Suprima Joshi
Professional Work : Ken Euers Nature Area, Green Bay (Aug, 2023 - Jan, 2024), Research assistantship at UW Sea Grant + UW-GB office of Sustainability
The dike impoundments at Ken Euers offer a unique opportunity to interact with the bay and its adjacent wetland habitats. As part of my research assistantship with the UW Sea Grant and UW-GB Office of Sustainability, I developed a conceptual design to convert the valuable coastal edge of Ken Euers Nature Area from a concrete parking lot to an immersive green space. The multifunctional space incorporates prairie areas and native trees for pollinators, green infrastructure, such as permeable paving and wet meadow, to provide stormwater solutions and public amenities such as a bird observatory, outdoor classroom, fishing access, and canoe launches are also added to enhance public engagement with the wetland.
Perkins Park
Observation Tower
Observation deck
Isometric view of Ken Euers
I-41 I-43
Duck Creek
Cat Island Wave Barrier
Bay of Green Bay
Duck Creek Delta
Ken Euers Nature Area
Fox River
Wood Wave break
Managing Phragmites/other invasive plants
Fish Stick habitat structure
Outdoor Classroom Diked wetland Diked wetland Green Bay
Canoe launches New parking lot
Bike Routes
Prefered Bike Routes
Public water access
Car Access
Route 3 -Silver Line Bus Route
The site lies in an advantageous position with respect to the city of Green Bay. There are possibilities to connect the site with the neighbourhood and even downtown through sideways, bike routes and even the Route 3 silver bus line.
Commercial Industrial
Ken Euers Nature Area has native trees on its edge, thus, visibility from the parking lot is limited, unlike the dikes which have no trees and clear visibility. Also, most of the site falls into floodline.
Communications/ Utilities
Natural areas
Wetland Buildings
Parks and Recreation
Flood annual <0.5
1% 0.5-4
0.2% 5-7
Asphalt 7-12 12-45 >45
Lake Michigan Green bay
Ken Euers Nature Area
Site analysis at city scale
Tree Canopy
Site analysis
Conceptual plan
Conceptual design was developed and amenities were added after discussion with multiple stakeholders and studying the existing site context.
1 2 3 5 3 4 6 5 7 5 8 9 7 10 11 3 7 5 7 3 12
Wet meadow area
2. Observation deck
3. Pollinator garden
4. Outdoors classroom spill out
5. Gravel pathways
6. Outdoor classroom
7. Permeable paving
8. Drop-off for bus
9. Round about large enough for bus with 28’ inner and 42’ outer radius
10. Canoe launch and fishing area
11. Center art piece
12. Car drop-off for cars with canoe
Observation Deck
Gap between trees for access and visual openings
Outdoor Classroom
Planting of native coastal trees
Small Amphitheature space
Outdoor class-room
Spill out
Canoe launch and fishing area
Close proximity to dropoff and access to water
Access from parking lot
ADA accessibility
Due to security reasons plants that grew higher than 4’ and blocked the visibility range were not recommended. I considered a number of native pollinator plants that varied in colour and bloomed in various seasons that suited the soil type.
4’ 0’ 6”
Selections 3d render at existing parking lot area
Observation Deck
Outdoor classroom Drop-off sign and information
PMG Buffalo Grass Silver Maple Black Willow E. Cottonwood
Wet meadow plants Pollinators
Groundcover Native coastal trees
Site Renders Drop-off Canoe Launch Outdoor Classroom Observation Deck Canoe Launch Canoe Drop-off
way to observation tower at Eastern Dike
Observation tower at Eastern Dike
Canoe launch
Professional Work : UW-GB campus and Weidner Center Landscape Design (Jan, 2023 - Aug, 2023) Research assistantship at UW Sea Grant + UW-GB office of Sustainability
First, I analysed the entire UW-GB ground to check areas that need stormwater treaments. In the second part of the project, I took a site on campus to detail out a conceptual landscape design as a case study for stormwater solution implementations.
Opportunity areas for converting turfgrass to low mow
UW-GB campus boundary
Drainage basin boundary
Forested Area
Water Body
Bar chart of landcover with respect to drainage basin
The first step was to develop a turfgrass map with respect to the drain basin for the grounds and facility team to use. The UW-GB team are trying to reduce turfgrass areas to improve its landscape planning.
Weighted overlay map that used soil type, landuse map, slope map, drainage density and drainage boundary helped create the heat map for identifying impervious areas and possible areas for implimenting infiltration systems. Soil, landuse and slope had the most weight percentage. 1 is the most pervious and 5 is the most impervious.
Multiple aspect of drainage basin 15, which contains Weidner Center, were analysed inorder to help design an inflitration design/rain gardens as an oncampus case study .
Landuse Map
Slope Map
Drainage Basin 15
Soil Map
Geology Map
Impervious chart
Weight Weidner Center 1 2 3 4 5
Revamping Weidner Landscape Plan
1. Bioretention Area (Mulched Rain Gardens)
2. Cobble Channel
3. Pollinator garden
4. Water Features
5. Seating Areas
6. Native grass- Little Bluestem/ Tufted Hairgrass
7. Gravelled Pathways
8. Bioretention Curb Extension
9. Permeable Pavings
10. Art Installation
11. Berm
12. Existing trees
Center Parking
WEIDNER Areas where water tend to collects Legend Existing trees in the site Replacing lawns with native grasses 5 3 3 7 6 3 4 5 5 2 9 9 1 7 5 5 2 2 1 1 8 8 8 8 10 N Site Analysis
Full sun area in April - May
Full sun area in June-July
Full sun area in Aug-Oct
Rain garden planting selection
AbbrCommon Name Scientific NameHeightSunSpacing Bloom Time
BSBottlebrush Sedge Carex hystericina 2-4' F, P 2'
CSACrooked Stem AsterAster prenanthoides1-3'P1'
CRCulver's Root Veronicastrum virginicum3-6' F, P 18"
FSFox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea 1-3' F, P 18"
GBLGreat Blue LobeliaLobelia siphilitica 1-4'F1'
FBFoxglove BeardtonguePenstemon digitalis2-3' F, P 1'
GAGolden AlexanderZizia aurea 1-3' F, P 1'
JPJack in the PulpitArisaema triphyllum1-2'P 6" - 1'
NEANew England AsterAster novae-angliae3-6'F1'-18"
SPSmooth Phlox Phlox glaberrima 2-4'P1'
SWSwamp MilkweedAsclepias incarnata3-5'F1'-18"
SBESSweet Black Eyed SusanRudbeckia subtomentosa4-6' F, P 1'
WFIWhite False IndigoBaptisia alba 3-5'F3'
WBWild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 2-5'F2'
WQWild Quinine Parthenium integrifolium3-5'F18"
WSWild Senna Cassia hebecarpa 4-6'F2'
Rain Garden View
Weidner Center Parking Lot
Weidner Center Parking Lot
The Weidner
Stormwater runoff Stormwater runoff 12 12 12 8 8 11 1 2 2 6 6 6 5 11 1
Transforming lawn and invasive species into a raingarden with native wisconsin plants suitable for the soil type
Weidner Center Parking Lot
Professional Work : Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project, Kathmandu, Nepal- Phase II (November 1, 2017 - January 15, 2018)
This work included designing for Phase 2 of the riverfront in Kathmandu, Nepal. The stretch included Gokarna Temple Complex, Uttargaya Temple complex and 2.7 km stretch of the riverfront from Thapathali Bridge to Teku Bridge. The part of the beautification project that I mainly worked on was designing the Ghats (religious stairways), landscaping and structural walls at Gokarna Temple Complex and Uttargaya.
Construction work under process. Jan 2021
Constructed bridge @ Jan 2024
Section through a patti and ghat.
Gokarna Plan.
Ghat under construction on site.
Render for the Gokarna Temple Complex
Work: Three River Heritage Trail, Pittsburgh, USA (Jan ,2019-May,2019) (team study, individual design)
Contributions: History studies, Site studies/ analysis, GIS mapping, Presenter, Urban design, Report making
The team worked on systems analysis in this semester. Our clients were the Friends of the Riverfront. We worked as a team to understand the triple bottom line effects on the three river heritage. Our goal was to understand how we can improve the trail system in ecological, economical and social aspects keeping in mind the industrial history of the place.
The end results was a guidelines for the three river heritage trail.
My contribution: All topics had teams of 2 while I solely was in charge of the overall trail study and GIS mapping of the three topics, thus, having to co-operate with all the three teams.
Manchester is preparing a new neighborhood plan. The neighborhood plan incorporates Chateau. In preparation for future investment in Chateau, the neighborhood has consolidated major goals that will drive its future. Manchester includes Chateau in their plan, understanding that the area is a resource and asset.
• Create connections to trail neighborhoods
• Diversify and expand trail accessibility for users 8 to 80 years old
• Expand basic facilities and improve trail infrastructure
• Develop an app for monitoring trail maintenance
• Create trail awareness
• Encourage a sense of ownership by residents and businesses
• Expand skill training of volunteers to assist with maintenance
City of Pittsburgh
Friends of the Riverfront
Manchester CDC Chateau
Pathways Pathways Marshland OutLook credit: team member credit: team member credit: author Guidelines for each bottom line credit: team member
We then jumped into a smaller locality called the Chateau. This neighborhood as many in Pittsburgh was an industrial water edge and got separated from the residentail neighborhood because of the construction of highways. I looked at an abandoned factory for adaptive reuse of the building.
discontinuation in grid due to the highway
Route 65
Small business
Civic buildings
Vacant buildings
Adaptive Reuse site
Japanese knotweed
Soft Natural Bank
Artificial Bank
source: Googlemap entry points for nearby neighborhoods
Hard man-made bank
Soft natural bank
Artificial bank
discontinuation in connectivity between river and the neighborhood due to the highway 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 18ft 22ft 20ft 12ft 12ft 12ft 9ft 20ft 18ft 15ft Section 3 Section 2 Section 1
Natural Bank
River Center: Adaptive Reuse, Columbia Ave
Boat Taxi
Outdoor Seating Area with Food Trucks Green Wall 1 =Public zone 2=Institutional zone 3=Green Zone 1 2 3 Trail Entry Transit Entry 1
Kayak store Rip-Rap Edge
River Center Cafe Store Outdoor Institutional area Street on Same Level as foot path Ground Fountain Roof Water Collector 1
Academic work: More than just care for Kathmandu Riverfronts (August,2019-May,2020)
The purpose of this thesis is to understand and maneuver a process that guides the sustainability of the community commons in Kathmandu. I am studying the Bagmati riverfront as the infrastructural case study for this thesis. I studied the riverfront beautification project, its context, upcoming projects, stakeholders involved, and people impacted. I tried finding loopholes in the ownership system. I integrated the function of the needed care party which involves the local economy, communication/media, awareness program, and informal activities to upfloat the resource.
Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project (BRBIP)
Comparing to the existing cases where does BRBIP lie?
Comparing 4 local public spaces, we see that the quality of the public spaces is directly related to the maintenance quality.
Cultural Values Edges Facilities Disaster Shelter InformalEconomy Entrance Access TransitAccess SpaceDefinition Maintenance Cultural Values Edges Facilities Disaster Shelter InformalEconomy Entrance Access TransitAccess SpaceDefinition Maintenance Cultural Values Edges Facilities Disaster Shelter InformalEconomy Entrance Access TransitAccess SpaceDefinition Maintenance Cultural Values Edges Facilities Disaster Shelter InformalEconomy Entrance Access TransitAccess SpaceDefinition Maintenance Cultural Values Edges Facilities Disaster Shelter InformalEconomy Entrance Access TransitAccess SpaceDefinition Maintenance
Scenerios on-site
Park Areas
Temple Complex
Residential Edge
Squatter Edge
Ahh! tomorrow is the weekly survey of the park.
I saw broken branches, I should inform that to RBO.
I have a spot to sell my popcorns outside the park.
I learnt about butterflies yesterday in my field trip.
oh, Lets post the art show being held near the Teku Dovan in the RBO app.
There is an app learning workshop tomorrow. Lets go, it helped Sita market her products.
With an engineering college and a school near by, we collaborate with RBO and have educational tours with students and staffs.
The app says weekly farmers market close by.
As a police station, we take pride in maintaining this heritage building and the nature around it.
Temp. Markets
Local vendors
All interested parties should be able to approach the person responsible for the riverfront if any help is needed. In this particular area, the multiple scenarios are crop farming, informal slum-dwellers living, location of primary school and college, local retail, and local vendors. Plus, there is a police station base. Because of these diversities, the RBO should be able to work with the different community-based organizations and nongovernment organizations even in the same ward areas.
CBOs NGOs Temp. Veg Markets Always have the clean up team ready Informal Farming RBO and Idea education Online platform education Defined location Farmers association Squatter coop. Wards RBO
We need help cleaning the complex, lets contact RBO to organize the cleaning program.
This area used to be a scrap collecting area. The place was useful but its good its shifted. Now this place feels safer.
Since the urban fabric variations are so close by, the scenario is that the Guthis can easily approach the RBO if they need help in their improvement in the complex. Similarly, Warehouse areas with dead walls need to be relocated as in that case there are no eyes on the street. A rezoning is thus needed in some areas.
Constant Maintenance
local involvement
local farms
Temple Keepers
local Artists
Vehicle shows
squatter settlement works
educational institutions
eyes on the park
Guthi’s transparency
Soft formalization
Academic Work: Mixed-Use Development, Bloomfield, Pittsburgh, USA (Aug,2018-Dec,2018) -Team of 2
The project involved interacting with the community of Bloomfield and working with the Bloomfield Development Corporation (BDC). We interviewed the locals, visited retails, organized events, studied the site, extracted patterns, and made a mixeduse development design proposal.
We re-designed the chaotic traffic junction at the site, increased greenery, provided public spaces, and connected discontinuous systems.
Office and Fitness
Outdoor cafe
Market place
Playful fountain
Contributions: Case studies, Site studies, Community engagement, Urban design, Presenter
Children playground
Senior Apt.
Depart. store
Senior. Apt
Credit: Yilun Hong, Team member
As an engagement strategy, these in-depth conversations enabled us to gain stakeholders’ perspectives on living in and owning businesses in Bloomfield. It constructed a complete and holistic understanding of the Story of Bloomfield. We then produced graphics that visually communicate these data as well as the conclusions drawn as recommendations for future action.
Bloomfield needs more green spaces. Whatever is built in the site should support the local business. The neighborhood needs more home owners.
Executive Director BGDC
I go to Shursave IGA because I enjoy the price and item. Anyways it comes in my route home from UPMC whenever I have voluntary works.
A big business in bloomfield will bring more customers for local business. There is a strong sense of community in the neighborhood. I could say my store is one of the nodes for the locals.
UPMC Children's Hospital & West Penn Hospital (L & R)
Shursave IGA
Rite Aid
Liberty Beers
Batha Tea Bar Owner
Community meetings and Parking-lot day outdoor interactions
Progress discussion with community members
Final discussion
Parking day slot to interact with neighbors
Patterns observed
Bloomfield has its unique characterictics which repeats as patterns throughout the neighborhood. The studio worked together to analyse these patterns to understand the neighborhood.
Commercial Roof Dormers Residential Roof Dormers Type 1 Close Proximity of Houses Type 2 Type 3
work by group of 8 Commercial Entrance Commercial Apartments Apartment Entrance Commercial + Apartment Commercial + Backyard Commercial + House House characters Empty Lots Store Front ArteryStreet ResidentialAlley Restaurant Space Residential Avenue Street Bloomfield Street Types Less than 25’ wide Mix of backs and fronts of houses Private parking Closed terminal view The Network of Alleys Porch Types Stoop Types Commercial & House Entrance Add-on Commercial Living Space
We see this as an opportunity to make a green connection from the Allegheny Cemetery to the south through Bloomfield Park and into the busway valley—in the spirit of an ecological corridor— between the two large green “patches”.
The Valley
Allegheny Cemetry
Allegheny Cemetry
this render credit: team member credit: author A A’ B’ B
The Valley
Library Community Center Fitness Center and rental Apt. Cinema & Offices Grocery & Senior Apartment Town Houses Town Houses Playground Amphitheatre
B’ A’ B A
Section B-B’
Section A-A’
Competition ULI Hines student competition 2020 : Miamorphosis (Jan,2020): team of 5
Contributions: History studies, site analysis, urban design, site planning, code studies, plan and axonometric views, GIS mapping, sustainability
MIAMORPHOSIS is an inflection point for Midtown Miami. It recognizes the opportunity and promise of the Wynwood and Edgewater neighborhoods as engines of cultural and economic growth in Miami by emphasizing responsive density and leveraging the advantages of a new train station. With the addition of a Tri-Rail station, MIAMORPHOSIS is perfectly positioned to enable the community and its people to impact the rest of the city while building upon the existing energy of Wynwood-Edgewater to catalyze the next phase of its transformation.
the site to the rest of the Greater Miami Area. Linking the site with Miami’s other green spaces positions our design as an ecological central point. Rezoning from the existing NRD-1 to a RTZ allows for higher densities and more efficient development. T5-0 T6-8 T6-12 RTZ To Ft.Lauderdale Miami Int. Airport 3 mile radius Existing NRD-1 Zoning 1 mile radius To Miami beach Key Biscayne Maurice A. Ferre Park Miami City Cemetery Margeret Pace Park Proposed RTZ zoning Proposed Bike lanes Existing Bike Lane Eco-corridor Existing Bike Lane Williams Park Downtown Port of Miami 1/2 mile radius
Leveraging the Links: Assessing the context of the surroundings to find fuel to foster growth
Metamorphing Miami: Pushing on the levers of residential, commercial, and community growth in an intentional manner creates sustainable and harmonic progress
Mobilize will capture the intrinsic potential of a new mass transit stop by harnessing the newly generated commercial activity and residential demand and the tax incentives that accompany it.
Merge focuses on channeling the change begun in Mobilize into mixeduse developments that benefit both new residents as well as existing ones to ensure that all benefit from the transformation.
Magnify allows for the full realization of the transformation. With additional density being constructed, the impact of the development will be amplified even further as more people live and work, continuing to propel Midtown forward
Possible Future Development
NE 29th Street
Paseo Mayor
NE 1st Ave
N Miami Ave
NE 2nd Ave
A resident of Edgewater his entire life, CARLOS loves the new senior living space in PRISM PLACE and is thrilled that his favorite domino spot in the park has been renovated so he can play with his friends.
An up-and-coming young professional, MARIA loves living in SPARK TOWER and being able to walk across the street to her work in THE SUNRISE BUILDING and then going to LA COCINA to try some of the food incubator’s latest delectable Cuban culinary creations for dinner.
ALIYAH is an artist from New York who was drawn to Miami by the ART BASEL festival and never ended up going home. She is inspired by the cultural scene in Wynwood and enjoys staying at the affordable artist-focused housing in THE COLLECTIVE so that she can focus on her craft.
Phase 1: Mobilize (2022)
Phase 2: Merge (2025)
Phase 3: Magnify (2028)
Pump to reuse gray water within the site
Permeable surface
Roof with rainwater catchments to cistern
Green Roof Solar panels to generate electricity on site
Radiation responsive Orientation. (Longer facade facing East West)
The addition of Paseo Mayor woonerf is critical to the overall scheme.
Additional green cover increases pervious surface
1. It drastically increases how well the scheme functions as a multimodal space, especially prioritizing pedestrians and reducing car traffic through the site.
2. Ensuring that the crossing on 27th Street remained intact is vital for efficient movement across the site. One of the strategies also involved aligning NE 1st Avenue which allows for an enhanced connection between Wynwood and Midtown.
3. Finally, the woonerf helps to activate the buildings that border it, which includes several retail installations and community-focused buildings.
Nader Art Museum &Cultural Center Musical fountain Eco-corridor Community Center Playground & Kindergarten Foodcourt & outdoor canopy seating Food incubator Outdoor Bar Concert /outdoor watch party Outdoor Cafe Bus stop Existing Football feild
Contributions: History studies, Site studies/ analysis, GIS mapping, Presenter, Urban design
In this project, I used GIS to evaluate impervious urban lands of Brown County. City of Green Bay is trying to implement stormwater management strategies in their neighborhood. Green infrastructures such a bioswales, green roof and barrels are some techniques being used.For this project, I used GIS to visualise the efficiency of building level techniques such as Green Roof and Rain Barrels.
Green roofs retain rainwater long enough for the collected moisture to evaporate from the soil and rooftop vegetation. Thus, it prevents urban runoffs during rainy seasons. Rainwater captured from green roofs can be used for irrigation, flushing toilets, and for other non-potable purposes.
Work: Green Roof to reduce Urban Flooding at Brown County (Sept ,2022-Dec, 2022)
evaluate County.
Building level Green Infrastructure to reduce Urban runoffs Suprima Joshi, Nepal, Environmental
Suprima Joshi, Nepal, Environmental
Conclusions Results
Green Bay management roof and used. to techniques, Green enough for the the soil prevents urban Rainwater for other
evaluate County. Green Bay management roof and used. to techniques, Green enough for the the soil prevents urban Rainwater for other
Areas with respective urban watersheds
Study area for the project
Phase I: Green Roofing buildings with 10000 sq feet roof area and above
Phase II: Green Roofing all the buildings
Phase I: Green Roofing buildings with 10000 sq ft and more roof area.
Phase I: Green Roofing buildings with 10000 sq feet roof area and above
Phase II: 100% Green Roof scenario
With Phase I 87,550,000 Sq ft Catchment Area will increase and in Phase II 239,245,000 sq.ft will increase.
2. The 239,245,000 roofs.
1. While Hazard higher followed
3. Using see decrease
1. While Hazard higher followed
2. The 239,245,000 roofs.
4. Some areas the
Impervious Areas with resp. to Urban Watersheds
Impervious Areas with respective urban watersheds
from Brown etc. All clipped in Green Bay, Howard. mapping the Urban with watershed East Duck, Watershed..
Impervious Areas with respective urban watersheds with 100% green roofs
Areas with respective urban watersheds with 100% green roofs
Impervious Areas with respective urban watersheds with 100% green roofs
from Brown etc. All clipped in Green Bay, Howard. mapping the Urban with watershed East Duck, Watershed..
2. The 239,245,000 roofs.
3. Using see decrease
4. Some areas the
3. Using see decrease
4. Some areas the
Phase II: Green Roofing all the buildings With and in Phase
Phase II: Green Roofing all the buildings With and in Phase
With and in
Impervious Areas with resp. to Urban Watersheds with 100% Green Roofs Literature
U.S. Environmental environmental Missouri.
U.S. environmental Missouri. Brown County. 71D9E236
U.S. Environmental environmental Missouri.
Parcels: Brown 5AD6951FD Brown County. 71D9E236 71D9E236
Parcels: s_casestudy_kansascity.pdf 5AD6951FD 5AD6951FD
Fema: s_casestudy_kansascity.pdf s_casestudy_kansascity.pdf
1.Fox River WaterShed
2.Dutchman and Ashwaubenon
3.Lower East Watershed and Bower
4.Lower Duck
1.Fox River WaterShed
1 2 4 3
1. Fox River Watershed
1. Fox River Watershed
2. Dutchman and Ashwaubenon
3. Lower E.Watershed and Bower
4. Lower Duck
2.Dutchman and Ashwaubenon 3.Lower East Watershed and Bower
4.Lower Duck
2.Dutchman and Ashwaubenon 3.Lower East Watershed and Bower
4.Lower Duck
Hazard higher followed