uedes Advogados Associados
Who we are Guedes Associate Lawyers was founded in 1999 and has since then had as its aim to provide highly skilled legal services and seek practical solutions that effectively meet the great challenges faced by companies. Having established itself as a boutique law office in Banking Law, Guedes Associate Lawyers has become a benchmark within the area while broadening its services into other areas of law related to business. Through continuous investment in the training of its staff, the hiring of highly qualified professionals and the deployment of infrastructure, especially in technology, Guedes Associate Lawyers has over the years consolidated its role as a fullservice provider.
What we do Years of working in complete synergy with its corporate clients has shaped Guedes Associate Lawyers’ profile, which combines the expertise of its professionals with the specific needs of each company, leading to the development of custom-made services and handling daily challenges with precision. Guedes Associate Lawyers puts into practice all the skills necessary to back its decisions, assess risks and develop solutions, developing a truly effective operation in today’s extremely competitive market.
Where we are The headquarters is located in the city of Sao Paulo and also counts with further offices within the city of São Paulo and Brasilia - Brazil’s capital - as well as a wide network of correspondent offices that enable it to deliver its services nationwide. The firm currently has 60 professionals specializing in Business Law (lawyers / interns) and an administrative team, among which are staff working at some of our clients’companies and providing in-house services (secondment).
Areas of Activity
Civel Litigation
Acting on behalf of the clients’ interests in legal proceedings in domestic and international arbitration tribunals in disputes relating to civil, commercial and corporate law, as well as other matters relating to corporate activity. Adoption of measures prior to the litigation, such as notifications, accompanying negotiations to attempt composition by means of transactions or any other measure necessary to preserve the
C o r p o r at e L aw - Me rg e r s , A cq u i s i t i o n s and Corporate Re-structuring
client’s interests.
Advising on all activities related to the establishment,
Preparation of reports and legal opinions on the possible
closure and other acts regarding the corporate life of
consequences of a conflict of legal scope.
companies and, whenever required, the participation and negotiation of shareholders’ agreements. A comprehensive and integrated assessment of the feasibility in business ventures, with the preparation of contracts and
the required documents and pertinent records.
Expertise in advising on contractual issues, including the
Real Estate Contracts
preparation of legal opinions on current legislation and seeking Advising on mergers, consolidations, scissions and corporate
out the best alternative for closing a deal.
reorganizations, and accompanying its customers from due diligence to the negotiation and signing of agreements.
Preparation and review of various types of contracts, domestic and international, as well as staff specialized in real estate and related matters. Control and monitoring of clients’ contracts in order to inform them of the need for renewals, amendments, new negotiations, among others, as well as assist them in due diligence and obligations after the close of each business transaction.
Consumer Relations
Labor Litigation
Assistance in consumer relations and ongoing administrative
Expertise in labor disputes in the administrative and judicial
procedures at Procon (a Brazilian consumer protection bureau).
spheres, in individual or collective disputes, including public civil actions, preparatory procedures to avoid fines levied by the
Expertise in litigation to defend the interests of clients as
Regional Labor Inspection Office (DRT).
either plaintiff or defendant in lawsuits dealing with consumer relations, including the area of civil liability.
Quantification of labor-related contingencies with precise calculations and estimates of loss, with constant updating of
Preparing reports and legal opinions involving consumer law.
such contingencies according to the current stage of the legal proceeding.
Providing auditing services and due diligence for companies aiming at elaborating criteria for assessment, classification
Active role in the defence of clients’ interests in mediations,
and reduction of liabilities arising from lawsuits filed by
arbitrations and individual or collective disputes.
consumers. Promoting collective court settlement agreements in order to reduce the portfolio of ongoing lawsuits.
Debt Recovery
Providing services on debt collection or recovery of clients’ assets subject to judicial and extrajudicial reorganization, as well as insolvency procedures. Adoption of extrajudicial measures for the recovery of commercial credits or recovery of assets of clients at an autonomous, ancillary, priliminary or complementary stage to measures of judicial nature. Preparing reports and legal opinions on the renegotiation of credits in legal proceedings and in proceedings for judicial and extra-judicial reorganization. Preparing reports and legal opinions on the issuing and utilization of securities and the purchase and sale of stock and other assets.
Tax Law Tax litigation at the administrative and judicial spheres. Tax consultancy specializing in direct and indirect taxation, offering expert assistance for the planning and restructuring of our clients’ operations and in corporate reorganization processes, in partnership with our Corporate Division.
Associates Rodrigo Barros Guedes Areas of expertise and professional background: Lawyer registered with the OAB-SP (Brazilian Bar Association - São Paulo) since 1994, he is a founding partner of Guedes Associate Lawyers and has extensive experience in business law, with expertise in complex judicial litigations. He has actively taken part in the financial restructuring of numerous companies, with an outstanding performance in conflicts involving banking law. Academic background: Holds specialization in Civil Procedure at COGEAI (PUC-SP), as well as specialization in Negotiation Techniques and in Business Restructuring and Bankruptcy, both at the São Paulo School of Law at the Getulio Vargas Foundation - FGV GV-LAW. Languages: English and Portuguese
Simone Busch Areas
background: Lawyer registered with the OAB-
Marcelo Junqueira
Social Responsibility
Areas of expertise and professional background: Lawyer registered with the OAB-SP since 1993, he is a founding partner of Guedes Associate Lawyers and has extensive experience in business law, especially in the area of banking law.
Guedes Lawyers Associates carries out its social responsibility by imprinting a code of ethics in its dealings with clients, associates and staff, as well as in its relationship with
Academic background: LLM (Master of Laws) with
the local community and society as a whole.
specialization in Law Applicable to Financial Markets at IBMEC / SP and specialization in Civil Procedure at
The office collaborates with nonprofit organizations by providing free legal services,
Centro de Extensão Universitário – CEU (USP-SP).
thus contributing towards a better society. Languages: English and Portuguese
SP (Brazilian Bar Association - São Paulo) since 1993, she is a founding partner of Guedes Associate Lawyers. Having extensive experience in business law and an outstanding performance in conflicts involving banking law, she has previously rendered services regarding private law in the legal department of a banking institution, operating chiefly in the areas of corporate law and credit recovery. Academic background: Specialization in Civil Procedure (PUC-SP), holding specialization in Leasing, sponsored by ABEL - Brazilian Association of Leasing Companies - as well as specialization in Banking Regulation at The São Paulo School of Law at the Getulio Vargas Foundation - FGV GV-LAW. Languages: English, French and Portuguese
www.gued es adv.com.br
Edifício. Eluma - Av . Paulista, 1294, 14° andar
Ed. Centro Empresarial Brasília
Conjunto 14-A, Cerqueira César CEP: 01310-915
SRTVS Quadra 701, Bloco A, Sala 510
Tel: 11 3141.1405 - (Estac.: R. São Carlos do Pinhal, 747)
CEP: 70340-907 - Telefone: 11 3141 1405