Emmerson Packaging brochure – March 2019

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Sustainability in supply chain transformation


Delivering sustainability through a supply chain transformation WRIT TEN BY




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cross the modern business landscape, the perception of procurement and supply chain management is undergoing

a dramatic transformation. Traditionally viewed as a business support function and merely a cost 04

center, businesses all over the world are currently investing into their supply chains as a recognition that it is now viewed as a true business enabler. For Emmerson Packaging, one of the leading flexible packaging solutions providers in North America, the supply chain has been built into the company’s core operations since it was founded back in 1956. For Serge Corriveau, Vice President of Supply Chain, the supply chain management function of Emmerson Packaging is the ‘WD40’ of the business. “We’re like a machine and as long as we’re well oiled, everything works and the business can continue to be successful,” he says. “My motto is be brilliant, be brief and be gone. If we’re not moving, innovating and changing in a particular part of the business then we look at that as a missed opportunity.” Corriveau joined the business in 2013, initially


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working as a business analyst before being given the role of change management lead for a new SAP system implementation. The implementation of SAP provided the opportunity for Emmerson Packaging to transform its supply chain vertical. “Once the model was presented, our CEO asked me if I would like to lead the charge in implementing the changes,” he says. “I accepted the challenge and the rest is history.” The new supply chain vertical consists of five departments within Emmerson


Packaging including warehousing, logistics, purchasing, production planning and customer service. The customer service department was added to the supply chain vertical in early 2018. “Customer satisfaction is dependent on the supply chain, so this recent addition made perfect sense,” Corriveau says. “Customer service is a fundamental part of any successful business and its very important in the supply chain because it’s the source of customer information, it provides the customer with real-time information on product availability and distribution operations,” he says. “These departments are particularly important in ensuring

CLICK TO WATCH : ‘EMMERSON PACKAGING ON MARITIME MADE’ 07 a seamless supply chain and by oversee-

order to reach a state of control,” he says.

ing all five departments it ensures we

“Once we reache that level of control,

can support the overall strategy of the

you can step back and trust the team to

business.” Corriveau had previously

deliver. If something was to go sideways

worked with automotive giants Hyundai

then we’d react properly because we

and Kia and was familiar with working

are in control and being proactive. Clear

in a large-scale company with “tons of

communication internally and externally

resources and a very strict structure”.

is so important”.

But as Emmerson Packaging set about

With data monitoring and KPIs

building a supply chain vertical, Corriveau

established, Emmerson Packaging

realized that enhanced inventory plan-

created an element of control over

ning and control was required. “The first

inventory management and estab-

step before anything could be achieved

lished the same level of control over

was to look at data, create and track

logistics and purchasing. “Control

KPIs and make changes along the way in

means making everything resource w w w.e mme rso npa c ka gi n g . com

That’s why we’ve joined Project STOP. NOVA Chemicals is a Strategic Partner in Project STOP, a global initiative that brings corporations and governments together to keep plastic from reaching the world’s rivers and oceans through the development of waste collection services and a recycling supply chain. The immediate focus of that effort is the countries of Southeast Asia, where fast-growing economies mean the demand for products packaged in plastic are outpacing


governments’ abilities to meet the challenge of waste management. At NOVA Chemicals we’re passionate about sustainability. That’s why, along with investing in Project STOP, we’re engaged in R&D work focused on developing packaging solutions that support a circular economy. We’re proud to play a key role in Project STOP and its crucial efforts to build a better future.

Copyright NOVA Chemicals Corp. 2019, all rights reserved.

Imagine a future without marine plastic pollution. It starts with making more plastics recyclable.


here is growing awareness and concern about marine plastic pollution—and there’s an increasing determination to put an end to it. One part of the solution is Project STOP, a joint initiative started in 2017 by SYSTEMIQ and Borealis to help stop the flow of plastics and other materials into the world’s rivers and oceans. Another part of the solution is to further develop infrastructure to collect and recycle plastic packaging, especially in the world’s fast-developing nations. Of course, that also requires making plastic goods, particularly plastic packaging, more recyclable to

support a circular economy that puts more recycled plastics into new products—and less into places where they don’t belong. Initiatives like Project STOP will test and develop new solutions with the potential to seriously slow—and eventually eliminate—the flow of plastics into the world’s oceans. Together with work to develop more recycling and recovery technologies and more recyclable products, we can realize the promise of a circular economy. Below are some emerging trends that are yielding promising results.

More applications for recycled plastic material.

The more flexible, the smaller the footprint.

The plastics industry is investing in research and development centered around technology for creating “clean” recycled polyethylene and incorporating it into finished products with performance comparable to 100% virgin plastic.

Replacing traditional materials like cans, glass and cardboard with flexible plastic packaging significantly reduces packaging volume, reducing the carbon footprint during production and shipping.

Simpler is better for the environment.

One-piece closures for easier recyclability.

Many food packages are made with a mix of materials, making them difficult to recycle. Companies are now working with their suppliers to eliminate foil, nylon and other materials and move to single-material, recyclable flexible film structures.

Another important trend is the shift from two-piece, mixed-material closures to one-piece, recyclable closures in beverage and other containers.

The bottom line: Recyclable plastic packaging has value as recyclate, adding an incentive to implement new waste collection and recycling systems that can go a long way toward keeping plastics out of the world’s oceans.

What about food waste? Advances in package integrity— improved barrier, toughness and seal —in polyethylene-based flexible film structures help improve package integrity and extend shelf life. That means less food is spoiled, which reduces landfill waste and even more importantly, helps to address world hunger. It’s a win-win.


based,” Corriveau says. “Data is key

to re-examine the perception of what

there as it cannot be disputed. We

the supply chain actually is, as Corriveau

break each department down into

felt there was often a misplaced belief

pieces and work through it one piece

that it was “just warehousing and

at a time and it’s been a successful

logistics”. “Supply chain for Emmerson

strategy for the company”.

Packaging is so much more than that:

The advantages of data analytics

there’s production planning, manufac-

are plain to see, allowing the business

turing, procurement, warehousing and

to make smarter decisions and

the list goes on,” he says. “Production

predictions, but building a supply chain

planning scheduling is the very heart of

vertical in this organization highlighted

our organization. We have worked hard

to Corriveau that the data “just wasn’t

to nail down our data and forecasting

there yet”. This forced the organization

and are incredibly proud of where we


are. With new insight we were able to

its commitment to sustainability as a

make changes across the business,

business and delivers on this not only

for example moving the releases of

through its internal commitment but its

warehouses from customer service

products – specifically recyclable and

to warehousing and logistics – this

biodegradable options. Corriveau was

streamlined the flow with our custom-

proud to go into detail around Emmer-

ers as the information to deliver on this

son Packaging’s SmartPack. Manufac-

promise resides in the supply chain”.

tured through a process that signifi-

Emmerson Packaging’s customer

cantly reduces environmental impact

base continues to evolve. The modern-

without compromising on quality or

day customer demands transparency

lead times, SmartPack proved how

in products and across supply chains.

crucial it is to have control over the entire

Emmerson Packaging prides itself on

supply chain. In order to achieve this w w w.e mme rso npa c ka gi n g . com

innovative and truly ground-breaking

We’re not willing to short change

process, Emmerson Packaging sought

the process and we ensure all of our

out a strategic partner, which it found

strategic partners are of the same

in Nova Chemicals. “I cannot stress

belief. Nova Chemicals agree with this

enough the importance of having trusted

sentiment, having worked with us on

partners in everything you want to

this SmartPack™ project and they

achieve through the supply chain,” says

were keen to move fast.” Moving fast

Corriveau. “We’ve been doing business

proves key for Emmerson Packaging

with Nova Chemicals for many years

as Corriveau notes that consumer

and they have been instrumental in our

demands are changing and in order to

success because of their commitment

be ahead of the curve they need to be

to innovation and our partnership.”

proactive. “The new era of customers

“We’ve had discussions with suppliers in the past that wanted to cut corners.

place a greater emphasis on the environmental impact of the products

We’re more than a transportation provider. We’re a business partner WHAT WE DO We create, proactively communicate, and flawlessly execute, innovative solutions that intertwine the needs of our clients and comingle them with our conveyances so that value is realized together.

OUR WHY, HOW & WHAT ARE SIMPLY DEFINED AS: Why: Adding Gray Matter to What Matters. How: Developing Long-Lasting Tiered Relationships. What: Create and Flawlessly Execute Innovative Solutions Flawless Execution is a disciplined cycle of stating our objective; planning the solution; proactive communication internally and externally; followed by continuous improvement through learned results


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they buy, and are going to greater

demand,” says Corriveau. “We approach

lengths than ever before to ensure

everything with the notion that sooner

“they are not part of the problem, but

or later, the customer is going to ask us

part of the solution”.

to elevate our game and go beyond

The demands of the customer extend

SQF certification – so we can’t be

into certifications, with Emmerson

chasing.” Emmerson achieves this

having proudly achieved Safe Quality

through a three-pillar approach: safety,

Foods (SQF) certification, among

quality and productivity. “You can’t be

others. While for many businesses the

productive if you don’t produce quality

customer drives these decisions,

product.” he says. “And you can’t

Emmerson Packaging is proactive and

produce quality products if you don’t

has higher expectations of its supplier

do it in a safe environment.”

network and warehousing. “It’s about trying to stay ahead of the customer

To this end, Emmerson Packaging invests heavily in safety programs w w w.e mme rso npa c ka gi n g . com


and internal reward systems designed to encourage employees to go above and beyond to be safe, produce quality products and be productive. Corriveau believes being safe is the most important out of the three. “Once you have employees who are working safe, quality products and productivity follow,” he says. “We want our employees to come to work in a safe environment and at the end of the day go home safely to their families. We work hard to instill this quality into our employees so they are safe inside and outside of work.” Corriveau believes the results speak for themselves as the company has been recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for nine consecutive years by Deloitte. For him, this recognition echoes Emmerson Packaging’s CEO’s sentiment that “our customers push us to be better” because the company looks to always be ahead of the curve, and therefore needs a workforce that is ready to go above and beyond. Emmerson Packaging has three major markets: frozen food, pet food and towel and tissue otherwise referred to as “overwrap”. Having two plants, one in the town of Amherst, Nova Scotia and one in the small city of Belleville, Ontario means that Emmerson Packaging’s supply chain needs to be best in w w w.e mme rso npa c ka gi n g . com


class. “In some cases, there is a large geographical distance from these customers, so how do we compete? By being better, fluid, and by providing a seamless journey,” says Corriveau. “We work hard with trusted partners such as ONE For Freight, a solutions first transportation company that helps us achieve our goals. We can compete with anyone on lead time and service.” As Emmerson Packaging continues its journey of supply chain transforma16

tion it does so with a key competitive advantage that no other current packaging producer has. Together with


trusted partners like Nova Chemicals, the company not only produces its own packaging but proactively works on innovative and new concepts in its own Research & Development department and in-house laboratory. Emmerson Packaging is also proud to be vertically integrated and converts its own products. Ultimately, the success of Emmerson boils down to its commitment to sustainability and its customers. “If our


Year founded


Approximate number of employees 17

customers are successful, then and

Emmerson Packaging believes they

only then do we get to be successful,”

can deliver a quality product to their

says Corriveau. “From the very first

customers that not only meets the

days of the company we’ve been

demands of the market but is also

extremely proud of how we operate

environmentally responsible”.

and how we continue to strive to reduce our impact on the environment. Moving forward, it’s about looking at what more can we do for our customers, our employees and our communities. By focusing on sustainability, w w w.e mme rso npa c ka gi n g . com

Emmerson Packaging 12 Tupper Blvd Amherst Nova Scotia Canada B4H 4S7 T (902) 667-7241 www.emmersonpackaging.com

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