们针对不同行业的客户提供合适的包装解决方案 用以帮助客户减低物流成本。我们的方案适用于客户整个供应链;通过避免重复及过度 的人工操作,创新性的设计用以提高空间利用率,减小物品在运输中的损坏等方式帮助 客户减少供应链运营成本。

Services and Solutions Packaging  Pallets

 More than 60 years' experience within packaging logistic

 Strong focus on innovation, development,

production, green solutions and cost savings

 Serving our customers with the same uniform quality on all continents we operate on

 Preferred supplier to many multinationals in various industries

 Main China production facility in Jiangyin  Local application development with centralized engineering in Shanghai

We are the largest supplier of plastic returnable transit packaging solutions worldwide. We are working with most major companies in the field of e.g. Automotive, Retail, Beverage, Electronics, Food processing and Chemical. we have kept leadership through cost effective, sustainable and innovative solutions. We are committed to China and emphasis on supplying solutions that take the current logistics circumstances into account and at the same time making our products to fit for a future more standardized environment. With our main production facility in Jiangsu province we are able to provide locally made products with European quality and design. We have strong application development and testing capabilities in place locally. 舒乐阿卡为全球最大的塑料可回收运输包装解决方案的供应商。我们的产品适用于汽 车、零售、饮料、电子、食品加工及化工等行业。高性价比、可持续及创新性的包装方案是 舒乐阿卡在包装领域保持领先地位的原因。在中国,我们提供的产品满足客户当前的物 流要求,同时,随着物流标准化的发展,我们的产品同样适用与标准化物流操作环境。我 司江阴工厂的投产,可以保证能在国内生产并提供保有欧洲质量及设计的产品,同时,强 大的有专业包装背景的团队也可以保证我们可以提供有效的本土化的产品包装及测试方案。






Schoeller Arca Systems is a leader in packaging logistics. We implement packaging solutions addressing the concerns in different industries, that reduce logistics costs and can be used throughout the whole supply chain; Avoiding re-loading and extensive manual operations, innovative designs aimed at improving space efficiency and display, minimizing damage to products in transit, etc. We are all about cutting costs in the supply chain.


Other Equipment Providers n Aivis Storage Racks 南京市江宁经济技术开发区苏源 大道118号 +86 (25) 5214 0476 www.njaivis.com n Anwood Logistic Systems Room 1606, No.218 Heng Feng Road, Shanghai 上海市闸北区恒丰路218号现代 交通商务大厦1606室 +86 (21) 51801911 www.anwood.com.cn n API Room 701, Building 4,258 Jinzhang Road, Shanghai 201206 上海市浦东新区金桥路金藏路 258号4号楼701室,邮编201206 +86 (21) 5896 7392 www.apisensor.com n Columbus McKinnon Room 501, Building 6, No.289 Bisheng Rd. Zhang Jiang HiTech Park, Pudong Shanghai 201204 上海张杰高科毕升路289号,6 号楼501 +86 (21) 38820620 www.cmworks.com

n Interroll 10B Modern Industrial Square, 333 Xingpu Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province 215126 江苏省苏州工业园兴浦路333 号10B +86 (512) 6256 0383 www.interroll.com

n Dacheng

n Jutong

n Daifuku

Room 2405, New Town Center, 83 Loushanguan Road, Shanghai 200613 中国上海市松江工业区松东路 322号 +86 (21) 6774 2436 www.daifukuchina.com

n Damon

7F Software Building, 461 Hongcao Road, Shanghai 200233 上海市徐汇区漕河泾开发区虹漕 路461号软件大厦7楼 +86 (21) 64856600 www.damon.com.cn EQUIPMENT PROVIDERS

n Hörmann Beijing Door

13 Zhong He Street, BDA, Beijing 北京经济开发区中和街13号 +86 (10) 6788 8371 3/F, Qing Shui Wan Hotel Wing Office Building, 1309 North Kaixuan Road, Shanghai 200063 上海市凯旋北路1309号清水湾大 酒店综合楼3楼邮编200063 +86 (21) 5251 3216 www.hoermann.cn

Room 501, Block 5, No.6932 Shang Nan Road, Shanghai 上海浦东新区周浦镇上南路6932 弄康馨苑5号楼501 +86 (21) 6811 0677 www.cn-dc.com


n Fablog Room 435, Qifa Building 2-F, Middle Shenggu Road, Beijing100029 北京市朝阳区胜古中路2号F座, 企发大厦435室,邮编100029 +86 (10) 51262338 www.fablog.net.cn

n Duisport Packing Logistics A, 8/F Shanghai Industrial Bldg, 18 North Caoxi Road, Shanghai 200030 上海漕溪北路18号上实大厦8楼A 座,邮编200030 +86 (21) 6427 2906 www.duisport-packinglogistics.com

3 Youxiang Road, Wangshang Industrial Park, Wuzhong Economic Development Zone, Suzhou, Jiangsu 江苏省苏州市吴中区旺山工业园 区友翔路3号 +86 (512) 8767 6555 www.sz-jutong.com

n Jungheinrich

Building12, 2 Suide Road, Shanghai 200331 上海市普陀区绥德路2弄12号, 邮编200331 +86 (21) 2602 0300 www.jungheinrich.cn


Room 2456, Block 3, No.77 Jian Guo Road, Beijing 北京朝阳区建国路77号华贸中心 第三办公楼24层2456室 +86 13901045428 www.knapp.com

n Linde

89 Jinshang Road, Xiamen 361009 厦门市金尚路89号,邮编361009 +86 (592) 5533 200 www.linde-china.com

n Liugong Forklift 1 Liutai Road, Liuzhou, Guangxi 广西柳州市柳太路1号,邮编 545007 +86 (772) 3886 125 www.liugong.com n Mecalux Room 2103 Shenxin Bldg, 200 East Ninghai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海宁海东路200号申鑫大厦 2103室,200021 +86 (21) 6374 4885 www.mecalux.com n Psion Teklogix Room 17A, HuaMin Empire Mansion, 726 West Yan'an Road, Shanghai 上海市延安西路726号华敏翰尊 大厦17A,邮编 200050 +86 (21) 5830 3488 www.psionteklogix.com n Saini Suite A, 19/F, Dongtai Building, 309 Tanggu Road, Shanghai 200080 上海外滩塘沽路309号东泰大厦 19层AB座,邮编200080 +86 (21) 6307 2200 www.saini.cn n Sandvik 986, Baota Road, JiadingDistrict, Shanghai 上海嘉定区宝塔路986号,邮编 201821 +86 (21) 6916 6050 www.sandvik.com n Schuler No.8 Lane 750, Luo Chuan Middle Road, Zha Bei Road, Shanghai 上海市闸北区洛川中路750弄8号 +86 (21) 5665 0081 www.schulergroup.com n Shougang Motoman Robot No.7 Yong Chang Road, Beijing 100178zx 北京市经济技术开发区永昌路7 号,邮编100178 +86 (10) 8788 0541 www.sg-motoman.com.cn n SSI Schaefer Systems R609, No.55, Lane 777, Guang Xi Middle Road, Shanghai 中国上海市广中西路777弄多媒 体科技园55号启迪大厦609室 +86 (21) 5308 3678 www.ssi-schaefer-asia.com

n Suneast Room 1101-1103, Jinyang Building, No.15, Long.362, Caoyang Road, Shanghai 上海曹阳路362弄15号金阳大厦 1101-1103室 邮编200063 +86 (21) 6244 5868 www.suneastfz.com n Swisslog 76 Pujian Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 5039 9928 www.swisslog.com n TCM R1804, No.500 Hong Bao Shi Road, Chang Ning District, Shanghai 上海市长宁区红宝石路500号东 银中心东楼1804室 +86 (21) 6235 0555 www.tcmch.com.cn n Tech-Link Storge Engineering 1018-A Lane 999, Wangqiao Road, Shanghai 201201 上海市王桥路999弄1018号A室 +86 (21) 5838 2988 www. techlinkstorageengineering.com n TopTiger Room 702, No.388 Tian Lin Road, Shanghai 上海市田林路388号新业大楼 702室 +86 (21) 5445 2929 www.top-tiger.com n Toyota Material Handling 17F, Metro Plaza, 555 Loushanguan Road, Shanghai 上海市娄山关路555号长房国际 广场17楼,邮编200051 +86 (21) 6228 7722 www.toyota-industries.com n Videojet 5/F, Block 51, 1089 North Qinzhou Road, Shanghai 上海市钦州北路1089号51号楼5 楼,邮编200233 +86 (21) 6495 9222 www.videojet.com n Zheli Forklift 1 Xindeng Industrial Park,Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province 浙江省杭州市富阳市新登工业园 区一号 +86 (571) 8688 8355 www.unforklift.com

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The CHaINA Awards honor companies, projects and individuals who have made significant contributions to strengthen the supply chain profession in China. Be acknowledged for your operational brilliance, innovative approache and dedication to the supply chain profession in China.

Award Categories Include:

Supply Chain Operational Excellence China’s Supply Chain Executive of the Year Best 3PL Supply Chain Provider Best Supply Chain Consulting Partner Best IT Supply Chain Solution Training, Education and Development Award The Green Supply Chain Award

Deadline: October 10, 2012

CHaINA Awards Lunch Ceremony: November 8, Shanghai Contact: awards@supplychain.cn | www.supplychains.com

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