The family name of Swami Trigunatitananda was Sarada Prasanna Mitra. He was born in an aristocratic family of 24 Parganas on 30 January 1865. His parents believed that Sarada was born to them though the grace of the Divine Mother Durga, and therefore they named the child after Her. For education Sarada was sent to Calcutta. As a student he showed great brilliance, and by his charming behavior and sweet manners, he endeared himself to all. While a boy of the fourteen, he was admitted into the fourth class of the Metropolitan Institution of Shyampukur where Mahendranath Gupta or ‘M’, the great devotee of Sri Ramakrishna, was the headmaster; and he passed the Entrance Examination from there. Everybody expected that Sarada would pass the examination with great distinction and win prizes and scholarships, but fate was against him. Sarada lost his gold watch on the second day of the examination through some carelessness. This so much upset him that he could no longer normally write examination papers, and he passed in the second division