Elemica – October 2019

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Go Digital. Transform.



DRIVING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN SUPPLY CHAINS With the importance of remaining agile and lean fundamental to the success of all companies in the supply chain space, the influence that new technology is having on firms is clear. In a bid to help companies achieve a full digital transformation, Elemica connects systems to automate supply chain transactions and facilitate collaboration among its network of trading partners. As the leading cloud-based digital supply network for the global process industries, the firm operates with a mission statement of providing visibility into companies’ supply chains. Offering an end-to-end digital supply network that processes manufacturing enterprises and their trading partners to digitally transform supply chains, Elemica integrates processes and harvests visibility in the supply chain as it helps companies accomplish their digital transformation ambitions through a full suite of Elemica applications. w w w.e l e mi ca . com



Rich Katz, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Elemica, has been working at Elemica for 16 years, having started as Senior VP Product Management before becoming Chief Technology Officer and ultimately moving onto his current role as President in 2018. Katz reflects on his firm’s digital transformation strategy and discusses the benefits that it provides to not only Elemica, but to its customers too. How important is procurement 04

and supply chain transformation to Elemica? Digital transformation is fundamental to Elemica and our customers. We

to reduce errors, improve compliance,

facilitate their digital transformation

lower admin time, reduce expedited

within the supply chain by automating

freight costs, and much more.

business processes from end-to-end, helping businesses to gain efficien-

With digital transformation of the

cies within their procurement, produc-

supply chain vital, in what ways does

tion, transportation, manufacturing,

Elemica incorporate its platform?

and other business operations.

Our platform has been implemented

By removing paper-based business

by major process manufacturers, and

processes, our customers can

we have thousands of suppliers and

balance inventory, working capital,

logistics service providers that

and customer service levels while

connect to it. Our platform helps

improving the Total Cost of Ownership

businesses accelerate their digital

(TCO). Automating processes helps

transformation. The network digitises

“ The network digitises transactions with all network partners, taps into modern data sources, and integrates external data to internal operating systems” — Rich Katz, CEO, Elemica 05

transactions with all network partners,

The Elemica team has years of

taps into modern data sources, and

experience in design, engineering,

integrates external data to internal

implementation, and service. We have

operating systems. Companies

visionaries on our team. It is essential

establish a connection to Elemica’s

to drive these visions to relate to

platform and reuse that connection to

customer issues and at the same time

access all other partners on the

address challenges in the industry as

network, automate various processes

a whole.

across those partners and gain visibility into their supply chain.

How did Elemica begin and what is the vision for the next few years?

How instrumental are your leader-

Elemica started when 20 top global

ship skills to the future success of

chemical companies got together to

your team?

create a network that would facilitate w w w.e l e mi ca . com


these companies to buy and sell to/

and data sharing so that critical

from each other. About a decade ago,

business decisions could be made

we redeveloped our network, in

by well-informed participants.

response to what the customer wants,

For the future, Elemica will continue

in order to incorporate new technolo-

to add functionality to the network

gies that made the network become a

that will improve interoperability

platform that would make it easier for

between disparate systems and

companies to conduct commerce with

networks. Next-generation technolo-

each other while addressing other

gies like blockchain, machine learning,

business processes. We made it

IoT, supply chain quality, and others

easier for business trading partners

are being tested, implemented, and

to connect to the network and added

integrated into the network and

more intelligence to the transactions

Elemica offerings.


Rich Katz Rich Katz, a 1990 graduate in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Tech has been with Elemica for over 16 years in roles as President, Chief Technology Officer, Senior Vice-President of Product Management, and Vice-President of Research and Development. Rich is responsible for setting the overall direction of Elemica’s Technology Roadmap, Market Positioning, and will oversee Corporate and Product Marketing. Prior to Elemica, Mr. Katz was the Director of Implementation Services for ATT’s Enterprise’s Ariba Practice (formerly USI) and has held Senior Manager positions in Arthur Andersen’s Advanced Technology and ERP practices.


data, correlating incidents with a

to you, and how can Elemica assist?

customer’s network assets, orders

Companies today are hit with supply

and shipments to detect and under-

chain disruptions from all angles

stand the impact of disruptive events.

including bad weather, late payments,

Elemica customers can discern which

loss of transport mode, socio-econom-

orders and products are impacted

ic, political issues, and more. Enterpris-

by location, what alternative shipping

es need to be prepared to address and

methods exist and the economic

mitigate supply chain risks to continue

impact if orders are delayed. Elemica

providing value, to exceed customers

Risk is a visibility application incorpo-

and partners expectations, and

rating supply chain threat detection,

maintain brand integrity.

qualification, early warning, and

Elemica provides a Risk Management

network assessment. Understanding

solution called Elemica Risk. It integrates

events that disrupte their ability to

with weather and global risk event

deliver to customers and take steps w w w.e l e mi ca . com


to mitigate before interrupting service saves Elemica’s customers from losing significant revenue. What do you feel are the major trends you are observing in the supply chain industry and how is Elemica responding to them? Companies are always looking for ways to increase revenues, sustain growth, and improve the customer experience. This can happen when the supply chain is digitally trans08

formed, providing greater visibility into what is happening across the enterprise. We are seeing companies wanting to integrate outside of their four walls. This can be done with a collaborative network that digitally connects all trading partners within a company’s ecosystem quickly, easily and cost effectively. Global supply chains are continually being regulated by government regulations and compliance requirements. To help manage compliance, supply chain and quality management leaders organise material and shipment information with appropriate certifications. Through Elemica

“ Elemica Quality’s proactive alerts help to prevent non-conformance and save monies while ensuring customer satisfaction” — Rich Katz, CEO, Elemica

Quality, alerts can also be set up to know well in advance if certifications are about to expire or deviations in material are occurring during the transportation process. Elemica Quality’s proactive alerts help to prevent non-conformance and save monies while ensuring customer satisfaction. We are seeing trends in the integration of emerging technologies (Blockchain, Machine Learning, and AI) within the supply chain, from pilot projects to full production. In a Blockchain pilot programme, Elemica and crossinx, a network for financial business collaboration solution, exist as nodes on a public blockchain, connecting structured data with unstructured data, such as documents, to enable multi-tier payment. In the pilot, two large global chemical companies facilitate document and data transfer of invoices, purchase orders, delivery tenders and proof-ofdelivery posts. With the ability to connect to a digital network, blockchain functionality can be made accessible to support a many-tomany connection of companies, facilitating payment processing. w w w.e l e mi ca . com



Do you have any involvement in

do you manage to continue to

award programmes either internally

innovate and set the trends?

or externally or both?

Elemica continues to drive innovation

Elemica applies for numerous awards

in its digital supply network and supply

for executives, for the business, for our

chain applications to bring improve-

technology, and for the supply chain

ments in efficiency and productivity

industry. We have won a significant

across the supply chains of our

number of awards in these categories.

customers. We continually strive to drive value for clients by bringing


In terms of innovation, how impor-

greater efficiencies to their organisa-

tant is that to Elemica? In what ways

tions through improved collaboration

and lower supply chain spend. As part of continued innovation,

the big drivers in transformation are at the moment?

Elemica participates in leading

In today’s competitive world, businesses

industry trends and forums, listens to

undergo a digital transformation of their

customers, and follows social and

supply chains to sense, respond and act

business market trends that drive our

more effectively with the ultimate driver

product roadmaps across vertical

to improve efficiencies, bottom-line

industries and geographical markets.

profits and customer satisfaction. Companies join Elemica’s Digital

If you had to look at the supply chain

Supply Network (DSN) because it

industry overall, what do you feel

captures event and transaction data across the entire supply chain. This creates a critical mass of real-time

“ We continually strive to drive value for clients by bringing greater efficiencies to their organisations through improved collaboration and lower supply chain spend” — Rich Katz, CEO, Elemica

business information that allows partners to collectively sense and react properly to supply and demand changes and risks in the market. Participants gain a comprehensive picture of business performance both inside and outside their four walls, which allows them to generate strategic and actionable insights from their supply chain network, leading to more mutually beneficial relationships and a clear competitive edge. Companies also want to eliminate silos within their own four-walls to enable interoperability and integration between other departments’ systems using open APIs, which makes the integration easier and more cost-effective. w w w.e l e mi ca . com



Finally, many companies are seeking technology that helps increase revenue by connecting the longtail of the supply chain for complete visibility and greatest agility. The Elemica Digital Supply Network allows businesses to easily buy and sell from each other via automated processes. With the future in mind, how do you ensure Elemica continues to grow? We strive to continually shape our products to include both new technologies and also address changing 12

market demands. Elemica ‘s network and supply chain solutions are built with cloud technologies, making integration, support and maintenance much easier. With cloud technologies,

supply chain network by offering

most customers can easily upgrade

greater self-service tools allowing

their software without having to use

companies to more easily connect

any IT support. The new develop-

with their trading partners. Our tools

ments are constantly incorporated

clean and enrich the data shared

into our network platform and the

across the network.

application suites we provide are able

We are also working on incorporating

to adapt and be flexible in support of

more next-generation technologies

industry initiatives.

into our solutions, such as artificial

Elemica is committed to providing

intelligence, IoT and machine learning.

solutions and a platform that is easy,

We offer smart contract development

cost-effective, and enables quick

to address specific industry and

connectivity. We have extended our

geographical needs.

“ We strive to continually shape our products to include both new technologies and also address changing market demands� — Rich Katz, CEO, Elemica

Our innovations also connect to


food or as part of processing it. These

larger societal issues. For example,

methods and the execution of their

Elemica Quality improves customer

processes are invisible to consumers

satisfaction, corporate profits, and

but are driven by a focus on quality, i.e.,

product quality. Morton Salt uses

the performance of their products for

Elemica Quality to reduce the cost

which they are intended.

and time associated with the production of customer-bound certificates. As consumers, we are generally most familiar with the salt we use in food, but even here, the story is not as simple as it sounds. Different methods are employed to incorporate salt into our w w w.e l e mi ca . com


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