Grazier and farmer december

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Roma saleyards flourish - Page 4 PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED

2 GRAZIER & FARMER Tuesday, December 20, 2016

welcome SUMMER has certainly arrived in style, with forty degree plus temperatures for the first week of December across the Maranoa region. There has been plenty of storm activity and some people have received some handy rain but most are hoping the thunderclouds will be followed by general, widespread rain. There has been plenty happening across the region in the last few months. Most farmers are parking their headers back in the sheds after a good harvest, and there have been some tremendous crops and yields. Most are now getting ready for summer, and have either started planting or are about to pending rain. It’s been a massive year for the Roma saleyards. The commercial cattle market has been extraordinary to say the least, and many producers have enjoyed records prices. It’s nice to see our producers rewarded for their hard work. Politicians have visited the area to assess the extent of the wild dog problem, spectacular properties such as Saddler Springs, near the Carnarvon Ranges, are up for sale, and communities are enjoying the economic benefits from events such as the annual Roma Cup. There’s always something happening across the Maranoa, and we hope you enjoy this edition of Grazier and Farmer. From the team, we would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017.


Their paddock to your plate Beissel family stays in control of beef production process

contacts EDITOR Andrea Schulz Phone: 07 4672 9927 Email: WRITERS Andrea Schulz, Christian Berechree, Sarah Dionysius ADVERTISING Greg Latta, Tori Johnson, Stacey Hewlings, Western Star Phone 07 4672 9927 Email GENERAL MANAGER Erika Brayshaw Email: All material published in Grazier and Farmer is subject to copyright provisions. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission for the publisher. DISCLAIMER: The information contained within Grazier and Farmer is given in good faith and obtained from sources believed to be accurate. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher. The Western Star will not be liable for any opinion or advice contained herein.

ONE Maranoa family is taking a truly personal approach to its beef production. Bec Beissel, a fifth-generation beef producer from Wallumbilla, and her husband, Craig, started Maranoa Beef, a business dedicated to ethical and premium beef production. The Beissels produce 100% grass-fed beef, which they raise and transport themselves. “Everything we produce, we produce ourselves,” Mrs Beissel said. “Our motto is actually ‘know your farmer, know your food’.” Mrs Beissel said she and her husband decided to take a “paddock to plate” approach to beef production for greater control over the process. “Originally this was to take more control and become a price maker rather than a price taker,” she said. “The market can be very volatile and can be impacted by things out of your control.” The Beissels are also committed to prioritising animal welfare throughout the beef production process. “That was a huge thing for us, that was another reason we started it,” Mrs Beissel said. “We can take control of the welfare of the animal all the way through to the processing plant.” Mrs Beissel said she and her husband had implemented a training program for weaners to improve the handling process. The Beissels have worked hard to keep their overheads low by doing as much of the work themselves as possible. Mrs Beissel said they had tried to educate consumers on how to shop and cook more cost-effectively. “It’s important for us that our customers look at nose-to-tail eating, not just buying the rib or eye fillet,” she said. Mrs Beissel said the quality of the Maranoa Beef products was without question. “They’re hormone free, chemical free and produced in the most natural way you can possibly get, and to my mind, that’s got to be healthier for your family,” she said.



Tuesday, December 20, 2016

DINING IN STYLE: Andersens has a range of products on offer to make your dining room truly unique.


Timeless dining flooring Choosing the right design for the most versatile and multi-functional room in your home FROM modern dinner parties to traditional family usage – the dining room transcends all entertaining genres. This room is as multi-functional as they come, so the flooring you choose will play a major part in complementing your home’s interior as well as enduring the stresses of chair movement, and of course cleaning efficiency. The perfect choice in this room is Andersens’ vinyl plank. With incredible durability, affordability, 20 year warranty and a vast array of designs and textures, it’s a great value option to give you a versatile look to suit your décor style. In our dining room we have used a beige and grey mix timber look for a versatile base. Our vinyl flooring choice has the benefit of being able to achieve both a modern and traditional look at the same time. Don’t be afraid to use colour on your walls to complement the flooring – using a colour of the same hue as your vinyl flooring can achieve a warm, balanced flow within the room. To break up these hues and add life, place a central statement art piece to become the star of the room and create a harmonious look. In our dining room we have chosen:

■ Deep slate wall colour ■ Bold artwork with gold and blue elements, complementing the grey ■ Slate concrete look dining table ■ Dark seating arrangements to contrast with the hues ■ Dark wooden feature table ■ Gold and blue decor accessories to complement the artwork By choosing one or two statement colours to break up the monotone hues, you can achieve a dining room look that is warm, inviting but also modern and chic.

DINING ROOM: Andersens Ezifit Circus Wood.

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4 GRAZIER & FARMER Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Strong year for saleyards A look back at the year that was in Australia’s largest saleyards LOOKING back over the past 12 months, market prices have remained relatively solid at the Roma Saleyards, according to Meat and Livestock Australia’s Roma Saleyards market reporter Martin Bunyard. Mr Bunyard said generally prices have remained high throughout the year, and as a result producer optimism within the domestic beef market is at an all-time high. “About a month ago prices did plateau off from the very high prices we had been seeing but overall prices have still remained quite strong,” Mr Bunyard said. “Cattle have been yarded from all local areas and throughout south-west Queensland. There have been a few to come from the north-west and central regionals, but not really in the second half of the year. “Early in the year the yard numbers were quite high and then they tapered off a bit, but they’ve picked up again as a result of some patchy rain.” When asked how the market would open up in 2017, Mr Bunayrd said that was a million-dollar question. “We expect reasonable numbers for the beginning of the year, given some recent rain and because producer optimism is still there,” Mr Bunyard said. “Agents seem positive that prices will remain solid for the store market. Prices have picked up for the prime market at Roma this year, and the expectation is that those prices should continue for the early part of next year. “Looking more long term, bigger factors such as international markets and the price of US beef will no doubt affect us, but for now it looks positive for producers.”

GOOD RETURNS: Prices have been strong at the Roma Saleyards throughout the year, and producer optimism is high as a result. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

From dust to the snow

Once a sheep cocky, then an Antarctica expedition leader and now a TopX manager the sole decision maker and you are used to being quite isolated,” he said. Mr Cooney emphasised that life on the land wasn’t so far removed from life at the world’s southern most reaches. “I was also used to that sort of pressure and making decisions so I was accustomed to what it was going to be like on the expedition.” After a year-long expedition in Antarctica, gathering research, Mr Cooney returned to Australia where he had to adjust to everyday life again. “It was a huge adjustment,” he said. “You get on the plane and three hours later you’re back to reality and it’s like a whole different universe.” It has now been two years since his time in Antarctica, and if you thought Mr Cooney would have spent that time recuperating, then you would be wrong. He has since gone on to exhibit his own art and sell more than 100 paintings and play a minor role in the latest Pirates of the Caribbean film, which comes out next year. Although he has left the sheep and bull industry, he said his heart still belonged to the land. Mr Cooney came to the personal realisation that the industry was unlikely to turn in his favour but he certainly has not turned his back on rural heritage. He sought out a job that gave him the

EXPEDITION LEADER: General Manager of TopX Australia Allan Cooney at Casey, East Antarctica. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED opportunity to help those in rural areas and TopX was the perfect fit. Mr Cooney currently lives in Roma with his family and is enjoying life as the General Manager of a livestock agency Business. “I believe we need to invest more in our communities and what I love about working for TopX is that it does just that,” he said.

Despite all his achievements, Mr Cooney does not believe what he has done is particularly out of the ordinary. “I say to people the only thing standing between any individual and their dream is their want to actually achieve it,” he said. “I think everybody is talented, it is just about putting yourself out there and giving it a go.”


ALLAN Cooney has lived life from one extreme to the next. Swapping the dust and dirt of a sheep farm for the ice-covered glaciers of Antarctica, the General Manager of TopX Australia has led a life fit for the script of a Hollywood blockbuster. Up until the age of 40, Mr Cooney ran his family Merino stud and bull breeding business on a property in Cunnamulla. Since leaving the industry, Mr Cooney has taken on many different roles but none quite as extraordinary or as life-changing as the chance to go where only very few will venture in their lifetime. He was selected out of 250 eligible candidates, including Lieutenant Colonels highly-ranked police officers and even spies, to be recruited as an Antarctic expedition leader. Making the step from sheep farmer to intrepid Antarctic explorer might seem like a dramatic leap, more suited to a paperback novel than the background of a Company manager. Meeting Mr Cooney, however, it’s not hard to see how he seamlessly transitioned from one to the other. His polished demeanour and his ability to adjust and adapt in any situation made him the ideal candidate for the life-changing expedition. “I think the reason behind my selection was because of my background in the sheep industry as it is an environment where you are

63 Arthur Street, Roma

4622 4819


6 GRAZIER & FARMER Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Roma’s day at the races

The 52nd Roma Cup was a success on and off the track

BIG DAY: Racing on Cup day on the fast track with two records broken. standard of thoroughbred action on the day,” Mrs Erickson said. “This year it was the Matt Kropp-trained and Toowoomba-based horse, Spice of Life, who took out the Roma Cup.

“Fashions on the field is also of a very high standard, with more than 100 competitors competing in five categories for prizes which includes State of Origin tickets for 2017, Woodford Folk Festival passes and

a weekend stay in luxury accommodation. “The 2016 Roma Cup was a huge success and the Roma Turf Club would like to thank everyone who supported this event.”

The winning connections for Spice of Life take home the Royal on 99 Roma Cup for 2017. PHOTOS: CONTRIBUTED

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email: Web:

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ONE of the highlights on Roma’s social calendar, and in fact a must-attend event for many Queenslanders, is the annual Roma Cup. Held at the end of November, the Roma Cup this year attracted around 5500 people which Roma Turf Club secretary Jackie Erickson said is a “huge boost to the town’. “The Roma Cup traditionally brings a large number of punters into the district for the weekend, while the camping grounds, motels, local backyards and verandas are full with race-goers,” Mrs Erickson said. “The town hums from Friday to Sunday, and the weekend is generally incident-free with young visitors and locals alike enjoying the social interaction and a day at the track during the lead up to Christmas. “The Roma Cup has a reputation for fun camping, with many patrons bringing their swimming pools and barbecues to the camping ground as they settle in for three days on country immersion.” The Roma Cup, which celebrated its 52nd anniversary this year, featured an eight-race program. It is also a TAB meeting and is televised on Sky One and Two around the world. “The Roma Cup 1640m race is one of the richest races in country Queensland. Horses come from New South Wales and south-east and central Queensland to race at the Roma Cup, which ensures a high


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Driver hits shelves

Photo book aims to put the public in the cab and on the road with our transport industry

IN FOCUS: Photographer Al Mabin.


PHOTOGRAPHER Al Mabin has spent 18 months travelling throughout Australia and New Zealand to capture the best moments that the trucking industry has to offer. After living on the road with 110 various trucking companies and their families, Ms Mabin released her photos in a breathtaking book in July this year titled The Driver - Australia and New Zealand on the Back of a Truck. The Driver comes after the success of her first book The Drover, a two-time international best seller and a five-time Australian best seller, which followed the historic journey of 18,000 head of cattle across 2000km in two states. Ms Mabin was overwhelmed at the record number of pre-ordered purchases for The Driver. Two thousand copies were sold before the official release date, which puts her in the running for being one of the best-selling authors for 2016. Ms Mabin said she was excited to finish her journey photographing, living the life and documenting the trucking industry for The Driver. “I wasn’t excited because it was over, but I was excited to say that I had produced the most accurate account of real-life trucking ever documented in Australia and I can’t wait to show the world,” Ms Mabin said. “These amazing people really do need to be recognised.” Ms Mabin was born and bred on the land, and her passion has always been to capture images that represent the grass roots of rural Australia. “I am always looking to capture the essence of the outback, the rural industry and the way of life, to evoke feelings and emotions in people that view my pictures. I hope it encourages them to feel a sense of being there, smelling the smells, or hearing the noises associated with a particular image.” Ms Mabin, who was named the 2015 Asia Pacific Female Entrepreneur of The Year, is currently travelling around the countryside in a custom-designed trailer that serves as a home, an office and a mobile photography art gallery that can be opened to the public.


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8 GRAZIER & FARMER Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Moving to a digital future Fast-tracking vendor declarations with electronic version of the current paper NVD

TIME SAVING MOVE: The eNVD is set to save producers time and improve efficiency for businesses when it comes to moving or selling cattle. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED

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k c a b t Ou s e r a p S

Special Carnarvon property for sale SADDLER Springs is a 20,000 acre (8093ha) property next door to the picturesque Carnarvon Ranges and is for sale by owner Lloyd Hancock. While many cattlemen will be attracted to the productive, large-scale property, there will no doubt be plenty of interest from ecotourism operators. Mr Hancock, who is a former Queenslander of the Year, founded the Youth Enterprise Trust. In the late 1990s he built a slab hut outstation with wood stoves and a dining hall at Junjuddie Flat, which is one of the main features of Saddler Springs. Since the construction, thousands of tourists have visited Junjuddie Flat to enjoy the tranquillity and scenery that Saddler Springs has to offer. The property has hosted wilderness

programs for disadvantaged young Australians, sponsored by the Youth Enterprise Trust. Mr Hancock, said when he first laid eyes on Saddler Springs in the late 1980s, he felt like he was seeing the country in the same way that the first person who stood there before him did. “I remember looking out over the great tangle of cliffs, gorges, spurs and springs which are the Carnarvon Ranges. The feeling sort of took me over, and a dream to bring people here took hold. “No question this place has something special. There are a lot of testimonials out there, but we have to now move on so we’re putting Saddler Springs on the market. It really is time for a new owner with energy; one we really hope that will love this place as we do.”

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ELECTRONIC National Vendor Decelerations (eNVD) will now be available to producers and participants throughout the entire value chain, which many say will help to fast-track the livestock industry to a digital future. Meat and Livestock Australia has granted the first commercial licence, after extensive trials, to Australian software provider Aglive, which will allow the wider industry to use the system. An eNVD is an electronic version of the current paper NVD document which is required for all movements of cattle, sheep and goats in Australia. The eNVD system transfers electronic livestock integrity data from a livestock producer, through the value chain to the intended receivers. The eNVD information is verified against industry systems data including Property Identification Codes, Livestock Production Assurance accreditation, and National Livestock Identification System status, to deliver improved data integrity. MLA’s Integrity and Information Systems Company CEO Dr Jane Weatherley said while the livestock industry’s move to a fully electronic system, integrating livestock declarations with movement information was in its early stages, the technology was an exciting step forward for the industry. “The eNVD system will streamline the transfer of data, and offer benefits to producers and other participants in the value chain who opt in to the eNVD system,” Dr Weatherley said. “For producers, it will reduce the time taken to complete an NVD and ensure the latest versions of the document are being used and meet market requirements. It is expected that other commercial licences will be granted to more Australian software companies over the coming months, which will release further eNVD apps once trials of the technology are completed.” Dr Weatherley said the technology aligned with MLA’s Value Chain Digital Strategy, which would drive the development of an integrated platform for capturing data and generating reliable and objective information tools that could be readily applied within businesses across the value chain.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Delivering reliable service Wards Transport always focusses on meeting the needs of their customers

FOUNDED by managing director Ron Ward almost two decades ago in Roma, Wards Transport has been built from the ground up on an agile business model. Ron’s 35-plus years in the industry and his extensive involvement in the community has equipped him with a deep understanding of the needs of both his metropolitan and regional customer transport needs. Wards’ solutions- based approach provides every Wards Transport customer with an easy, no-fuss approach to logistics. The business has grown dramatically over the years. From its humble beginnings, Wards is always striving to be on the cutting-edge of technology in the transport services arena. They have undertaken a growth strategy, invested heavily in development, purchased rival companies, expanded their fleet and have embraced industry and environmental changes. Wards Transport delivers excellent service, provides exceptional outcomes and they build long-lasting client relationships. The company’s key objective is to grow beyond the role of just a logistics vendor, and to be a true partner to all clients. Wards carry parcels, pallets, challenging freight, oversize and over-mass consignments, refrigerated goods, construction, mining, and mail encompassing a range of everyday commodities including food and dangerous goods. Services include same day, general, express and full load services between Brisbane, Toowoomba and all areas west to Quilpie including Chinchilla, Roma, Charleville, Injune, Surat, Wandoan, and Taroom. Wards Transport has extended its

GREAT SERVICE: One of Ward's fleet of trucks. reach to many locations beyond the original network to service the needs of clients Australia-wide. Wards Transport can do the remote jobs, the urgent jobs, and the ostensibly impossible jobs. Wards are large enough to handle any freight requirements you may have, yet small

PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED enough to care. Speak to one of Wards Transport’s friendly staff today on 1300 4 WARDS (1300 492 737) about a tailored solution to meet your business needs. Wards tailored solutions have been cultivated with industry experts and valued Wards Transport clients to effectively manage

any challenges, budgets or technical constraints that may arise. Wards continue to learn from and develop their many services, constantly adapting solutions to streamline operations and improve services for Wards Transports valued customers.

10 GRAZIER & FARMER Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Trucks deliver aid Drought Angels provide relief in various forms to farming families who have suffered

DELIVERING HOPE: Local trucking companies donated their time to help Drought Angels and struggling farmers.

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WITHOUT the generous support of several local trucking companies, Drought Angels wouldn’t have been able to deliver their gifts to the drought-stricken producers and graziers of Queensland. Over the past several years Drought Angels has provided relief in the form of stockfeed, financial assistance and a helping hand to the many farming families who have suffered from consecutive dry seasons. Co-founder of Drought Angels Tash Johnson said ERB Brothers Transport carted the majority of their freight all over the state at no charge to them or the producers. “Words cannot express our appreciation for what ERB Brothers Transport has done. We couldn’t have achieved our goals without their generosity, or that of the other trucking companies who pitched in when they could,” Mrs Johnson said. Other Western Downs companies who donated their time and trucks included Ison Haulage, J&J Contracting and Nobby’s Transport. The not-for-profit organisation was

established in 2014 by Mrs Johnson and her friend Nikki Blackwell. Mrs Johnson said she had no idea how bad the drought was in some parts of the state until she started seeing photos on social media accounts such as Facebook. “I started sharing pictures and stories from the drought, to try and make my city friends aware of what was really going on,” Mrs Johnson said. “Nikki and I both agreed that we needed to do something more. We held a ladies cocktail night at the Jamaica Blue Café in Chinchilla, and we raised $4000 for Aussie Helpers. We then organised a gala dinner auction, and we were able to donate another $46,000 to Aussie Helpers. “I remember taking groceries that we had collected to a farmer near Mitchell. The place was bone dry, just dirt, and the livestock were in poor condition. I drove out and realised that Drought Angels had to do even more to help.” Since then, the pair has worked tirelessly and unselfishly to deliver hope and assistance to struggling farmers and recently Drought Angels was recognised for its achievements.


(07) 4622 2235

94 Charles Street, Roma


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

for free Drought Angels was established in 2014 by Nikki Blackwell and Tash Johnson. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED

Loading up the trucks.


Drought Angels Helping farmers brings people’s choice award AT THIS year’s Queensland Regional Community Awards, Drought Angels won the people’s choice award and the Queensland regional service award. Tash Johnson said to win two of the categories was overwhelming. “We were proud to be nominated, and then to reach the finals was such an honour. But when they called our names out it was just so surreal,” Mrs Johnson said. “Neither of us do it for the recognition. “We love what we do, and the rewarding part for us is helping our farmers because we don’t like to see them struggle. “It’s been nice to see some rain which has given people some reprieve and hope, but it certainly hasn’t broken the drought everywhere. “Hopefully it is a start, but someone people have a long way to go.” Drought Angels are currently running a $5 Christmas appeal and all money raised will be put towards food hampers or local business vouchers. Donations can be made via direct deposit, PayPal or cheque, and all are tax deductible. Further details can be found on the Drought Angels Facebook page.

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12 GRAZIER & FARMER Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Onwards and upwards T&W Earthmoving has grown from a two-man business THE company was established in 2000 by brothers Timothy and Wayne Collie, and they started with one D6C open cab bulldozer which they used for stick raking, tree clearing and dam building. The majority of their work over the next several years was rural based; however they saw an opportunity to expand their business by entering into the coal seam gas industry. Today T&W Earthmoving can do road construction and maintenance, CSG lease pads, site rehabilitation, scrub pulling and regrowth control, stick raking, cutter baring and pasture improvement, water carting and dust suppression, erosion and sediment control, contour banks, creek crossing constructions, gravel pit works, and the construction, restoration and desilting of dams. Their fleet of equipment includes dozers, graders, excavators, scrapers, rollers, backhoes, bobcats, low loaders, and gravel and water carts. The main base and head office for T&W Earthmoving is situated in Condamine. This comprises of a workshop equipped with capable and experienced workshop mechanical staff. T&W Earthmoving also have a small office in Roma, a workshop and laydown yard in Surat, and a laydown yard in Wallumbilla.

POWERFUL STUFF: A Caterpillar D8T dozer ripping into its work.



With a head office in St George and additional bases throughout south-west Queensland, we are able to offer highly mobile and versatile aerial services to our clients throughout south-west Queensland and beyond. We work hands on with our clients and their agronomists, providing crop spray programs and extensive application reporting for aerial services, including;


Civil construction services • General earthworks Re-growth control • Blade Ploughing Fire Breaks • Stick Raking Dam Construction & Desilting • Heavy Haulage






“Jason and Samantha would like to say a huge thank you for the support that Balonne Airwork has received over the past 10 years” • Moolabah Airstrip, 290124 Moonie Highway, St George Qld 4487 • PO Box 114, St George Qld 4487 • 07 4625 1660 • 07 4625 1662 • 0429 892 538 (Jason) • 0428 887 100 (Samantha) • • |

12 hours a day, 7 days a week, with fully trained, experienced staff

Brothers Tim & Wayne Collie established the business in 2000. They have built up their business employing local staff, supporting community events and using local businesses. There Head office is in Condamine Qld and now expanding with a new Industrial yard in Roma Qld. From Condamine to Surat to Roma to Wallumbilla, we can meet your earthmoving needs.



Balonne Airwork is a pilot owned and operated aerial agricultural services business, with a strong reputation for delivering market leading services to large corporate, through to smaller family run farming enterprises.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Nothing beats Dalby STOCK horse enthusiasts from around the country flocked to the Dalby Showgrounds for the 42nd annual Dalby Australian Stock Horse Sale. The sale, run by Darling Downs Branch Australian Stock Horse Society and Grant Daniel & Long, resulted in 191 horses sold for a gross of a whopping $1,634,500. Of the 117 mares offered, 93 were sold, with Lot 25 taking out the top price at $50,000. A total of 100 geldings were up for auction with 94 sold and a top of $15,000. Four out of five stallions were sold with a top of $15,000. “It’s the biggest stock horse sale in Australia; nothing beats it,” said DDASHS president Jim Ryan. “We’ve got a very good committee which makes it wonderful; we’re very happy with the support the town has given us.”

SALE TIME: Charles Wright from Hellidon and Brian O'Sullivan from Laidley at the 42nd annual Dalby Stock Horse Sale. PHOTOS: JESSICA BAHR

Jenny Francis from Booval with Anna Cooper from Marburg at the Dalby Showgrounds.

Julie Barram with Michelle and Adelyn Fahey at the Dalby Showgrounds.

Peter Cavanagh from Blackall, Ray Street from Texas and Allan Elder from Chinchilla at the Dalby Showgrounds.

Brigid Prow, Bec Dunlop and Jean Prow at the Dalby Showgrounds.

Goff, Godfrey, Sam and Shannie Morgan at the 42nd annual Dalby Stock Horse Sale.

Kate, Darren and Hannah Batts from Blackall at the 42nd annual Dalby Stock Horse Sale.

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14 GRAZIER & FARMER Tuesday, December 20, 2016

New Toyota head-turner Stand-out C-HR is all set to launch in Australia in February TOYOTA’S head-turning C-HR – an SUV with striking coupe-like styling, engaging driving dynamics and advanced cabin quality – will be launched in Australia in late February. The company’s executive director sales and marketing, Tony Cramb, announcing the on-sale timing, said the C-HR was designed to stand out within the Toyota line-up and in its segment. “C-HR takes a fresh approach with its extroverted design, powerful yet fuel-efficient turbocharged petrol engine and dynamics that reward driving enthusiasts,” Mr Cramb said. “It is stunning proof of the determination by Toyota to encourage greater stylistic freedom and engineering creativity in order to achieve eye-catching designs and enhanced driving pleasure,” he said. The C-HR reaps the dynamic and safety benefits of being constructed on a highly rigid Toyota New Global Architecture-based platform. Global chief engineer Hiroyuki Koba, a keen driver, strategically adapted the GA-C platform to confirm it met his requirements to suit the C-HR’s design and driving performance. Mr Koba travelled thousands of kilometres in development models, particularly on European roads, to bring to life his vision of remarkable driving precision and comfort. The GA-C platform allows for a low centre of gravity, which results in an engaging drive experience, outstanding handling and agility, and strictly controlled body roll. As a new premium entrant, C-HR will be the first Toyota vehicle in Australia equipped with a powerful yet efficient four-cylinder 1.2-litre turbocharged petrol engine. “This impressive engine is tuned to deliver

ARRIVING SOON: The new Toyota C-HR. exactly the fluent, engaging driving behaviour that C-HR customers will demand,” Mr Cramb said. “It offers performance levels equivalent to a significantly larger engine, but with lower fuel consumption and emissions.” Turbocharging elicits engaging

PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED responsiveness and acceleration with peak torque of 185Nm available from just 1500rpm all the way to 4000rpm. TNGA allows the C-HR engine to be placed low and angled slightly rearward, helping designers secure a low bonnet line as well as contributing to the low centre of gravity.

On front-drive variants, the turbo engine can be mated to C-HR’s intelligent manual transmission. It automatically increases the engine revs when moving down the gears to ensure smooth gear shifts. The system also works when shifting up, improving comfort by reducing clutch shock.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016



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drive away*



4 Cylinder 2.8L Turbo Diesel Sat Nav Reverse Camera

4 Cylinder 2.0L Petrol Reverse Camera Bluetooth



2016 PRADO GXL 4Cyl 2.8L T/Dies Auto White Sat Nav 7,145km 7765142


drive away[A]








2016 FORTUNER CRUSADE 4Cyl 2.8L T/Diesel Man Dash Cooler Box Sat Nav White 5,301km 7589731



2015 COROLLA ASCENT HATCH 4 Cylinder, 1.8L Petrol, 5 Speed Auto, Reverse Camera, Bluetooth, 4285km, 7453795



2015 HILUX SR5 4X4 4 Cylinder, 2.8L Turbo diesel, 6 Speed Manual, Reverse Camera, Bluetooth, Sat Nav, leather 2114km 7309974





Comparison Rate Finance



2015 TOYOTA CAMRY ALTISE SEDAN 4 Cylinder, 2.5L Petrol, 6 Speed Auto, Reverse Camera, Bluetooth, 7344km 7244903



T 1800 MY TOYOTA (1800 698 696) 2401713 *0% comparison rate available to approved personal applicants and a 0% annual percentage rate is available to approved business applicants of Toyota Finance to finance new and demonstrator 2015 and 2016 Camry Petrol and Aurion models. Excludes Camry Hybrid. Offer not available to government, fleet and rental buyers. Finance applications must be received and approved between 01/11/2016 and 31/12/2016, with vehicles registered and delivered by 31/12/2016. Maximum finance term of 48 months applies. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. Toyota Finance reserves the right to change, extend or withdraw an offer at any time. Comparison rate based on a 5 year secured consumer fixed rate loan of $30,000. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Toyota Finance is a division of Toyota Finance Australia Limited ABN 48 002 435 181, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 392536.

For a free m measure & quote call 4622 5629 or visit visi 113 McDowall St, Roma


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