|Â 2020/21
Surbiton HC Magazine
Image by Guildford HC
Image by @phocus_d
SHC Magazine: Autumn 2020 Welcome to the Autumn 2020 edition of the Surbiton HC
Magazine. Despite the recently announced second lockdown of 2020, it’s been fantastic to see the club pull together over the last six months to get hockey back underway safely and
Club Editorial
successfully at SHC.
p8-9: Message from your Club Captain
In this issue, you’ll find some incredible statistics from a
p25: Back 2 Hockey
memorable summer of hockey activity, as well as the usual club
p28-29: Clubhouse Corner:
features - Meet the Teams & Coaches and a National League
Meet the Chefs
Review. We also feature editorial on the Ironman challenge
p31: Meet the Teams:
Sophie Newton is taking on in memory of club member Emma
Ladies 9s
Broad and a new feature on sports psychology - this edition’s
p33-37: National League
article showcases how to build and maintain self-confidence.
Review p45-47: Meet the Coaches:
Despite the economic challenges being faced by schools and
Rory & Meg
local businesses, we are delighted to have welcomed some new sponsors on board at the start of the 2020/21 season. Do read on to find out more (and access some exclusive members’
discounts). If you are interested in any of our bespoke
p19-21: Sophie's Ironman
sponsorship options or becoming an SHC Business Community
for Emma
member, please contact the club's sponsorship team:
p12-17: Summer 2020
Review p40-41: Sports Psychology:
Many thanks to the professional photographers and club
members who have contributed some fantastic imagery for this
International Social
magazine. Images are credited where possible. As always, the club’s ongoing ability to reflect activity from
Our Sponsors
teams and players of all ages and levels across SHC is largely
p11: Bathroom Eleven: 'Our
dependent on input from you, the members. If you have
Perfect Client'
feedback, ideas, stories or photos, I would love to hear from
p27: Colets Health Club:
you. Please get in touch with me via email:
voted Surrey's bes
p39: Introducing 'Not Just Travel'
Hope you all manage to find ways to stay happy, healthy and
p43: Aspire USA: An
occupied during the winter lockdown. Looking forward to
Interview with college
getting back out on the pitch as soon as we can…
hockey player Esme
Beckie Middleton Editor, SHC Magazine
Image by Melinda Rock
Club Captain's Message BY
It’s certainly been the strangest start to a season I
work as SHC Covid Officer enables us all to
have ever seen with Covid restrictions, flooding
continue to play while sticking to the ever-
and lighting issues. The way everyone has pulled
changing restrictions.
together and looked out for and after each other since the pandemic started has shown how amazing
Our devoted Bar & Clubhouse Manager Ann has, as
our club really is and how much it means to so
always, gone above and beyond. If I were to
mention all the things she does for our club this magazine would be full! Keeping the bar and teas
The work behind the scenes that goes on to enable
running isn’t the norm at the moment, (as most
us to play hockey and socialise at the club is
teams have found out when travelling away). We
enormous, and this year even more so. So many
are very lucky to have you, Ann.
people are involved in making this happen, so while I wanted to say a few specific thank yous in this
Chrissie Wilson-David spends a huge amount of
message it must be said that we are grateful to
time playing a juggling game to get every team
many others who I don’t have space to mention
pitch space while making sure it is all ‘league
personally, but whose efforts certainly don’t go
compliant’. This isn't an easy task and for the adult
section she does all of this as a volunteer.
In addition to her amazing work with the Colts
Our Chairs of Selection, James Lloyd and Val
section, Liselle Carey has been instrumental over
Beveridge, have jumped into action making sure all
the last few months in getting to grips with all the
captains are supported and teams have the players
Covid restrictions, setting up our new booking
and information they need to play. This is another
system and getting everything ready to allow us all
juggling act, which we can’t do without.
to play. For adult members this started with the hugely successful and enjoyable Play Zone bookings
The season started with a hugely successful Play
over the summer and Liselle’s continuing hard
Day, with everyone keen to get out of lockdown and
onto the pitch. We saw a large numbers making it a
The Board has worked tirelessly to get everything
bit of a ‘covid headache,’ but it was an amazing day.
up and running and must be acknowledged for the
It's been brilliant to get our league seasons started
continued hard work they put into making SHC
despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic.
what it is.
Thanks to Jess Tallent and Karen Reeves for
We had the club’s first ever Zoom AGM in July,
organising our army of umpires and make sure all
which saw Carolyn Llewellyn complete a successful
matches are covered – another role which makes a
term as SHC Club Captain, and Keith Wallis stand
massive difference to players throughout the club.
down as the club’s Finance Manager after 16 years in the role. The work both of them have put in over
Huge thanks to every captain and manager who
the years has been incredible and Sean and I have a
spends so much time organising teams every week.
lot to live up to having stepped into their shoes!
Thanks to Beckie Middleton and Ben Boon for
Everyone has got their heads around the QR codes
keeping us all in the loop over lockdown and
and social distancing off the pitch, and we have
during the season – the continuation of the
everything crossed hockey is soon up and running
newsletter over the summer kept the wider SHC
again despite these very bizarre times. That leads
community connected and it was great to hear
me to my final thank you – to every single club
about the amazing fundraising and things everyone
member for your continued support so far and over
got up to over the summer.
the coming weeks and months.
Thank you Keith! On behalf of all at Surbiton HC, we extend a
and a pleasure to work alongside.
heartfelt thank you to Keith Wallis who stood down in the summer after serving as the club’s Honorary
We wish Keith all the very best for his ‘second
Treasurer for 16 years.
retirement’. A true Surbiton legend. The SHC Board
Keith has been an integral part of the incredible progress the club has made and his attention to detail and extraordinary memory of historic situations, past members, supplies and contract details is something quite unique. In addition to the enormous time commitment and dedication the role has involved, Keith is also universally known at SHC as an absolute gentleman
After 16 years in the role, Keith Wallis has now officially handed over to new SHC Finance Manager Sean Peche
Bathroom Eleven: 'Our Perfect Client' Are you looking for a high end bathroom to
They want an inspirational showroom to come and
transform your home? Club partners
browse around and would like a comfortable &
Bathroom Eleven give us a run down of their ‘perfect client’ and the exceptional service you can expect when they design and install your bathroom.
private area to be presented the designs and costs. We will welcome you to our beautiful design studio as part of the Bathroom Eleven experience. They want a five year warranty for peace of mind and would also like to have complete faith in the
“Mr and Mrs Smith” live in Esher or the surrounding areas…
company they instruct so are happy to pay a bit extra for that. We never ever let anyone down, whatever it takes we will ensure every client gets
They are looking to refurbish their bathroom and
the very best treatment, so if something does
want one company to take care of design, supply
happen to go wrong (which does happen from
and installation. We provide a no hassle service
time to time on any project), we will put it right.
with full project management.
They have a medium to high budget in mind. Our They want a very high quality finish and are willing
bathrooms start from £17k – most people spend
to pay a bit more for that level of service and detail.
£22-30k and some clients spend over £50k for one
It’s likely this client is in their forever home so
bathroom. We have products to suit any medium
want something a bit special and individual to
to high budget.
them. We are THE experts in designing and creating bespoke bathrooms.
They want a local company who is totally committed to each client and want value for money
They want a designer to give them a really
together with an exceptional client experience. Call
inspirational design. All our designers are in house
or contact us through the website enquiry form to
and each client has their own dedicated designer
start a conversation, organise a showroom visit
throughout the whole process.
and start your journey to an amazing bathroom.
2020 at SHC: A Summer Like No Other The unprecedented situation we all found ourselves
HC has been widely acknowledged as one of the
in at the end of March created an immense and
country’s leading lights in getting people safely
uniquely challenging situation for the club. As
back on the pitch and around the club. The support
lockdown restrictions began to be eased in May, it
of all our members, visitors and supporters has
became apparent that we would be able to facilitate
also played a big role in ensuring we meet a
a gradual return to hockey - but that this wouldn’t
constantly changing set of rules and guidelines,
be a simple case of just opening the pitches and
and we are grateful for your patience and
letting people play!
compliance as the wider situation has evolved.
Many people were involved in this process, with a
While numerous people have put in a huge amount
huge number of new protocols to implement and
of work over recent months, special mentions must
major changes to everything from detailed new risk
go to Liselle Carey, Will Fulker and Frankie Bryant
assessments to pitch, clubhouse and site access,
- all of whom have worked incredibly hard and
not to mention setting up a new online booking
virtually without a day off since mid-March. While
system and thousands of hours of hockey led by
they are all familiar names and faces to our junior
our dedicated team of coaches.
section, this has been about far more than Colts hockey, with all three going above and beyond to
In contrast to some clubs, we are undoubtedly very
get everything in place to allow all at SHC to enjoy
fortunate to have our own facilities, but Surbiton
being back in action at the club. Thank you!
Some club photos & incredible statistics from May - August 2020...
236 Play Zone bookings were made by SHC members & family groups AUTUMN
558 hours of 1:1 coaching sessions were delivered to players of all ages & abilities
112 hours of small group coaching were delivered to members & non-members
Image by Lily Craigen
206 kids aged 6-11 attended our free 'Bring a Friend' taster days
Images by Lily Craigen AUTUMN
44 players received drag flick coaching with Luke Taylor & 32 attended goalscoring masterclasses with Alan Forsyth
69 places were booked for specialist goalkeeper sessions
1869 places at age group classes were booked by players from U8 to U16, while 953 spots for Pre Season Performance sessions were taken up by U14 - U16 girls & boys
1238 SHC Holiday Camps sessions were booked for July & August
Image by Lily Craigen
Ironman for Emma BY
SHC member & former Colt Sophie Newton tells us
Emma and I started our hockey journeys together
about the epic challenge she’s taking on in 2021 in
here at Surbiton HC. Both of us came through the
memory of Surbiton HC’s Emma Broad.
Colts section, transitioned into the club’s senior teams and ended up representing England at age group level. All of this meant countless hours of training and endless journeys to various camps, matches and tournaments together for many years. Emma was a force of nature, her personality was gloriously infectious and she was adored by everyone who spent time with her. It goes without saying that Emma was an immense talent and her tenacious approach to life was a truly admirable quality. I, alongside many others at the club, look back fondly at the time we all had with her.
On 4th July 2021, I will be put through my paces for roughly 14 hours of gruelling exercise in the countryside of Bolton. For those of you who aren't familiar with these crazy events, an Ironman consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile cycle and running a marathon to top it all off. Not only this, but I seem to have picked one of the most 'hilly' events with 7,751ft and 1,200ft elevation gain on the cycle and run! So, the big question is of course why on earth am I doing this? In short, I have always wanted to complete the toughest of challenges in memory of Emma Broad and to raise money for CRY (Cardiac Risk on the Young). Due to an undiagnosed heart condition, Emma was sadly taken from us far too soon in 2011 at the age of 16.
CRY is a charity that is very close to Surbiton HC’s heart. CRY works hard to help save the lives of young people like Emma by raising awareness and providing appropriate screening facilities to reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). To find out more about this amazing charity, follow the link here Preparing for this event involves a lot of training – around 15 hours a week at the peak of the schedule. Thus far I have been squeezing in the miles at both ends of the working day during the week, and saving the longer sessions for weekends. Just to mix it up, and to keep me sane, I'm still playing hockey matches when I can (but cycling to and from them of course!). With nine months of training to go, there are still many more miles to swim, cycle and run before the big day – if you’d like to join me for a training session I’d love to hear from you! Please do consider donating if you can. For more details of the challenge and the CRY charity, please visit my JustGiving page Each and every contribution means so much and I'm incredibly grateful for all the support so far! Sophie
Surbiton HC Goes Greener Thank you to club members who have used our
a new, energy-efficient bar fridge and chest freezer
affiliate link to switch to green energy provider
in the clubhouse kitchen.
Bulb over recent months. For every member who switches via the link, the club receives £40 - funds
As we continue to raise funds through our link with
we are using to make some eco-friendly updates to
Bulb, we have further plans to increase our energy
our clubhouse and facilities.
efficiency at SHC over the coming months.
How are we making the club greener?
How can you help?
As promised, we have used the funds generated so
It’s easy! You can support the initiative by changing
far by our link with Bulb to help make SHC a
your energy provider to Bulb through our affiliate
greener and more eco-friendly club. We have
link. Make the switch for access to great value,
started a programme of electrical upgrades to
sustainable energy at your own home through Bulb
reduce our energy bills, our maintenance costs and
- and help SHC (and the planet) in the process!
our carbon footprint. Bulb is an affordable and renewable energy You may have noticed we have already updated the
company who use 100% renewable electricity and
clubhouse corridors with LED lightbulbs and have
100% carbon neutral gas. In their own words, "We
put motion sensor lights into the bathrooms and
want to make the whole industry better. And there
changing rooms. We have also installed water
are three ways we're trying to do that - we're
saving devices in the men’s urinals and invested in
making energy simpler, cheaper and greener.”
Easyfundraising: Free Cash for SHC! We are calling on all Surbiton HC members to join
Which online retailers will donate?
Easyfundraising - the tool that allows you to raise
Lots of the biggest online shops and sites are
free cash for your club every time you shop online!
included... so if you shop on Amazon, ebay, John Lewis,, Argos and lots more, you can
Since kicking off our Easyfundraising campaign
receive a free donation for the club every time you
again in April, more than 75 supporters have signed
shop online.
up, but the more members who get involved, the more free cash we will raise!
Once I sign up, is there an easy way to help me remember to shop via easyfundraising so that SHC
How does it work?
don't miss out on any donations?
Surbiton Hockey Club is registered with
The best way to do this is to download the donation
easyfundraising, which means over 4,000 shops
reminder. This adds a small widget to the top of
and sites will now donate to us for FREE every time
your screen, which sits quietly until you visit a site
our members and supporters use easyfundraising
that is signed up with easyfundraising. At this point
to shop online. Please sign up to support us – it’s
it will pop up with a notification reminding you
completely FREE and doesn’t take long.
that you can claim a donation on that site.
Is it worth it? How much has SHC raised so far?
With Christmas shopping getting closer, it's the
Since April, we've raised over £670. It really works!
perfect time to sign up! Thank you.
Sport & Remedial Massage Therapy Myofascial cupping can also be incorporated into your treatment
Exclusive offers for SHC members! Contact Nina for more details & bookings:
Discounts available to SHC Members: £45 for 60 mins (normally £55) £25 for 30 mins (normally £35)
Back 2 Hockey at Surbiton HC Web: Email us: Our popular ‘Back 2 Hockey’ programme is the perfect way to get a taste for what hockey is all about. An enthusiastic group of adults enjoy a relaxed training session at SHC with an expert coach from 8.30 – 9.30pm every Tuesday evening and at 10am on selected Friday mornings. Many of those who have dipped their toes in the water over the last few seasons have had so much fun they have ‘graduated’ to playing more regular hockey for the club in local leagues and friendly matches. Despite the name ‘Back 2 Hockey,’ it doesn’t matter whether you have any previous experience of the game. We welcome a broad range of players, from young adults who want to try out a new sport, to parents who are keen to learn more about the game their kids rave about and older adults who haven’t picked up a hockey stick for several decades! Hockey is one of very few team sports you can play your entire life and our ‘Back to Hockey’ programme exists purely to encourage old and new adult players into the game – you’re never too old to get started.
“Having not picked up a stick for over 20 years, eventually I put my nerves aside and joined in with a Back 2 Hockey session. WOW! What a feeling, it all came rushing back, and although my skills were questionable, no one minded. A great team spirit and a very welcoming crew make my Tuesday evenings at SHC something quite special.” Kate, Surbiton Back 2 Hockey player
Clubhouse Corner: Meet the Chefs BY
As a club with our own facilities and amazing
tumbleweed moment with no sensible answers like,
kitchen team we have been able to continue to offer
“We love the challenge,” or, “The sheer enjoyment
top notch match teas to all our visitors and our
of so many eating our amazing creations". As it
home teams. After six weeks of service, I took time
turned out, "Day release from the asylum" was the
for a chat with SHC chefs Hugh and Oli to see what
best they could offer. After much scratching of
changes there have been due to Covid this season,
heads, Oli did add that, "We love the freedom of
why they put themselves through it every Saturday
being able to cook what ever we want - doing
(it’s now their sixth season) and what else they do
something different each week means we don’t get
when they're not cooking up gourmet food at
bored. The club chaos can drive us nuts sometimes,
Sugden Road...
but deep down we miss the place when we aren’t here - I guess we are just part of the furniture
"Changes to service have seen a far better and more
efficient service as all teams are arriving together and on time. This results in food being served when
Away from Sugden Road they both have very
it is at its best. We hate it when food is wasted due
different lives.
to people not showing up, but having to plate meals and serve to the tables is obviously way more
Hugh moved into catering from from rampaging
labour intensive than the traditional buffet style of
the world making TV commercials 20 years ago
service. We have been able to offer a huge range of
because of his love for all things culinary. He loves
meals already this season but are always happy to
to travel and try new foods and wine (mainly wine).
get suggestions from teams as to what they would
"Travelling had allowed me to experience amazing
like to see (although in truth there are no
worldwide food and after tiring of dealing with
guarantees that we can meet requests due to the
those whose baser personality traits suited them
practicalities of feeding over 300 people!)."
for a job in advertising, I realised that what had been a hobby could become a second career. After
When asked why Oli and Hugh break their backs to
18 years of working in numerous and varied
create the best teas in the country each Saturday
kitchens, street food markets and events, I still love
you could have heard a pin drop... it was a
every minute of it.”
Oli has a beautiful family and his two small
completely full on with tests, homeworks,
daughters take up much of his time. The rest he
continual assessments and five hours of practical
generally spends either playing around with food
exams - without doubt though, one of the best
ideas, or in the pub - I can vouch for the latter! "I
things I have ever done."
started doing street food in about 2010 just as the whole scene was bursting into life. In about 2015 I
Before they charge back to the kitchen their final
set up which got a real cult
and most important comments related to their
following where I live and got lots of great reviews
preferred drinks - I think this may be a hint. Oli is
from the London food press. "Who knows, you
happy with a pint of Kronenburg and the more
might see it at a hockey club near you,” winks Oli.
discerning Hugh is partial to Chateau Petrus.
"In late 2018 he took the plunge, took six months off work and enrolled at chef school. “Basically the
Thanks to both and a special mention to Debbie
mrs was pregnant with 'number two' and I thought
who is also a regular in the kitchen, helping keep
I was never going to get another chance, so I signed
the guys under control (and sober).
up to Tante Marie’sCordon Bleu Diploma - it was
Meet the Teams: Ladies 9s COACH: Tarek Abdulla
What are you most excited about this season and
CAPTAIN: Kerrie Gordon
why? This season we have a strong team ready to take on
Division 8 for promotion. We have finished third three years in a row! Always the bridesmaid…
Score a worldie: Lucy Lawson Any funny or unique characters in the team? Miss an open goal: Abby
The best thing about the team is Freya arriving on Saturday mornings constantly hungover and
Make a match saving tackle: Philippa Lynch
tanned from the night before – all us older members live vicariously through her!
Finish a game with grazed knees: Andrie Galaktiou Who is the Ladies 9s’ biggest supporter? Get a yellow card: Definitely Kerrie
This is a tricky one. We always have the Colts parents giving great shouting and members from
Talk themselves out of a yellow card: Silke (not
Ladies 7s and 8s – it is fab to have to support from
that she would be carded in the first place!... but
the sideline and really boosts morale.
she is smooth talking) The best thing about playing in the Ladies 9s is… Which Ladies 9s players should we watch out for
It’s a sociable yet competitive team, no one takes
this season?
anything too seriously and it is the best team to
Sarah Lordan – loves a good tackle and run round
come to on Saturdays (hangover or not!) to run
with the ball.
around and laugh with friends.
National League Review MEN'S
Premier League Changes Format
after the league splits, Mark Pearn will want his charges to continue their momentum in both
England Hockey is implementing a revamped ‘split
results and performances in the hope of continued
league’ structure in the Men’s and Women’s
domestic dominance over the coming months.
Premier Divisions for the 2020/21 season. The Premier Divisions (this year made up of 11 teams owing to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on last season’s promotion and relegation) sees every team play each other once before Christmas, before splitting into two pools. After the winter break, the Premier League’s Top 6 will play each other once, while the Bottom 5 will play each other twice. Points from the first round
Image by Crayford Media
of fixtures will be carried over after the division splits, making every game important.
Men's 1s Results (Sep-Oct 2020) Surbiton M1 8 – 1 Brooklands MU M1 (Boon,
Men’s 1s – The season so far
Drayton Chana, Taylor 5, Farrington) Beeston M1 2 – 5 Surbiton M1 (Farrington, Jonny
It’s been a good start to the 2020/21 campaign for
Gall, Taylor, Boon 2)
our Men’s 1s, who have taken 12 points from their
University of Durham 1 – 6 Surbiton M1
first five matches.
(Drayton Chana, Taylor 2, Boon 2, Sorsby) Surbiton M1 7 – 2 East Grinstead M1 (Nurse,
Having welcomed new signings Jamie Golden
Forsyth 3, Drayton Chana, Boon, Taylor)
(Grove Menzieshill, Scotland) and Tim Nurse (Bath
Oxted M1 1 – 0 Surbiton M1
Buccaneers) over the summer, the squad has also been boosted by debuts for homegrown talents Max
Remaining Premier League fixtures 2020/21:
Anderson, Dan Hunt and Tom Fox in the early part
Men’s 1s
of the season.
HOME vs University of Exeter M1: Sunday 8th November, 2.30pm
Luke Taylor and Ben Boon have continued their
Away vs Wimbledon M1: Saturday 21st
scintillating form in front of goal, scoring fifteen
November, 6pm
goals between them at the time of writing. The M1
HOME vs Old Georgians M1: Saturday 28th
also boast one of the meanest Premier League
November, 4.30pm
defences, conceding just seven times in five games.
Away vs Hampstead & Westminster M1: Sunday 6th December, 2pm
While the M1 are already in a fantastic position as
HOME vs Holcombe M1: Sunday 13th December,
far as taking a strong points tally into the top pool
Proud partners of Surbiton Hockey Club
Ladies 1s – The season so far
coming months, but will demand a better goal return on the L1s’ attacking play as competition for
The Ladies 1s find themselves in slightly unfamiliar
top 6 places heats up.
territory after the early part of the league season, taking seven points from a possible 12 at the time of
Ladies 1s Results (Sep-Oct 2020)
writing. The season has already been disrupted by
Surbiton L1 3 – 0 Buckingham L1 (Stenner, Ross
Covid postponements and couple of bye weekends,
but the L1 will want to push on in order to put
Loughborough Students L1 L1 0 – 0 Surbiton L1
pressure on early frontrunners East Grinstead,
University of Birmingham L1 0 – 3 Surbiton L1
Loughborough Students and Wimbledon.
(Atkinson, Twigg, Stenner) Surbiton L1 0 – 1 East Grinstead L1
A number of new signings moved to Sugden Road during the summer, with Steph Elliott and Alice
Remaining Premier League fixtures 2020/21:
Wills (both Holcombe) settling in well, in addition
Ladies 1s
to the welcome return of former SHC Colts Louisa
HOME vs Swansea L1: match postponed, new
Bray, Lottie Ross and Meg Dowthwaite.
game details tbc Away vs Beeston L1: Saturday 7th November,
While goals have been rather hard to come by so
far this term (six goals in four games, with just two
Away vs Wimbledon L1: Saturday 21st
scored in open play), the L1 can take plenty of
November, 4pm
confidence from their defensive prowess, with the
HOME vs Clifton Robinsons L1: Saturday 28th
only goal conceded so far in a 1-0 home defeat to
November, 2.30pm
East Grinstead.
Away vs Hampstead & Westminster L1: Saturday 5th December, 1.30pm
Coach Brett Garrard is confident that the depth
HOME vs Holcombe L1: Saturday 12th
and quality of the squad will shine through over the
December, 2pm
Steph Elliott has settled in well at Sugden Road Image by Andy Smith AUTUMN
Tess Shabho makes a save for the Ladies 2s Image by Kim Butler
Women’s National League Division 1 South
Remaining Women’s National League Division 1 South fixtures 2020/21: Ladies 2s
Meanwhile, having been promoted last season,
Away vs Sevenoaks L1: Saturday 7th November,
Surbiton Ladies 2s are playing in the Women’s
National League Division 1 South. This league is
HOME vs Isca L1: Saturday 14th November,
being played in the ‘traditional’ home and away
format, with every team playing each other twice
Away vs Wimbledon L2: Saturday 21st
across the course of the season.
November, 2pm Away vs Harleston Magpies L1: Saturday 28th
Ladies 2s – the season so far
November, 1.30pm HOME vs Cambridge City L1: Saturday 6th
The Ladies 2s have enjoyed phenomenal success
February, 2pm
over recent seasons, with successive promotions
HOME vs Trojans L1: Saturday 13th February,
propelling the side into the second tier of English
club hockey.
Away vs Reading L1: Saturday 20th February, 4.30pm
The L2 had a tricky start to life in Division 1 South,
HOME vs Canterbury L1: Saturday 27th
opening the season with three successive defeats,
February, 2pm
but coach Will Fulker will hope that draws against
Away vs Slough L1: Saturday 6th March, 12.15pm
early pace-setters Reading L1 and Canterbury L1 in
HOME vs Sevenoaks L1: Saturday 13th March,
mid-October give the girls the confidence to build
from this point onwards.
Away vs Isca L1: Saturday 20th March, 12pm HOME vs Wimbledon L2: Saturday 27th March,
It’s a young side (the average age of players against
Reading was just 17.6 years) and while it’s a steep learning curve against experienced National League sides – some of whom have experienced Premier League Playoff and European Cup hockey in the last decade – there’s a lot of talent in the squad, who are very focused on adding to their points tally and consolidating their position in the league over the course of the full 20 game season. Ladies 2s Results (Sep-Oct 2020) Surbiton L2 0 – 2 Harleston Magpies L1 Cambridge City L1 3 – 2 Surbiton L2 (Robinson 2) Trojans L1 2 – 1 Surbiton L2 (Denison) Surbiton L2 1 – 1 Reading L1 (Tait) Canterbury L1 1 - 1 Surbiton L2 (Denison) Surbiton L2 0 - 2 Slough L1
Fifi Robinson scored twice against Cambridge City HC Image by Kim Butler
Not Just Travel Who are Not Just Travel – Lisette & Liam?
Self-catering: All Inclusive and Villa holidays are
We are a husband and wife team, who opened our
particularly popular, while skiing and Lapland
Not Just Travel franchise in August 2019. We live in
are in demand for Winter 2021
Molesey and run the business from home.
We have seen bookings for every kind of trip you can imagine, from insurance only (COVID included)
Why Not Just Travel?
all the way to 6* luxury multi-centre.
Not Just Travel opened 19 years ago and is part of the Hays Travel Group, the UK's largest independent travel agency. This gives us access to over 450 suppliers and 12 million travel products but also means that every holiday we book is fully ATOL & ABTA protected. How have the first 12 months been? Things started well and were very positive we had made the right decision to open our business. Then we got to March! It has obviously been tough in the travel industry over the last six months. Not only are we trying to predict what will happen next and provide help and support to our customers, but we’re also having to cancel trips that we’ve put our heart into creating for people - and of course every cancellation hits us financially too. The good news is that things are starting to look up and bookings for 2021 and 2022 are increasing every day. What are the current top places to book for 2021? The big 3 now for next year are: Cruises: There are ships and itineraries for everyone: Adult only, Families, Small Luxury ships, Large ships with lots of entertainment. No fly from Southampton or guaranteed sun in the Caribbean! Summer 2021: short haul with Jet2Holidays, EasyJet Holidays, Tui and more!
Why use you, surely everyone just books online! If there is one thing that we have learnt during the Coronavirus pandemic, it is that booking your holiday online or doing it all yourself is not always the best option. There have been lots of horror stories in the news over the last six months, which have shown the benefits of using a travel agent, some of which are: We will save you time and stress The care factor – we are always at the end of the phone Much more convenient, a one-stop-shop We are always in the know Our service is free, and we dedicate our time to ensure you get the perfect holiday. There is a reason why we are rated 5/5 on Trustpilot! Quote “Surbiton HC” when you contact us and we will donate to the club for every booking. By booking with us, you are supporting a local business and the club! How do we get in touch with you? m: 07505 999773 e: w: Facebook & LinkedIn: @lisetteandliamNJT Twitter & Instagram: @lisetteliamNJT
Conquering Self-Doubt: How to be Confident Every Time You Play BY
Former England junior & Surbiton L1 player Jenna
Being able to identify where a thought is coming
Woolven is a Chartered Sport & Exercise Psychologist.
from is a very useful starting point to be able to do
She works with elite athletes, business leaders and in
anything about it.
school environments to help people realise their potential, achieve their goals and live more fulfilled
So, you’ve identified you’re needlessly comparing
yourself to someone else or predicting a negative outcome that hasn’t happened yet. Now what?
A lack of confidence is one of the most common issues I work with people on as a Sport
Here are two strategies to help you in those
Psychologist. Self-doubt and anxiety about our own
moments when your mind is doubting your
performances, and worry about what other people
think of us, can leave us lacking in belief that we deserve to be there, or that we will play well.
Strategy 1 - Just choose the helpful ones! Our mind comes up with reasons why we are not
Our negatively-biased minds have evolved to keep
going to do well at something and it’s easy for us to
us safe and protect us from harm, and that involves
fall into the trap of convincing ourselves that these
thinking about reasons why we shouldn’t do
reasons are true and should be believed… “That
something, or why we might fail. These reasons
person is better than me” or “I have messed this up
generally fit into four categories: Obstacles, Self-
in the past”.
judgements, Comparisons, Predictions A really simple but powerful mindset shift is away Think about something you’ve been feeling
from whether or not that thought is true, instead
unconfident about recently. What thoughts have
focusing on whether it is helpful or not. Ask
you been having about yourself and the situation?
yourself this question: “Is this thought going to
Which category do these thoughts fall into?
help me be at my best today?”
If the answer is no, shift your focus towards one
time, because however much you try feelings of
that is more helpful for your performance instead!
confidence will come and go. What is consistent is that you are always in control of acting confidently
I’m making it sound easy, and the reality is that
each time you step out onto the pitch.
this is quite a difficult thing to do. But with time and practice, you will become better at doing it.
So, I want to turn the idea that you have to feel confident before you can be confident on its head:
You’ll notice that I’m not telling you to stop
Being confident starts with changing what you do...
thinking certain things or to block things out of
and the feeling of confidence comes after that!
your mind (this is actually virtually impossible). Instead, allow thoughts to come and go, but choose
To put this into action, write down three things you
to focus on those that are helpful for your
do when you are at your most confident. (It can be
helpful to think back to a specific time when you felt confident and recall what you did and how you
1. Notice a thought as it comes into your mind
behaved. For example, I laughed with my friends
2. Ask yourself, “Is this thought going to help me
before the game, I did three sprints after the
perform well today?” 3. If not, shift your focus towards a thought that is more helpful. 4. Repeat when you notice your mind inevitably
warm-up, I ran hard to get back even when I lost the ball). Then, deliberately do those things each and every time you play, no matter how you are feeling. Give it a go and see what happens!
wandering back to the initial thought In Summary: Strategy 2 – BE confident first, then FEEL
Everyone has self-doubt, even those that appear
super confident.
There are two ways to think about confidence.
Trying to stop negative thoughts from entering
Confidence is both a feeling (of being certain of
your mind is futile. Instead notice what
your abilities) and an action (of having trust in
thoughts you are having and choose to focus on
yourself, other people, plans or the future).
the ones that are helpful for your performance. Don’t wait to feel confident to play your best. Be
There are times when we feel amazing – no
really clear on what you are like at your best,
wobbles, no uncertainty, no fear of failure. At these
and go out there and do that – no matter how
times, we feel unstoppable. It’s brilliant, there’s no
you are feeling.
doubt about that. But, the truth is that confidence
You wouldn’t look at a hockey stick and expect
comes and goes. There’s no straight line.
to get better at dribbling. In the same way, you can’t read things like this and expect to get
While having the feeling or the belief in our ability
better at building your own confidence.
can be helpful, the act of stepping out confidently
Deliberate practice is the key!
is more important in the long-term. This is not about ‘faking it until you make it’. It means being
Good luck!
true to yourself and handling any fear or doubt you have in an effective, performance-enhancing way.
Interested in a 1-2-1 session or a corporate workshop?
If you wait until you feel truly confident in a
Visit or email
situation, chances are you will be waiting a long
Feature Interview:
Aspire USA Athlete Esme Gibson BY
Having attended Repton & Bromsgrove Schools
very supportive of athletes, they are more than
and played for Belper HC, Esme is currently a
happy to sit down with you and look over
Sophomore at the University of Iowa.
something you are struggling with or you missed
What made you decide to study in the US? After looking at UK universities at the start of my L6th year, nothing really stood out to me. I wanted to do something different and the US gave me the perfect opportunity to do so. I have always enjoyed meeting new people from different countries and backgrounds. What really made me sure that this was the route I wanted to take was my visit to Iowa – I was made to feel so welcome and included from the moment I landed. I knew that that was the place I wanted to spend the next four years.
behavioural neuroscience class, the professor is
What advice would you give young players in the UK who are considering the US route? If you have decided that the US is the way to go, spend the time to find the perfect place for you, go on visits, make skype calls and ask as many questions as you can both to the coaches and to the team. There are so many different options, so the first university you visit or speak to may not be the one for you. Be patient and don’t settle for just okay, there will be the perfect place for you! Having completed your Freshman year, how has your experience matched up to your expectations? Better than I could ever have imagined! Not only winning two Big Ten Championships but meeting incredible people along the way. I am so grateful to my coaches for giving me the opportunity to play as many minutes as I did. I really feel like I am part of a family both on the team and outside of the team.
from class. My favourite class so far has been my very helpful and makes the class interesting.
What is it that you like so much about Iowa? The simple answer is that people are the biggest factor in your experience. The coaches, players and support staff at Iowa are brilliant, they work incredibly hard to help us on the field, in the classroom and our future ambitions. The team truly feels like a family with players from Australia, Belgium, Holland, the UK and the US. Finally, do you feel that your experiences in the classroom and on the field are going to prepare you for greater things in your life? Definitely, yes. As student athletes we are very busy and have to learn to organise ourselves both to get to practice and to submit our academic work on time. Iowa will not only prepare me for life by helping me earn a great degree, it will also prepare
How are you faring academically? The academic side has been great so far, I have decided to major in Neuroscience and have started classes for that this semester. The professors are
me as a person. Our program has a huge focus on creating great women on the field and off the field, seeing last year’s seniors graduate and the success they are already having is testimony to this.
Meet the Coaches:
Rory Hogan
From: Leatherhead
What do you enjoy most about coaching?
Plays for: Surbiton Men’s 5s Captain
The kids! It's amazing how many characters
Started coaching at SHC: 2012
you get in every team and it's great watching
Coaches: BU14, GU12 & GU16
them grow and develop as players and as people, it's a pleasure to coach them.
What’s the most unique thing about the SHC Colts?
What’s your top tip?
The fact that everyone wants to beat us or join
A bad attitude gets you nowhere, you can be
us. Everywhere I go, if I mention that I am a
the most talented player in the world but a
coach for the Surbiton Colts, they know the
coach will much rather work with a player who
level and the pedigree of the club.
wants to improve and work hard for the team.
Second Hand Kit Initiative We are delighted to be running a second hand
We have now generated a total of over ÂŁ400 -
kit programme this season as part of our drive
all proceeds raised from sales of second hand
to become a more sustainable hockey club.
kit are being put towards SHC Community Projects to help bring hockey to local children
Huge thanks to all our members from both the
and schools who don't have regular access to
Colts and senior sections who have donated old
the sport.
or unwanted SHC kit, Looking to buy a second hand item? Updated If you have items to donate, please leave them
stock is listed each week in the club and Colts
in a sealed plastic bag in the big yellow wheelie
bin in the clubhouse foyer. We will follow Covid guidelines to decontaminate all items for
A huge thank you to Steph Cox for her efforts
72 hours before releasing them for sale.
in starting up and running this iniative.
Proceeds from second hand kit sales are being donated to SHC Community Projects
Meet the Coaches:
Meg Dowthwaite From: Weybridge
What’s the best advice a coach ever gave you?
Plays for: Surbiton Ladies 1s
Remember to have fun!
Started coaching at SHC: 2020 Coaches: GU14 Ospreys & Doves, GU16 Rangers
What do you think is the most unique thing about Colts coaching at SHC?
What do you enjoy most about coaching?
The vast amount of Colts that come to Surbiton
I love seeing the Colts develop a growing
and want to play here. It shows how fantastic
passion for the game as they progress through
the club is as a whole and as a coach it
the age groups at the club, as well as getting to
definitely makes you want to continue adding
know all of their unique personalities!
to the success of the club.
MISAN HARRIMAN | 'WHY IS ENDING RACISM A DEBATE?' LONDON, JUNE, 2020 This incredible photograph of former SHC Colt and Ladies 1s player Darcy Bourne was an iconic image of the summer of 2020. It was auctioned by Sotheby’s in October 2020, eventually selling for £10,080. Proceeds from the sale are being donated to charity Anthony Nolan.
International Social Sunday 9th February: Great Britain play New Zealand in Auckland Tuesday 27th October 2020: Great Britain play Netherlands in Amsterdam
With the Tokyo Olympics postponed until 2021 and a 261 day gap between international games, it’s been a strange few months for our GB players. Training looked a little different during lockdown...
But they’re back out there at last...
"With the Olympics postponed earlier this year, initially it was a really tough summer. Having said that, the Surbiton lads have all pulled each other through it. It’s great to finally be back out there playing some international hockey. We’ve all got to grips with the way we now have to do things - there’s plenty of protocols but if it means being able to travel the world to play some games it’s definitely worth it!” Tom Sorsby, Surbiton M1 & GB
GB Women Pro League results (Autumn 2020) 27th October: GB 1 - 1 Netherlands (1 - 3 after SO) 29th October: GB 0 - 3 Netherlands 31st October: GB 1 - 1 Belgium (3 - 1 after SO) 1st November: GB 1- 2 Belgium
GB Men Pro League results (Autumn 2020) 27th October: GB 0 - 1 Netherlands 29th October: GB 1 - 3 Netherlands 31st October: GB 2 - 3 Belgium 1st November: GB 1 - 2 Belgium
SHC Business Community SHC Business Community allows us to engage and collaborate with local businesses and individuals. This initiative provides exciting opportunities to raise awareness about your brand with our growing number of members (over 2000) and visiting teams. This opportunity is available for only £250 (plus VAT) per annum. Benefits for SHC Business Community members: Your company’s logo on the media board at the entrance to Surbiton HC – this will be seen daily by hundreds of people Your company’s logo on the Surbiton HC website (on the SHC Business Community Sponsors page) Free admission on match days Social media support from the club’s official accounts (with over 6500 Twitter followers and over 4000 Instagram followers) Most importantly, SHC Business Community membership provides a great opportunity to maximise your business profile by aligning yourself with a successful and inclusive hockey club. We’d love to welcome you to our community! Please contact our Sponsorship Team to apply for SHC Business Community membership or find out more.
With thanks to our current SHC Business Community members: