Research Center of Astronomy

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Research Center of Astronomy Graduation Analysis project

Sura Gharaibeh Al zoubi

Content 1.1 introduction 1.2 project definition 1.2.1 what is Research Center of Astronomy 1.2.2 the main zones and unites in the project 1.3 why this project 1.4 why this site 1.5 main goals 1.6 significance of the project 1.7 Theme and philosophy 2 Historical Back Ground 2.1 the site

Introduction Astronomy is the study of celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. "The majority of the Arab countries produce less than ten research annually in this field , and is rarely cited.  Wadi Rum, vast empty desert in south of Jordan offers unique conditions for astronomical observations, the sky is exceptionally clear and dry, almost throughout the year, and it is one of seven place in the middle east suggested by researchers to observe sky in addition to its magical nature of fascinating colorful mountains. Either as a branch of science or a hobby, it requires a level of isolation; a withdrawal from the worldly and the everyday life . Not only in terms of the sky glow over man-made environments, like cities, and the subsequent need to return to the countryside for clean sky, free of light pollution, but more importantly as an inner need; to feel the creativity of our great God ,a desire to explore, to learn, to understand and to discover the truth, the .unknown, the secrets of the universe and life

‫﴿ عوإظنلهم لعقععسمم للعنو تعععلعممنوعن ععظظميمم * فعلع أمعقظسمم بظعمعنوقاقظظع ٱلننمجنوظم ﴾‬ ‫ت ظم‬ ‫ب * قاللظذيعن يععذمكمروعن ل‬ ‫اع قظعمياما ا عوقممعنودقاا عوعععل ى‬ ‫ف قالللعميظل عوقالنلعهاظر علععيا ت‬ ‫لوظل ي قاعلععلعبا ظ‬ ‫ض عوقاعختظعل ظ‬ ‫ق قاللسعماعوقا ظ‬ ‫﴿ إظلن ظف ي عخعل ظ‬ ‫ت عوقاعلععر ظ‬ ‫ض عربلعنا عما عخلععق ع‬ ‫ب قاللناظر ﴾‬ ‫ت هععذقا عباظطلا مسعبعحانع ع‬ ‫ك فعقظعنا عععذقا ع‬ ‫ق قاللسعماعوقا ظ‬ ‫مجمننوبظظهعم عويعتعفعلكمروعن ظف ي عخعل ظ‬ ‫ت عوقاعلععر ظ‬

‫﴿وهنو قالذي جعل لكم قالنجنوم لتهتدوقا بها ف ي ظلمات قالبر وقالبحر﴾ صدق ا قالعظميم )قالنعام ‪)97‬‬

‫﴿ولقد زيننا قالسماء قالدنميا بمصابميح وجعلناها رجنوما ا للشمياطمين وقاعتدنا لهم عذقاب قالسعمير﴾ صدق ا قالعظميم )سنورة قالملك آية‬ ‫‪)5‬‬

ASTRONMY Throughout History humans have looked to the sky to navigate the vast oceans, to decide when to plant their crops and to answer questions of where we came from and how we got here. It is a discipline that opens our eyes, gives context to our place in the Universe and that can reshape how we see the world. When Copernicus claimed that Earth was not the centre of the Universe, it triggered a revolution. A revolution through which religion, science, and society had to adapt to this new world view. Astronomy has always had a significant impact on our world view. Early cultures identified celestial objects with the god and took their movements across the sky as prophecies of what was to come.

We would now call this astrology, far removed from the hard facts and expensive instruments of today’s astronomy, but there are still hints of this history in modern Now, as our understanding of the world progresses, we find ourselves and our view of the world even more entwined with the stars.

The discovery that the basic elements that we find in stars, and the gas and dust around them, are the same elements that make up our bodies has further deepened the connection between us and the cosmos.

This connection touches our lives, and the awe it inspires is perhaps the reason that the beautiful images astronomy provides us with are so popular in today’s culture. There are still many unanswered questions in astronomy. Current research is struggling to understand questions like:

“How old are we?”

“What is the fate of the Universe?” And possibly the most interesting:

“How unique is the Universe, and could a slightly different Universe ever have supported life?” But astronomy is also breaking new records every day, establishing the furthest distances, most massive objects, highest temperatures and most violent explosions. Pursuing these questions is a fundamental part of being human, yet in today's world it has become increasingly important to be able to justify the pursuit of the answers The difficulties in describing the importance of astronomy, and fundamental research in general, are well summarized by the following quote:

“Preserving knowledge is easy. Transferring knowledge is also easy. But making new knowledge is neither easy nor profitable in the short term. Fundamental research proves in the long run, and, as importantly, it is a force that enriches the culture of any society with reason and basic truth.

Although we live in a world faced with the many immediate problems of hunger, poverty, energy and global warming, we argue that astronomy has long term benefits that are equally as important to a civilized society. Several studies have told us that investing in science education, research and technology provides a great return .

not only economically, but culturally and indirectly for the population in general and has helped countries to face and overcome crises.

The scientific and technological development of a country or region is closely linked to its human development index a statistic that is a measure of life expectancy, education and income (Truman, 1949).

“Why is astronomy important?” astronomy has been a cornerstone of technological progress throughout history, has much to contribute in the future, and offers all humans a fundamental sense of our place in an unimaginably vast and exciting universe.” Astronomy and related fields are at the forefront of science and technology fruits of scientific and technological development in astronomy, especially in areas such as optics and electronics, have become essential to our day today life, with applications such as personal computers, communication satellites, mobile phones, Global Positioning Systems, solar panels and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners. Although the study of astronomy has provided a wealth of tangible, monetary and technological gains, perhaps the most important aspect of astronomy is not one of economical measure. Astronomy has and continues to revolutionize our thinking on a worldwide scale. In the past, astronomy has been used to measure time, mark the seasons, and navigate the vast oceans.

As one of the oldest sciences astronomy is part of every culture’s history and roots. It inspires us with beautiful images and promises answers to the big questions. It acts as a window into the immense size and complexity of space, putting Earth into perspective and promoting global citizenship and pride in our home planet.

why this project The majority of Arab countries produces less than ten researches annually in this area, and is rarely cited. "Currently, there are in the whole Arab world astronomical observatory and telescope more than one provider Aluahd- meter diameter is Katameya Observatory in Egypt

Theres no facilites in Wadi Rum contribute to the development of tourism to this area which it could pose a big tourist jewel .. and generate revenue on Jordan and the people of the region, and create jobs and development of the region without prejudice to the beautiful nature. The clarity of the sky in Wadi Rum and because there's no any astronomical observatories at surrounding areas , as well as the decline in the astrological culture in the Arab region, so the presence of astronomical observatory which will make it very important for the following reasons: 1- Sharing the national astronomical observatories in monitoring the different astronomical events in Jordan and dissemination it to the world. 2- Cooperation with the World International Astronomical centers and universities in astronomical observations. The observatory can be outperforming the other astronomical observatories in the world at different events because of time different and geographic location. 3- Establish the International Astronomical camps to monitoring of some important events such as meteors and monitor solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse and new comets and other astronomical events

1.4 why this site Astronomy have so specific condition to observe and lucky wadi Rum, vast empty desert in south of Jordan offers unique conditions for astronomical observations, the sky is exceptionally clear and dry, almost throughout the year, it is one of seven place in the middle east suggested by researchers to observe sky in addition to its magical nature of fascinating colorful mountains Height of 1,500 meters was considered the minimum required in any of the potential for high places. When it comes to visual Observatory, the air quality is very important." In the higher elevations of air will be more stable and the weather is cooler, "So the amount of light that will enter into the telescope and quality will be much better; because they will not be affected negatively due to air particles or dust." exclusion of areas characterized by heavy light pollution ,To obtain data about these pollution levels, the team benefited from the layer in Google Earth application called Earth cities lights. It was identified light pollution rates based on the distance from the nearest town, size, excluded locations characterized by high rate light pollution or rising strongly.

After what they had tried to narrow the list more, based on meteorological data. the remote location was limiting the amount of data available. instead, they get information regarding the number of cloudy nights and humidity at the earliest possible locations over one year, from the websites of weather.

They also collected the average temperatures and changes in day-degree heat in the nearest destinations of the selected sites. The maximum wind speed in almost all locations 7 m / s, which is much less than the maximum acceptable rate of $ 15 m / sec.

List issued site Mount Catherine in southern Sinai, Egypt, and came after the peak near the Saudi city of Tabuk in the Hijaz Mountains. Followed by Mount tahat in the Ahaggar Mountains in Algeria, and then Mount or bloody in Wadi Rum in Jordan, and Mount Toubkal in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, and received training Caldera in Jebel Marra in Sudan, and Mount Shelia in the Algerian Aures Mountains.

"Can not any of these sites considered ideal in all respects," the team wrote in a study published in the journal The Observatory in December 2014. "Even for the best two or three locations, will be tolerated to some extent for some of the criteria, and must be replaced by means of Technology ".

Wadi Rum is everything you’d expect of a quintessential desert: it is extreme in summer heat and winter cold; it is violent and moody as the sun slices through chiselled siqs (canyons) at dawn or melts the division between rock and sand at dusk; it is exacting on the Bedouin who live in it and vengeful on those who ignore its dangers. For most visitors, on half- or full-day trips from Aqaba or Petra, Wadi Rum offers one of the easiest and safest glimpses of the desert afforded in the region. For the lucky few who can afford a day or two in their itinerary to sleep over at one of the desert camps, it can be an unforgettable way of stripping the soul back to basics


1.5 main goals 1- discovering new comets to be the first comet carries Arabic name.

2- Monitoring crescents Arab months each month, including the new moon of Ramadan and Shawwal.

3- Learn and increase the educations in this field at school and university students and do astronomy observations

4- Cooperation with the World International Astronomical centers and universities in astronomical observations. The observatory can be outperforming the other astronomical observatories in the world at different events because of time different and geographic location. .

5- Shooting celestial bodies and establish special exhibitions of astronomical images in Jordan sky.

6- lectures astronomical for school students and scientific clubs and cultural centers.

7-Definition of Star celestial zodiac and monitor the planets and stars to tourists

Vision of research center A space that helps students to increase their confidence in science, communication and adaptively skills when interact with new people and new places. This project will also attracts scientist and any professionals that have interest in stars. And this would surely benefits the students and people of the area.

- I decided to introduce a observatory and science center for anyone to visit. Primary for young age students and group class outings. Telescopes and classrooms will be on site, and for those who have habits of stars watching will be welcome. Storage for their telescopes will be provide as they will be store in the basement level for extra security. Rearrange investment priorities and spending of tourism for the benefit of the development of Wadi Rum which creates distortions in such areas, and provide support to the people of the region so that generates income and enhance the business environment, and encourages investors and tourists to go to and spend longer periods there. In order to exploit the night sky so that eliminates the tourist period of time to monitor the stars and planets and learn about the importance of stars to the farmer and the Jordanian Bedouin, who knows planting dates and harvest based on the .stars, "in addition to enjoy the planets and the mountains of the moon and other celestial bodies.

Relation between Architecture and Astronomy A. Direct Relation Direct relation between architecture and astronomy could be segregated n two different types, one as structures primarily built for the astronomical purpose or as astronomical observatories. Another type is structures built for another purpose but their secondary function is astronomical

A.1. Primarily Astronomical Structures: These structures could be traced through the history in the ancient observatories. The Jantar Mantar is acollection of architectural astronomical instruments, built by Maharaja (King) Jai Singh II at his then new capital of Jaipur between 1727 and 1734. It is modeled after the one that he had built for him at the Mughal capital of Delhi. He had constructed a total of five such facilities at different locations, including the ones at Delhi and Jaipur. two o f the total 17 equipments constructed in Jaipur Observatory are stated below. The Samrat Yantra, is the largest sundial in the world. The primary object of a Samrat is to indicate the apparent solar time or local time of a place. On a clear day, as the sun journeys from east to west, the shadow of the Samrat gnomon sweeps the quadrant scales below from one end to the other. At a given moment, the time is indicated by the shadow’s edge on a quadrant scale. Kapali Yantra and Ram Yantra are instruments Used to find the altitude and azimuth angle of the celestial objects.

Samrat Yantra, Kapali Yantra and Ram Yantra at Jaipur observatory

A.2. Secondary Astronomical Structures: We know from the prehistoric epoch few structures with possible functions of Astronomical observatories, but certainty they had mainly religious functions. In thosetimes priests had astronomical knowledge and their interest in the celestial bodies’ motions in the sky was applied to the social life needs. The New grange megalithic passage tomb (3200 B.C.) is the oldest known astronomically orientated monument. Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric monument known with this double function.

Stonehenge – UK (Sunrise over the heelstone) Another example from Egypt is Giza Necropolis. In the common opinion of Egyptologists, the small pyramids next to the great pyramid of Khufu served as burial places for the relatives of the Pharaoh. Certain facts, which have not been previously considered, indicate that there is a chance that the pyramids — due to their ground plan arrangement — are not only burial places but also the components of a yearly calendar. This is the opinion of Hungarian architect András Göczey.

Giza Necropolis – Egypt (Three small pyramids Hetepheres, Meritetes, Hanusten next to Khufu’s)

At the the time of the summer solstice (the beginning of the year) and now only the shadow of the northernmost small pyramid of Hetepheres appears on the shadow point date marker The apex shadow point of Hetepheres starts moving to the North 77-59 cm a day

Hetepheres making shadow point

Arab and Islamic Astronomy

During the period when Western civilization was experiencing the dark ages, between 700-1200 A.D., an Islamic empire stretched from Central Asia to southern Europe. Scholarly learning was highly prized by the people, and they contributed greatly to science and mathematics. Many classical Greek and Roman works were translated into Arabic, and scientists expanded on the ideas. For instance, Ptolemy's model of an earthcentered universe formed the basis of Arab and Islamic astronomy, but several Islamic astronomers made observations and calculations which were considerably more accurate than Ptolemy's. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of Islamic astronomy is the fact that it built on the sciences of two great cultures, the Greek and the Indian. Blending and expanding these offen different ideas led to a new science which later profoundly influenced Western scientific exploration beginning in the Renaissance.


Purposes of Islamic Astronomy Perhaps the most vital reason that the Muslims studied the sky in so much detail was for the purpose of timekeeping. The Islamic religion requires believers to pray five times a day at specified positions of the sun. Astronomical time-keeping was the most accurate way to determine when to pray, and was also used to pinpoint religious festivals. The Muslim holy book, the Koran, makes frequent reference to astronomical patterns visible in the sky, and is a major source of the traditions associated with Islamic astronomy.

Another important religious use for astronomy was for the determination of latitude and longitude. Using the stars, particularly the pole star, as guides, several tables were compiled which calculated the latitude and longitude of important cities in the Islamic world. Using this information, Muslims could be assured that they were praying in the direction of Mecca, as specified in the Koran.

Aside from religious uses, astronomy was used as a tool for navigation. The astrolabe, an instrument which calculated the positions of certain stars in order to determine direction, was invented by the Greeks and adopted and perfected by the Arabs .

The sextant was developed by the Arabs to be a more sophisticated version of the astrolabe. This piece of technology ultimately became the cornerstone of navigation for European exploration.

Sample plan




Project Services


Public area

Meeting room

Multi propose


Tecnnical. m.



General room


Storages Circulations


Observation Researchers

Visitors Students Lucture halls Theaters Planetarium

Tourists Gallery observation activity space

telscope room Research officess Control room Rest rooms


Image processing lab room


Students study area /club

praying area

telescope storage repair area

in learning program the social, public , and accidental nodes are where information is less individualized and is rather more public interfaces . information is exchanged via display format and experienced through observation and also shard through personal conservation or public presentation

Administration Function Staff office General manger Secretary Meeting room Waiting room W.C Manger office

Number Untied area

Total area m2

8 1 1 1 1 3 1

12 50 25 35 25 6 25

96 50 25 35 25 18 25

Number 1 1 4 1

Untied area 200 250 80 25

Total area m2 200 595 250 80 25


Public Area Function Lobby Cafeteria W.C Public rest room


Students & visitors functions Function Number Lecture halls 4 Auditorium 2 Planetarium 1 Gallery 1 Open space for 1 observation activity Researchers functions Research offices 5 Image processing lab 1 Control room 2 Telescope room 2 study area /club 1 Library 1 Lounge 4 W.C 3

Untied area 80 170 200 150 100-300

Total area m2 320 340 200 150 200

25 35 20 20 25 40 8 6

125 35 40 40 25 40 32 18


Function Maintenance Parking Storages W.C Security Kitchen cafeteria Circulations


Untied area

1 1 2 2 1 1

50 100 100 7 50 30

Total area m2 50 100 200 14 50 30

ABSTRACT The design and construction of the observatory pier, dome, and control room . This includes a suggested floor plan, elevation plan, control room location, traffic flow patterns, and other factors. These criteria are discussed in respect to how they affect the efficiency of using the observatory for student use, research use, and for public nights. The required performance of the telescope, instruments, and related auxiliary equipment is considered.

INTRODUCTION Many observatories are designed ignoring the actual use of the telescope. With over 30 years of experience in small college observatory design and telescope manufacturing, we will discuss telescope access, visitor flow, and optimal seeing conditions as well as considerations for structural techniques, materials implementation and practical applications in the design process. The observatory and telescope will be used for education, training of students to use research telescopes and instruments, public outreach, and for public visitors.

Telescope Room

Telescope Room has different size depend on the size of telescope GENERAL PIER CONSIDERATIONS An isolated concrete pier running all the way from a suitable footing below grade to the sole plate of the telescope pedestal is the best solution. Isolation must be maintained. This includes any conduits between the building and the pier. The pier needs to be offset to the south the proper amount. Rarely will the pier be in the middle of the dome. The height of the pier affects the convenience of using the telescope.

Pier Location or Placement The pier is normally offset to the South of the dome center line (in the Northern hemisphere). The pier needs to be centered East to West and the rotational alignment of the pier and the p

North-South (Celestial North)

OBSERVATORY CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING To achieve good seeing, the observatory needs to be operated at the outside air ambient temperature. This requires minimum heat generation, good ventilation, insulation, and low thermal mass construction. It is important to plan thoroughly in achieving an optimal observatory. Additionally, considerations for floor space planning, visitor access, handicapped access, visitor flow and safety, lighting, power, future expansion of instrumentation, communications and maintenance must all be adequately be addressed.

Observatory Floor Layout The observatory should be designed to be operated from an air conditioned control room. Auxiliary controls can be provided to operate the telescope from the observing floor. Also, the observatory floor should be of low thermal mass.

The prime working space is the quadrant to the North of the telescope whereas East and West quadrants are less used floor space.

The height of the observing floor relative to the telescope should be set for comfortable viewing. For an observatory that is used for the public, this height is important. The proper value depends upon the size and configuration of the telescope and the intended users (children would benefit from a higher floor height, for example).

The observatory floor may require a hatch to allow lowering the primary mirror in its crate to a lower level with access to a loading dock as the telescope mirrors will require periodic cleaning and re aluminizing.

Also, the floor may require a flush mounted lift table for handling large instruments and the primary mirror and its cell.

Access to the Observing Floor For small and moderate size telescopes, the observing floor height will usually not allow a full size door between the floor and the ring beam that supports the dome.

Entry to the dome using a full size door will be at a lower level than the observing floor requiring some steps up to get to the floor.

These steps should be located in the South-West or the South-East. Usually the steps can’t be located in the South because they would interfere with the pier. Sturdy handrails are needed at the stairwell.

Entry into a dome housing a small to moderate telescope will require a small landing and then steps up to the observing floor.

Entry from the South is preferred with the steps spiraling up along either the South Eastern or South Western quadrants of the dome walls.

The upper end of the stairs will terminate near the West or East quadrant.

In either case, when entering the observing floor area, an air lock consisting of a short corridor with two doors is essential.

Ventilation and Thermal Control Minimum heat generation is provided by moving as much of the electronics and people out of the dome as possible and placing these items in the control room. A telescope can be made that dissipates less than 20 watts while a person at rest dissipates about 150 to 200 watts, so the primary heat source during observations can be the observers. At a major observatory, equipment heat generation can be the largest source of heat. In some climates, air conditioning and/or dehumidifying of the observatory can be beneficial. To improve the seeing, many major observatories air condition the telescope primary mirror because the mirror has a large thermal mass. The optimal temperature of the telescope and the inside of the observatory should be the expected night time seeing temperature. Powered or forced air ventilation should be provided. The amount of airflow should be equal or greater than 3 telescope and observatory masses per hour. The telescope can weigh 4000 pounds (20,000 Newtons) and a concrete floor can weigh twice this amount. The building walls and other structure can also be very massive. This is why the observatory should be made with metal sided, steel type construction and the floor should be wood or aluminum. Concrete/brick construction should be avoided.

With a low mass construction, the total mass can still be 5 tons requiring about 7,000 cfm (cubic feet/minute) of air flow.

A typical 20-inch window box fan flows over 4000 cfm with no restriction, so the ventilation can be provided by a relatively modest fan or fans. Wind produces excellent ventilation if entry and exit areas are correct.

The flow should suck air in through the dome slit and exit near the base of the observatory walls-preferably down wind and across the floor.

The air should be discharged down wind and in a broad, diffused manner. This usually requires different fans, so the observer can choose which way to diffuse the air.

Locate the building vents and heat discharges as far away from the observatory as possible. They should be down wind (for prevailing winds, anyway).

All vents should be as diffused as possible. The building vents could be located to the North as this part of the sky is not a prime observing area.

Infiltration is usually not a problem with a modern domed observatory. However, the dome must be air locked so when the door to the dome is opened, there is minimal air exchange between any conditioned building space (including the control room) and the observatory dome space.

It is essential to prevent warm building air from entering the observatory and damaging the seeing.

The East, West, and South walls of the dome should be insulated. The dome walls should be insulated on the inside so they won' become a major heat source during the night.

While the dome should be insulated, it typically has low thermal mass and a lot of surface area, so its time constant is short.


Laboratory/Control Room

Control the telescope from the lab room to increases the number of usable observing nights. This is especially true during the winter months when crystal clear nights tend to be so cold that students

.cannot work outside . Control Room Location The control room should be located within 125 cable feet of the telescope pier. The minimum recommended size of the control room is 100 square feet . 200 square feet or larger is preferred as the control room will need to accommodated multiple desks similar to a multi user computer lab atmosphere.

Many observatories place the control room to the north of the telescope and have a window looking into the observing area. Typically, the windows are covered with an opaque material and are seldom used.

Another option is to have an inexpensive closed circuit TV looking at the telescope with a display. This is less expensive than the window approach. The control room may be located at any convenient location and is often located one floor below the telescope.

Control Room needs It is nice to have a door going outside from the control room to where the sky may be checked for clouds, The control room must be air locked so when the door to the dome is opened, there is minimal air exchange between the control room and the dome. This provides greater thermal control in the observatory dome in an effort to keep the observatory dome at seeing temperature. Access to the control room should allow for heavy and bulky instruments to be brought into the room for testing purposes. There will be at least 4 PC type computers with displays in the control room. Wiring or fiber for high speed data communications should be provided .

ummary of GOTO Astronomy Lab Project Objectives The overall objective of the GOTO Astronomy Lab project was to design and construct a state-of-the-art astronomical laboratory for use with our two-semester introductory astronomy course sequence. The intention was to create a facility that provided the students with the opportunity to make visual, CCD imaging and spectroscopic observations either directly from the observing deck or from an adjacent laboratory room. In addition it was desired to create the capability to do scientific analysis on these observations in much the same way that research astronomers do. In addition to the facility’s use as a university laboratory, it was planned that it would also provide an ideal environment for public and K-12 tours and observing programs, teacher workshops and summer astronomy camps. The overriding themes in terms of the functioning of the physical structure of the laboratory as well as the choice and operation of the telescopes and ancillary equipment were simplicity, shallow learning curves, reliability and performance. These concepts intended to make the laboratory experience rewarding and enjoyable for the students.

An Overview of the GOTO Astronomy Lab`

A construction bond issue allowed the replacement of the old Rankin Science Building which housed our previous observing deck and lab room. This provided the opportunity to design the facility from scratch rather than trying to retrofit it to an existing structure. The resulting observing deck in the closed and open configurations is seen below. The 40'x60' observing area has 18 concrete telescope piers which are vibrationally isolated from the deck structure that surrounds them. The deck is covered with interlocking heavy industrial grade ergonomic rubber matting which is designed to reduce fatigue induced by long periods of standing. In addition it provides secure footing and a forgiving surface for items that might be dropped on it. The raised deck is surround by a railing and is accessible by steps from both the front and back. There is also an elevator to provide handicapped access to the observing deck. The deck has been provided with both white fluorescent lighting and red LED foot lighting fixtures.

The heart of the physical facilities is the roll-back roof system. Without it the rest of the facility would not have been possible in a form that met the design objectives. The Celestron CPC-1100 telescopes are far to heavy to be set up and taken each night. Our previous facility required the set up and take down of 12 Celestron-8 telescopes which was a time consuming and arduous task which took its tole on the optical alignment and mechanical structure of the telescopes not to mention on the lab instructors and assistants.

planetarium is a theatre built primarily for presenting educational and entertaining shows about astronomy and the night sky, or for training in celestial navigation.

A dominant feature of most planetaria is the large dome-shaped projection screen onto which scenes of stars, planets and other celestial objects can be made to appear and move realistically to simulate the complex 'motions of the heavens'.

Planetaria range in size from the Hayden Planetarium's 21-meter dome seating 423 people, to three-meter inflatable portable domes where children sit on the floor. Such portable planetaria serve education programs outside of the permanent installations of museums and science centers.

House of astronomy, Heidelberg

House of astronomy, Heidelberg (Germany)

Architects: Bernhardt + Partners Location:

Heidelberg (Germany)


The M51 spiral galaxy was used as the primary design key

.The building geometry is derived from the galaxy core and their spiraling arms The tracks, in which the stars, gas, dust and dark matter rotate around the centre .Of the galaxy, are used as snapshots and transferred into 3D curves These 3-dimensional staggered curves form the peculiar cladding of the building


Site analysis

Three curves define a strip of facade that accumulates towards the centre of the building and is separated by a band of glass. Although on first sight it seems a point- symmetrical building, both the storey levels and the faรงade rotate around the centre of the building. As a result of that, the galaxy will not be transferred into a 2-dimensional picture but into a full 3-dimensional structure made of orbits. The sinuous spiral arms are shifted by a half storey and thus give extra support to the buildings rotational movement around the core. By the mean of this entresol shift, new cross-links between the levels will be created. The auditorium in the centre of the galaxy is a multifunctional room for scientific lectures and astronomical displays with an All-dome projection system existing of a 12m diameter cupola and additional inclinable chairs.


According to the architects, the structure is based on the shape of a spiral galaxy; offices and seminar rooms wrap around a central auditorium, which seats approximately 100 people.

The overall 2700sqm net useable area of the building are provided through concrete slabs supported by one central cantilever that projects towards the column-free facades. This cantilever which is a mixture between a massive beam and a box girder rests on only a few central columns. Ramps will be designed to embrace the auditorium in the centre and will lead to different levels of the building. The cores of the main staircases will be designed to transfer vertical loads and work as horizontal reinforcements for the building structure.

The surrounding facade of the building, working as a support and climate shield and therefore fulfilling the main physical tasks of the building, will be elevated onto the massive concrete slabs with recognizable distance. The secondary support system of the façade takes over the load transfer of dead loads, wind and snow-forces and transfers those forces into the ceiling slabs and the massive parapets.

The construction work for the project of the Klaus-Tschira-Foundation and the Max-Planck-Society is intended to start next year. Until 2011 the building should be finished. Only the building costs are still written in the stars‌

Why This Case

The building will be used to teach pupils, teachers and the public the fascination of astronomical themes. Children and teenagers will be able to improve their basic knowledge on physics and mathematics through enthusiasm on astronomy. Workshops provide teachers with new ideas for presenting scientific subjects in the classrooms.

The Design Four stories tall with three floors within the tower footprint.

Cutaway View

1st floor` Exhibition hall/Main entrance and Astronomy lab room that doubles as public lecture space. The Floor of the Main Exhibition hall will feature a 6' Glass Tile Mosaic of an original work by Clayton Bryant Young depicting the transition from the Everglades to the Stars. It will also feature astronomy displays, including the Physics of Star Trek, and pictures from the Southern Cross Astronomical Society.

Below are some pictures of the Glass Tile floor and the exhibitions currently in the hall.

2nd floor This floor contains faculty offices, and perhaps the most unique telescope control room around. It is designed to operate both SARA telescopes and the local telescope, and look like a star ship bridge! This floor will also contain a library/conference room.


3rd floor

Grad student offices, Image processing lab computer room, astronomy student study room and telescope repair/storage .room

Roofto Observing platform with permanent piers to hold C8 telescopes, and a small dome to house a permanent telescope (12� to 24�).

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This floor plan shows the second floor of the building. The large space for special exhibitions — the Void on the left; and the planetarium on the right are visible as well as the path of the exhibition, which winds around both of them. In addition, several balconies lead from the exhibition path inside the Void and allow an amazing view on exhibitions in here from the top

The front of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This first rendering from 2013 shows the front of the building in its early design stage, as visitors will see it, when they first arrive at the ESO Headquarters. The two main structural elements contain a large empty cylindrical room — the Void — suitable for special exhibitions, and a modern digital planetarium. Both are connected by a long, winding path, which contains the exhibition area of the building.

Rooftop terrace `

The area marked in light blue colour is the rooftop terrace of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

Exhibition area (2nd floor)

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre has a 284-metre-long exhibition area that starts from the first floor, continues up in a spiral to the second floor and goes down again. The 2200 m² space will showcase 13 different astronomical themes, all displaying breathtaking views of our Universe and humankind’s most advanced observing facilities. This incredible variety of visually stunning concepts can provide a range of unique and intriguing backgrounds for a corporate event!

Meeting room

The meeting room is situated on the third floor of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre. It is perfect for business meetings, workshops, conferences, press events and seminars. The room can be be split in half to form two smaller rooms: Sagittarius and Scorpius.

The Void

The void is a unique place shaped like a sphere, marked in light blue color in this architectural floor plan. It is part of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre. It is 15.5 metres tall, with a total area of 140 square metres. With its glass ceiling, the room has warm, natural light during the day and a view of the sky at night

Longitudinal section of the ESO Supernova

This longitudinal section of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre shows main construction parts of the building: to the right the planetarium dome with two seminar rooms above and to the left the Void, a cylindrical room created for special exhibitions of ESO and their partners. Both parts are connected via a path, which contains the main exhibition of the ESO Supernova.

The back of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This first rendering from 2013 shows the back of the building, as most likely only ESO employees will see from their windows in the ESO Headquarters. In the background, the rendering shows a part of the Headquarters, as it exists today

The new planetarium and visitor centre at ESO Headquarters

This rendering, made in 2013, shows the first plans for a stunning new building conceived by Klaus Tรกchira with the help of Darmstadt-based architects Bernhardt + Partner, which is designed to complement the existing ESO site. When viewed from above the building symbolizes a binary star system about to go supernova.

The front of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This first rendering from 2013 shows the front of the building, as visitors will see it when they first arrive at the ESO Headquarters in Garching. The two main structural elements contain a large empty cylindrical room — the Void — suitable for temporary exhibitions, and a modern digital planetarium. Both are connected by a long, winding path, which contains the exhibition area of the building. To the left, in the background, the rendering shows a part of the new extension of the ESO Headquarters

The new planetarium and visitor centre at ESO Headquarters

A first artist’s impressions of the stunning planetarium and visitor centre to be built at ESO Headquarters near Munich, Germany. The new building, conceived by Darmstadt-based architects Bernhardt + Partner, and with construction to be funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung, is designed to complement the existing ESO site. When viewed from above the building symbolises a binary star system about to go supernova.

ESO Supernova site

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This image shows the location of the facilities in relation to the ESO Headquarters.

ESO Supernova model

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This is a model of the whole building. The large glass dome of the Void can be seen on the left; on the right — above the planetarium — the seminar room is located, which can be separated into two rooms by a movable wall. Around the seminar room a rooftop terrace can be used to relax in between workshops or to enjoy the view of the site.

Aerial View of ESO Headquarters

In Garching bei Mßnchen, nestled into the lush Bavarian landscape, are the ESO Headquarters and the ESO Supernova Planetarium and Visitor Centre, both of which are pictured in this incredible image from a ultralight plane. At the centre of this image, the construction site of the ESO Supernova can be seen encircled by cranes. It is joined by the ESO Headquarters new extension building — identifiable through its distinct red roof.

The original ESO Headquarters building are located behind the ESO Supernova, alongside the technical building — the black, rounded building — where work on new instruments is carried out. The river Isar, snaking through the trees, is visible to the right of the image.

ESO Supernova site

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This image shows the location of the facilities in relation to the ESO Headquarters.

ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre second floor

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This floor plan shows the second floor of the building. The large space for special exhibitions — the Void on the left; and the planetarium on the right — are visible as well as the path of the exhibition, which winds around both of them. In addition, several balconies lead from the exhibition path inside the Void and allow an amazing view on exhibitions in here from the top.

Rooftop terrace

The area marked in light blue colour is the rooftop terrace of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre.

Exhibition area (2nd floor)

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre has a 284-metre-long exhibition area that starts from the first floor, continues up in a spiral to the second floor and goes down again. The 2200 m² space will showcase 13 different astronomical themes, all displaying breathtaking views of our Universe and humankind’s most advanced observing facilities. This incredible variety of visually stunning concepts can provide a range of unique and intriguing backgrounds for a corporate event!

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

As the largest tilted planetarium in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre is truly unique. Apart from enjoying stunning shows, the planetarium is an excellent location for events such as public talks, conferences, product/service launches and press conferences.

The new planetarium and visitor centre at ESO Headquarters

A first artist’s impressions of the stunning planetarium and visitor centre to be built at ESO Headquarters near Munich, Germany. The new building, conceived by Darmstadt-based architects Bernhardt + Partner, and with construction to be funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung, is designed to complement the existing ESO site. When viewed from above the building symbolises a binary star system about to go supernova

Artist’s impression of ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre will be a showcase for astronomy for the public. It is made possible by a collaboration between the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) and ESO. The Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS), a German foundation that supports the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science, offered to fully fund the construction and ESO will run the facility. The striking building was designed by the architects bernhardt + partner.

rtist’s impression of ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre will be a showcase for astronomy for the public. It is made possible by a collaboration between the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) and ESO. The Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS), a German foundation that supports the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science, offered to fully fund the construction and ESO will run the facility. The striking building was designed by the architects bernhardt + partner.

ESO Supernova basement

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This floor plan shows the basement of the building. Here cloakrooms, toilets, a large picnic area and working spaces for up to ten people as well as large storage areas will be available.

ESO Supernova ground floor

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This floor plan, a rendering from an early design concept in 2013, shows the ground floor of the building. The entrance area, including the reception and a shop, is visible as well as the large space for special exhibitions — the Void on the left; and the planetarium on the right.

The ESO Supernova first floor

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This floor plan, a rendering from an early design concept in 2013, shows the first floor of the building. The large space for special exhibitions — the Void on the left; and the planetarium on the right — are visible, as well as the path winding around both of them, which will host the main exhibition.

Longitudinal section of the ESO Supernova

This longitudinal cut of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre shows main construction parts of the building: to the right the planetarium dome with two seminar rooms above and to the left the Void, a cylindrical room created for special exhibitions of ESO and their partners. Both parts are connected via a path, which contains the main exhibition of the ESO Supernova.

ESO Supernova third floor

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This floor plan shows the uppermost floor of the building. The large glass dome of the Void can be seen on the left; on the right — above the planetarium — the seminar room is located, which can be separated into two rooms by a movable wall. Around the seminar room a rooftop terrace can be used to relax in between workshops or to enjoy the view of the site


ESO Supernova ground floor

The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, being built in Garching next to the ESO Headquarters, will offer its visitors a contemporary, interactive exhibition on modern astronomy, as well as the possibility to enjoy digital full-dome planetarium shows and guided tours. This floor plan, a rendering from an early design concept in 2013, shows the ground floor of the building. The entrance area, including the reception and a shop, is visible as well as the large space for special exhibitions — the Void on the left; and the planetarium on the right.

Focus versus Aperture Entering the ramp, the visitor immediately experiences a particular framed view of sky, leaving the earth behind and beginning a journey into the domain of the stars. The central observation area as a circular outdoor “room” creates the ultimate skyward frame. The curved opaque walls eliminate all earthly distraction in favor of a pure view of the cosmos, .giving the feeling that the space is one giant dome, seamless with the sky Once leaving this meditative space, the visitor circulates through a procession of rooms within the poché that contain exhibition spaces, display and information areas, and classrooms. These smaller rooms, like their majestic round counterpart, have programrelated apertures to the sky. These openings are meant to reinterpret the work of James Turrell within a medieval poché landscape. The object most completely embedded into the poché is the planetarium where people are able to experience the sky through projection onto .the architecture The unbounded spaces outside of the poché are decidedly outward facing, opening up to the beauty of the vast desert landscape. After the vertical experience of the poché, this .horizontality of this space brings the visitor back to the realm of the earth

View of central observation space

Program The Astronomy Center is a destination for people who are interested in learning about Astronomy in an environment where the city and all of its distractions have been completely removed. The program consists of two types of experiences: learning program and spaces for conversing. The learning program consists of classrooms, a planetarium, several embedded observation towers, exhibition spaces and offices. These programs exist within the pochĂŠ of the building. The areas of the program that exist in the glassy outward looking areas of the building are the event space, the lounge area, the gift and coffee shop, and the primary auditorium. Because people can spend an entire day (and night) at the Center, there are two

dining areas, one in the area of the building that looks out at the Atacama Desert, and the other that looks upward to the stars


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Wadi Rum Excavated Sanctuaries Wadi Rum, Jordan Architect: Rasem Kamal Location: Wadi Rum, Jordan Area: 180,000 sq.m Year: 2015 Thesis Project, THE RICE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Thesis director: Carlos Jiménez

Sunset View for The Excavated Courtyards Š Rasem Kamal This project represents the architectural product of a thesis that focuses on subtraction not addition, subtracting voids and spatial volumes according to users’ need of functions, circulation and natural light. These voids could be excavated in the natural ground in order to create a concealed and nondistracting architectural presence above ground, along with an unlimited flexibility to subtract underground. The motivation behind this subject in particular was based on a debate related to the relationship between external form and internal space. Lately, a great many of prominent architectural practices have been focusing on developing dynamic forms, new building materials, sophisticated details and tectonics as well, while only the minority of these contributes to their internal spaces. Consequently,

this thesis aimed to flip the relationship between the explicit and implicit, by diminishing the power of external form along with exploiting all the previous efforts that were used for it to subtract spaces where we will live, .experience and enjoy

Ge neral view

Co urtyard entry ramp

General Site Map


nts Colony Nest

Site plan

Response to existing contour lines

Excavation grid and various circulation loops

The overlapped program diagram Wadi Rum, or valley of the moon, is a vast empty desert in south of Jordan, surrounded by series of fascinating colorful mountains. The selection of this site in particular was for two key reasons; it is an ideal location to excavate natural ground with a high flexibility of horizontal expansion. Furthermore, this site needs a very minimal and sensitive intervention -since it was declared a world protected site by UNESCO in 2011- without adding a new structure above ground that might compete with the existing mountains and .distract visitors visually Throughout natural and architectural history, there were various precedents ranging from the scale of ants’ colony nests to underground museums. Primarily, the first influence was ants ‘colony nests, where ants subtract their chambers in an organic layout according to needed volumes only, linking them with unexpected circulation routes. However, the challenge of thesis was to experiment excavation in more complex programs – (a train sub-station, an interpretive museum and a sanctuary hotel) as a response for Rum Valley needs; in order to exploit all the opportunities provided by building underground, unrestricted horizontal expansion along with a new definition for building slabs, walls, and maneuvering between spaces by a .network of convenient ramps

View inside one of the courtyards

View inside one circulation tube museum spine

View of the pool and spa courtyard

One of the bedroom prototypes

Sectional isometric for the train sub-terminal Š Rasem Kamal The design concept was based on excavating a series of fragmented yet interconnected courtyards which remained exposed to the sky despite being under the sand‘s datum line. These courtyards control all the hotel rooms and museum halls around them in addition to the underground circulation

network of ramps and the service loop, but with variations in volumetric experience and lighting quality in each one, because every courtyard was subtracted according to its surrounding functions, circulation’s requirements with distances being set according to a network of convenient ramps, .topography, orientations towards site views and intensity of natural light

Programmatic Slicing

Slicing strategy

Longitudinal section – Train substation

Manipulated longitudinal section – Hotel and museum

Floor plan – Service loop

Floor plan

Floor planl

Floor plan As a design strategy, and because of the fact that this project could not be narrated by conventional longitudinal or cross sections, the whole underground structure were sliced into a consequence of repetitive sections in order to study relationship of the hotel with the museum’s functions, the courtyards with their surrounding chambers, the courtyards with the circulation or service network, and finally the relationship of all the previous .elements with the changing datum line of sand These “Excavated Sanctuaries” announce themselves from their interior not

exterior, in other words, this is a new redefinition of the modernists’ phrase .”“form follows function” into “subtraction follows function

Physical model

Circulation tubes

The rollback roof was designed by the engineers at Piedmont Hoist and Crane. It is computer controlled, using optical encoders to assure even motion of the roof as well as sensors to detect any obstructions and shut down if one is encountered. It can be fully opened or closed in approximately 2.5 minutes. It is equipped with heaters to remove ice and snow build-up on the rails on which it moves. The roof provides the obvious weatherproof environment need for the permanently mounted telescopes as well as the associated equipment. However it also provides the ability to make use of potentially “iffy� weather nights that could not have been used with the former hour-long setup and takedown requirements.



WADI RUM DESERT RESORT PROJECT TYPE SF Mixed Use, Multi Family, Hospitality, Commercial, Master Planning, 80,000 Interior Design, Sustainability SCOPE Architecture, Master Planing, Interior Design LOCATION Wadi Rum, Jordan Here, where desert sand meets desert stone, we see a singular opportunity to devise a new contract between man and nature. Reinterpreting the way we have dealt with the earth, our proposal establishes a new benchmark for design, quality and sustainability in the natural environment. To live in harmony with the natural world, we must learn how to re-engage the land. Earnest and timeless, the architecture is simultaneously powerful, yet comfortable; primitive, yet innovative; casual, yet elegant; raw, yet refined. The built form merges silently with its wondrous setting, exploiting and enhancing the natural beauty of the site to establish luxury lodge accommodations – that are uniquely beautiful and luxurious. The resulting experience is sensual and sensitive, intentionally reduced to what is essential, establishing an ancient connection with the universe through simple, elemental forms, sincere materiality/detailing, and the use of bountiful natural resources both physical and ethereal. Nature .accelerated, enhanced and embraced; nature nurtured The architecture we will humbly create within the realm of the Wadi is intended to miraculously and meticulously add another sound in a perfect symphony, another ingredient in a perfect dish. The conceptual point of departure has its roots in the tectonic and geological histories of the region. Through an

engagement of the existing natural faults and fissures, the architecture is inserted in the landscape with nominal impact and primal elegancesynchronizing with the topography. Symbiotically and sensitively attuned to the rhythms of the area – a responsible stewardship of the environment. The boundaries between man-made and nature, interior and exterior are deliberately blurred establishing maximum effect with minimum affect. The lodges are nestled across the landscape — enhancing rather than distorting an awareness of the context. An enlightened new approach to living with the land and not simply upon it; learning anew how to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. Beauty, power and humility is achieved through a profound understanding of flow, light and orientation with the topography-fermenting a relationship with the surrounding desert. Simplicity and functionality are inherent to the entire design– so that nothing distracts the eye. The lodges and villas in their various incarnations; rock lodge, spa lodge, tent lodge and reserve villa are all designed as spatial responses towards establishing a connection, not dislocation with the aweinspiring planet we inhabit. Their architectonic form responds directly to the rich regional cues: an evolutionary process that has established, over millennia, .a clear and appropriate type that is in resonance with nature

Since the 1980’s, native Zalabia Bedouin have successfully developed the sector, setting up tented base camps accessible by jeep and truck. The settlements are off the grid; the few lights are powered by portable generators, water is trucked in, and visitor dinners

are cooked in simple earth ovens.

Wa di Rum is now one of Jordan’s important tourist destinations attracting trekkers, climbers, and star­gazers. The designers of this project are cognizant of the wide range of flora and fauna that inhabit the area. The structures are unobtrusive with minimized footprints. But the site is vulnerable. Increased urbanization of nearby Aqaba is already polluting Wadi Rum’s nighttime sky, obstructing the celestial show along the southwestern horizon. Ongoing and ambitious construction in that coastal city will continue to diminish star viewing, but development within the reserve will have more significant impact. While on­site power generation is possible, use of renewable energy is unspecified in this development. More problematic is sourcing water to fill the resorts pools and provide for villa use. And how will the larger valley respond to increased vehicular traffic? This design proposal is beautiful. But is it right?

Site Wadi Rum, or valley of the moon, is a vast empty desert in south of Jordan, surrounded by series of fascinating colorful mountains

General Description The Wadi Rum Protected Area is located in southern Jordan, about 290 km south of Amman and 60 km northeast of the coastal city of Aqaba. It covers an area of 72,000 ha – almost one percent of the country making it the largest protected area in Jordan and the Levant region. The Wadi Rum Protected Area forms a major part of the Hisma desert of southern Jordan and northern Arabia, lying to the east of the Jordan Rift Valley and south of the steep escarpment of the central Jordanian plateau. The Hisma desert is mainly a Palaeozoic sandstone plateau or high desert. It is a distinctive feature of southern Jordan, with elevations up to 1,850 m, and extending southwards 150 km to Saudi Arabia.

Climate The Wadi Rum Protected Area has a typical true desert climate - hot and dry. It is dry throughout the year, although some precipitation may fall during the rainy season from October to April. During this period, Mediterranean cyclones drive clouds and rain to Jordan; however, the cyclones must be deep and intense in order to arrive to Wadi Rum. Long-term average annual rainfall is 75 mm, with a maximum of 100 mm; although during drought years, rainfall can be much less than 50 mm/year. Other than a few springs, no permanent running surface water is present in the area. Wadi Rum Protected Area is hot in summer and cool to cold in winter. The relatively high relief makes the summer milder than the low land further west and southwest in areas such as Aqaba and Wadi Araba. Daily temperatures range in summer from 16 to 45oC, with a mean maximum of 34.6oC and a mean minimum of 19.3oC. In winter the range is –1.5oC to 31oC with a mean maximum of 14.6oC and a mean minimum of 4.6oC. Mean average humidity is 26% in June and 54% in February. Prevailing winds are northwesterly with an average speed of 2.3 knots/hour.

Tourism The spectacular desert scenery of Wadi Rum is the primary interest of visitors, with secondary interests being Bedouin culture, archaeology, Lawrence of Arabia, “wilderness� and desert adventure. Standard activities for visitors are 4x4 tours, camel rides, hiking, camping, rock climbing and horse riding. The 4x4 tours are the most popular, with an estimated 85% of visitors using them. Special activities have been prohibited in the Protected Area including microlight flying, ballooning and car rallying.


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