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Aut oCad Revi t Ar chi cad S ket chup L umi on Vr ay Phot os hop AdobePr emi er Mi cr os of tof f i ce

Iam a4t hyearAr chi t ect ur es t udents t udyi ngi n DR.D. Y.Pat i l col l egeofAr chi t ect ur e.T he f ol l owi ngi sacompi l at i onofmys el ect edwor ks dur i ngt hecour s eofmycol l egewhi chr ef l ect s myi nt er es t sandaf f ect i onf orar chi t ect ur e. Iam ahar dwor ki ngandhi ghl ymot i vat ed i ndi vi dual ,pas s i onat et ol ear nandas s i s twi t h ever ychal l enge.

Engl i s h Hi ndi Bengal i Mar at hi

Handel i ngPr es s ur e s ur aj mandal 2204@gmai l . com

Communi cat i on


L eader s hi p

s ur aj _ mandal 2204

T eamwor k

22/ 04/ 2000 C3/ 101,Ni l gi r i Gar dens ,S ec24,CBDBel apur , Navi Mumbai 400614 Mahar as ht r a,I ndi a.

2018 -Pr es entt i me

DR.D. Y.Pat i l Col l egeofAr chi t ect ur e B. Ar ch | Mumbai uni ver s i t y | Ner ul


RyanI nt er nat i oanl S chool J uni orCol l ege|CBS E|S anpada


RyanI nt er nat i onal S chool S chool| I CS Eboar d | Ner ul

F i r s tyear


Model maki ngwor ks hop MudandBambooWor ks hop-War dha Communi cat i onS ki l l sel ect i ve

econdyear |20192020| S Bi r l awhi t emur al maki ngwor ks hop Handsonbr i ckwor ks hop Model maki ngel ect i ve

T hi r dyear


Gl as si nAr chi t ect ur e-El ect i ve Movi eMaki ng-El ect i ve

F our t hyear


I mpactofCovi donAr chi t ect ur e -El ect i ve

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